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La guerra en la sangre: Los franco-argentinos ante la primer guerra mundial

by Hernán Otero

De la colección Nudos de la Historia argentina, el impacto de la PrimeraGuerra Mundial en argentinos e inmigrantes. ¿Cuál fue el impacto de la Gran Guerra de 1914-1918 en la Argentina? ¿Cuáles fueron los argumentos que dividieron a la sociedad a favor y encontra de la neutralidad de Yrigoyen? ¿Qué acciones llevaron a cabo lascomunidades migratorias? ¿Qué razones impulsaron a miles de extranjerosy a sus hijos argentinos a combatir o a rechazar abiertamente elimpuesto de sangre? Partiendo del grupo francés, caso límite en larespuesta a la movilización militar, y de documentación inédita dearchivos militares y diplomáticos, el libro analiza la anatomía de ladecisión que desgarró a las comunidades, a los migrantes y a susfamilias. Punto de encrucijada entre la historia cultural de la guerra,la historia de las migraciones y la historia diplomática, el textoaborda asimismo el rol de los diplomáticos extranjeros para doblegar laneutralidad; la integración de los inmigrantes europeos hacia elCentenario; el rol de la mujer; los conflictivos vínculos entreconsulados e inmigrantes; las tensiones entre el derecho del suelo y elderecho de sangre; los dramáticos efectos de la guerra sobre lascomunidades vencedoras y derrotadas; y los límites de cualquierdefinición sencilla de la nacionalidad y de la identidad de laspersonas.Para la colección Nudos de la Historia argentina hemos pedido ahistoriadores de primer nivel que escriban libros sólidos pero a la vezatractivos, susceptibles de ser leídos y disfrutados por personasinteresadas en la historia, aunque carezcan de una formaciónuniversitaria en la disciplina. Esperamos estar a laaltura del desafío.

La Guerra Indo-Pakistani: Los Agentes Rusos: Libro 7 (Los Agentes Rusos #7)

by Ted Halstead

Descripción del libro: Rusia se ha enterado de que el robo de dos misiles nucleares tácticos paquistaníes se utilizará para provocar una guerra nuclear entre India y Pakistán. Eso es un problema. Porque la invasión rusa de Ucrania la ha dejado con sólo dos amigos entre los países líderes del mundo. China e India. Y Rusia ha hecho promesas secretas de respaldar a ambos en una guerra nuclear. ¿Podrán los agentes rusos, ayudados por una de las pocas mujeres agentes de la India, impedir una guerra nuclear en el subcontinente? ¿O el conflicto crecerá hasta incluir a Rusia y China, y finalmente comenzará la Tercera Guerra Mundial? “Nunca me pierdo uno de los libros de Ted. Historias muy divertidas. Esta es simplemente una serie de primera clase, excelente escritura. Muy recomendable." ​

A Guerra Inesquecível do Vietnã: A Guerra Americana no Vietnã – A Guerra da Selva

by Lygia Decker Scott S. F. Meaker

Descrição do livro Nota: ***** Este é um pequeno livro sobre a Guerra do Vietnã ***** A Guerra do Vietnã foi uma luta como uma guerra e terminou com os dois lados acreditando que haviam vencido. Mas essa foi uma guerra que iniciou sem uma declaração formal de guerra. Na história do Vietnã, o número de combates pelo poder é algo impressionante. As batalhas eram curtas e intensas e aconteciam na selva e em arrozais. Grande parte da guerra envolveu ataques guerrilheiros.

La guerra invisible: El último secreto de Malvinas

by Marcelo Larraquy

La invasión de tropas argentinas a las islas Malvinas en 1982 desata una guerra invisible, la guerra de inteligencia en torno al arma más temible: los misiles Exocet AM-39. Inglaterra contrataca... En shock por el hundimiento del destructor Sheffield, Gran Bretaña teme una derrota y envía a un escuadrón de ocho hombres a Tierra del Fuego. Tienen una misión imposible: encontrar y destruir los aviones Super Étendard y los misiles Exocet alojados en una base militar de la Patagonia y matar a los pilotos. El 18 de mayo de 1982 el capitán Andrew Legg aterriza con su comando en el sur del continente... Con el ritmo implacable de un thriller e información jamás revelada hasta hoy, Marcelo Larraquy descubre los últimos secretos de inteligencia, espionaje y tráfico de armas de la Guerra de las Malvinas, celosamente guardados por ambos Estados durante casi cuatro décadas.

La guerra más fría (Tríptico de Asclepia #Volumen 2)

by Ian Tregillis

Segunda entrega de la historia bélica sobrenatural y alternativa del Tríptico de Asclepia: en 1963 la Unión Soviética ha reemplazado al Tercer Reich como enemigo a batir, y Gran Bretaña fragua la más extraña de las alianzas para evitar su propia destrucción En el ocaso de la Segunda Guerra Mundial los brujos británicos, al servicio de la organización gubernamental secreta conocida como Asclepia, lucharon para derrotar y eliminar de la faz de la tierra al Tercer Reich. Tras su victoria, se estableció un precario equilibrio entre el Imperio británico y la Unión Soviética, que ahora se extiende desde el océano Pacífico hasta el canal de la Mancha. Pero la balanza está a punto de desequilibrarse, pues, en silencio y sin descanso, los poderosos brujos mueren uno a uno en misteriosas circunstancias. Y con cada baja la seguridad nacional se compromete cada vez más. Mientras tanto, dos hermanos escapan de su cautiverio más allá del Telón de Acero. Protagonistas en su día de un retorcido experimento nazi para dotar de superpoderes a simples mortales, posteriormente prisioneros de los equipos de investigación soviéticos por sus preciadas habilidades, ahora su único objetivo es llegar a Inglaterra. Porque allí es donde vive Raybould Marsh. Y Gretel, poderosa clarividente, tiene planes para él... La crítica ha dicho... «Una mezcla entre las novelas de espionaje del primer John le Carré y la fantasía científica de X-Men. Reveladora y profundamente absorbente.» Kirkus Reviews «Una trama sorprendente, una subyugante ambientación y, sobre todo, personajes fascinantes. Esta novela es un ejemplo de la mejor -y más apasionante- historia alternativa que he leído jamás. Bravo.» Cory Doctorow, «Hágase un favor: coja Semillas amargas y La guerra más fría y léalas de principio a fin para comprender lo alucinante que es esta historia.» Fantasy Book Critic

La guerra menos pensada: Relatos y memorias de Malvinas

by Varios Autores

Un volumen con textos de diecisiete escritores y escritoras de diferentes generaciones que abordan un tema que se mantiene vigente desde hace cuarenta años: la guerra menos pensada, la guerra de Malvinas. Aunque ya han pasado cuarenta años, la guerra de Malvinas sigue siendo una herida abierta, un episodio que no se cierra. Se ha escrito mucho sobre el tema a lo largo de este tiempo pero no hay, que sepamos, ningún libro en el que se haya convocado a distintos escritores y escritoras, de diversas generaciones y estéticas a escribir sobre ella ahora, tantos años después. Este volumen reúne diecisiete textos muy diferentes entre sí, donde encontraremos memorias, crónicas, ficciones y autobiografías sobre el tema con la particularidad de que ninguno de los autores había escrito antes sobre la guerra menos pensada, la que nunca nadie imaginó y que, todavía hoy nos sigue doliendo porque Malvinas está, como suele decirse, en nuestro ADN, en la historia argentina. «Si el origen de la ficción nacional está marcado por la violencia, especialmente la violencia política, y si nuestra narrativa nunca despreció hacerse cargo de los hitos históricos, Malvinas se acomoda perfectamente dentro de esos parámetros. Porque Malvinas es mucho más que una guerra perdida, es la dictadura militar enviando a la muerte o a la mutilación (física, mental) a miles de soldados conscriptos, es un pueblo triunfalista, una muchedumbre que primero aplaudió y luego insultó, es una generación cuya banda de sonido se cantaba en castellano, es la negación en los años siguientes y es el tibio florecer de una consciencia social, de una causa común, de un dolor compartido en las últimas décadas».Del prólogo de Sergio Olguín

Guerra mundial Z: Una Historia Oral De La Guerra Zombi

by Max Brooks

La crónica de cómo la humanidad se enfrentó a la peor amenaza jamás vista.El final estaba cerca, muy pocos vivieron para contarlo... Sobrevivimos al apocalipsis zombi, sin embargo ¿cuántos de nosotros todavía viven atormentados por los recuerdos de estos tiempos terribles? Hemos derrotado a los muertos vivientes, pero ¿a qué precio? ¿Es solo una victoria temporal? ¿Sigue la especie en peligro de extinción? Contada a través de las voces de aquellos que fueron testigos del horror, Guerra Mundial Z es el único documento que existe acerca de la pandemia que estuvo a punto de acabar con la humanidad. Reseña:«Tiene más creatividad e ímpetu que cajas enteras de nuevos títulos de ficción.»USA Today

La guerra Saudi-Iraní: Los Agentes Rusos: Libro 2 (Los Agentes Rusos #2)

by Ted Halstead

¿Podrán los agentes rusos, los tanques saudíes y la tecnología estadounidense detener a tiempo al Líder Supremo de Irán? El nuevo gobernante de Irán utilizará tres armas nucleares, VX y dos fuerzas blindadas que se dirigen hacia Riad para derrocar a la monarquía saudí. ¿Podrán detenerlo antes de que mueran miles de personas y comience una guerra más amplia en Oriente Próximo? A los aficionados a la ficción militar les encantarán las detalladas descripciones de tanques, drones y ojivas. Pero los aficionados al thriller político disfrutarán con el ritmo y la historia. Se lee como una novela de Tom Clancy, en el sentido de que hay numerosos personajes y muchas partes en movimiento. Sin embargo, a diferencia de Clancy, no hay tramas secundarias que se desvíen. Todas las personas y acontecimientos descritos en el libro conducen directamente a la trama principal, lo que hace que sea una lectura bastante rápida y concisa. Recomiendo encarecidamente este libro, especialmente si sientes curiosidad por la ficción militar.

Guerra Submarina: La batalla del Atlantico (Historia Incógnita)

by José Manuel Gutiérrez de la Cámara Señán

Las estrategias de la cruel y despiadada guerra submarina en el atlántico norte, que fue clave para la victoria final en las dos guerras mundiales. La guerra submarina es la gran desconocida en todos los libros de historia. Conocemos las fechas y las batallas terrestres y aéreas, pero ¿cómo participan los submarinos en estos conflictos? A lo largo de este libro conoceremos las distintas estrategias de este tipo de batallas a través de la Batalla del Atlántico (conflicto de suma importancia para las dos guerras mundiales del siglo XX) que se desarrolló en el Atlántico Norte por el dominio de las comunicaciones marítimas, fue cruenta y despiadada, ya que la victoria suponía ganar la guerra. Submarinos, aviones y barcos corsarios, lucharon sin cuartel contra los convoyes que atravesaban el Atlántico para impedir que alcanzasen su destino. A lo largo de estas páginas disfrutará de los enfrentamientos y los detalles de cada encuentro no sólo entre submarinos sino la forma de luchar contra aviones y barcos, sus consecuencias y cómo influyó en el desenlace de ambas guerras.

Guerra y paz

by Lev Tolstói

Los mejores libros jamás escritos Edición de la Academia Soviética de Ciencias Obra cumbre de Lev Tolstói (junto a Anna Karénina) y de la narrativa del XIX, Guerra y paz constituye un vasto fresco histórico y épico. Con la campaña napoleónica -Austerlitz, Borodinó o el incendio de Moscú- como trasfondo, se narra la historia de dos familias de la nobleza rusa, los Bolkonski y los Rostov, protagonistas de un mundo que empieza a escenificar su propia desaparición. Hasta hace pocos años, todas las traducciones de Guerra y paz se basaban en la edición canónica de 1873. Sin embargo, en 1983, la Academia Soviética de Ciencias publicó lo que ellos llamaron la «edición original», es decir, la primera versión que Tolstói escribió en 1866. Es la espléndida traducción de ese manuscrito original, de la mano de Gala Arias Rubio, la que publicamos en estevolumen. «¿Es que se puede estar en paz en los tiempos que corren, cuando se tiene algo de sensibilidad?»

Guerras del siglo XXI: El imperio contra Irak

by Ignacio Ramonet

Un valiente análisis de las amenazas y miedos que provienen de la mundialización y del desequilibrio entre las naciones tras el 11 de septiembre de 2001. Ignacio Ramonet presenta un retrato del nuevo mundo tras los atentados del 11 de septiembre: la ofensiva de Estados Unidos contra el terrorismo internacional, el recrudecimiento del conflicto israelí-palestino y el ascenso de la ultraderecha en el paisaje electoral europeo. Este nuevo orden viene condicionado por otro fenómeno central, la globalización, cuyos protagonistas no son estados colonizadores, sino empresas y multinacionales privadas dispuestas a dominar el planeta invadiendo mercados en lugar de países. Lo que se traduce en un agravamiento de las desigualdades y en la reiterada destrucción de la naturaleza. Ante esta situación, los ciudadanos reclaman nuevos derechos colectivos que defiendan un medio ambiente a salvo de la contaminación, una ciudad humana, una información no manipulada, así como la paz y el desarrollo de los pueblos. Las sociedades civiles deben reclamar su protagonismo en las grandes negociaciones internacionales. Para cambiar este mundo, hay que soñar un futuro diferente. Reseña:«Junto a la gran cantidad de información que proporciona esta obra en su análisis de la realidad más actual, Ramonet crea, como en las utopías, horizontes inesperados.»Bernabé Sarabia, El Cultural de El Mundo

Guerrilla: A Historical And Critical Study

by Walter Laqueur

This book deals with guerrilla warfare; it does not aim at presenting a universal theory, for such a theory would be either exceedingly vague or exceedingly wrong. The present volume is the first part of a wider study which, the author believes, has not been attempted before - a critical interpretation of guerrilla and terrorist theory and practice

The Guerrilla Factory

by Tony Schwalm

THE NAVY HAS THE SEALS, and the Army has the Green Berets. They are masters of asymmetrical warfare, trained to immerse themselves in hostile territory, sleeping near their enemies and building relationships with people who may want to kill them. Retired lieutenant colonel Tony Schwalm knows this group well, because he is one of them and he trained them. In The Guerrilla Factory, he provides an unbelievably gripping inside look into the grueling training that every Army officer must endure to become one of America's elite Green Berets. The Special Forces Qualification Course, also known as the Q Course, is infamous in U.S. Army lore. It transforms conventional soldiers, through blood, sweat, and tears, into unconventional guerrillas. As a young soldier, Schwalm earned his own Green Beret there. Later, he was the commander of Special Forces officer training at Fort Bragg, evaluating and redesigning the crucible in which leaders face brutal tests of physical strength, stamina, and wits. The Guerrilla Factory is the engaging and compelling story of Schwalm's experience there as a student (from selection to graduation) and his time as the commander of training at Fort Bragg. It is a story of young soldiers striving to become the elite of the elite--of their trials, physical and emotional, and of their triumphs and losses. In this dramatic account of the challenges faced by these young soldiers, Schwalm describes how men are forced to demonstrate ingenuity under intensely adverse conditions as they are pushed to the point of hallucination, walk until their feet are bloody, and fight off packs of angry dogs with nothing but a rubber rifle. Soldiers today face an entirely different kind of warfare and must be schooled to deal with unusual circumstances. They must have intricate knowledge of how to gather information in a dangerous, unstable atmosphere, and they need to be able to adapt quickly to differences in their surroundings. Schwalm's book takes readers deep into this world, showing exactly how soldiers acquire the necessary skills. Revealing details never before shared outside military circles, Schwalm provides a rare and rousing look inside the courageous hearts and souls of soldiers who put their lives on the line for duty, honor, and our country.

Guerrilla Leader: T. E. Lawrence and the Arab Revolt

by James Schneider

Reclaiming T. E. Lawrence from hype and legend, James J. Schneider offers a startling reexamination of this leader's critical role in shaping the modern Middle East. Just how did this obscure British junior intelligence officer, unschooled in the art of war, become "Lawrence of Arabia" and inspire a loosely affiliated cluster of desert tribes to band together in an all-or-nothing insurgency against their Turkish overlords? The answers have profound implications for our time as well, as a new generation of revolutionaries pulls pages from Lawrence's playbook of irregular warfare.Blowing up trains and harassing supply lines with dynamite and audacity, Lawrence drove the mighty armies of the Ottoman Turks to distraction and brought the Arabs to the brink of self-determination. But his success hinged on more than just innovative tactics: As he immersed himself in Arab culture, Lawrence learned that a traditional Western-style hierarchical command structure could not work in a tribal system where warriors lead not only an army but an entire community. Weaving quotations from Lawrence's own writings with the histories of his greatest campaigns, Schneider shows how this stranger in a strange land evolved over time into the model of the self-reflective, enabling leader who eschews glory for himself but instead seeks to empower his followers. Guerrilla Leader also offers a valuable analysis of Lawrence's innovative theories of insurgency and their relevance to the ongoing turmoil in the Middle East.This exhaustively researched book also provides a detailed account of the Arab revolt, from the stunning assault on the port city of Aqaba to the bloody, Pyrrhic victory at Tafileh, the only set-piece battle Lawrence fought during the Great Arab Revolt. Lawrence emerged from the latter experience physically and mentally drained, incapable of continuing as a military commander, and, Schneider asserts, in the early stages of the post-traumatic stress disorder that would bedevil him for the rest of his life. The author then carries the narrative forward to the final slaughter of the Turks at Tafas and the Arabs' ultimate victory at Damascus.With insights into Lawrence's views on discipline, his fear of failure, and his enduring influence on military leadership in the twenty-first century, Guerrilla Leader is a bracingly fresh take on one of the great subjects of the modern era.Foreward by Pulitzer Prize winner Thomas E. RicksFrom the Hardcover edition.

Guerrilla Nation: My Wars In and Out of Vietnam

by Michael Maclear

A celebrated journalist finds himself reporting on the savage war in Vietnam while in combat with his own network. In September 1969, Michael Maclear, the first Western television journalist allowed inside North Vietnam, was in Hanoi for major Canadian and U.S. networks. He recounted in gripping detail how an entire population had been trained for generations in guerrilla combat. His reporting that the North was motivated more by nationalism than Marxism was highly controversial.Later Maclear was taken blindfolded to a Hanoi prison for captive U.S. pilots, some of whom condemned the war. Nixon’s White House said the Canadian reporter was duped, and Maclear’s own network questioned him in those terms on air. Later, the network found reason to dismiss Maclear as a foreign correspondent.Recently, Maclear returned to Vietnam and interviewed surviving key figures from the war. In this book he includes startling new information on guerrilla tactics and delivers an impassioned argument for the necessity of journalistic impartiality and integrity.

Guerrilla Operations in the Civil War: Assessing Compound Warfare During Price’s Raid

by Major Dale E. Davis

One of the most significant areas of guerrilla warfare during the American Civil War occurred along the Missouri-Kansas border. Many of these guerrilla forces had been active during the Bleeding Kansas period and continued their activities into the Civil War supporting the Confederacy. The guerrillas attacked Federal forces and disrupted their lines of communications, raided settlements in Kansas, and attempted to support Confederate conventional forces operating in the area. In 1864, Major General Sterling Price led a raid into Missouri in a final attempt to bring the state into the Confederacy. This thesis explores the nature of guerrilla warfare in the Missouri-Kansas border area and explains how Price and the guerrillas failed to employ the elements of Compound Warfare to bring Missouri into the Confederacy.

Guerrilla Surgeon

by Dr Lindsay Rogers

Dr. Rogers was a New Zealander who, after duty with British troops in North Africa during the early years of the war, made the decision to enter guerrilla warfare in the Balkans and was accepted for training to join the Jugoslav partisans. The account of his experiences, written a decade ago after he had just left the country, has the freshness of recently known people and events and the detachment of a thoughtful mind which could pause to analyse and indicate their meaning for the course of victory and for future Balkan politics. On one level the narrative is full of the scenes of daily life. There are conversations with his aids Bill and Ian (important people in the book), the work in makeshift hospitals, the dangers of movement and escapes and the developing friendships with many of the partisani. But these last, for example, are also geared to show their tendency towards Russian sympathies and the unfortunate handling of British propaganda which made the partisansi think that Britain's main contribution to the war was in helping Mikhailovich. We see too Dr. Rogers' concern with medical methods. He was appalled at the rough and unsympathetic operation room techniques he found among German trained doctors; he saw the possibility for a system of evacuating the wounded to Italy. Eventually he became so valuable that Tito commandeered him from the base in Croatia, where Rogers was beginning to feel at home, to start a medical school in Bosnia. A personal history which is exciting and perceptive enough to hold its own in the war annals market.--Kirkus Book Review

Guerrilla Warfare

by Ernesto Che Guevara

In this, the most famous book produced by the Cuban Revolution, a charismatic guerrilla leader presents his manifesto on asymmetrical warfare. The Argentine-born Marxist revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara (1928-1967) establishes the principles of waging a popular rebellion, outlining his theories on insurrection and discussing their application in Cuba and elsewhere. Guevara's essays remain remarkably relevant to the twenty-first century, and his example of dedication, commitment, and self-sacrifice continues to inspire freedom fighters around the world.

Guerrilla Warfare: A Historical and Critical Study

by Walter Laqueur

As the author makes clear, every book has a history; Guerrilla Warfare is no exception. Together with its sequel Terrorism (and two companion readers) it was part of a wider study: to give a critical interpretation of guerrilla and terrorism theory and practice throughout history. It did not aim at providing a general theory of political violence, nor did it give instructions on how to conduct guerrilla warfare and terrorist operations. Its aim remains to bring about greater semantic and analytic clarity, and to do so at psychological as well as political levels.While the word guerrilla has been very popular, much less attention has been given to guerrilla warfare than to terrorism - even though the former has been politically more successful. The reasons for the lack of detailed attention are obvious: guerrilla operations take place far from big cities, in the countryside, in remote regions of a nation. In such areas there are no film cameras or recorders.In his probing new introduction, Laqueur points out that a review of strategies and the fate of guerrilla movements during the last two decades show certain common features. Both mainly concerned nationalists fighting for independence either against foreign occupants or against other ethnic groups within their own country. But despite the many attempts, only in two placesAfghanistan and Chechnya were the guerrillas successful.According to Laqueur historical experience demonstrates that guerrilla movements have prevailed over incumbents only in specific conditions. Due to a constellation of factors, ranging from modern means of observation to increase in firepower. The author suggests that we may witness a combination of political warfare, propaganda, guerrilla operations and terrorism. In such cases, this could be a potent strategy for unsponsored revolutionary change. But either as social history or military strategy this work remains a crucial work of our times.

Guerrilla Warfare: Kings of Revolution (Casemate Short History)

by Peter Polack

An overview of Alexander’s life—from his early military exploits to the creation of his empire and the legacy left after his premature death.Alexander was perhaps the greatest conquering general in history. In a dozen years Alexander took the whole of Asia Minor and Egypt, destroyed the once mighty Persian Empire, and pushed his army eastwards as far as the Indus. No one in history has equaled his achievement. Much of Alexander’s success can be traced to the Macedonian phalanx, a close-ordered battle formation of sarissa-wielding infantry that proved itself a war-winning weapon. The army Alexander inherited from his father was the most powerful in Greece, highly disciplined, trained and loyal only to the king. United in a single purpose, they fought as one. Cavalry was also of crucial importance in the Macedonian army, as the driving force to attack the flanks of the enemy in battle. A talented commander, able to anticipate how his opponent would think, Alexander understood how to commit his forces to devastating effect and was never defeated in battle. He also developed a corps of engineers that utilized catapults and siege towers against enemy fortifications. Alexander led from the front, fighting with his men, eating with them, refusing water when there was not enough, and his men would quite literally follow him to the ends of the (known) world. None of his successors was able to hold together the empire he had forged. Although he died an early death, his fame and glory persist to this day.

Guerrilla Warfare: Insurgents, Rebels, and Terrorists from Sun Tzu to Bin Laden

by David Rooney

The history of the world's most brutal surprise attacks: guerrilla warfare. Since man's earliest days, there has been conflict and, also from that point, unconventional forms of action where the norm was abandoned and the unorthodox employed. Here, historian David Rooney selects examples of the leaders who, for personal, religious, tribal, or national ambitions, have been trailblazers in this form of warfare. Tracing the origins of guerrilla theories back to the Maccabees, the author moves on through the Napoleonic Age and the Boer Wars before considering Michael Collins, Mao Tse Tung, T. E. Lawrence, Castro and Guevara, and the Guerrillas of World War II before considering the situation with Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden. The irregularity of this form of military action seems so pertinent in an age where convention and tradition in all walks of life is quickly abandoned in search of fast results; the warrior of the twenty-first century is more likely to adopt unconventional strategies than ever before. The topic is one of public debate and this explanation of its evolution can only increase our understanding and awareness of the topic.

Guerrilla Warfare

by Harry Pombo" Villegas Ernesto Che Guevara

Featuring a new preface by his guerrilla compañero in Bolivia and Africa, Harry "Pombo" Villegas, this new, expanded and revised edition of a bestselling Che Guevara classic reviews a crucial period of Latin American political history.

Guerrilla Warfare Tactics In Urban Environments

by Major Patrick D. Marques

Current Special Forces doctrine is very limited concerning the conduct of guerrilla warfare combat operations in urban environments. The focus of the current doctrine is on conducting combat operations in rural environments. The material available on urban environments is defined in broad terms primarily focused on the larger picture of unconventional warfare. Some considerations and characteristics of urban tactical operations are addressed but are so general they could be applied to a conventional infantry unit as easily as to a guerrilla force. Traditionally, Special Forces guerrilla warfare doctrine has focused on its conduct in a rural environment as historically, most guerrilla movements have formed, operated, and been supported outside of the cities. Increasing world urbanization is driving the "center of gravity" of the resistance, the populace and their will to resist, into urban settings. As populations have gravitated to the cities on every continent, the ability to prosecute a successful guerrilla war has often depended on the ability to conduct combat operations in these environments. Predominantly, the aspects of unconventional warfare that were executed in urban settings were those such as intelligence activities, recruiting, sabotage, or subversion. Guerrilla warfare combat operations were done in urban environments only when absolutely necessary.

Guerrilla y Contraguerrilla: Teoría y Práctica

by Jehan Morel

Jehan Morel, experimentado soldado y estudioso de la ciencia militar, expone el intrigante mundo de la guerra de guerrilla y contraguerrilla en este libro absorbente. Basándose en su pericia y experiencia de primera mano en la Indochina francesa y África Central, ha creado un manual parcialmente práctico y un examen en parte histórico de los principales movimientos geopolíticos contemporáneos. Usando una lupa distintiva no occidental, analiza profundamente cómo los diferentes aspectos de la política, la historia, el fundamentalismo religioso, el dinero y las rivalidades étnicas se combinan para culminar en la guerra. Y también te lleva a los lados 'ocultos': financiación, inteligencia, guerra psicológica, engaño, comunicaciones, relaciones públicas y guerra cibernética, que juegan un papel importante en la guerra asimétrica. De ninguna manera es esta la percepción romántica de la guerrilla, en cambio, este libro meticulosamente investigado le da una rara visión de su verdadera naturaleza. Ofrece una visión de su fascinante mundo, donde los rebeldes deben ser apoyados con planificación estratégica y ejecución para lograr sus objetivos perfectamente: proclamar la independencia de un país (mientras está bajo ocupación), ganar la lucha contra el régimen gobernante actual o vencer a un ejército invasor extranjero a través de una guerra de desgaste. La guerra contra la guerrilla también se somete al mismo escrutinio; Los enfoques recomendados cuando se enfrentan a una insurgencia y una idea de su base estructural ideal. Las minucias de las operaciones guerrilleras típicas son capturadas y magníficamente detalladas: el ataque de una patrulla, un puesto avanzado, un convoy de carretera o un convoy fluvial, una base aérea, combates callejeros, combate en la selva y la liberación de un campamento de prisioneros, y astutas operaciones de contraataque en áreas tribales, la selva o África subsahariana, y la crea

Guerrillas: Journeys in the Insurgent World

by Jon Lee Anderson

Prior to gaining international renown for his definitive biography of Che Guevara and his firsthand reports on the war in Iraq in the acclaimed THE FALL OF BAGHDAD, Jon Lee Anderson wrote GUERRILLAS, a daring on-the-ground account of five diverse insurgent movements around the world: the mujahedin of Afghanistan, the FMLN of El Salvador, the Karen of Burma, the Polisario of Western Sahara, and a group of young Palestines fighting against Israel in the Gaza Strip. Making the most of unprecedented, direct access to his subjects, Anderson combines powerful storytelling with a balanced, penetrating analysis of each situation. A work of phenomenal range, analytical acuity, and human empathy, GUERRILLAS amply demonstrates why Jon Lee Anderson is one of our most important chroniclers of societies in crisis.

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