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Working with Emotion in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
by Nathan C. Thoma Dean MckayWorking actively with emotion has been empirically shown to be of central importance in psychotherapy, yet has been underemphasized in much of the writing on cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). This state-of-the-art volume brings together leading authorities to describe ways to work with emotion to enrich therapy and achieve more robust outcomes that go beyond symptom reduction. Highlighting experiential techniques that are grounded in evidence, the book demonstrates clinical applications with vivid case material. Coverage includes mindfulness- and acceptance-based strategies, compassion-focused techniques, new variations on exposure-based interventions, the use of imagery to rework underlying schemas, and methods for addressing emotional aspects of the therapeutic relationship.
Working with Ethnic Minorities and Across Cultures in Western Child Protection Systems (Contemporary Social Work Studies)
by Pooja SawrikarMulticulturalism in Western countries continues to grow, but responsiveness to it with culturally sensitive research, policy and practice has been slower to develop. This lag could be accused of enabling institutional racism – that is, culturally insensitive practices and policies can cause or perpetuate harm to non-mainstream children and families, the very thing that child protection systems are set up to address. Thus, it is critical that the field has a resource that clearly and comprehensively outlines the characteristics of cultural competency in the child protection system when working with ethnic minorities and across both mainstream and non-mainstream cultures, so as to equally protect the safety of all children.Unlike previous research, this book addresses discrete and relevant practice issues - how to work effectively with interpreters, whether or not to match caseworkers and clients based on ethnic background and what to consider when making plans for children in the out-of-home-care (OOHC) system - with best practice guidelines. This book will be required reading for all social work students, academics and practitioners whose work engages with issues of cultural competency.
Working with Excluded Populations in HIV: Hard To Reach Or Out Of Sight? (Social Aspects Of Hiv Ser. #8)
by Carmen LogieThis book, written decades into the HIV epidemic, reflects critically on the idea that the socially excluded populations often focused on in HIV research are in fact difficult to access and reach. The author broadly applies the concept ‘hard to reach’ to characterize populations that researchers find difficult to engage with. Social factors that produce marginalization and ultimately result in people choosing not to engage in research are not captured by the concept of ‘hard to reach’. Limited attention has focused on how researchers can address the social factors that result in decisions to not engage in research. Disrupting the ways in which people are conceptualized as ‘hard to reach’ so as to refocus on transforming social systems and personal values, beliefs and approaches is understudied. This book uses case examples based on HIV research with Indigenous youth, internally displaced women, LGBTQ communities in the Global North and Global South, and persons at the intersection of these identities, to identify successful approaches to working with marginalized and often vulnerable communities and groups. The chapters signal the need for attention to five key social factors when developing successful approaches: context and storytelling; cultural humility; critical hope; imagination and possibility; and love, intimate inquiry, and the beloved community, if nations, individuals and communities are to address the epidemic in a sustainable and impactful way.
Working with Families of Psychiatric Inpatients: A Guide for Clinicians
by Alison M. Heru Laura M. DruryWorking with the families of inpatients is one of the most important—and most challenging—aspects of practicing clinical psychiatry. Clinicians are responsible not only for the well-being of their patients but also for the education and guidance of the patient’s family. In this book, Alison M. Heru and Laura M. Drury offer a step-by-step guide to developing the skills needed to work successfully with patients’ families. Research data, outlined in the opening chapters, demonstrate just how essential families and evidence-based family treatment are to effective patient care. Succeeding chapters use clinical case studies to illustrate the skills necessary for the assessment and treatment of the family. Psychiatric residents will enhance their knowledge of the family as a part of the patient’s social context and learn how to conduct a family meeting, common mistakes to avoid, and when to refer the family for other assistance. The authors also describe specific strategies for intervening with difficult families and for overcoming some of the fears and anxieties common among residents when they interact with patients’ families.The authors provide valuable insights into the perspectives of families and patients and offer practical suggestions for risk management after the patient is discharged from inpatient care. Keyed to the requirements articulated by the American College of Graduate Medical Education, this handbook is a tool no psychiatric resident can do without.
Working with Families of the Poor, Second Edition
by Patricia Minuchin Jorge Colapinto Salvador MinuchinNow in a substantially revised second edition, this widely adopted text and practical guidebook presents the fundamentals of family-based intervention with clients struggling with chronic poverty-related crises and life stressors. Grounded in Salvador Minuchin's influential systemic model and the extensive experience of all three highly regarded authors, the book illustrates innovative ways for professionals within substance abuse, foster care, and mental health contexts to build collaboration with families and other helpers, and to elicit families' strengths. The second edition features many new case examples and includes discussions of exemplary programs. It also gives increased attention to key factors that make agencies effective and enable them to maintain a family focus over time.
Working with Families of Young Children with Special Needs
by R. McwilliamThis user-friendly book presents research-based best practices for serving families of children with special needs from birth to age 6. Expert contributors demonstrate how early intervention and early childhood special education can effectively address a wide range of family concerns, which in turn optimizes children's development and learning. Tightly edited, the volume offers indispensable tools for assessing families; identifying and capitalizing on their strengths; providing information, support, and coaching; collaborating with parents and teachers to address children's functional needs in the context of everyday routines; and coordinating care. Over a dozen reproducible checklists and forms help professionals immediately implement the techniques and strategies described.
Working with Family Carers (Early Intervention, Prevention and Support)
by null Valerie GantCare-giving transcends race, gender and age and most people will be a care giver or receiver (often both) at some point in their lives. This book explores the extent of caregiving in the UK and discusses its impact on individuals, groups and communities, as well as health and social care professionals. It covers ways of identifying carers and providing information and advice and, given the likelihood of practitioners themselves providing care, a discussion regarding maintaining resilience and the extent to which personal experiences guide and inform practitioners response to work with carers is included. Exercises allow the reader to explore ways practitioners can engage with and support carers. The recent legislative changes brought about by the Care Act 2014 is discussed, as well as relevant policies. Caregiving has the potential to transcend disciplines, so this text will appeal to students of a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, and across the professional arena including social work, nursing, occupational and physiotherapy.The author is donating her royalties on this book to Carers UK and Carers Trust.
Working with Fathers
by John Chisholm Nigel Duncan Nerys WilliamsSelf-help organizations have an increasingly important role in helping patients, so that doctors can concentrate on those who need their medical skills. This guide details the service provided by each self-help organization, and is designed so that local information can be added by the user. It is a valuable source of reference to GPs, practice managers, practice and community nurses, community health councils and health service managers.
Working with Global Aphasia: Theory and Practice (Working With)
by Sharon Adjei-NicolGlobal aphasia is the most severe and disabling form of aphasia, yet it has had the least attention within aphasia research and rehabilitation. This practical book provides the reader with a comprehensive understanding of the topic based on both clinical observations and the literature to date. Uniquely, it covers not only the severe language impairments observed in global aphasia but also the co-occurring cognitive impairments that often present an additional challenge when working with this population. This book offers: • A comprehensive understanding of the clinical characteristics of global aphasia illustrated with real case examples • A theoretical overview of the domains of cognition and discussion of the role cognitive deficits play in the clinical presentation of people with global aphasia • Critical analysis of the research evidence on global aphasia • An exploration into the strengths and limitations of common methods used to assess language, cognition, and functional communication in global aphasia • New ways of approaching assessment and treatment which consider the impact of cognitive difficulties • Detailed suggestions of direct and indirect treatment tasks and approaches that can be used with this population, including novel cognitive tasks. This accessible text will provide both experienced speech and language therapists and students new to the subject with the knowledge, skills, and tools to work effectively with people with global aphasia in a range of clinical settings. It will also be an essential resource for anyone considering research with this challenging but highly rewarding population.
Working with High-Risk Adolescents: An Individualized Family Therapy Approach
by Matthew D. Selekman Harlene AndersonThis innovative book focuses on helping high-risk adolescents and their families rapidly resolve long-standing difficulties. Matthew D. Selekman spells out a range of solution-focused strategies and other techniques, illustrating their implementation with vivid case examples. His approach augments individual and family sessions with collaborative meetings that enlist the strengths of the adolescent's social network and key helping professionals from larger systems. User-friendly features include checklists, sample questions to aid in relationship building and goal setting, and reproducible forms that can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. Blending family therapy science with therapeutic artistry, the book significantly refines and updates the approach originally presented in Selekman's Pathways to Change.
Working with Interpreters in Mental Health
by Rachel Tribe Hitesh RavalWhy are interpreters an important part of modern healthcare provision?In today's society, there is an increasing need for mental health professionals to work with interpreters, yet coverage of this subject in the existing literature is scarce. Working with Interpreters in Mental Health gives an insight into the issues and problems of professionals working with interpreters in the mental health field.Informed by theoretical, research and practice considerations, Working with Interpreters in Mental Health helps practitioners to develop better ways of helping service users who need an interpreter. Combining contributions from a number of different disciplines, this book discusses:* interpreters in medical consultations* issues of language provision in health care services* the application of theoretical frameworks to the work with interpreters* the work of interpreters in a variety of practical settings.Whilst the focus the placed within a mental health context, many of the issues raised apply equally to other context where interpreters are needed. This book will be invaluable for practitioners of psychology, psychiatry, social work and other health professionals.
Working with Loss and Grief: A Theoretical and Practical Approach
by Linda MachinThis updated second edition of Working with Loss and Grief provides a model for practitioners working with those who are grieving a significant life loss. Making clear connections between theory and practice, the 'Range of Response to Loss' model provides a theoretical 'compass' for recognising the wide variability in reaction to loss and the 'Adult Attitude to Grief' scale is a tool for 'mapping' individual grief and its change over time, providing an individual grief profile. Together these offer a framework for practitioners to: -listen to stories of grief told by clients -identify common patterns in grief -recognize individual difference in grief response -make assessments -prompt therapeutic dialogue -guide therapeutic focus and -evaluate outcomes. This edition includes: a new chapter on 'The RRL Model and a Pluralistic Approach to Counselling' ; two new case studies; additional content on vulnerability; new grief assessment tools and systems, and the latest research. Dr Linda Machin is Honorary Research Fellow at Keele University, having been a Lecturer in Social Work and Counselling at Keele. She established a counselling service for the bereaved in North Staffordshire and continues to work as a researcher and freelance trainer.
Working with MEG (Practical Guides to Neuroimaging)
by Gavin PerryWorking with MEG provides an accessible, user-friendly guide to using magnetoencephalography (MEG) in neuroscience research. In this novel guide, Gavin Perry delves into the practical aspects of designing, running and analysing MEG studies – which have traditionally been transferred informally by lab support or word of mouth from more experienced researchers, a difficult and time-consuming task. This user-friendly guide provides those starting out in MEG research with these basics, giving them an understanding of concepts and terminology, guidance on using equipment, as well as an overview of the strengths and limitations of the technique. The book is packed with example figures and contains a glossary of key terms. Chapters in this book cover topics such as the physiological origins of the brain’s magnetic field, MEG instrumentation and how it can be used to measure brain activity, the process of collecting MEG data and how to design experimental paradigms for use with MEG. It also examines the fundamentals of MEG data analysis, including analysis in the time, frequency, and time–frequency domains; performing analysis of the sources of the MEG signals within the brain; and using statistical methods to perform hypothesis testing on MEG data, as well as examples of some of the most commonly used applications of MEG. Designed to be a practical guide for those new to the use of MEG as a research tool, this book will be essential reading for undergraduate, postgraduate and early career researchers looking for an introduction to MEG.
Working with Men: Feminism and Social Work (The\state Of Welfare Ser.)
by Kate Cavanagh Viviene E CreeOne of feminism's key contributions to improving social work practice has been to expose the gender-blindness which has characterized social work policy and literature. Working with Men extends and diversifies this contribution by presenting a controversial collection of essays written by feminists about men. In what has been a previously unexplored area of social work, the contributors to Working with Men, feminist academics, researchers and practitioners, explore the issue of feminist practice with men highlighting the dilemmas which they have encountered in undertaking this work. They contend that for too long feminists have ignored the issue of direct work with men. The argument that men must take responsibility for their own reconstruction they assert is no longer sustainable: feminists must generate their own discourse about the nature of men and masculinity derived from their own experience of critically engaging with and challenging men. The contributors conclude that direct work with men is a legitimate feminist activity; that it is one important strand of a broader strategy whose ultimate goal is the empowerment of women. This book will be valuable reading for all students of social work and applied social science as well as social work practitioners and managers.
Working with Odoo
by Greg MossLearn how to use Odoo, a resourceful, open source business application platform designed to transform and modernize your business About This Book * Configure, manage, and customize Odoo to fit the needs of your business * Learn about the new Odoo 8 website builder and e-commerce features that are seamlessly integrated with Odoo's business applications * Perform step-by-step configurations of the most important Odoo applications using real-world examples Who This Book Is For This book is perfect for people who have never used Odoo and for those who would like to learn about more advanced features such as creating your own custom modules. In order to get the most out of this book, you should be comfortable with downloading and installing software and understand basic business concepts such as sales, purchasing, inventory management, and basic accounting. What You Will Learn * Configure a functioning customer relationship management system * Set up a purchasing and receiving system for your company that allows you to track inventory, costs, and profit * Implement manufacturing operations and processes using real-world examples that you can put to use in your own company * Discover the capabilities of Odoo's financial accounting and reporting features * Integrate powerful human resource applications that simplify the collection and management of employee information * Utilize Odoo's full featured project management application to organize tasks and track time and costs associated with billable projects * Customize Odoo without writing a line a code In Detail Odoo continues to gain momentum throughout the world in regards to providing the best platform for open source ERP installations. Now with Odoo 8, you have access to a powerful website builder, integrated e-commerce features, and a fast-growing community to help transform and modernize your business. With this practical guide, you will cover the essential modules to get Odoo up and running for your company. After installing Odoo, you will use its sales management application to enter quotes, create sales orders, and invoice customers. You will then learn how to integrate the CRM application to manage your leads and convert them into lucrative opportunities and sales. Next, you will set up your own purchase management system, assigning products to suppliers and tracking orders with the new warehouse management and routing system. Finally, you will learn how to use analytics to track project expenses and keep your accounts simple and easy to maintain and build an Odoo module to extend its functionality and make it work for you. Working with Odoo covers all the core installation and usage functionalities of this popular tool, helping you to fully implement a working ERP system through practical, advanced, real-world examples. Style and approach This book is a practical guide that uses real-world examples to teach you how to implement Odoo into your business.
Working with Older People (The Social Work Skills Series)
by John Harris Denise TannerWorking with older people has become an increasingly important part of social work education and practice. Whether studying community care, adult services, human growth and development, or social work processes and interventions, this book will be a vital source of information and help. Working with Older People provides a framework of knowledge, skills and values pertinent to qualifying social work courses and the new post-qualifying award in Social Work with Adults, including discussion of: ideas about human development and theories of older age legislation, social policy and social welfare skills for working with older people assessment and care planning partnership working. Written by two experienced educators and practitioners, this key text facilitates individual or group learning through features such as objectives for each chapter, case studies and further reading suggestions. There are numerous activities throughout the book and the final chapter contains pointers to consider for all of the activities. It will be essential reading for social work students and qualified social workers.
Working with Parents of a Newly Diagnosed Child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder
by Sylvia Rodger Deb Keenxx
Working with Refugee Families: Trauma and Exile in Family Relationships
by Lucia De Haene Cécile RousseauThe field of refugee family research and intervention forms a growing field of scientific study, focussing on the refugee family as the central niche of coping with, and giving meaning to, trauma, cultural uprooting, and exile. This important new book develops an understanding of the role of refugee family relationships in post-trauma healing and provides an in-depth analysis of central clinical-therapeutic themes in refugee family psychosocial interventions. Expert contributions from across transcultural psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy and social work have provided chapters on post-trauma reconstruction in refugee family relationships, trauma care for refugee families, and intersectorial psychosocial interventions with refugee families. This exploration of refugee family systems in both research and clinical practice aims to promote a systemic perspective in health and social services working with families in refugee mental health care.
Working with Solution Focused Brief Therapy in Healthcare Settings: A Practical Guide (Working With)
by Kidge Burns Sarah NorthcottSolution focused brief therapy is an evidence-based approach that enables people to make meaningful change in their everyday lives. This book shares ideas on how speech and language therapists and others working in medical settings can integrate SFBT into their therapeutic interactions to support clients handling acute or chronic health conditions. It outlines core aspects of the approach in an accessible format, bridging the gap between theory and practice, and provides guidance on adapting SFBT for clients living with communication disabilities. There are suggestions for different clinical situations, with real-life case examples drawn from working with people living with Parkinson’s disease, stroke, motor neurone disease, cancer and chronic pain. Combining practical advice with photocopiable resources, this book covers: • Establishing person-centred, holistic goals for therapy • Future focused descriptions • Building on a person’s resources and successes • Responding to distress • Supervision and support This accessible book can be read as an introductory text for those new to this approach and will also be invaluable to clinicians who have already received some training in SFBT. It is likely to become a trusted resource, supporting allied health professionals and others to ensure their therapy is grounded in client priorities.
Working with Spiritual Struggles in Psychotherapy: From Research to Practice
by Kenneth I. Pargament Julie J. ExlineDoes my life have any deeper meaning? Does God really care about me? How can I find and follow my moral compass? What do I do when my faith is shaken to the core? Spiritual trials, doubts, or conflicts are often intertwined with mental health concerns, yet many psychotherapists feel ill equipped to discuss questions of faith. From pioneers in the psychology of religion and spirituality, this book combines state-of-the-art research, clinical insights, and vivid case illustrations. It guides clinicians to understand spiritual struggles as critical crossroads in life that can lead to brokenness and decline--or to greater wholeness and growth. Clinicians learn sensitive, culturally responsive ways to assess different types of spiritual struggles and help clients use them as springboards to change.
Working with Stem Cells
by Henning Ulrich Priscilla Davidson NegraesThe content covered encompass not only the theoretic and methodological aspects for culturing human pluripotent stem cells, but also the establishment of induced pluripotent stem cells and their differentiation into specific cellular subtypes. This book has the most updated methods and technologies in an accessible and clear language, presenting protocols developed and optimized by researchers that use them every day. Stem cell research is a growing field that offers the potential to comprehend mechanisms of neural development and tissue regeneration and maintenance as well as the development-related human diseases and the establishment of novel therapies. Questions of basic biology can also be exploited by this cutting-edge approach.
Working with Substance Misusers: A Guide to Theory and Practice
by Trudi PetersenWorking with Substance Misusers is a practical handbook for students and those who work with people who misuse drugs or alcohol. Written by experienced teachers and clinicians, the book introduces:* the substances themselves* theories relevant to substance use and misuse* the skills necessary to work with this client group* the broad range of approaches to treatment* particular problems of specific groups.The reader is encouraged to read and reflect on the material in relation to their own practice. To help this process, each topic has an identified set of learning objectives. Activities designed to reinforce learning include discussion points, case studies, role plays and group exercises.Working with Substance Misusers makes clear the connection of theory to practice and encourages a skills-based, but reflective, approach to work in this complex field. Cutting across professional boundaries, it provides both new and more experienced practitioners with a key text.
Working with Transgender Young People and their Families: A Critical Developmental Approach (Critical and Applied Approaches in Sexuality, Gender and Identity)
by Damien W. RiggsWorking with Transgender Young People and their Families advocates a critical developmental approach aimed at countering the cisgenderism that can be perceived in previous developmental literature on gender. It clears a path to understanding gender development for transgender young people by providing a detailed account that spans early childhood through to late adolescence. In doing so, it demonstrates how clinicians can work more effectively with parents and other family members in order to affirm transgender young people. By outlining a GENDER mnemonic created by the author, the book provides worked through examples of case materials that highlight the benefits of a critical developmental approach. Offering unique insights and practical guidance, it provides a cutting-edge resource for clinicians and researchers, as well as for families and other professionals seeking to understand and work affirmingly with transgender young people.
Working with Voice Disorders: Theory and Practice (Working With Series)
by Stephanie MartinAn essential resource for clinicians of varying levels of experience from student to very specializer, "Working with Voice Disorders" provides practical insight and direction into all aspects of voice disorders from assessment and diagnosis to intervention and case management. This second edition retains the successful format of mixing theory and practice, a melding of scientific knowledge with clinical art, which was such a feature of the first edition. In recognition of changes in practice and theory over the past decade, it contains a wealth of new, up-to-date, evidence based material. This blends with a practical approach to clinical efficiencies and management of the voice service. The second edition of "Working with Voice Disorders" provides a sound theoretical framework to this specialism and also offers a rich variety of tried and tested, practical and photocopiable resource material, which is the result of the authors' wide experience, accumulated over several decades in the field of voice therapy. The multi-dimensional structure of the manual allows the clinician to look, not only at specific aspects of patient management, but also at aspects such as clinical effectiveness, clinical efficiencies and service management. The authors' aim is that this resource should provide clinicians with a pragmatic, patient-centred, easy to use and accessible resource, facilitating and informing decision-making along the clinical journey from referral to discharge. The contents of this title include: Anatomy overview; The Spectrum of Voice Disorders; The Case History; Assessment; Treatment Strategies; Management Strategies; Service Provision; Over 50 pages of practical, photocopiable exercises. Photocopiable Appendices: Voice Care Advice; Voice Disorders Summary Chart; Voice Assessment Sheet; Voice Record Sheet; and, Voice Diary.
Working with Voice Disorders: Theory and Practice (Working With)
by Stephanie MartinNow in a fully revised and updated third edition, Working with Voice Disorders offers practical insight and direction into all aspects of voice disorders, from assessment and diagnosis to intervention and case management. Using evidence-based material, it provides clinicians with pragmatic, accessible support, facilitating and informing decision-making along the clinical journey, from referral to discharge. Key features of this resource include: A wealth of new, up-to-date practical and theoretical information, covering topics such as the prevention, assessment, intervention and treatment of a wide spectrum of voice disorders. A multi-dimensional structure, allowing the clinician to consider both specific aspects of patient management and aspects such as clinical effectiveness, clinical efficiencies and service management. Photocopiable clinical resources, from an at-a-glance summary of voice disorders to treatment and assessment protocols, and practical exercises and advice sheets for patients. Sample programmes for voice information groups and teacher workshops. Checklists for patients on topics such as the environmental and acoustic challenges of the workplace. Self-assessed personalised voice review sheets and weekly voice diaries encourage patients to monitor their voice quality and utilise strategies to prevent vocal misuse. Combining the successful format of mixing theory and practice, this edition offers a patient-centred approach to voice disorders in a fully accessible and easy-to-read format and addresses the challenges of service provision in a changing world. This is an essential resource for speech and language therapists of varying levels of experience, from student to specialist.