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Memoirs of the Warrior Kumagai

by Donald Richie

"A tour de force combining a commanding mastery of historical fact and detail, a comprehensive understanding of the human spirit, and a poetic quality of expression that transforms the hearts of all those it touches." -The Japan Foundation NewsletterKumagai Naozane was a Japanese warrior famous for having taken the head of the young and handsome samurai Atsumori. This episode has become one of the best-known and best-loved stories in the Japanese historical classic, The Heiké Story (Heike Monogatari). This book is a fictionalized version of Kumagai's own attempt to come to terms with his past-that real past which is his and that other past which he hears the monks inventing as they compose the text which will eventually become The Heiké Story.As the warrior remembers his past and compares it to its fictional parallel, he evokes the wonders of the city of Heiankyo (Kyoto); the wars which raised the Taira (Heike) clan to power and later reduced it to ruin at the hands of the Genji clan; the battles at the Uji River; life in the imperial court of the retired emperor Go-Shirakawa; and the celebrated final Taira battle-the naval encounter at Dannoura, where the infant emperor Antoku was delivered to the depths of the sea. Among the many pleasures of this brilliantly colored chronicle is how the common humanity of this honest, hopeless man transcends his time and milieu to speak to us, here and now.

Memoirs of the Warrior Kumagai

by Donald Richie

"A tour de force combining a commanding mastery of historical fact and detail, a comprehensive understanding of the human spirit, and a poetic quality of expression that transforms the hearts of all those it touches." -The Japan Foundation NewsletterKumagai Naozane was a Japanese warrior famous for having taken the head of the young and handsome samurai Atsumori. This episode has become one of the best-known and best-loved stories in the Japanese historical classic, The Heiké Story (Heike Monogatari). This book is a fictionalized version of Kumagai's own attempt to come to terms with his past-that real past which is his and that other past which he hears the monks inventing as they compose the text which will eventually become The Heiké Story.As the warrior remembers his past and compares it to its fictional parallel, he evokes the wonders of the city of Heiankyo (Kyoto); the wars which raised the Taira (Heike) clan to power and later reduced it to ruin at the hands of the Genji clan; the battles at the Uji River; life in the imperial court of the retired emperor Go-Shirakawa; and the celebrated final Taira battle-the naval encounter at Dannoura, where the infant emperor Antoku was delivered to the depths of the sea. Among the many pleasures of this brilliantly colored chronicle is how the common humanity of this honest, hopeless man transcends his time and milieu to speak to us, here and now.

Memoirs Of The War In Spain, From 1808 To 1814. — Vol. I (Memoirs Of The War In Spain, From 1808 To 1814 #1)

by Anon. Marshal Louis-Gabriel Suchet, Duc d'Albufera

"If I had had two Marshals like Suchet I should not only have conquered Spain, but have kept it." This was the measured and just opinion of Marshal Suchet. Out of the graveyard for reputation that Spain became for the French generals, Marshal Suchet's ability, aplomb and shrewdness gained him the unique distinction of being awarded his marshal's dignity to his services in Spain.In his memoirs of the War in Spain, he recounts his experiences with honesty, balance and verve. His exciting battle narratives are interspersed with his expert appreciations of the situation as the Peninsular slipped from French grasp and the often acrimonious relations between the French commanders. With the fanatical resistance of the Spanish people, a lack of co-ordination, few supplies and growing British pressure, the achievement of Suchet under such circumstances is truly brilliant. A humble and moderate man, Suchet wrote his memoirs as he commanded in the field, with dash, brilliance, balance and poise.A fine addition to the library of anyone interested in the Peninsular War.Author --Marshal Suchet, Louis-Gabriel, Duc d'Albufera, 1770-1826Translator -- Anon.Text taken, whole and complete, from the edition published in London: H. Colburn, 1829.Original Page Count - lvi and 344 pages.

Memoirs Of The War In Spain, From 1808 To 1814. — Vol. II (Memoirs Of The War In Spain, From 1808 To 1814 #2)

by Anon. Marshal Louis-Gabriel Suchet, Duc d'Albufera

"If I had had two Marshals like Suchet I should not only have conquered Spain, but have kept it." This was the measured and just opinion of Marshal Suchet. Out of the graveyard for reputation that Spain became for the French generals, Marshal Suchet's ability, aplomb and shrewdness gained him the unique distinction of being awarded his marshal's dignity to his services in Spain.In his memoirs of the War in Spain, he recounts his experiences with honesty, balance and verve. His exciting battle narratives are interspersed with his expert appreciations of the situation as the Peninsular slipped from French grasp and the often acrimonious relations between the French commanders. With the fanatical resistance of the Spanish people, a lack of co-ordination, few supplies and growing British pressure, the achievement of Suchet under such circumstances is truly brilliant. A humble and moderate man, Suchet wrote his memoirs as he commanded in the field, with dash, brilliance, balance and poise.A fine addition to the library of anyone interested in the Peninsular War.Author --Marshal Suchet, Louis-Gabriel, Duc d'Albufera, 1770-1826Translator -- Anon.Text taken, whole and complete, from the edition published in London: H. Colburn, 1829.Original Page Count - 499 pages.

Memoirs of William and Nathan Hunt Taken from Their Journals and Letters

by William Hunt Nathan Hunt

Famous memoirs of father and son Quaker ministers, who travelled and preachers widely across North America and the World on the precepts and tents of the Friends.Nathan Hunt's family emigrated to what were then the colonies of New Jersey and Pennsylvania between 1670 and 1719. His father, William Hunt, was born in New Jersey and moved to North Carolina about 1752 and was a charter member of New Garden Monthly Meeting in present-day Greensboro when it was organized in 1754. “Nathan was born in 1758 at the family farm about two miles from New Garden Friends Meeting, the third child of Sarah Mills and William Hunt. Nathan said that he "never went to school for more than 6 months in his life." His father died during a missionary trip to England when Nathan was 14, and the family was left almost destitute. Some kindly neighbors arranged for Nathan to apprentice as a blacksmith. Another neighbor, Presbyterian minister Dr. David Caldwell, allowed him to borrow books from his library one at a time, which Nathan read at night after the day's work was done. He had to read by the light of pine knots as candles were scarce and expensive. He later said, "I observed the language of the books and cultivated the habit of using it in my common conversation. The consequence was that I was often taken for a learned man. I spent much of my time in reading the Bible."The land in the Piedmont was still heavily forested, and every community had to provide all of its own goods and services – making clothes, grinding corn, building houses and furniture. Nathan Hunt grew up in this pioneer atmosphere, where every man could handle an axe, and every woman could make butter. There were very few roads, and mail service hardly existed. Cash was scarce, and most stores accepted home-made goods as barter. Clothes were made of flax and wool, both home-grown.”-High Point North Carolina

Memorial Day Mission

by Debbie Taylor

Bomber’s great grandfather was a Tuskegee Airmen during World War II. They were the first African Americans to ever become pilots! Bomber can’t wait for his “Poppy” to tell his class about being a pilot when an accident happens. Bomber now has to give the presentation! Will he get over his fear to tell the story of his great grandfather?

Memorial Mania: Public Feeling in America

by Erika Doss

In the past few decades, thousands of new memorials to executed witches, victims of terrorism, and dead astronauts, along with those that pay tribute to civil rights, organ donors, and the end of Communism have dotted the American landscape. Equally ubiquitous, though until now less the subject of serious inquiry, are temporary memorials: spontaneous offerings of flowers and candles that materialize at sites of tragic and traumatic death. In Memorial Mania, Erika Doss argues that these memorials underscore our obsession with issues of memory and history, and the urgent desire to express—and claim—those issues in visibly public contexts. Doss shows how this desire to memorialize the past disposes itself to individual anniversaries and personal grievances, to stories of tragedy and trauma, and to the social and political agendas of diverse numbers of Americans. By offering a framework for understanding these sites, Doss engages the larger issues behind our culture of commemoration. Driven by heated struggles over identity and the politics of representation, Memorial Mania is a testament to the fevered pitch of public feelings in America today.

Memories of a Turkish Statesman, 1913-1919

by Pasha Ahmed Djemal

MY personal participation in general politics in the Ottoman Empire begins with the coup d’état of January 23, 1913.On the evening of that day I left the headquarters of the Lines of Communication Inspectorate and went to the Sublime Porte, to which a great crowd was flocking at the time.At that moment Mahmud Shefket Pasha, who had been appointed Grand Vizier a few hours before, returned from the Imperial Palace and met me at the entrance to the Grand Vizier’s palace.He had hardly seen me before he called out: “Djemal Bey, I want you to take over the Military Governorship of Constantinople at once and you must not lose a minute in taking all measures you think necessary for the preservation of order and confidence in the capital.”As I have said, my assumption of the highly important and equally responsible office of Military Governor of Constantinople meant my direct participation in general politics in my Fatherland. I thus find myself compelled to start my memoirs at that point.—Pasha Ahmed Djemal

Memories of an S.O.E. Historian

by M. R. Foot

The historian of the British World War II intelligence organization chronicles his life and service career in this memoir.Michael (M.R.D.) Foot enjoys the rare distinction of being the only person referred to by his real name in a John Le Carré novel. A highly significant tribute to the man entrusted with writing the official record of the Special Operations Executive. He authored first (1966) the History of SOE in France and twenty years later the highly sensitive accounts of SOE operations in Belgium and Holland (which the Germans infiltrated with disastrous results). With his own war service background and academic reputation M.R.D. was an inspired choice for these historic tasks. He was fearless in pursuit of the truth and in thwarting bureaucratic attempts to muzzle him. His war exploits make thrilling reading. His behind-the-lines mission to track down a notorious SD interrogator went badly wrong, and he only just escaped with his life. His career has brought him into close contact with an astonishing cast of characters, and his tongue-in-cheek account of academic life makes lively reading.

Memories Of Forty-Eight Years’ Service [Illustrated Edition]

by General Sir Horace Lockwood Smith-Dorrien

The memoirs of a veteran general of the British army who fought through the heat of the South African kopjes and plains to the mud, rain and misery at Ypres. Illustrated with 11 photographs and 27 maps and plans. He fought in many of the Imperial wars in Africa, and was distinguished as one of only five British officers to escape the utter slaughter at the battle of Isandlwana in 1878 during the Zulu War.His enduring modern fame rests on his achievements during the First World War, when he was selected to command one of the two corps of the small British Expeditionary Force in 1914 by Lord Kitchener, firmly believing that Smith-Dorrien would stand up to the commander Sir John French. As the B.E.F. struggled back through Belgium in the face of German forces that greatly outnumbered their own troops in 1914, the strain on the men began to show; they thought that they had outfought the Germans at the battle of Mons, but physically they could not fight and outmarch their foes. Seeing the tired and resentful expressions on his men's faces, Smith-Dorrien came to a fateful decision: the safe retreat of the footsore B.E.F. could only be carried out if the Germans were slowed down. In defiance of his orders from Sir John French to keep going, he gathered as many of his soldiers as could stand and fought a brilliant rearguard action at Le Cateau, now regarded as pivotal in saving the B.E.F. from piecemeal destruction. Castigated in public and in private military circles for his decision at the time, he accelerated his downfall by his forthright attitude to his superior, Sir John French. After pointing out the flaws in French's wasteful tactics following a particularly disastrous counterattack at Ypres, Smith-Dorrien had gone too far and was sent home under the excuse of "ill-health", never to hold a field command again.His memoirs are detailed, exciting and a good balance to the highly inventive writings of Sir John French.

Memories of Resistance and the Holocaust on Film

by Mercedes Camino

This book investigates cinematic representations of the murder of European Jews and civilian opposition to Nazi occupation from the war up until the twenty-first century. The study exposes a chronology of the conflict’s memorialization whose geo-political alignments are demarcated by vectors of time and space—or ‘chronotopes’, using Mikhail Bakhtin’s term. Camino shows such chronotopes to be first defined by the main allies; the USA, USSR and UK; and then subsequently expanding from the geographical and political centres of the occupation; France, the USSR and Poland. Films from Western and Eastern Europe and the USA are treated as primary and secondary sources of the conflict. These sources contribute to a sentient or emotional history that privileges affect and construct what Michel Foucault labels biopolitics. These cinematic narratives, which are often based on memoirs of resistance fighters like Joseph Kessel or Holocaust survivors such as Primo Levi and Wanda Jakubowska, evoke the past in what Marianne Hirsch has described as ‘post-memory’.

Memories of the Second World War in Neutral Europe, 1945–2023 (Routledge Studies in Second World War History)

by Manuel Bragança Peter Tame

This edited volume is a sequel to, and a development of, The Long Aftermath: Cultural Legacies of Europe at War, 1936-2016 (2016). It focuses on the six major European countries and states that remained officially neutral throughout the Second World War, namely Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the Vatican. Its transnational, comparative and interdisciplinary approach addresses complex questions pertaining to collective remembrance, national policies and politics, and intellectual as well as cultural responses to neutrality during and after the conflict. The contributions are from a broad range of scholars working across the disciplines of history, literature, film, media, and cultural studies. Their thought-provoking chapters challenge many assumptions about neutrality in the post-war European and global context, thereby filling a gap in the existing scholarship. Common themes that run through the volume include the intertwined and dynamic links between neutrality and moral responsibility during and after the Second World War, the importance of memory politics and popular culture in shaping collective memories, and the impact of the Holocaust in shifting traditional perspectives on neutrality since the 1990s. This volume will be of interest to undergraduates, postgraduates, scholars interested in the field of memory studies, as well as non-specialist readers.

Memories of War: Visiting Battlegrounds and Bonefields in the Early American Republic

by Thomas A. Chambers

Even in the midst of the Civil War, its battlefields were being dedicated as hallowed ground. Today, those sites are among the most visited places in the United States. In contrast, the battlegrounds of the Revolutionary War had seemingly been forgotten in the aftermath of the conflict in which the nation forged its independence. Decades after the signing of the Constitution, the battlefields of Yorktown, Saratoga, Fort Moultrie, Ticonderoga, Guilford Courthouse, Kings Mountain, and Cowpens, among others, were unmarked except for crumbling forts and overgrown ramparts. Not until the late 1820s did Americans begin to recognize the importance of these places. In Memories of War, Thomas A. Chambers recounts America's rediscovery of its early national history through the rise of battlefield tourism in the first half of the nineteenth century. Travelers in this period, Chambers finds, wanted more than recitations of regimental movements when they visited battlefields; they desired experiences that evoked strong emotions and leant meaning to the bleached bones and decaying fortifications of a past age. Chambers traces this impulse through efforts to commemorate Braddock's Field and Ticonderoga, the cultivated landscapes masking the violent past of the Hudson River valley, the overgrown ramparts of Southern war sites, and the scenic vistas at War of 1812 battlefields along the Niagara River. Describing a progression from neglect to the Romantic embrace of the landscape and then to ritualized remembrance, Chambers brings his narrative up to the beginning of the Civil War, during and after which the memorialization of such sites became routine, assuming significant political and cultural power in the American imagination.

Memories Unleashed: Vietnam Legacy

by Carl Rudolph Small

After forty years of silence, a Vietnam veteran shares powerful personal memories of his year of combat. This memoir of the Vietnam War is structured as a series of short vignettes that convey the emotional and physical landscape of the Vietnam War. It is a window into the war from the perspective of “the marine”—the author, who served in a rapid response assault force. Carl Rudolph Small joined the Corps in 1969 at nineteen years old, coming from a small Vermont farming community. After boot camp and specialty training he landed in Da Nang as a private first class. With three battlefield promotions in eight months, he soon became a platoon sergeant. Small did not talk of his experiences in Vietnam over the next forty years—but now, he has written this book so that veterans’ families, including his own, can better understand what their loved ones experienced. It brings you inside the mind of the marine; you see what he sees, feel what he feels. You know him and where he comes from, what he is thinking, why he makes the decisions he needs to make.Memories Unleashed is an assemblage of memories, consisting of stories that stand alone to create a whole greater than the sum of its parts. It addresses the warrior, the lives of innocent people caught up in the war, and the American and Vietnamese families impacted by those who fought. “A fierce focused account of one man’s year in the kind of close combat that was hard to talk about and hard to forget.” —Tom Powers

Memory and Massacre

by Paolo Pezzino

This book recounts the massacre at Sant'Anna di Stazzema and examines its after effects. During the Nazi occupation of Italy, SS officers were charged with destroying anti-Fascist and anti-Nazi partisans. Paolo Pezzino not only reconstructs the events, but deals with the "forgetting" of the massacre.

The Memory Box: A beautiful, timeless and heartrending story of love in a time of war

by Kathryn Hughes

Some love stories can't be forgotten...A heartbreakingly beautiful novel, The Memory Box unlocks an unforgettable epic story of love and war, from the million-copy-selling author of The Letter, Kathryn Hughes. If you adored The Nightingale, The Tuscan Contessa or My Name is Eva, this is the book for you. 'I could not put this book down! It is absolutely phenomenal from the very first page right until the very last page. It is heartbreaking, joyful, hopeful, and a book that you won't want to put down*****'Jenny Tanner opens the box she has cherished for decades. Contained within are her most precious mementoes, amongst them a pebble, a carving and a newspaper cutting she can hardly bear to read. But Jenny knows the time is finally here. After the war, in a mountainside village in Italy, she left behind a piece of her heart. However painful, she must return to Cinque Alberi. And lay the past to rest.After a troubled upbringing, Candice Barnes dreams of a future with the love of her life - but is he the man she believes him to be? When Candice is given the opportunity to travel to Italy with Jenny, she is unaware the trip will open her eyes to the truth she's been too afraid to face. Could a place of goodbyes help her make a brave new beginning?Will you be the next reader to lose your heart to The Memory Box?'Wow, wow, wow!!! A gorgeous story which had me hooked. The best book I have read all year. Make sure you have a box of tissues when you read this heartwarming beautiful story *****''I love WW2 fiction and The Memory Box didn't disappoint. It's an emotive, thought-provoking read about love, loss and forgiveness''I absolutely loved this book. Devoured it in a few days. I eagerly await more of Kathryn Hughes' books. I will be first in line. Excellent *****''What a gorgeously written tale. This story was heartbreaking but also heartwarming. Full of unexpected twists, this one had me gripped! *****''A stunningly beautiful story. Brilliantly developed characters and the usual amount of research that Hughes puts in all her works. A heart-warming and emotional read that I read in one sitting *****' 'I absolutely adored this book! I enjoyed the characters and the story! The story had me finishing the book in no time! I highly recommend this book!!! A story that will stay with me a while' 'An extremely well researched story, beautifully told. It is sad in places, but heart-warming in others''A heartwarming, well-written story. Heartbreaking in places but a story that had to be told *****''I could not put this one down. I loved the story and the author. A wonderful read!'

The Memory Box: An absolutely heartbreaking WW2 novel about love against the odds, based on a true story

by Kathryn Hughes

A heartbreakingly beautiful novel, The Memory Box unlocks an unforgettable epic story of love and war, from the million-copy-selling author of The Letter, Kathryn Hughes. If you adored The Nightingale, The Tuscan Contessa or My Name is Eva, this is the book for you. Some love stories can't be forgotten...Jenny Tanner opens the box she has cherished for decades. Contained within are her most precious mementoes, amongst them a pebble, a carving and a newspaper cutting she can hardly bear to read. But Jenny knows the time is finally here. After the war, in a mountainside village in Italy, she left behind a piece of her heart. However painful, she must return to Cinque Alberi. And lay the past to rest.After a troubled upbringing, Candice Barnes dreams of a future with the love of her life - but is he the man she believes him to be? When Candice is given the opportunity to travel to Italy with Jenny, she is unaware the trip will open her eyes to the truth she's been too afraid to face. Could a place of goodbyes help her make a brave new beginning?(P)2021 Headline Publishing Group Limited

The Memory Of Earth: Homecoming Series: Book 1 (Homecoming #1)

by Orson Scott Card

Haunting, compulsive, urgently readable...Storytelling genius - INTERZONECertain to be one of the most soughtafter books of the year - LOCUSThe planet called Harmony had been settled by humans nearly forty years before. The colony had been placed under the care of an artificial intelligence, the Oversoul, high in orbit. This master computer had one overriding command: guard the people of Harmony.But now the Oversoul is itself in danger. Soon, within a thousand years, catastrophic war will break out on Harmony unless the Oversoul can be repaired. The master computer has determined that it must be taken back to lost Earth; someone on Harmony must be given back the knowledge of space travel in order to save the planet from destruction. For one family, about to be caught up in an approaching civil war, life will change for ever.The first book in the brilliant Homecoming series.Books by Orson Scott Card:Alvin Maker novelsSeventh SonRed ProphetPrentice AlvinAlvin JourneymanHeartfireThe Crystal CityEnder Wiggin SagaEnder's GameSpeaker for the DeadXenocideChildren of the MindEnder in ExileHomecomingThe Memory of the EarthThe Call of the EarthThe Ships of the EarthEarthfallEarthbornFirst Formic War (with Aaron Johnston)Earth UnawareEarth AfireEarth Awakens

A Memory of Solferino

by Henry Dunant

The horrors witnessed by Dunant after the battle of Solferino on June 24 1859 and his humanitarian appeal are the origins of the Red Cross movement.

Memory of the Abyss

by Marcello Fois

When Samuele Stocchino is two years old the village sage can already see a heart shaped like a wolf's head beating in his breast: the heart of a murderer. As a colonial soldier in Northern Africa, recruited from one subject land to subdue another, the sixteen-year-old Stocchino learns to kill before he has learned to love, and it is a skill he hones to perfection on the pitiless battlefields of the Corso Front in the Great War. Returning to Sardinia a hero to a pauper's welcome, he finds his family swindled and his sweetheart stolen away by the richest clan in the region, and from one first crime of passion a bitter feud is born. Stocchino terrorizes his wealthy neighbours and anyone who dares to till their land until, with Italy now firmly under Mussolini's boot, his elimination becomes Il Duce's priority. As he continues to elude capture, the seeds of myth are sown and the legend of Samuele Stocchino is forged. Shrouded by mystery and portent, Memory of the Abyss is a stirring fusion of myth, history and fiction, a daring re-imagining of the true story of a notorious Sardinian bandit and a deft excavation of the island's cultural roots by one of Italy's most gifted and celebrated writers.

The Memory of the Second World War in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia (Routledge Histories of Central and Eastern Europe)

by David L. Hoffmann

This volume showcases important new research on World War II memory, both in the Soviet Union and in Russia today. Through an examination of war remembrance in its various forms—official histories, school textbooks, museums, monuments, literature, films, and Victory Day parades—chapters illustrate how the heroic narrative of the war was established in Soviet times and how it continues to shape war memorialization under Putin. This war narrative resonates with the Russian population due to decades of Soviet commemoration, which continued virtually uninterrupted into the post-Soviet period. Major themes of the volume include the use of World War II memory for political legitimation and patriotic mobilization; the striking continuities between Soviet and post-Soviet commemorative practices; the place of Holocaust memorialization in contemporary Russia; Putin’s invocation of the war to bolster national pride and international prestige; and the relationship between individual memory and collective remembrance. Authored by an international group of distinguished specialists, this collection is ideal for scholars of Russia across a range of disciplines, including history, political science, sociology, and cultural studies.

The Memory Politics of the Cursed Soldiers in Poland: Authoritarian Nationalism, Hegemony and Emotions (Routledge Focus on the History of Conflict)

by Krzysztof Jaskułowski Piotr Majewski

This book analyses right-wing memory politics in Poland through the concept of "cursed soldiers" as a key memory symbol, and how it has been used to construct a narrow and exclusionary vision of Polish identity framed in terms of Catholicism, national culture, and traditional family values.Groundbreaking in its approach and combining top-down study with reception analysis, the book builds on the theory of hegemony, adding emotional dimensions to the understanding of memory politics and nationalism. It provides a detailed case study of Polish memory politics since 2015, when the Law and Justice Party (PiS) came to power, and offers insights into how historical memory is used to mobilise support within nationalist and populist movements. Through a range of data including interviews, participant observation, and analysis of various media, it presents a semiotic and emotional map of how these memory symbols are received and experienced in Polish society. The focus on Podlasie, a region with significant Belarusian population and a history of post-war partisan conflicts, highlights the complex interplay of memory, identity, and politics in contemporary Poland.This work is intended for a broad audience, including undergraduates, postgraduates, scholars, and non-specialist readers such as booksellers or librarians.

Memory Prime (Star Trek: Vanguard #42)

by Judith Reeves-Stevens

Memory Prime It is the central core of an immense computer library -- an elite network of research planetoids. Here, the Pathfinders -- the only artificial intelligences legally permitted to serve the Federation -- control and sift the overwhelming dataflow from thousands of research vessels across the galaxy... Now the greatest scientists in the Federation have gathered here for the prestigious Nobel and Z-Magnees prize ceremonies -- unaware that a deadly assassin is stalking one of them. And as Captain Kirk struggles to save his ship from sabotage and his first officer from accusations of murder, he discovers the hidden assassin is far from the deadliest secret lurking on Memory Prime...

Memory, War and Trauma

by Nigel C. Hunt

<p>Many millions of people are affected by the trauma of war. Psychologists have a good understanding of how experiences of war impact on memory but the significance of external environmental influences is often disregarded. Memory, War and Trauma focuses on our understanding of the psychosocial impact of war in its broadest sense. Nigel C. Hunt argues that, in order to understand war trauma, it is critical to develop an understanding not only of the individual perspective but also of how societal and cultural factors impact on the outcome of an individual's experience. <p>This is a compelling book which helps demonstrate why some people suffer from post-traumatic stress when other people don't, and how narrative understanding is important to the healing process. Its multi-disciplinary perspective will enable a deeper understanding of both individual traumatic stress and the structures of memory. </p>

The Memory Wood

by Sam Lloyd

A heart-stopping, chilling thriller about an abducted girl, the boy who can save her and the terrifying cat-and-mouse game of deception and betrayal that they are playing."If you've only just arrived . . . then why do you want to leave?"Elissa arrived in Memory Wood on the most important day of her life. The thirteen-year-old chess prodigy was competing at the English Youth Grand Prix when she was snatched, and then woke up in a makeshift cell underground.Elijah has lived beside Memory Wood for as long as he can remember. He's only twelve but he's spent his life so far exploring every inch of it, and that's how he finds Elissa.When he appears in her cell, Elissa assumes Elijah will help her; that he'll go to the police and give them the answers they desperately need. But Elijah doesn't want her to leave. As her abductor's behaviour becomes increasingly erratic, Elijah's company is soon her only source of relief and Elissa realizes that this strange, lonely boy is her one hope for survival. Drawing on all her resilience and powers of logic to outwit him, their deadly game of cat and mouse, of deception and betrayal, but also their bond of friendship, will determine both their fates. . . .

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