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Official History Of The Otago Regiment In The Great War 1914-1918 [Illustrated Edition]

by Lieutenant A. E. Byrne

Contains over 55 photos and 10 maps."The record of a New Zealand infantry regiment in Egypt, at Gallipoli and on the Western Front, from formation to disbandment....When the force sailed on 14 October 1914, the embarkation strength of the Otago Battalion was 34 officers and 1,076 other ranks....In April 1915 the division sailed for Gallipoli via Mudros, and on the 25th of that month the Otago Battalion landed with the brigade near Anzac Cove. The battalion was eight months at Gallipoli, fighting in several actions, particularly the second battle of Krithia and the battle of Sari Bair. It was evacuated in December 1915 and returned to Egypt where a 2nd Battalion was formed for each of the four original battalions and the combined New Zealand and Australian Division was reorganized as an all New Zealand Division which crossed to France in April 1916...On the Western Front the New Zealand Division was an elite formation and the regiment was involved in most of the major operations - the Somme, Messines, Third Ypres and the battles of 1918. Two VCs were won including one of the most famous, that awarded to Sgt Travis (real name Savage) of the 2nd Battalion, known as the king of No Man's Land, who was killed in Rossignol Wood in July 1918 and is buried in Couin New British Cemetery; the divisional commander attended his funeral. He gets a chapter to himself in the book. This is a good, authoritative history as the title suggests, in which personalities are identified in the narrative, casualty figures and reinforcements noted; minor actions are described as well as the bigger picture."--N&M Print ed.

The Official History of the Falklands Campaign, Volume 1: The Origins of the Falklands War (Government Official History Series)

by Lawrence Freedman

Drawing on a vast range of previously classified government archives as well as interviews with key participants, this first volume of the official history of the Falklands Campaign is the most authoritative account of the origins of the 1982 war. In the first chapters the author analyzes the long history of the dispute between Argentina and Britain over the sovereignty of the Islands, the difficulties faced by successive governments in finding a way to reconcile the opposed interests of the Argentines and the islanders, and the constant struggle to keep the Islands viable. He subsequently gives a complete account of how what started as an apparently trivial incident over an illegal landing by scrap-metal merchants on the island of South Georgia turned into a major crisis. Thanks to his access to classified material, Lawrence Freedman has been able to produce a detailed and authoritative analysis which extends the coverage given by the Franks Committee Report of 1983. This volume is ultimately an extremely readable account of these events, charting the growing realization within the British government of the seriousness of the situation, culminating in the Argentine invasion of the Falkland Islands at the start of April 1982.

The Official History of the Falklands Campaign, Volume 2: War and Diplomacy (Government Official History Series)

by Lawrence Freedman

In this official history of the Falklands Campaign, Lawrence Freedman provides a detailed and authoritative account of one of the most extraordinary periods in recent British political history and a vivid portrayal of a government at war. After the shock of the Argentine invasion of the Falklands in April 1982, Margaret Thatcher faced the crisis that came to define her premiership as she determined to recover the islands. Freedman covers all aspects of the campaign - economic and diplomatic as well as military - and demonstrates the extent of the gamble that the government took. There are important accounts of the tensions in relations with the United States, concerns among the military commanders about the risks they were expected to take, the problems of dealing with the media and the attempts to reach a negotiated settlement. This definitive account describes in dramatic detail events such as the sinking of the Belgrano, the battle of Goose Green and the final push to Stanley. Special attention is also paid to the aftermath of the war, including the various enquiries, and the eventual restoration of diplomatic relations with Argentina.

The Official History Of The New Zealand Rifle Brigade [Illustrated Edition]

by Captain William Esmonde Lennox Napier

Over 40 Illustrations of the officers, men and battles they engaged in.The Rifle Brigade has a long and distinguished history in the British Army as a corps of elite troops with a fighting pedigree stretching back to the times of Wellington, the Peninsular War and Waterloo. During the First World War the huge number of volunteers from New Zealand overstripped the ability of the administration to provide more than one brigade of infantry in 1915. However in 1916 a second brigade was formed and was designated as the New Zealand Rifle Brigade, marrying the traditions of the British Rifle Brigade for the highest standards of soldiery and the New Zealand traditions of courage, native skill and toughness.The New Zealand Rifle Brigade fought with distinction across the British zones of the battlefields of France and Flanders. As their official historian recounts with his vivid narrative from the bloody but successful debut at the battle of Flers-Courcelette, the battle of Messines, Passchendaele and the dark days of the German offensives in 1918, the "Dinks" as they were known covered themselves in glory. They would produce two Victoria cross winners from their ranks and many of their men would return to their native islands with other high honours for gallantry and bravery. However, the losses of these brave men were prodigious and the names of the fallen are inscribed in full detail in an appendix at the end of the book.

Official History of the Royal Air Force 1935-1945 — Vol. I —Fight at Odds [Illustrated Edition] (Official History of the Royal Air Force 1935-1945 #1)

by Denis Richards

Includes, 21 maps/diagrams and 17 Illustrations/photosThe Royal Air Force is the oldest independent air force in the world, having gained its spurs over the trenches of Flanders in the First World War it was officially established in 1918. However it was during the Second World War that it would achieve its greatest successes yet, from an inauspicious start following post war budget cuts it would rise to become a decisive factor in the campaign to remove the Nazis from Europe and the Japanese from mainland Asia. The three volume Official History gives a sound and broad narrative of all of the campaigns, actions and engagements that the Royal Air Force was party to across Europe, Asia, Africa and Australasia. The text was set out in manageable chapters, each dealing with a particular episode of the struggle against Fascism; and is written in an easy and accessible style free from the specialised vocabulary of flying or aerial combat.The first volume covers the period - 1939-1942; including The Initial Phoney War period.The Norway ExpeditionThe Battle of FranceThe Battle of BritainThe BlitzThe opening stages of the Battle of the AtlanticThe opening stages of the North African Campaign.

Official History of the Royal Air Force 1935-1945 — Vol. II —Fight Avails [Illustrated Edition] (Official History of the Royal Air Force 1935-1945 #2)

by Denis Richards Hilary Saunders

Includes, 20 maps/diagrams and 23 Illustrations/photosThe Royal Air Force is the oldest independent air force in the world, having gained its spurs over the trenches of Flanders in the First World War it was officially established in 1918. However it was during the Second World War that it would achieve its greatest successes yet, from an inauspicious start following post war budget cuts it would rise to become a decisive factor in the campaign to remove the Nazis from Europe and the Japanese from mainland Asia. The three volume Official History gives a sound and broad narrative of all of the campaigns, actions and engagements that the Royal Air Force was party to across Europe, Asia, Africa and Australasia. The text was set out in manageable chapters, each dealing with a particular episode of the struggle against Fascism; and is written in an easy and accessible style free from the specialised vocabulary of flying or aerial combat.This second volume covers the period - 1941-1944, includingThe Fall of BurmaThe CapitulationThe Continuing struggle during the Battle of the AtlanticThe Victory in the North African CampaignThe Capture of SicilyThe Battle of Monte Cassino and the Fall of RomeThe Bombing campaign against Germany gains momentum

Official History of the Royal Air Force 1935-1945 — Vol. III —Fight is Won[Illustrated Edition] (Official History of the Royal Air Force 1935-1945 #3)

by Hilary Saunders

Includes, 21 maps/diagrams and 23 Illustrations/photosThe Royal Air Force is the oldest independent air force in the world, having gained its spurs over the trenches of Flanders in the First World War it was officially established in 1918. However it was during the Second World War that it would achieve its greatest successes yet, from an inauspicious start following post war budget cuts it would rise to become a decisive factor in the campaign to remove the Nazis from Europe and the Japanese from mainland Asia. The three volume Official History gives a sound and broad narrative of all of the campaigns, actions and engagements that the Royal Air Force was party to across Europe, Asia, Africa and Australasia. The text was set out in manageable chapters, each dealing with a particular episode of the struggle against Fascism; and is written in an easy and accessible style free from the specialised vocabulary of flying or aerial combat.This third volume covers the period - 1943-1945The end of the U-Boat menace in the AtlanticThe Normandy LandingsThe Battle for FranceOperations Market-Garden and the 'Bridge Too Far'The Recapture of Burma and the battles of Kohima and ImphalThe campaign against the V1 and V2 rocketsFinal Victory

The Official History of the UK Strategic Nuclear Deterrent: Volume II: The Labour Government and the Polaris Programme, 1964-1970 (Government Official History Series)

by Matthew Jones

Volume II of The Official History of the UK Strategic Nuclear Deterrent provides an authoritative and in-depth examination of the British government’s strategic nuclear policy from 1964 to 1970. Written with full access to the UK documentary record, Volume II examines the controversies that developed over nuclear policy following the arrival in office of a Labour government led by Harold Wilson in October 1964 that openly questioned the independence of the deterrent. Having decided to preserve the Polaris programme, Labour ministers were nevertheless committed not to develop another generation of nuclear weapons beyond those in the pipeline, placing major doubts over the long-term future of the nuclear programme and collaboration with the United States. Defence planners also became increasingly concerned that the deployment of Soviet anti-ballistic missile (ABM) defences around Moscow threatened to undermine the ability of Polaris to fulfil its role as a national strategic nuclear deterrent. During 1967, under heavy pressures to control defence spending, a protracted debate was conducted within Whitehall over the future of Polaris and how to respond to the evolving ABM challenge. The volume concludes with Labour’s defeat at the general election of June 1970, by which time the Royal Navy had assumed the nuclear deterrent role from the RAF, and plans had already been formulated for a UK project to improve Polaris which could both ensure its continuing credibility and rejuvenate the Anglo-American nuclear relationship. This book will be of much interest to students of British politics, Cold War history, nuclear proliferation and international relations.

Official Secret: The Remarkable Story Of Escape Aids, Their Invention, Production, And The Sequel

by Clayton Hutton

Few readers fail to thrill to escape stories, but do they pause to wonder who or what organization was behind the ingenious escape aids that became familiar to the allied forces. Here is the story of that man, Major Hutton. whose wartime job was to devise aids to facilitate production, to engineer distribution and to be ready to substitute at one when the enemy solved the secret. There were silk maps to all areas and frontiers; there were all sorts of ways of concealing tiny compasses; there were flying books that could be quickly converted, heels that held money, plastic containers that held necessities for survival - food, medicine first aid items, even a cream in toothpaste tubes. Frequently his methods were on the edge of the illegal.—Print Ed.

The Official U-Boat Commanders Handbook: The Illustrated Edition (Hitler's War Machine)

by Bob Carruthers

This is the complete wartime translation by the U.S. Navy of the 1943 edition of the official handbook given to all U-boat commanders. The original handbook was compiled from combat reports and was regularly updated throughout the war. The handbook was an invaluable reference for every operational U-boat commander. Simply written and highly accessible for a wider audience, the U-boat handbook attempted to anticipate every possible situation and to advise on suitable tactics. This superb war-time primary source is enhanced by a rare series of photographs taken on an actual combat patrol and published during the time of the Third Reich in the book U-Boot Auf Feindfahrt.Together the handbook and these rare photographs provide a fascinating glimpse into the world of the U-boats from a first hand perspective, and is essential reading for anyone interested in World War II from primary sources.

The Official U.S. Army Survival Manual Updated (US Army Survival)

by Department of the Army Peter T. Underwood

This comprehensive new edition of U.S. Army Survival Manual, issued by the Department of the Army and thoroughly revised by Colonel Peter T. Underwood USMC (Ret), is ideal for military personnel and all outdoors enthusiasts. From the psychology of survival and basic medicine to personal camouflage and signaling techniques, this essential resource provides all the information you need to survive. Included here is a guide to identifying: • Poisonous snakes and lizards • Edible plants • Cloud formations as foretellers of weather • And more! With detailed photographs and illustrations and an extensive set of appendices, U.S. Army Survival Manual is your ultimate guide to survival in all conditions and environs.

Official War History Of The Wellington Mounted Rifles Regiment 1914-1919 [Illustrated Edition]

by Major A H Wilkie

Illustrated with over 40 photos and 10 maps"Official history of a NZ Regiment which saw service in the Middle East in the Great War.The Regiment was established in 1911, but this book deals solely with its WWI services - Egypt, Gallipoli and Palestine (Gaza, Beersheba, Jerusalem, Jordan). The narrative is clear and informative, with plenty of detail and with many individuals mentioned by name (especially casualties). Apps: Roll of Honour (KIA and WIA, Gallipoli and Palestine), H & A, List of COs.--N&M Print Version

Offshore Ferry Services of England and Scotland: A Useful Guide to the Shipping Lines and Routes

by Peter C. Smith

The United Kingdom comprises thousands of islands and for many centuries transport between the main islands and the outlying communities has required reliable shipping routes, both long and short-haul, for commerce, trade and travel. Ferries have become an essential means of transport for many outlying populations and down the years routes have continually changed and been adapted to meet the requirements of the period. This remains so today, with established ferry routes in a constant state of flux, with the dire economic circumstances of the present imposing their own financial restraints upon routes and timetables. This volume presents a snapshot of the major Offshore Ferry routes as they currently stand, with details of the routes, the ships and the amenities; added to which are the outline histories of companies and links. This volume encapsulates all these strands and should prove a useful aide to all travellers.

Offutt Air Force Base (Images of America)

by Ben Justman Cmsaf Ret. Mccoy

The year is 1888, and Pres. Grover Cleveland has just signed into law a bill that will lead to the establishment of Fort Crook. In 1948, that Army post gained a new name: Offutt Air Force Base. The history of Offutt Air Force Base is truly unlike that of any other military installation. In the face of adversity, it has overcome challenges during the United States' rise to global prominence, was active during the golden age of flight, and served as a wartime bomber plant. The base remained ever vigilant during the Cold War and continues to do so as a combatant of 21st-century threats. Its remarkable existence of nearly 125 years can serve as a road map of US history. Today, the 55th Wing serves as the host unit for Offutt Air Force Base; its motto, "Videmus Omnia" ("We See All"), can also be applied to the saga of the base.

Oh, Johnny

by Jim Lehrer

A talented athlete, Johnny Wrigley believes that someday he will play major league baseball. But his life unexpectedly takes a detour. In April 1944, Johnny is a newly minted marine on a troop train heading west for California, where he will be shipped overseas to fight in the Pacific Theater. At a brief stop in Wichita, Johnny gets off the train and falls in love with the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. In a storeroom at the station, they share an intimacy that Johnny will treasure for the next two years at war--and beyond.In Peleliu and Okinawa, nothing prepares Johnny for the terrible events that will haunt him forever. During fierce combat, inspiring thoughts of Betsy Luck (the name Johnny has given his Kansas love) keep him safe. Two years later, Johnny is back in Wichita, searching for the girl he wants to marry. But fate has different plans for Johnny, his long-dreamed-of baseball career, and the girl whose memory helped him survive.

O'Hara's Choice: A Novel

by Leon Uris

Fifty years after his first novel, Battle Cry, took the world by storm, Leon Uris returns to the topic that first inspired him to write books that captivate, educate, and thrill -- the Marine Corps. In the years following the Civil War, first-generation Irish-American Zachary O'Hara, son of a legendary Marine and a force of a man in his own right, finds himself playing a critical role in the very future of the Marines. If he can persuade the Secretary of the Navy that the Marines are more crucial than ever to America's safety and security -- all the while hefting a heavier secret weight in his heart -- he'll save the corps and make his career.But there's an obstacle in his path that this warrior had not planned on. Amanda Blanton Kerr, the daughter of a ruthless industrialist, is a woman on a mission of her own; passionate, obstinate, and whip-smart, she's an heiress poised to blaze a trail for her sex.O'Hara's Choice is the story of the inevitable collision of these two handsome, fighting spirits. Getting their souls' desire could jeopardize everything they -- and their parents before them -- scraped and struggled to achieve.Duty to country, love of family, and a tormented passion intertwine in this latest epic by Leon Uris, international bestselling author of such classics as Exodus, Trinity, and Battle Cry. A riveting, sweeping tale in inimitable Uris style, O'Hara's Choice is this master of the historical novel at his most brilliant.

The Ohio and Malta: The Legendary Tanker That Refused to Die

by Michael Pearson

During the dark days of World War 2, Malta became the lynchpin of the Allied campaign in the Mediterranean and North African theaters and a vital base from which to attack Axis convoys supplying Rommel's Panzer Armee in Libya. Malta was, however, extremely difficult to keep supplied, (particularly with oil), and by the summer of 1942 the Island was close to surrender; the Pedestal convoy of August that year was literally the last chance.On entering the Mediterranean, the convoy was subjected to prolonged ferocious air and submarine attacks and suffered terrific losses both in warship escorts and merchant men. OHIO, being the only tanker, was marked for particular attention, and during the course of her voyage suffered a direct hit from a torpedo, direct bomb hits, any number of near-misses, and was struck by two Luftwaffe aircraft shot down while attacking her. Despite her engines being dead and her hull practically broken in two, she was towed into Grand Harbor by three destroyers and a minesweeper with her vital cargo virtually intact.

Ohio at Antietam: The Buckeye State’s Sacrifice on America’s Bloodiest Day (Civil War Series)

by Kevin R. Pawlak Dan Welch

Among the thousands who fought in the pivotal Battle of Antietam were scores of Ohioans. Sending eleven regiments and two batteries to the fight, the Buckeye State lost hundreds during the Maryland Campaign's first engagement, South Mountain, and hundreds more "gave their last full measure of devotion" at the Cornfield, the Bloody Lane and Burnside's Bridge. Many of these brave men are buried at the Antietam National Cemetery. Aged veterans who survived the ferocious contest returned to Antietam in the early 1900s to fight for and preserve the memory of their sacrifices all those years earlier. Join Kevin Pawlak and Dan Welch as they explore Ohio's role during those crucial hours on September 17, 1862.

Ohio Class (Silent Service Series #5)

by H. Jay Riker

The New War The face of the enemy has changed. His weapon is terror; his target is the innocent. The first strike could come at any time-and the deadliest, most undetectable weapon that ever prowled the oceans' depths is going back to war ... and the battleground is the Middle East. The U.S.S. Ohio has new weapons and astonishing new capabilities-and her officers and crew are being dispatched, along with a SEAL team, to destroy a poisonous viper in its lair. A fanatic hardliner has risen to the top of Iran's ruling mullahs-and he and his terrorist allies now possess the nuclear capability to deal the U.S. a devastating blow. Now the Ohio has to end the threat while sailing dangerously narrow and shallow waters in the Straits of Hormuz. The time to strike is now... or never.

Oil Logistics In The Pacific War In And After Pearl Harbor

by Major Patrick H. Donovan

This research paper focuses on oil and its importance to operations in the Pacific during World War II. It specifically concentrates on the period before Japanese-U.S. hostilities, through the strike on Pearl Harbor, and concludes with operations in the Solomon Islands. A secure and reliable source of oil was one of the primary reasons that Japan chose to go to war with the United States that fateful Sunday in December 1941.The Japanese understood their country's need for oil and other resources, but never conformed their military strategy to achieve their national objective of economic self-sufficiency. The Japanese Navy pedantically espoused a maritime strategy that required the United States Navy to fight a war according to the Japanese playbook. The Japanese Navy never understood the importance that oil, including its storage and transportation, had to all Navies that tried to steam the great expanses of the Pacific. This lack of logistical foresight was to eventually play a major role in Japan's defeat in the Pacific.Commanders and their staffs must never forget the importance operational logistics plays in achieving operational and national objectives. This research provides the reader a valuable example of the importance of logistics in the execution of operational strategy while pursuing national goals. Although it is valuable to learn from one's own personal mistakes, it is usually less painful to learn from someone else's error, and thereby ensure that their blunder does not become your own.

Oil Slick (Destroyer, #16)

by Warren Murphy Richard Sapir

When someone starts systematically killing all those who may hinder the grasp of the oil companies on America Remo finds he is confronted once again with the ancient Sinanju prophacy that he fight Chiuns nephew Nuihc.

Okinawa: The Last Battle of World War II

by Robert Leckie

Penguin delivers you to the front lines of The Pacific Theater with the real-life stories behind the HBO miniseries. Former Marine and Pacific War veteran Robert Leckie tells the story of the invasion of Okinawa, the closing battle of World War II. Leckie is a skilled military historian, mixing battle strategy and analysis with portraits of the men who fought on both sides to give the reader a complete account of the invasion. Lasting 83 days and surpassing D-Day in both troops and material used, the Battle of Okinawa was a decisive victory for the Allies, and a huge blow to Japan. In this stirring and readable account, Leckie provides a complete picture of the battle and its context in the larger war. .

Okinawa 1945

by Howard Gerrard Gordon Rottman

By the spring of 1945 the Allies were sweeping all before them in the Pacific War against Japan, and a series of victories had reclaimed many of the islands and territories seized by the Imperial Japanese forces in the early months of the war. The dark days of humiliating defeat were far behind the unstoppable Allied juggernaut - victory was now assured. The question was where the last battle would be fought. That place was the island of Okinawa. This book details the struggle for the island as US Marines and Army units battled determined Japanese defenders in the last battle of World War II (1939-1945).

Okinawa and Jeju: Bases of Discontent

by Donald Kirk

This book investigates for the first time the parallels between two island appendages of much larger governments - Okinawa, Japan's southernmost island prefecture, in ferment over historic US bases; Jeju embroiled over a new South Korean naval base. The people of Okinawa and Jeju share a common fear of bloody conflict again erupting around them and suspect their governments would sacrifice their interests in a much larger war in a fight for regional control between the US, Japan, and China.

Okinawa and the U.S. Military: Identity Making in the Age of Globalization

by Masamichi Inoue

In 1995, an Okinawan schoolgirl was brutally raped by several U.S. servicemen. The incident triggered a chain of protests by women's groups, teachers' associations, labor unions, reformist political parties, and various grassroots organizations across Okinawa prefecture. Reaction to the crime culminated in a rally attended by some 85,000 people, including business leaders and conservative politicians who had seldom raised their voices against the U.S. military presence.Using this event as a point of reference, Inoue explores how Okinawans began to regard themselves less as a group of uniformly poor and oppressed people and more as a confident, diverse, middle-class citizenry embracing the ideals of democracy, human rights, and women's equality. As this identity of resistance has grown, however, the Japanese government has simultaneously worked to subvert it, pressuring Okinawans to support a continued U.S. presence. Inoue traces these developments as well, revealing the ways in which Tokyo has assisted the United States in implementing a system of governance that continues to expand through the full participation and cooperation of residents.Inoue deftly connects local social concerns with the larger political processes of the Japanese nation and the global strategies of the United States. He critically engages social-movement literature along with postmodern/structural/colonial discourses and popular currents and themes in Okinawan and Japanese studies. Rich in historical and ethnographical detail, this volume is a nuanced portrait of the impact of Japanese colonialism, World War II, and U.S. military bases on the formation of contemporary Okinawan identity.

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