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Ki-43 'Oscar'Aces of World War 2

by Hiroshi Ichimura

Dubbed the 'Oscar' by the Allies, the Ki-43 Hayabusa was the most prolific Japanese fighter of World War II. Produced in great numbers, it initially proved superior to most US and British fighter types, due to its excellent maneuverability. The light weight and large wing area gave it a small turning radius and a high rate-of-climb which was ideal for pilots in close combat fighting. However, the Ki-43's swiftness and agility came at a price, with the low-wing design meaning that firepower and safety had to be sacrificed. With only two machine guns, a Ki-43 pilot would have to perform a dangerous balancing act between achieving a high rate of kills and their own survival. Surprisingly, more Japanese pilots achieved Ace status flying the Hayabusa than any other plane and despite being steadily outclassed by new fighters, the Ki-43 remained in frontline JAAF service until the war's end. This book expertly charts the experiences of the pilots and discusses the early stages of the war in South-East Asia, China, Burma and New Guinea. Accompanied by detailed appendices and specially commissioned artwork, this is the first volume in English to focus exclusively on the exploits of the Ki-43.

Ki-61 and Ki-100 Aces

by Nicholas Millman

This is the story of the elite Japanese Army Air force (JAAF) aces that flew the Kawasaki Ki-61 Hien (Swallow), and the Ki-100 Goshikisen in the Pacific Theatre of World War 2. The former, codenamed 'Tony' by the allies, was a technically excellent aircraft, possessing power, stability and a good rate of climb - differing radically from the usual Japanese philosophy of building light, ultra-manoeuvrable fighters. Its pilots soon realised, however, that the type was plagued by a number of dangerous mechanical issues. Then as the war moved relentlessly closer to Japan's doorstep, a desperate, expedient innovation to the Ki-61 airframe by fitting it with a radial instead of inline engine resulted in one of the finest fighters of World War 2 - the Ki-100. This book uses the latest findings to provide a gripping account of some of the most remarkable and hard-pressed fighter pilots of the war. It reveals how these men, unlike so many of their unfortunate late-war colleagues, could surprise Allied aircraft in high-performance fighters and claim successes in the face of enormous odds.

Kicking Bombs in the Land of Sand

by Barry Stevens

After 22 years in the Army, there was nothing Craig Jackson (CJ) didn&’t know about the deadly craft of bomb detection and disposal. He was the go-to guy for clearing an area of explosives. So when he left the military, there was really no choice: his expertise was rare, sought after, and potentially very lucrative. He&’d long ago learnt to put the danger to one side; now he loved the adrenaline rush – the exhilaration – of the job, staying cool in the face of death, outsmarting the murderous and wily bomb-makers. Craig establishes his own landmine-clearance company, and is soon catapulted into the thick of the war in Iraq, tasked with disposing of Saddam Hussein&’s massive array of bombs, ammunition and weapons. This is Craig&’s dream job: getting to play with hundreds of thousands of tons of explosive ordnance, while also doing a bit of good on the side. Everything is going smoothly until a typical convoy sortie in the Iraqi desert turns Craig&’s world into a nightmare. Ambushed by a large, well-armed and organised enemy force, Craig and his colleagues are taken prisoner by Saddam&’s henchmen. Thrust into a nether world of pain and brutality, all of his thoughts and efforts become focussed on one thing: staying alive. Disarming a bomb would soon come to seem like child&’s play, as Craig has to draw on every shred of his mental and physical strength to endure the horrific daily torture at the hands of his captors. He constantly dreams of escape, but will they break him first?

Kidderminster in the Great War (Your Towns & Cities in the Great War)

by Julie Philips

Wars affect everyone. Whether it is fought on the battlefields or on the Home Front, by the armed forces or civilians, sacrifices have to be made and everyone suffers one way or another. This book gives a flavour of what it was like living in Kidderminster through the Great War years. Kidderminster was proud to send many of its brothers, husbands, uncles and fathers to fight for King and Country, many of whom had never ventured far from home before, some who came from decorated service backgrounds, for whom the armed services was in their blood. Rich or poor, farm worker, office manager or son of a carpet manufacturer, they all united to defend against the enemy and protect British values and way of life. Life continued as usual for many of those on the Home Front, despite, amongst other things, the introduction of DORA, rationing and the loss of the labour force from the many carpet factories. Kidderminster was already generous in its giving to the poor, but this was taken to a whole new level with the introduction of many national and local war charities. They knitted, sewed, auctioned and sung their way through the war.This show of remarkable patriotism and stoicism was made against the backdrop of a bloody and heinous war that went on far longer than was anticipated. The constant threat of receiving the dreaded telegram, indicating their loved ones fate, was never far from their minds, yet the people of Kidderminster kept the home fires burning brightly.

Kidnapped by the Taliban: A Story of Terror, Hope, and Rescue by SEAL Team Six

by James Lund Dilip Joseph

Being abducted and held captive by the Taliban isn't a tale many survive to tell. An American doctor shares the harrowing story about the four days he spent with his captors after being abducted on a humanitarian mission and his incredible rescue by SEAL Team Six.On December 5, 2012, American medical doctor Dilip Joseph and two colleagues are driving back to Kabul, Afghanistan, after serving villagers that morning at a rural clinic. Suddenly a man waving an AK-47 blocks their path. More armed men jump out of hiding. For Dilip, it is the beginning of a nightmare—he&’s being kidnapped by the Taliban.Dilip recounts his story with chilling detail, transporting the reader to rural Afghanistan. &“As we walk, I fear the worst—that when we reach the top, they will shoot us. God, however this is going to end, please don&’t let them torture me to death. Let it be one shot and done.&”Dilip and his friends endure a nine-hour march into the mountains, gruesome images of torture and death, and repeated threats of execution. After four days of uncertainty, gunfire announces the arrival of Navy SEAL Team Six, the elite group of soldiers that took down al-Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden. SEAL team member Nicolas D. Checque loses his life in the rescue, as do the Taliban kidnappers.Yet this is more than a story of desperation, survival, and loss. It is also a tale of surprising connection, compassion, and inspiration. As Dilip begins to view the Taliban not as monsters but as men, both he and his captors are challenged to re-examine everything that matters: courage, sacrifice, hope, and faith. The book includes:First-hand account of a Taliban kidnapping survivorInsights into the Taliban's daily existenceInsights into the sacrifices made by the American armed forcesIncludes a glossary and map of AfghanistanKidnapped by the Taliban is a story of both terror and triumph. After reading this dramatic and inspiring account, you will never view Afghanistan or the Taliban in the same way again.

Kids of Kabul: Living Bravely through a Never-ending War

by Deborah Ellis

Since its publication in 2000, hundreds of thousands of children all over the world have read and loved The Breadwinner, the fictional story of eleven-year-old Parvana living in Kabul under the terror of the Taliban. But what has happened to Afghanistan’s children since the fall of the Taliban in 2001? In 2011, Deborah Ellis went to Kabul to find out. The twenty-six boys and girls featured in this book range in age from ten to seventeen, and they speak candidly about their lives now. They are still living in a country at war. Violence and oppression exist all around them. The situation for girls has improved, but it is still difficult and dangerous. And many children — boys and girls — are still supporting their families by selling items like pencils and matches on the street.Yet these kids are weathering their lives with remarkable courage and hope, getting as much education and life experience and fun as they can.All royalties from the sale of Kids of Kabul will go to Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan (, which administers Parvana’s Fund, supporting schools, libraries and literacy programs for Afghan women and children.Key Text Featuresphotographsmapsglossaryintroductionhistorical contextadditional informationCorrelates to the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.5.6Analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic, noting important similarities and differences in the point of view they represent.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.6.6Determine an author's point of view or purpose in a text and explain how it is conveyed in the text.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.6.9Compare and contrast one author's presentation of events with that of another (e.g., a memoir written by and a biography on the same person).

Kiev 1941: Hitler's Battle for Supremacy in the East

by David Stahel

In just four weeks in the summer of 1941 the German Wehrmacht wrought unprecedented destruction on four Soviet armies, conquering central Ukraine and killing or capturing three quarters of a million men. This was the Battle of Kiev - one of the largest and most decisive battles of World War II and, for Hitler and Stalin, a battle of crucial importance. For the first time, David Stahel charts the battle's dramatic course and aftermath, uncovering the irreplaceable losses suffered by Germany's 'panzer groups' despite their battlefield gains, and the implications of these losses for the German war effort. He illuminates the inner workings of the German army as well as the experiences of ordinary soldiers, showing that with the Russian winter looming and Soviet resistance still unbroken, victory came at huge cost and confirmed the turning point in Germany's war in the East.

Kill Bin Laden: A Delta Force Commander's Account of the Hunt for the World's Most Wanted Man

by Dalton Fury

This synopsis is taken from the front side cover of the book: "The mission was to kill the most wanted man in the world - an operation of such magnitude that it couldn't be handled by just any military or intelligence force. The best America had to offer was needed. As such, the task was handed to roughly forty members of America's super secret counterterrorist forces Operational Detachment Delta; more popularly, the elite and mysterious unit Delta Force. The American generals were flexible. A swath of hair, a drop of blood, or simply a severed finger wrapped in plastic would be sufficient. Delta's orders were to go into harm's way and prove to the world bin Laden had been terminated. These Delta warriors had help; a dozen of the British Queen's elite commandos, another dozen or so Army Green Berets, and six intelligence operators from the CIA laid the groundwork by providing cash, guns, bullets, intelligence, and interrogation skills to this clandestine military force. Together, this team waged a modern siege of epic proportions against bin Laden and his seemingly impenetrable cave sanctuary burrowed deep in the Spin Ghar mountain range in eastern Afghanistan. Over the years, since the battle ended, scores of news stories have surfaced offering tidbits about what actually happened in Tora Bora. Most of it is conjecture and speculation. This is the real story of the operation, the first eyewitness account of the Battle of Tora Bora, and the first book to detail just how close Delta force came to capturing bin Laden, how close U.S. bombers and fighter aircraft came to killing him, and exactly why he slipped through our fingers. Lastly, this is an extremely rare inside look at the shadowy world of Delta Force and a detailed account of those warriors in battle."

Kill Bin Laden: A Delta Force Commander's Account of the Hunt for the World's Most Wanted Man

by Dalton Fury

The New York Times bestseller Kill Bin Laden is an explosive first-hand account of a Delta Force commando's hunt for the world's most wanted man. The mission was to kill the most wanted man in the world—an operation of such magnitude that it couldn't be handled by just any military or intelligence force. The best America had to offer was needed. As such, the task was handed to roughly forty members of America's supersecret counterterrorist unit formally known as 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta; more popularly, the elite and mysterious unit Delta Force. Told by senior ranking military officer Dalton Fury, this is the real story of the operation, the first eyewitness account of the Battle of Tora Bora, and the first book to detail just how close Delta Force came to capturing bin Laden, how close U.S. bombers and fighter aircraft came to killing him, and exactly why he slipped through our fingers. Lastly, this is an extremely rare inside look at the shadowy world of Delta Force and a detailed account of these warriors in battle.

The Kill Box: A Jamie Sinclair Novel (Jamie Sinclair #3)

by Nichole Christoff

NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY LIBRARY JOURNAL * In an intense thriller that's perfect for fans of Lee Child or Lisa Gardner, security specialist and PI Jamie Sinclair tackles a cold case that could cost her the one person who means the most to her. Hardworking Jamie Sinclair can't wait for the weekend. She plans to be off the clock and on the road to wine country with handsome military police officer Adam Barrett. But when a strung-out soldier takes an innocent woman hostage and forces his way into Jamie's bedroom, everything changes. Jamie's never seen the soldier before. But he's no stranger to Barrett--and with one word he persuades Barrett to pack a duffel and leave Jamie in the lurch. Jamie cannot fathom why Barrett would abandon her without explanation. But as the consequences of an unsolved crime threaten to catch up with him, a late-night phone call sends Jamie racing to Barrett's hometown in upstate New York. In a tinderbox of shattered trust and long-buried secrets, Jamie must fight to uncover the truth about what really occurred one terrible night twenty years ago. And the secrets she discovers deep in Barrett's past not only threaten their future together--they just might get her killed.Praise for The Kill Box "An edge-of-the-seat thriller that doesn't let up until the very last page."--Library Journal Praise for Nichole Christoff's Jamie Sinclair novels "Intelligent and fast-paced, Nichole Christoff's debut thriller takes off like a rocket and never slows down. I read The Kill List in a single sitting."--New York Times bestselling author Karen Rose "Thanks to Christoff's labyrinth-style of intrigue and mystery, the enjoyment is in trying to solve the puzzle. Good luck, because in The Kill Shot, Christoff doesn't make the adventure a cake walk. She understands how to keep her readers riveted from beginning to end."--USA Today

The Kill Box (A Tyce Asher Novel #2)

by H. Ripley Rawlings IV

The United States has been invaded. The Russians have seized control. Now US Marine hero Tyce Asher has one final mission—to make America free again—in this explosive series from Lt. Col. Hunter &“Rip&” Ripley Rawlings IV . . . THE CITIES HAVE FALLEN. America is under new management. Russian forces have occupied both coasts. They are taking our weapons, pillaging our resources, and destroying our nation. Those who resist are swiftly punished. Those who revolt are savagely killed . . . THE HEARTLAND FIGHTS BACK. Marine Corp officer Tyce Asher is a lone wolf patriot who will never surrender. He&’s assembled a ragtag team of long-haul truckers and citizen soldiers willing to die for their freedoms. Their network has learned that the invaders are planning to seize cargo that will bring America to its knees—and a sadistic Russian has marked Asher for death. There is only one way to stop them: Asher and his team must meet the enemy face-to-face—and enter the Kill Box . . . RAVES FOR ASSAULT BY FIRE &“Exploding with action, Lt. Col. Rip Rawlings&’s rapid-fire thriller, Assault by Fire, is a must read!&” —Mark Greaney, #1 New York Times bestselling author of One Minute Out &“Direct from his own combat experiences, Marine Lt. Col. Rip Rawlings brings the heat and fire to life." —Marc Cameron, New York Times bestselling author &“Combat vet Rip Rawlings is a bang-up storyteller.&” —Capt. Dale Dye USMC (Ret.), author and filmmaker &“Rip Rawlings writes from experience, and blasts the reader straight into the fight and never lets up.&” —New York Times bestselling author Larry Bond

The Kill Chain: Defending America in the Future of High-Tech Warfare

by Christian Brose

For generations of Americans, our country has been the world's dominant military power. How the US military fights, and the systems and weapons that it fights with, have been uncontested. That old reality, however, is rapidly deteriorating. America's traditional sources of power are eroding amid the emergence of new technologies and the growing military threat posed by rivals such as China. America is at grave risk of losing a future war.As Christian Brose reveals in this urgent wake-up call, the future will be defined by artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, and other emerging technologies that are revolutionizing global industries and are now poised to overturn the model of American defense. This fascinating, if disturbing, book confronts the existential risks on the horizon, charting a way for America's military to adapt and succeed with new thinking as well as new technology. America must build a battle network of systems that enables people to rapidly understand threats, make decisions, and take military actions, the process known as "the kill chain." Examining threats from China, Russia, and elsewhere, The Kill Chain offers hope and, ultimately, insights on how America can apply advanced technologies to prevent war, deter aggression, and maintain peace.

The Kill Chain: A Jamie Sinclair Novel (Jamie Sinclair #6)

by Nichole Christoff

Security specialist and PI Jamie Sinclair shoots for the stars in this breakneck thriller. Her enemies shoot to kill. “[Nichole Christoff] understands how to keep her readers riveted from beginning to end.”—USA Today In Jamie Sinclair’s line of work, there’s no such thing as too careful. Not when clients like Madeline Donahue come knocking on her door. Madeline claims a disgruntled robotics engineer is blackmailing her boss—an eccentric tech billionaire—and holding the computer systems of their satellite and space payload company hostage. With U.S. government secrets at stake, Madeline wants Jamie to protect her as she pays the ransom. But is it really ransom? Or personal payback? The late-night dead drop starts off badly, and gets worse quickly when Jamie is framed for murder and more. Now, with the U.S. government trying to bring her down—and a team of hired guns aiming to take her out—Jamie is on the run, fighting to force a deadly conspiracy from the shadows. She’ll have to move fast to get that target off her back—and to keep those she loves from becoming the weakest link in a powerful enemy’s kill chain. Don’t miss any of Nichole Christoff’s white-knuckle Jamie Sinclair thrillers: THE KILL LIST | THE KILL SHOT | THE KILL BOX | THE KILL SIGN | THE KILL WIRE | THE KILL CHAIN

Kill Chain: The Rise of the High-Tech Assassins

by Andrew Cockburn

An essential and page-turning narrative on the history of drone warfare from journalist Andrew Cockburn, exploring how this practice emerged, who made it happen, and the real consequences of targeted killing.Assassination by drone is a subject of deep and enduring fascination. Yet few understand how and why this has become our principal way of waging war. Kill Chain uncovers the real and extraordinary story; its origins in long-buried secret programs, the breakthroughs that made UAV operations possible, the ways in which the technology works and, despite official claims, does not work. Taking the reader inside the well-guarded world of national security, the book reveals the powerful interests - military, CIA and corporate - that have led the drive to kill individuals by remote control. Most importantly of all, the book describes what has really happened when the theories underpinning the strategy -- and the multi-billion dollar contracts they spawn -- have been put to the test. Drawing on sources deep in the military and intelligence establishments, Andrew Cockburn's Kill Chain unveils the true effects, as demonstrated by bloody experience, of assassination warfare, a revelation that readers will find surprising as well as shocking.

Kill Crazy: Kill Crazy (The Rat Bastards Series #10)

by Len Levinson

The joy of killing. The enemy's plotting against them-while they're tearing at each other's throats! Malaria could lay them on their backs. Jungle fever threatens to strip their sanity. An army of death marches through bloody war zones looking to tear their guts out. But over the roar of grenades and the swish of Samurai swords you can always hear the spine-curdling battle cry of the guys who kill their way to victory...The Rat Bastards.

Kill for Peace: American Artists Against the Vietnam War

by Matthew Israel

The Vietnam War (1964-1975) divided American society like no other war of the twentieth century, and some of the most memorable American art and art-related activism of the last fifty years protested U. S. involvement. At a time when Pop Art, Minimalism, and Conceptual Art dominated the American art world, individual artists and art collectives played a significant role in antiwar protest and inspired subsequent generations of artists. This significant story of engagement, which has never been covered in a book-length survey before, is the subject of Kill for Peace. Writing for both general and academic audiences, Matthew Israel recounts the major moments in the Vietnam War and the antiwar movement and describes artists' individual and collective responses to them. He discusses major artists such as Leon Golub, Edward Kienholz, Martha Rosler, Peter Saul, Nancy Spero, and Robert Morris; artists' groups including the Art Workers' Coalition (AWC) and the Artists Protest Committee (APC); and iconic works of collective protest art such as AWC's Q. And Babies? A. And Babies and APC's The Artists Tower of Protest. Israel also formulates a typology of antiwar engagement, identifying and naming artists' approaches to protest. These approaches range from extra-aesthetic actions - advertisements, strikes, walk-outs, and petitions without a visual aspect - to advance memorials, which were war memorials purposefully created before the war's end that criticized both the war and the form and content of traditional war memorials.

Kill Hitler - Operation Valkyrie 1944

by Neil Short Peter Dennis

At the end of 1943 the SS and the Gestapo arrested several prominent Germans involved in plotting to overthrow Adolf Hitler, including Dietrich Bonhoffer, Klaus Bonhoffer, Josef Muller and Hans Dohnanyi. Others under suspicion, such as Wilhelm Canaris and Hans Oster, were dismissed from office in January 1944. Major Claus von Stauffenberg emerged as a leader of the group of German Army officers opposed to Nazi rule, and began to plan for the assassination of Adolf Hitler, Hermann Goering and Heinrich Himmler, and for a takeover by the Army. Once these three prominent Nazis had been killed, the plan called for troops in Berlin and other major German-controlled areas, commanded by his co-conspirators, to seize key government buildings, telephone and signal centres and radio stations. At least six attempts were aborted before von Stauffenberg decided on trying again during a conference attended by Hitler on 20 July 1944. It was decided to abandon the plans to kill Goering and Himmler at the same time, and to focus solely on removing the Führer. Von Stauffenberg carried the bomb in a briefcase and placed it on the floor beside Hitler before excusing himself to make a phone call. The bomb exploded killing four men in the hut. Hitler was injured but survived the bomb blast. The plan that called for Ludwig Beck, Erwin von Witzleben and Erich Fromm to take control of the German Army and declare martial law was abandoned when it became known that Hitler had survived the assassination attempt. In an attempt to protect himself, Fromm organized the execution of Claus von Stauffenberg and two other conspirators, Friedrich Olbricht and Werner von Haeften, in the courtyard of the War Ministry. It was later reported that von Stauffenberg died shouting "Long live free Germany". As a result of the 20 July Plot, the new chief of staff, Heinz Guderian, demanded the resignation of any officer who did not fully support the ideals of the Nazi Party and presided over the Army Court of Honour that expelled hundreds of officers suspected of being opposed to the policies of Adolf Hitler. This removed them from military jurisdiction and left them to be sentenced by Roland Freisler and his fanatically pro-Nazi People's Court. Over the next few months most of the group including Wilhelm Canaris, Carl Goerdeler, Julius Leber, Ulrich Hassell, Hans Oster, Peter von Wartenburg, Henning von Tresckow, Ludwig Beck, Erwin von Witzleben and Erich Fromm were either executed or committed suicide. It is estimated that nearly 5,000 Germans were executed as a result of the events of the July Plot. Hitler ordered that the leaders should have a slow death. They were hung from meathooks with piano wire, and their executions were filmed and later shown to senior members of both the NSDAP and the armed forces.

Kill or Capture: How a Special Operations Task Force Took Down a Notorious al Qaeda Terrorist

by Matthew Alexander

The electrifying true story of the pursuit for the man behind al Qaeda's suicide bombing campaign in Iraq Kill or Capture is a true-life thriller that tells the story of senior military interrogator Matthew Alexander's adrenaline-filled, "outside the wire" pursuit of a notorious Syrian mass murderer named Zafar—the leader of al Qaeda in northern Iraq—a killer with the blood of thousands of innocents on his hands. In a breathless thirty-day period, Alexander and a small Special Operations task force brave the hazards of the Iraqi insurgency to conduct dangerous kill-or-capture missions and hunt down a murderer. Kill or Capture immerses readers in the dangerous world of battlefield interrogations as the author and his team climb the ladder of al Qaeda leadership in a series of raids, braving roadside bombs, near death by electrocution and circles within circles of lies.

Kill Orbit (Cry Pilot #3)

by Joel Dane

A hostile fleet. A planet killer. And one shot to make it right.In this gripping new military science-fiction novel, a battle-tested infantry squad pursues an inhuman enemy into the vacuum of space.Maseo Kaytu's squad is yanked from a much-deserved furlough by an emergency deployment off-planet. But why is Command sending grunts into the "Big Empty"? Without CAVs, without backup--hell, without gravity--the squad is more vulnerable than ever. Tasked with a mission that only they can complete, they track the enemy across the killing vastness of space, from a bizarre interplanetary warehouse to the hidden heart of a research habitation...and beyond. But the enemy is tracking them, too. Scanning, calculating, preparing. Kaytu joined the military to redeem the bad choices of his past, yet now--trapped in hostile territory--he learns that soldiers face the hardest choices of all.

Kill Rommel! - Operation Flipper 1941

by Gavin Mortimer Peter Dennis

British Commandos attempted to assassinate Rommel, the Desert Fox, in a daring special forces raid in North Africa during World War II.On the night of 13 November 1941 two British submarines surfaced off the Libyan coast 250 miles behind German lines. It was dark and stormy, and the 28 commandos on board Torbay had great difficulty climbing into their rubber dinghies and paddling towards the shore. Disaster struck the second submarine, Talisman, when a giant wave swept eleven commandos waiting on deck overboard. At dawn on the morning of 13 November the depleted raiding party was finally ashore, cold, wet and exhausted, but determined nonetheless to press on with their audacious mission - the assassination of General Erwin Rommel, commander of the German forces in North Africa. The raid made headlines round the free world. It was a shining example of British pluck and daring, proclaimed the papers, and to prove the point, Keyes was awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross. Yet in truth the raid had been a glorious failure, a mission bedevilled by bad planning and poor intelligence. Yet crucial lessons were learned by subsequent special forces' operations, particularly by the SAS who carried out their first mission on the same night as the raid on Rommel's HQ. By the end of World War II the British special forces were the best in the world.

The Kill Shot: A Jamie Sinclair Novel (Jamie Sinclair #2)

by Nichole Christoff

In an explosive thriller for readers of Lee Child, Alex Berenson, and Brad Taylor, P.I. and security specialist Jamie Sinclair finds herself caught in a dangerous game of international cat-and-mouse. Jamie Sinclair's father has never asked her for a favor in her life. The former two-star general turned senator is more in the habit of giving his only child orders. So when he requests Jamie's expertise as a security specialist, she can't refuse--even though it means slamming the brakes on her burgeoning relationship with military police officer Adam Barrett. Just like that, Jamie hops aboard a flight to London with a U.S. State Department courier carrying a diplomatic pouch in an iron grip. Jamie doesn't have to wait long to put her unique skills to good use. When she and the courier are jumped by goons outside the Heathrow terminal, Jamie fights them off--but the incident puts her on high alert. Someone's willing to kill for the contents of the bag. Then a would-be assassin opens fire in crowded Covent Garden, and Jamie is stunned to spot a familiar face: Adam Barrett, who saves her life with a single shot and calmly slips away. Jamie's head--and her heart--tell her that something is very wrong. But she's come way too far to turn back now.Praise for The Kill Shot "The adventure begins without delay and with tight writing to keep up the momentum. . . . Thanks to Christoff's labyrinth-style of intrigue and mystery, the enjoyment is in trying to solve the puzzle. Good luck, because in The Kill Shot, Christoff doesn't make the adventure a cake walk. She understands how to keep her readers riveted from beginning to end."--USA Today

Kill Shot

by Don Pendleton

The terror begins with ruthless precision when the clock strikes noon, gunfire ringing out in major cities along the east coast. As blood spills across the country, Bolan sets his crosshairs on their nightmare agenda.

The Kill Sign: A Jamie Sinclair Novel (Jamie Sinclair #4)

by Nichole Christoff

Security specialist and PI Jamie Sinclair finds herself in deadly waters off the steamy Gulf Coast in this combustible thriller from the award-winning author of The Kill Box. Never in her life has Jamie Sinclair anticipated a weekend getaway more. After four months apart, she's flying to Mississippi to see her would-be boyfriend, military police officer Adam Barrett. Barrett's currently stationed in the same Gulf Coast town where Jamie got her start as a private investigator, and she's equally excited to reconnect with her old mentor, Ray Walther, and his pregnant wife, Corinne, who's Jamie's best friend. But all hopes for a relaxing and romantic weekend are shattered when a dirty bomb explodes on a riverboat packed with military, killing dozens of soldiers. In the chaotic aftermath, Jamie believes that she spots the bomber--and recognizes him from her past. As Barrett and Jamie race to catch the terrorist before he strikes again, Ray and Corinne become targets themselves. And this time around, Jamie won't let a little thing like the law keep her from protecting the people she loves most--no matter the cost. Don't miss any of Nichole Christoff's white-knuckle Jamie Sinclair thrillers: THE KILL LIST | THE KILL SHOT | THE KILL BOX | THE KILL SIGN "Intelligent and fast-paced, Nichole Christoff's debut thriller takes off like a rocket and never slows down."--New York Times bestselling author Karen Rose, on The Kill List "Christoff doesn't make the adventure a cake walk. She understands how to keep her readers riveted from beginning to end."--USA Today, on The Kill Shot "An edge-of-the-seat thriller that doesn't let up until the very last page."--Library Journal, on The Kill Box

Kill Switch (A\jed Walker Series Novel Ser. #3)

by James Phelan

The countdown has begun ... The world is under cyber attack. The secretive terror outfit of linked lone-wolf operatives, known as Zodiac, has activated another terrorist cell. Chaos will be unleashed at six-hour intervals, with each event more catastrophic than the last, culminating in a devastating global catastrophe within 48 hours. The options for the hackers are endless: bring down California's telecom system; remote detonate explosives at an army base in Virginia; cause Amtrak's signals to fail; collapse air traffic control in US airspace. Consequences are unthinkable. The US President has the power to enact the Internet Freedom Act - the 'Kill Switch'. Turning off the Net will stop the attacks, and give the CIA and the Pentagon time to track down those responsible. But it's not that simple. Fourteen people with the key to restart the Internet are missing. The US will plummet into pandemonium if electronic communications cease. The rest of the world will follow. Jed Walker, ex CIA-operative, has thwarted Zodiac twice before. But, this time, nothing will prepare him for what he uncovers. Walker has 48 hours, and the countdown has begun ...

Kill Switch

by Bill Shaw

From surviving a horrific terrorist attack in Northern Ireland, to the violence of the Gulf War and an assault course of harrowing experiences in Iraq, Bosnia and Columbia, Major Bill Shaw had seen it all. But Bill's strength and courage was tested to its absolute limits when he was arrested for a crime he did not commit. Posted in Afghanistan after two years in Iraq, Bill was responsible for the safety of four hundred men in a full-scale danger zone in one of the most dangerous countries in the world. The married father and grandfather, who had risen through the ranks to become a commander of men and an MBE, had long accepted that each day could be his last. But he never expected to find his own life at risk under a corrupt legal system. Thrown into prison and forced to share a cramped, vermin-infested cell with sixteen Afghans, among them members of the Taliban and al-Qaeda, Bill had no idea when, or even if, he would see his family again. This is the incredible true story of a brave soldier who survived some of the toughest war zones in the world only to face the nightmare of being wrongfully imprisoned a very long way from home. Gritty and gripping, this powerful military memoir is an eye-opening account of life on the frontline.

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