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Escaping with His Life: From Dunkirk to D-Day & Beyond

by Nicholas Young

&“A fitting tribute . . . exceptional in covering the duration of WWII as a soldier, commando, POW, escaper, and on through D-Day to Victory.&” —Firetrench Very few British soldiers could lay claim to such a full war as Leslie Young. Having survived the retreat to and evacuation from Dunkirk, he volunteered for the newly formed Commandos and took part in their first operation, the raid on the Lofoten Islands. He fought and was captured in Tunisia. He went on the run before his POW camp at Fontanellato was taken over by the Nazis after the September 1943 Italian armistice. He spent six months on the run in the Apennine mountains aided by brave and selfless Italians. Many of whom were actively fighting their occupiers. He eventually reached Allied lines but not before several of his companions were tragically killed by both German and American fire. On return to England, he immediately signed up for the invasion of North West Europe and despite being wounded eventually fought through to Germany. It is thanks to his son&’s research that Major Young&’s story can now be told. It is an inspiring and thrilling account which demands to be read. &“Nicely retold by his son, Nicholas, this memoir ticks all the boxes . . . An incredible story of one man&’s war. It&’s excellent.&” —WW2Talk &“This wonderful account of the military life of Leslie Young is pure Boys&’ Own Paper stuff, a tale of heroism and daring, of courage and fortitude. An amazing story, brilliantly told.&” —Books Monthly

Escort: The Battle of the Atlantic (Classics Of Naval Literature Ser.)

by D. A. Rayner

This is the story of one man’s war and of the Royal Navy’s escort vessels—trawlers, corvettes and destroyers—that guarded Britain’s ocean life-lines across the Atlantic against the ravaging forays of U-Boats and surface raiders.This highly acclaimed firsthand account of convoy escort operations in the North Atlantic from 1939 to 1945 is based on Rayner’s astonishing war record.Denys Arthur Rayner was a Royal Navy officer who fought throughout the Battle of the Atlantic. After intensive war service at sea, Rayner became a writer, a farmer, and a successful designer and builder of small sailing craft.

Escort Carrier of the Second World War: Combustible, Vulnerable and Expendable!

by David Wragg

To the US Navy they were CVEs! To the Royal Navy auxiliary carriers! To crews of endangered merchantmen in the Atlantic and Arctic oceans they were heaven-sent protection! To their crews they were Combustible, Vulnerable, Expendable!The need for air cover against enemy aircraft and submarines brought unprecedented demand for carriers. Over 100 vessels were converted on specially built for convoy duty. This is their story, warts and all.

Escort Pilot: Guarding the American Bombers Over Europe in World War II

by Philip Kaplan Andy Saunders

Spitfire, Mustang, Lightning, Thunderbolt? in the darkest days of World War II, these legendary fighters escorted lumbering heavy bombers over enemy territory, providing protection, drawing cover, and taking on everything Germany’s Luftwaffe could throw at them.Escort Pilot is the lavishly-illustrated celebration of these unique heroes, painstakingly researched and beautifully designed. It conjures up the lost world of these daring US, British, and other Allied pilots. Readers witness gripping, first-hand accounts of deadly dogfights over Germany, accompanied by warm, humorous personal reminiscences of life on the ground, accompanied throughout by hundreds of period photos and reproductions of vintage artifacts and keepsakes - many in full color.Filled with engaging anecdotes, little-known fighter lore, and a wealth of fascinating and colorful details you’d expect ? from favorite, long-forgotten local pubs to personalized flight jacket artwork ? Escort Pilot is a richly evocative reminiscence of a heroic era and the larger-than-life personalities that inhabited it.

Escorting the Monarch

by Chris Jagger

Escorting the Monarch is as close to an official history of the Metropolitan Police's 'Special Escort Group' (SEG) as one could hope for.You may have seen the team at work; as the combination of motorcycles and cars pass you by, they glide elegantly and seemingly effortlessly through busy traffic. Developing a dedicated and diligent team culture, they are masters of their trade. They hold a well-earned reputation for excellence amongst their peers; delivering their passengers (and cargo) on time, safely, in a great deal of style, and without fuss or mishap. Professional and precise in the execution of their operations, they are neither shaken nor stirred.Although the work of the SEG demands exquisitely high levels of presentation there is little room for gloss or glitter. The individuals and property they are charged to protect are assessed by government to need the highest possible levels of protection. From queens, kings, presidents and emperors, to priceless works of art, terrorists and high risk prisoners, the group escort them all.Written by the son of a retired SEG officer who himself served in the British Government's security and intelligence community, Escorting the Monarch is told, in part, through first hand stories and anecdotes gleaned from former officers of the group. The insights offered are unique, privileged and first of their kind. Chris Jagger unfolds a collection of fascinating and never before told stories built on high profile events, such as the funeral of Sir Winston Churchill, and the visit of Nelson Mandela.Now the SEG have honed their skills for over 6 decades. Through a carefully constructed description of a changing security and political environment across the decades, and an insightful analysis of the ingenuity of those who have severed with the SEG, _Escorting the Monarch_ explains the events that made the group who they are today.

Escribir en la oscuridad

by David Grossman

Seis ensayos fundamentales de la obra de Grossman. Escribir en la oscuridad reúne seis ensayos en los que Grossman analiza con maestría y lucidez extraordinaria algunos de los temas centrales en su producción artística: las voces literarias que han ayudado a construir su obra, el Holocausto, la creación del Estado de Israel o los problemas derivados del mismo como marco de sus creaciones; el conflicto en Oriente Próximo y los devastadores efectos que provoca en la sociedad israelí, sometida a un consenso interior asfixiante, así como la incertidumbre acerca del futuro que ilustra el fracaso mayúsculo de un estado surgido precisamente para garantizarlo. Desde una perspectiva humanista, Grossman reivindica que la verdadera literatura se halla irremediablemente vinculada a la política que configura nuestras vidas, y nos ofrece las claves fundamentales para comprender su obra: un retrato extraordinariode las fuentes de la creación y un magnífico alegato en defensa de la paz en Oriente Próximo. Reseña:«El emocionante manifiesto de uno de los escritores más originales y mejor dotados no solo de su país, sino de todo el mundo.»The New York Times Book Review

Escribir en la oscuridad

by David Grossman

Seis ensayos fundamentales de la obra de Grossman. Escribir en la oscuridad reúne seis ensayos en los que Grossman analiza con maestría y lucidez extraordinaria algunos de los temas centrales en su producción artística: las voces literarias que han ayudado a construir su obra, el Holocausto, la creación del Estado de Israel o los problemas derivados del mismo como marco de sus creaciones; el conflicto en Oriente Próximo y los devastadores efectos que provoca en la sociedad israelí, sometida a un consenso interior asfixiante, así como la incertidumbre acerca del futuro que ilustra el fracaso mayúsculo de un estado surgido precisamente para garantizarlo. Desde una perspectiva humanista, Grossman reivindica que la verdadera literatura se halla irremediablemente vinculada a la política que configura nuestras vidas, y nos ofrece las claves fundamentales para comprender su obra: un retrato extraordinario de las fuentes de la creación y un magnífico alegato en defensa de la paz en Oriente Próximo. Reseña:«El emocionante manifiesto de uno de los escritores más originales y mejor dotados no solo de su país, sino de todo el mundo.»The New York Times Book Review

Escudo Americano: El sargento inmigrante que defendió la democracia

by Aquilino Gonell Susan Shapiro

&“American Shield&” es una historia típicamente americano sobre el deber y la determinación — maravillosamente contada por un inmigrante, un veterano de guerra, y un patriota.&”Nancy Pelosi, Speaker Emerita de la House of Representatives de los Estados UnidosAquilino Gonell era un jóven cuando llegó a los Estados Unidos de la República Dominicana. Aunque no hablaba inglés, se dedicó a su nueva tierra adoptada, luchando para conseguir el dichoso sueño americano. Su resolución de lograr una vida de éxito le llevó a alistarse en el ejército, como manera de pagar sus estudios universitarios. Tras combatir en Irak, volvió a los EEUU con TEPT, pero siguió con confianza en las promesas del gobierno, y se concentró en su familia y en el proceso de sanarse. Sus labores dieron fruto cuando ganó un puesto muy codiciado con la United States Capitol Police, en la ciudad de Washington DC, y llegó al rango de sargento.Todo cambió para siempre el 6 de enero de 2021. Cuando los insurreccionistas irrumpieron en el Capitolio, con mucha valentía el sargento Gonell no se rindió a los que intentaron frustrar la transferencia pacífica de poder. Las heridas brutales que sufrió aquel día pondría fin a su carrera como agente de policía. Pero justo cuando algunos de los mismos políticos que el sargento defendía intentaron desmentir la verdadera historia de aquel día, él eligió denunciar la injusticia que sufría al igual que el país. Una crónica de lo que significa llevar una vida de principios, una que se adhiere a las mejores nociones de nuestra democracia, American Shield es un testimonio fulgurante del poder la verdad, la justicia y la responsabilidad de la boca de un oficial decorado e inmigrante que ilustra las mejores aspiraciones de una nación agradecida.

Españoles en el holocausto: Vida y muerte de los republicanos en Mauthausen (Arena Abierta Ser.)

by David W. Pike

El presente libro describe la experiencia del gran contingente español confinado en uno de los más terribles campos de concentración nazis, el complejo de Mauthausen. Entre los cientos de miles de prisioneros enviados a este campo, los siete mil españoles que llegaron allí eran republicanos refugiados en Francia que habían luchado en la Guerra Civil y que, tras la invasión nazi, fueron arrestados por las tropas alemanas. Su historia sirve en parte para presentarnos un microcosmos de la experiencia colectiva, pero es al mismo tiempo una experiencia única. Esta cuarta edición ha sido revisada por el autor y ampliada con dos anexos: una lista de los españoles de Mauthausen fallecidos por causas no naturales y una extensa coda que incorpora sus avances en la investigación durante los últimos diez años. Opinión:«Con este solo libro se aprende más que comprendiendo la mayoría de los libros que hay en el mercado.»Gabriel Jackson

La espía

by Danielle Steel

Danielle Steel nos transporta desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial hasta los años de la Guerra Fría en esta historia repleta de emoción y aventura. A los dieciocho años, Alexandra Wickham se presenta ante el rey Jorge V y la reina María de Inglaterra con un exquisito vestido de satén y encaje blanco. Bella y deslumbrante, parece destinada a tener una vida privilegiada, pero su personalidad rebelde y el estallido de la Segunda Guerra Mundial la llevarán por un camino muy diferente. En 1939, Europa está en llamas y Alex se presenta voluntaria como enfermera. Inmediatamente, su talento y la fluidez con el francés y alemán llaman la atención de los servicios secretos del Gobierno. Mientras sus seres queridos pagan el terrible precio de la guerra, Alex se convierte en Cobra, una espía que opera tras las líneas enemigas jugándoselo todo a vida o muerte. Con un día a día marcado por el secreto que debe guardar pase lo que pase, el precio que Alex tiene que pagar es que nadie descubra su doble vida, ni siquiera Richard, el piloto que le ha robado el corazón. Citas de lectoras y blogs:«La espía es una historia adictiva sobre una mujer joven y valiente que lo arriesga todo por hacer lo que le dicta su corazón.»Blog Mrs Book Reviews «¡Te lleva de Gran Bretaña a Francia, Rusia, India, Estados Unidos e incluso Marruecos, como un trotamundos! ¡Una auténtica experiencia! Una historia de relaciones familiares, amor, pérdida, defensa de las creencias y compromiso.»Blog Mrs Book Reviews «Realmente disfruté con esta novela única. No solo es histórica, sino también fascinante. Una gran lectura.»Blog Hey It's Carlyrae

La espía roja

by Sofía DeAlma

Una novela inspirada en la vida de Marina Vega de la lglesia, la única española en la resistencia francesa, espía y cazanazis condecorada por el Parlamento Europeo por su defensa de la libertad. Esta es la vida de Marina, la niña republicana que se lanzó al combate solo con la fuerza de su determinación, que se hizo mujer durante la lucha y que envejeció en el anonimato hasta que la historia la rescató.Si alguien merece ser recordada es precisamente ella. Marina Vega tiene veintiún años cuando termina la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Pese a su corta edad, ha vivido una existencia apasionante. Siendo solo una adolescente, tuvo que abandonar España y colaborar con la resistencia francesa como espía ayudando a refugiados y salvando a judíos de la persecución nazi. Ahora, sin trabajo y sin obligaciones, el destino vuelve a salir a su encuentro. Le tiene reservada una última sorpresa, un ofrecimiento que no puede rechazar: reanudar su misión de dar caza a los oficiales de la Wehrmacht y de las SS que tratan de huir de la justicia. Pero la joven no puede ni imaginar el peligro que está a punto de afrontar ni cómo su pasado -primero en la España republicana, luego en la franquista- o sus actividades en la resistencia le van a pasar factura. Porque pronto va a cerrarse un círculo perfecto de odios y de venganzas. Solo una mujer española luchó en la resistencia francesa. Su nombre era Marina Vega. Fue condecorada por el Parlamento Europeo por su defensa de la libertad y después, olvidada. Esta es su historia.

Espionage: A Concise History (The MIT Press Essential Knowledge series)

by Kristie Macrakis

A concise introduction to the history and methods of espionage, illustrated by spy stories from antiquity to today&’s high-tech world.Espionage is one of the most secret of human activities. It is also, as the popularity of spy stories suggests, one of the most intriguing. This book pulls the veil back on the real world of espionage, revealing how spying actually works. In a refreshingly clear, concise manner, Kristie Macrakis guides readers through the shadowy world of espionage, from the language and practice of spycraft to its role in international politics, its bureaucratic underpinnings, and its transformation in light of modern technology. Espionage is a mirror of society and human foibles with the added cloak of secrecy and deception. Accordingly, Espionage traces spying all the way back to antiquity, while also moving beyond traditional accounts of military and diplomatic intelligence to shine a light on industrial espionage and the new techno-spy. As thorough—and thoroughly readable—as it is compact, the book is an ideal introduction to the history and anatomy of espionage.

Espionage and Counterintelligence in Occupied Persia (Iran): The Success of the Allied Secret Services, 1941-45

by Adrian O’Sullivan

The sequel to Nazi Secret Warfare , which portrayed the catastrophic failure of Germany's clandestine services in Persia (Iran) during the Second World War. By contrast but based on equally solid archival evidence, this companion volume tells the other side of the same fascinating story, introducing us to spies, spycatchers, and spymasters.

The Espionage and Sedition Acts: World War I and the Image of Civil Liberties (Critical Moments in American History)

by Mitchell Newton-Matza

The Espionage and Sedition Acts of 1917-1918 mark one of the most controversial moments in American history. Even as President Woodrow Wilson justified US entry into World War I on the grounds that it would "make the world safe for democracy," the act curtailed civil liberties at home by making it illegal to speak out against the US participation in the conflict. Supporters of the Acts argued that these measures were necessary to protect national security and keep in check the perceived threat of radical activities, while opponents considered them an unjustifiable breach of the Bill of Rights. The conflict between government powers and civil liberties concretized by the Acts continues to resonate today. The Espionage and Sedition Acts introduces students to this controversial set of laws, the cultural and political context in which they were passed, and their historical ramifications. In a concise narrative supplemented by primary sources including court cases, newspaper articles, and personal papers, Mitchell C. Newton-Matza gives students of history and politics a nuanced understanding of this key event.

Espionage and the Roots of the Cold War: The Conspiratorial Heritage (Studies in Intelligence)

by David McKnight

From the 1930s to the 1950s a large number of left-wing men and women in the USA, Britain, Europe, Australia and Canada were recruited to the Soviet intelligence services. They were amateurs and the reason for their success is intriguing. Using Soviet archives, this work explores these successes.

Espionage: Past, Present and Future? (Studies in Intelligence)

by Wesley K. Wark

Highlights of the volume include pioneering essays on the methodology of intelligence studies by Michael Fry and Miles Hochstein, and the future perils of the surveillance state by James Der Derian. Two leading authorities on the history of Soviet/Russian intelligence, Christopher Andrew and Oleg Gordievsky, contribute essays on the final days of the KGB. Also, the mythology surrounding the life of Second World War intelligence chief, Sir William Stephenson, The Man Called Intrepid', is penetrated in a persuasive revisionist account by Timothy Naftali. The collection is rounded off by a series of essays devoted to unearthing the history of the Canadian intelligence service.

An Essay On Military Intelligence In War

by Colonel Jean-Charles-Augustin Bernis

Jean-Charles Augustin Bernis was a French officer, he took part in the First and in the Second World Wars. Colonel of the French Army, Supreme Commandant of the Public Force (Force Publique) in 1936 -1940. He was active member of the French Resistance, one of the founders of the intelligence net "Alliance", led by Georges Loustaunau-Lacau and Marie-Madeleine Fourcade. Colonel Bernis was arrested in Monaco in the beginning of 1943. After the Second World War he was an active member of the veteran organizations of the French Resistance. Colonel Bernis was a theoretician of the military intelligence, author of the book "Le Service de Renseignement, le rôle et la méthode des 2èmes Bureaux en campagne" with the foreword of General Weygand, published 1934.In discussing the general question of military intelligence in time of war, the author starts from the undisputed premise that information of the enemy is absolutely essential and must be available in time for use. In any situation there are three factors involved; namely: 1.) the mission as laid down or deduced; 2.) the possibilities which our forces can execute; 3.) the possibilities which the enemy can execute. Colonel Bernis expertly illustrates his conception of how military intelligence should be handled by examples drawn from the Napoleonic Wars, Franco-Prussian War of 1870, and the First World War.

The Essence of War: Leadership and Strategy from the Chinese Military Classics

by Ralph D. Sawyer

From antiquity, the history of China has been marked by invading tribes, warring states, and popular uprisings. This heritage of conflict produced a body of martial literature exploring the fundamental principles of warfare and their methods of employment. Fully aware of the tragic consequences of battle, the authors of these texts emphasized that bloodshed and war should be avoided whenever possible. But, they argued, this is possible only when the principles of leadership and strategy have been mastered and the dynamics of conflict thoroughly analyzed. Over the centuries, these texts have been studied throughout Asia, not only by generals on the battlefield but by leaders of all kinds concerned with the management of human conflict in all its forms. The Essence of War presents eight of these classics (written from 500 B. C. E. to 700 C. E. ), including Sun-tzu's Art of War and Sun Pin's Military Methods. The book introduces the core principles of Chinese military science, grouping selected passages and key quotations into five thematic sections encompassing forty-one topical chapters: Fundamentals, Tao of Warfare, Tao of Command, Tactical Essentials, and Tactical Specifics. Translator Ralph D. Sawyer provides here a concise introduction to Chinese military thought and influential materials not only of traditional import, but also for contemporary study and enduring value in both business and military circles throughout the world.

The Essential Art of War

by Ralph D. Sawyer

Ralph D. Sawyer is the preeminent scholar and translator on Sun-tzu's masterful work. More than 200,000 copies of his Sun-tzu Art of War and more than 55,000 copies of The Complete Art of War have been sold. The Art of War is the most famous study of strategy ever written and has had an extraordinary influence on the history of warfare. The Essential Art of War brings Sun-tzu's classic work to a new, uninitiated readership. This clear and compact volume presumes no prior knowledge of the subject and presents only the material that is essential to understanding this text. Using his best-selling Art of War translation as the centerpiece, Sawyer has re-approached every chapter to include an introduction and closing commentary that deliver the key concepts. An introduction to the volume on the relevance of Sun-tzu's teachings, a chronology, historical background on the translation itself, and a bibliographic essay are also included. The Essential Art of War is presented in an attractive 208-page hardcover volume with foiled jacket, stamped case, and ribbon marker, in a convenient gift size.

The Essential Clausewitz: Selections from On War

by Joseph I. Greene Carl Von Clausewitz

Succinct edition of the influential work, from its observations on the nature and theory of warfare to its outlines of strategic policies: moral force and military virtues, duration and decision of combat, effects of victory and retreat, tactics of offense and defense, planning, and wartime politics.

The Essential M1 Garand: A Practical and Historical Guide for Shooters and Collectors

by Jim Thompson

The first self-loading rifle to see widespread military use, the robust M1 Garand survived the tests of battle from World War II to Vietnam, and it remains a favorite among competition shooters and collectors to this day.In this heavily illustrated, practical history, author Jim Thompson, a longtime M1 shooter and collector, tells the complete story of the rifle's development, look, feel, and function. A thoroughly researched overview of the M1 Garand goes beyond industrial histories and provides background on manufacturers and stateside sources as well as discussing ammunition and accuracy. Detailed photo sections present:Early and World War II riflesWorld War II and postwar rebuilds (including rare postwar rifles from the US and Italy)Special purpose rifles and rarities, including sniper, match, and competition rifles plus the T26Spinoffs and derivatives, including the M14, M1A, and BM.59In addition, reprinted and heavily annotated military and National Match manuals, an updated troubleshooting chart, and a section on reloading provide valuable functional data and rules of thumb with the shooter in mind. Collectors will benefit from an extensive parts compendium.The final part of the book, dedicated to the enjoyment and maintenance of the M1, addresses some common questions about the rifle and offers detailed instruction on some expert procedures for maintaining and smoothing this wartime classic.

Essentials of Aircraft Armaments

by Mrinal Kaushik Prashanth Reddy Hanmaiahgari

This book aims to provide a complete exposure about armaments from their design to launch from the combat aircraft. The book details modern ammunition and their tactical roles in warfare. The proposed book discusses aerodynamics, propulsion, structural as well as navigation, control, and guidance of aircraft armament. It also introduces the various types of ammunition developed by different countries and their changing trends. The book imparts knowledge in the field of design, and development of aircraft armaments to aerospace engineers and covers the role of the United Nations in peacekeeping and disarmament. The book will be very useful to researchers, students, and professionals working in design and manufacturing of aircraft armaments. The book will also serve air force and naval aspirants, and those interested in working on defence research and developments organizations.

Essentials Of Fire Fighting

by Ifsta Staff

IFSTA’s Essentials of Fire Fighting, 6th Edition is the most complete and comprehensive Firefighter I and II text on the market. This new edition is completely revised to meet the 2013 edition of NFPA 1001 and brings the most trusted in-depth knowledge content to students and instructors. The manual is 21 chapters and has 1,400 pages. Key features includes: Separation and clear identification of FFI and FFII content; Updated content, skills, and tactics that reflect the latest research from NIST and UL; A student-focused design that incorporates high quality photos and illustrations, photos enhanced with graphics, and improved tables make content more relevant to visual learners; Key terms in the margins, review questions at the end of each chapter, skill sheets and engaging case histories designed to enhance student understanding; Warnings, cautions, and Safety Alerts emphasize firefighter safety for new firefighters who are mastering the 192 FFI and FFII skills

Essentials of Public Health Preparedness and Emergency Management

by Rebecca Katz Jim Banaski

The public health community plays a vital role in identifying, responding to, containing, and recovering from emergencies. Essentials of Public Health Preparedness and Emergency Management takes an all hazards approach to public health preparedness and emergency management by providing broad perspectives on local, national, and global threats. <p><p> The Second Edition adds authoritative coverage of the field of Emergency Management with the addition of a new co-author, James Banaski, Jr., a hands-on emergency management professional. The Second Edition also includes case studies on Ebola and Zika which demonstrate approaches to addressing the threat of emerging infectious diseases. Additional case studies focus on bioterrorism, environmental disasters, and the need for a coordinated approach involving the full range of first responders, public health and clinical health professionals, and a range of other emergency response professionals. <p><p> Key Features: - Assumes no previous exposure to the concepts making it readable for those who are new to Public Health, yet provides enough depth for readers who may have advanced knowledge. - Offers new chapters on The Preparedness Cycle, Practical Applications of Public Health Emergency Management, and Developing a Public Health Emergency Operations Center - Supports mastery of the Public Health Preparedness and Response competencies developed by the Association of School and Programs of Public Health - Includes Navigate 2 Advantage Access that unlocks a complete eBook, Study Center, homework and Assessment Center, and a dashboard that reports actionable data. Experience Navigate 2 today at

Essex at War, 1939–45 (Your Towns & Cities in World War Two)

by Frances Clamp

Although much maligned, Essex is a vibrant county with a long and exciting history. Being close to the Continent and with one of Britains longest coastlines, it was an obvious target for invasion as the threat of war grew. Many defensive structures were built by the sea and to protect major routes across the county. The remains of pill boxes can still be seen.Essex at War 1939–1945 tells how war greatly affected the county: children were evacuated both to and from Essex; being close to London the county suffered from regular air attacks; farming was important and the Womens Land Army arrived in force. Accounts of Essex airmen and sailors who supported those escaping from Dunkirk are told, and once the USA entered the war there was a new type of invasion in the county when their servicemen arrived and were welcomed at many of the countys airfields.Memories of children growing up during those difficult years are recalled. These include nights spent in cold, damp Anderson shelters, sleeping under solid tables or in claustrophobic Morrison shelters. We learn about disrupted school lessons and the fear felt when the air raid siren wailed. When the V-1 and V-2 unmanned flying bombs were launched in 1944, many still remember listening for the engines to switch off and counting the seconds until they fell to earth.

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