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Showing 59,376 through 59,400 of 59,882 results

Work, Precarity and COVID-19

by Christine Pichler Carla Küffner

The anthology presents the social consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in the field of work and gainful employment from a multidisciplinary perspective of social and economic sciences. Specifically, it deals with the analysis of changes in work processes and relations in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. Different facets of the discussion are taken up, and the topic of "work, precarity and COVID-19" is discussed along a wide range of diversity categories (age, gender, disability, social origin, ethnicity, religion, etc.) and their intersections (intersectionality). At the same time, the focus is on discussing alternative models and ways of dealing with the current crisis that (re)establish social justice and inclusion through work.The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence. A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content.

Work Stress Induced Chronic Diseases in Construction: Discoveries using data analytics (Spon Research)

by Imriyas Kamardeen

This book aims to fill a gap in the current construction health and safety research and discover new knowledge about work stress induced chronic diseases among construction industry professionals. In achieving these aims, the book investigates: the nature and extent of psychosocial stressors experienced by construction professionals, stress management tactics applied and the impact on mental health the prevalence and occurrence patterns of serious chronic conditions such as insomnia, obesity, musculoskeletal disorders and vision impairment aetiological pathways from job stressors through chronic diseases to job performance. While there are many studies, policies and regulations aiming to look after the health of construction workers, little attention is paid to construction professionals. By applying advanced analytical methods to data collected in a national survey of construction professionals in Australia, the author presents new scientific evidence which can be used to help establish equitable workers' compensation treatments and outcomes for construction professionals in line with other professions. Moreover, the research and analysis are underpinned by theories and literature from public health and epidemiological disciplines in addition to literature from construction, and work health, safety and wellbeing domains. It is essential reading for any health policy makers and researchers in the fields of health and safety and construction management.

Work Worth Doing: Advances in Brain Injury Rehabilitation

by Brian T. Mcmahon Linda R. Shaw

President Theodore Roosevelt once said, "Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing." This quote is not only the source from which the title was borne, but also the philosophical approach toward TBI rehabilitation embraced by the 26 rehabilitation experts who wrote Work Worth Doing: Advances in Brain Injury Rehabilitation. This important, and possibly controversial, book of issues and methods addresses the full spectrum of vocational rehabilitation activities. Independent living, treatment generalization, criteria for evaluating TBI rehabilitation facilities, family involvement issues, and an entirely new perspective on the TBI rehabilitation industry are discussed.

Workable Sisterhood: The Political Journey of Stigmatized Women with HIV/AIDS

by Michele Tracy Berger

Workable Sisterhood is an empirical look at sixteen HIV-positive women who have a history of drug use, conflict with the law, or a history of working in the sex trade. What makes their experience with the HIV/AIDS virus and their political participation different from their counterparts of people with HIV? Michele Tracy Berger argues that it is the influence of a phenomenon she labels "intersectional stigma," a complex process by which women of color, already experiencing race, class, and gender oppression, are also labeled, judged, and given inferior treatment because of their status as drug users, sex workers, and HIV-positive women. The work explores the barriers of stigma in relation to political participation, and demonstrates how stigma can be effectively challenged and redirected. The majority of the women in Berger's book are women of color, in particular African Americans and Latinas. The study elaborates the process by which these women have become conscious of their social position as HIV-positive and politically active as activists, advocates, or helpers. She builds a picture of community-based political participation that challenges popular, medical, and scholarly representations of "crack addicted prostitutes" and HIV-positive women as social problems or victims, rather than as agents of social change. Berger argues that the women's development of a political identity is directly related to a process called "life reconstruction." This process includes substance- abuse treatment, the recognition of gender as a salient factor in their lives, and the use of nontraditional political resources.

Workable Sisterhood: The Political Journey of Stigmatized Women with HIV/AIDS

by Michele Tracy Berger

Workable Sisterhood is an empirical look at sixteen HIV-positive women who have a history of drug use, conflict with the law, or a history of working in the sex trade. What makes their experience with the HIV/AIDS virus and their political participation different from their counterparts of people with HIV? Michele Tracy Berger argues that it is the influence of a phenomenon she labels "intersectional stigma," a complex process by which women of color, already experiencing race, class, and gender oppression, are also labeled, judged, and given inferior treatment because of their status as drug users, sex workers, and HIV-positive women. The work explores the barriers of stigma in relation to political participation, and demonstrates how stigma can be effectively challenged and redirected. The majority of the women in Berger's book are women of color, in particular African Americans and Latinas. The study elaborates the process by which these women have become conscious of their social position as HIV-positive and politically active as activists, advocates, or helpers. She builds a picture of community-based political participation that challenges popular, medical, and scholarly representations of "crack addicted prostitutes" and HIV-positive women as social problems or victims, rather than as agents of social change. Berger argues that the women's development of a political identity is directly related to a process called "life reconstruction." This process includes substance- abuse treatment, the recognition of gender as a salient factor in their lives, and the use of nontraditional political resources.

Workbook: Emergency Care

by Bob Elling

This is a student supplement associated with: Emergency Care, 13/e Daniel Limmer / Michael F. O'Keefe / Harvey Grant / Bob Murray / J. David Bergeron / Edward T. Dickinson

Workbook for Diagnostic Medical Sonography: Abdomen and Superficial Structures

by Diane Kawamura

Designed to accompany Diagnostic Medical Sonography: A Guide to Clinical Practice Abdomen and Superficial Structures, Fourth edition, this Workbook offers a full complement of self-study aids that actively engage students in learning and enable them to assess and build their knowledge as they advance through the text. Most importantly, it allows students to get the most out of their study time, with a variety of custom designed exercises to help them master each objective.

Workbook for Diagnostic Medical Sonography: A Guide To The Vascular System (Diagnostic Medical Sonography Series)

by Ann Marie Kupinski

Designed to accompany Diagnostic Medical Sonography: Vascular Imaging, this Workbook offers a full complement of self-study aids that actively engage students in learning and enable them to assess and build their knowledge as they advance through the text. Most importantly, it allows students to get the most out of their study time, with a variety of custom designed exercises to help them master each objective.

Workbook for Diagnostic Medical Sonography: A Guide to Clinical Practice Obstetrics and Gynecology (Diagnostic Medical Sonography Series)

by Susan Stephenson Julia Dmitrieva Barbara Hall-Terracciano

Designed to accompany Diagnostic Medical Sonography: A Guide to Practice Obstetrics & Gynecology, Fourth edition, this Workbook offers a full complement of self-study aids that actively engage students in learning and enable them to assess and build their knowledge as they advance through the text. Most importantly, it allows students to get the most out of their study time, with a variety of custom designed exercises to help them master each objective.

Workbook for Diversified Health Occupations (3rd Edition)

by Louise M. Simmers

This textbook provides students with the core knowledge and skills required for entry-level positions in a variety of health occupations. In addition to the core knowledge, it offers extensive subject matter on selected professions such as dental, medical and nurse assistants, as well as an overview of the many health-related careers that students might choose. An accompanying workbook allows students to apply knowledge and skills through assignment sheets and step-by-step procedures. All necessary materials for instruction and evaluation are provided in a Teacher's Resource Kit. Supplements Computerized Testbank 0-7668-1824-1 Instructor's Manual 0-7668-1823-3 - 8 1/2" x 11," 840 pages, 4 color, HA Instructor's Resource Kit 0-7668-1821-7 Student Workbook 0-7668-1822-5 - 624 pages Diversified Health Occupation Activity Software 2E 0-7668-2789-5

Workbook for Hartman's Nursing Assistant Care: Long-Term Care (2nd edition)

by Hartman Publishing

Welcome to the Workbook for Nursing Assistant Care: Long-Term Care This workbook is designed to help you review what you have learned from reading your textbook. For this reason, the workbook is organized around learning objectives, just like the textbook and even your instructor's teaching material. These learning objectives work as a built-in study guide. After completing the exercises for each learning objective in the workbook, ask yourself if you can DO what that learning objective describes. If you can, move on to the next learning objective. If you cannot, just go back to the textbook, reread that learning objective, and try again. The answers to the work¬book exercises are in your instructor's teaching guide.

Workbook for Hartman's Nursing Assistant Care: The Basics

by Hartman Publishing Staff

Designed to help students review what they have learned from reading the textbook, the workbook is organized around Learning Objectives, which work like a built-in study guide. Multiple choice, true/false, crosswords, word searches, critical thinking scenarios, and other activities test the students knowledge of each chapter.

Workbook For Hartman's Nursing Assistant Care: The Basics

by Hartman Publishing

This very affordable workbook is designed to help students review what they have learned from reading the textbook. It is organized around learning objectives, which work like a built-in study guide. Multiple choice, true/false, crosswords, critical thinking scenarios, and other activities test the student's knowledge of each chapter.

Workbook for Introductory Medical-Surgical Nursing

by Lippincott Williams Wilkins

Publisher’s Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. The Workbook for Introductory Medical-Surgical Nursing is designed to help students practice and retain the knowledge gained from the textbook and provides a basis for applying that knowledge in nursing practice. Each chapter of the Workbook is divided into three sections: “Assessing Your Understanding,” “Applying Your Knowledge,” and “Getting Ready for NCLEX.” The first section concentrates on the basic information of the textbook chapter and helps students remember key concepts, vocabulary, and principles with exercises like Fill in the Blanks, Labeling, Matching, Sequencing, and Short Answers. The second section consists of exercises that ask students to apply the knowledge gained through short answer questions, critical thinking exercises, and case study activities. The third and final section helps students practice answering NCLEX-PN questions to reinforce knowledge. The answers to the Workbook exercises are provided on the Instructor side of thePoint.

Workbook for Lippincott Textbook for Nursing Assistants

by Pamela J. Carter

Master the skills and concepts for success with ease! Featuring a wide variety of review questions, active learning exercises, and procedure checklists, this engaging workbook helps you ensure a confident, competent understanding of the concepts, skills, and vocabulary detailed in Lippincott Textbook for Nursing Assistants: A Humanistic Approach to Caregiving, 6th Edition . Multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and true/false questions challenge your retention of textbook content and help you prepare for tests and exams. Think About It! exercises inspire critical thinking and enhance your analytical skills. Matching activities, word jumbles, and crossword and word find puzzles provide fun, engaging ways to review important concepts and vocabulary. Labeling, sequencing, and identification exercises clarify procedures and processes. Procedure checklists reinforce key protocols and help you excel in laboratory exercises. Pam's pearls boost your confidence with encouraging insight based on the author’s real-life experience.

Workbook for Lippincott's Advanced Skills for Nursing Assistants: A Humanistic Approach to Caregiving

by Pamela J. Carter Amy Stegen

Developed to complement Lippincott's Advanced Skills for Nursing Assistants, this workbook will engage students with its fun learning activities and innovative exercises. Fully integrated with the text, this student study tool will facilitate review and motivate students to succeed in their nursing assistant course.

Workbook for Mosby's Textbook for Medication Assistants

by Sheila A. Sorrentino Diann Muzyka

Reinforce your understanding and review essential concepts and procedures in this chapter-by-chapter companion to Mosby’s Textbook for Medication Assistants. A wide variety of exercises and activities help you evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and ensure success in medication administration. <ul> <li>Chapter-by-chapter lessons review textbook content to enhance your understanding.</li> <li>Exercises in each chapter help you practice what you’ve learned.</li> <li>Checklists for each procedure provide valuable self-evaluation.</li> </ul>

Workbook for Nursing Assisting: A Foundation in Caregiving

by Hartman Publishing

This very affordable workbook is designed to help students review what they have learned from reading the textbook. It is organized around learning objectives, which work like a built-in study guide. Multiple choice, true/false, crosswords, word searches, critical thinking scenarios, and other activities test the student's knowledge of each chapter. It also includes skills checklists and a practice exam for the certification test.

Workbook for Timby's Fundamental Nursing Skills and Concepts

by Loretta A. Moreno Brigitte Moseley Barbara K. Timby

Updated to reflect the latest revisions to Timby's Fundamental Nursing Skills and Concepts, 12th edition, this dynamic Workbook for Timby's Fundamental Nursing Skills and Concepts delivers an engaging review of key LPN/LVN nursing concepts and skills and prepares students to successfully apply their knowledge on exams and in LPN/LVN practice. Each chapter reinforces the latest LPN/LVN practices detailed in the companion textbook through review exercises, application activities and additional NCLEX-PN® practice questions, strengthening students’ critical thinking capabilities and NCLEX preparation®.

Workbook for Timby's Introductory Medical-Surgical Nursing

by Loretta A. Donnelly-Moreno Brigitte Moseley Habiba F.F. Harris

Developed in conjunction with Timby’s Introductory Medical-Surgical Nursing Practice, 13th Edition, this proven, practical Workbook for Timby’s Introductory Medical-Surgical Nursing Practice equips students with the retention and practice to succeed on the NCLEX® and in today’s medical-surgical nursing workforce. Packed with engaging review questions and exercises, each chapter reinforces key textbook principles, challenges students to apply their knowledge, and delivers unparalleled practice for the NCLEX-PN®.

A Workbook Of Ethical Case Scenarios In Applied Behavior Analysis

by Darren Sush Adel C. Najdowski

Those working within the field of applied behavior analysis (ABA) encounter potential ethical dilemmas on a daily basis. While some challenges can be anticipated and appropriately addressed before they become unmanageable, oftentimes behavior analysts are confronted with unforeseen and novel situations that require immediate, yet careful attention. It is impossible to anticipate and plan for every eventuality. A Workbook of Ethical Case Scenarios in Applied Behavior Analysis, Second Edition, presents more than 120 real-world case scenarios commonly faced by individuals practicing ABA. The examples range in difficulty and severity to address the unique challenges and needs of those teaching, practicing, or learning ABA through ethics-focused coursework or preparing for the Behavior Analyst Certification Board® (BACB®) certification exam. In addition to case scenarios, the workbook provides detailed questions to facilitate discussion and critical thinking, offers suggestions related to the navigation of ethically precarious situations, and includes recommendations of ethics codes to consider in relation to each presented scenario. Offers case scenarios addressing codes within the BACB®’s Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts Presents detailed question prompts to facilitate discussion and critical thinking Includes recommendations of ethics codes to consider and review in relation to each presented scenario Offers suggestions on the navigation of ethical challenges Discusses how to assess risk and devise ethically appropriate courses of action Provides the entirety of the BACB® ethics code for quick access and reference

Workbook to Accompany Anatomy And Physiology Revealed 3.0

by Robert Broyles

The Workbook to Accompany Anatomy and Physiology Revealed, Version 3 by Robert Broyles is a workbook/study guide designed to help students get the most they can out of the Anatomy and Physiology Revealed (APR), and out of their anatomy and physiology course. The Table of Contents closely follows APR 3.0, and is organized along the lines of a typical Anatomy and Physiology course. The individual exercises include art from APR and also have review questions, tables, coloring exercises, terminology quiz questions, and reminders on key content.

Workbook to Accompany Dental Assisting: A Comprehensive Approach

by Donna Phinney Judy Halstead

This workbook is designed to accompany Dental Assisting: A Comprehensive Approach, Fifth Edition. The workbook also contains DENTRIX® Learning Edition practice activities.

Workbook to Accompany Diversified Health Occupations, 7th Edition

by Louise Simmers Karen Simmers-Nartker Sharon Simmers-Kobelak

This workbook, updated to reflect the Diversified Health Occupations, seventh edition text, contains perforated, performance-based assignment and evaluation sheets. The assignment sheets help students review what they have learned. The evaluation sheets provide criteria or standards for judging student performance for each procedure in the text.

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