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Showing 15,001 through 15,025 of 35,903 results

Homeland Security and Criminal Justice: Five Years After 9/11

by Everette B. Penn

No event has shaped international events of recent years more than the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Tragically, less than four years later, Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast. In less than five years, the United States has experienced its worst terrorist attack and worst natural disaster, both in terms of the number of lives lost and in the costs needed for reconstruction. Both events have clearly indicated that there are tremendous threats to the security and well-being of Americans in their own country. Furthermore, these events have demonstrated the importance of criminal-justice agencies who are the first responders to threats to the United States. Since the threats of further terrorist attacks, natural disasters, epidemics, and cybercrime continue to lurk as potential dangers to the United States homeland, the American Criminal Justice System must be committed to mitigating, preparing for, responding to, and recovering from these tragic events. In addition, its commitment must be steadfast and ubiquitous. This highly topical book analyzes the nexus of homeland security to the discipline of criminal justice by addressing, in depth, issues and challenges facing criminal-justice students, practitioners, and faculty in the burgeoning field of homeland security.This book was previously published as a special issue of Criminal Justice Studies.

The Homeland Security Dilemma: Fear, Failure and the Future of American Insecurity (Contemporary Security Studies)

by Frank P. Harvey

This book explores the paradox of the ‘security dilemma’ in International Relations, as applied to the post-9/11 context of homeland security. The book's central argument can be summed up by the following counterintuitive thesis: the more security you have, the more security you will need. It argues that enhancing security does not make terrorism more likely, but rather it raises public expectations and amplifies public outrage after subsequent failures. The book contests that this dilemma will continue to shape American, Canadian and British domestic and international security priorities for decades. In exploring the key policy implications resulting from this, the book highlights the difficulty in finding a solution to this paradox, as the most rational and logical policy options are part of the problem. This book will be of interest to students of Homeland Security, Security Studies, US politics, and IR in general.

Homeland Security in the UK: Future Preparedness for Terrorist Attack since 9/11 (Political Violence)

by Paul Wilkinson

This book is a detailed examination of whether domestic security measures are striking an appropriate balance between homeland security and civil liberties in the post-9/11 era. Professor Paul Wilkinson and the other contributors assess the nature of UK responses to terrorism by key public and private-sector bodies, highlighting how these organizations can prevent, pre-empt, counter and manage terrorist attacks by using a matrix of factors such as types of terrorist networks, tactics and targets. The volume also compares and contrasts the UK's response with cognate states elsewhere in the EU and with the USA. While improved intelligence has helped prevent a major Al Qaeda attack, the authors conclude that there is still a ‘major question mark’ over whether the country is adequately resourced to deal with an emergency situation, particularly in major cities other than London. The book also confirms that while the UK faces a ‘real and serious’ threat of terrorist attack by Al Qaeda, it is better prepared for an attack than other EU member states. Homeland Security in the UK will be essential reading for all students of terrorism studies, security studies and politics, as well as by professional practitioners and well-informed general readers.

Homeland's Hope, a Novella: Virtues and Valor #2

by Hallee Bridgeman

Stage and screen legend VIRGINIA BENOIT performs for standing room only crowds in her adopted home of France. When the Nazis roll into Paris, she flees to Casablanca, taking the heart of an enemy Colonel with her. While in there, Virginia devises a plan to use her position, talent, and influence with the high ranking Axis officer to aid the Allied cause. Virginia joins the Virtues team, assigned the code-name HOPE. Her keen mind trains in the craft of espionage. After staging a rift with the US, she returns to Paris, hiding undercover in plain sight, and spies on the enemy. All is well until the Third Reich imprisons the Virtues wireless operator, code named Temperance. As the Virtues engineer a plan to rescue Temperance from the Gestapo's clutches, Virginia takes to the stage to play her part in the daring mission. Will the murderous racism of the Nazi High Command prevent her from fulfilling her duties? HOMELAND'S HOPE is part two of seven serialized novellas entitled the Virtues and Valor series.

El homenaje

by Andrea Camilleri

En este inteligente y divertidísimo relato cargado de ironía, Andrea Camilleri apunta, una vez más, a la cara más absurda del ser humano. Como en la mejor obra de teatro, las intenciones de los personajes se revelan ante nuestros ojos a través de las mentiras que profieren sin pudor y, entre una maraña de leyendas engañosas y honores trasnochados, la realidad termina asomando la cabeza y delatando a los farsantes. El 11 de junio de 1940, Italia entera celebra la entrada en guerra como si fuera un «billete de lotería premiado». En Vigàta, tras cinco años de confinamiento por «difamación sistemática del glorioso régimen fascista», Micheli Ragusano se presenta de improviso en el Círculo Fascismo y Familia. Como era de esperar, nadie lo saluda, pero los ánimos se encrespan y la tensión sube hasta que Manueli Persico, ferviente fascista de noventa y siete años, cae fulminado por un infarto. Empieza así una curiosa y disparatada ronda de homenajes y celebraciones póstumos, en la cual, entre verdades soterradas y sospechas maquilladas, cada uno ejercita a su manera ese arte tan sutil propio de todas las épocas: el revisionismo y la componenda. Reseñas:«Un relato vivaz y fantasioso que, con el gusto por la diversión y la sagacidad de una mirada ejercitada en captar la caricatura, desenmascara apariencias y hace aflorar la realidad.»Solo Libri «Un relato ejemplar.»Cristina Taglietti, Corriere della Sera «Nos hace pensar en Pirandello, el otro grandísimo autor de Agrigento, cuyas obras a menudo ilustran lo difícil que es definir y comprender al prójimo, fragmentado en mil máscaras e historias. [...] Una lectura audaz, divertida y ágil.»

Homenaje a Cataluña

by George Orwell

Sin duda uno de los libros más importantes del siglo XX. Una obra clave sobre la guerra civil española por uno de los principales escritores de la época y testigo del episodio. Homenaje a Cataluña es un libro admirado por autores de toda época y condición, desde Connolly o Trilling hasta Javier Cercas, Antony Beevor o Mario Vargas Llosa, que llegó en los años sesenta a Barcelona con esta obra bajo el brazo. Con esta edición conmemorativa que incluye un cuadernillo de fotografías, alguna de ellas inéditas, recuperamos un texto clave sobre la guerra de España, que sirvió de ensayo general a la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y que recoge la experiencia personal de George Orwell. El autor británico llegó en diciembre de 1936 a una Barcelona en plena efervescencia revolucionaria y en menos de un año tuvo que huir de la implacable maquinaria soviética por haber formado parte de las milicias del POUM. La honestidad y el coraje con el que Orwell narra lo que vivió le convierten en el escritor moral por excelencia. Homenaje a Cataluña es un poderoso manifiesto del hombre contra las abstracciones que acaban conduciendo inevitablemente al terror. La crítica dijo...«Un retrato inmejorable de los rumores, las sospechas y la traición de una guerra civil.»Antony Beevor

Homenatge a Catalunya

by George Orwell

L'edició definitiva de l'assaig de George Orwell sobre la Guerra Civil Espanyola, prologat per Miquel Berga i amb una nova traducció a càrrec de Jordi Ainaud. Homenatge a Catalunya és una obra imprescindible per conèixer aspectes essencials de la Guerra Civil Espanyola. El relat d'Orwell ha esdevingut un testimoni únic que recull les seves experiències a Barcelona i al Front d'Aragó. L'autor britànic va arribar el desembre del 1936 a una Barcelona en plena efervescència revolucionària i es va allistar de seguida a les milícies del POUM. Va tornar del front perquè una bala franquista li travessà el coll. Paradoxalment, va haver de fugir de Barcelona perseguit per les mateixes forces estalinistes que havien liquidat el dirigent del POUM Andreu Nin, després dels Fets de Maig de 1937. Aquesta edició inclou la versió definitiva de l'obra, un pròleg del professor i escriptor Miquel Berga, que reconstrueix amb mestratge la història editorial del llibre, i l'assaig "La guerra d'Espanya en retrospectiva". Escrit per Orwell el 1942, quatre anys després de la publicació d'Homenatge a Catalunya, aquest assaig es llegeix ara com un text clau per entendre l'impacte que va suposar per a Orwell la vivència de la guerra.

Homer, Humanism, Holocaust: Jewish Responses to the Crisis of Enlightenment During World War II

by Adam J. Goldwyn

This book examines how Jewish intellectuals during and after the Second World War reinterpreted Homer’s epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey, in light of their own wartime experiences, drawing a parallel between the ancient Greek genocide of the Trojans and the Nazi genocide of the Jews. The wartime writings of Theodore Adorno, Hannah Arendt, Erich Auerbach, Rachel Bespaloff, Hermann Broch, Max Horkheimer, Primo Levi, and others were attempts both to understand the collapse of European civilization and the Enlightenment through critiques of their foundational texts and to imagine the place of the Homeric epics in a new post-War humanism. The book thus also explores the reception of these writers, analyzing how Jewish child-survivors like Geoffrey Hartman and Hélène Cixous and writers of the post-Holocaust generation like Daniel Mendelsohn continued to read the epics as narratives of grief, trauma, and woundedness into the twenty-first century..

Homer Lea: American Soldier of Fortune (American Warriors Ser.)

by Lawrence M. Kaplan

As a five-feet-three-inch hunchback who weighed about 100 pounds, Homer Lea (1876–1912), was an unlikely candidate for life on the battlefield, yet he became a world-renowned military hero. Homer Lea: American Soldier of Fortune paints a revealing portrai

Homeward Bound (Colonization #4)

by Harry Turtledove

The twentieth century was awash in war. World powers were pouring men and machines onto the killing fields of Europe. Then, in one dramatic stroke, a divided planet was changed forever. An alien race attacked Earth, and for every nation, every human being, new battle lines were drawn. . HOMEWARD BOUNDWith his epic novels of alternate history, Harry Turtledove shares a stunning vision of what might have been-and what might still be-if one moment in history were changed. In the WorldWar and Colonization series, an ancient, highly advanced alien species found itself locked in a bitter struggle with a distant, rebellious planet-Earth. For those defending the Earth, this all-out war for survival supercharged human technology, made friends of foes, and turned allies into bitter enemies. For the aliens known as the Race, the conflict has yielded dire consequences. Mankind has developed nuclear technology years ahead of schedule, forcing the invaders to accept an uneasy truce with nations that possess the technology to defend themselves. But it is the Americans, with their primitive inventiveness, who discover a way to launch themselves through distant space-and reach the Race's home planet itself.Now-in the twenty-first century-a few daring men and women embark upon a journey no human has made before. Warriors, diplomats, traitors, and exiles-the humans who arrive in the place called Home find themselves genuine strangers on a strange world, and at the center of a flash point with terrifying potential. For their arrival on the alien home world may drive the enemy to make the ultimate decision-to annihilate an entire planet, rather than allow the human contagion to spread. It may be that nothing can deter them from this course.With its extraordinary cast of characters-human, nonhuman, and some in between-Homeward Bound is a fascinating contemplation of cultures, armies, and individuals in collision. From the novelist USA Today calls "the leading author of alternate history," this is a novel of vision, adventure, and constant, astounding surprise.From the Hardcover edition.

Homicide at Whiskey Gulch (The Outriders Series #1)

by Elle James

Someone murdered his father.He’s home to set things right.The moment he learns his father has been murdered, Delta Force soldier Trace Travis knows he must return home. But finding resourceful Lily Davidson, his high school sweetheart, helping his mother in the wake of the tragedy leaves him shaken. As old desires and deceits come flooding back, Trace partners with Lily to find his father’s killer—and overcome the circumstances that have always kept them apart.From Harlequin Intrigue: Seek thrills. Solve crimes. Justice served. The Outriders Series

Honest Errors? Combat Decision-Making 75 Years After the Hostage Case

by Nobuo Hayashi Carola Lingaas

This book marks the 75th anniversary of the 1948 Hostage Case in which a US military tribunal in Nuremberg acquitted General Lothar Rendulic of devastating Northern Norway on account of his honest factual error. The volume critically reappraises the law and facts underlying his trial, the no second-guessing rule in customary international humanitarian law (IHL) that is named after the general himself, and the assessment of modern battlefield decisions.Using recently discovered documents, this volume casts major doubts on Rendulic’s claim that he considered the region’s total devastation and the forcible evacuation of all of its inhabitants imperatively demanded by military necessity at the time. This book’s analysis of court records reveals how the tribunal failed to examine relevant facts or explain the Rendulic Rule’s legal origin. This anthology shows that, despite the Hostage Case’s ambiguity and occasional suggestions to the contrary, objective reasonableness forms part of the reasonable commander test under IHL and the mistake of fact defence under international criminal law (ICL) to which the rule has given rise. This collection also identifies modern warfare’s characteristics—human judgment, de-empathetic battlespace, and institutional bias—that may make it problematic to deem some errors both honest and reasonable. The Rendulic Rule embodies an otherwise firmly established admonition against judging contentious battlefield decisions with hindsight. Nevertheless, it was born of a factually ill-suited case and continues to raise significant legal as well as ethical challenges today.The most comprehensive study of the Rendulic Rule ever to appear in English, this multi-disciplinary anthology will appeal to researchers and practitioners of IHL and ICL, as well as military historians and military ethicists and offers ground-breaking new research.Nobuo Hayashi is affiliated to the Centre for International and Operational Law at the Swedish Defence University in Stockholm, Sweden.Carola Lingaas is affiliated to the Faculty of Social Studies at VID Specialized University in Oslo, Norway.

Honest John

by Colonel Walker M. Mahurin

HONEST JOHN is the dramatic unvarnished autobiography of Walker "Bud" Mahurin, an American fighter ace who performed extraordinary feats of skill and bravery in shooting down more than twenty enemy planes in two wars, only to be called a traitor by many after he was forced to sign a germ-warfare confession by the Chinese Communists.In his own words, Col. Mahurin recalls the youth from Fort Wayne, Indiana, who was the leading American ace in Europe until his Thunderbolt was shot down over France, who escaped to fight again in the Pacific and returned in 1945 a much decorated war hero. When hostilities broke out in Korea in 1950, Col. Mahurin wangled his way out of his Pentagon desk job and soon, under the code name of "Honest John," was flying against the MIGs over Communist skies. Then one fateful day in May, 1952, while perfecting the F-86 dive-bombing technique he himself had pioneered, his Sabre jet was hit by ground fire and crashed in a North Korean rice paddy.Thus began Col. Mahurin's ordeal, an experience which few Americans have encountered and fewer still have survived. For over a year he was kept in solitary confinement by his captors, interrogated almost constantly and subjected to a veritable arsenal of mental pressures and "invisible tortures" as the Communists sought their elusive confession. In harrowing detail he relates his attempt at suicide and his devices for resisting while still maintaining sanity...

The Honeymoon Heist (Pike Logan)

by Brad Taylor

New York Times bestselling author and former Special Forces officer Brad Taylor’s thrilling new short story sets Pike Logan and Jennifer Cahill on Italy’s beautiful Amalfi Coast for their long-delayed honeymoon with their daughter, Amena—where they encounter art thieves with ties to the underworld . . .Between the delectable meals, the gorgeous Mediterranean seaside, and historical sites, Pike and Jennifer are enjoying their time with Amena in the Italian village of Positano, grateful for the reprieve from their day jobs—protecting U.S. interests from terrorist threats. But their relaxing vacation runs into trouble when Amena and Pike uncover what appears to be a priceless Renaissance painting hidden in a grotto and soon find themselves in the center of a black market art scheme.A powerful Italian businessman and suspected crime lord had arranged to take possession of the rare, deeply significant Caravaggio artwork in the cave through less-than-legal means, and hadn’t counted on the trio of Americans interrupting his plot. He is determined to leave no witnesses . . . but when he dares to threaten Pike and his family, he learns how dangerous they truly are . . .

Hong Kong (Jake Grafton #8)

by Stephen Coonts

In this action-packed techno-thriller, Jake Grafton is in a roiling and steamy Hong Kong, at the verge of being the fulcrum of change for Communist China, from totalitarian state to democracy.

Hong Kong 1941-45

by Benjamin Lai Giuseppe Rava

On 8th December 1941, as part of the simultaneous combine attack against Pearl Harbor, the Imperial Japanese Army (IJA) invaded the Philippines, Thailand and Malaysia and the British colony of Hong Kong. After only 18 days of battle the defenders, a weak, undermanned brigade was overwhelmed by a superior force of two battle-harden IJA divisions. What makes the battle of Hong Kong was not the scale - just 14,000 defended the colony - but the intensity of this battle fought not only by the British Army, Navy and Air Force but also Canadians, Hong Kong's own defence force, the Indian Army as well as many civilians. The campaign itself is characterized by a fierce land battle, with long artillery duals and as well as fast naval actions with intense actions at the Gin Drinkers Line as well as the battle of Wong Nai Chung Gap where a handful of defenders took on an entire Japanese regiment. Less known but equally important are individual valour such as CSM John Robert Osborne winning a posthumous VC, throwing himself over a Japanese grenade to save fellow combatants. Capitulation by the defenders on 25 December 1941 marks the end of one battle and the beginning of another. A subject not significantly covered by Western historian is local resistance to Japanese occupation. Lead by the communist Chinese, many continued to fight the Japanese forming the Guangdong people's Anti-Japanese East River Guerrilla Detachment that by 1945 grew from 200 to a 6,000-strong force. The guerrillas rescued downed allied pilots, harassed the Japanese with bombing and assassinated traitors and collaborators. Those Allies POW that managed to escape to China continued the fight in a secretive new organization - the British Army Aid Group (BAAG).As the war draw to a close, the question of reestablishing British control became a highly contentious diplomatic dual between China, USA and Britain, but with the death President of Roosevelt in 1945, decolonization lost its main champion and Britain was able to outmaneuver Chiang Kai Shek, the Chinese Generalissimo, and recover Hong Kong as a British Colony. After three years and eight months of Japanese occupation, Rear Admiral Sir Harcourt sailed into Hong Kong on board the cruiser HMS Swiftsure to reestablish control over the colony and accepted the formal surrender of Japan on 16 September 1945.

Hong Kong Black (A Nick Foley Thriller #2)

by Alex Ryan

Former Navy SEAL Nick Foley reluctantly agrees to help investigate when American CIA operative Peter Yu goes missing in China. But when Yu's mutilated body washes up on a beach near Hong Kong, along with dozens of other victims, the case takes a macabre turn. Suddenly, Nick finds himself embroiled in another bio-terrorism investigation being conducted by China's elite Snow Leopard counter-terrorism unit and the Chinese CDC, this time involving illegally-harvested organs for an unknown and nefarious end.But Nick's investigation does not go unnoticed, and soon he finds a target on his back. After thwarting an attempt on his life, he is forced to go off the grid and enlist the help of beautiful CDC microbiologist Dr. Dazhong "Dash" Chen to help unmask his would be killer. On the run and looking for answers, their budding romance is tested at every turn.With each step closer they take to unmasking the truth, Nick and Dash find themselves drawn deeper into a global conspiracy that began over two thousand years ago with the First Emperor of China and now threatens to upset the world order as they know it in Hong Kong Black, the heart-pounding sequel to Alex Ryan's Beijing Red.

Hong Kong Internment, 1942-1945

by Geoffrey Charles Emerson

'Hong Kong Internment, 1942-1945: Life in the Japanese Civilian Camp at Stanley' tells the story of the more than three thousand non-Chinese civilians: British, American, Dutch and others, who were trapped in the British colony and interned behind barbed wire in Stanley Internment Camp from 1942 to 1945. From 1970 to 1972, while researching for his MA thesis, the author interviewed twenty-three former Stanley internees. During these meetings, the internees talked about their lives in the Stanley Camp during the Japanese occupation. Long regarded as an invaluable reference and frequently consulted as a primary source on Stanley since its completion in 1973, the study is now republished with a new introduction and fresh discussions that recognize later work and information released since the original thesis was written. Additional illustrations, including a new map and photographs, as well as an up-to-date bibliography, have also been included in the book.

Honor: a Black Bear, Pennsylvania story

by Daniel Grotta

What is it to be honorable? In the eyes of others? In your own heart? Is it what you've done or who you are? Honor, a novella by Daniel Grotta, explores the human cost when patriotism, personal ethics and the deep bond of friendship collide. Jeff Smith was, as his bully of a brother-in-law Gene Engelhardt was fond of retelling, "what the cat dragged in." A scruffy, bearded hippie Gene's sister Bonnie had met and fallen deeply in love with decades ago at a Washington peace rally against the Vietnam War. Even shaved and doing whatever the Engelhardts wanted, Jeff was never accepted or approved of by his in-laws. Now, Jeff is saddled with a family, a dead end job, and, after Bonnie died of cancer, a mountain of debt. However, Jeff has a secret and a unique possession that could possibly solve his financial problems and help his daughter realize her dream, if he can overcome the guilt and shame that has haunted him for over thirty years.Honor is currently being developed into a theatrical play by the playwright David Zarko.A free Study Guide for Honor, for book clubs, teachers and other book discussion groups is available from the publisher Pixel Hall Press.About Black Bear, PennsylvaniaHonor, is the first in a series of stories set in the fictional Pocono Mountains village of Black Bear, Pennsylvania. Black Bear was created as a literary folie à deux by Daniel Grotta and Sally Wiener Grotta. Both Daniel and Sally are dipping into the same pool of invented locale and characters to write a series of separate stories and novels that will eventually paint a full picture of the diversity of life and relationships in a small mountain village. For instance, both Jeff Smith and his curmudgeonly father-in-law AH Engelhardt from Honor, play key roles in Jo Joe, a Black Bear novel by Sally Wiener Grotta.Every Black Bear story stands alone, as a separate story that doesn't require knowing anything about the town from previous stories.

Honor Among SEALs (Hearts of Valor #2)

by Dixie Lee Brown

Navy SEALS are trained to take on all enemies in extreme situations—but there’s nothing more dangerous than matters of the heart . . . This is Matt Iverson’s story. Working for a security company with his brothers-in-arms has given former SEAL Matt “MacGyver” Iverson a reason to get up every morning. But keeping a runaway bride from harm isn’t in his job description . . . Former Marine Kellie Greyson is in over her head. A cold-hearted ultimatum leaves her no choice but to wed mob boss Tony Palazzi. But when she overhears his deadly plans for her after she says ‘I do,’ Kellie flees his casino, only to wind up in a seedy Vegas bar. The next thing she knows, she’s waking up beside a protective powerhouse of a man . . . Though Kellie’s body kickstarts his into high gear, MacGyver is all business trying to convince her that they need each other. Both are looking for missing people—and all roads lead to Palazzi. MacGyver will have to lay all his cards on the table to get Kellie to trust him in a game they might not survive . . .

Honor and Betrayal: The Untold Story of the Navy SEALs Who Captured the "Butcher of Fallujah" -- and the Shameful Ordeal They Later Endured

by Patrick Robinson

THEY JUST CAPTURED IRAQ'S MOST WANTED TERRORIST. NOW THEY HAD TO DEFEND THEIR HONOR. On a daring nighttime raid in September 2009, a team of Navy SEALs grabbed the notorious terrorist Ahmad Hashim Abd al-Isawi, the villainous "Butcher of Fallujah," mastermind behind the 2004 murder and mutilation of four American contractors. Within hours of his capture, al-Isawi, with his lip bleeding, claimed he had been beaten in his holding cell. Three Navy SEALs-members of the same team that had just captured the notorious terrorist-were charged with prisoner abuse, dereliction of duty, and lying. On the word of a terrorist! The three Navy SEALs were placed under house arrest and forbidden contact with their comrades. Despite enormous pressure from their commanders to sign confessions to "lesser charges," the three resolute and fearless SEALs each demanded a court-martial. They were determined to prove their innocence. When Fox News broke the story about the accusations, Americans were outraged. Over 300,000 people signed petitions demanding the SEALs be exonerated. Their SEAL teammates were furious; but nothing could stop the cold determination of the military's top brass to hang these guys out to dry-not even U.S. congressmen who petitioned the Pentagon to drop the charges. Honor and Betrayal is a no-holds-barred account by bestselling author Patrick Robinson. It reveals for the first time the entire story, from the night the SEALs stormed the al-Qaeda desert stronghold, the accusations and legal twists and turns that followed, to the cut-and-thrust drama in the courtroom where the fate of three American heroes hung in the balance.

Honor and Duty: A Novel

by Gus Lee

Kai Ting knows what it means to become an American and lose all that is Chinese. It happened to his father, a former officer in Chiang Kai-shek's army, who never came to terms with his new life in the United States. Now, as a West Point cadet in the 1960s, Kai has a golden chance both to retain his heritage and to become undeniably, gloriously American. But the Point has dangerous preconceptions about Asians, especially as the war in Vietnam escalates. Kai walks on a razor's edge. . . and falls into the dark pit of a cheating scandal. Suddenly, he must learn a new tribal behavior, a new etiquette. And his very survival depends on learning it fast. . . .

Honor and Shadows: A Starlight’s Shadow Prequel Short Story

by Jessie Mihalik

Honor and Shadows is a 10,000-word prequel novelette set just before the start of Hunt the Stars.Captain Octavia Zarola needs an infusion of credits—fast—if she’s going to keep her close-knit bounty hunting crew paid and fed. Tracking down an escaped embezzler on a backwater planet should be a piece of cake, but bounties are rarely as easy as they seem.As the crew closes in on their quarry, the hunt becomes entangled with a local criminal overlord, and Tavi will have to decide what’s more important: money or honor, and how much she’s willing to risk for either one.

Honor Before Glory: The Epic World War II Story of the Japanese American GIs Who Rescued the Lost Battalion

by Scott Mcgaugh

On October 24, 1944, more than two hundred American soldiers realized they were surrounded by German infantry deep in the mountain forest of eastern France. As their dwindling food, ammunition, and medical supplies ran out, the American commanding officer turned to the 442nd Regimental Combat Team to achieve what other units had failed to do.Honor Before Glory is the story of the 442nd, a segregated unit of Japanese American citizens, commanded by white officers, that finally rescued the "lost battalion." Their unmatched courage and sacrifice under fire became legend-all the more remarkable because many of the soldiers had volunteered from prison-like "internment" camps where sentries watched their mothers and fathers from the barbed-wire perimeter.In seven campaigns, these young Japanese American men earned more than 9,000 Purple Hearts, 6,000 Bronze and Silver Stars, and nearly two dozen Medals of Honor. The 442nd became the most decorated unit of its size in World War II: its soldiers earned 18,100 awards and decorations, more than one for every man.Honor Before Glory is their story-a story of a young generation's fight against both the enemy and American prejudice-a story of heroism, sacrifice, and the best America has to offer.

Honor Blade: Rihannsu #4 (Star Trek: Vanguard #96)

by Diane Duane

At last, the United Federation of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire have agreed to meet on neutral ground to attempt to resolve the tangle of intrigue and conspiracy that began with the hijacking of the U.S.S. Intrepid many years ago -- but the meeting may be as dangerous as the war they hope to avoid. As a show of good faith, the crew of the legendary Starship Enterprise has been ordered to attend the talks. In their informal charge is Romulan renegade Ael, the wanted fugitive who, with Kirk, served as a catalyst of the current troubles. Kirk must represent the interests of the Federation first and foremost, but the best approach to an agreement remains muddled in the ever-shifting Romulan order. And the visiting Romulan party is as fractious and divided as their troubled world. Among the Romulan nobles in attendance are the hero and popular Senator Arrhae, who secretly helped rescue Dr. Leonard McCoy from a Romulan execution, and the very men and women who put McCoy on trial for treason -- and tried to carry out the sentence. As Kirk and crew attempt to renegotiate a delicate peace, and Romulans attempt to restore their tarnished honor, it becomes increasingly apparent that their only course of action is to prepare for war!

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