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Grandes estrategias

by John Lewis Gaddis

Una clase magistral sobre el arte del liderazgo por el mayor experto mundial en pensamiento estratégico. ¿Qué lecciones de estrategia y liderazgo podemos extraer de la derrota de la Armada Invencible, de la actuación de Churchill en la Segunda Guerra Mundial o de las astutas decisiones de Pericles en la Grecia antigua? John Lewis Gaddis cuenta las más sorprendentes maniobras, fallidas o atinadas, desde el mundo clásico hasta la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y profundiza en el pensamiento estratégico a partir de figuras como Heródoto, César Augusto, San Agustín, Maquiavelo, Felipe II, Clausewitz, Tolstói, Lincoln, Roosevelt o Isaiah Berlin. Gaddis, distinguido historiador de la Guerra Fría, ha estado durante casi dos décadas al frente del legendario programa de estrategia de la Universidad de Yale. En Grandes estrategias reflexiona sobre todo lo aprendido y aplica sus profundos conocimientos para conectar momentos, lugares y personas como nunca antes se había hecho. Para cualquier persona interesada en el arte de la estrategia en cualquier terreno, este libro es una clase magistral. La crítica ha dicho...«Una valiosa defensa de las artes liberales, una reflexión atractiva sobre la educación universitaria y algún consejo oportuno sobre cómo la victoria duradera consiste en ganar lo que puedas en lugar de todo lo que deseas.»Victor Davis Hanson, The New York Times «Brillante, sabio, escrito de manera seductora y profundo.»Roger Kimball, The New Criterion «Gaddis se ha ganado el derecho indiscutible a arar en diferentes campos de investigación histórica, cosa que hace aquí con evidente deleite y curiosidad peripatética.»Gordon M. Goldstein, The Washington Post «Un largo paseo en compañía de una mente única y encantadora, que logra transmitir las lecciones extraídas de distintos continentes y milenios.»John Nagl, The Wall Street Journal «Todo lo que hay que saber sobre cómo los líderes toman decisiones estratégicas. Un estudio sabio e ingenioso del pasado al servicio del futuro.»Kirkus Reviews «Gaddis muestra un profundo conocimiento de la historia y ofrece un estilo de prosa agradablemente sintético a este riguroso estudio del liderazgo.»Publishers Weekly

Grandpa Stops a War: A Paul Robeson Story

by Susan Robeson

"It takes a man of peace to stop a war." The true story of Paul Robeson's visit to the front lines of the Spanish Civil War is a tale of courage and activism told by his granddaughter, Susan Robeson. Grandpa Paul was a world-famous actor and singer with a deep and rumbling voice, a man of peace and principle who worried about the safety of children and families living in countries at war. He wanted to use his voice to promote social justice all over the world. Though people warned Grandpa Paul that it was too dangerous, he traveled with his friend Captain Fernando to the battlefields of the Spanish Civil War to sing to the soldiers. And then something amazing happened...With gorgeous illustrations from fine artist Rod Brown, Grandpa Stops a War celebrates Paul Robeson's global activism and towering achievements, and shows readers the power of music in times of discord and war.An author's note helps readers learn more about the author's personal experience growing up in the Robeson family, and gives parents, teachers, and librarians more in-depth material to expand the reader's understanding of the war and Robeson as a champion of civil rights, global freedom, and world peace.

Grandpa Was a Whaler: A Story of Carteret Chadwicks

by Amy Muse

A survey of the Chadwick family of the Northeast and North Carolina, who played a pivotal role in the development of the regional commerce. The narrative focuses on the period from around 1725 and just after the Civil War.Researcher Amy Muse, a direct descendant of the Chadwicks on her mother’s side, first published Grandpa Was a Whaler in 1961. It became the first thorough research document on the earliest history of whaling in America in 1681 and the involvement of the Chadwick family over the years in whaling and ocean-going shipping. The narrative focuses on the period from around 1725 and just after the Civil War, from Massachusetts to North Carolina and, in particular, to Carteret County, North Carolina, where the Chadwicks established residency.

Grano e non zizzania: Onore a un Maresciallo

by Guido Galeano Vega

Descrizione del libro: In Grano e Non Zizzania si potrà vedere che, nonostante i progressi della scienza e della tecnologia, e nonostante tutte le esperienze riportate, l'umanità si sta muovendo verso la ripetizione di vecchi errori. Si potrà capire chiaramente che la maledizione del peccato, del male e della violenza è ancora insita nella genetica umana e, in un certo senso, le Sacre Scritture hanno di nuovo ragione. Il desiderio dello scrittore di Grano e Non Zizzania è di motivare a rafforzare i valori nobili nella vita della società umana, perché è una lotta di ciascuno, scegliere tra il bene e il male, non solo per ogni comune cittadino, ma anche per coloro che hanno la dura responsabilità della guida di nazioni, etnie e popoli. C'è una vecchia storia, in cui si racconta che viene chiesto ad un anziano il perché del bene e del male nelle persone. Il vecchio gli spiega che all'interno dell'essere umano ci sono due lupi, uno è un lupo buono e l'altro è un lupo cattivo, e sopravvive e diventa forte quello che viene nutrito, e muore quello che viene lasciato indifeso ed abbandonato. Se le nazioni continuano a fabbricare bombe nucleari ed investono milioni di dollari in materiale bellico, il lupo cattivo sta trionfando di nuovo nel mondo. Se ci lamentiamo del mondo in cui viviamo, non è perché il mondo sia cattivo, ma perché le persone non vogliono essere buone. Ognuno è responsabile per il miglioramento. La violenza non è una soluzione, è solo una scusa per coloro che servono e amano la violenza ed alimentano le loro priorità coi benefici che ne derivano. Siamo tutti chiamati da Dio ad essere grano e non zizzania. parole chiave: Alleanza, Grande Guerra, Triplice Alleanza, Guerra del Paraguay, Maresciallo Lopez, Grano, Zizzania, Difesa

Grant: The Wartime Letters Of Ulysses S. Grant To His Wife

by Ron Chernow

<P>Pulitzer Prize winner Ron Chernow returns with a sweeping and dramatic portrait of one of our most compelling generals and presidents, Ulysses S. Grant. <P>Ulysses S. Grant's life has typically been misunderstood. All too often he is caricatured as a chronic loser and an inept businessman, or as the triumphant but brutal Union general of the Civil War. But these stereotypes don't come close to capturing him, as Chernow shows in his masterful biography, the first to provide a complete understanding of the general and president whose fortunes rose and fell with dizzying speed and frequency. Before the Civil War, Grant was flailing. <P>His business ventures had ended dismally, and despite distinguished service in the Mexican War he ended up resigning from the army in disgrace amid recurring accusations of drunkenness. But in war, Grant began to realize his remarkable potential, soaring through the ranks of the Union army, prevailing at the battle of Shiloh and in the Vicksburg campaign, and ultimately defeating the legendary Confederate general Robert E. Lee. Along the way, Grant endeared himself to President Lincoln and became his most trusted general and the strategic genius of the war effort. Grant’s military fame translated into a two-term presidency, but one plagued by corruption scandals involving his closest staff members. <P>More important, he sought freedom and justice for black Americans, working to crush the Ku Klux Klan and earning the admiration of Frederick Douglass, who called him “the vigilant, firm, impartial, and wise protector of my race.” After his presidency, he was again brought low by a dashing young swindler on Wall Street, only to resuscitate his image by working with Mark Twain to publish his memoirs, which are recognized as a masterpiece of the genre. <P> With lucidity, breadth, and meticulousness, Chernow finds the threads that bind these disparate stories together, shedding new light on the man whom Walt Whitman described as “nothing heroic... and yet the greatest hero.” Chernow’s probing portrait of Grant's lifelong struggle with alcoholism transforms our understanding of the man at the deepest level. This is America's greatest biographer, bringing movingly to life one of our finest but most underappreciated presidents. The definitive biography, <i>Grant</i> is a grand synthesis of painstaking research and literary brilliance that makes sense of all sides of Grant's life, explaining how this simple Midwesterner could at once be so ordinary and so extraordinary. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Grant: A Biography (Great Generals Series)

by John Mosier

Grant: A Biography tells of the extraordinary life and legacy of one of America's most ingenious military mindsA modest and unassuming man, Grant never lost a battle, leading the Union to victory over the Confederacy during the Civil War, ultimately becoming President of the reunited states. Grant revolutionized military warfare by creating new leadership tactics by integrating new technologies in classical military strategy. In this compelling biography, John Mosier reveals the man behind the military legend, showing how Grant's creativity and genius off the battlefield shaped him into one of our nation's greatest military leaders.


by Jean Edward Smith

Ulysses S. Grant was the first four-star general in the history of the United States Army and the only president between Andrew Jackson and Woodrow Wilson to serve eight consecutive years in the White House. As general in chief, Grant revolutionized modern warfare. Rather than capture enemy territory or march on Southern cities, he concentrated on engaging and defeating the Confederate armies in the field, and he pursued that strategy relentlessly. As president, he brought stability to the country after years of war and upheaval. He tried to carry out the policies of Abraham Lincoln, the man he admired above all others, and to a considerable degree he succeeded. Yet today, Grant is remembered as a brilliant general but a failed president. In this comprehensive biography, Jean Edward Smith reconciles these conflicting assessments of Grant's life. He argues convincingly that Grant is greatly underrated as a president. Following the turmoil of Andrew Johnson's administration, Grant guided the nation through the post- Civil War era, overseeing Reconstruction of the South and enforcing the freedoms of new African-American citizens. His presidential accomplishments were as considerable as his military victories, says Smith, for the same strength of character that made him successful on the battlefield also characterized his years in the White House. Grant was the most unlikely of military heroes: a great soldier who disliked the army and longed for a civilian career. After graduating from West Point, he served with distinction in the Mexican War. Following the war he grew stale on frontier garrison postings, despaired for his absent wife and children, and began drinking heavily. He resigned from the army in 1854, failed at farming and other business endeavors, and was working as a clerk in the family leathergoods store when the Civil War began. Denied a place in the regular army, he was commissioned a colonel of volunteers and, as victory followed victory, moved steadily up the Union chain of command. Lincoln saw in Grant the general he had been looking for, and in the spring of 1864 the president brought him east to take command of all the Union armies. Smith dispels the myth that Grant was a brutal general who willingly sacrificed his soldiers, pointing out that Grant's casualty ratio was consistently lower than Lee's. At the end of the war, Grant's generous terms to the Confederates at Appomattox foreshadowed his generosity to the South as president. But, as Smith notes, Grant also had his weaknesses. He was too trusting of his friends, some of whom schemed to profit through their association with him. Though Grant himself always acted honorably, his presidential administration was rocked by scandals. "He was the steadfast center about and on which everything else turned," Philip Sheridan wrote, and others who served under Grant felt the same way. It was this aura of stability and integrity that allowed Grant as president to override a growing sectionalism and to navigate such national crises as the Panic of 1873 and the disputed Hayes-Tilden election of 1876. At the end of his life, dying of cancer, Grant composed his memoirs, which are still regarded by historians as perhaps the finest military memoirs ever written. They sold phenomenally well, and Grant the failed businessman left his widow a fortune in royalties from sales of the book. His funeral procession through the streets of Manhattan closed the city, and behind his pallbearers, who included both Confederate and Union generals, marched thousands of veterans from both sides of the war.

Grant and His Generals

by Clarence Edward Noble Macartney

Based on 40 years of research on the Civil War, this book portrays little-known, but dramatic events incident to General Ulysses Grant's leadership of the Union armies.Grant’s Civil War career is a bright parenthesis in a long paragraph of failure. He failed as an officer in the old army; not indeed in the Mexican War itself, but thereafter, when he left the army under a cloud. He failed as a farmer; as a real-estate agent; in the opinion of many, as a President; and as a banker. But from Belmont to Appomattox, meeting and defeating one after another the ablest generals the South could pit against him, from Albert Sidney Johnston to Robert E. Lee, he enjoyed an unbroken record of victory and success.That success has puzzled many a student. How shall we account for it? Badeau, Grant’s military secretary, said that neither he nor the other members of the staff knew why Grant succeeded. They believed in him “because of his success.” Perhaps Sherman approached as nearly as anyone the secret; writing to Grant after he had been appointed lieutenant-general and commander of all the armies, he said: “The chief characteristic of your nature is the simple faith in success you have always manifested, which I can liken to nothing else than the faith a Christian has in his Saviour.”A great personality always embodies intangibles which elude classification and baffle definition. Undoubtedly, one of the best ways to study Grant and penetrate to the heart and mind of this in many ways inscrutable character is to regard him in the light of his personal and military association with the leading officers who labored with him.

Grant and Lee: A Study in Personality and Generalship [Second Edition]

by Maj.-Gen J. F. C. Fuller

First published in 1957, this second edition of the analysis of the generalship of Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee remains one of the most readable histories of the Civil War. The author began his research sharing the generally held assumption that Lee was a great general and Grant a clumsy “butcher.” By the time Fuller completed his project, however, he regarded Grant as the greatest general of his age and one of the greatest strategists of any age. Grant and Lee is a compelling study not only of two remarkable men but also of the nature of leadership and command in wartime.“...cuts squarely across the accepted tradition...[Fuller] examines these two great soldiers from a fresh viewpoint and refuses to let himself be bound by tradition.”—Bruce Catton, New York Times Book Review“...a stimulating study which appreciates both the unique personalities of the protagonists and the social conditions which stamped their tactics.”—Commonweal“Fuller’s...analysis and comparison of the personality, leadership, and generalship of Grant and Lee is as readable, instructive, stimulating, and...controversial as when first published.”—Military Review

Grant and Sherman: The Friendship That Won the Civil War

by Charles Bracelen Flood

"We were as brothers," William Tecumseh Sherman said, describing his relationship to Ulysses S. Grant. They were incontestably two of the most important figures in the Civil War, but until now there has been no book about their victorious partnership and the deep friendship that made it possible.They were prewar failures--Grant, forced to resign from the Regular Army because of his drinking, and Sherman, who held four different jobs, including a beloved position at a military academy in the South, during the four years before the Confederates fired on Fort Sumter. But heeding the call to save the Union each struggled past political hurdles to join the war effort. And taking each other's measure at the Battle of Shiloh, ten months into the war, they began their unique collaboration. Often together under fire on the war's great battlefields, they smoked cigars as they gave orders and learned from their mistakes as well as from their shrewd decisions. They shared the demands of family life and the heartache of loss, including the tragic death of Shermans's favorite son. They supported each other in the face of mudslinging criticism by the press and politicians. Their growing mutual admiration and trust, which President Lincoln increasingly relied upon, would set the stage for the crucial final year of the war. While Grant battled with Lee in the campaigns that ended at Appomattox Court House, Sherman first marched through Georgia to Atlanta, and then continued with his epic March to the Sea. Not only did Grant and Sherman come to think alike, but, even though their headquarters at that time were hundreds of miles apart, they were in virtually daily communication strategizing the final moves of the war and planning how to win the peace that would follow.Moving and elegantly written, Grant and Sherman is an historical page turner: a gripping portrait of two men, whose friendship, forged on the battlefield, would win the Civil War.

Grant Comes East: A Novel of the Civil War (The Gettysburg Trilogy #2)

by Newt Gingrich William R. Forstchen

Grant Comes East, the second book in the bestselling series by Newt Gingrich and William R. Forstchen, continues the story of a Confederate victory at Gettysburg.Across 140 years, nearly all historians have agreed that after the defeat of the Army of the Potomac at Gettysburg, the taking of Washington, DC, would end the war. But was it possible?Lee knows that a frontal assault against such fortifications could devastate his army, but it is a price he fears must be paid for final victory. Beyond a military victory in the field, Lee must also overcome the defiant stand of President Abraham Lincoln, who vows that regardless of the defeat at Gettysburg, his solemn pledge to preserve the Union will be honored. Lincoln will mobilize the garrison of Washington to hold on no matter what the costs.At the same time, Lincoln has appointed General Ulysses S. Grant as commander of all Union forces. Grant, fresh from his triumph at Vicksburg, races east, bringing with him his hardened veterans from Mississippi to confront Lee.What ensues across the next six weeks is a titanic struggle as the surviving Union forces inside the fortifications of Washington fight to hang on, while Grant prepares his counterblow. The defeated Army of the Potomac, staggered by the debacle dealt at Gettysburg, is not yet completely out of the fight, and is slowly reorganizing. Its rogue commander, General Dan Sickles, is thirsting for revenge against Lee, the restoration of the honor of his army, and the fulfillment of his own ambitions, which reach all the way to the White House. All these factors will come together in a climatic struggle spanning the ground from Washington, through Baltimore, to the banks of the Susquehanna River.Once again, Newt Gingrich and William R. Forstchen create a brilliant story of how the Civil War could have unfolded. In Grant Comes East, they use their years of research and expertise to take readers on an incredible journey.

Grant In Peace. From Appomattox To Mount Mcgregor; A Personal Memoir

by General Adam Badeau

Few men can have known General and President of the United States Ulysses S. Grant as well as General Adam Badeau. As Grant's military secretary during 1864-1865, he came to know and work closely with the future president; after the war he would go on to write a three volume history of Grant's military campaigns and serve as senior research assistant to Grant when the later was writing his memoirs. General Badeau came to recognize Grant's capabilities of healing a divided nation and was a frequent correspondent and eventually the President's confidant. General Badeau would go on to write of his friend's history in both his military and peacetime periods with great success. In this volume, Badeau charts Grant's political career and his manoeuvring that led to his appointment as President.

Grant Moves South: Grant Moves South And Grant Takes Command

by Bruce Catton

A Pulitzer Prize-winning historian's acclaimed Civil War history of the complex man and controversial Union commander whose battlefield brilliance ensured the downfall of the Confederacy Preeminent Civil War historian Bruce Catton narrows his focus on commander Ulysses S. Grant, whose bold tactics and relentless dedication to the Union ultimately ensured a Northern victory in the nation's bloodiest conflict. While a succession of Union generals--from McClellan to Burnside to Hooker to Meade--were losing battles and sacrificing troops due to ego, egregious errors, and incompetence, an unassuming Federal Army commander was excelling in the Western theater of operations. Though unskilled in military power politics and disregarded by his peers, Colonel Grant, commander of the Twenty-First Illinois Volunteer Infantry, was proving to be an unstoppable force. He won victory after victory at Belmont, Fort Henry, and Fort Donelson, while brilliantly avoiding near-catastrophe and ultimately triumphing at Shiloh. And Grant's bold maneuvers at Vicksburg would cost the Confederacy its invaluable lifeline: the Mississippi River. But destiny and President Lincoln had even loftier plans for Grant, placing nothing less than the future of an entire nation in the capable hands of the North's most valuable military leader. Based in large part on military communiqués, personal eyewitness accounts, and Grant's own writings, Catton's extraordinary history offers readers an insightful look at arguably the most innovative Civil War battlefield strategist, unmatched by even the South's legendary Robert E. Lee.

Grant Takes Command: Grant Moves South And Grant Takes Command

by Bruce Catton

A thrilling account of the final years of the War Between the States and the great general who led the Union to victory This conclusion of Pulitzer Prize-winning author Bruce Catton's acclaimed Civil War history of General Ulysses S. Grant begins in the summer of 1863. After Grant's bold and decisive triumph over the Confederate Army at Vicksburg--a victory that wrested control of the Mississippi River from Southern hands--President Abraham Lincoln promoted Grant to the head of the Army of the Potomac. The newly named general was virtually unknown to the nation and to the Union's military high command, but he proved himself in the brutal closing year and a half of the War Between the States. Grant's strategic brilliance and unshakeable tenacity crushed the Confederacy in the battles of the Overland Campaign in Virginia and the Siege of Petersburg. In the spring of 1865, Grant finally forced Robert E. Lee's surrender at Appomattox Court House, thus ending the bloodiest conflict on American soil. Although tragedy struck only days later when Lincoln--whom Grant called "incontestably the greatest man I have ever known"--was assassinated, Grant's military triumphs would ensure that the president's principles of unity and freedom would endure. In Grant Takes Command, Catton offers readers an in-depth portrait of an extraordinary warrior and unparalleled military strategist whose brilliant battlefield leadership saved an endangered Union.

Grant’s Campaign in Virginia (Special Campaigns Series #8)

by Captain Vaughan-Sawyer

This ebook is purpose built and is proof-read and re-type set from the original to provide an outstanding experience of reflowing text for an ebook reader. Includes Civil War Map and Illustrations Pack - 224 battle plans, campaign maps, and detailed analyses of actions spanning the entire period of hostilities. The high-tide of Confederate success had passed with Pickett's charge at the battle of Gettysburg; the Union armies were re-invigorated by fresh leadership under Lieut.-General U.S. Grant, who decided upon a campaign that was to push toward the Confederate capital of Virginia through Spotsylvania. The area over which Grant intended to advance was sparsely populated, inaccessible and densely wooded, and his troops' numerical superiority could only be used in the few open areas for a general action. Grant knew that his troops would have to move in separate columns, if only to concentrate for concerted action. General Lee moved to attack the Union troops as they moved into position, before the numerical advantage in open country would spell doom to Confederate hopes. The fighting was confused and bloody; but despite the losses of the Union army, which exceeded the losses of the Confederates greatly, Grant ground onward for he knew that he could afford the casualties better than his enemy. This book is part of the Special Campaigns series produced around the turn of the 20th century by serving or recently retired British and Indian Army officers. They were intended principally for use by British officers seeking a wider knowledge of military history. Captain Vaughan-Sawyer served in the Indian army for all his adult life before falling in the opening months of the First World War. His excellent book is evidence of a life cut short. Title - Grant's Campaign in Virginia (The Wilderness Campaign) 1864 Author -- Captain Vaughan-Sawyer (1875-1914) Series Name - Special Campaigns Series Series Number --8 Text taken, whole and complete, from the edition published in 1908, London, by Swan Sonnenschein & Co. Original -197 pages. Illustrations -- The maps cannot be reproduced with this volume as they are A3 - 224 additional maps have been added.

Grant's Emergence As A Strategic Leader July, 1863, To March, 1864

by LTC Robert L. Ball

This paper looks at Ulysses S. Grant's development as a strategic leader with emphasis on the time period July, 1863, to March, 1864. It has a dual focus. The first is an examination of Grant's growth as a strategic thinker. The second is on the opening of opportunity for Grant to become a leader at the strategic level. The paper is written chronologically, with both subjects interwoven.Bruce Catton, Lloyd Lewis, Carl Sandburg, and T. Harry Williams wrote the primary sources used in research and provided a good balance of "Grant-centric" and "Lincoln-centric" views. Whenever possible, The Official Records of the Rebellion were used. Care was taken to use source material written during the Civil War. Sherman's war time views of Grant's abilities carry more weight in this paper than what he wrote after the war. Similarly, Grant's Memoirs were read with a jaundiced eye.The findings of the research are laid out in the body of the paper. Grant's career is reviewed in order to show a steady progression of ability. There is also a noticeable maturation in Grant's strategic thinking that can be seen in the period highlighted. Finally, incidents are examined in which Grant proved himself to President Lincoln to be a perceptive, adept actor in the politics of high level command, earning Lincoln's trust and confidence.The conclusion of the paper is that just when the nation called for him, Grant had developed the essential skills for the job of general-in-chief.

Grant's Last Battle: The Story Behind the Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant (Emerging Civil War Series)

by Chris Mackowski Kristopher D. White

The remarkable story of how one of America’s greatest military heroes became a literary legend. The former general in chief of the Union armies during the Civil War . . . the two-term president of the United States . . . the beloved ambassador of American goodwill around the globe . . . the respected New York financier—Ulysses S. Grant—was dying. The hardscrabble man who regularly smoked twenty cigars a day had developed terminal throat cancer. Thus began Grant’s final battle—a race against his own failing health to complete his personal memoirs in an attempt to secure his family’s financial security. But the project evolved into something far more: an effort to secure the very meaning of the Civil War itself and how it would be remembered. In this maelstrom of woe, Grant refused to surrender. Putting pen to paper, the hero of Appomattox embarked on his final campaign: an effort to write his memoirs before he died. The Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant would cement his place as not only one of America’s greatest heroes but also as one of its most sublime literary voices. Authors Chris Mackowski and Kristopher D. White have recounted Grant’s battlefield exploits as historians at Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park, and Mackowski, as an academic, has studied Grant’s literary career. Their familiarity with the former president as a general and as a writer bring Grant’s Last Battle to life with new insight, told with the engaging prose that has become the hallmark of the Emerging Civil War Series.

Grant’s Left Hook: The Bermuda Hundred Campaign, May 5–June 7, 1864 (Emerging Civil War Series)

by Sean Chick

Robert E. Lee feared the day the Union army would return up the James River and invest the Confederate capital of Richmond. In the spring of 1864, Ulysses Grant, looking for a way to weaken Lee, was about to exploit the Confederate commander’s greatest fear and weakness. After two years of futile offensives in Virginia, the Union commander set the stage for a campaign that could decide the war. Grant sent the 38,000-man Army of The James to Bermuda Hundred, to threaten and possibly take Richmond, or at least pin down troops that could reinforce Lee. Jefferson Davis, in desperate need of a capable commander, turned to the Confederacy’s first hero: Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard. Butler’s 1862 occupation of New Orleans had infuriated the South, but no one more than Beauregard, a New Orleans native. This campaign would be personal. In the hot weeks of May 1864, Butler and Beauregard fought a series of skirmishes and battles to decide the fate of Richmond and Lee’s army. Historian Sean Michael Chick analyzes and explains the plans, events, and repercussions of the Bermuda Hundred Campaign in Grant’s Left Hook: The Bermuda Hundred Campaign, May 5-June 7, 1864. The book contains hundreds of photographs, new maps, and a fresh consideration of Grant’s Virginia strategy and the generalship of Butler and Beauregard. The book is also filled with anecdotes and impressions from the rank and file who wore blue and gray.

The Granville Sisters (The Granville Sisters Trilogy)

by Una-Mary Parker

As World War II looms, a battle rages between two wealthy London sisters: &“[The] characters are rich, varied, and intriguing.&” —Booklist It is 1935, and the Granville family lives in a world of splendor. Rosie Granville and her younger sister Juliet are launched onto the London social scene in an extravagant debutante ball, and the Granville girls are the talk of the town. Vying for the affections of the same set of men, each is desperate to make a better match than her sister—regardless of the collateral damage. But when Juliet becomes embroiled in a series of scandals, she and Rosie soon discover there are some things even their rich and influential parents aren&’t able to cover up, in this dramatic and enthralling historical saga of love and sibling rivalry.

Grape And Canister: The Story Of The Field Artillery Of The Army Of The Potomac, 1861 To 1865

by L. Vanloan Naisawald

Includes - 18 maps and 6 illustrations"The role of the field artillery in the Civil War is often overlooked in favor of the more romantic views of great cavalry commanders or infantrymen. But the reality was that without the field artillery, many of the decisive battles won by the Army of the Potomac most likely would have resulted in defeat and/or destruction. Grape and Canister, first published in 1960, has since become a classic and remains the definitive study of the field artillery of the Army of the Potomac."-Print ed.

Grapes Of Wrath

by Boyd Cable

IT is possible that this book may be taken for an actual account of the Somme battle, but I warn readers that although it is in the bulk based on the fighting there and is no doubt colored by the fact that the greater part of it was written in the Somme area or between visits to it, I make no claim for it as history or as an historical account. My ambition was the much lesser one of describing as well as I could what a Big Push is like from the point of view of an ordinary average infantry private, of showing how much he sees and knows and suffers in a, great battle, of giving a glimpse perhaps of the spirit that animates the New Armies, the endurance that has made them more than a match for the Germans, the acceptance of appalling and impossible horrors as the work-a-day business and routine of battle, the discipline and training that has fused such a mixture of material into tempered fighting metal.For the tale itself, I have tried to put into words merely the sort of story that might and could be told by thousands of our men to-day. I hope, in fact, I have so "told the tale" that such men as I have written of may be able to put this book in your hands and say: "This chapter just describes our crossing the open," or "That is how we were shelled," or "I felt the same about my Blighty one."

The Grapple (Settling Accounts #3)

by Harry Turtledove

In this stunning retelling of World War II, Harry Turtledove has created a blockbuster saga that is thrilling, troubling, and utterly compelling. It is 1943, the third summer of the new war between the Confederate States of America and the United States, a war that will turn on the deeds of ordinary soldiers, extraordinary heroes, and a colorful cast of spies, politicians, rebels, and everyday citizens. The CSA president, Jake Featherstone, has greatly miscalculated the North’s resilience. In Ohio, where Confederate victory was once almost certain, Featherstone’s army is crumbling, and reinforcements of uninspired Mexican troops cannot stanch a Northern assault on the heartland. The tide of war is changing, and victory seems within the grasp of the USA. Still, new fighting flares from Denver to Los Angeles. Indeed, as the air, ground, and water burn with molten fury, new and demonic tools of killing are unleashed, and secret wars are unfolding. The U.S. government in Philadelphia has proof that the tyrannical Featherstone is murdering African Americans by the tens of thousands in a Texas gulag called Determination. And the leaders of both sides know full well that the world’s next great power will not be the one with the biggest army but the nation that wins the race against nature and science–and smashes open the power of the atom. In Settling Accounts, Harry Turtledove blends vivid fictional characters with a cast inspired by history, including the Socialist assistant secretary of war Franklin Delano Roosevelt and beleaguered Confederate military commander Nathan Bedford Forrest. In The Grapple, he takes his spellbinding vision to new heights as he captures the heart and soul of a generation born and raised amid unimaginable violence. This is a struggle of conquest and conscience, played out on American soil.

Grateful American: A Journey from Self to Service

by Marcus Brotherton Gary Sinise

As a kid in suburban Chicago, Gary Sinise was more interested in sports and rock 'n' roll than reading or schoolwork. But when he impulsively auditioned for a school production of West Side Story, he found his purpose--or so it seemed. Within a few years Gary and a handful of friends created what became one of the most exciting and important new theater companies in America. From its humble beginnings in a suburban Chicago church basement and eventual move into the city, the Steppenwolf Theatre Company launched a series of groundbreaking productions, igniting Gary's career along with those of John Malkovich, Joan Allen, Gary Cole, Laurie Metcalf, Jeff Perry, John Mahoney, and others. <p><p> Television and film came calling soon after, and Gary starred in Of Mice and Men (which he also directed) and The Stand before taking the role that would change his life in unforeseeable ways: Lieutenant Dan in the Academy Award–winning Forrest Gump.The military community's embrace of the character of the disabled veteran was matched only by the depth of Gary's realization that America's defenders had not received all the honor, respect, and gratitude their sacrifices deserve. <p> In the aftermath of the September 11 attacks, this became Gary's mission. While starring in hits like Apollo 13, Ransom, Truman, George Wallace, CSI:NY, and Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders, Gary has worked tirelessly on behalf of those who serve this country, entertaining more than a half million troops around the world playing bass guitar with his Lt. Dan Band, raising funds on behalf of veterans, and eventually founding the Gary Sinise Foundation with a mission to serve and honor America's defenders, veterans, first responders, their families, and those in need. <p> Grateful American is the moving, entertaining, profoundly gripping story of how one man found his calling: to see that those who defend this country and its freedoms are never forgotten. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Gratitude: Reflections on What We Owe to Our Country

by William F. Buckley Jr.

William F. Buckley, Jr., "Mr. Conservative," believes that something must be done to revive our youth's indifference to today's government and politics. In "Gratitude" he offers a plan for universal voluntary national service for men and women 18 years of age and older. Here are his suggestions for how such a program might be structured and administered; on the inducements and sanctions appropriate to its realization; analysis of the benefits, material and spiritual, that would come to those who serve; and an idea of the benefits to those who are served.

Grave Mercy

by Don Pendleton

The horror of the Ton Ton Macoute has returned. At its helm, a mastermind of religious fanaticism and military strategy who is plotting a swift, brutal invasion of a troubled island. Now the zealot is about to experience the Executioner's trademark version of hellfire.

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