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August 1944: The Campaign for France

by Robert A. Miller

Robert A. Miller has written an exciting and well-documented account of a month that changed history. It is a true and accurate picture of the war as it was fought - day by day. In the tradition of Cornelius Ryan, this is popular military history at its best.

The August Offensive: At Anzac, 1915 (Australian Army Campaigns Series #10)

by David W. Cameron

The August offensive or Anzac Breakout at Gallipoli saw some of the bloodiest fighting since the landing as Commonwealth and Turkish troops fought desperate battles at Lone Pine, German Officers' Trench, Turkish Quinn's the Chessboard, the Nek, Chunuk Bair, the Farm, Hill Q and Hill 971.

August Storm: Soviet Tactical And Operational Combat In Manchuria, 1945 [Illustrated Edition]

by Colonel David M Glantz

[Includes 19 tables, 7 figures, 41 maps]To be successful, a strategic military operation requires careful planning and meticulous execution. History applauds the commander who orchestrates the operation, and major subordinate commanders share in the glory. In reality, however, commanders and soldiers at the operational and tactical levels play an even more critical role in achieving battlefield success. History often accords them little attention.Practitioners of war must study war at all levels. An understanding of the strategic aspects of military operations is essential in order to provide a context for a more detailed and equally critical understanding of precise operational and tactical techniques. Few officers practice war at the strategic level. The majority wrestle with the myriad of problems associated with implementing those strategic plans.Leavenworth Paper no. 8. through the medium of detailed case studies, examines the operational and tactical aspects of a major strategic operation--the Soviet offensive m Manchuria in 1945. The case studies, which involve army, corps, division, regimental, and battalion operations, focus on the many problems commanders and soldiers at that level face. Constrained by time, a desperate enemy, rugged terrain, and severe climatic conditions--the realities of war-- Soviet commanders devised find implemented techniques that produced victory. This paper highlights those techniques in the knowledge that Soviet theorists have likewise studied them in detail, both historically and in a contemporary context.

August Storm: The Soviet 1945 Strategic Offensive In Manchuria [Illustrated Edition]

by Colonel David M Glantz

[Includes 15 tables, 1 tables, 26 maps]In August 1945, only three months after the rumble of gunfire had subsided in Europe, Soviet armies launched massive attacks on Japanese forces in Manchuria. In a lightning campaign that lasted but ten days, Soviet forces ruptured Japanese defenses on a 4,000-kilometer front, paralyzed Japanese command and control, and plunged through 450 kilometers of forbidding terrain into the heartland of Manchuria. Effective Soviet cover and deception masked the scale of offensive preparations and produced strategic surprise. Imaginative tailoring of units to terrain, flexible combat formations, and bold maneuvers by armor-heavy, task-organized forward detachments and mobile groups produced operational and tactical surprise and, ultimately, rapid and total Soviet victory.For the Soviet Army, the Manchurian offensive was a true postgraduate combat exercise. The Soviets had to display all the operational and tactical techniques they had learned in four years of bitter fighting in the west. Though the offensive culminated an education, it also emerged as a clear case study of how a nation successfully begins a war in a race against the clock arid not only against an enemy, but also against hindering terrain.Soviet military historians and theorists have recently focused on the Manchurian offensive, a theater case study characterized by deep mobile operations on a broad front designed to pre-empt and overcome defenses. Because these characteristics appear relevant to current theater operations, the Soviets study the more prominent operational and tactical techniques used in Manchuria in 1945. What is of obvious interest to the Soviet military professional should be of interest to the U.S. officer as well.

Augustus at War: The Struggle for the Pax Augusta

by Lindsay Powell

A penetrating assessment of Augustus as ancient Rome&’s military commander-in-chief. The words Pax Augusta—or Pax Romana—evoke a period of uninterrupted peace across the vast Roman Empire. Lindsay Powell exposes this as a fallacy. Almost every year between 31 BC and AD 14 the Roman Army was in action somewhere, either fighting enemies beyond the frontier in punitive raids or for outright conquest; or suppressing banditry or rebellions within the borders. Remarkably, over the same period, Augustus succeeded in nearly doubling the size of the Empire. How did this second-rate field commander, known to become physically ill before and during battle, achieve such extraordinary success? Did he, in fact, have a grand strategy? Powell reveals Augustus as a brilliant strategist and manager of war. As commander-in-chief (imperator) he made changes to the political and military institutions to keep the empire together, and to hold on to power himself. His genius was to build a team of loyal but semi-autonomous deputies (legati) to ensure internal security and to fight his wars for him, while claiming their achievements as his own. The book profiles more than 90 of these men, as well as the military units under their command, and the campaigns they fought. The book is lavishly illustrated with 23 maps, 42 color plates, 13 black-and-white figures and five order of battle schematics. With a foreword by Karl Galinsky, this book breaks new ground in explaining the extraordinary achievement of Caesar Augustus.

Augustus Does His Bit A True-to-Life Farce: A True-to-life Farce (The World At War)

by George Shaw

Augustus Does His Bit, A True to Life Farce (1916) is a comic one-act play by George Bernard Shaw about a dim-witted aristocrat who is outwitted by a female spy during World War I. (Google)

Auldearn 1645

by Stuart Reid Gerry Embleton

In August 1644, at the height of the First English Civil War (1642-1646), John Graham, the Marquis of Montrose, raised the standard of Royalist rebellion in Scotland. In a single year he won a string of remarkable victories with his army of Irish mercenaries and Highland clansmen. His victory at Auldearn, the centrepiece of his campaign, was won only after a day-long struggle and heavy casualties on both sides. This book details the remarkable sequence of victories at Tippermuir, Aberdeen, Inverlochy, Auldearn and Kilsyth that left Montrose briefly in the ascendant in Scotland. However, his decisive defeat and surrender at Philiphaugh finally crushed the Royalist cause in Scotland.

Aunque me tires el puente: Memoria oral de la batalla del Ebro

by Gabriel Cardona Juan Carlos Losada

Los testimonios de los protagonistas de la batalla del Ebro, el mayor enfrentamiento armado librado sobre el suelo de la península Ibérica durante la Guerra Civil. La batalla del Ebro fue el mayor enfrentamiento armado librado sobre el suelo de la península Ibérica durante la Guerra Civil. Con ella culminaron, prácticamente, las grandes operaciones militares y provocó una hecatombe parecida a las de los combates de las dos guerras mundiales. Durante cinco meses, enfrentó a miles de hombres, que emplearon las más perfeccionadas máquinas de matar entonces disponibles. Sin olvidar la indudable trascendencia política y militar de esta batalla, los autores, reconocidos expertos en historia militar española, han preferido centrarse en los avatares personales, los sentimientos, las penas y esperanzas de los soldados que sirvieron en el frente del Ebro. Las fuentes de su trabajo han sido las cartas de guerra, las canciones, la memoria oral... testimonios, en definitiva, mucho más sugestivos y evocadores que los documentos oficiales y las frías estadísticas.

Aurelian and Probus: The Soldier Emperors Who Saved Rome

by Ilkka Syvänne

An in-depth military history of the emperors Lucius Domitius Aurelianus and Marcus Aurelius Probus.This is a narrative military history of the emperors Lucius Domitius Aurelianus (“Aurelian,” reigned 270-275) and Marcus Aurelius Probus (276-282) that also includes the other reigns between the years 268 and 285. It shows how these two remarkable emperors were chiefly responsible for the Empire surviving and emerging largely intact from a period of intense crisis. It was Aurelian who first united the breakaway regions, including Zenobia’s Palmyra, and it was Probus who then secured his achievements.The reigns of Aurelian and Probus have been subjected to many studies, but none of these have approached the extant material purely from the point of view of military analysis. Most importantly, the previous historians have not exploited the analytical opportunities provided by the military treatises that describe the strategy and tactics of the period Roman army. It is thanks to this new methodology that Ilkka Syvänne has been able to reconstruct the military campaigns of these two soldier emperors and their other contemporaries in far greater detail than has been possible before.Praise for Aurelian and Probus“A critical work… Aurelian and Probus is a very good look at a very confusing period in Roman history.” —The NYMAS Review

Auschwitz: The Nazi Solution

by Andrew Rawson

The camps at Auschwitz-Birkenau were an important part of the Nazis' final solution to the Jewish question. Over one million people were murdered in its gas chambers and tens of thousands of prisoners were worked to death in the nearby sub-camps. Others were held in the quarantine area before they were deported to work in the Third Reich.This is the story of the development of Auschwitz from a Polish prison camp into a concentration camp, and a thorough account of the building of Birkenau and the gas chambers, which grew into industrial killing machines. Rawson relates what life was like for prisoners, revealing where the unsuspecting new arrivals came from and how they were greeted at the camp with the humiliating selection process; how many were tricked into entering the gas chambers, while others were stripped of their identity and put to work; how prisoners struggled to survive on a poor diet and no health care; how they faced a grinding daily routine with frequent punishments; and how the camps were organized from the commandants, their assistants and the guards, to the kapos and stuben who supervised work parties and the barracks. He details how a few brave souls tried to resist, how even fewer made a break for freedom and the heartbreaking story of liberation and life afterwards. There are instructions on how to get to nearby Krakow an ideal base and Auschwitz-Birkenau. Information on how best to spend your time there is also included, making this an invaluable book that is both a vivid account of life in the concentration camps and an essential guide for visitors who want to explore the past of this notorious site.

Auschwitz: A British POW's Eyewitness Account

by Colin Rushton

In 1942 young soldier Arthur Dodd was taken prisoner by the German Army and transported to Auschwitz. He was forced to do hard labour, starved and savagely beaten. This shocking story sheds new light on the operations at the camp, exposes a hierarchy of prisoner treatment by the SS and presents the largely unknown story of military POWs held there.

Auschwitz: A British POW's Eyewitness Account

by Colin Rushton

In 1942 young soldier Arthur Dodd was taken prisoner by the German Army and transported to Auschwitz. He was forced to do hard labour, starved and savagely beaten. This shocking story sheds new light on the operations at the camp, exposes a hierarchy of prisoner treatment by the SS and presents the largely unknown story of military POWs held there.

Auschwitz and Birkenau: Rare Photographs From Wartime Archives (Images of War)

by Ian Baxter

A pictorial history of the two Nazi-German World War II concentration camps in Poland, featuring rare photographs from wartime archives. Auschwitz and Birkenau were separated from each other by about a forty-five-minute walk. Auschwitz was adapted to hold political prisoners in 1940 and evolved into a killing machine in 1941. Later that year a new site called Birkenau was found to extend the Auschwitz complex. Here a vast complex of buildings was constructed to hold initially Russian POWs and later Jews as a labor pool for the surrounding industries including IG Farben. Following the January 1943 Wannsee Conference, Birkenau evolved into a murder factory using makeshift houses which were adapted to kill Jews and Russian POWs. Later due to sheer volume Birkenau evolved into a mass killing machine using gas chambers and crematoria, while Auschwitz, which still held prisoners, became the administrative center. The images show first Auschwitz main camp and then Birkenau and are carefully chosen to illustrate specific areas, like the Women&’s Camp, Gypsy Camp, SS quarters, Commandant&’s House, railway disembarkation, the &“sauna,&” disinfection area, and the Crematoria. Maps covering Auschwitz and Birkenau explain the layout. This book is shocking proof of the scale of the Holocaust.

Auschwitz and the Allies: A Devastating Account of How the Allies Responded to the News of Hitler's Mass Murder

by Martin Gilbert

A thorough analysis of Allied actions after learning about the horrors of Nazi concentration camps—includes survivors&’ firsthand accounts. Why did they wait so long? Among the myriad questions of what the Allies could have done differently in World War II, understanding why it took them so long to respond to the horrors of the Nazi concentration camps—specifically Auschwitz—remains vital today. In Auschwitz and the Allies, Martin Gilbert presents a comprehensive look into the series of decisions that helped shape this particular course of the war, and the fate of millions of people, through his eminent blend of exhaustive devotion to the facts and accessible, graceful writing. Featuring twenty maps prepared specifically for this history and thirty-four photographs, along with firsthand accounts by escaped Auschwitz prisoners, Gilbert reconstructs the span of time between Allied awareness and definitive action in the face of overwhelming evidence of Nazi atrocities. &“An unforgettable contribution to the history of the last war.&” —Jewish Chronicle

Auschwitz Camp of Death

by Underground Poland Speaks

Auschwitz: Camp of Death, originally published in 1944 as Oswiecim: Camp of Death, is one of the first accounts of the Auschwitz (Oswiecim in Polish) concentration camp available to war-time American readers. The book describes the prisoner selection and round-up process in Poland's cities and villages, transportation to Auschwitz, the daily degradations and struggle to survive, and finally, death in the gas chamber. As the author states: “In Auschwitz, wounds never heal.” Included are 2 illustrations and an appendix of known concentration camps in Poland (including names of special camps for clergy members, Jews, women, and children).

Auschwitz Death Camp: Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives (Images of War)

by Ian Baxter

The concentration camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau was the site of the single largest mass murder in history. Over one million mainly Jewish men, women, and children were murdered in its gas chambers. Countless more died as a result of disease and starvation. 'Auschwitz Death Camp' is a chilling pictorial record of this infamous establishment. Using some 250 photographs together with detailed captions and accompanying text, it describes how Auschwitz evolved from a brutal labor camp at the beginning of the war into what was literally a factory of death. The images how people lived, worked and died at Auschwitz. The book covers the men who conceived and constructed this killing machine, and how the camp provided a vast labor pool for various industrial complexes erected in the vicinity. 'Auschwitz Death Camp' is shocking proof of the magnitude of horror inflicted by the Nazis on innocent men, women and children. Such evil should not be forgotten lest it reappear.

Auschwitz Death Camp (Images of War)

by Ian Baxter

A World War II pictorial history detailing Nazi Germany&’s Auschwitz concentration camp, its monstrous creators, and what went on inside. The concentration camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau was the site of the single largest mass murder in history. Over one million mainly Jewish men, women, and children were murdered in its gas chambers. Countless more died as a result of disease and starvation. Auschwitz Death Camp is a chilling pictorial record of this infamous establishment. Using some 250 photographs together with detailed captions and accompanying text, it describes how Auschwitz evolved from a brutal labor camp at the beginning of the war into what was literally a factory of death. The images show how people lived, worked, and died at Auschwitz. The book covers the men who conceived and constructed this killing machine, and how the camp provided a vast labor pool for various industrial complexes erected in the vicinity. Auschwitz Death Camp is shocking proof of the magnitude of horror inflicted by the Nazis on innocent men, women, and children. Such evil should not be forgotten lest it reappear.

The Auschwitz Escape

by Joel C. Rosenberg

A terrible darkness has fallen upon Jacob Weisz's beloved Germany. The Nazi regime, under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, has surged to power and now hold Germany by the throat. All non-Aryans-especially Jews like Jacob and his family-are treated like dogs. When tragedy strikes during one terrible night of violence, Jacob flees and joins rebel forces working to undermine the regime. But after a raid goes horribly wrong, Jacob finds himself in a living nightmare-trapped in a crowded, stinking car on the train to the Auschwitz death camp. As World War II rages and Hitler begins implementing his "final solution" to systematically and ruthlessly exterminate the Jewish people, Jacob must rely on his wits and a God he's not sure he believes in to somehow escape from Auschwitz and alert the world to the Nazi's atrocities before Fascism overtakes all of Europe. The fate of millions hangs in the balance.

Auschwitz. A Gruelling Story Of Germany's Worst Hell-Camp

by Otto Kurst

OBJECTIVE: EXTERMINATION"There were in reality three Auschwitz camps...Auschwitz I...with its two ovens and the mild death rate of a thousand or so per day.Auschwitz II...where the death rate was stepped up to six thousand per day, with a world record of twenty-two thousand deaths in twenty-four hours.Auschwitz III was the labor camp...."In the labor camp, they had a grim motto: "Labor unto death." But all three camps were dedicated to the "problem of extermination." Fedor Schellenberg, too familiar with all three camps, was dedicated to the problem of survival....This book tells of the horrifying tortures and deaths in the most notorious of the Nazi extermination camps.

Auschwitz In Retrospect: The Self-Portrait Of Rudolf Hoess, Commander Of Auschwitz

by Joseph Tenenbaum

Joseph Tenenbaum sketches a portrait of the infamous "Commandant of Auschwitz", Rudolf Hoess."Rudolf Hoess has killed more people than any man in history, and Auschwitz was the greatest charnel house of all times. There has been no dearth of publications about the place or the person. [...] It seems that after a period of repudiation of the crimes and apologia for them, we are entering an era of memoirs by boastful generals and complacent Nazi small fry, eager to bask in the sun of regained self-confidence and unregenerate Nazi mentality.The Hoess memoirs are an exception to both trends. His revelations are neither apologetic nor an attempt at vindication. The memoirs are indeed a unique literary document, in which the author is trying to explain, first and foremost himself to himself, Hoess to Hoess, and incidentally also to shed light on the most hidden mainsprings of a mind gone criminal."--From Author's Preface

Auschwitz Lullaby: A Novel

by Mario Escobar

Auschwitz Lullaby brings to life the story of Helene Hannemann—a woman who sacrificed everything for family and fought furiously for the children she hoped to save.On an otherwise ordinary morning in 1943, Helene Hannemann is preparing her five children for the day when the German police arrive at her home. Helene’s worst fears come true when the police, under strict orders from the SS, demand that her children and husband, all of Romani heritage, be taken into custody. Though Helene is German and safe from the forces invading her home, she refuses to leave her family—sealing her fate in a way she never could have imagined.After a terrifying trek across the continent, Helene and her family arrive at Auschwitz and are thrown into the chaos of the camp. Her husband, Johann, is separated from them, but Helene remains fiercely protective of her children and those around her. When the powers-that-be discover that Helene is not only a German but also a trained nurse, she is forced into service at the camp hospital, which is overseen by the notorious Dr. Mengele himself.Helene is under no illusions in terms of Dr. Mengele’s intentions, but she agrees to cooperate when he asks her to organize a day care and school for the Romani children in the camp. Though physically and emotionally brutalized by the conditions at Auschwitz, Helene musters the strength to protect the children in her care at any cost. Through sheer force of will, Helene provides a haven for the children of Auschwitz—an act of kindness and selflessness so great that it illuminates the darkest night of human history.Based on a true story, Mario Escobar’s Auschwitz Lullaby demonstrates the power of sacrifice and the strength of human dignity—even when all hope seems lost.

The Auschwitz Photographer: The Forgotten Story of the WWII Prisoner Who Documented Thousands of Lost Souls

by Luca Crippa Maurizio Onnis

The Nazis asked him to swear allegiance to Hitler, betraying his country, his friends, and everything he believed in.He refused.Poland, 1939. Professional photographer Wilhelm Brasse is deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau and finds himself in a deadly race to survive, assigned to work as the camp's intake photographer and take "identity pictures" of prisoners as they arrive by the trainload. Brasse soon discovers his photography skills are in demand from Nazi guards as well, who ask him to take personal portraits for them to send to their families and girlfriends. Behind the camera, Brasse is safe from the terrible fate that so many of his fellow prisoners meet. But over the course of five years, the horrifying scenes his lens capture, including inhumane medical "experiments" led by Josef Mengele, change Brasse forever.Based on the true story of Wilhelm Brasse, The Auschwitz Photographer is a stark black-and-white reminder of the horrors of the Holocaust. This gripping work of World War II narrative nonfiction takes readers behind the barbed wire fences of the world's most feared concentration camp, bringing Brasse's story to life as he clicks the shutter button thousands of times before ultimately joining the Resistance, defying the Nazis, and defiantly setting down his camera for good.

The Auschwitz Sonderkommando: Testimonies, Histories, Representations (The Holocaust and its Contexts)

by Nicholas Chare Dominic Williams

This book is the first to bring together analyses of the full range of post-war testimony given by survivors of the Sonderkommando of Auschwitz-Birkenau. The Auschwitz Sonderkommando were slave labourers in the gas chambers and crematoria, forced to process and dispose of the bodies of those who were murdered. They have been central to a number of key topics in post-war debates about the Shoah: collaboration, moral compromise and survival, resistance, representation, and the possibility of bearing witness. Their testimony however has mostly met with a reluctance to engage in depth with it. Moving from testimonies produced within the event, the Scrolls of Auschwitz and the Sonderkommando photographs, to testimonies given at trials and for video archives, and to the paintings of David Olère and the film Shoah by Claude Lanzmann, this book demonstrates the importance of their witnessing in the post-war memory of the Holocaust, and provides vital new insights into the questions of representation, memory, gender, and the Shoah.

Auschwitz, the Allies and Censorship of the Holocaust

by Michael Fleming

What was the extent of allied knowledge regarding the mass murder of Jews at Auschwitz during the Second World War? The question is one which continues to prompt heated historical debate, and Michael Fleming's important new book offers a definitive account of just how much the Allies knew. By tracking Polish and other reports about Auschwitz from their source, and surveying how knowledge was gathered, controlled and distributed to different audiences, the book examines the extent to which information about the camp was passed on to the British and American authorities, and how the dissemination of this knowledge was limited by propaganda and information agencies in the West. In a fascinating new study, the author reveals that the Allies had extensive knowledge of the mass killing of Jews at Auschwitz much earlier than previously thought; but the publicising of this information was actively discouraged in Britain and the US.

The Auschwitz Volunteer: Beyond Bravery

by Witold Pilecki Jarek Garlinski Norman Davies Rabbi Michael Schudrich Chief Rabbi Of Poland

In 1940, the Polish Underground wanted to know what was happening inside the recently opened Auschwitz concentration camp. Polish army officer Witold Pilecki volunteered to be arrested by the Germans and reported from inside the camp. <P><P> His intelligence reports, smuggled out in 1941, were among the first eyewitness accounts of Auschwitz atrocities: the extermination of Soviet POWs, its function as a camp for Polish political prisoners, and the final solution for Jews. Pilecki received brutal treatment until he escaped in April 1943; soon after, he wrote a brief report. This book is the first English translation of a 1945 expanded version. <P>In the foreword, Poland s chief rabbi states, If heeded, Pilecki s early warnings might have changed the course of history. Pilecki s story was suppressed for half a century after his 1948 arrest by the Polish Communist regime as a Western spy. He was executed and expunged from Polish history. Pilecki writes in staccato style but also interjects his observations on humankind s lack of progress: We have strayed, my friends, we have strayed dreadfully. . . we are a whole level of hell worse than animals These remarkable revelations are amplified by 40 b&w photos, illus. , and maps. "

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