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The Napoleonic Wars 1803-1815

by Dr David Gates

Known collectively as the 'Great War', for over a decade the Napoleonic Wars engulfed not only a whole continent but also the overseas possessions of the leading European states. A war of unprecedented scale and intensity, it was in many ways a product of change that acted as a catalyst for upheaval and reform across much of Europe, with aspects of its legacy lingering to this very day. There is a mass of literature on Napoleon and his times, yet there are only a handful of scholarly works that seek to cover the Napoleonic Wars in their entirety, and fewer still that place the conflict in any broader framework. This study redresses the balance. Drawing on recent findings and applying a 'total' history approach, it explores the causes and effects of the conflict, and places it in the context of the evolution of modern warfare. It reappraises the most significant and controversial military ventures, including the war at sea and Napoleon's campaigns of 1805-9. The study gives an insight into the factors that shaped the war, setting the struggle in its wider economic, cultural, political and intellectual dimensions.

Napoleon's Army

by H. C. Rogers

Many books have been written about Napoleon and his campaigns, but very little about the soldiers of his armies and of the organization and conditions under which they lived and served. In this classic study, now reissued in paperback, H.C.B. Rogers examines Napoleon's army in terms of its staff systems, its arms and its supporting services as it existed and changed during the long period that separated the battles of Valmy and Waterloo. This is not another history of Napoleon's campaigns. Apart from the brief narrative of the opening chapter designed to serve as an aide-memoire, military operations are only cited to illustrate organization, tactics, equipment and administration. The author seeks to show how, as Lord Wavell put it, Napoleon inspired 'a ragged, mutinous, half-starved army and made it fight as it did'.

Napoleons Army in Russia: The Illustrated Memoirs of Albrecht Adam, 1812

by Jonathan North

In 1812 Napoleon's magnificent army invaded Russia. Among the half a million men who crossed the border was Albrecht Adam, a former baker, a soldier and, most importantly for us, a military artist of considerable talent. As the army plunged ever deeper into a devastated Russia Adam sketched and painted. In all he produced 77 colour plates of the campaign and they are as fresh and dramatic as the day they were produced. They show troops passing along dusty roads, bewildered civilians, battles and their bloody aftermath, burning towns and unchecked destruction. The memoirs which accompany the plates form a candid text describing the war Adam witnessed. Attached to IV Corps, composed largely of Italians, he was present at all the major actions and saw the conquerors march triumphantly into Moscow. But, from then on, the invading army's fate was sealed and the disastrous outcome of the war meant that the year 1812 would become legendary as one of the darkest chapters in history.

Napoleon's Campaign in Poland, 1806–1807

by Pickle Partners Publishing Francis Loraine Petre O.B.E

This ebook is purpose built and is proof-read and re-type set from the original to provide an outstanding experience of reflowing text for an ebook reader. F. Lorraine Petre was at the forefront of a number of British historians who wrote at the turn of the 20th Century who advanced the knowledge, understanding of Napoleonic times and warfare hugely. Petre wrote a number of books on the subject, particularly because of the dearth of information focusing on Napoleon's "lesser-known" campaigns, with a depth of research unheard of at the time. His writings have stood the test of time and have been re-printed a number of times, as recently as the last ten years. In this book his second in his series, shines the spotlight of the Napoleon's quest to vanquish his last remaining continental enemy, Russia. Having smashed Prussia in 1806, Napoleon eagerly sought out his Russian opponents, however his tactics of lightning advances and strategic envelopment founded in the mud and cold of Poland. Extended over a vast area, his troops acutely suffered from shortages and played a deadly game of cat and mouse with the last of the Prussian forces under Lestocq whilst waiting for the thaw that would enable them to come to grips with the enemy. As it transpired they did not have to wait as long as they might have imagined, fighting the bloody slugging match in the snow with the Russians at Eylau and although they held the field, it was a field covered by their own comrades' corpses. After another brutal but more successful engagement at Heilsberg, during which the Russians lost heavily, Napoleon finally ran his quarry to the ground at Friedland. After a sterling delaying action by Lannes' corps and supporting cavalry under Grouchy, Napoleon found his opponent pinned with his back to a river. After an abortive attack by Marshal Ney, General Sènarmont drove a battery of thirty guns into canister range of the Russian centre leaving a red ruin, and allowing a victory for the French turn into a bloody rout for the Russians as many drowned trying to reach their lines on the other side of the river. The peace of Tilsit was to be signed soon after, marking arguably the highpoint of the French Empire. Author - Francis Lorraine Petre OBE - (1852-1925) Text taken, whole and complete, from the edition published in 1901, London, Sampson, Low and Company. Original - 339 pages. MAPS - due to their size have not been included Linked TOC

Napoleon's Campaigns in Italy

by Richard Hook Philip Haythornthwaite

In January 1794 the French 'Army of Italy' was commanded by General Dumerbion and he acknowledged a great debt to his 25-year-old commander of artillery - Napoleon Bonaparte. The French Revolution had resulted in major changes in the military system, conscription created a national army and new tactics and initiatives allowed an officer of such promise as Napoleon to rise quickly through the ranks. By 1796 he was the general commanding the French in Italy and at the conclusion of fourteen months campaigning he was the decisive military personality of his age. Philip Haythornthwaite examines Napoleon's campaigns in Italy, and the uniforms of his soldiers are illustrated in eight colour plates by Richard Hook.

Napoleon’s Campaigns in Italy — 1796-1797 and 1800 (Special Campaigns Series #15)

by Lt.-Colonel Reginald G. Burton

This ebook is purpose built and is proof-read and re-type set from the original to provide an outstanding experience of reflowing text for an ebook reader. The immortal words "Not tonight Josephine!" are probably apocryphal, but in 1796 Napoleon had more pressing concerns than his amorous wife: he had been handed command of the Republican forces in Italy. His men were clothed in rags, unpaid, and hungry. Napoleon set to work with a passion, bending his senior commanders to his will (despite their seniority in both age and rank), raising morale and promising the troops what they craved--the opportunity for victory and loot! Many historians regard Napoleon's first campaign to be his finest, using all his genius to outmanoeuvre his numerous opponents, by dividing them, hard marching and even harder fighting to destroy Austrian power in Northern Italy. In his wake, his forces garnered so many victories, it is hard to disagree: Mondovi, Lodi, Lonato, Montenotte, Arcole, and finally Rivoli. After an abortive expedition to Egypt, during which time the ruling powers in France had squandered their gains from previous engagement, Napoleon was appointed as head of state in the garb of First Consul. Using all of his powers of organization, he formulated a brilliant campaign plan to expel the ascendant Austrians from Italy: he swept through the Alps in the middle of winter behind the enemy forces. After a bloody engagement at Marengo, which hung in the balance until the arrival of French reinforcements, the Austrians were forced out of Italy and would sue for peace soon thereafter. Another excellent volume in the Special Campaigns series produced around the turn of the 20th century by serving or recently retired British and Indian Army officers. Brig-Gen. Burton wrote a number of books on Napoleon's campaigns for the series and was an acknowledged expert on the era, applying his expert eye to the lightning moves of the Emperor contrasted by the lumbering vacillations of his opponents. Title - Napoleon's Campaigns in Italy -- 1796-1797 and 1800 Series Name - Special Campaigns Series Series Number -- 15 Author -- Brig.-General Reginald G. Burton (Indian Army) (1864-1923) Text taken, whole and complete, from the edition published in 1912, London, George Allen and Unwin Ltd. Original - 142 pages. Illustrations - The maps cannot be reproduced with this volume as they are A3.

Napoleons Carabiniers

by Patrice Courcelle Ronald Pawly

The two privileged regiments of Carabiniers survived the Napoleonic Wars (1977-1815) with their elite status intact. They covered themselves with glory at Austerlitz, Friedland, Ratisbonne and Wagram - where their bloody losses shocked Napoleon into ordering them new helmets and cuirasses. Re-formed after near annihilation in Russia in 1812, they fought at Leipzig and in many actions of the 1814 French campaign, and made one of the final charges at Waterloo in 1815. lllustrated with rare early prints and meticulous colour reconstructions, this book details their story, and their unique uniforms, from surviving period documents.

Napoleon’s Cavalry: A Key Element to Decisive Victory

by Major Thomas A. Shoffner

Napoleon's rise to power in the late eighteenth century occurred at a time when the structure of most European armies was based on the paradigm army of Frederick the Great. Napoleon, however, changed all of this and in a few short years transformed the French army into the most powerful force on the continent of Europe. During the period of 1805 to 1813, Napoleon's army had no equal with regard to operational effectiveness. Speed and positioning of forces were the two main characteristics that made the French army so successful. These same two characteristics were also inherent to French cavalry units. Thus, the central research question is: What influence did cavalry have upon Napoleon's operations? To facilitate this study, two campaigns were examined that illustrate cavalry's impact on Napoleon's operations. The first campaign was the Jena Campaign of 1806; the second was the Saxony Campaign of 1813. The Jena Campaign demonstrated that with the employment of sufficient and well-trained cavalry, Napoleon could render his victories decisive through the complete destruction of the enemy army. Conversely, the Saxony Campaign demonstrated that without the effective employment of sufficient and well-trained cavalry, Napoleon could not obtain the complete destruction of the enemy army and thus, his victories were hollow, or at best Pyrrhic. Therefore, based on the analysis of these two campaigns, this study has concluded that Napoleon's cavalry was a key element for Napoleon achieving complete destruction of the enemy army, thus rendering his victories decisive.

Napoleon's Chicken Marengo: Creating the Myth of the Emperor's Favourite Dish

by Andrew Uffindell

This remarkable work tells the story of Chicken Marengo, and cuts through the tangle of myths that has sprung up around it. Supposedly created on the evening of Napoleons victory at Marengo, the dish rapidly conquered Paris, and became a renowned symbol of French haute cuisine.The author sets the dish in its context explaining the nail-biting drama of Napoleons Marengo campaign and the remarkable frenzy of rejoicing unleashed in Paris by the news of his victory. The author argues that the dish is part of a wider myth that Napoleon spun around the battle itself. Uncomfortably aware of just how close he had come to disaster, he rewrote the official account of Marengo. Determined to exploit the political impact of the victory to the full, he portrayed it as a masterly maneuver, rather than a near-defeat salvaged largely by luck.Napoleons Chicken Marengo demonstrates the persistency of popular myth in shaping perceptions of pivotal events. Uffindel sheds startling light on Napoleons extraordinary and yet elusive character, and reveals just how effectively he spun a myth around the amount of food he ate in order to project a positive image of himself. A whole cast of other, unforgettable characters enlivens the story of Chicken Marengo, from Napoleons bickering generals, to celebrity chefs, colorful adventurers, acclaimed artists, fabulously wealthy eccentrics, and famous writers such as William Makepeace Thackeray.

Napoleon's Commentaries on the Wars of Julius Caesar: A New English Translation

by R A Maguire

While in exile on St Helena, Napoleon dictated a commentary on the wars of Julius Caesar, later published in 1836. In each chapter he summarized the events of one campaign, then added comments from the standpoint of his own military knowledge. Over the nearly two millennia between Caesar and Napoleon some aspects of warfare had changed, notably the introduction of firearms. But much remained the same: the rate of movement of armies (at the foot pace of horse or man); human muscle power as the main source of energy for construction work; some military techniques, notably bridge construction; as well as the actual territory fought over by Caesar and later by Napoleon. Napoleons commentary thus provides a fascinating and highly authoritative insight into Caesars wars, as well as providing a window into Napoleons own thinking and attitudes. Napoleon in places detects mistakes on the part of Caesar and his enemies, and says what they should have done differently. Remarkably, this is thought to be the first full English translation of Napoleon's work.Napoleon Bonaparte was born to an obscure Corsican family but rose through the ranks of the French army to become Emperor of France, conqueror of most of Europe and acknowledged military genius. He wrote this book while in exile on St Helena.The translator. RA Maguire, is a former civil engineer with a long-standing interest in military and ancient history.

Napoleon’s Conquest of Prussia – 1806

by Pickle Partners Publishing Francis Loraine Petre O.B.E

This ebook is purpose built and is proof-read and re-type set from the original to provide an outstanding experience of reflowing text for an ebook reader. At the beginning of 1806, Napoleon could feel rather satisfied with his conquests, although the Russian Bear had been brutally beaten and the Austrian Eagle damaged beyond repair after the carnage of Austerlitz. However lurking to the north were the inheritors of Frederick the Great's legacy of Rossbach and Leuthen, their sullen neutrality during 1805 had been bought by the price of the annexation of Hanover, the Prince-elector of which sat on the British throne. It would only be a matter of time before the Prussian army tested their might against Napoleon's legions, young Prussians could be found outside the French embassy in Berlin sharpening their swords against its steps, Queen Luise was a vocal focus for the war party. With the most positive expectations for the campaign, the lumbering Prussian army, led by veterans in their sixties, seventies and even eighties, groped to find Napoleon and his much faster moving corps d'armée. Napoleon's Marshals and generals were mostly, apart from a few notable exceptions, one bordering on treason, at the top of their professional competency. Few if any however would have expected the campaign to unfold as it did, as Napoleon actively searched for the main Prussian army, he found and destroyed a significant portion of the army at Jena, a single of his corps, under Davout, faced and defeated the majority at Auerstädt. What followed thereafter was the most relentless pursuit of the Napoleonic Wars, combined with a number of capitulations which did not honour to Prussian arms. Prussia was defeated completely, with a scant regard to future relations with this state, Napoleon dismembered the state, imposed war reparations that would have made the French at Compiegne, a century, later blush, allowed his soldiers to pillage on an unheard of scale. Not that he himself was immune to the tendency to take what might allowed, he took amongst other trophies, Frederick the Great's own sword. Reduced to a second rate power Prussia, occupied by French soldiers, would look to the crumbs that Napoleon might hand out and hope that other powers might topple the mighty Napoleon. As with all of Petre's books on the Napoleonic period, his work is well written, scrupulously researched and balanced. We have taken the liberty as diacritics appear in Petre's book to change Blucher to Blücher. Author - Francis Lorraine Petre OBE - (1852-1925) Text taken, whole and complete, from the edition published in 1904, London, by John Lane, The Bodley Head. Original - 339 pages. MAPS - due to their size have not been included [2 A3] Plans - ALL included - 7 total Portraits and Illustrations - ALL included - 19 total Linked TOC

Napoleon's Defeat of the Habsburgs: Napoleon's Defeat of the Habsburg, Vol I (1809: Thunder on the Danube #1)

by John H. Gill

This history of the 1809 Franco-Austrian War presents an in-depth chronicle Napoleon&’s last great victory. On April 10th, 1809, while Napoleon was occupied in Western Europe with the Peninsular War, the Austrian Empire launched a surprise attack that sparked the War of the Fifth Coalition. Though France would ultimately win the conflict, it would be Napoleon&’s last victorious war. Even then, the margin of French superiority was decreasing. Archduke Charles, the best of the Habsburg commanders, led a reformed Austrian Army that was arguably the best ever fielded by the Danubian Monarchy. Though caught off guard, the French Emperor reversed a dire strategic situation with stunning blows that he called his 'most brilliant and most skillful maneuvers'. Following a breathless pursuit down the Danube valley, Napoleon occupied the palaces of the Habsburgs for the second time in four years. He would win many battles in his future campaigns, but never again would one of Europe's great powers lie broken at his feet. In Thunder on the Danube, historian John H. Gill tackles the political background of the war, including the motivations behind the Austrian offensive. Gill also demonstrates that 1809 was both a high point of the First Empire as well as a watershed, for Napoleon's armies were declining in quality and he was beginning to display the corrosive flaws that contributed to his downfall five years later. His opponents, on the other hand, were improving.

Napoleon's Downfall: Madame Récamier and Her Battle with the Emperor

by Geri Walton

An account of the wealthy socialite who opposed the French emperor and found herself exiled from Paris—from the author of Marie Antoinette’s Confidante.Napoleon Bonaparte and Juliette Récamier were both highly influential and well-known in France, yet they were often at odds with each other. Their story played out on the European stage during a period of political upheaval and new political ideas. Napoleon gained power in the aftermath of the French Revolution, and he would go from spectacular victories to dismal failure. His defeat in the early nineteenth century would result in Europe acquiring new national borders and with that Britain, Russia, and the United States would gain greater international influence.Juliette, on the other hand, wielded her own power. Because of the tumultuous French Revolution, noble and aristocratic landowners were being replaced by a new wealthy class in the private sector. Juliette and her husband were among the beneficiaries of this growing affluence and influence, and her power came from her newfound position in society.Juliette also viewed life differently than Napoleon. She saw life from the standpoint of a wealthy socialite whereas Napoleon’s desires were always shaded by his military experiences and his meteoric rise to power.Along the way, Juliette would have to face the testy Emperor, and she would find that his own brother would fall for her. Even some of Napoleon’s greatest enemies would woo her. “A fascinating look at two of the French Revolution’s most amazing and engaging characters, Napoleon Bonaparte and Juliette Récamier, both of whom wielded enormous power in a most turbulent time.” —Books Monthly

Napoleon's Downfall: Madame Récamier and Her Battle with the Emperor

by Geri Walton

An account of the wealthy socialite who opposed the French emperor and found herself exiled from Paris—from the author of Marie Antoinette’s Confidante.Napoleon Bonaparte and Juliette Récamier were both highly influential and well-known in France, yet they were often at odds with each other. Their story played out on the European stage during a period of political upheaval and new political ideas. Napoleon gained power in the aftermath of the French Revolution, and he would go from spectacular victories to dismal failure. His defeat in the early nineteenth century would result in Europe acquiring new national borders and with that Britain, Russia, and the United States would gain greater international influence.Juliette, on the other hand, wielded her own power. Because of the tumultuous French Revolution, noble and aristocratic landowners were being replaced by a new wealthy class in the private sector. Juliette and her husband were among the beneficiaries of this growing affluence and influence, and her power came from her newfound position in society.Juliette also viewed life differently than Napoleon. She saw life from the standpoint of a wealthy socialite whereas Napoleon’s desires were always shaded by his military experiences and his meteoric rise to power.Along the way, Juliette would have to face the testy Emperor, and she would find that his own brother would fall for her. Even some of Napoleon’s greatest enemies would woo her. “A fascinating look at two of the French Revolution’s most amazing and engaging characters, Napoleon Bonaparte and Juliette Récamier, both of whom wielded enormous power in a most turbulent time.” —Books Monthly

Napoleon's Dragoons of the Imperial Guard

by Patrice Courcelle Ronald Pawly

Dressed in distinctive green uniforms and classically inspired copper helmets, the Dragoons of the Imperial Guard were raised in 1806 by the same criteria as other Guard units - by selection of picked, literate veterans from Line regiments who had six to ten years of service, and citations for bravery in at least two campaigns. The following year they were named Dragons de l'Impératrice in a unique compliment to the Empress Josephine. As a ceremonial regiment it enjoyed many privileges, but it also saw combat on a number of occasions, including the battles of Essling and Wagram (1809), the Russian campaign (1812, when it suffered severe losses), at Bautzen, Wachau and Leipzig (1813), in the 1814 Campaign of France, and at Ligny and Waterloo (1815).The unparalleled documentary and pictorial sources to which Ronald Pawly has access inform this, the latest volume in his unique English-language coverage of the cavalry of Napoleon's Imperial Guard. It includes a history of the unit's organisation and service, uniforms and equipment, drawn from the original manuscript correspondence of Napoleon and his senior officers, orders and inspection reports, which survive in the Paris archives to this day. Interspersed with material on the records of particular individuals - their promotions, wounds and deaths in action - and illustrated with uniform prints, photographs of portraits and colour plates covering all ranks and orders of dress, this is the definitive history of a legendary Napoleonic regiment.

Napoleon's Guard Infantry

by Philip Haythornthwaite Bryan Fosten

The concept of the bodyguard is as ancient as the practice of an individual assuming the leadership of a group or tribe. From the Companions of Alexander to the Varangians of Byzantium, bodies of élite warriors, owing personal allegiance to their sovereign and obeying no others, have illuminated or stained the annals of military history. Napoleon's Imperial Guards probably represent the last true link in a chain spanning the ages. Philip Haythornthwaite describes the history, organization and equipment of Napoleon's Guard Infantry during the Napoleonic Wars period (1799-1815) in an engaging work which includes numerous illustrations and eight full page color plates superbly drawn by Bryan Fosten.

Napoleon's Guards of Honour

by Patrice Courcelle Ronald Pawly

One of the least understood of Napoleon's corps were the four regiments of Gardes d'honneur, raised in 1813 during the frantic rebuilding of the French cavalry after the huge losses in Russia. Recruited from the leading social classes, uniformed and equipped at their own expense, and accompanied by servants to take care of such unpleasant chores as stable duty, these men were promised commissions as officers after a year's service in the ranks. Though spectacularly unready for combat upon their arrival with the army, the Guards of Honour would gain skill and confidence while serving alongside the élite cavalry of the Imperial Guard in the campaigns of Saxony and France, 1813-14, and distinguished themselves in battle at Hanau and Rheims. The story of their organisation, uniforms and service during the Napoleonic Wars (1799-1815) is researched from rare archives and memoirs, and illustrated with portraits, surviving uniform items, and meticulous colour plates.

Napoleon's Hundred Days and the Politics of Legitimacy

by Katherine Astbury Mark Philp

This book examines the politics of legitimacy as they played out across Europe in response to Napoleon’s dramatic return to power in France after his exile to Elba in 1814. Napoleon had to re-establish his claim to power with initially minimal military resources. Moreover, as the rest of Europe united against him, he had to marshal popular support for his new regime, while simultaneously demanding men and money to back what became an increasingly inevitable military campaign. The initial return – known as ‘the flight of the eagle’ – gradually turned into a dogged attempt to bolster support using a range of mechanisms, including constitutional amendments, elections, and public ceremonies. At the same time, his opponents had to marshal their resources to challenge his return, relying on populations already war-weary and resentful of the costs they had had to bear. The contributors to this volume explore how, for both sides, cultural politics became central in supporting or challenging the legitimacy of these political orders in the path to Waterloo.

Napoleon's Imperial Guard: Organization, Uniforms and Weapons

by Gabriele Esposito

A detailed analysis of the organization, uniforms and weapons of the French Imperial Guard created by Napoleon I. The author describes how this large military body evolved from the Consular Guard created by Bonaparte as early as 1799 and how this came to include dozens of different military units belonging to each branch of service (infantry, cavalry, artillery, specialist corps). The Imperial Guard was a 'miniature army' made up of veteran soldiers, who were dressed with the most spectacular and elegant uniforms ever seen on the battlefields of Europe. The Guard also included several 'exotic' non-French units that are also covered in the text: Egyptian Mamelukes, Polish and Lithuanian lancers, Tatar scouts, Dutch grenadiers and lancers. The way in which Napoleon employed the Guard in battle is discussed and also how it differed from the rest of the French Army in terms of military dress and weaponry.

Napoleon's Imperial Guard Uniforms and Equipment. Volume 1: The Infantry

by Paul L. Dawson

The author of Battle for Paris 1815 examines the uniforms and equipment of the infantry of Napoleon&’s Imperial Guard. From its origins as the Consular Guard of the French Republic, and as Napoleon&’s personal bodyguard, the Imperial Guard developed into a force of all arms numbering almost 100,000 men. Used by Napoleon as his principal tactical reserve, the Guard was engaged only sparingly, being deployed at the crucial moment of battle to turn the tide of victory in favor of the Emperor of the French. Naturally, the Imperial Guard has been the subject of numerous books over many decades, yet there has never been a publication that has investigated the uniforms and equipment of the infantry of the Imperial Guard with such detail and precision. The author has collected copies of almost all the surviving documents relating to the Guard, which includes a vast amount of material regarding the issuing of dress items, in some instances down to company level. This information is supported by an unrivaled collection of illustrations, many of which have never been published before, as well as images of original items of equipment held in museums and private collections across the globe. In addition, the renowned military artist, Keith Rocco, has produced a series of unique paintings commissioned exclusively for this book. This glorious book is, and will remain, unsurpassed as the standard work on the clothing and equipment of the Imperial Guard, and will not only be invaluable to historians, but also reenactors, wargamers and modelers. It is one of the most important publications ever produced on this most famous of military formations.

Napoleon's Imperial Guard Uniforms and Equipment. Volume 2: The Cavalry

by Paul L. Dawson

The author of Battle for Paris 1815 examines the uniforms and equipment of the cavalry of Napoleon&’s Imperial Guard. Few military formations have attracted more attention than Napoleon&’s Imperial Guard, and fewer still have been so extravagantly clothed and accoutered with the finest materials and the brightest colors. On both campaign and parade, the Guard, and especially the cavalry regiments, provided a dazzling display of military grandeur. From the green and gold trappings of the Chasseurs à Cheval, to the multicolored Mamelukes, the Guard cavalry was among the most brilliantly dressed formations ever to grace the field of battle. In compiling this magnificent volume, the author has collected copies of almost all the surviving documents relating to the Guard, which includes a vast amount of material regarding the issuing of dress items, even in some instances down to company level. This information is supported by around 100 contemporary prints, many of which have never been published before, as well as images of original items of equipment held in museums and private collections across the globe. In addition, the renown military artist, Keith Rocco has produced a series of unique paintings commissioned exclusively for this book. This glorious book is, and will remain, unsurpassed as the standard work on the clothing and equipment of the cavalry of the Imperial Guard. It is sure to be treasured by reenactors, wargamers, and modelers, as well as historians and enthusiasts as one of the most important publications ever produced on this most famous of military formations.

Napoleon's Infantry: French Line, Light and Foreign Regiments 1799–1815

by Gabriele Esposito

This volume covers the infantry units of Napoleon’s Imperial Army, during the crucial years 1800-1815. When the future Emperor assumed control of France, the infantry of his army was disorganized and poorly equipped; it lacked discipline and was trained in a quite old-fashioned way. Napoleon acted very rapidly to resolve the major problems of his foot troops, by giving them a new structure and by teaching them new tactics. By 1805, the French infantry was without a doubt the best in the world in terms of combat capabilities. The book will cover all the categories of units that were part of Napoleon’s infantry: line regiments, light regiments, foreign corps and special corps. It is not always realized that the French infantry of 1800-1815 included large numbers of foreign soldiers and even an Irish Legion; all these little-known corps are taken into consideration, together with several special corps like Corsican light infantry and mountain infantry. Gabriele Esposito provides a complete guide to the French infantry of Napoleon, illustrated with rare contemporary uniform plates that have never been published before.

Napoleon's Infantry Handbook

by T. E. Crowdy

What did Napoleon's soldiers carry in their backpacks? A unique reference that paints a detailed picture of one of history&’s great military machines. Napoleon's Infantry Handbook is an essential reference guide, filled with fascinating detail on the training, tactics, equipment, service, and administration of Napoleon's infantry regiments. Based on training manuals, regulations, and orders of the time, it details the everyday routines and practices that governed the imperial army up to the Battle of Waterloo and made it one of history's most formidable military machines. Through years of research, Terry Crowdy has amassed a huge wealth of information on every aspect of the infantryman&’s existence: weapons drill and maintenanceuniform regulationspaydiet and cooking regulationshygiene and latrine diggingmedical careburial of the deadhow to apply for leave, and more This remarkable book fills in the gaps left by campaign histories and even eyewitness memoirs, which often omit such details. This book doesn't merely recount what Napoleon's armies did, it explains how they did it in a world so different from our own. The result is a unique guide to the everyday life of Napoleon's infantry soldiers—as well as an outstanding reference for anyone writing about this historical period.

Napoleon's Invasion of Russia

by George Nafziger

Widely-regarded as one of America's greatest historians, Dodge's work on Napoleon's invasion of Russia in 1812 is without parallel for scholarship or psychological sophistication. Beginning with Napoleon's doomed march on Russia, Dodge traces Napoleon's state of mind and the factors behind his decisions using personal letters and genuine reports. How could Napoleon, such a proficient strategist, have led his army into such an atrocious situation and underestimated the severity of the Russian winter? In one of the most imposing invasions ever attempted - Napoleon could draw upon 600,000 men and 250,000 horses - the Grande Armee's success seemed inevitable. Few could imagine that only 100,000 would reach Moscow and all without having achieved the decisive battle that Napoleon sought - one of the greatest disasters of military history was in the making. Dodge sheds new light on Napoleon's character as a soldier by focusing on his personal matters and behavior, putting aside his political concerns. The narrative provides the perfect introduction for those who want to learn more about Napoleon and the disastrous winter of 1812, as well as for the more seasoned Napoleonic scholar.

Napoleon’s Invasion of Russia, 1812

by Eugene Tarlé John Cournos

Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) is one of the most illustrated political and military figures of the last two millennia. He has remained in the memory of the world as a legend that the passage of the years has failed to blur. On the contrary, Napoleon Bonaparte widely continues to be considered the personification of human genius.Originally published in this English translation in 1942, leading Russian historian Evgeny Tarle details Napoleon’s military campaign to invade Russia in the early nineteenth century.“The campaign of 1812 was more frankly imperialistic than any other of Napoleon’s wars; it was more directly dictated by the interests of the French upper middle class. The war of 1796-7, the conquest of Egypt in 1798-9, the second Italian campaign, and the recent defeat of the Austrians could still be justified as necessary measures of defence against the interventionists. The Napoleonic press called the Austerlitz campaign ‘self-defence’ against Russia, Austria, and England. The average Frenchman considered even the subjugation of Prussia in 1806-7 no more than a just penalty inflicted on the Prussian court for the arrogant ultimatum sent by Frederick-William III to the ‘peace-loving’ Napoleon, constantly harried by troublesome neighbours. Napoleon never ceased to speak of the fourth conquest of Austria in 1809 as a ‘defensive’ war, provoked by Austrian threats. Only the invasion of Spain and Portugal was passed over in discreet silence.“The War of 1812 was a struggle for survival in the full sense of the word—a defensive struggle against the onslaughts of the imperialist vulture.”—E. V. Tarle

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