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Working with Vulnerable Populations: A Multicultural Perspective
by Susana Castaños-Cervantes Angélica Ojeda García Cristina L. Reitz-KruegerThis book explores vulnerability in many forms and among diverse understudied vulnerable populations worldwide from different perspectives, particularly from non-western contexts. It examines characteristics and profiles of vulnerable populations, intervention strategies, and recommendations for public policy actions in developing and emerging countries. As the world becomes increasingly connected and localities become more diverse, researchers and practitioners working to ameliorate human suffering cannot rely on one-size-fits-all solutions, especially when it comes to the most vulnerable members of society. The book argues the need for interdisciplinary research and action, and it challenges popular discourse on vulnerable groups and intervention strategies in Western societies and developed countries. In particular, it includes a Latin American perspective seldom considered in research about vulnerability worldwide. With interdisciplinary contributors from four continents, working in diverse fields such as social psychology, pedagogy, community psychology, medicine, sociology, clinical psychology, anthropology, and social work, this edited collection brings together theoretical and applied research evidence on three vulnerable population categories: physical vulnerability, psychological vulnerability, and social vulnerability. The book not only presents exhaustive solutions to any of the problems discussed therein, but it also offers examples of the considerations that should be afforded when working with groups who have unique vulnerabilities. Among the topics covered in the chapters: Poor Doctor-Patient Communication: How Social Vulnerability Turns into Physical Vulnerability Art Therapy: Focus to Decrease Vulnerability Condition and Increase Sense of Community Pedagogical Guidelines for Vulnerability in Postmodernity Working with Vulnerable Populations: Final Reflections and Implications Working with Vulnerable Populations: A Multicultural Perspective presents case studies, original research, and literature reviews that would engage students and professionals interested in social work, psychology, community organizing, public health, allied health professions, and other helping professions. Readers will gain insight into how work being conducted in various localities speaks to the challenges they may face in their own work or research. By exploring the unique issues facing vulnerable populations around the globe, we can apply those same considerations in our own communities.
Working with Women and AIDS: Medical, Social and Counselling Issues
by Judy Bury Val Morrison Sheena McLachlanWomen now account for one third of the ten million people with HIV infection worldwide. Yet until very recently most services were geared towards men, and doctors and other professionals were often unprepared for the particular issues that women would raise. Working with Women and AIDS provides a unique and readable combination of up-to-date medical information, a discussion of social issues, personal accounts and practical advice about ways of working with women affected by HIV and AIDS. Written by people working in the field, the book explores issues such as contraception, pregnancy and prostitution, which are of central concern to those involved in the care of the increasing number of women affected by HIV infection and AIDS.
Workout mit Baby: Was gut tut und fit hält
by Josef Kessler Constanze Bast-Kessler Jana KriegerFit nach der Geburt und ein zufriedenes Baby - das wünschen sich Mütter, Väter und Großeltern. Keine Zeit für das Fitnessstudio, keine Geräte zuhause? Das Kind will geknuddelt, bewegt oder beruhigt werden? Lassen Sie sich ein auf Übungen, mit denen Sie selbst mobil und stark bleiben und die Sie zusammen mit dem Baby ganz einfach durchführen können.Das Buch bietet mithilfe von Illustrationen Anleitungen für kurze Trainingseinheiten, die Sie spielerisch in den Alltag einstreuen können. Inklusive Aufwärmübungen, Muskeltraining und Dehnungen. Nebenbei erklären der Neuropsychologe und die Psychologin, wie sich das Kind nach der Geburt geistig und körperlich entwickelt und wie Sie fit bleiben, gemeinsam mit dem Baby viel Spaß haben und gleichzeitig dessen Motorik und Sinne ansprechen.
Workplace-Based Assessments in Psychiatric Training
by Dinesh Bhugra Amit MalikIn psychiatry, as in many other medical disciplines, training is shifting from an emphasis on testing factual knowledge towards a system based on continuing assessment and the acquisition of practical skills and competencies. Workplace Based Assessments in Psychiatric Training describes current approaches to these new assessment systems around the world, provides practical advice regarding their implementation and makes recommendations for future developments. The book opens with an overview and analysis of methods of workplace based assessments, followed by a review of the trainee assessment from the patient perspective. Chapters contain in-depth, detailed discussion of recent developments in Canada, Denmark, India, the UK and the USA. The book reviews both technical developments in assessment tools and techniques and the socio-political context within which these have taken place. With a practical focus and unique global perspective, this is a 'must buy' for anyone responsible for the supervision of psychiatric trainees.
Workplace Clinics and Employer Managed Healthcare: A Catalyst for Cost Savings and Improved Productivity
by A. Michael LaPennaWorkplace Clinics and Employer Managed Healthcare: A Catalyst for Cost Savings and Improved Productivity is not another diatribe on the national healthcare problem. Instead, it is a book about what is possible. Mike LaPenna shares with readers the actual experiences of those self-funded employers who are moving healthcare access on-site and directl
Workplace Concepts for Athletic Trainers
by William Pitney Stephanie MazerolleAthletic trainers often find themselves immersed in organizations that can critically influence the way in which they fulfill their professional obligations. The workplace can offer many situations that are challenging, particularly for those athletic trainers who are transitioning into clinical practice.With that in mind, Workplace Concepts for Athletic Trainers provides readers with clear and meaningful information that addresses common concepts and issues that occur in the workplace. The topics selected are a reflection of those covered in the literature as problematic yet identifiable and manageable. Each chapter begins with learning objectives and includes a discussion of the issue itself, how it manifests (sources and antecedents), and strategies and solutions to address the concern.Inside Workplace Concepts for Athletic Trainers, Drs. Stephanie M. Mazerolle and William A. Pitney have infused each chapter with case studies to help readers apply the information presented. The conclusion of each chapter contains a summary, questions for review, and suggested readings to reinforce learning. The recommendations and information presented are designed to improve the workplace culture and climate and provide readers with practical suggestions for dealing with workplace issues.Included with the text are online supplemental materials for faculty use in the classroom.Workplace Concepts for Athletic Trainers is a must-have for any athletic training student transitioning into clinical practice or a clinician seeking help for common issues that occur in the workplace.
Workplace Conditions (Elements of Improving Quality and Safety in Healthcare)
by Jill Maben Jane Ball Amy C. EdmondsonThis Element reviews the evidence for three workplace conditions that matter for improving quality and safety in healthcare: staffing; psychological safety, teamwork, and speaking up; and staff health and well-being at work. The authors propose that these are environmental prerequisites for improvement. They examine the relationship between staff numbers and skills in delivering care and the attainment of quality of care and the ability to improve it. They present evidence for the importance of psychological safety, teamwork, and speaking up, noting that these are interrelated and critical for healthcare improvement. They present evidence of associations between staff well-being at work and patient outcomes. Finally, they suggest healthcare improvement should be embedded into the day-to-day work of frontline staff; adequate time and resources must be provided, with quality as the mainstay of professionals' work. Every day at every level, the working context must support the question 'how could we do this better?' This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.
Workplace Counselling in the NHS: Person-Centred Dialogues (Living Therapies Series)
by Richard Bryant-JefferiesThis book has been written specifically to meet the needs of counsellors and trainers working with the National Health Service. It will also provide useful insights for doctors, nurses, and managers within the healthcare sector. The book covers topics such as, difference and diversity, colour, language barriers, oppressed nurses, stressed managers, changes in the NHS, exhaustion and late cancellations. Adopting the unique approach of the Living Therapy series, this book uses fictitious dialogues to enable the reader to directly experience the therapeutic process, providing real insight into the experience of workplace counselling in the NHS and also in other work settings.
Workplace Health Promotion Programs: Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation
by Carl I. FertmanShine a spotlight on the benefits of promoting health in the workplace Workplace Health Promotion Programs focuses on the incredible value that employee health programs can offer by exploring six key topics: behavioral health, physical health, healthy environments, health education, nutritional health, and physical activity. This in-depth resource explicitly establishes what successful workplace health promotion programs, services, and collaborations are, and then builds upon this foundational understanding by introducing methods and tools for promoting employee health and safety, while emphasizing the skills students need to do so. Through this resource, students will come to understand how to recognize employee health and safety opportunities, and how to think on a larger scale when it comes to workplace health initiatives in small, midsized, and larger employers that are comprehensive and fiscally sound. Workplace health promotion programs have the potential to both improve the health of the population as a whole and control healthcare spending in the process. Health problems are estimated to cost employers in the United States over $200 billion per year through medical costs, absenteeism, disability, and overall reduced productivity. Improving well-being through effective workplace health promotion programs can reduce this cost—and create healthier, happier workforces. Discover the design, implementation, and evaluation of workplace health promotion programs that address the range of employee health needs and concerns Understand how evidence-based programs can positively impact business and reduce health care cost Explore the larger scale implications of successful workplace health programs, including health policies, health insurance design, worker safety, employee behavior, etc. Learn how together employers and employees work to create a culture of health and well-being to support and promote employee health and safety Review the ways in which successful workplace health promotion programs can prove financially beneficial Workplace Health Promotion Programs is a resource that guides students and professionals alike in the discovery, development, and execution of successful employee health initiatives.
Workplace Mental Health Law: Comparative Perspectives (Routledge Research in Health Law)
by Takenori MishibaThis book provides a systematic and interdisciplinary study of occupational mental health legislation in seven countries. The work presents a study of the laws, policies, and legal interpretations to help prevent mental health problems from occurring in the workplace and appropriately address problems once they do occur. With a view to improving provision in Japan, the author examines the legal issues relating to workplace mental health and stress in the USA, UK, Denmark, the Netherlands, France and Germany. In presenting a comparative discussion of mental health issues in the workplace, this book seeks to establish a minimum for legal rights and duties that contribute to prevention and not just compensation. With its detailed comparative and descriptive coverage of legal and related provisions in a range of countries, the book will be a valuable resource for academics, policy-makers and practitioners working in labour and employment law, social welfare, occupational health and human resource management.
Workplace Wellness: A Practical Guide to Supporting Healthcare Professionals
by Judy E. Davidson Marcus RichardsonThis book uniquely provides actionable strategies along the wellness continuum in multiple dimensions: personal, institutional and professional; while applicable across disciplines: nursing and allied health, advanced practice providers and physicians. Further, the content is presented in a manner that can be taught to those entering the workforce, or serve as a primer for Wellness Officers. Most mental health texts focus on the needs of patients and ignore the mental health needs of clinicians. This book fills that gap embracing wellness initiatives as a matter of mental health. Wellness strategies for Inclusion Diversity and Equity are presented. The often ignored subject of suicide is approached head-on with evidence-based strategies for prevention. At the far end of the continuum of wellness, grief management after losing a colleague to death and/or suicide will be addressed. Each chapter includes learning objectives, a brief presentation of the science, application of principles into wellness practice, opportunities for future research and discussion questions. Artwork created by healthcare workers are included to augment transfer of knowledge through art as a way of knowing. Videos are offered to demonstrate through simulation lessons taught through the book.
by Institute of Medicine of the National AcademiesA report on Disability in America
The World Anti-Doping Code: Fit for Purpose? (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society)
by Lovely DasguptaFollowing the recent doping scandals that have brought the highest echelons of international sport into disrepute, this book examines the elitism at the core of the World Anti-Doping Agency and considers how the current World Anti-Doping Code might be restructured. Analyzing the correlation between the commodification of sports and doping, and the role WADA plays in this context, it takes into consideration the perspectives of non-elite athletes as well as athletes from developing countries which have previously been excluded from the anti-doping discourse. It offers recommendations for improving the coordination and implementation of the World Anti-Doping Code and argues for the creation of a more inclusive anti-doping regime. This is an important resource for students of sports law, sports management and sports ethics, as well as vital reading for sports administrators, sports sociologists, sports policy makers, sports lawyers and arbitrators, as well as athletes themselves.
World Compendium of Healthcare Facilities and Nonprofit Organizations
by Ebby ElahiWorld Compendium of Healthcare Facilities and Nonprofit Organizations is the most comprehensive index of critical information on healthcare facilities and nonprofits in 72 low and lower-middle-income countries as classified by the World Bank. Presented in an easily accessible format and organized in 72 country chapters, the compendium allows stakeholders to better identify where healthcare services are available and where additional resources are needed.
The World Health Organization: A History (Global Health Histories)
by Marcos Cueto Theodore M. Brown Elizabeth FeeAccording to its Constitution, the mission of the World Health Organization (WHO) was nothing less than the 'attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health' without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic status, or social condition. But how consistently and how well has the WHO pursued this mission since 1946? This comprehensive and engaging new history explores these questions by looking at its origins and its institutional antecedents, while also considering its contemporary and future roles. It examines how the WHO was shaped by the particular environments of the postwar period and the Cold War, the relative influence of the US and other approaches to healthcare, and its place alongside sometimes competing international bodies such as UNICEF, the World Bank, and the Gates Foundation. The authors re-evaluate the relative success and failure of critical WHO campaigns, from early malaria and smallpox eradication programs to struggles with Ebola today.
The World Health Organization between north and south
by Nitsan ChorevSince 1948, the World Health Organization (WHO) has launched numerous programs aimed at improving health conditions around the globe, ranging from efforts to eradicate smallpox to education programs about the health risks of smoking. In setting global health priorities and carrying out initiatives, the WHO bureaucracy has faced the challenge of reconciling the preferences of a small minority of wealthy nations, who fund the organization, with the demands of poorer member countries, who hold the majority of votes. In The World Health Organization between North and South, Nitsan Chorev shows how the WHO bureaucracy has succeeded not only in avoiding having its agenda co-opted by either coalition of member states but also in reaching a consensus that fit the bureaucracy's own principles and interests.Chorev assesses the response of the WHO bureaucracy to member-state pressure in two particularly contentious moments: when during the 1970s and early 1980s developing countries forcefully called for a more equal international economic order, and when in the 1990s the United States and other wealthy countries demanded international organizations adopt neoliberal economic reforms. In analyzing these two periods, Chorev demonstrates how strategic maneuvering made it possible for a vulnerable bureaucracy to preserve a relatively autonomous agenda, promote a consistent set of values, and protect its interests in the face of challenges from developing and developed countries alike.
World Health Systems
by Xiaoming SunYour all-in-one companion for health personnel World Health Systems details different health systems, including their related health insurance and drug supply systems, in various parts of the world with both macro- and micro- perspectives. The book is arranged in five parts: the first part presents, from multidisciplinary perspectives, outlines of various health systems throughout the world, as well as current trends in the development and reform of world health systems. The second and third parts expound on the health systems in developed countries, discussing the government's role in the health service market and basic policies on medication administration and expenses, before analyzing the health systems of Britain, Canada, Australia, Sweden, Germany, France, Japan, Poland, USA, Singapore, Hongkong (China), and Taiwan (China). The fourth and fifth parts discuss health systems in less developed countries and areas, typically the BRICS and other countries in Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, Armenia, and Kyrghyzstan), Africa (Egypt, Morocco), Europe (Hungary, Czech Republic, and Bulgaria) and South America (Cuba, Chile, and Mexico), summarizing their past experiences, while making assessments of their current efforts to shed light on future developments. Details a variety of health systems throughout the world Compares their fundamental features and characteristics Discusses their respective strengths and shortcomings Provides insight from an author who holds multiple impressive titles in the health sector Public health professionals and academics alike will want to add World Health Systems to their library.
World Health Systems: Challenges and Perspectives, Second Edition (AUPHA/HAP Book)
by Bruce FriedNew in the fourth edition: An update on the changes to Medicare coverage, including adding means testing on optional coverage for beneficiaries A new discussion of the legislation the current administration would like to implement for universal healthcare coverage A new focus on the quality-of-care debate and pay-for-performance incentives New requirements for not-for-profit hospitals to report services provided in order to validate their tax status An update on managed care and how universal coverage could change payment and delivery Updated information on biomedical research and the debate on whether the United States will remain a leader on this effort A new discussion of the effects of the current economic downturn on healthcare An updated discussion on the status of the healthcare workforce and how nursing and possible physician shortages will affect our system A discussion on healthcare expenditures and the estimated 47 million people who are currently uninsured A master bibliography has been created and is now located at the back of the book Updated glossary and acronym list
The World I Made For Her
by Thomas MoranJames Blatchley breathes and eats through tubes, slipping in and out of a coma. Nuala is the Irish immigrant nurse who coaxes him toward survival. The odd synergy of their relationship is both his link to reality and his inspiration to fantasy. This is the hypnotic story of the world that grows in the silence between them. In Thomas Moran's first novel, the New York Times Book Review saw evidence of his "incontestable conceptual gifts". In his "elegant writing", the Los Angeles Times found the promise of a serious new career. The New Yorker compared The Man in the Box to The Diary of Anne Frank, and the Los Angeles Times compared Thomas Moran to Eli Wiesel. And on the heels of this critical success comes The World I Made for Her. Nuala means "white shoulders" in Gaelic. Nuala's wild red hair falls in disarray over hers. James watches her moving deftly around him; changing his IV, attaching a fresh respirator tube. Nuala's movements are like dance to him through his morphine-clouded vision. His senses are numbed, his mind is dulled, but he hears her Irish spirit sing against the metronome of the life-support machines. He is drawn to the warmth of her. He carries Nuala in and out of consciousness with him, writing a secret love story in which she is, unknowingly, the heroine. In prose that moves seamlessly between fantasy and reality, The World I Made for Her is a novel of obsession and redemption that unfolds like a dream -- a story that will break your heart.
The World Of Colour (International Library Of Psychology Ser. #Vol. 6)
by Katz, DavidFirst Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
The World of Plants in Renaissance Tuscany: Medicine and Botany (The History of Medicine in Context)
by Cristina BelloriniIn the sixteenth century medicinal plants, which until then had been the monopoly of apothecaries, became a major topic of investigation in the medical faculties of Italian universities, where they were observed, transplanted, and grown by learned physicians both in the wild and in the newly founded botanical gardens. Tuscany was one of the main European centres in this new field of inquiry, thanks largely to the Medici Grand Dukes, who patronised and sustained research and teaching, whilst also taking a significant personal interest in plants and medicine. This is the first major reconstruction of this new world of plants in sixteenth-century Tuscany. Focusing primarily on the medical use of plants, this book also shows how plants, while maintaining their importance in therapy, began to be considered and studied for themselves, and how this new understanding prepared the groundwork for the science of botany. More broadly this study explores how the New World's flora impacted on existing botanical knowledge and how this led to the first attempts at taxonomy.
A World Out of Reach: Dispatches from Life under Lockdown
by Meghan O’RourkeIn beautifully written and powerfully thought prose, A World Out of Reach offers a crucial record of COVID-19 and the cataclysmic spring of 2020—a record for us and for posterity—in the arresting voices of poets, essayists, scholars, and health care workers. Ranging from matters of policy and social justice to ancient history and personal stories of living under lockdown, this vivid compilation from The Yale Review presents a first draft of one of the most tumultuous periods in recent history.Contributors: Katie Kitamura • Laura Kolbe • Nitin Ahuja • Rena Xu • Alicia Christoff • Miranda Featherstone • Maya C. Popa • Major Jackson • John Witt • Octávio Luiz Motta Ferraz • Joan Naviyuk Kane • Nell Freudenberger • Briallen Hopper • Brandon Shimoda • Yusef Komunyakaa • Laren McClung • Eric O&’Keefe-Krebs • Sean Lynch • Millicent Marcus • Meghana Mysore • Rachel Jamison Webster • Emily Ziff Griffin • Rowan Ricardo Philips • Kathryn Lofton • Monica Ferrell • Russell Morse • Randi Hutter Epstein • Noreen Khawaja • Victoria Chang • Joyelle McSweeney • Khameer Kidia • Emily Greenwood • Elisa Gabbert • Emily Bernard • Hafizah Geter • Emily Gogolak • Roger Reeves
World Religions for Healthcare Professionals
by Mark F. Carr Siroj Sorajjakool Ernest J. BurseyThis third edition of a popular text introduces healthcare students and professionals to a wide range of health beliefs and practices in world religions. Chapters on various religions are written to offer an insider’s view on the religion’s historical development, key beliefs and practices, including ideas of health, sickness, death, and dying. The chapters include case studies, advice on what to do and what to avoid when caring for patients. Introductory chapters invite the reader to consider the broad context of patient care in pluralistic society and explore one’s personal orientation to others from different religions. How we care for patients from different backgrounds and cultures insists on professional boundaries that the reader may have not yet examined. A new chapter explores the relationship between religion and public health in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, asking the reader to consider what morally appropriate balance is required if and when personal faith conflict with public health needs. Undoubtedly, the sensitivity with which clinicians communicate with patients and make decisions regarding appropriate medical intervention can be greatly increased by an understanding of religious and cultural diversity. This is a core textbook for students studying healthcare, religion and culture, and an invaluable reference for healthcare professionals.
World Religions for Healthcare Professionals
by Siroj SSorajjakool Mark F Carr Julius J Nam Siroj Sorajjakool Ernest BurseyReligious beliefs and customs can significantly shape patients' and professionals' attitudes toward, and expectations of, healthcare, as well as their wishes and personal boundaries regarding such daily matters as dress, diet, prayer and touch. Undoubtedly, the sensitivity with which clinicians communicate with patients and make decisions regarding appropriate medical intervention can be greatly increased by an understanding of religious as well as other forms of cultural diversity. This second edition of a popular and established text offers healthcare students and professionals a clear and concise overview of health beliefs and practices in world religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Confucianism, Taoism, Sikhism, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Adopting a consistent structure, each chapter considers the demographic profile of the community, the religion’s historical development, and key beliefs and practices, including views regarding health and sickness, death, and dying. Each chapter also ends with a useful checklist of advice on what to do and what to avoid, along with recommendations for further reading, both online and in print form. The book’s clear and consistent style ensures that readers with little background knowledge can find the information they need and assimilate it easily. A brand new chapter on applications and a set of new case studies illustrating issues in clinical practice enhance this wide-ranging book’s value to students and practitioners alike.
The World the Plague Made: The Black Death and the Rise of Europe
by James BelichA groundbreaking history of how the Black Death unleashed revolutionary change across the medieval world and ushered in the modern ageIn 1346, a catastrophic plague beset Europe and its neighbours. The Black Death was a human tragedy that abruptly halved entire populations and caused untold suffering, but it also brought about a cultural and economic renewal on a scale never before witnessed. The World the Plague Made is a panoramic history of how the bubonic plague revolutionized labour, trade, and technology and set the stage for Europe&’s global expansion.James Belich takes readers across centuries and continents to shed new light on one of history&’s greatest paradoxes. Why did Europe&’s dramatic rise begin in the wake of the Black Death? Belich shows how plague doubled the per capita endowment of everything even as it decimated the population. Many more people had disposable incomes. Demand grew for silks, sugar, spices, furs, gold, and slaves. Europe expanded to satisfy that demand—and plague provided the means. Labour scarcity drove more use of waterpower, wind power, and gunpowder. Technologies like water-powered blast furnaces, heavily gunned galleons, and musketry were fast-tracked by plague. A new &“crew culture&” of &“disposable males&” emerged to man the guns and galleons.Setting the rise of Western Europe in global context, Belich demonstrates how the mighty empires of the Middle East and Russia also flourished after the plague, and how European expansion was deeply entangled with the Chinese and other peoples throughout the world.