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The Ku Klux Klan or Invisible Empire

by Mrs S. E. F. Rose

Mrs. S. E. F. Rose’s book, "The Ku Klux Klan: or Invisible Empire," provides a detailed historical account of the infamous white supremacist organization known as the Ku Klux Klan. First published in the late 19th century, this work delves into the formation, evolution, and ultimate decline of the Klan during its first incarnation following the American Civil War.The book begins with an exploration of the post-war Southern United States, setting the stage for the emergence of the Klan as a secret society founded by Confederate veterans. Rose examines the socio-political conditions that contributed to the Klan's rise, including the tumultuous Reconstruction era, widespread racial tensions, and the disenfranchisement of white Southerners.Rose's narrative is rich with firsthand accounts and detailed descriptions of the Klan's activities, rituals, and hierarchy. She provides insight into the organization’s use of terror and violence to maintain white supremacy and resist the integration and empowerment of African Americans. The book also discusses the internal conflicts and external pressures that led to the Klan's disbandment in the early 1870s.Though written from a perspective sympathetic to the Southern cause, Mrs. Rose's work is an important historical document. It offers readers a window into the mindset of Klan members and their supporters, while also highlighting the broader implications of the Klan's actions on American society.Controversial and provocative, "The Ku Klux Klan: Its Origin, Growth, and Disbandment" serves as a crucial resource for understanding one of the darkest chapters in American history. Through meticulous research and vivid storytelling, Mrs. S. E. F. Rose provides an in-depth look at the origins and operations of the Ku Klux Klan, offering valuable insights into its lasting impact on race relations in the United States.

Kublai Khan

by John Man

In Xanadu did Kubla KhanA stately pleasure dome decreeKublai Khan lives on in the popular imagination thanks to these two lines of poetry by Coleridge. But the true story behind this legend is even more fantastic than the poem would have us believe. He inherited the second largest land empire in history from his grandfather, Genghis Khan. He promptly set about extending this into the biggest empire the world has ever seen, extending his rule from China to Iraq, from Siberia to Afghanistan. His personal domain covered sixty-percent of all Asia, and one-fifth of the world's land area. The West first learnt of this great Khan through the reports of Marco Polo. Kublai had not been born to rule, but had clawed his way to leadership, achieving power only in his 40s. He had inherited Genghis Khan's great dream of world domination. But unlike his grandfather he saw China and not Mongolia as the key to controlling power and turned Genghis' unwieldy empire into a federation. Using China's great wealth, coupled with his shrewd and subtle government, he created an empire that was the greatest since the fall of Rome, and shaped the modern world as we know it today. He gave China its modern-day borders and his legacy is that country's resurgence, and the superpower China of tomorrow.

The Kunu-ri (Kumori) Incident

by Thomas H. Pettigrew Jr.

The short but heroic narrative of a member of the 3rd Battalion, 24th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division in the bloody bitter battle at Kunu-ri during the Korean War."I was a combat soldier in Korea during the early stages of the Korean conflict from 11 November, 1960, through October, 1951. Although the time spent there appears relatively short in the minds of many war veterans, to a combat soldier it cannot be disputed that an hour in the line could be considered a lifetime, a minute, or an eternity. I spent such an eternity with the 3rd Battalion, 24th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry (Tropical Lightning) Division in the frozen wastes of North Korea.There were numerous times when I was equally happy and sad, but no one time or incident brought greater happiness than the time I was complimented by numerous combat veterans of the 3rd Battalion for the courage, command ability, and control displayed under direct fire for the first time at Kunu-ri. The compliment concerned my organization of scattered elements of the Command and the direction of the retreat or withdrawal of the Battalion Commander (Lieutenant-Colonel Blair); elements of his staff, including the Operations Officer (Captain Newell, now Major); the Adjutant (Captain McWee), plus approximately sixty enlisted men from an enemy trap in the North Korean town of Kunu-ri, on the night of 30 November, 1950, at approximately 2330 hours (11:30 P.M.).I was proud to know that I had stood the test under my first baptism of enemy fire. I was proud because I knew then that I was a real combat soldier, not a cowardly or superficial one."

Kursk: The Greatest Battle *special Sales*

by Lloyd Clark

5th July 1943: the greatest land battle of all time began around the town of Kursk in Russia. This epic confrontation between German and Soviet forces was one of the most important military engagements in history and epitomised 'total war'.It was also one of the most bloody, characterised by hideous excess and outrageous atrocities. The battle concluded with Germany having incurred nearly three million dead and the Soviet Union a staggering ten million. It was a monumental and decisive encounter of breathtaking intensity which became a turning point, not only on the Eastern Front, but in the Second World War as a whole. Using the very latest available archival material including the testimonies of veterans and providing strategic perspective alongside personal stories of front line fighting, Lloyd Clark has written a lucid, enthralling and heart-stopping account of this incredible battle.

Kursk: The Greatest Battle *special Sales*

by Lloyd Clark

5th July 1943: the greatest land battle of all time began around the town of Kursk in Russia. This epic confrontation between German and Soviet forces was one of the most important military engagements in history and epitomised 'total war'.It was also one of the most bloody, characterised by hideous excess and outrageous atrocities. The battle concluded with Germany having incurred nearly three million dead and the Soviet Union a staggering ten million. It was a monumental and decisive encounter of breathtaking intensity which became a turning point, not only on the Eastern Front, but in the Second World War as a whole. Using the very latest available archival material including the testimonies of veterans and providing strategic perspective alongside personal stories of front line fighting, Lloyd Clark has written a lucid, enthralling and heart-stopping account of this incredible battle.

Kursk: A Study In Operational Art

by Major Kerry K. Pierce

This monograph examines the practice of operational art from the perspective of the Kursk Campaign of July-Oct., 1943. The study begins by presenting the German and Russian campaign plans as examples of two different methods of achieving a desired end state. Each plan's vision of the future was heavily influenced by the nature of the strategic situation and the personalities of the two principal artists: Adolf Hitler and Marshal Georgii Zhukov. These two leaders had vastly different understandings of strategic possibilities, time-space dimensions of the battlefield, and the means required to achieve their desired end states. The success of Zhukov's campaign plan was directly related to his linkage of appropriate means and methods toward a desired end state, while Hitler's failure represented a failure to do likewise. The monograph also uses Kursk to examine several theoretical concepts of war. These include the relative strength of offense and defense, culminating points, the art of combinations, use of reserves, and the center of gravity.The Russian decision to defend first against an expected German offensive is an excellent example of the use of operational art. Acting on the information of the LUCY espionage network, Zhukov constructed his campaign around an unprecedented tactical defensive system in an effort to destroy the German armored formations as they attacked toward Kursk. He intended to initiate his counteroffensive at the point where the German panzer corps had been so attrited that they would not be able to prevent a Russian onslaught which would expel all German forces from the Donetz Basin. German operational flexibility, which had been the hallmark of their previous campaigns, was eliminated by Hitler's centrally devised and executed plan, reducing commanders such as Manstein and Model to mere tactical actors. In the end the Russian victory was a complete one: tactical, operational and strategic.

Kursk: The German View

by Steven H. Newton

Firsthand accounts of the German commanders who planned and executed the largest tank battle in history

Kursk 1943: Last German Offensive in the East (Casemate Illustrated #Cis0014)

by Ian Baxter

An illustrated history of World War II&’s largest tank battle that went down near the Russian city. In the summer of 1943, Nazi Germany launched Operation Zitadelle (Citadel), aimed at cutting off Soviet forces in the Kursk salient. This offensive resulted in the Battle of Kursk. Kursk quickly became a fierce contest of attrition, as Wehrmacht and elite Waffen-SS Panzer-Divisions with their powerful Tiger and Panther tanks unsuccessfully tried to hammer their way through the intricate lines of strong Soviet defensive positions. What followed was unabated fighting for two weeks as German units were slowly and systematically ground down in a series of brutal armored battles. During this ferocious fighting the Red Army savagely contested every foot of ground, finally ending German invincibility forever. For the first time in its short history, the blitzkrieg concept had failed. The reverberations caused by the defeat at Kursk were immense, and never again did the German war machine go on the offensive in the East. Stiff defensive action was now the stratagem placed upon the dwindling Panzerwaffe right to the gates of Berlin. With comprehensive captions and text, Kursk 1943 tells the story of this dramatic battle using rare and unpublished photographs, maps, and highly detailed artist profiles. The book reveals the events leading up to the battle in the first half of 1943 and the buildup of forces by both sides before their climatic showdown at Kursk.

Kursk 1943

by Steve Noon Robert Forczyk

Kursk 1943 focuses on the northern front and the battle of Kursk, and period of July 5th to August 18th, 1943, covering both the German offensive and the Soviet counteroffensive - Model's AOK 9 pitted against General Konstantin Rokossovsky's Central Front.After recovering from the Stalingrad debacle, Hitler intended to conduct a limited objective offensive (using the new Panther and Tiger tanks) in the summer of 1943 in order to eliminate the Soviet Kursk salient. He intended to conduct a classic pincer attack of the kind that succeeded during the 1942 Kharkov campaign and hoped that the resulting heavy loss of troops and material inflicted on the Red Army would give the Wehrmacht time to recover its strength. Hitler chose two of his best field commanders - Generalfeldmarschall Erich von Manstein and Generaloberst Walter Model - to lead the two pincers against the Kursk salient in Operation Zitadelle. Manstein would attack from the south with Heeresgruppe Süd, while Model attacked from the north with his heavily reinforced AOK 9.Model was not in favor of the offensive because he believed the Soviet defenses were too dense, but he dutifully mounted a full-scale offensive from 5 to 10 July 1943. Model's forces included two battalions of the new Ferdinand tank destroyers and a battalion of Tiger tanks, but were only capable of chewing its way through the first line of Soviet defenses. Although Model had failed to accomplish a breakthrough, his forces were far from spent. When the Soviets mounted their own Operation Kutusov to collapse the German-held Orel salient, Model had sufficient forces left to conduct a fighting retreat back to the Hagen Line. By 18 August 18th 1943, the Soviets had liberated Orel and pushed Model's forces back, but suffered over 400,000 casualties and the loss of 2,500 tanks. The Germans had succeeded in gaining a tactical victory that mauled three Soviet tank armies, although the Red Army had achieved an operational-level victory by liberating Orel.

Kursk Down!: The Shocking True Story of the Sinking of a Russian Nuclear Submarine

by Clyde Burleson

Black, sleek, and state of the art, the nuclear submarine Kursk was the pride of the Russian fleet. But on August 12, 2000, while on maneuvers in the Barents Sea, the Kursk, hailed as "unsinkable," was blown apart by mysterious explosions. She went down hard with a crew of 118 men trapped inside. For government and military brass far from the scene, the art of spin became more important than the need to save lives. For those on board, the hunger to live summoned astonishing reserves of discipline and heroism. For the rescuers poised at the surface, the devotion to their mission proved more powerful than the savagery of the elements and time itself.

Kurt Von Schleicher—The Soldier And Politics In The Run-Up To National Socialism: A Case Study Of Civil-Military Relations

by Lt.-Col. Alexander B. Bitter

This monograph assesses the adequacy of current United States joint campaign planning doctrine within the context of conventional operations between similar forces within a theater of war. The study focuses on five key doctrinal planning concepts-- center of gravity, decisive points, operational reach, balance, and branches and sequels.Joint planning doctrine directly influences the national security of the United States. The foundation of effective and rigorous military planning is the body of professional doctrine that shapes and animates the planning process. The use of poor or insufficient planning doctrine may result in flawed campaign plans which unnecessarily risk the resources and prestige of the United States as well as the lives of America's servicemen and women. Successful campaigns, developed from intellectually sound and militarily thorough planning doctrine, are the building blocks of national victory in war.A case study of Japanese campaign planning efforts at the beginning of 1942 and the retroactive application of selected joint doctrine planning concepts to these efforts is the method and medium of inquiry. Japanese operational planning in 1942 contained a number of complex and difficult challenges. These challenges present a rigorous test for current doctrine. Historically, this process resulted in the disastrous attempt to invade Midway Island. Joint doctrine is assessed as adequate if its application to 1942 Japanese planning would have resulted in the development of a campaign plan potentially more successful than the historical Midway operation.This paper concludes that the rigorous application of current joint doctrine by the Japanese to the planning for the 1942 campaign would have resulted in the production of a more thorough, resilient, and potentially more successful plan. Joint campaign planning doctrine, a way to think about warfare, would have overcome the challenges involved in planning this campaign.

Kurum, Kabul & Kandahar: Being a Brief Record of Impressions in Three Campaigns Under General Roberts

by Lt. Charles Gray Robertson

Originally published shortly after the end of the Second Anglo-Afghan War in 1881, this book by a British veteran, Lt. Charles Gray Robertson, provides the reader with a first-hand account at the colonialism during nineteenth century India and Afghanistan.

Kut: The Death of an Army

by Ronald Millar

Kut: The Death of an Army is the fascinating, yet largely forgotten, story of the British-Indian Army, which was besieged in Mesopotamia from 1915 to 1916. It is an expert account of the tragic five-month Turkish siege, in which their enemies essentially outlasted them.The author reveals the day-to-day preoccupations of not only the Anglo-Indian forces, but their enemies the Turks as well as local civilians caught in the chaos. Throughout the campaign, the British were beaten back by the Turks, and the ever-prevailent human suffering of the men, so far away from home in this foreign ground, less than helped the cause: starvation, heavy shelling, inadequate medical supplies and disease were all taking their toll. By the end of the campaign, approximately 30,000 British and Indian soldiers had lost their lives.This informative book will be of interest to anyone wanting a concise and accessible introduction to the conflict and will be essential reading for both students of the First World War, as well as those who have a penchant for military history in general.

KV-1 & 2 Heavy Tanks 1939-45

by Peter Sarson Steven Zaloga

Named after Klimenti Voroshilov, the People's Commissar for Defence, the KVs proved a nasty surprise for German tank crews during the early days of Operation Barbarossa. Although slow, they were extremely heavily armoured. This volume examines the transition from multi-turreted tanks to heavy single-turret vehicles, consisting of the KV-1 and 2, and the increased favour given to the heavy single-turret after the Germans began to develop ammunition capable of penetrating even the thickest armour, whilst detailing the design, development and operational history of the Soviet Union's monstrous KV series of tanks.

“L.M. 8046”: An Intimate Story of the Foreign Legion

by David Wooster King

Still a student at Harvard when World War I broke out, American David Wooster King joined the 135th Regiment of the French Foreign Legion in November 1914 and fought in the 1915 Champagne offensive and at Verdun and the Somme in 1916. He transferred to the American Army near the end of the war and served in the counterespionage section at Chaumont.“This book of David King’s is not a sermon. It does not preach and it carries no moral. It says in fact: ‘Here, my good friends who made me into a beautiful hero, is what happened to me while I was gaining that title. Take it or leave it and be damned to you or have a drink with me or do whatever you please, but for Heaven’s sake don’t kiss me for I am splashed with the blood of my dead comrades and I am dirty with the grime of a million miles of road.’”—Hendrik Van LoonA colourful and engrossing account, especially for 1915-1916.

La-5/7 vs Fw 190

by Dmitriy Khazanov Jim Laurier

Soviet fighter aviation suffered terribly at the hands of the Jagdwaffe in the first year of the war in the east, and with the arrival of JG 51 and its Fw 190s on the Stalingrad Front in September 1942 things only got worse for the hard-pressed Red Army Air Force pilots. However, help was on its way in the form of the re-engined LaGG-3 fighter, which was fitted with a powerful air-cooled M-82 radial engine. Designated the La-5, the new fighter was capable of withstanding more punishment than the fragile LaGG-3, and it was also appreciably faster and had a greater rate of climb. It was more of a handful to fly, however, but the new generation of better trained pilots who were led into combat by the survivors of 1941-42 quickly found the La-5 (and, later, the improved La-7) very much to their liking. Arriving in the frontline in August 1942, the new Lavochkin fighters soon found themselves pitted into action on the Central Sector against the equally new Fw 190As of JG 51. The first clashes took place in November of that year, and from then on the Focke-Wulf fighter would regularly clash with its counterpart from Lavochkin.From the Trade Paperback edition.

La Boiseslle: Ovillers/Contalmaison Somme (Battleground Europe)

by Michael Stedman

This addition to the growing series of battlefield guides has been written by Michael Stedman, author of Thiepval. Drawing upon the wealth of material available in both national and local archives, documentary evidence, personal reminiscence and British and German unit histories, La Boiselle will add enormously to the experience of any visitor to this extraordinary location on the Somme battlefield.This distinctive volume has ample detail to satisfy the discerning expert whilst retaining the accessible style which will ensure that anyone new to these magnificently informative places will feel at home with the text. Apart from the historical detail, La Boiselle is illuminated by a distinctive and detailed array of maps and aerial photographs which will guide the reader both at home and in the field. To support the maps a sequence of contemporary and comparison present-day photographs will enable students to plan and execute a series of enjoyable, informative and evocative tours through the locality. These walks will guide people to little-known sections of still existent front-line and assembly trenches, dug-outs, gun-pits and observation posts, past the memorials and cemeteries, with an eye for detail as well as to the human and personal experience of the conflict. If you are researching the story of a family member who served or is commemorated here, if you wish to deePen & illuminate a visit to a new Western Front location, if you are a student of the battlefield and the military tactics employed here, La Boiselle will add enormously to your knowledge and understanding of this powerful place. In an unsentimental manner, La Boiselle can transport you back across eight decades to understand something of the experience of the Tommies and their German counterparts who fought and died here during the Great War.

La caiguda dels gegants (The Century #Volumen 1)

by Ken Follett

Una gran novel·la que narra les vides de cinc famílies: una americana, una gal·lesa, una anglesa, una alemanya i una russa, amb el rerefons de la Primera Guerra Mundial, la Revolució Russa i els profunds canvis socials que aquestes varen comportar. Primer volum de la trilogia «The Century» La història comença el 1911, el dia de la coronació del rei Jordi V a l'abadia de Westminster. El destí dels Williams, una família minera de Gal·les, està unit per l'amor i l'enemistat al dels Fitzherbert, aristòcrates i propietaris de les mines. Lady Maud Fitzherbert s'enamorarà de Walter von Ulrich, un jove espia a l'ambaixada alemanya a Londres. Les seves vides s'entrellaçaran amb la d'un assessor progressista del president dels Estats Units, Woodrow Wilson, i les de dos germans russos als quals la guerra i la revolució han arrabassat el somni de buscar fortuna a Amèrica. Des de Washington fins a Sant Petesburg, des de la immundícia i els perills de les mines de carbó fins als luxosos canelobres dels palaus aristocràtics, passant pels passadissos de la Casa Blanca i el Parlament de Westminster, Ken Follet ens ofereix, en la seva novel·la més ambiciosa, l'acurat retrat d'una època i de les passions que van sacsejar la vida dels seus personatges. «La trilogia "The Century" és la història dels meus avis i dels vostres, dels nostres pares i de les nostres vides. D'alguna manera, és la història de tots nosaltres.»Ken Follet La crítica ha dit...«Alta política i baixes passions (i viceversa) conformen un fulletó de gran dimensions que confirma a Follett com a mestre rellotger del regne del best seller.»Qué Leer «Ken Follett no és un escriptor, sinó un fenomen social.»El Cultural de El Mundo

La Famille qui est allée à la guerre

by Gordon Smith Bibi Sahida Dilmamode

This book is on the life of a family during the First World War. The Family that went to War” is set back in the early 1900’s during wartime. The story follows six Australian family members as they each choose to go and fight for varying personal reasons. The book recounts their highs, lows, struggles as well as triumphs. It is both inspiring and heartbreaking about what these people were leaving behind (including families and children) and what hardships they faced on their journeys. The story covers their journeys through the war in Europe and explores some of their complex characteristics and the summary of the lives of the three who returned. It also highlights the anguish of the mother whose son was lost on the battlefields of Fromelles and whose body still as not been identified one hundred years later’ Six family members went to war. Only three returned!

La fonction de general et l'art de l'amiraute

by Colonel Bernd Horn Stephen Harris

Cette collection, qui regroupe des essais redigés par des officiers des Forces canadiennes et par d’éminents auteurs et universitaires canadiens, fait état de l’expérience canadienne unique et donne un aperçu des changements dont le commandement au sein des forces armées a fait l’objet. Ce livre examine tout particulièrement le travail des généraux - à l’aide d’un certain nombre d’éléments tels que l’expérience historique, la nature du commandement, les operations récentes, les relations entre les civils et les militaires y compris celles avec les médias, les rôles et les responsabilités fonctionnelles liées au travail des généraux.

La Guerre d'Hitler et l'horrible Histoire de l'Holocauste

by Hanène Baatout Scott S. F. Meaker

Note : La guerre d'Hitler et l'horrible Histoire de l'Holocauste est un résumé. Attention: Contient un contenu très violent. Ce livre est recommandé pour l'âge 18+ L'Holocauste reste comme une référence à la destruction d'environ six millions de Juifs. La collection des undesirables a commencé en 1933 avec la construction du premier camp de concentration. Comme la puissance de Hitler s'est renforcée, il a fait en sorte que d'autres types de gens soient considérés comme inutiles et gênants. Dès qu'Hitler est arrivé au pouvoir, la destruction lente des juifs a été mis en place. En 1942, environ un million de Juifs avaient déjà été tués. L'exécution était l'une des causes de la mort. Deux millions et demi ont été gazés et un demi-million sont morts de faim. L'épidémie de typhus a fait beaucoup d'autres victimes. Après la victoire des Alliés, l'Allemagne a été dans le chaos. Ce livre est un effort qui permet d'observer le type de situation qui permettrait à un pays civilisé de laisser l'Holocauste avoir lieu.

La Place De La Concorde Suisse

by John Mcphee

John McPhee embeds himself in a "Section de Renseignements" (military intelligence) of the Swiss Army. This army is more like what we in the U.S. would call the National Guard. Every male Swiss serves in the army for 30 years, but except for an annual 3-week refresher course, lives a normal life (although subject to mobilization within 48 hours at need). McPhee's talent for interviewing his subjects, salting his narrative with history, geography, and even geology, makes this a very informative as well as entertaining book. NOTE: There are a considerable number of French (and some German) words and phrases in this book While it isn't necessary to know French to understand those words and phrases, some knowledge of French would not hurt,

La plaine Jackass (Chevaucher un cowboy #1)

by Emmanuelle Rousseau Julia Talbot

Chevaucher un cowboy, tome 1Un militaire amené à bouger et un cowboy routinier peuvent-ils trouver un moyen de s’accorder ? Tate a l’impression que la meilleure partie de sa vie est probablement derrière lui, c’est pourquoi ce cowboy de plus de trente ans fréquente les bars tous les soirs. Toutefois, quand il rencontre Dave, un jeune soldat d’une base militaire voisine, Tate pense que les choses vont s’arranger. Dave et lui ont un début difficile, pourtant Tate juge bientôt qu’ils ont assez en commun pour rendre les choses intéressantes. Dave ne se préoccupe pas vraiment de la consigne « ne demande pas, ne dis rien », alors il ne se donne pas la peine de cacher sa relation avec Tate à ses amis. Lorsqu’il se rend compte qu’il aurait dû être plus prudent, il est peut-être trop tard. Mais Dave est prêt à se battre pour Tate, même si cela implique de quitter l’armée.

La Première Guerre mondiale: l’Histoire en bref – La Grande Guerre

by Hanène Baatout Scott S. F. Meaker

La Première Guerre mondiale : l'Histoire en bref - La Grande Guerre La Première Guerre mondiale était censée être la dernière de toutes les guerres, d'où son nom de Grande Guerre. La Grande Guerre a pris un mauvais départ selon les Allemands. Le plan était de repousser la France et la Russie tout en se concentrant sur l'objectif principal, en aidant l'Autriche-Hongrie à s'entretenir avec la Serbie. Les pertes en vie humaine, pendant la Grande Guerre, était immense.

La Prima Guerra Mondiale: la storia concisa - La Grande Guerra

by Simona Leggero Scott S. F. Meaker

La Prima Guerra Mondiale doveva essere la guerra che terminava tutte le guerre, da qui il nome la Grande Guerra. La Grande Guerra ebbe un brutto inizio dalla prospettiva della Germania. Il piano era di allontanare la Francia e la Russia mentre lo scopo principale, era aiutare l'Impero austro-ungarico contro la Serbia. La perdita di vita nella Grande Guerra fu immensa.

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