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by Odette Best Bronwyn Fredericks

Yatdjuligin: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nursing and Midwifery Care introduces students to the fundamentals of the healthcare of Indigenous Australians, from the perspective of both the patient and the professional. Aboriginal Elder Ivy Molly Booth gifted the word Yatdjuligin to the authors to use as the title of this textbook. The word Yatdjuligin literally translates to 'talking in a good way'. For Wakgun people the process of Yatdjuligin is deeply embedded in learning. Written by a team of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nursing and midwifery academics, and practising nurses, this book is designed for both non-Indigenous and Indigenous nurses, who will work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients. The book includes chapters on the history of health service provision for Australian Indigenous people, gender, midwifery, community-controlled health services, remote area nursing, mental health and caring for Indigenous Elders, and features case studies and critical thinking questions.

A Year-long Night: Tales of a Medical Internship

by Robert Klitzman

"A frank and compassionate account of his intern year in an unnamed hospital, told in prose as clean and precise and gleaming with promise as a surgeon's scalpel. Klitzman emphasizes the human side of the hospital: the suffering and fragile mortality of patients; the frightening, funny, wearying routines of doctors and nurses.... What binds these tales is [his] fresh and honest voice, at times awestruck or shocked but never jaded... Klitzman's memoir stands out for its fine writing, unblinking internal probing, external observation, and humaneness." --Kirkus Review (Starred)"Klitzman joins the ranks of young doctors whose emotionally charged first year of internship impels them to record their initial experiences of suffering, healing and death. Each of his medical rotations is represented by short episodes, usually centered around a single patient. Indeed, what distinguishes this account from others of its kind is not only literary promise, but the author's interest in patients as human beings with distinct personalities whose identities and wishes he respects." --Publishers Weekly"There are extraordinary moments...[The book] describe[s] the tension between the endless stress and the fantastic learning curve of his 'Year-long Night'". --Washington Post"At some point in each of our lives, it's likely we'll find ourselves a hospital patient. Reading [this book] will go a long way in preparation for that event." --Cleveland Plain Dealer

The Year of Goodbyes and Hellos

by Kelly Irvin

Two sisters seek a new balance in work, family, and love when one receives a diagnosis that sets the clock ticking.Determined to save Sherri&’s life, Kristen drops everything to guide her sister on the harrowing cancer treatment journey. When she&’s unable to balance the strain of caring for her patients, being a wife and mother, and her frantic efforts to save her sister, Kristen&’s carefully balanced life crumbles, starting with her marriage. Desperate to regain her footing, she vows to rebuild her broken relationships . . . as soon as she&’s sure Sherri will beat the odds stacked against her.Unlike her sister, Sherri Reynolds has worked to cultivate balance in her life. Her children, her job as a teacher, and her strong faith keep her grounded—until her diagnosis sends her spiraling into the scary world of what-ifs and unknown outcomes. Sherri faces the agonizing realization that family history may be about to repeat itself. With the clock ticking, she&’s determined to use whatever time she has left to heal old wounds and restore relationships.Poignant contemporary Christian fictionStand-alone novelBook length: 113,000 wordsIncludes discussion questions for book clubs

Year of Plagues: A Memoir of 2020

by Fred D'Aguiar

In this piercing and unforgettable memoir, the award-winning poet reflects on a year of turbulence, fear, and hope.For acclaimed British-Guyanese writer Fred D’Aguiar, 2020 was a year of personal and global crisis. The world around him was shattered by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, Black Lives Matter protests erupted across the United States, California burned, and D’Aguiar was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.Year of Plagues is an intimate, multifaceted exploration of these seismic events. Combining personal reminiscence and philosophy, D’Aguiar confronts profound questions about the purpose of pursuing a life of writing and teaching in the face of overwhelming upheavals; the imaginative and artistic strategies a writer can bring to bear as his sense of self and community are severely tested; and the quest for strength and solace necessary to help forge a better future. Drawn from two cultural perspectives—his Caribbean upbringing and his American lifestyle—D’Aguiar’s beautiful and challenging memoir is a paean of resistance to despotic authority and life-threatening disease.In his first work of nonfiction, D’Aguiar subverts the traditional memoir with highly charged language that shifts from the lyrical to the quotidian, from the metaphysical to the personal. While his experience could not be darker, its rendering is tinged with light and joy, captured in prose that unfolds in wonderful, unexpected ways. Both tender and ferocious, Year of Plagues is a harrowing yet uplifting genre-bending memoir of existence, protest, and survival.

The Year of the Intern

by Robin Cook

The nurse is desperate. "Dr. Peters, the patient has stopped breathing and he doesn't have any pulse." "I'm on my way." Dr. Peters, in his fifteenth day of internship, is running again. True, he has been trained to run, through high school, the Ivy League, and a prestigious eastern medical school. Now he has run all the way to Hawaii for his year as an intern. He has run away from the pressure and competition of the mainland medical system. He is tired-tired and scared. And with good reason. After two weeks on call, his exhausted nervous system is in rebellion. Worse yet, three years of the best medical training this country has to offer have taught him too little of practical value. He knows less than a nurse about medication; his surgical knots won't hold; all his knowledge about Schwartzman reaction and other esotérica is useless in the practical hurly-burly of daily hospital life. As for the man who has stopped breathing- "What time did he die?" Peters asks the nurse. "He died when you pronounced him dead, Doctor." Some parts of Hawaii do not disappoint. The climate and the girls are joyful. But in his attempt to grow as a doctor, Peters on his own. As posstesor of a medical degree he is called "Doctor" he is a stage prop, a human mechanism holding retractors through endless operations, staring at the back of the surgeon, unable to see, to learn. On the ward, senior doctors see to it that Peters does the work-ups-fills out charts, draws blood, the "scut" work-and handles night calls. Thus Peters alternates between frustrating days and panic-filled nights. In the emergency room it is much the same. Amid the banality of common colds, backaches, and surfing lacerations, Peters delivers a baby, handles the multiple wreckage of an automobile accident, and deals as best he can with patients who need years of psychiatric care rather than a few hurried minutes with an intern.

Yearbook of International Sports Arbitration 2017 (Yearbook of International Sports Arbitration)

by Antoine Duval Antonio Rigozzi

The Yearbook of International Sports Arbitration is the first academic publication aiming to offer comprehensive coverage, on a yearly basis, of the most recent and salient developments regarding international sports arbitration, through a combination of general articles and case notes. The present volume covers decisions rendered by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) and national courts in 2017. It is a must have for sports lawyers and arbitrators, as well as researchers engaged in this field. It provides in-depth articles on current issues raised by international sports arbitration, and commentaries by esteemed academics and experienced practitioners on the most important decisions of the year by the CAS and national courts.Dr. Antoine Duval is Senior Researcher at the T.M.C. Asser Instituut in The Hague and heads the Asser International Sports Law Centre. Prof. Antonio Rigozzi teaches international arbitration and sports law at the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, and is the partner in charge of the sports arbitration practice at Lévy Kaufmann-Kohler, a Geneva-based law firm specializing in international arbitration.

Yeast Genetic Networks

by Attila Becskei

Regulation of gene expression, a major determinant of gene activity, occupies a central place in molecular biology. Yeast Genetic Networks: Methods and Protocols covers approaches to the systems biological analysis of small-scale gene networks in yeast. Divided into four convenient sections, this detailed volume discusses the methods used to analyze gene expression quantitatively, presents a collection of mathematical and computational tools to analyze stochasticity, adaptation, sensitivity in signal transmission, and oscillations in gene expression, provides instructional methods on how to utilize the tools of quantitative genetics to identify genes that regulate stochasticity and oscillations in gene expression, and concludes with a section devoted to the analysis of conserved gene expression systems and networks in different fungal species. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular BiologyTM series format, chapters contain introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and notes on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and accessible, Yeast Genetic Networks: Methods and Protocols serves as an ideal and valuable resource for both novices and experienced researchers.

Yeast Systems Biology

by Juan I. Castrillo Stephen G. Oliver

Systems Biology aims at deciphering the genotype-phenotype relationships at the levels of genes, transcripts (RNAs), peptides, proteins, metabolites, and environmental factors participating in complex cellular networks in order to reveal the mechanisms and principles governing the behavior of complex biological systems. Yeast Systems Biology: Methods and Protocols presents an up-to-date view of the optimal characteristics of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model eukaryote, perspective on the latest experimental and computational techniques for systems biology studies, most of which were first designed for and validated in yeast, and selected examples of yeast systems biology studies and their applications in biotechnology and medicine. These experiments under controlled conditions can uncover the complexity and interplay of biological networks with their dynamics, basic principles of internal organization, and balanced orchestrated functions between organelles in direct interaction with the environment as well as the characterization of short and long-term effects of perturbations and dysregulation of networks that may illuminate the origin of complex human diseases. Written for the highly successful Methods in Molecular BiologyTM series, this volume contains the kind of detailed description and implementation advice that is crucial for getting optimal results. Practical and cutting-edge, Yeast Systems Biology: Methods and Protocols serves researchers interested in comprehensive systems biology strategies in well-defined model systems with specific objectives as well as a better knowledge of the latest post-genomic strategies at all 'omic levels and computational approaches towards analysis, integration, and modeling of biological systems, from single-celled organisms to higher eukaryotes.

The Yellow Demon of Fever: Fighting Disease in the Nineteenth-Century Transatlantic Slave Trade

by Manuel Barcia

A pathbreaking history of how participants in the slave trade influenced the growth and dissemination of medical knowledge As the slave trade brought Europeans, Africans, and Americans into contact, diseases were traded along with human lives. Manuel Barcia examines the battle waged against disease, where traders fought against loss of profits while enslaved Africans fought for survival. Although efforts to control disease and stop epidemics from spreading brought little success, the medical knowledge generated by people on both sides of the conflict contributed to momentous change in the medical cultures of the Atlantic world.

The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Medicine: A New Translation of the Neijing Suwen with Commentary

by Maoshing Ni

The Neijing is one of the most important classics of Taoism, as well as the highest authority on traditional Chinese medicine. Its authorship is attributed to the great Huang Di, the Yellow Emperor, who reigned during the third millennium BCE. This new translation consists of the eighty-one chapters of the section of the Neijing known as the Suwen, or "Questions of Organic and Fundamental Nature." (The other section, called the Lingshu, is a technical book on acupuncture and is not included here.) Written in the form of a discourse between Huang Di and his ministers, The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Medicine contains a wealth of knowledge, including etiology, physiology, diagnosis, therapy, and prevention of disease, as well as in-depth investigation of such diverse subjects as ethics, psychology, and cosmology. All of these subjects are discussed in a holistic context that says life is not fragmented, as in the model provided by modern science, but rather that all the pieces make up an interconnected whole. By revealing the natural laws of this holistic universe, the book offers much practical advice on how to promote a long, happy, and healthy life. The original text of the Neijing presents broad concepts and is often brief with details. The translator's elucidations and interpretations, incorporated into the translation, help not only to clarify the meaning of the text but also to make it a highly readable narrative for students--as well as for everyone curious about the underlying principles of Chinese medicine.

The Yellow Flag: Quarantine and the British Mediterranean World, 1780–1860 (Global Health Histories)

by Alex Chase-Levenson

Until the middle of the nineteenth century, quarantine laws in all Western European nations mandated the detention of every inbound trader, traveller, soldier, sailor, merchant, missionary, letter, and trade good arriving from the Ottoman Empire and North Africa. Most of these quarantines occurred in large, ominous fortresses in Mediterranean port cities. Alex Chase-Levenson examines Britain's engagement with this Mediterranean border regime from multiple angles. He explores how quarantine practice laid the foundations for the state provision of public health and constituted an early example of European integration. Situated at the intersection of political, cultural, diplomatic, and medical history, The Yellow Flag captures the texture of quarantine as an experience, its power as an administrative precedent, and its novelty as an example of a continental border built from the ground up by low-level bureaucrats.

Yersinia pestis: Retrospective and Perspective

by Ruifu Yang Andrey Anisimov

This book addresses nearly every aspect of Y. pestis, approaching it from a new perspective. Topics covered include the history, epidemiology, physiology, ecology, genome, evolution, pathogenesis, host-pathogen interaction, big-data-driven research, vaccines, clinical aspects and future research trends. For centuries, scientists have sought to determine where Y. pestis, the most well-known bacterium and one that has caused a number of high-mortality epidemics throughout human history, comes from, what it is and how it causes the disease. This book works to answer these questions with the help of cutting-edge research results. It not only describes the history of plagues, but also stresses plagues' effects on human civilization and explores the interaction of Y. pestis with hosts, vectors and the environment to reveal the evolution and pathogenesis. The book offers a valuable guide for researchers and graduate students studying Y. pestis, and will also benefit researchers from other fields, such as infectious diseases, other pathogens and system biology, sharing key insights into bacterial pathogen studies.

Yes Sister, No Sister: My Life as a Trainee Nurse in 1950s Yorkshire

by Jennifer Craig

'What is your name?' she asks, staring at me.'Jennifer Ross.''Jennifer Ross, Sister. Well, Nurse Ross, you are dressed in the uniform of a nurse from the Leeds General Infirmary. Such a uniform is not worn with a cardigan. Take it off at once.''Yes Sister.' I can feel my face turn red.A trainee nurse in the 1950s had a lot to bear. In Jennifer Craig's enchanting memoir, we meet these warm-hearted yet naïve young girls as they get to grips with strict discipline, long hours and bodily fluids. But we also see the camaraderie that develops in evening study sessions, sneaked trips to the cinema and mischievous escapades with the young trainee doctors. The harsh conditions prove too much for some girls, but the opportunity to help her patients in their time of need is too much of a pull for Jenny. As she commits to her vocation and knuckles down to her exams, she is determined that when she reaches the heights of Ward Sister herself she will not become the frightening matron that struck fear into her student heart ...Rich in period detail, and told with a good dose of Yorkshire humour, Yes Sister, No Sister is a life-affirming true story of a life long past.

The Yin and Yang of Climate Crisis

by Brendan Kelly

The first book to marry western environmentalism with Chinese medicine, The Yin and Yang of Climate Crisis illustrates the many ways that our personal well-being and climate health are vitally connected. Brendan Kelly demonstrates that crises such as melting ice caps, dying forests, and devastating floods are symptoms of deeper issues, both within us as individuals and within our culture. Informed by Kelly's experience as a practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine, this passionate discussion reveals that the current life-threatening severity of climate change speaks to the level of imbalance that exists in the people and institutions responsible for the crisis. Considering issues such as loss of life from increasingly severe storms, stress on farmers from rapidly changing weather, and increasing rates of disease, this book goes on to present hopeful, deep-reaching personal and societal remedies to treat the underlying causes of climate change and to restore our own health. The Yin and Yang of Climate Crisis blends the external focus of environmentalism--western science, policy issues, regulations--with the internal focus of Chinese medicine--personal health, balancing Qi, diet--to present a holistic view of our interrelationship with the planet. Kelly provides a deeper look at how we've gotten to this place of climate destabilization and ways to treat both the symptoms and their root causes. Looking through the lens of Chinese medicine, we are better able to understand that the severity of climate destabilization speaks to deeper philosophical and spiritual issues and provides an opportunity to address our own personal and collective imbalances. With his unique perspective and far-reaching perceptions, Kelly encourages us to translate the reality of our warming planet into an opportunity to ask bigger and deeper questions, including who we are, what we're here to do, and what promotes health and healing.

Yin Yang Balance for Menopause: The Korean Tradition of Sasang Medicine

by Gary Wagman

A practical guide to using your Korean Sasang body type to optimize your health during menopause • Explores how each of the four Sasang body types has its own unique menopausal symptoms and Yin-Yang energy balance, explaining why hot flashes occur when they do, why insomnia is suddenly an issue, or why you feel depressed • Provides self-tests to determine your Sasang body type and explains how the natural remedies and diets that work for one type might not work for another • Includes Sasang herbal remedies for common challenges related to menopause, including hot flashes, depression, mood swings, brain fog, and loss of libido The ancient Korean art of Sasang medicine explains how each of us is born with a specific body type that establishes our physical and emotional strengths and weaknesses. These traits have a direct influence on how we interact with others and react to stress and life’s transitions. Discovering your type will enable you to understand why you are prone to certain symptoms and not others, choose the most compatible remedies and treatments, and make the best choices regarding your health and well-being. Applying the wisdom of Sasang medicine to the major life transition of menopause, Dr. Gary Wagman explores how each of the four Sasang body types has its own unique menopausal challenges, as well as opportunities, and how the natural remedies and diets that work for one type might not work for another. Providing guidelines and tests to determine your type, he details each type’s emotional tendencies, physical strengths and weaknesses, and their balance of Yin and Yang energy within the organ systems, explaining why hot flashes occur when they do, why insomnia is suddenly an issue, or why you feel depressed. Revealing the impact our emotions have on our physiological health, he describes how different emotions, such as anger and sadness, correlate with a particular type’s inborn energetic patterns. Presenting natural remedies, exercises, supplements, and diet and food recommendations for each Yin-Yang body type, Dr. Wagman also includes body-type-specific Sasang herbal remedies for the most common challenges related to menopause, including hot flashes, osteoporosis, depression, mood swings, hormone balance, urinary health, fibroids, frozen shoulder, brain fog, and loss of libido. Offering specific ways to take charge of your own emotional, physical, and sexual health, this practical guide provides a compass to help you smoothly navigate the sometimes turbulent waters of menopause and harness the spiritual and emotional strengths of this life transition.

Yo debería ser flaca: Un mapa para navegar y sanar la lucha con el peso, el cuerpo y la vida

by Camila Serna

Haz una pausa y llénate de argumentos para eliminar poco a poco las falsas creencias que han rodeado el ideal del cuerpo femenino. Esta es la oportunidad de iniciar un camino de reconciliación, aceptación y amor propio. Muchas mujeres enfrentan a diario una lucha con la comida y viven intranquilas con la relación que tienen con su cuerpo. Para ponerle fin a esta insatisfacción, y luego de librar su propia batalla, la coach de nutrición integrativa Camila Serna usa su experiencia para estimular a otras personas a tomar la decisión de aceptarse y sanar su mente. Este no es un libro de dietas ni de consejos para comer de una manera determinada. Escrito en un tono irreverente y mordaz, Yo debería ser flaca es una reflexión necesaria para aquellas que viven en un conflicto permanente con sus emociones, quieren reconciliarse con su cuerpo y volver a creer en sí mismas.

Yoga Anatomy Made Simple: Your Illustrated Guide to Form, Function, and Posture Groups

by Stu Girling

A fun introductory guide to yoga anatomy for new and experienced yoga teachers, practitioners, and enthusiastsKnowledge of anatomy is a crucial part of every effective yoga practice, but the subject can be dry and difficult. Yoga Anatomy Made Simple provides a fun solution—it&’s a go-to guide to functional yoga anatomy, written for yoga practitioners looking to jump in and start applying key concepts to their work. Here, longtime yoga teacher Stuart Girling pairs his expertise with real-life examples and colorful, jaunty illustrations to create a book that serves as a playful introduction and refresher course for yogis, teachers, and trainers.Yoga Anatomy Made Simple provides simple explanations of key yoga-anatomy concepts, like patterns, variety, breath, and strength. The illustrations are diverse, body-inclusive, joyful, and fun—and mirror the author&’s own accessible, unpretentious approach to practical yoga anatomy. Concepts are demonstrated on different body parts, as well as the following posture groups:Forward bendsHip rotationsBackbendsTwistsPostures involving the shouldersInversionsArm balancesGirling ties everything together in a holistic framework with a playful touch on every page—one that embraces each student&’s lifestyle, environment, and life history. Yoga teachers will learn to elevate their ability to analyze yoga postures from a physical perspective, sequence more effectively, avoid unnecessary injury, and appreciate the importance of individuality within postural yoga.

Yoga & Ayurveda: Self-Healing and Self-Realization

by David Frawley

The book offers a most valuable overview of the connecting points between Yoga and Ayurveda and shows how both disciplines are relevant to contemporary spiritual practice.

Yoga bei Angsterkrankungen: Ein Programm für Betroffene und Anleitende

by Andreas Ströhle Anna Dania Esch Maike Schmidt Mara Oldenburg

Viele Menschen kämpfen jeden Tag mit Ängsten und fühlen sich damit oft alleingelassen. Yoga gibt uns die Möglichkeit, selbst aktiv zu werden. Es hilft dabei, Vertrauen in den Körper zurückzugewinnen und zu lernen, achtsam mit Gefühlen und Körperreaktionen umzugehen.Dieses Buch bietet ein Yogaprogramm, welches an der Berliner Charité für Menschen mit Angsterkrankungen entwickelt wurde. Praktische Beispiele, Übungssequenzen und videounterstützte Anleitungen können sowohl selbstständig zu Hause als auch in der Therapie genutzt werden.Yogalehrer und Bewegungstherapeuten finden hier ein ausführliches Manual mit begleitenden Downloadmaterialien für ein 8-wöchiges körperorientiertes Yogaprogramm, das auf die Bedürfnisse von Menschen mit Angsterkrankungen zugeschnitten ist. Zudem wird fundamentales Wissen über Ängste und einhergehende physiologische und psychologische Prozesse vermittelt und in Zusammenhang mit den Wirkmechanismen von Yoga gestellt. Das Buch richtet sich an Personen mit gesteigerten Ängsten und Angststörungen sowie Anleitende, die somit umfassend auf eine angstsensible Yogapraxis vorbereitet werden.

Yoga bei Brustkrebs: Spezielle Übungen für Gesundheit und Rehabilitation

by Ingrid Kollak

Was kann ich als Betroffene tun, um meinen Körper im Heilungsprozess zu unterstützen? Betroffene Frauen wollen hier oft aktiv werden und sind auf der Suche nach verschiedenen wirksamen Möglichkeiten. Diese Buch zeigt ganz praktisch, wie Yoga bei der Bewältigung der Krankheit unterstützen kann. Behutsam holt die erfahrene Autorin die Leser ab und zeigt, wie sie Yoga im Alltag integrieren praktisch durchführen können.

The Yoga Engineer's Manual: The Anatomy and Mechanics of a Sustainable Practice

by Richelle Ricard, LMT

An innovative yoga manual for teachers, trainers, and advanced students—craft a safer, more effective yoga practice informed by anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics.Supplemented with more than 100 illustrations and photos, The Yoga Engineer&’s Manual makes yoga anatomy simple, clear, and accessible. With tips, tools, and practical advice for on-the-mat applications, this essential resource is written for yoga teachers and practitioners of all traditions. It offers a step-by-step, layer-by-layer examination of the connection between our physical and energetic bodies, their activation through finding one&’s best personal alignment, and methods for utilizing asana practice to explore the deeper nature of the Self. To experience the full benefits of yoga, author and yoga teacher trainer Richelle Ricard explains that we need to start with understanding the body: its mechanics, physiology, and our own individual strengths and limitations. Too often, outdated yoga modalities and rote memorization fail trainers and students with a one-size-fits-all approach. The Yoga Engineer&’s Manual introduces the functional anatomy, postures, asanas, and yoga-classroom skills that teachers need to confidently lead safeand effective classes that work for all students. Ricard also includes exercises, study guides, and supplemental materials for an interactive and continuous learning experience.

Yoga Fix: Functional Movement for a Pain-Free Body

by null Erin Motz

This is yoga for those who don’t know their asana from their elbow.Bad back from sitting at your desk all day? Tech neck from looking at your phone too much? Is your body feeling the strains of modern life?Introducing Yoga Fix: functional yoga for a pain-free body. Get rid of that stiff neck, achy back, and tight hamstrings with fully photographed step-by-step fixes to help you feel flexible, relaxed, and twinge-free.From tension headaches, jaw pain, and rounded shoulders to pelvic floor weakness, runner’s knee, and tight quads, this head-to-toe guide to the body will show you simple poses and quick stretches to ease your aching muscles.If traditional yoga has not worked out for you, or if you simply do not have the time or money for fancy gym memberships, this book will show you how to get a quick fix of yoga that will make a big difference in how you feel.

Yoga for a Happy Back: A Teacher's Guide to Spinal Health through Yoga Therapy

by Rachel Krentzman Pt E-Ryt Aadil Palkhivala

This unique book offers a framework for using yoga therapeutically to heal back and spinal problems. Combining detailed instruction on evaluation and treatment techniques with personal narrative and case studies, Yoga for a Happy Back bridges the gap between practicing yoga for better physical health and understanding the role of the mind-body connection in back pain. Utilising her vast experience as a physical therapist and yoga therapist, and the latest advances in the field, Krentzman advises on how to design therapeutic yoga classes for individuals with back pain. She includes information on creating class themes, and never before published sequences from the Purna yoga tradition for alignment based treatment of specific spinal conditions. With over 300 photos and illustrations, this book enables practitioners to access the benefits of yoga therapy for the treatment of orthopaedic dysfunctions and to promote general spinal health.

Yoga for Computer Users

by Sandy Blaine

An ever-increasing number of people depend on computers for both work and entertainment, which means an ever-increasing number of hours spent slumped in a chair -- and an ever-increasing number of hand, wrist, neck, and shoulder injuries. Yoga for Computer Users offers a new kind of preventive self-care. It contains 23 illustrated poses and exercises, plus breathing and relaxation techniques, that increase circulation and range of motion, prevent injuries to the upper body, improve posture, and avert energy stagnation. They can be performed regardless of age or yoga experience and are combined in sequences ranging from quick five-minute stretching breaks that can be done while at the computer to more intensive 30-minute sessions designed for morning energy and evening relaxation. A special "Everyday Yoga" section presents lifestyle tips that help readers learn to alternate mouse hands, strengthen their core, stretch throughout the day, and schedule time for joy.

Yoga for Computer Users

by Sandy Blaine

An ever-increasing number of people depend on computers for both work and entertainment, which means an ever-increasing number of hours spent slumped in a chair -- and an ever-increasing number of hand, wrist, neck, and shoulder injuries. Yoga for Computer Users offers a new kind of preventive self-care. It contains 23 illustrated poses and exercises, plus breathing and relaxation techniques, that increase circulation and range of motion, prevent injuries to the upper body, improve posture, and avert energy stagnation. They can be performed regardless of age or yoga experience and are combined in sequences ranging from quick five-minute stretching breaks that can be done while at the computer to more intensive 30-minute sessions designed for morning energy and evening relaxation. A special "Everyday Yoga" section presents lifestyle tips that help readers learn to alternate mouse hands, strengthen their core, stretch throughout the day, and schedule time for joy.

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