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Star Trek: The Empty Chair (Star Trek: Vanguard )

by Diane Duane

THE CULMINATION OF A SAGA TWENTY-TWO YEARS IN THE MAKING. They call themselves Rihannsu -- the Declared. To the Federation, they are the Romulans. By any name they are adversaries as formidable as they are inscrutable. Self-exiled from Vulcan in ages past, they retain an ancient martial philosophy and a code of conduct that has sustained them through centuries of hardship, warfare, and thwarted ambition. Now their empire is gearing for war once again. Armed with the revolutionary Sunseed technology, which can destabilize entire stars, a Romulan vessel is warping toward the heart of the Federation. Its target: Earth's sun. But this offensive comes at a perilous time, as a growing number of Romulan worlds are joining a revolution -- one led by the renegade Commander Ael t'Rllaillieu of the warbird Bloodwing, with the aid of Captain James T. Kirk of the Starship Enterprise™ and the Hamalki physicist K's't'lk, the Federation's foremost authority on Sunseed technology. As the threat to Earth looms ever larger, Bloodwing and Enterprise lead an armada toward the Romulan homeworld for a final reckoning that will decide the future of the Rihannsu people.

Star Trek: Swordhunt (Star Trek: Vanguard #95)

by Diane Duane

The sword was the ultimate symbol of Romulan power, tradition, and pride. It lay in the Senate Chamber of the Romulan Star Empire, revered and untouched for centuries, until the day Dr. Leonard McCoy was tried for treason -- and both were stolen during a daring attack on Romulus itself. Now, to avenge that insult and save face in the eyes of their deadly enemies, the Empire must recover the sword at any cost. Their envoys to the Federation demand the return of the sword and the extradition of the Romulan renegades who aided the Starship Enterprise in McCoy's escape. If diplomacy fails, the Romulans will trap the Klingons and the Federation in open war. In such dangerous times, the Starship Enterprise is assigned the most valuable -- and volatile -- element of all: the fugitive Ael, her stolen Bird-of-Prey Bloodwing, and the sword they carry. Ael will undoubtedly attempt to use ship and sword to foil her enemies and play her hand in the dangerous game that she's begun. But she will do it all under the watchful eyes of James T. Kirk, the Federation starship captain who knows her dangerously well...

Star Trek: Doctor's Orders (Star Trek: The Original Series #50)

by Diane Duane

Doctor's Orders When Dr. McCoy grumbles once too often about the way the U.S.S. Enterprise ought to be run, Captain Kirk decides to leave the doctor in command while he oversees a rountine diplomatic mission. Kirk beams down to a strange planet nicknamed "Flyspeck" to negotiate its admission into the Federation, leaving Dr. McCoy to enjoy his new authority. However, the doctor soon learns that command is a double-edged sword when Kirk disappears without a trace. Desperately trying to locate his catain, McCoy comes under pressure from Starfleet to resolve the situation immediately. Matters go from bad to worsewhen the Klingons arrive and stake their own claim on Flyspeck Then another, more deadly power threatens them all, and suddenly Dr. McCoy and the Starship Enterprise find themselves pitted against an alien fleet in a battle they have no hope of winning.

Star Trek: The Magic of Tribbles

by Terry J. Erdmann Gary Hutzel Paula M. Block

Originally conceived of more than thirty-five years ago, these dimunitive creatures have become stars in their own right. With uncanny grace and ease they have won hearts and upstaged stars. They are tribbles. When the writers of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine were looking for the perfect episode ith which their characters could pay homage and interact with the crew from the original Star Trek , "The Trouble with Tribbles" instantly came to mind. Here is the story of how the wizards of Star Trek were able to create the magic that enabled -- with nothing more than countless hours of work -- ordinary actors to time-travel. This is the story behind the creation of the episode "Trials and Tribble-ations." This is The Magic of Tribbles.

Star Trek: A Flag Full of Stars (Star Trek: Vanguard #54)

by Brad Ferguson

A Flag Full Of Stars It has been eighteen months since the Starship Enterprise completed her historic five-year mission and her legendary crew has seperated, taking new assignments that span the galaxy. On Earth, Admiral James T. Kirk has married and started a new life as the Chief of Starfleet operations where he is overseeing the refit of his beloved ship, now commanded by a new Captain -- Willard Decker. Kirk's only tie to his former crewmates is his Chief of Staff, a young Lieutenant Commander named Kevin Riley. But Kirk's new, quiet life changes when he meets a scientist named G'dath who is on the brink of perhaps the greatest scientific discovery in a century. G'dath's invention could mean tremendous strides in Federation technology, or -- in the wrong hands -- the subjugation of countless worlds. When Klingon agents capture this new technology, Admiral Kirk and Lt. Commander Riley are all that stands between peace and devastation for the entire Federation.

The Star Trek: The Hand of Kahless (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

by John M. Ford Michael Jan Friedman

The fiercest battles and proudest warriors throughout Klingon history are said to reflect the honor and glory of the race's first emperor, Kahless the Unforgettable. But history is not always truthful. And for both the Klingon Empire and the United Federation of Planets, the real truth may be too difficult to accept. In the pages of a novel disclaimed by Starfleet, an enemy offers his perspective on events that transpired during the formative years of Klingon-Federation relations in the early twenty-third century. Chronicling the life story of Krenn, a Klingon war strategist who learns of peace while on a mission to Earth, the novel is a testimony to his efforts to preserve the honor of his preventing total war against the then-struggling Federation. Nearly a century later, a clone of the revered Kahless oversees the Klingon Empire. But when the myths and legends associated with the original emperor are disputed following the discovery of an ancient scroll, the new Kahless faces treason from within his own council, and impending civil war that could tear the empire apart. His sole chance for restoring his people's shattered faith must come from the outside -- specifically, from Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Lieutenant Worf of the U.S.S. Enterprise.

Star Trek: Star Trek The Next Generation (Cold Equations #2)

by Michael Jan Friedman

Thirty years before the days of Star Trek: The Next Generation®, Captain Jean-Luc Picard was thrust unexpectedly into command of another proud vessel: the U.S.S. Stargazer. Surrounded by a crew he doesn't entirely know or trust, the young Picard must answer the challenges of leadership.While Picard and his senior staff accompany Chief Engineer Simenon to his homeworld of Gnala to undergo a ritual, his second officer, Victoria Wu, is left in command of the Stargazer. Responding to a distress call from a nearby star system, Wu finds herself in the middle of a mystery involving a damaged ship and a peculiar interstellar phenomenon—one that threatens to destroy the Stargazer if she can't learn its secret. Meanwhile, on Gnala, Picard must help his friend undergo the ritual—and find out who is trying to sabotage their chances of completing it before they're all killed!

Star Trek: Pantheon (Star Trek: The Original Series)

by Michael Jan Friedman

From Earth to the edge of our galaxy and beyond, from the early days of warp flight to the latter half of the twenty-fourth century, humankind and its alien partners in the Federation have looked to their heroes to expand the limits of their knowledge. And as each generation's pantheon of heroes has passed on into legend, a new generation has risen to take its place. So it was with the crew of the S.S. Valiant, the first Earth vessel to cross the galactic barrier. So it was with the crew of the Starship Stargazer and her fledgling commander, Captain Jean-Luc Picard. And so it was with the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D, the flagship of Starfleet, which Picard commanded with wisdom and temperate maturity. Over the years, Fate has woven the voyages of these three vessels into a vivid skein of treachery and sacrifice, hardship and determination, tragedy and courage -- each step of the way demonstrating the immeasurable worth of the flawed but farseeing heroes who commanded them. This eBook includes the novels, VALIANT and STARGAZER ONE.

Star Trek: Three (Cold Equations #3)

by Michael Jan Friedman

Identical twins Gerda and Idun Asmund lost their human parents early in life and were raised as warriors on the Klingon homeworld. They were taught to face every danger shoulder to shoulder -- regarding each other as the only certainty in a dangerous and uncertain universe. The Asmunds continued to depend on each other as helm officer and navigator on the Starship Stargazer, peril and adversity forging a bond between them as strong as tritanium. But that bond is tested when a transporter mishap deposits a mysterious visitor on the Stargazer -- a beautiful woman from another universe who resembles Gerda and Idun as closely as they resemble each other. As Captain Jean-Luc Picard pits the Stargazer against a savage alien species in a gallant attempt to send their visitor home, Gerda comes to suspect the woman of treachery. But she has to wonder -- is she following her Klingon instincts or succumbing to simple jealousy? Gerda needs to find out -- before Picard and his crew pay for their generosity with their lives.

Star Trek: Maker (Cold Equations #6)

by Michael Jan Friedman

Discover Captain Jean Luc Picard's first command aboard the Stargazer in this Star Trek: The Next Generation novel.Ensign Andreas Nikolas, heartsick over the loss of his Mirror Universe lover, has resigned his post on Jean-Luc Picard's starship, the Stargazer, to seek a home on the freighter Iktoj'ni. All he wants of his new life is a chance to forget his troubles. And that's what he gets—until the Iktoj'ni is taken over by a monstrous alien with unbelievable powers and a disdain for all forms of life. Without saying why, the alien sends the freighter hurtling toward a part of space inhabited by the Ubarrak, the Federation's deadliest and most xenophobic enemy. And Nikolas, who fears that the incident will start a war, can't convince his captor to turn back. Picard's only hope of stopping the alien menance is Serenity Santana—a woman who once abused his trust in the name of her people's survival. Now she's back, asking for the captain's trust a second time. Picard desperately needs Santana's help in his struggle to save his galaxy. But will she justify his faith in her—or once again twist it to serve her own shadowy ends?

Star Trek: Death in Winter (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

by Michael Jan Friedman

Long before Captain Jean-Luc Picard took command of the legendary Starship Enterprise, he fell deeply and hopelessly in love with Doctor Beverly Crusher. Though, for one reason or another, Picard never acted on his feelings, he found a measure of contentment as Beverly's close friend, colleague, and daily breakfast partner. But when Doctor Crusher leaves her position on the Enterprise to become the chief medical officer of Starfleet, the brightest light in Picard's life is taken from him. And he has hardly resigned himself to his loss when he learns that Beverly has been declared missing in action on a distant planet -- and presumed dead. Kevratas is a bleak, frozen world on the far side of the Romulan Neutral Zone where the Federation has become the plague-ravaged natives' only real hope of survival and freedom. Starfleet has no recourse but to send in another team to try to save the Kevrata -- and Picard is the natural choice. Critical to the success of his mission are two colleagues who served under him when he commanded the Starship Stargazer -- Pug Joseph, a man with a past to live down, and Doctor Carter Greyhorse, who has served time for attempted murder -- as well as a Romulan who left his people years earlier and never expected to return. Together, they follow the trail of Beverly Crusher to Kevratas, determined to succeed where the doctor failed. On the Romulan homeworld, meanwhile, the political vacuum created by the demise of Praetor Shinzon has been filled by his staunchest supporter, Senator Tal'aura. But there are those who oppose her, including Commander Donatra and the warbird fleets under her command, because of the way Tal'aura has mishandled rebellions on the Empire's subject worlds. And one rebellion in particular; the movement for self-determination on frigid Kevratas. So begins a desperate struggle -- not only for the freedom of the long-oppressed Kevrata but also for the soul of the Romulan Empire. Before it's over, destinies will be forged and shattered, the Empire will be shaken to its ancient foundations, and Jean-Luc Picard's life will be changed...forever.

Star Trek: Bitter Medicine

by Dave Galanter

A routine salvage operation becomes a desperate rescue mission, as the U.S.S. da Vinci encounters a failing abandoned ship -- that isn't so abandoned! There is one survivor aboard the derelict vessel: a boy who carries a most deadly disease. Even as the S.C.E. works to salvage the ship, Dr. Lense must race the clock to find a cure for the boy -- or condemn him to live out his days alone on the dying vessel!

Star Trek: Foreign Foes (The Next Generation #31)

by Dave Galanter Greg Brodeur

The Hidran race and the Klingon Empire have been at each other's throats for seventy years, and Captain Jean-Luc Picard has been asked to do the near-impossible: take the U.S.S. Enterprise to the planet Velex to mediate a treaty that will end the conflict between these two aggressive species. Things get off to a rocky start -- then turn deadly as the Hidran ambassador mysteriously dies, and kills a Klingon delegate as a last act of vengence. When Lt.Worf is charged with the ambassador's assassinaton, and Commander Riker and Counselor Troi are trapped far below the surface of the planet, Captain Picard must not only act to save the Hidranas and Klingons from each other, but to save his Klingon officer from a hideous death sentence...

Star Trek: Allegiance in Exile

by David R. George III

Captain James T. Kirk embarks on a mission that he may soon regret in this all-new Original Series adventure from the New York Times bestselling author. A beautiful green world, rich in fertile soil and temperate climate . . . a textbook Class-M planet that should be teeming with life. Scans show no life-signs, but there are refined metals, including those associated with a space-faring race . . . and a lone city. But where are all of the inhabitants? Captain James T. Kirk leads a landing party from the U.S.S. Enterprise, hoping to get some answers. The away team discovers a city in ruins, covered by dust, utterly bereft of life. Tricorder readings indicate that this is no ancient metropolis--it has been deserted only for a year. And just beyond the citadel lies what appears to be an ancient spaceport . . . a graveyard of ships that have clearly been sabotaged. With these ruins too far from either the Klingon or the Romulan Empires, the Enterprise crew can only wonder: Who could have done this? And could this unnamed threat now pose an imminent danger to the Federation?

Star Trek: Shattered Light

by David R. George III Michael Schuster Scott Pearson Steve Mollmann

It's been said that for any event, there are an infinite number of possible out­comes. Our choices determine which outcome will follow, and therefore all possibilities that could happen do happen across alternate realities. In these divergent realms, known history is bent, like white light through a shattered prism--broken into a boundless spectrum of what-might-have-beens. But in those myriad universes, what might have been . . . is what actually occurred. THE EMBRACE OF COLD ARCHITECTS. "Mister Worf--fire." With thosewords, William T. Riker defeated the Borg--and destroyed Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Now, a heartsore Captain Riker must carry on the legacy of thecommanding officer and friend whose death he ordered. But crises face himat every turn, from Cardassian aggression to the return of Data's creator,Noonien Soong. But it is Data's creation of a daughter, Lal, that may prove to beeveryone's undoing. . . . THE TEARS OF ERIDANUS. Commander Hikaru Sulu of the Kumari--finest ship of the Interstellar Guard, the military arm of the Interstellar Union that includes Andor, Earth, and Tellar--is sent to rescue an observation team on a primitive desert planet. The world has many names--40 Eridani A-II, Minshara, T'Khasi, Vulcan--and its savage natives have taken the team hostage, including Sulu's daughter, Demora. Even as Captain Sulu negotiates with the fierce T'Pau, Demora meets the elderly S'oval, and with him the only hope for the planet's future. . . . HONOR IN THE NIGHT. Former Federation president Nilz Baris has died. After losing Sherman's Planet to the Klingons thanks to poisoned quadrotriticale, the agriculture undersecretary parlayed that defeat into years of political battles with the Klingon Empire, and eventually the Federation's highest office. Now, the Federation News Service wants the story of his life, a quest that digs up many secrets--including the mystery of why his final words were "Arne Darvin."

Star Trek: Ring Around the Sky (S.C.E. #37)

by Allyn Gibson

STARFLEET CORPS OF ENGINEERS The Tellarite colony world of Kharzh'ulla is a planet of many wonders, but its greatest feature is the Ring, a massive orbital construction, serviced by a series of "space elevators." During the Dominion War, the elevators were damaged by a Jem'Hadar attack. Now, a year and a half later, the elevators have weakened to the point that the entire Ring may collapse, endangering the planet's population -- unless the crew of the U.S.S. da Vinci can save them. But Kharzh'ulla also contains several deadly secrets from Lieutenant Commander Tev's youth. In order for the S.C.E. to save the planet, Tev must face more than one demon from his past...

Star Trek: Voyager (Cloak and Dagger #1)

by Christie Golden

Cloak and Dagger: Dark Matters #1 It is a scientific truth that the structure of the universe depends on the amount of "dark matter" contained in the cosmos. When sinister forces threaten to tamper with the very nature of reality, Captain Janeway and the crew of the U.S.S. Voyager must risk everything to restore the universal balance.... Years ago, near the beginning of its long journey, Voyager made contact with a brilliant Romulan scientist whose present was Voyager 's past. Now Telek R'Mor communicates with Janeway again -- to warn her of a dire plot to capture Voyager and turn its "future" technology against the Federation of yesterday. But more than just the timeline is at stake. Voyager itself may be carrying a menace deadly to all creation!

Star Trek: Old Wounds

by Christie Golden

The eagerly awaited continuation of HOMECOMING and THE FARTHER SHORE! Captain Chakotay is ready to prove himself as the new commanding officer of the Starship Voyager -- but skeptics back at Starfleet Command are watching him closely for any sign that he will revert to his renegade Maquis ways. His first mission as captain, to transport a group of displaced colonists back to their home planet of Loran II, seems easy enough: make sure the planet is safe for colonization, unload the settlers, and head back to Earth. He even has an extra reason to enjoy the trip -- his sister, Sekaya, has joined the mission as a spiritual advisor to the gentle, peace-loving colonists. But when the crew arrives at Loran II, they discover a mysterious storm, an ominously deserted settlement -- and a hidden threat from Chakotay's past that could destroy them all. Will Chakotay's first mission as captain of Voyager also be his last?

Star Trek: Hard Crash (Star Trek: Starfleet Corps of Engineers #3)

by Christie Golden

There's more to Starfleet than exploring strange new worlds. When serious technical know-how is required, Starfleet sends in an S.C.E. team, such as the one stationed aboard the U.S.S. da Vinci. This topflight assemblage of engineers and technical specialists is a mixture of extraordinarily talented humans and exotic aliens, including P8 Blue, an insectlike alien who specializes in analyzing structural systems, and a single, unpaired Bynar, unique among his species. Under the command of Captain David Gold, the crew of the da Vinci takes on the down-and-dirty, hands-on jobs that only they can handle. HARD CRASH An alien starship of unknown origin has crashed into a planet inhabited by a large and populous civilization. Accompanied by Geordi La Forge, temporarily on loan from the Starship Enterprise , the S.C.E. investigates the mysterious vessel, only to discover that the ship was not nearly as damaged as it first seemed. Now the berserk ship, which seems to possess its own life and intelligence, is on a rampage across the surface of the planet, and Captain Gold and his crew face the awesome challenge of trying to stop a starship gone insane!

Star Trek: Ice Trap

by L. A. Graf

Sent to the icebound planet of Nordstral to investigate a mysterious outbreak of insanity, the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise find themselves drawn into another, even deadlier mystery upon their arrival. A team of research scientists has disappeared on Nordstral's frozen wasteland, leaving no clue to their whereabouts, and no hint of their fate. WHile Uhura and Chekov tackle the mystery surrounding the scientists' disappearance, Kirk and McCoy search for the truth behind the outbreak of mental illness. But both teams soon find themselves in danger, as the planet undergoes a series of massive earthquakes and electromagnetic disruptions. Unable to contact he U.S.S. Enterprise, both teams must fight for their lives as they try to solve the mystery of Nordstral -- before the world tears itself apart!

Star Trek: War Dragons

by L. A. Graf

There's a bar called "The Captain's Table," where those who have commanded mighty vessels of every shape and era can meet, relax, and share a friendly drink or two with others of their calling. Sometimes a brawl may break out but it's all in the family, more or less. Just remember, the first round of drinks is always paid for with a story...even beyond the final frontier.Captain James T. Kirk must join forces with Captain Hikaru Sulu, new commander of the U.S.S. Excelsior, to resolve a simmering political situation in a distant star system. For more than twenty years, the ancient enmity between Nykkus and Anjiri has resisted the best efforts of Federation diplomats. Now Kirk and Sulu have one last chance to end the bloodshed -- before it erupts into a full-scale interstellar war!

Star Trek: War Dragons

by L. A. Graf

There's a bar called "The Captain's Table," where those who have commanded mighty vessels of every shape and era can meet, relax, and share a friendly drink or two with others of their calling. Sometimes a brawl may break out but it's all in the family, more or less. Just remember, the first round of drinks is always paid for with a story...even beyond the final frontier.Captain James T. Kirk must join forces with Captain Hikaru Sulu, new commander of the U.S.S. Excelsior, to resolve a simmering political situation in a distant star system. For more than twenty years, the ancient enmity between Nykkus and Anjiri has resisted the best efforts of Federation diplomats. Now Kirk and Sulu have one last chance to end the bloodshed -- before it erupts into a full-scale interstellar war!

Star Trek: The Art of the Deal

by Glenn Greenberg

STARFLEET CORPS OF ENGINEERS The U.S.S. da Vinci is sent to Vemlar to aid in the construction of a new research-and-development facility, run by an interstellar business tycoon named Rod Portlyn. But there is more to Portlyn's business dealings than meet the eye, as a group called Taru Bolivar is trying to sabotage the Vemlar project. Soon the combined crews of the da Vinci and the Starship Enterprise find themselves embroiled in a conflict that may lead to disaster! THE ART OF THE DEAL

Star Trek: Buying Time (S.C.E. #32)

by Robert Greenberger

An investigation into a chroniton disturbance leads the da Vinci to a time-travelling Ferengi named Lant -- one who is going to the past in order to "speculate" and make a fortune. Now Commander Gomez, Lt. Commander Tev, Lt. Commander Corsi, and Cultural Specialist Abramowitz of the S.C.E. must follow Lant into the past in order to preserve the timelines -- and save the future. But what they find may be more than they can handle, as one Tellarite male and three human females are not as welcome on the Ferenginar of fifteen years ago as they might think...

Star Trek: Ghost-Walker

by Barbara Hambly

Elcidar Beta Three -- a tranquil, undisturbed planet strategically located between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. Home to the Midgwins, a race of people who throughout all time have lived in peace with their planet, and themselves. But now, times are changing. Unwilling to embrace any form of technology, the Midgwins have exhausted their world's natural resources, and stand on the brink of global famine. When Captain Kirk and the Enterprise arrive to aid the Midgwins, they find themselves caught up in that race's struggle for survival...a struggle whose climactic battle pits them against a creature of darkness and shadow -- an entity who roams the Enterprise corridors as if it owned them -- an enemy who will not hesitate to kill to achieve its ultimate goal...

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