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Working in Public Health: Choosing the Right Career
by Fiona Sim Jenny WrightPublic health has always been central to the population’s health and wellbeing, and people working in public health come from a wide range of disciplines and backgrounds. This practical and accessible book maps out comprehensively the range of exciting and varied options open to those considering a career in public health. Uniquely, it provides helpful information on how to become either a fully-fledged specialist or to work in an operational practitioner role. This second edition provides an update on the variety of public health roles and the settings from which the workforce operates, with the inclusion of new material on climate change and sustainability. Written from a UK perspective, it nevertheless includes a chapter on working in international and global health. Each chapter is illustrated by career case studies and vignettes from people currently working in public health, illustrating their impact on improving or protecting the health of communities, as well as reducing inequalities. In an era when the COVID-19 pandemic has thrown the spotlight on just how important public health roles are, this book should be essential reading for anyone aspiring to put public health at the heart of their own working life.
Working in Teams 2e (Better Partnership Working series)
by Kim Jelphs Helen DickinsonWorking in teams sounds simple but the reality is often more difficult within complex health and social care systems. This revised edition of this essential book brings together cutting-edge thinking about teamworking, and considers how this can be turned into practice within the context of interagency settings. It introduces a range of theories, models and research to demonstrate the benefits – and pitfalls – inherent in teamworking in collaborative settings. This is a practical and accessible guide focused on how inter-agency teams may be made to function more effectively, illustrated through real-life examples. Its no-nonsense approach will appeal to students, practitioners, team leaders, managers and policy-makers across the health and social care system.
Working in the California Community Behavioral Health System: A Navigational Tool
by Olivia Loewy Margaret L. Avineri Jasmeet Bhullar Susan Davis Cassidy Manton Mary M. ReadA rapidly evolving public system of care in California can leave behavioral health practitioners inadequately prepared to contribute. A new book, inspired by the Transforming System text, this presents a current, comprehensive overview of healthcare reform in California. A diversity of personal perspectives from within the system is included as well as practical guidelines for conducting recovery-oriented therapy, assessment and documentation. It is a relevant, user-friendly resource for educators, supervisors, trainers, clinicians and future public system providers. <p><p>In a truly collaborative effort, the book was written by policy leaders, professors, community and county behavioral health managers, employers, clinicians and consumers. It is visionary in addressing anticipated change within the context of what has already shifted and evolved. This book was created to support the public system and to inform the growing behavioral health workforce.
Working in the Killing Fields: Forensic Science in Bosnia
by Howard BallWhile the specifics of individual wars vary, they share a common epilogue: the task of finding and identifying the “disappeared.” The Bosnian war of the early 1990s, which destroyed the sovereign state of Yugoslavia, is no exception. In Working in the Killing Fields, Howard Ball focuses on recent developments in the technology of forensic science and on the work of forensic professionals in Bosnia following that conflict. Ball balances the examination of complex features of new forensic technology with insights into the lives of the men and women from around the globe who are tasked with finding and excavating bodies and conducting pathological examinations. Having found the disappeared, however, these same pathologists must then also explain the cause of death to international-court criminal prosecutors and surviving families of the victims. Ball considers the physical dangers these professionals regularly confront while performing their site excavations, as well as the emotional pain, including post-traumatic stress disorder, they contend with while in Bosnia and after they leave the killing fields.Working in the Killing Fields integrates discussion of cutting-edge forensic technology into a wider view of what these searches mean, the damage they do to people, and the healing and good they bring to those in search of answers. Even though the Balkan wars took place two decades ago, the fields where so many men, women, and children died still have gruesome and disturbing stories to tell. Ball puts the spotlight on the forensic professionals tasked with telling that story and on what their work means to them as individuals and to the wider world’s understanding of genocide and war.
Working More Creatively with Groups
by Jarlath BensonA new edition of the classic group work textbook! In Working More Creatively with Groups, Jarlath Benson presents the essential knowledge required to set up and work with a group. He looks at how to plan and lead a group successfully and how to intervene skilfully. As well as covering the different stages in the life of a group, the book emphasizes the various levels of group experience and gives suggestions for working imaginatively with them. This thoroughly updated third edition not only provides a comprehensive guide to groupwork but shows the groupworker how to move on to more in-depth and intensive work, using a variety of strategies illustrated by full clinical vignettes. Many chapters are updated and expanded to include Benson’s latest thinking and teaching and the book includes two new chapters. The first focuses on working with and developing different sorts of groups along the therapeutic/educational continuum. The second new chapter discusses how to best use a supervisory process and set up and run a supervisory group. Well known and widely used by social workers, psychologists, educationalists and youth workers, this popular text is suitable for all those working with groups.
Working More Creatively with Groups
by Jarlath BensonIn this classic text Jarlath Benson presents the basic and essential knowledge required to set up and work with a group. He looks at how to plan and lead a group successfully and how to intervene skilfully. As well as covering the different stages in the life of a group, the book emphasizes the various levels of group experience and gives suggestions for working more creatively with them. For this new edition the author has added two new chapters reflecting how his own thinking and practice have developed since the book was first published. In the first he presents his new model for planning, setting up and working with reflective practice groups which are increasingly used in professional settings and agencies across the public sector and health care. In the second he considers why some groups fail and offers practical and helpful ideas and insights to guide agencies and groupworkers to think and plan more systemically, and provides a series of clinical vignettes that facilitates each of these contexts and perspectives. There is also an expanded section on how to plan and conduct the sophisticated art of co-working and again a series of clinical vignettes that illustrate best practice. Working More Creatively with Groups is well known to countless social workers, psychologists, teachers and community workers and many other professionals who utilize and employ groupwork in their practice. This new edition not only provides the basic guide to groupwork but also shows how to move on to more in-depth and intensive work.
Working on Wicked Problems: A Strengths-based Approach to Research Engagement and Impact
by Komla TseyThis book is for researchers and students looking for ways to engage communities and industry in research. It is also written for community leaders, philanthropists and managers of organisations interested in building mutually beneficial partnerships with researchers, or training their own researchers. To this end, I hope that the readers of this book will appreciate that in their own way, whether big or small, they will be able to make research more meaningful by genuinely and honestly engaging with the communities of people with whom they work. I hope that an auto-ethnography or personal narrative approach will throw light on the factors that lead to positive research engagement and impact, thereby helping researchers avoid some of my pitfalls.
Working Posture Assessment: The TACOS (Time-Based Assessment Computerized Strategy) Method (Ergonomics Design & Mgmt. Theory & Applications)
by Daniela Colombini Enrico OcchipintiThis book covers how to analyze awkward working postures, particularly of the spine and lower limbs, in specific groups exposed. The methods covered suggests how to evaluate the postures correctly, taking account of the duration and sequence of the tasks involved, even in very complex scenarios where workers are involved with multiple tasks and work cycles varying from day to day. Excel spreadsheets located on the authors’ website (www.epmresearch.org) have been developed to gather, condense, and automatically process the data. The tools serve to implement the strategy for calculating risk associated with exposure to awkward postures, i.e. the TACOS method. Included are 5 case studies which include physiotherapists, workers from construction, archaeological digs, vineyards, and kindergarten teachers. Features Provides a coherent definition of what the study of awkward postures is Clarifies and explains which parameters need to be detected and analyzed for the study of the working postures Defines the phases of a proper organizational study (e.g. tasks, postures, duration, and how often the postures will last) in the working cycle Presents a new and original risk calculation model for awkward postures, with particular attention to the study of the spine and the lower limbs Offers a free excel spreadsheet located on the authors' website which implements the strategy for calculating risk associated with exposure to awkward postures
Working Safe: How to Help People Actively Care for Health and Safety, Second Edition
by E. Scott GellerWritten by world-renowned health and safety researcher E. Scott Geller, Working Safe: How to Help People Actively Care for Health and Safety, Second Edition presents science-based and practical approaches to improving attitudes and behavior for achieving an injury-free work environment. This book teaches proactive applications of behavior-based psychology for improving health and safety. Relevant theory and principles are clearly explained and practical step-by-step procedures are detailed. Dr. Geller's anecdotal and non-academic writing style makes the book fun and easy to read.This research-based text is completely updated and expanded from the 1996 edition. It includes three new chapters: one on behavioral safety analysis, another on intervening with supportive conversation, and the third on how to promote high performance teamwork. Thus, this second edition continues to provide the practical advice safety leaders rely on.Working Safe: How to Help People Actively Care for Health and Safety supplies the research and theory needed to customize effective behavior-based procedures and tools in your workplace. The information and examples provide health and safety professionals with behavioral science methods capable of enhancing safety awareness, reducing at-risk behavior, and facilitating ongoing participation in safety-related activities.
Working Stiff: Two Years, 262 Bodies, and the Making of a Medical Examiner
by Judy Melinek T.J. Mitchell“Fun…and full of smart science. Fans of CSI—the real kind—will want to read it” (The Washington Post): A young forensic pathologist’s “rookie season” as a NYC medical examiner, and the hair-raising cases that shaped her as a physician and human being.Just two months before the September 11 terrorist attacks, Dr. Judy Melinek began her training as a New York City forensic pathologist. While her husband and their toddler held down the home front, Judy threw herself into the fascinating world of death investigation—performing autopsies, investigating death scenes, counseling grieving relatives. Working Stiff chronicles Judy’s two years of training, taking readers behind the police tape of some of the most harrowing deaths in the Big Apple, including a firsthand account of the events of September 11, the subsequent anthrax bio-terrorism attack, and the disastrous crash of American Airlines Flight 587. An unvarnished portrait of the daily life of medical examiners—complete with grisly anecdotes, chilling crime scenes, and a welcome dose of gallows humor—Working Stiff offers a glimpse into the daily life of one of America’s most arduous professions, and the unexpected challenges of shuttling between the domains of the living and the dead. The body never lies—and through the murders, accidents, and suicides that land on her table, Dr. Melinek lays bare the truth behind the glamorized depictions of autopsy work on television to reveal the secret story of the real morgue. “Haunting and illuminating...the stories from her average workdays…transfix the reader with their demonstration that medical science can diagnose and console long after the heartbeat stops” (The New York Times).
Working towards Equity: Disability Rights, Activism, and Employment in Late Twentieth Century Canada
by Dustin GalerIn Working towards Equity, Dustin Galer argues that paid work significantly shaped the experience of disability during the late twentieth century. Using a critical analysis of disability in archival records, personal collections, government publications and a series of interviews, Galer demonstrates how demands for greater access among disabled people for paid employment stimulated the development of a new discourse of disability in Canada. Family advocates helped people living in institutions move out into the community as rehabilitation professionals played an increasingly critical role in the lives of working-age adults with disabilities. Meanwhile, civil rights activists crafted a new consumer-led vision of social and economic integration. Employment was, and remains, a central component in disabled peoples' efforts to become productive, autonomous and financially secure members of Canadian society. Working towards Equity offers new in-depth analysis on rights activism as it relates to employment, sheltered workshops, deinstitutionalization and labour markets in the contemporary context in Canada.
Working Whole Systems: Putting Theory into Practice in Organisations, Second Edition
by Julian Pratt Pat Gordon Diane PlampingWorking Whole Systems is likely to interest the readers if they are looking for new ways of working. It offers a radical way of thinking about organisations as living systems, and practical methods of engaging with complex social and organisational issues.
Working with Adolescents
by Julie Anne Laser Nicole NicoteraA state-of-the-art practitioner resource and course text, this book provides a comprehensive view of adolescent development and spells out effective ways to help teens who are having difficulties. The authors illuminate protective and risk factors in the many contexts of adolescents' lives, from individual attributes to family, school, neighborhood, and media influences. An ecological perspective is applied to understanding and addressing specific adolescent challenges, including substance abuse, sexual identity issues, mental health problems, risky sexual behavior, and delinquency. Throughout the book, clear-cut assessment and intervention strategies are illustrated with rich case examples.
Working with Adolescents, Second Edition: A Guide for Practitioners (Clinical Practice with Children, Adolescents, and Families)
by Julie Anne Laser Nicole NicoteraNoted for its multisystemic–ecological perspective, this accessible text and practitioner resource has now been revised and expanded with 60% new material. The book provides a comprehensive view of adolescent development and explores effective ways to support teens who are having difficulties. The authors examine protective and risk factors in the many contexts of adolescents' lives, from individual attributes to family, school, neighborhood, and media influences. Assessment and intervention strategies are illustrated with diverse case examples, and emphasize a social justice orientation. Useful pedagogical features include end-of-chapter reflection questions and concise chapter summaries. New to This Edition *Incorporates current research on brain development, resilience, gender diversity, mental health care, and more. *Chapters on new topics: the adolescent brain, trauma, and suicide and self-injury. *Fully rewritten chapters on substance use, queer youth, justice-involved youth, and the joys of working with adolescents. *Reflects the unique contexts and challenges facing Generation Z.
Working with Child and Adolescent Mental Health: The Central Role of Language and Communication (Working With)
by Susan McCoolIn children, mental health challenges and communication differences typically combine in complex and inter-related ways. Remarkably, this crucial point is all too often forgotten, and communication is overlooked. Services are frequently fragmented, leading professionals to look at children through distinct lenses of either mental health or communication, meaning insights can be incomplete and important perspectives unshared. Working with Child and Adolescent Mental Health makes the compelling case that communication is central and should be a primary consideration whenever we think about children’s mental health. With a practical focus, and an easy- to-read format, it suggests how this can be achieved by identifying how practitioners and services can work more cohesively to understand and optimise children’s communication capacities. This book includes: • Practical advice, grounded in current research, and presented in an easy-to-read, digestible style • Guidance to help practitioners competently and compassionately identify and respond to the needs of children and young people with complex combined communication and mental health needs • Real-life case studies from a wide range of settings, unpicked to clearly illustrate topics discussed in the book and offer encouragement and inspiration to practitioners • Checklists and questionnaires to help practitioners in daily practice • Recommendations for, and links to, useful additional resources • Tools to support reflection and enhancement for individual practitioners and services Essential reading for speech and language therapists, psychologists, mental health practitioners, educators, social workers, and anyone else concerned with children’s wellbeing and resilience, this book highlights the transformational impact of placing communication at the heart of all efforts to support children and young people’s mental health.
Working with Children on the Streets of Brazil: Politics and Practice
by Walter de OliveiraReaffirm your political and spiritual commitment to helping the poor and oppressed!How can teachers and social workers reach the endangered kids who seldom come to school? By going to the streets, where the children live, work, fight, steal, get sick, sell their bodies, and all too often die. Working with Children on the Streets of Brazil is an in-depth study of Brazil's homeless children and the street youthworkers who offer them food, clothing, beds, hope, medical attention, education, and simple respect.The street children of Brazil live in unimaginable poverty and squalor, stealing jewelry or selling their bodies to survive, wandering homeless and untaught, pursued by death squads who clean up the streets by washing them with blood. Yet the street youthworkers interviewed in this moving, powerful book--some inspired by the Catholic Church's Liberation Theology movement, some employed by the government or private agencies--continue their efforts to help and heal these children, often with remarkable success. Their work is widely respected, and their unique viewpoint on serving throwaway children can offer creative solutions for social service workers around the globe.Many of the issues discussed in Working with Children on the Streets of Brazil will be painfully familiar to social service workers everywhere, including: the problems of how to identify, classify, and count the children of the streets the reasons children leave or lose their homes the implications of policy decisions and socioeconomic forces on the children's lives the clash between law-and-order advocates and social service professionals the negative effects of deinstitutionalization and overcrowded youth homes the tragic societal consequences of the widening gap between rich and poor the problems of youth crime and violence the difficulties in delivering education, health care, and basic services for homeless childrenThis impressive book offers a detailed history of the development of street social education; a study of the aims, methods, and experiences of youthworkers; and solid advice on using the principles and practices of street social education to reach the at-risk youth of any country, including the United States. Working with Children on the Streets of Brazil is both a scholarly work on the phenomenon of homeless children and a rousing call to action that will remind you of the reasons you chose to work in social services.
Working with Children to Heal Interpersonal Trauma
by Eliana GilFeaturing in-depth case presentations from master clinicians, this volume highlights the remarkable capacity of traumatized children to guide their own healing process. The book describes what posttraumatic play looks like and how it can foster resilience and coping. Demonstrated are applications of play, art, and other expressive therapies with children who have faced such overwhelming experiences as sexual abuse or chronic neglect. The contributors discuss ways to facilitate forms of expression that promote mastery and growth, as well as how to intervene when play becomes stuck in destructive patterns. They share effective strategies for engaging hard-to-reach children and building trusting therapeutic relationships.
Working with Children with Sexual Behavior Problems
by Jennifer A. Shaw Eliana GilBased on extensive clinical experience, this book provides authoritative guidance and practical tools in a challenging area for child mental health professionals. The authors explain the many possible causes of problem sexual behaviors and demonstrate assessment and treatment procedures that have been shown to work with 4- to 11-year-olds and their families. Four chapter-length case examples illustrate how to integrate elements of cognitive-behavioral therapy, play and expressive therapies, and family-based approaches. Helpful reproducible worksheets and forms can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
Working with Communication and Swallowing Difficulties in Older Adults (Working With)
by Rebecca AllwoodThis accessible resource offers valuable guidance for all student and practising speech and language therapists (SLTs)who are working with older people with communication and swallowing difficulties. Chapters provide up-to-date theory on age-related changes alongside practical strategies for clinicians to use in their daily work, from help with mental capacity decisions to supporting older people with good palliative care. Promoting a holistic approach for ageing well, this resource dispels myths that surround the ageing process while detailing the normal physiological and psychological effects of ageing on communication and swallowing, as well as diseases and conditions associated with older age, such as frailty. Illustrated throughout with clinical case studies and helpful photocopiable resources to use in practice, this book is a key part of the tool kit for any speech and language therapist working with older adults.
Working with Dangerous People: The Psychotherapy of Violence
by Jones David‘This book, written by people with an intimate knowledge of prisons and dangerous prisoners and their mental health and welfare, offers something of an antidote to the simply coercive and repressive. In the words of the editor, it offers ‘a humane approach to working with dangerous people… It should be a basic tenet of psychological work with clients that we are prepared and able to be in sympathy with them, to have some understanding of their despair’. This volume offers a contribution to ways of thinking about dangerous people and their behavior and working with them constructively, respectfully and possibly redemptive. I sincerely hope that this book will be read by all those concerned with offenders in whatever capacity, from clinicians to politicians, from policy makers to managers. It will well reward their interest and attention.’ Christopher Cordess, Psychoanalyst and Emeritus Professor of Forensic Psychiatry University of Sheffield
Working with Data in Public Health: A Practical Pathway with R
by Peng ZhaoThis book provides a complete practical guide of processing data in public health with R language. On the basis of the author’s research and teaching experiences, this book serves either as a textbook for undergraduates and graduates in public health or as a tutorial for self-learning. Many first-hand examples are presented with source data, R scripts, and graphs, as well as detailed explanations, which could be easily reproduced by readers so as to better understand the data processing principles and procedures. Popular and novel R packages in public health are introduced as well.
Working with Death and Loss in Shiatsu Practice: A Guide to Holistic Bodywork in Palliative Care
by Tamsin GraingerThis book considers death and loss within Chinese Medicine and related Taoist models, and offers practical advice and techniques, effective recommendations and appropriate exercises for those working in palliative care, with grieving, frail or dying clients.Grainger examines the different ways that practitioners might encounter death and loss - including working in end-of-life care, with those facing terminal illness, affected by bereavement, suicide or miscarriage - in the context of different ages, religious and cultural backgrounds, and offers a model for teaching.Working with Death and Loss in Shiatsu Practice is the go-to text for practitioners wishing to improve their expertise and confidence when working with people at a vulnerable time in a respectful, open-hearted and compassionate manner.
Working with Dysfluent Children: Practical Approaches to Assessment and Therapy (Working With Series)
by Trudy Stewart Jackie TurnbullThis extensively revised edition is now an up-to-date clinical text, with ideas on relating theory to current practice. It is an invaluable resource for those working with children who are dysfluent, containing revised chapters on all stages of dysfluency and practical ideas and suggestions for therapeutic approaches. Areas covered include: development of stammering; assessment of children who are dysfluent; early dysluency; borderline stammering; confirmed stammering; group therapy; and working with nurseries and schools.
Working with Dysphagia (Working With)
by Lizzy Marks Deirdre RainbowThis practical text is indispensable to all clinicians working with dysphagia and is suitable for those involved in a range of settings and with a diversity of client groups. With its perspective on everyday working practice, "Working with Dysphagia" fills a gap in an area where practical and workable material is much sought after. This book is a useful resource for all therapists, ranging from students to specialist, as the practical assessment approach and comprehensive management strategies are supported throughout with references of recent relevant research.
Working With Earth Energies: How to tap into the healing powers of the natural world
by David FurlongWorking with Earth Energies is the new book from leading healer and spiritual teacher, David Furlong, which tells you how to reconnect with the Earth and nature. He will teach you how to connect not only with plants and trees, but with sacred sites whilst feeling the love and energy of the Earth itself. Through basic exercises and instructions, you will learn: How to communicate with the spirits of natureHow to balance the energy of your home and environmentHow to clear the energy of a place after a traumatic eventHow to release ghosts and lost soulsHow to protect yourself and reverse spells and ritualsHow to set up your own Earth healing group