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Showing 10,851 through 10,875 of 36,371 results

Fiat CR.32 Aces of the Spanish Civil War

by Richard Caruana Alfredo Logoluso

The CR.32 Falco was a handsome and highly maneuverable bi-plane fighter. During General Franco's fight with the Republicans for the control of Spain from 1936 - 39, no fewer than 477 CR.32s were involved, with an astounding 709 confirmed aerial victories, and an additional 320 kills claimed, against just 62 losses. As these statistics reveal, the CR.32 was the unrivaled master of the skies over Spain. By the war's end, the five leading aces of the conflict were all Spanish CR.32 pilots. Their exploits, and those of the other leading CR.32 aces, are examined for the first time in English in this exciting volume.

Fiat CR.42 Aces of World War 2

by Richard Caruana Hakan Gustavsson Ludovico Slongo

The Fiat CR.42, a logical development of the Fiat CR.32, was the last single-seat fighter biplane to be produced. It entered service with the Italian Regia Aeronautica in May 1939 before being exported to Belgium, Hungary and Sweden. Its combat debut came when the Belgian air force threw its fleet into action during the German invasion of the Low Countries on 10th May 1940. Despite being quickly overwhelmed, the Belgian pilots managed to make a number of aerial claims. The CR.42 became heavily involved in the fighting in North Africa and although it was gradually replaced by more modern fighters, it continued in a point defense and ground support role until the end of the war.Drawing on research from a range of sources, this book examines the extensive employment of the Italian fighter plane during the course of World War II.

Fidelis: A Memoir

by Teresa Fazio

In 1998 Teresa Fazio signed up for the Marine Corps&’ ROTC program to pay her way through MIT. After the United States was attacked on September 11, 2001, leading to the War on Terror, she graduated with a physics degree into a very different world, owing the Marines four years of active duty. At twenty-three years old and five foot one, Fazio was the youngest and smallest officer in her battalion; the combined effect of her short hair, glasses, and baggy camo was less Hurt Locker than Harry Potter Goes to War. She cut an incongruous figure commanding more experienced troops in an active war zone, where vulnerability was not only taboo but potentially lethal. In this coming-of-age story set in the early days of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Fazio struggles with her past, her sense of authority, and her womanhood. Anger stifles her fear and uncertainty. A forbidden affair placates her need for love and security. But emptiness, guilt, and nightmares plague Fazio through her deployment—and follow her back home.

Fiebre al amanecer

by Péter Gárdos

La novela romántica del nuevo siglo es una historia real.Un Romeo y Julieta después del Holocausto. «En este inolvidable libro el Holocausto es tan solo el telón de fondo de la más insólita de las historias de amor. Fiebre al amanecer posee la virtud del romanticismo clásico: resultar atemporal. La apasionante novela de Gárdos va a ser un éxito.»The Australian Julio de 1945. Miklós, un superviviente húngaro de Belsen, llega a un campamento de enfermos en Suecia. Aquejado de tuberculosis pulmonar, los médicos aseguran que le quedan pocos meses de vida. Pero él tiene otros planes: confecciona una lista de ciento diecisiete jóvenes húngaras convalecientes en distintos hospitales de campaña por toda Suecia, y escribe obsesivamente a cada una de ellas a la sombra de un árbol. Tiene la certeza de que una de esas mujeres se convertirá en su esposa. A cientos de kilómetros de allí, Lili lee su carta, decide contestarle, y tras una intensa correspondencia deciden encontrarse. Solo tienen tres días por delante. Tres días en los que confirman que están enamorados. Pero deberán enfrentarse a aquellos que piensan que no pueden estar juntos. Péter Gárdos ha escrito esta inolvidable novela basándose en las cartas intercambiadas por sus padres. Una historia verídica asombrosa sobre cómo el amor puede burlar a la muerte. Reseñas:«Una novela sin duda apasionante.»El Imparcial «Fiebre al amanecer es una historia de amor para la eternidad. Este libro loco y alegre, con su sombrío ambiente de posguerra, es una historia triste con un final feliz. Una novela para recordar durante el resto de tu vida.»Michael Hayward (director editorial de Text Publishing) «Tras terminar su lectura se ve la vida de otra manera.»The Bookseller «Una lectura compulsiva. Una narración conmovedora sobre un insólito cortejo.»The Syndey Morning Herald «Conmovedora, tierna e inspiradora.»Daily Express «Mi veredicto: un libro del que enamorarse.»The Herald Sun «Una delicada novela sobre la esperanza y la increíble fuerza de voluntad del ser humano.»Io Donna «La conmovedora historia de dos almas dañadas que forjan desde un amour fou juvenil un sólido amor. Con alegría y encanto, con una convicción férrea, Fiebre al amanecer demuestra que no solo se puede sobrevivir al infierno en la tierra, sino que este puede ser trascendido.»Francisco Goldman «Fiebre al amanecer pertenece al canon de las extraordinarias historias reales sobre el amor y la guerra y el poder de las cartas. Dramática y profundamente conmovedora, esta inolvidable historia nos recuerda que el Holocausto no es solo Historia. Es una advertencia.»Jennifer Clement

Field Ambulance Sketches

by Anon.

The Anonymous N.C.O. "A Corporal" recounts his experiences as a stretcher bearer in the mud of Flanders Fields in 1917.The trenches for him and many of his comrades have changed them and here "...Life here is furtive and crouching; a "downward-looking" life; life under a lid. Here men acquire a strange mole-like character: quick to scent the danger that they cannot see; prompt to divine a line of escape where none seems possible. The clay that ingrains their skins seems to have inoculated them with some of the wisdom of Earth and her creeping things. They are subtle as weasels, sensitive as the naked worm..." As he and his fellow stretcher bearers go and collect the men injured and wounded at the front, they face the dangers of snipers, shelling, trench collapses, all the while carrying a heavy human bearing. Not as sanguine as some writers about facing the dangers for King and Country, our author does his duty with aplomb, great courage and a pinch of cynical black humour.

Field Armies and Fortifications in the Civil War

by Earl J. Hess

Earl J. Hess provides a narrative history of the use of fortifications--particularly trenches and other semi-permanent earthworks--used by Confederate and Union field armies at all major battle sites in the eastern theater of the Civil War. Hess moves beyond the technical aspects of construction to demonstrate the crucial role these earthworks played in the success or failure of field armies. A comprehensive study which draws on research and fieldwork from 300 battle sites, Field Armies and Fortifications in the Civil War is an indispensable reference for Civil War buffs and historians.

The Field Campaigns of Alexander the Great

by Stephen English

Alexander the Great is one of the most famous men in history, and many believe he was the greatest military genius of all time (Julius Caesar wept at the feet of his statue in envy of his achievements). Most of his thirteen year reign as king of Macedon was spent in hard campaigning which conquered half the then-known world, during which he never lost a battle. Besides the famous set-piece battles (Granicus, Issus, Gaugamela, Hydaspes), Alexander's army marched thousands of miles through hostile territory, fighting countless smaller actions and calling for a titanic logistical effort.There is a copious literature on Alexander the Great, but most are biographies of the man himself, with relatively few recent works analyzing his campaigns from a purely military angle. This book will combine a narrative of the course of each of Alexander's campaigns, with clear analysis of strategy, tactics, logistics etc. This will combine with Stephen English's The Army of Alexander the Great and The Sieges of Alexander the Great, to form a very strong three-volume examination of one of the most successful armies and greatest conquerors ever known.

Field Exercises: How Veterans Are Healing Themselves through Farming and Outdoor Activities

by Stephanie Westlund

There are nearly twenty-five million veterans and active-duty soldiers in North America. Some experts estimate that more than one quarter of these men and women suffer from post-traumatic distress, and many other military persons experience difficulty reintegrating into civilian life. While conventionally prescribed treatments primarily involve medication and therapy, many people are discovering additional ways to manage their injuries and reduce their suffering.Field Exercises: How Veterans Are Healing Themselves through Farming and Outdoor Activities shares the compelling stories of men and women who are finding relief from stressful and traumatic military experiences, while also establishing community networks and other peer support initiatives. Stephanie Westlund examines: The deep and far-reaching connections between nature and human health The tremendous impact of stress and trauma on survivors' lives Resources and groups providing opportunities in the emerging field of "Green Care".Field Exercises offers hope for veterans searching for methods to ease the transition to civilian life and recover from military stress and trauma. This book will appeal to millions of North American soldiers, veterans, and their loved ones, doctors, psychiatrists, social workers and other caregivers, other groups struggling with high rates of stress and post-traumatic experience, and all those interested in the relationship between nature and human health.Stephanie Westlund holds a PhD in peace and conflict studies. She has been conducting research with veterans since 2009, and continues to be inspired by their courage and personal resolve to move through pain toward recovery, and their unrelenting desire to serve their communities.

A Field Guide to Gettysburg

by Carol Reardon Tom Vossler

In this lively guide to the Gettysburg battlefield, Carol Reardon and Tom Vossler invite readers to participate in a tour of this hallowed ground. Ideal for carrying on trips through the park as well as for the armchair historian, this book includes comprehensive maps and deft descriptions of the action that situate visitors in time and place. Crisp narratives introduce key figures and events, and eye-opening vignettes help readers more fully comprehend the import of what happened and why. A wide variety of contemporary and postwar source materials offer colorful stories and present interesting interpretations that have shaped--or reshaped--our understanding of Gettysburg today.Each stop addresses the following: What happened here? Who fought here? Who commanded here? Who fell here? Who lived here? How did participants remember this event?

Field Gun Jack Versus the Boers: The Royal Navy in South Africa, 1899–1900

by Tony Bridgland

War broke out in 1899 between the British and South African settlers of Dutch descent, the Boers, or Afrikaners as they are usually called today. Despite previous clashes, the British seriously underestimated their opponents. Although dressed in battered civilian clothes and made up entirely of volunteers, Boer troops were all mounted on horses and had very up-to-date German rifles.An even more unpleasant surprise than the mounted riflemen were the Boer artillery units. They were the only Boer troops to wear uniforms, were organized on a full-time basis, and were equipped with excellent German field pieces. The British artillery soon found itself out-gunned and out-ranged.Some British officers, however, were capable of adapting to the new conditions in South Africa. Royal Naval vessels anchored off the Cape had powerful, long-range cannons. It was decided to try bringing these guns ashore and mounting them on improvised carriages for field use. Naval infantry brigades had served in some previous campaigns, and proved capable of accompanying the army as gun crews, their straw hats and naval leggings identifiable in many wartime photographs.Although they were depicted in many wartime drawings and photographs, no serious study of the naval artillery has ever been done. Tony Bridgland has spent many years researching the topic and has produced a study of the technical problems involved in this unique operation, as well as a colourful narrative of naval personnel pressed into hazardous service far from the sea.

Field Marshal Claude Auchinleck

by Evan McGilvray

This military biography explores the life and service of a British Indian Army officer who served with distinction across both world wars.During the First World War, Field Marshal Claude Auchinleck was awarded a Distinguished Service Order for his efforts in Egypt and the Mesopotamian Campaign. Afterward, he aided the pacification of the Northwest Frontier, now Pakistan. In the Second World War he briefly led a division in the ill-fated Norway campaign before being appointed Commander-in-Chief, India. Auchinleck is best remembered for his time as Commander-in-Chief of the Middle East Theatre, where he halted Rommel at the First Battle of El Alamein. He then resumed command in India, where his leadership was vital to success in Burma. In the post-war years, he planned and oversaw the Partition of India and the British withdrawal.In this extensively researched biography, historian Evan McGilvray examines Auchinleck’s long career as well as the transformations of the British military and the Empire itself.

Field-Marshal Earl Haig

by Colonel John Buchan Brigadier John Charteris

Includes 30 maps, plans and illustrations.A detailed personal account of Earl Haig, the man and his principle campaigns, by his closest colleague and confidante. The renowned novelist Buchan, who served under Chateris during the First World War, provides a foreword.“General Charteris had the privilege of serving with Lord Haig in India and at Aldershot, and for the whole of the Great War with the exception of the last two months. During the Battle of the Somme I had the privilege of serving under General Charteris. When, in 1921, the Official History was taking shape, Sir J. E. Edmonds asked Lord Haig whom he would like to go through it on his behalf, with special reference to the work of the I Corps, the answer was: “Send it to Charteris. He knows as much about it as I do.”This book is therefore a study of Lord Haig’s career by one who was himself a sharer in its most momentous stages. It is also a study of a famous soldier by one who brings to the task not only a knowledge of war, but the understanding born of a deep affection. A great man, especially a great man of action, is apt to appear before the world as a combination of abstract powers and virtues, impressive like a statue set up in some public place, but a little remote from our common life...Future historians will discuss every detail of his campaigns, and every aspect of his genius. But in the meantime the world has cause to be grateful, I think, to General Charteris for providing these mémoires pour servir —a personal narrative of how Lord Haig appeared to a colleague and a friend.”-Foreword.“The most competent and authoritative biography of Haig published to date, written by one who was closely associated with him. The book throws much light on Allied strategy as well as on the problem of the high command.”- William L. Langer – Foreign Affairs magazine

A Field Marshal in the Family

by Brian Montgomery

Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery of Alamein has attracted the attention of countless historians over the last 70 years but, despite this coverage, views of his character remain controversial and contradictory. His younger brother Brian, himself a successful soldier, enters the fray with this charming and revealing book examining the background of this legendary military commander. He provides a fascinating account of the influences of Montys family genes together with a wealth of unknown details about his career. His grandfather, Sir Robert Montgomery, played a key role in crushing the Indian Mutiny and his adventures have intriguing parallels with those of Montys two generations later. Dean Farrar, his maternal grandfather, was a powerful Victorian educational and religious figure (Headmaster of Marlborough College and Dean of Canterbury) and author of the iconic Eric, or Little by Little.The author examines in the most entertaining and frank manner Montys idiosyncratic character traits; his opposition to tradition, his Nelsonian approach to rules and regulations, his ruthlessness and determination and his unfashionable views on the absolute necessity for self publicity and the most intensive training to get the maximum from his subordinates, down to the most junior levels.

Field-Marshal Sir Henry Wilson Bart., G.C.B., D.S.O. — His Life And Diaries Vol. I (Field-Marshal Sir Henry Wilson Bart., G.C.B., D.S.O. — His Life And Diaries #1)

by Marshal Ferdinand Foch Major-General Sir Charles E. Calwell

the First World War, who was a passionate "Westerner" and advocate of the Anglo-French alliance. Major-General C. E. Callwell recounts the story of the outspoken, opinionated and well connected Field Marshal using extensive quotes from his diary, often dripping with acerbic wit, in the greatest of detail."Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson, an Irishman who in June 1922 was assassinated on his doorstep in London by Irish republicans, was one of the most controversial British soldiers of that age. Before 1914 he did much to secure the Anglo-French alliance and was responsible for the planning which saw the British Expeditionary Force successfully despatched to France after the outbreak of war with Germany. A passionate Irish unionist, he gained a reputation as an intensely 'political' soldier, especially during the 'Curragh crisis' of 1914 when some officers resigned their commissions rather than coerce Ulster unionists into a Home Rule Ireland. During the war he played a major role in Anglo-French liaison, and ended up as Chief of the Imperial General Staff, professional head of the army, a post he held until February 1922. After Wilson retired from the army, he became an MP and was chief security adviser to the new Northern Ireland government. As such, he became a target for nationalist Irish militants, being identified with the security policies of the Belfast regime, though wrongly with Protestant sectarian attacks on Catholics. He is remembered today in unionist Northern Ireland as a kind of founding martyr for the state. Wilson's reputation was ruined in 1927 with the publication of an official biography, which quoted extensively and injudiciously from his entertaining, indiscreet, and wildly opinionated diaries, giving the impression that he was some sort of Machiavellian monster."-Professor Keith Jeffrey.

Field-Marshal Sir Henry Wilson Bart., G.C.B., D.S.O. — His Life And Diaries Vol. II (Field-Marshal Sir Henry Wilson Bart., G.C.B., D.S.O. — His Life And Diaries #2)

by Marshal Ferdinand Foch Major-General Sir Charles E. Calwell

These two volumes form the official biography of Sir Henry Wilson, a key figure in the British Army during the First World War, who was a passionate "Westerner" and advocate of the Anglo-French alliance. Major-General C. E. Callwell recounts the story of the outspoken, opinionated and well connected Field Marshal using extensive quotes from his diary, often dripping with acerbic wit, in the greatest of detail."Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson, an Irishman who in June 1922 was assassinated on his doorstep in London by Irish republicans, was one of the most controversial British soldiers of that age. Before 1914 he did much to secure the Anglo-French alliance and was responsible for the planning which saw the British Expeditionary Force successfully despatched to France after the outbreak of war with Germany. A passionate Irish unionist, he gained a reputation as an intensely 'political' soldier, especially during the 'Curragh crisis' of 1914 when some officers resigned their commissions rather than coerce Ulster unionists into a Home Rule Ireland. During the war he played a major role in Anglo-French liaison, and ended up as Chief of the Imperial General Staff, professional head of the army, a post he held until February 1922. After Wilson retired from the army, he became an MP and was chief security adviser to the new Northern Ireland government. As such, he became a target for nationalist Irish militants, being identified with the security policies of the Belfast regime, though wrongly with Protestant sectarian attacks on Catholics. He is remembered today in unionist Northern Ireland as a kind of founding martyr for the state. Wilson's reputation was ruined in 1927 with the publication of an official biography, which quoted extensively and injudiciously from his entertaining, indiscreet, and wildly opinionated diaries, giving the impression that he was some sort of Machiavellian monster."-Professor Keith Jeffrey.

Field Marshal Slim - Theoretical Thinking And The Impact Of Theory On Campaign Planning

by Major Shawn P. Steele

Field Marshall Viscount Slim holds a special place in modern military history. He soundly defeated the Imperial Japanese Army in Burma in 1945, retaking the strategically important Burma Road, and safeguarding the Chinese Theater from sure culmination. By all accounts, Slim is a military genius, having achieved this notable victory even after the Japanese 15th Army pushed Allied troops all the way back to India. The historical records attribute Slim's success to his superior ability to lead soldiers in combat, but they tell only half the story. By tracing Slim's implicit process of theoretical thinking, using an observe, interpret, hypothesize, test, and prescribe action framework, this story demonstrates that Slim's genius came from a combination of his abilities to lead and think theoretically. Specifically, in the case of Slim, his ability to think theoretically afforded him the opportunity to develop a new operational approach-a paradigm shift of sorts-and his leadership made it possible to motivate his men to employ that approach. The author asserts that it is the presence of these two abilities in a single man that make him a superior military commander.

Field Marshal William J. Slim: The Great General and the Breaking of the Glass Ceiling

by LTC Edward P. Egan

Field Marshal William J. Slim is considered by many historians to be one of the finest generals of World War II. His accomplishments were truly extraordinary. He commanded a polyglot army, consisting of six different nationalities speaking eight different languages, that fought in some of the most inhospitable, disease-ridden country in the world against the war's toughest opponent, the Japanese. In March 1942, he assumed command of a British-Indian force in Burma half way through the longest retreat in the British Army's history. Even though he was unable to reverse the disaster, he kept his force intact and led it to safety. Over the next three and one half years, despite very limited resources and several inept senior commanders, he rebuilt his force into an army that was able to inflict on the Japanese their greatest land defeat of World War II. In the process, he conducted four of the most classic operational campaigns of the war--the battle of the Second Arakan; the battles of Kohima and Imphal; the capture of Mandalay and Meiktila; and the pursuit to Rangoon. Throughout his career, but especially during World War II, Slim met all the criteria for a great general and strategic leader as set forth in Lord Wavell's Generals and Generalship. Despite these great accomplishments, Slim ran into several "glass ceilings" during World War II. Twice he was relieved of command, once immediately after his greatest battlefield victory. This study examines Field Marshal Slim's leadership. It takes a brief look at his biography, then compares him against Wavell's standards for generalship by highlighting events from his career that illustrate each standard. Finally, it addresses the issue of the "glass ceiling"--what it is, the events surrounding Slim's encounters with it, and how Slim was able to overcome it. The intent is to show that Slim was not only a great World War II general, but is still a model of leadership worthy of study by the U.S. Army.

Field Marshal William Slim And The Power Of Leadership

by Major Frederick A. Baillergeon

On 15 January 1942 the Japanese invaded Burma. Within months, the Japanese occupied the country and forced the Allied forces to conduct a brutal retreat into neighboring India. During the next three and one half years, both forces continued to fight in a campaign with the Allied forces retaking Burma in May 1945. One of the principle figures in this turnaround of the Allied Force was Field Marshal William Slim. During the Burma Campaign Slim served in several key leadership positions culminating as the 14 Army Commander. This focus of this study is to determine the role Slim played in the reconquest of Burma. Specifically, how did Field Marshal William Slim's organizational leadership actions (as defined in the U.S. Army leadership manual, FM 22-100) while serving as the 14 Army Commander, contribute to the Allies reconquest of Burma during World War II? It is hoped that the findings of this study will be of value to leaders of all levels currently fighting the Global War on Terrorism.

A Field Marshal’s Memoirs: From the Diary, Correspondence and Reminiscences of Alfred, Count von Waldersee

by Count Alfred von Waldersee

The present volume is the 1924 English translation of Field-Marshal Alfred Count von Waldersee’s memoirs by Frederic Whyte.“Field-Marshal Alfred Count von Waldersee’s Denkwürdigkeiten are in three volumes in the German edition. The two first, covering the years 1832-1900, were issued at the end of 1922; the third, covering the period August 1900-March 1904, appeared late in 1923. The entire work was edited by Herr Heinrich Otto Meisner, with the approval and assistance of the Field-Marshal’s nephew, Lieut.-General George Count von Waldersee, who contributed a brief Preface to Volume I. The nephew acclaims the uncle as ‘Christian, Nobleman, Prussian, German, Soldier and Servant of his Sovereigns.”“There is a second Preface by Herr Meisner, who abstains from panegyrics and merely explains how the work has been pieced together. The Field-Marshal, it seems, had intended eventually to prepare a book of Reminiscences for the press, but only a very few pages of the Denkwürdigkeiten as printed were written with a view to publication. They have been compiled almost altogether from private diaries, correspondence and memoranda. Hence the impression which they give of absolute genuineness; hence, also, much of their value as a trustworthy historical document. As the well-known critic, Richard Bahr, remarked in the Münchener Zeitung, the work presents in this respect a welcome contrast with many of the autobiographical volumes which have recently appeared in Germany—’self-justification-screeds,’ as he calls them. The Reminiscences which the Field-Marshal contemplated writing might, indeed, have had to be placed in the same category, but here we have the author almost ‘un-retouched,’ and almost as natural and as ingenuous as Pepys.”—Frederic Whyte

The Field of Blood: The Battle for Aleppo and the Remaking of the Medieval Middle East

by Nicholas Morton

A history of the 1119 Battle of the Field of Blood, which decisively halted the momentum gained during the First Crusade and decided the fate of the Crusader states In 1119, the people of the Near East came together in an epic clash of horses, swords, sand, and blood that would decide the fate of the city of the Aleppo--and the eastern Crusader states. Fought between tribal Turkish warriors on steppe ponies, Arab foot soldiers, Armenian bowmen, and European knights, the battlefield was the amphitheater into which the people of the Near East poured their full gladiatorial might. Carrying a piece of the true cross before them, the Frankish army advanced, anticipating a victory that would secure their dominance over the entire region. But the famed Frankish cavalry charge failed them, and the well-arranged battlefield dissolved into a melee. Surrounded by enemy forces, the crusaders suffered a colossal defeat. With their advance in Northern Syria stalled, the momentum of the crusader conquest began to evaporate, and would never be recovered.

Field of Fire (Seal Team Seven #19)

by Keith Douglass

Lieutenant Commander Blake Murdock and five members of Seal Team Seven are assigned to back up the CIA on a covert operation in Syria. Their mission: destroy the laboratory housing an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) bomb capable of rendering all electronic components within a hundred-mile radius inoperative. But just when the SEALs think they've been successful, an EMP is detonated just off the coast of Haifa, Israel, disabling the entire city. As Israel's military defends its land from Syrian invasion, Seal Team Seven must enter the fray - and rescue ten American college students trapped in the chaos.

Field Tested: Recruiting, Managing, and Retaining Veterans

by Emily King

Veterans are a tremendous source of untapped talent and come with a wealth of skills and experience beyond those of typical civilian employees. Field Tested gives readers the insight and tools they need to recruit and retain veterans, and to maximize their value in any organization. A must-read for leaders, managers, and human resources professionals across industries, Field Tested uncovers key cultural differences between the military and civilian workplace, and reveals how these differences can affect employee performance, satisfaction, and retention. Complete with real-world examples, practical models, and savvy advice, this book shows readers how to: ò Attract and interview veterans ò On-board them quickly and effectively ò Position them for success ò Ensure a smooth cultural transition ò Manage performance ò Help them develop lasting careers. Smart companies that hire veterans owe it to themselves and their employees to under stand the unique considerations involved. This one-of-a-kind guide reveals how to make the most of AmericaÆs top talent.

Fields of Battle: Pearl Harbor, the Rose Bowl, and the Boys Who Went to War

by Brian Curtis

A riveting and emotional tale of the boys who played in the 1942 Rose Bowl and then served on the WWII battlefields—a story of football, wartime, and boys becoming men.In the wake of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the 1942 Rose Bowl was moved from Pasadena to Durham, North Carolina, out of fear of Japanese attacks on the West Coast. It remains the only Rose Bowl game to ever be played outside of Pasadena. Duke University, led by legendary coach Wallace Wade Sr., faced off against underdog Oregon State College, with both teams preparing for a grueling fight on the football field while their thoughts wandered to the battlefields they would soon be on. As the players and coaches prepared for the game, America was preparing for war. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill met to discuss the Allied strategy in Europe; a discussion that would change the lives of the boys and men on the field in Durham.Finally, on New Year’s Day 1942, under dark gray skies and occasional rain, the two teams clashed on the gridiron in front of a crowd of 56,000, playing one of the most unforgettable games in history. Shortly afterward, many of the players and coaches entered the military and would quickly become brothers on the battlefield. Scattered around the globe, the lives of Rose Bowl participants would intersect in surprising ways, as they served in Iwo Jima and Normandy, Guadalcanal and the Battle of the Bulge. Four players from that Rose Bowl game would lose their lives, while many more were severely wounded. In one powerful encounter on the battlefield, OSC’s Frank Parker saved the life of Duke’s Charles Haynes as he lay dying on a hill in Italy. And one OSC player, Jack Yoshihara, a Japanese-American, never had the chance to play in the game or serve his country, as he was sent to an internment camp in Idaho. In this riveting an emotional tale, Brian Curtis sheds light on a little-known slice of American history and captures in gripping detail an intimate account of the teamwork, grit, and determination that took place on both the football fields and the battlefields of World War II. It was a game created by infamy and a war fought by ordinary boys who did the extraordinary.

Fields of Battle

by John Keegan

At once a grand tour of the battlefields of North America and an unabashedly personal tribute to the military prowess of an essentially unwarlike people, Fields of Battle spans more than two centuries and the expanse of a continent to show how the immense spaces of North America shaped the wars that were fought on its soil. of photos.

Fields of Blood: A Novel (Hannibal #2)

by Ben Kane

Hannibal's campaign to defeat Rome continues. Having brought his army safely over the Alps in winter, he now marches south to confront the enemy. With him is a young soldier, Hanno. Like his general, Hanno burns to vanquish Rome. Never has the possibility seemed so likely. Facing Hanno is his former friend, Quintus, whom Hanno met while in Roman captivity. A bitter quarrel with his father led Quintus to join the Roman infantry under an assumed name. Among his legionaries, he finds that his enemies are not just the Carthaginians, but men of his own side. A stealthy game of cat and mouse is being played, with Hannibal seeking to fight, and Rome's generals avoiding battle. But battle cannot be delayed for much longer. Eventually, the two armies meet under a fierce summer sun in August in the south of Italy. The place is Cannae-the fields of blood. The encounter will go down in history as one of the bloodiest battles ever fought, a battle in which Hanno and Quintus know they must fight as never before-just to stay alive.

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