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Yoga for Dementia: A Guide For People With Dementia, Their Families And Caregivers
by Tania Plahay Martin GreenProven to enhance wellbeing, posture, breathing and sleep, and reduce anxiety and agitation, this programme shows how yoga can be adapted to benefit people with dementia. Based on the findings of a pilot therapeutic yoga programme for people with dementia in care homes, this book offers substantial yoga sequences, breathing exercises, meditations and mindfulness exercises for improving symptoms associated with dementia. It offers an innovative Reminiscence Yoga approach, which uses sounds, music, guided imagery and familiar actions to stimulate memories. The book demonstrates the many benefits of yoga for people with dementia, and describes the ways that each yoga exercise can be adapted for people of different abilities.
Yoga for Emotional Balance: Simple Practices to Help Relieve Anxiety and Depression
by Bo ForbesEmotional balance is within your reach--when you cultivate the intelligence of both your body and mind. Bo Forbes, a psychologist and yoga teacher, presents an integrative approach to healing anxiety, depression, and chronic stress. In this book, she offers some of her most important teachings and practices, including: * restorative yoga sequences designed to balance anxiety and lift depression * breath- and body-centered exercises to calm your mind and energize your body * simple ways to understand your emotional patterns * an overview of the three main obstacles to emotional well-being * five tools for building emotional balance Rooted in classical yoga yet supported by psychology and science, the techniques in this book will help you create progressive and lasting change.
Yoga for Fibromyalgia
by Shoosh Lettick CrotzerFibromyalgia, which affects more women than men, is characterized by widespread pain in muscles, ligaments and tendons, as well as fatigue and multiple tender points -- places on the body where slight pressure causes pain. Although mainstream medicine has yet to devise a successful plan for treating fibromyalgia, yoga offers sensible strategies for managing, and sometimes overcoming, the pain. Written by a yoga teacher and suitable for both yoga novices and veterans, this book is grounded in simple movements, breathing techniques, and guided visualization and relaxation sessions. Readers learn to reduce stress and manage fibromyalgia through eight sequences: four for pain relief, one to diminish fatigue and improve sleep, and three for maintaining body awareness and general flexibility. The author's simple, supportive language and mixture of theory, practice, and the latest scientific data offer hope for one of the most challenging health conditions.
Yoga for Healthy Feet
by Donald MoyerIn Yoga for Healthy Feet, Donald Moyer shares his insights into working with the feet and ankles gained through forty years of teaching yoga. The book includes: * anatomy and architecture of the feet, as understood from a yogic perspective * principles for aligning and balancing the feet * suggestions for addressing common problems, such as foot cramps, sprained ankles, hammer toes, bunions, and plantar fasciitis * descriptions of 25 poses that most concern the feet, with an emphasis on standing poses and sitting poses * use of props such as blocks, straps, and wedges to support the feet and alleviate discomfort * practice sequences for developing awareness, straightening your toes, strengthening your arches, improving your balance, and supporting your ankles
Yoga for Speech-Language Development
by Susan E. Longtin Michelle Mozes Jessica A. FitzpatrickCombining years of experience as certified speech-language pathologists and as qualified yoga teachers, the authors of this pioneering book explain how yoga can be used to aid speech-language development in children up to age 12. The book includes a range of yoga-based exercises for improving pre-linguistic communication, vocabulary development and motor planning for speech. The text is enriched by illustrations of children in each yoga pose, so no prior experience of yoga is necessary to help children carry out each activity. The book also provides information on using this approach with children with neurodevelopmental and intellectual disabilities, including ADHD and autism.
The Yoga of Herbs: An Ayurvedic Guide to Herbal Medicine (Second Revised & Enlarged Edition)
by David Frawley Vasant LadFor the first time, here is a detailed explanation and classification of herbs, using the ancient system of Ayurveda. More than 270 herbs are listed, with 108 herbs explained in detail. Included are many of the most commonly used western herbs with a profound Ayurvedic perspective. Important Chinese and special Ayurvedic herbs are introduced. Beautiful diagrams and charts, as well as detailed glossaries, appendices and index are included.
Yoga Therapy as a Creative Response to Pain: Yoga Therapy as a Creative Response
by Matthew J. Taylor John KepnerSupporting yoga therapists to create a programme of care for those living with chronic pain, this guide brings pain science, creativity and yoga together for the first time. It includes the emotional, cognitive, social and spiritual in its definition of pain and acknowledges there that is no simple physical 'fix'. The book offers advice on creating an environment that restores hope and meaning to clients, and on building a successful business by creating a community of support. Matt Taylor's blend of creativity and yoga came from his own chronic spine pain as a physical therapist and his discovery of yoga therapy which led to his yoga-based rehabilitation clinic.
Yoga Therapy for Arthritis: A Whole-Person Approach to Movement and Lifestyle
by Dr Steffany Moonaz Erin Byron Dr CliftonYoga therapy is commonly used for the management of arthritis, but often focusses exclusively on adaptation of the physical poses and on structural solutions. This book moves beyond the traditional routines to present yoga as a lifestyle designed to improve quality of life and overall well-being for individuals living with arthritis and rheumatic conditions. By incorporating the ancient practices of yoga as both physical and mental exercises involving a model of 5-koshas or sheaths (physical, energetic, mental/emotional, wisdom, and spiritual), the yoga therapy practice presented here will help reduce pain and shift the perspective of the individual living with arthritis. This therapy uses a whole-person approach that employs a broad range of tools to address the biopsychosocial effects of arthritis through the application of yoga practices and philosophy. Useful as a guide for people living with arthritis, this book is full of inspiration for self care along with instructions for yoga teachers and medical professionals to guide their clients using this whole-person perspective.
Yoga Therapy for Insomnia and Sleep Recovery: An Integrated Approach to Supporting Healthy Sleep and Sustaining Energy All Day
by Lisa SanfilippoYoga therapy offers a truly holistic approach to solving the growing problem of insomnia. In this book expert yoga therapist Lisa Sanfilippo explains how yoga practices can be used to target the underlying issues that inhibit good quality sleep, with immediate results that build over time.Learn how to work with clients to release tension in the body that builds up during the day making it difficult to sleep at night. Honouring a natural yogic and Ayurvedic approach, and infusing it with modern neuroscience, Lisa also addresses the deeper emotional reasons for not sleeping well and looks at how lifestyle changes can help to achieve better quality rest. With the body-mind connection at its core, this book shows how to support better health holistically to restore balance in each layer of the body.
Yoga Therapy for Parkinson's Disease and Multiple Sclerosis
by Jean DanfordYoga is an extremely beneficial therapy for ameliorating physical symptoms of both Parkinson's disease (PD) and multiple sclerosis (MS), and improving emotional wellbeing through breathing, asana, relaxation and meditation. Outlining each condition, its pathology, treatment and its impact on the lives of those affected, the book describes how yoga practice can be tailored to meet the specific needs of those with PD and MS, by improving mobility, balance, strength and wellbeing. Postures are categorised by their useful application, such as joint mobilising, balance and stability, stretching, alongside guidance on how to identify what is needed. Descriptions of yoga movements are accompanied by illustrations throughout, along with sample lesson plans and the personal testimonies of those who have experienced the benefits first hand. Ideal for yoga therapists and yoga teachers working with people with PD or MS, as well as students of the practice, it will also be of interest to practitioners working with beginner client groups and those with limited mobility.
Yoga Therapy for Parkinson's Disease and Multiple Sclerosis
by Jean DanfordYoga is an extremely beneficial therapy for ameliorating physical symptoms of both Parkinson's disease (PD) and multiple sclerosis (MS), and improving emotional wellbeing through breathing, asana, relaxation and meditation. Outlining each condition, its pathology, treatment and its impact on the lives of those affected, the book describes how yoga practice can be tailored to meet the specific needs of those with PD and MS, by improving mobility, balance, strength and wellbeing. Postures are categorised by their useful application, such as joint mobilising, balance and stability, stretching, alongside guidance on how to identify what is needed. Descriptions of yoga movements are accompanied by illustrations throughout, along with sample lesson plans and the personal testimonies of those who have experienced the benefits first hand. Ideal for yoga therapists and yoga teachers working with people with PD or MS, as well as students of the practice, it will also be of interest to practitioners working with beginner client groups and those with limited mobility.
Yoga Therapy for Stroke: A Handbook for Yoga Therapists and Healthcare Professionals
by Arlene Schmid Anna-Marie Van Van Puymbroeck Chancellor Matthew J. Taylor Linda WilliamsA guide to yoga therapy for post-stroke rehabilitation, this book is for yoga teachers and yoga therapists, but also for occupational, recreational, physical and speech therapists who work with people with stroke and may integrate yoga into their practice.Rooted in evidence-based research and written by two yoga teachers who are also academics and researchers in rehabilitation, the book provides basic information about stroke and neuroplasticity, discusses the mind body disconnect that often occurs after stroke, and provides instruction on how to improve balance, strength and range of motion. It also covers effective meditation techniques to help overcome the stress and emotional impact of stroke. Clear photographs demonstrate yoga postures and activities specifically adapted for stroke patients, alongside case studies.
Yoga to go: Asanas, Achtsamkeit und Superfood – ein effizientes Wohlfühlprogramm
by Bettina Griepentrog-WiesnerYoga to go ist eine therapeutisch ausgerichtete Form von Yoga, die eine schnelle und zugleich wirkungsvolle Hilfe bei Stress, chronischer Erschöpfung, Arthrose, Rückenschmerzen und Muskelverspannungen bietet. Das Konzept ist ein moderner Mix aus ausgewählten Yoga-Körperübungen (Asanas), Atemtechnik, Superfoods und Achtsamkeit. Die Übungssequenzen trainieren Kraft, Flexibilität, Gleichgewicht und Muskelausdauer und bieten eine rasche Hilfe bei ausgewählten typischen Alltagsbeschwerden, z. B. Müdigkeit oder akute Stress-Situationen. Mit den hilfreichen Gedanken und einfachen Regeln für ein achtsames Leben gelangen Sie zu einer positiven inneren Einstellung und einem stabilen mentalen Gleichgewicht. Und zu guter letzt unterstützen Sie die ausgewählten Superfoods mit Rezeptideen in der effektiven Prävention der großen Zivilisationskrankheiten und stärken nebenbei Ihr Immunsystem. Sie können mit den vorgestellten Methoden und Übungssequenzen auch im Videoformat sofort und ohne Nebenwirkungen beginnen. Das Buch richtet sich an gestresste Menschen mit wenig Zeit, die schnelle Lösungen suchen sowie an alle, die nachhaltig etwas für ihre körperliche und mentale Gesundheit tun möchten.
Yoga to Support Immunity: Mind Body Breathing Guide to Whole Health
by Melanie Salvatore-AugustThis Is Your Immunity Support on Yoga“Yoga and physical health go beyond our moments on the mat.” ?Morghan King, member of the US Olympic Weightlifting TeamForeword INDIES finalist in Health (Adult Nonfiction) #1 New Release in Homeopathy and Preventive MedicineAn engaging, easy-to-follow guide, Yoga to Support Immunity is a clear, step-by-step whole-being yoga at home workout to help boost immune function and bring vitality to the mind and spirit. Author and yogi, Melanie Salvatore-August, returns to give in-depth instructions for specific yoga poses and teaches you how they can assist as immune system boosters.This motivational book outlines the ins and outs of why yoga promotes optimal health. With the threat of pandemics and the increasing rise of autoimmune disorders, Yoga to Support Immunity offers wholistic, self-care driven support for optimal health. A practical guide that easily can be integrated into everyday life, you’ll learn how the mind, body, and spirit integrate to build a healthy immune system.Give yourself Immunity support from home. Taking control of your vitality and increasing immunity are simple things to do at home. Whether a newcomer to the practice of yoga or a long-time yogi, Salvatore-August encourages you to maintain a healthy lifestyle with practical exercises, daily guidance, and uplifting insights.Open Yoga to Support Immunity, to find:Mudras, breath work, and other instructional daily practices for an at home workoutDaily guidance, meditations, and yogic wisdom for support and overall immunityFoundational methodologies of immune boosting yoga with respective yoga-sequencing routines Yoga to Support Immunity is a perfect addition to any shelf of mediation books, yoga books, or chakra books. If you enjoyed The Woman's Book of Yoga and Health, Yoga Therapy, or Principles and Practice of Yoga in Health Care, you’ll love Melanie Salvatore-August’s latest release.
Yogurt: Roles in Nutrition and Impacts on Health
by André Marette Éliane Picard-Deland Melissa Anne FernandezYogurt is a fermented food that has existed for centuries with bioactive properties that have long been thought to be beneficial to health. The first commercial yogurts, sold over a hundred years ago in pharmacies, were recommended to treat digestive disorders. Yogurt: Roles in Nutrition and Impacts on Health compiles the scientific research to date into a comprehensive reference book that explores yogurt's role in diet and health, its composition in micro- and macronutrients, and the potential mechanisms underlying its health benefits. Yogurt’s composition as a unique blend of macronutrients, vitamins, minerals, and ferments makes yogurt a nutrient-dense food that is included by health authorities in food-based dietary guidelines. This book shows how regular yogurt consumption contributes to the intake of key nutrients, such as calcium and protein, and is associated with healthy dietary patterns and lifestyles. The authors review the current evidence linking yogurt consumption to cardiometabolic health and other health conditions, including its established benefits in lactose digestion, its promising role in the prevention of weight management and type 2 diabetes, and its potential impact on cardiometabolic risk factors. This reference book is a key resource for nutrition scientists, dairy researchers, dietitians, health professionals, and educational institutions looking for a state-of-the-art review of the scientific evidence on the role of yogurt in nutrition and health.
The Yokohama System for Reporting Endometrial Cytology: Definitions, Criteria, and Explanatory Notes
by Yasuo Hirai Franco FulcinitiThis book describes a standardized method for classifying and reporting invasive endometrial malignancies via direct endometrial sampling. Featuring a wealth of color illustrations, it provides specific diagnostic categories and cytomorphologic criteria to promote uniform and reliable diagnoses. It also describes the history of directly sampled endometrial cytology, reviews the sampling techniques and algorithmic approach, discusses specimen adequacy, and outlines challenges for the future. The Yokohama System for Reporting Endometrial Cytology – Definitions, Criteria and Explanatory Notes offers a valuable resource for researchers at clinical cytopathological laboratories around the world whose work involves gynecological cytology, oncology, pathology, and cytopathology. It will also appeal to researchers in the fields of cytotechnology, basic science, pathology and related industries, medical residents and clinicians.
A Yorkshire Vet: The Next Chapter
by Julian NortonAs seen on This Morning!'A magical memoir.' - Daily Mail WeekendOur Yorkshire Vet embarks on this newest adventure treating the animals and their assorted owners across the Yorkshire Dales.A Yorkshire Vet: The Next Chapter follows Julian's veterinary stories and amusing anecdotes through his work as a mixed practice vet in North Yorkshire.Julian has spent over twenty years working in Thirsk, literally following in the footsteps of James Herriot - the world-renowned vet and author. This book follows Julian's passion for treating the animals under his care, be they cows, sheep, pigs, horses, alpacas or dogs and cats, along with the interesting and amusing characters who own and care for them. His voice, well known from his television work, rings out from the page - as does the humour, dedication and love for the animals. A Yorkshire Vet: The Next Chapter tracks Julian's work around the beautiful North York Moors and, more recently, around the Vale of York and the Yorkshire Dales from his new veterinary home in Boroughbridge, where the Herriot spirit lives on!
A Yorkshire Vet: The Next Chapter
by Julian NortonAs seen on This Morning!'A magical memoir.' - Daily Mail WeekendOur Yorkshire Vet embarks on this newest adventure treating the animals and their assorted owners across the Yorkshire Dales.A Yorkshire Vet: The Next Chapter follows Julian's veterinary stories and amusing anecdotes through his work as a mixed practice vet in North Yorkshire.Julian has spent over twenty years working in Thirsk, literally following in the footsteps of James Herriot - the world-renowned vet and author. This book follows Julian's passion for treating the animals under his care, be they cows, sheep, pigs, horses, alpacas or dogs and cats, along with the interesting and amusing characters who own and care for them. His voice, well known from his television work, rings out from the page - as does the humour, dedication and love for the animals. A Yorkshire Vet: The Next Chapter tracks Julian's work around the beautiful North York Moors and, more recently, around the Vale of York and the Yorkshire Dales from his new veterinary home in Boroughbridge, where the Herriot spirit lives on!
A Yorkshire Vet: The Next Chapter
by Julian NortonThe Yorkshire Vet embarks on this newest adventure treating the animals and their assorted owners across the Yorkshire Dales.A Yorkshire Vet: The Next Chapter follows Julian's veterinary stories and amusing anecdotes through his work as a mixed practice vet in North Yorkshire.Julian has spent over twenty years working in Thirsk, literally following in the footsteps of James Herriot - the world-renowned vet and author. This book follows Julian's passion for treating the animals under his care, be they cows, sheep, pigs, horses, alpacas or dogs and cats, along with the interesting and amusing characters who own and care for them. His voice, well known from his television work, rings out from the page - as does the humour, dedication and love for the animals. A Yorkshire Vet: The Next Chapter tracks Julian's work around the beautiful North York Moors and, more recently, around the Vale of York and the Yorkshire Dales from his new veterinary home in Boroughbridge, where the Herriot spirit lives on!(P) 2020 Hodder & Stoughton Ltd
The Yoruba Traditional Healers of Nigeria
by Mary AdeksonThis work examines the counseling approaches and techniques used by Yoruba traditional healers of Nigeria. It also describes the functions performed by Yoruba traditional healers when they work within the Yoruba cultural milieu. The information elicited from Yoruba traditional healers through videotape and interviews was analyzed by a Nigerian woma
You: Staying Young
by Michael F. Roizen Mehmet OzThe body is the most fascinating machine ever created, and nobody talks about it in ways that are as illuminating and compelling as Dr. Michael Roizen and Dr. Mehmet Oz. Most people think of the aging of our bodies the same way we think of the aging of our cars: the older we get, the more inevitable it is that we're going to break down. Most of us believe that at age 40 or so, we begin the slow and steady decline of our minds, our eyes, our ears, our joints, our arteries, our libido, and every other system that affects the quality of life (and how long we live it). But according to Dr. Roizen and Dr. Oz, that's a mistake. Aging isn't a decline in our systems. It's actually very purposeful. The very systems and biological processes that age us are designed to help us when we're a little bit younger. So what's our role as part of the aging population? To learn how those systems work so we can reprogram them to work the way they did when we were younger. Your goal should be: die young at any age. That means you live a high quality of life (with everything from working joints to working genitals) until the day you die. At the core of this landmark book are the Major Agers -- 14 biological processes that control your rate of aging. Some you've heard of, some you haven't, and some you never knew contributed to the aging process. Some speed decline, others inhibit your repair mechanisms. These Major Agers are everything from short telomeres and inefficient mitochondria to stem cells and wacky hormones. The doctors explain the principles of longevity and many of the causes of aging and how to fight the effects. The climax of the book is a 14-day plan to help you along your path to staying young. The doctors want you to be able to integrate important processes into your daily life in order to make staying young routine, but first you'll need to measure your real age and health right now. Staying young encompasses your emotions and mental health as well as your exercise habits, eating habits, personal hygiene, and genes, among other things. Wouldn't you like to know how to prevent your body from aging badly? The original YOU book showed how bodies work in general, and YOU: On a Diet explained how bodies lose weight and stay fit. Now in YOU: Staying Young, Drs. Michael Roizen and Mehmet Oz illuminate the mysterious mechanisms with a lively metaphor -- the modern city. What differentiates a vibrant and thriving city that ages gracefully from one that is worn down and rusted out? Despite genetic differences, which are like the geography upon which the city is built, cities age differently because of the way residents treat their education system (stem cells), power plants (mitochondria), electrical grids (brains), transportation routes (blood vessels), and landfills (fat). You -- as mayor, resident, and street cleaner -- have the power to balance your biological budget to ensure a life that's both long and strong. Thankfully, just as cities can invest in renewal and improving their repair processes, so can you. YOU: Staying Young is filled with signature YOU Tools, including YOU Tests, YOU Tips, and visual and verbal metaphors to bring the science to life.
YOU: Being Beautiful
by Michael F. Roizen Mehmet OzMost people think that beauty revolves around such things as lipstick, sweet eyes, or skinny jeans -- all those things that we can see (and obsess over) in the mirror. But the fact is that beauty isn't some superficial pursuit, and it's not some random act that you can thank (or curse) your ancestors for. There are, in fact, scientific standards to beauty. Beauty is purposeful, because it's how humans have historically communicated who we are to potential mates. Beauty, in fact, is really about your health and happiness. In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Michael F. Roizen and Dr. Mehmet C. Oz bust the myths and stereotypes about the way we view ourselves -- and how we define beauty. In these pages, you'll find out why beauty isn't as much about your vanity as it is about your humanity. The doctors take a scientific, informative, and entertaining look at the three levels of beauty and explain how they all work together to form a complete and authentic YOU. Those three levels of beauty are: Looking Beautiful: Your appearance influences your self-esteem and has major health implications. Here, the docs will tell you how you can look the way you want. Feeling Beautiful: So what if you have luscious lips or gorgeous locks if your joints creak and you have the energy of a rug? The docs will tell you how to improve your energy levels, beat back your life-altering aches and pains, and come to grips with some of life's toughest stresses. Being Beautiful: By improving your relationships with your loved ones as well as with others, you'll be well on your way to finding true happiness. That's the ultimate goal: Having all three levels of beauty working together so you can have a happy and healthy life. You'll start off by taking the ultra-revealing and validated YOU-Q Test to help you assess where you are on your own beauty scale and where you want to be. Take the test, see how well you do; then use the book to help you improve your score. With their usual candor and honesty, Dr. Roizen and Dr. Oz break down the mechanics of beauty and explain how little adjustments in your routine can help you become a happier, healthier person. You will learn about the biology of beauty, take YOU Tests to determine where you are on the beauty scale, get tons of YOU Tips to help you improve your life, as well as learn the secrets of the Ultimate Beautiful Day. From hair to toenails, Dr. Roizen and Dr. Oz go through every part of your body to explain how different foods, vitamins, creams, gels, and injections can really boost your looks. They scrutinize the beauty myths that bombard us every day and offer an unbiased perspective on which ones cause more harm than good. You will be able to revamp your beauty regimen (or start a new one from scratch). They'll also take a close look at chronic pain, mood swings, low energy, and financial stresses. And they'll dive into the science of building relationships, finding happiness, and using spirituality to help you define your own levels of true beauty. Dr. Roizen and Dr. Oz act as tour guides navigating the tricky but exciting terrain of today's beauty industry. YOU: Being Beautiful is your all-inclusive ticket into the world -- the real world -- of beauty.
YOU: Stress Less
by Michael F. Roizen Mehmet OzStress is America's #1 killer, aging people prematurely and compromising people's health enormously. Culled from the pages of bestselling YOU: Staying Young, YOU: On a Diet, and YOU: Being Beautiful, this handy pocket guide that offers ninety-nine incredibly valuable tips to reverse the effects of stress is a must read.There's no question that stress can impact just about every part of your life--the way you look, how you feel, how long you live, how well you sleep, what you eat, everything. That's why it is so important to have a good stress management plan in place, whether you're used to juggling work, kids, gadgets, gizmos, or any of the hundreds of responsibilities that any of us have every day. While there are three kinds of stress, you may not know that they aren't all bad for you; some stress can actually work as a powerful motivator. The problem? When the wrong kinds of stress hammer you (and hammer you and hammer you), it can wear you down and cause lasting physical damage. YOU: Stress Less offers a 360-degree perspective on stress that combines the most up-to-date wisdom from the entire YOU: The Owner's Manual series. Packed with meditation techniques, food recommendations, and lifestyle evaluation tools, this paperback is an essential guide to reducing your stress levels and improving your life--with some changes that you'll feel immediately. This portable, comprehensive guide is a perfect investment in your health and your happiness.
YOU: On A Diet Revised Edition
by Michael F. Roizen Mehmet OzAs they did with the revised edition of YOU: The Owner's Manual, which has sold nearly 200,000 revised copies, Dr. Roizen and Dr. Oz have updated their classic, international bestseller on diet. This nearly three million copy seller is filled with new information on emotional eating, the latest fad diets, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and over a hundred recipes.For the first time in our history, scientists are uncovering astounding medical evidence about dieting--and why so many of us struggle with our weight and the size of our waists. Now researchers are unraveling biological secrets about such things as why you crave chocolate or gorge at buffets or store so much fat. Michael Roizen and Mehmet Oz, America's most trusted doctor team and authors of the bestselling YOU series, are now translating this cutting-edge information to help you shave inches off your waist. They're going to do it by giving you the best weapon against fat: knowledge. By understanding how your body's fat-storing and fat-burning systems work, you're going to learn how to crack the code on true and lifelong waist management. Roizen and Oz will invigorate you with equal parts information, motivation, and change-your-life action to show you how your brain, stomach, hormones, muscles, heart, genetics, and stress levels all interact biologically to determine if your body is the size of a baseball bat or of a baseball stadium. In YOU: On a Diet, Roizen and Oz will redefine what a healthy figure is, then take you through an under-the-skin tour of the organs that influence your body's size and its health. You'll even be convinced that the key number to fixate on is not your weight, but your waist size, which best indicates the medical risks of storing too much fat. Because the world has almost as many diet plans as it has e-mail spammers, you'd think that just about all of us would know everything there is to know about dieting, about fat, and about the reasons why our bellies have grown so large. YOU: On a Diet is much more than a diet plan or a series of instructions and guidelines or a faddish berries-only eating plan. It's a complete manual for waist management. It will show you how to achieve and maintain an ideal and healthy body size by providing a lexicon according to which any weight-loss system can be explained. YOU: On a Diet will serve as the operating system that facilitates future evolution in our dieting software. After you learn about the biology of your body and the biology and psychology of fat, you'll be given the YOU Diet and YOU Workout. Both are easy to learn, follow, and maintain. Following a two-week rebooting program will help you lose up to two inches from your waist right from the start. With Roizen and Oz's signature accessibility, wit, and humor, YOU: On a Diet--The Owner's Manual for Waist Management will revolutionize the way you think about yourself and the food you consume, so that you'll diet smart, not hard. Welcome to your body on a diet.
YOU: The Owner's Manual
by Michael F. Roizen Mehmet OzBetween your full-length mirror and high-school biology class, you probably think you know a lot about the human body. While it's true that we live in an age when we're as obsessed with our bodies as we are with celebrity hairstyles, the reality is that most of us know very little about what chugs, churns, and thumps throughout this miraculous, scientific, and artistic system of anatomy. Yes, you've owned your skin-covered shell for decades, but you probably know more about your cell-phone plan than you do about your own body. When it comes to your longevity and quality of life, understanding your internal systems gives you the power, authority, and ability to live a healthier, younger, and better life. The flagship book of the YOU series, which spawned three subsequent New York Times bestsellers, has now been expanded and updated to make you understand your body even better-perhaps too well. YOU: The Owner's Manual, Updated and Expanded Edition challenges your preconceived notions about how the human body works and ages, then takes you on a tour through all of the highways, back roads, and landmarks inside of you. In this update, the doctors have included a new chapter on the liver and pancreas, which will finally demystify the most exotic parts of our bodies; a new workout chapter that will finally get you moving; and nearly one hundred Q&As asked by you, the reader. It has also been updated throughout to give you up-to-the-minute know-how to not just understand what to do to keep fit, but also why and how. The book opens with a quiz, "How Well Do You Know Your Body?," which sets the stage for the following chapters. After taking the quiz, you'll learn about all of your blood-pumping, food-digesting, and keys-remembering systems and organs, including the heart, brain, lungs, immune system, bones, and sensory organs. Each chapter also contains common myths of the particular body part that the authors will debunk. Just as important, you'll get the facts and advice you need to keep your body running long and strong. You'll find out how diseases start and how they affect your body-as well as advice on how to prevent and beat conditions that threaten your quality of life. Complete with exercise tips, nutritional guidelines, simple lifestyle changes, and alternative approaches, YOU: The Owner's Manual, Updated and Expanded Edition gives you an easy, comprehensive, and life-changing how-to plan for fending off the gremlins of aging. To top it off, this new edition includes even more great-tasting and calorie-saving recipes as part of the Owner's Manual Diet-an eating plan that is designed with only one goal in mind: to help you live a younger life. Welcome to your body. Why don't you come on in and take a look around?