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Viral: The Search for the Origin of COVID-19
by Matt Ridley Alina ChanA new virus descended on the human species in 2019 wreaking unprecedented havoc. Finding out where it came from and how it first jumped into people is an urgent priority, but early expectations that this would prove an easy question to answer have been dashed. Nearly two years into the pandemic, the crucial mystery of the origin of SARS-CoV-2 is not only unresolved but has deepened. In this uniquely insightful book, a scientist and a writer join forces to try to get to the bottom of how a virus whose closest relations live in bats in subtropical southern China somehow managed to begin spreading among people more than 1,500 kilometres away in the city of Wuhan. They grapple with the baffling fact that the virus left none of the expected traces that such outbreaks usually create: no infected market animals or wildlife, no chains of early cases in travellers to the city, no smouldering epidemic in a rural area, no rapid adaptation of the virus to its new host—human beings. To try to solve this pressing mystery, Viral delves deep into the events of 2019 leading up to 2021, the details of what went on in animal markets and virology laboratories, the records and data hidden from sight within archived Chinese theses and websites, and the clues that can be coaxed from the very text of the virus’s own genetic code. The result is a gripping detective story that takes the reader deeper and deeper into a metaphorical cave of mystery. One by one the authors explore promising tunnels only to show that they are blind alleys, until, miles beneath the surface, they find themselves tantalisingly close to a shaft that leads to the light.
Viral: The Search for the Origin of Covid-19
by Matt Ridley Alina Chan"Chan and Ridley write with an urgency...that inspires gripping depictions of what viruses are, how infectious-disease laboratories work and wonderfully lucid descriptions of bats. . . . They powerfully recount how dangerous pathogens can both leak from a lab and emerge in nature." (New York Times Book Review) Understanding how Covid-19 started is crucial for the future of humankind. Viral is the most incisive and authoritative book about the search for the source of the virus.A new virus descended on the human species in 2019 wreaking unprecedented havoc. Finding out where it came from and how it first jumped into people is an urgent priority, but early expectations that this would prove an easy question to answer have been dashed. Nearly two years into the pandemic, the crucial mystery of the origin of SARS-CoV-2 is not only unresolved but has deepened. In this uniquely insightful book, a scientist and a writer join forces to try to get to the bottom of how a virus whose closest relations live in bats in subtropical southern China somehow managed to begin spreading among people more than 1,500 kilometres away in the city of Wuhan. They grapple with the baffling fact that the virus left none of the expected traces that such outbreaks usually create: no infected market animals or wildlife, no chains of early cases in travellers to the city, no smouldering epidemic in a rural area, no rapid adaptation of the virus to its new host—human beings. To try to solve this pressing mystery, Viral delves deep into the events of 2019 leading up to 2021, the details of what went on in animal markets and virology laboratories, the records and data hidden from sight within archived Chinese theses and websites, and the clues that can be coaxed from the very text of the virus’s own genetic code. The result is a gripping detective story that takes the reader deeper and deeper into a metaphorical cave of mystery. One by one the authors explore promising tunnels only to show that they are blind alleys, until, miles beneath the surface, they find themselves tantalisingly close to a shaft that leads to the light.
Viral and Antiviral Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties, Characterization, and Application (Emerging Materials and Technologies)
by Devarajan ThangaduraiThis book summarizes the synthesis, properties, characterization, and application of viral and antiviral nanomaterials by using interdisciplinary subjects ranging from materials science to biomedical science. Viral and Antiviral Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties, Characterization, and Application highlights attainments in utilizing nanomaterials as powerful tools for the treatment of viral infections in plants, animals, and humans. It reviews the adopted strategies for designing viral and antiviral nanomaterials for medical applications, including cancer therapy and drug delivery. It also explains the different kinds of antiviral nanosized structures, their chemistries, and the attributes that enable them to be suitable targets for nanotherapeutics. The contributors have prepared the content in a comprehensive manner for readers to use their research findings to improve the healthcare of all living beings. FEATURES Reviews the novel tools for synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials as viral and antiviral agents Explores the different applications of currently available nanomaterials for the treatment of viral infections Investigates the role of antiviral nanodrugs in human and plant systems Addresses the activity of nanostructures in drug-delivery systems for cancer treatment Allows readers from various backgrounds to access the advanced research and practices across traditional frontiers Discusses viral nanomaterials as the viable future of antiviral drugs and nanovaccines in animals and humans This authoritative book is of exceptional relevance to postgraduate scholars, researchers, and scientists interested in nanomedicine, biomedical science, materials science, biopharmaceutical technology, microbiology, and virology to improve virus- and cancer-based therapeutic tools for animal and human welfare.
Viral and Fungal Infections of the Central Nervous System: A Microbiological Perspective
by Hiba Sami Safiya Firoze Parvez A. KhanThis book covers topics related to viral and fungal infections of the central nervous system (CNS), with a multidisciplinary reach, discussing associated immunology, microbiological aspects, pathologies, timely management, and prevention. The book is structured into five broad sections. The first section provides the reader with valuable insights into the aetiologies and underlying pathophysiological mechanisms of neurological diseases, including host responses. It mentions all bacterial, fungal, parasitic, and viral causes of neuro-infections, along with rarer neuropathogenesis such as prions and mycoplasmas. The chapter also presents detailed epidemiology and prevalence of different CNS infections worldwide. It also reviews various infectious diseases that target the nervous system, such as focal lesions, meningitis, and neurological complications of venous sinus thrombosis. The next two sections delve deep into pathogen-specific diseases of the CNS, namely the viruses and fungi associated with neuro-infections. It mentions detailed excerpts on encephalitic viruses, long-term consequences of neurotropic viruses, mycological neuroinfectious, and even the emerging, less talked of viruses and fungi causing neurological disease. Topics such as principles of vigorous antifungal therapy and surgeries are also discussed in the chapter. The fourth section gives an insight on prospects for efficiently diagnosing and managing viral and fungal CNS infections, to tackle associated morbidities. Features that are often less documented, yet of considerable interest in current times, such as the role of immunosuppression in neurological infections and newer microbiological diagnostic strategies are covered. The last section uniquely provides clinicians with relatable case scenarios. Real case descriptions are included, such as cases of fungal meningitis and other difficult-to-diagnose infections produced by viruses. This book serves as a guide for neurologists, medical microbiologists, and clinical practitioners who deal with patients suspected of neurological infection.
Viral Applications of Green Fluorescent Protein
by Barry W. HicksOver the last ten years, Green Fluorescent Proteins, along with the other spectral variants, have emerged from near obscurity to become a powerful and versatile tool in scientific research. In Viral Applications of Green Fluorescent Protein: Methods and Protocols, leading investigators from around the world contribute detailed examples of both the construction and application of fluorescent proteins delivered by viruses in a format crafted to produce rapid, readily reproducible results. Written in the style of the popular and successful Methods in Molecular BiologyTM series, the chapters include brief introductions to the topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step laboratory protocols, and Notes sections, which highlight tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Cutting-edge and easy to use, Viral Applications of Green Fluorescent Protein: Methods and Protocols supplies researchers with an ideal guide to the many uses of GFP and a vital starting point for future studies utilizing this highly adaptable protein.
Viral BS: Medical Myths and Why We Fall for Them
by Seema YasminDissecting the biggest medical myths and pseudoscience, Viral BS explores how misinformation can spread faster than microbes.Can your zip code predict when you will die? Should you space out childhood vaccines? Does talcum powder cause cancer? Why do some doctors recommend e-cigarettes while other doctors recommend you stay away from them? Health information—and misinformation—is all around us, and it can be hard to separate the two. A long history of unethical medical experiments and medical mistakes, along with a host of celebrities spewing anti-science beliefs, has left many wary of science and the scientists who say they should be trusted. How do we stay sane while unraveling the knots of fact and fiction to find out what we should really be concerned about, and what we can laugh off? In Viral BS, journalist, doctor, professor, and CDC-trained disease detective Seema Yasmin, driven by a need to set the record straight, dissects some of the most widely circulating medical myths and pseudoscience. Exploring how epidemics of misinformation can spread faster than microbes, Dr. Yasmin asks why bad science is sometimes more believable and contagious than the facts. Each easy-to-read chapter covers a specific myth, whether it has endured for many years or hit the headlines more recently. Dr. Yasmin explores such pressing questions as• Do cell phones, Nutella, or bacon cause cancer?• Are we running out of antibiotics?• Does playing football cause brain disease?• Is the CDC banned from studying guns?• Do patients cared for by female doctors live longer? • Is trauma inherited?• Is suicide contagious?and much more.Taking a deep dive into the health and science questions you have always wanted answered, this authoritative and entertaining book empowers readers to reach their own conclusions. Viral BS even comes with Dr. Yasmin's handy Bulls*%t Detection Kit.
Viral Drug Delivery Systems: Advances in Treatment of Infectious Diseases
by Ranjita Shegokar Yashwant PathakThe disability-adjusted life year (DALY) is a generic measure of health effect that can be used in cost-effectiveness analysis as an alternative to the quality-adjusted life year (QALY). Infectious diseases are one of the major to cause significant losses of DALY and QALY. Human infectious diseases are disorders that are triggered by the micro-organisms such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, or parasites. The majority of such diseases are contagious and create a public health menace. There are several reasons why infectious diseases are deadly diseases, and one of the primary reasons is the drug resistance developed over time. Drug resistance-associated mutations are linked to increasing drug efflux, modifications of the drugs, or their targets. Every year, new drugs are being approved by FDA to treat infectious diseases. Nonetheless, the infectious diseases will undoubtedly persist as permanent and main threats to humanity for now and in the future, primarily due to increased longevity that almost always comes at a cost of impaired immunity.A total of four books are covered under the series of Infectious drug diseases.- Malarial drug delivery systems- Tubercular drug delivery systems- Viral drug delivery systems- Infectious disease drug delivery systemsThe third volume of series is focused on viral drug delivery systems. Typically, virus attaches to the cells (referred as host cell) and releases its DNA or RNA inside the cell. In second stage, virus’s genetic material takes control of the cell and forces it to replicate the virus leading to onset of disease symptoms. DNA class of viruses include Herpes, Papilloma and Adeno viruses. RNA class of viruses include retroviruses, such as HIV immunodeficiency virus and SARS COV – 2 / Corona virus. This book addresses recent developments in viral drug delivery systems. It covers many different aspects of viral infections, ways to treat them using modern drug delivery systems like nano particulate carriers. The choice of viral delivery systems mainly depends upon the type of virus, duration of life cycle, presence of drug resistance, cellular and mucosal interaction of virus, accordingly gene or non-gene drug delivery systems are selected. Besides that, this book also reports global dynamics of viral diseases, future predictions of infection rate, current treatment options, details of drug carriers like nanoemulsions, polymeric nanoparticles, role of biofunctionalization, and phyto-molecules in treatment of viral infections particularly herpes, Covid-19, Ebola, HIV/AIDS, influenza and viral hepatitis.Audiences from a broad range of groups, from researchers, academicians, and public health bodies to regulatory experts, can benefit from the compiled information to learn more about patient needs and current research advances in the field of viral drug delivery research.
Viral Economies: Bird Flu Experiments in Vietnam
by Natalie PorterOver the last decade, infectious disease outbreaks have heightened fears of a catastrophic pandemic passing from animals to humans. From Ebola and bird flu to swine flu and MERS, zoonotic viruses are killing animals and wreaking havoc on the people living near them. Given this clear correlation between animals and viral infection, why are animals largely invisible in social science accounts of pandemics, and why do they remain marginal in critiques of global public health? In Viral Economies, Natalie Porter draws from long-term research on bird flu in Vietnam to chart the pathways of scientists, NGO workers, state veterinarians, and poultry farmers as they define and address pandemic risks. Porter argues that as global health programs expand their purview to include life and livestock, they weigh the interests of public health against those of commercial agriculture, rural tradition, and scientific innovation. Porter challenges human-centered analyses of pandemics and shows how dynamic and often dangerous human-animal relations take on global significance as poultry and their pathogens travel through global livestock economies and transnational health networks. Viral Economies urges readers to think critically about the ideas, relationships, and practices that produce our everyday commodities, and that shape how we determine the value of life—both human and nonhuman.
Viral Fitness and Evolution: Population Dynamics and Adaptive Mechanisms (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology #439)
by Esteban Domingo Peter Schuster Santiago F. Elena Celia PeralesThis book unifies general concepts of plant and animal virus evolution and covers a broad range of topics related to theoretical and experimental aspects of virus population dynamics and viral fitness. Timely topics such as viral mechanisms to cope with antiviral agents, the adaptability of the virus to new hosts, emergence of new viral phenotypes, and the connections between short- and long-term virus evolution are included. By comparing plant and animal viruses, universal mechanisms responsible for fitness variations, viral emergence and disease mechanisms are explored. Although emphasis is put on specific plant and human viral pathogens, relevant similarities and differences to other viruses are highlighted. Additionally, readers will learn more about the adaptability of coronaviruses, including the recently emerged SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of the COVID-19 pandemic. The book is aimed at students and scientists interested in basic and applied aspects of plant and animal virus population dynamics and evolution.
Viral Frictions: Global Health and the Persistence of HIV Stigma in Kenya (Medical Anthropology)
by Elizabeth J. PfeifferViral Frictions takes the reader along a trail of intersecting narratives to uncover how and why it is that HIV-related stigma persists in the age of treatment. Pfeiffer convincingly argues that stigma is a socially constructed process co-produced at the nexus of local, national, and global relationships and storytelling about and practices associated with HIV. Based on a decade of fieldwork in one highway trading center in Kenya, Viral Frictions offers compelling stories of stigma and discrimination as a lens for understanding broader social processes, the complexities of globalization and health, and their profound impact on the everyday social lives and relationships of people living through the ongoing HIV epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa. This highly engaging book is ideal reading for those interested in teaching and learning about intersectionality, as Pfeiffer meticulously demonstrates how HIV stigma interacts with issues of treatment, race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, social change, and international aid systems.
Viral Gastroenteritis: Global Status 2010 edition
by Dr Stephen Berger Gideon InformaticsViral Gastroenteritis: Global Status is one in a series of GIDEON ebooks which summarize the status of individual infectious diseases, in every country of the world. Data are based on the GIDEON database (www.gideononline.com) which relies on standard text books, peer-review journals, Health Ministry reports and ProMED, supplemented by an ongoing search of the medical literature. Chapters are arranged alphabetically, by country name. Each section is divided into five subsections. 1. Descriptive epidemiology 2. Summary of clinical features 3. Global status of the disease 4. Status of the disease in a specific country 5. References
Viral Genome Replication
by Kevin D. Raney Craig E. Cameron Matthias GotteViruses are responsible for a variety of human, animal, and plant diseases and now represent potential agents of terror. Academic, government, and corporate laboratories have devoted years of effort to the development of strategies to prevent or treat viral infections. Central to the multiplication strategy of all viruses is the process of genome replication. Enzymes critical to this step of the lifecycle have proven to be tractable targets for the development of antiviral agents. Furthermore, genome replication is essential for virus spread and is the main target for the development of antiviral agents. By combining studies of both RNA and DNA viruses - and more - into a single volume, the editors have created a mechanism for cross-talk between the fields that will produce synergy and could lead to more rapid discovery of approaches to treat viral infections.
Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers
by Sunit K. Singh Daniel RuzekViral hemorrhagic fevers have captured the imagination of the public and made their way into popular books and movies by virtue of their extreme virulence and mysterious origins. Since 2001, concerns have grown about the potential use of many hemorrhagic fever viruses as biological weapons. This has led to a resurgence in research to develop improv
Viral Hepatitis
by E.A. Fagan T.J. HarrisonThis book aims to bridge the widening rift between clinical and molecular aspects of viral hepatitis by providing an up-to-date overview of the field. The focus is practical and covers the limitations of clinical diagnosis, the interpretation of tests bas
Viral Hepatitis: Acute Hepatitis
by Resat Ozaras Joop E. ArendsThis book presents up-to-date, practically oriented information on major topics in acute hepatitis. The coverage encompasses epidemiology; diagnosis, including molecular methods; treatment and challenges; and the management of co-infections. The book opens by examining the local and global epidemiology of acute hepatitis. Detailed attention is then paid to each of acute hepatitis A, acute hepatitis B, acute hepatitis C, hepatitis D co-infection, and hepatitis E. Acute Hepatitis will be of high value for general practitioners and specialists in gastroenterology, infectious diseases, and internal medicine. It will be international in scope in terms of both authorship and appeal.
Viral Hepatitis: Chronic Hepatitis B
by Resat Ozaras Veysel TahanThis book presents up-to-date, practically oriented information on major topics in chronic hepatitis B. The coverage encompasses epidemiology; diagnosis, including molecular methods; treatment and challenges; and the management of co-infections. Readers will also find guidance on the invasive and non-invasive assessment of fibrosis in HBV infection and the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HBV. Management of chronic hepatitis B in children is considered separately, and emerging drugs that hold promise for the treatment of chronic HBV infection are discussed. Chronic Hepatitis B will be of high value for general practitioners and specialists in gastroenterology, infectious diseases, and internal medicine. It will be international in scope in terms of both authorship and appeal.
Viral Hepatitis
by Howard C. Thomas Arie J. Zuckerman Anna S. Lok Stephen A. LocarniniThe 4th edition of Viral Hepatitis covers comprehensively the entire complex field of infections caused by all of the different hepatitis viruses, which affect many millions of people throughout the world with considerable morbidity and mortality.Howard Thomas and Arie Zuckerman are joined by Anna Lok from the USA and Stephen Locarnini from Australia as Editors. They have recruited leading researchers and physicians from many countries, who have produced an authoritative account of current knowledge and research on this important infection, including new insights into immune response to HBV and HCV. The result is a comprehensive account on all aspects of viral hepatitis, including rapid advances in the diagnosis, management, treatment and prevention of a complex infection, which in the case of hepatitis B, C and D may lead to severe complications including chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma.The latest edition of Viral Hepatitis offers an essential resource of current information for hepatologists, gastroenterologists, infectious diseases specialists and other clinicians, researchers, public health physicians and National and International Health Authorities.
Viral Hepatitis: Chronic Hepatitis C
by Resat Ozaras Dominique Salmon-CeronThis book presents up-to-date, practically oriented information on major topics in chronic hepatitis C. The coverage encompasses epidemiology; diagnosis, including molecular methods; treatment and challenges; and the management of co-infections. Readers will find guidance on pretherapeutic evaluation with respect to disease severity and extrahepatic manifestations. Resistance to antiviral treatment and its management are discussed, and the nature of optimal follow-up is addressed in detail. Treatment of HCV/HIV co-infection is considered separately, and the approach in special patient populations is thoroughly examined. Chronic Hepatitis C will be of high value for general practitioners and specialists in gastroenterology, infectious diseases, and internal medicine. It will be international in scope in terms of both authorship and appeal.
Viral Hepatitis in Children: Prevention and Management
by Mei-Hwei Chang Kathleen B. SchwarzThis book is aimed to emphasize the rationale and importance of prevention and management of viral hepatitis in children, providing cutting edge knowledge. Viral hepatitis is a major health problem in the world. Although most complications of viral hepatitis are observed in adults, primary infection with hepatitis viruses often occurs during infancy or childhood. To better control viral hepatitis, prevention and therapy if possible should be started in childhood. This book offers updated and unique information about viral hepatitis in children, which has vitally important impact on global disease outcome and control, yet not discussed as frequently as viral hepatitis in adults in previous medical literature. Better prevention and management strategies are covered, starting from infancy and childhood, and even earlier during fetal life. It will be very helpful for better control of viral hepatitis both for daily practice and for developing future strategies and directions. If we can successfully control viral hepatitis in children, there will be very little remaining chronic hepatitis and related complications such as liver cirrhosis or hepatoma in adults. We hope readers, including medical students, researchers, pediatricians, family medicine physicians, infectious disease personnel, public health workers, gastroenterologists, hepatologists and parents of children with chronic hepatitis, will be benefited by reading this book.
Viral Hepatitis in Children
by Maureen M. JonasViral Hepatitis in Children: Unique Features and Opportunities is a unique volume that has been created to address the special considerations regarding viral hepatitis in children. It includes the latest information and recommendations specifically directed at the pediatric population, and highlights the knowledge gaps which will need to be filled to improve our understanding of these infections and treatment of this special group. Experienced practitioners from around the world have contributed these reviews, incorporating the latest studies, the current recommendations, and the distinctive pediatric issues that shape clinical care. This material will determine the research agenda for this field going forward. Viral Hepatitis in Children: Unique Features and Opportunities is a valuable resource for pediatricians, pediatric gastroenterologists, hepatologists and infectious disease specialists that care for children with viral hepatitis.
Viral Infections in Children, Volume I
by Robin J. GreenThe purpose of this book is to provide a synthesis of the ever evolving field of pediatric viral infections. The most common and exotic pediatric viral infections are fully reviewed in this first one of a two volume set. All contributions are written by recognized experts in the field. The publication will appeal to medical microbiologists, practitioners, medical students and other health care providers with a pediatric interest. The known literature on viral infections in children is summarized and discussed in the light of changes in thinking as a result of novel and new evidence.
Viral Infections in Children, Volume II
by Robin J. GreenThis second one of a two volume set will be of interest to medical microbiologists, practitioners, medical students and other health care providers who are engaged in management and treatment of pediatric viral infections. New evidence on topics related to better clinical management of patients is presented. The book may double as a clinical guide to care with algorithms, Practice Points and photographs and therefore aid the clinical decision making in management of sick children.
Viral Infections of the Human Nervous System
by Alan C. JacksonViral infections of the nervous system are important because they are associated with high morbidity and mortality. A variety of pathogenetic mechanisms are involved in these infections and an understanding of the pathogenesis is essential in understanding the diagnostic and clinical management aspects of the disease. Specialized investigations are often necessary for definitive diagnosis, although a presumptive diagnosis should often be suspected on the basis of the clinical features. Many of the chapters in this book are written by neurologists who are experts in basic science research of their topic in addition to active clinical practice in their specialty.
Viral Loads: Anthropologies of Urgency In the Time of Covid-19 (Embodying Inequalities: Perspectives from Medical Anthropology)
by Lenore Manderson Nancy J. Burke Ayo WahlbergDrawing upon the empirical scholarship and research expertise of contributors from all settled continents and from diverse life settings and economies, Viral Loads illustrates how the COVID-19 pandemic, and responses to it, lay bare and load onto people’s lived realities in countries around the world. A crosscutting theme pertains to how social unevenness and gross economic disparities are shaping global and local responses to the pandemic, and illustrate the effects of both the virus and efforts to contain it in ways that amplify these inequalities. At the same time, the contributions highlight the nature of contemporary social life, including virtual communication, the nature of communities, neoliberalism and contemporary political economies, and the shifting nature of nation states and the role of government. <p><p> Over half of the world’s population has been affected by restrictions of movement, with physical distancing requirements and self-isolation recommendations impacting profoundly on everyday life but also on the economy, resulting also, in turn, with dramatic shifts in the economy and in mass unemployment. By reflecting on how the pandemic has interrupted daily lives, state infrastructures and healthcare systems, the contributing authors in this volume mobilise anthropological theories and concepts to locate the pandemic in a highly connected and exceedingly unequal world. The book is ambitious in its scope – spanning the entire globe – and daring in its insistence that medical anthropology must be a part of the growing calls to build a new world.
Viral Metagenomics: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2732)
by Vitantonio Pantaleo Laura MiozziThis second edition volume expands on the previous edition with discussions about the latest viral metagenomics aspects covering a range of different specimens such as soil, freshwater, wastewater, fecal samples, blood plasma, clinical tissues, fungi, and herbarium samples. Chapters also look at different viral groups including archaeal viruses, eukaryotic viruses, phages, mycoviruses, and circular DNA viruses. Techniques required for studying the three viral metagenomic steps of samples processing, library construction, and analysis of data are also discussed. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.Authoritative and cutting-edge, Vital Metagenomics: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition is a valuable resource for researchers who are interested in learning more about this important and developing field.