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Showing 751 through 775 of 36,475 results

Aiming at Targets: The Autobiography of Robert C. Seamans Jr.

by Roger C. Seamans Jr.

An essential volume in the NASA History Series by Robert C. Seamans, Jr., the Associate Administrator of NASA during the Apollo program. A stirring insider’s account of NASA and the manned space program at the highest levels. Relationships with the Department of Defense, the Apollo 204 fire, the assassination of President Kennedy, and more.Aiming at Targets is a series of fascinating topical vignettes covering the author’s professional life. Taken together, like broad brushstrokes in an impressionist painting, they give a better picture of Bob Seamans and his work than a detailed recitation of facts and dates could hope to do. This is a cheerful account of an interesting and successful career. The book is full of good stories, with many memorable characters. Like the proverbial sundial, it counts the sunny hours.

Air Base

by Boone Guyton

Air Base, first published in 1941, by aviator Boone Guyton, is a fascinating look at the U.S. Navy's flying fleet shortly before Pearl Harbor and America's entry into the Second World War. In a style ranging from amusing to tragic and harrowing, Guyton describes his experiences as a Navy flyer. Following a year of flight-training at Pensacola, Guyton is based in San Diego with a carrier squadron aboard the Lexington and Saratoga. He describes the training cruises of the ship, the patrol flights, dive bombers, and war games, providing insight into the prewar Navy air force. Included are 8 pages of photographs. Following his naval service, Boone Guyton (1913-1996) worked as a test pilot in France until 1940. He returned to the U.S. and continued his work as a test pilot for Vought with the F4 Corsair. Following the war, Guyton settled in Connecticut and continued working as an executive for several aviation companies.

Air Base Defense In The Republic Of Vietnam 1961-1973 [Illustrated Edition]

by Lt.-Colonel Roger P. Fox

Includes 78 photos and 16 maps / chartsThis book explores the unique problem of defending air bases during the Vietnam War. It centers on the primary efforts of the United States Air Force and allied air units to defend 10 key air bases within the Republic of Vietnam. Bien Hoa, on 1 November 1964, was the first base to be attacked and until the cease-fire in January 1973, these bases suffered a total of 475 attacks.Although there were initial deficiencies in staff support for base defense in such key areas as intelligence, motor vehicles, weapons procurement and maintenance, communications, and civil engineering, significant improvements had been made by the end of the Air Force's part in the war.The author, Lt. Col. Roger P. Fox, USAF (Ret.), wrote this volume while assigned to the Office of Air Force History. He brings judgments to his research based on his personal experience as a base security officer during the conflict. Thus, early on the morning of 4 December 1966, he rallied Air Force and South Vietnamese security forces to repel an enemy attempt to penetrate Tan Son Nhut Air Base, the center of Air Force operations in South Vietnam. For his gallantry in action on this occasion, he was awarded the Silver Star. This personal experience formed a foundation upon which he developed a keen insight into exploring the entire spectrum of air base defense, and upon which he has built a strong case for testing future plans and operations.

Air Battle for Arnhem

by Alan W. Cooper

Over sixty years ago a battle took place that, if it had succeeded, could have shortened the Second World war by six months. The operation to take the bridges at Arnhem was given the code name 'Operation Market Garden', Market being the air side of the operation and Garden the subsequent ground operation. The main problem was communications between the ground forces and the re-supply aircraft of the Royal Air Force.Its their efforts and the courage on evident display at Arnhem that the book is based upon. Over a period of seven days troops of the 1st Airborne were taken by the RAF in towed gliders and then in subsequent days showed courage of the highest order to make sure that the ground troops were supplied with ammunition and food to sustain them in their efforts to take the bridges at Arnhem. Their efforts were costly, 309 aircrew and 79 Air Dispatchers were killed and 107 aircraft, which included the men and aircraft who supported the main re-supply armada.One of the re-supply aircraft, flown by F/Lt David Lord DFC, was shot down. Lord was later awarded the Victoria Cross. His courage and dedication are exemplary of the efforts of the men of Transport Command to make sure the men on the ground were re-supplied. The men of the Air Dispatchers, or AD's as they were known, must always be remembered when regarding Arnhem. Their efforts to make sure the supplies were released from the aircraft, and on to the besieged men on the ground, was a vital factor in getting vital supplies to the troops successfully.This is their story, vividly told, and serves a commemorative purpose, memorialising both the events and, most importantly, the men who participated.

Air Battle for Burma: Allied Pilots' Fight for Supremacy

by Bryn Evans

After a long series of crushing defeats by the apparently unstoppable Japanese air and ground forces, the eventual fight back and victory in Burma was achieved as a result of the exercise of unprecedented combined services cooperation and operations. Crucial to this was the Allies supremacy in the air coupled with their ground/air support strategy.Using veterans firsthand accounts, Air Battle For Burma reveals the decisive nature of Allied air power in inflicting the first major defeat on the Japanese Army in the Second World War. Newly equipped Spitfire fighter squadrons made the crucial difference at the turning point battles of the Admin Box, Imphal and Kohima in 1944. Air superiority allowed Allied air forces to deploy and supply Allied ground troops on the front line and raids deep into enemy territory with relative impunity; revolutionary tactics never before attempted on such a scale.By covering both the strategic and tactical angles, through these previously unpublished personal accounts, this fine book is a fitting and overdue tribute to Allied air forces contribution to victory in Burma.

Air Battle for Dunkirk, 26 May–3 June 1940: 26 May - 3 June 1940

by Norman Franks

A gripping account of the Royal Air Force&’s daring exploits during the heroic evacuation of Allied troops from France in World War II. &“Where is the RAF?&” was the oft-quoted question asked by soldiers waiting on the beach at Dunkirk, to where they had retreated following the German blitzkrieg through northern France, and where they were now being pounded by the Luftwaffe. The air forces were there, as Norman Franks proves, detailing the outstanding achievements of the Allied pilots who fought, using outmoded tactics, against enemy pilots who had earlier had easy victories over the Polish, Dutch and Belgian air forces. The RAF&’s achievement reminds us just how close Britain came to disaster in June 1940. &“An absorbing read, which vindicates the RAF.&” —RAF Historical Journal &“Leveraging mission logs and splicing firsthand written accounts, the narrative is both cohesive and seamless. The details are incredibly rich, yet not burdensome.&” —Air & Space Power Journal &“With the recent release of the blockbuster film on the same subject, Franks&’ recounting of the air battle for Dunkirk is timely for those who left the movie theater wanting more . . . Air Battle for Dunkirk is recommended for those who loved the film and wanted more context. This book is especially recommended for those who are interested in aviation history.&” —Nicole Granados, Picture This Post

The Air Battle for Malta: The Diaries of a Spitfire Pilot

by James Douglas-Hamilton P.B. "Laddie" Lucas

This book provides an intriguing and realistic account of the struggle for the possession of Malta during World War II. The air battle raged for two and a half years during which time 14,000 tons of bombs were dropped on a defiant population.The history is based on the diaries of Lord David Douglas-Hamilton, the author's uncle, who was the leader of a Spitfire squadron that defended the island during the worst of the crisis.

Air Battle for Moscow 1941–1942

by Dmitry Degtev Dmitry Zubov

This is the story of the aerial element of the Battle for Moscow between 1941 and 1942, known to the Germans as Operation Typhoon.In October 1941, Operation Typhoon and the battle for Moscow began. According to Hitler's plan, it was to be the ‘last offensive’, after which nothing could stop Germany from conquering Britain and the rest of Europe – but first he had to overcome the Soviets and especially their air force. Air Battle for Moscow is the first detailed description of one of the most vital, yet little known, air battles of the Second World War. The battle for Moscow opened with the flights of long-range reconnaissance aircraft, which photographed Moscow and the Kremlin. Then, on 22 July 1941, Operation Clara Zetkin, the Luftwaffe’s aerial assault on Moscow, began. But the Luftwaffe was opposed by the ‘Stalin's Falcons’, the elite 6th Air Defence Corps, which defended the Soviet capital with a determination which saw bitter duels to the death and horrendous casualties on both sides. The book presents new facts about this dramatic battle and describes in detail the actions of the aircrew on both sides. Yet this is not just the story or the air war. The authors also describe the lives of people during the war, of suppressed anti-Soviet opposition in Moscow, and of the bloodthirsty and inhuman actions of the Stalin regime. The book also tells of the fate of German pilots caught in Russian captivity, and the adventures of those who were able to survive and escape from the Russian executioners. Many myths concerning the battle are also challenged, such as the often-stated belief that Moscow’s anti-aircraft defenses were the most powerful in the world and that it was the Soviets who were the finest pilots. In this comprehensive account, details of losses, biographical outlines of the key individuals, analyses of the different aircraft and a full chronology of the battle are presented, as well as numerous exclusive photos, documents and drawings. But it is the stories of those who fought in the Battle for Moscow that, undeniably, have the greatest impact. The harrowing tales of death and survival in conditions that are almost beyond description demonstrate just how important this conflict was to both Russia and the Third Reich and, ultimately, to the outcome of the Second World War.

Air Battle Force (Patrick McLanahan #11)

by Dale Brown

In military circles it's known as Air Battle Force -- an air combat unit of the future, under the command of aerialwarfare expert Major General Patrick McLanahan,capable of launching stealthy, precision-guidedfirepower to anywhere on the globe within hours. And now McLanahan and his warriors have their first target.Driven from Afghanistan, the parasitic forces of the deposed Taliban regime have decided to feed on a new host -- an isolated, oil-rich Central Asian neighbor that's ripe for the conquering. The battle for control of the world's largest oil deposits has begun, with unsteady alliances forming and opposing forces set to collide. And now a handful of American commandos half a world away, aided by McLanahan's unproven robotic warplanes, will have to triumph against overwhelming numbers in a war that nobody -- including "friendly" forces at home -- wants them to win.

Air Battle of Malta: Aircraft Losses and Crash Sites, 1940–1942

by Anthony Rogers

In the Second World War, Malta was besieged for nearly two and a half years, during which time a decisive air war was waged between Britain, Italy and Germany.This is part of that story, from the early days in June 1940, when only a few Gladiator biplanes were available to combat Italian bombers and fighters, to the intervention of the Luftwaffe and the tenuous defense by outclassed Hurricanes, culminating in the desperate months of fighting following the arrival on Malta of the Spitfire in March 1942.What became of the many aircraft destroyed over the Maltese Islands, and what was the fate of their pilots and crews?More than a thousand aircraft were lost. Many crashed into the Mediterranean; others came down on Malta and the neighboring island of Gozo. This book focuses on the latter some 200 British, Italian and German machines, and the fate of their pilots and crews. It reveals where those airplanes fell, thus providing a record that will continue to be valued by future generations.This comprehensive volume documents all known aircraft crash sites in and around the Maltese Islands and provides the circumstances of each loss are related in detail with accounts from both sides.In Germany especially there are many still unaware of the fate of family members who never returned after the Second World War. This book reveals what happened to some who even today are still officially listed as missing.

Air Battle of the Ruhr: The RAF Offensive March–July 1943

by Alan W. Cooper

First published to acclaim in 1992, this book deals with the exploits of Bomber Command during their offensive against German Industry in the Ruhr during World War II. The author begins by describing the role of Bomber Command and goes on to define the Ruhr area and its great importance in terms of industrial output to the Germans. The author provides the statistics for bombers dispatched, the number, which actually got to the targets and those, which never made it for one reason or another. Air Battle of the Ruhr is a complete overview of a major aspect of the air war against mainland Germany a subject that has rarely been dealt with in such depth. This book fills in an important gap in the history of the Royal Air Force.

Air Bridge: Isvik, Air Bridge, Atlantic Fury, And Levkas Man

by Hammond Innes

A daredevil pilot joins the Berlin Airlift to fight for democracy in this Cold War adventure from "a whale of a writer" (The New York Times). When his plane goes down over Germany, Neil Fraser vows not to die in a POW camp. He tunnels out beneath the barbed wire, commandeers a Messerschmitt fighter plane, and flies it home to England. He's been stealing planes ever since. After the war, Fraser falls in with an international ring of thieves, lifting planes from England and flying them to the land that will soon be known as Israel. But his luck doesn't last. The owner of a charter company catches Fraser in the act and gives him a simple choice: Work for him, or rot in jail. His new boss, Bill Saeton, a ruthless tycoon with dreams of conquering the sky, has a contract that could make his fortune--if only he can get his newest plane into the air. Together, Saeton and Fraser embark on the most astonishing adventure of the Cold War: flying in the skyborne armada of the Berlin Airlift, to live or die in the skies above a divided Germany. Authored by Hammond Innes, who witnessed the Berlin Airlift firsthand, Air Bridge is the incredible story of the men who fought impossible odds to win one of the most crucial battles of the Cold War.

The Air Campaign: Planning For Combat (Afa - Future Warfare Ser.)

by John A. Warden III

In the short history of air warfare, no nation with superior air forces has ever lost a war to the force of enemy arms. Air superiority by itself, however, no longer guarantees victory. This book, one of the first analyses of the pure art of planning the aerial dimension of war, explores the complicated connection between air superiority and victory in war.In The Air Campaign, Colonel John A. Warden III focuses on the use of air forces at the operational level in a theater of war. The most compelling task for the theater commander, he argues, is translating national war objectives into tactical plans at operational levels. He presents his case by drawing on fascinating historical examples, stressing that the mastery of operational-level strategy can be the key to winning future wars. Colonel Warden shows us how to use air power more effectively-through rough mass, concentration, and economy of forces-because, he warns, the United States no longer holds an edge in manpower, production capacity, and technology.Simply put, an air force inferior in numbers must fight better and smarter to win. This book offers planners greater understanding of how to use air power for future air campaigns against a wide variety of enemy capabilities in a wide variety of air operations. As the reader will see, the classic principles of war also apply to air combat. One of the author's important contributions is to demonstrate that perception to those whose grave responsibility one day may be to plan and carry through a victorious air campaign.

Air Campaigns: Fact Or Fantasy?

by Major Mark H. Skattum

This monograph addresses the concept of air operations and their relationship to campaigns. It determines whether air actions should be considered as operations or campaigns. The monograph first addresses the definitions of the terms "campaign" and "operation," and then establishes the criteria by which to judge three historical examples of the use of air power. These examples are the Battle of Britain, the Korean War air interdiction battle, and the Israeli pre-emptive strike against the Egyptian Air Force during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.The monograph concludes that air operations should not be considered as campaigns. Air operations are part of the overall campaign and support campaign objectives rather than accomplishing strategic goals. The implications of this analysis are that air superiority should be the primary air operation; offensive air and ground operations must be synchronized for success; and the terms and concepts applied to ground operations can be applied to air operations. By understanding the correct relationship between air operations and campaigns, air planners can help Army planners prepare for success on the joint battlefield.

Air Combat: A History of Fighter Pilots

by Robert F. Dorr

In Air Combat, veteran and military author Robert F. Dorr has collected dozens of interviews from combat veterans who have faced the enemy in the skies above-from the first days of World War II to the current war on terror. Each story offers a firsthand account of what it's like to be in the thick of the fight, describes the history, strengths, and weaknesses of each man's plane in detail, and offers readers a rare glimpse into the minds and hearts of those who dare to fight in the air.

Air Combat 1945: The Aircraft of World War II's Final Year (Stackpole Military Photo Series)

by Donald Nijboer

The final year of World War II witnessed the decline of the piston-engine fighter and the beginning of the jet age. Taking to the skies were tried-and-true fighters, improved versions of old aircraft, and newly developed jets, including prototypes that flew for the first time just before the war ended.

Air Commando One

by Warren A. Trest

Air-dropping agents deep behind enemy lines in clandestine night missions during the Korean War, commanding secret flights into Tibet in 1960 to support the anticommunist guerilla uprising, participating in plans for the 1962 Bay of Pigs invasion--even before the escalation of the Vietnam War, Brigadier General Harry C. "Heinie" Aderholt worked at the heart of both the U.S. Air Force and CIA special operations worldwide. In 1964 he became commander of the famed First Air Commando Wing, fighting to build up special operations capabilities among the American and South Vietnamese airmen. In 1966 and 1967 he and his men set the record for interdicting the flow of enemy trucks over the Ho Chi Minh Trail in Laos and North Vietnam.Drawing on official records, personal papers, and interviews with Aderholt and many who worked with him, Air Force historian Warren A. Trest details the life and career of this charismatic, unconventional military leader who has become a legend of the Cold War Air Force. He tells how Aderholt's vigorous support of low-flying, propeller-driven aircraft and nonnuclear munitions pitted him against his superiors, who were steeped in doctrines of massive retaliation and "higher and faster" tactical air power. In the mid-1960s Aderholt's clash with Seventh Air Force Commander General William W. Momyer reflected a schism that still exists between the traditional Air Force and its unconventional special operations wings. The book also integrates U.S. Air Force and CIA accounts of some of the most pivotal events of the past fifty years.

Air Commandos Against Japan

by William T. Y'Blood

In 1943 the U.S. Army Air Forces created what would become the Air Commandos, a unit that marked a milestone in tactical operations in support of British ground forces invading Burma. William T. Y'Blood tells the story of how these daring American aviators trained and went into combat using unconventional hit-and-run tactics to confuse the enemy and destroy their lines of communication and supply. The force comprised light planes to evacuate wounded, transports to move heavy cargo, fighters, gliders, helicopters, and more than five hundred men. The book describes how this top-secret force successfully attacked the enemy from the air, resupplied British commandos on the ground, and airlifted the wounded out of the battle area--eventually driving the Japanese out of Burma.

Air Defence Artillery in Combat, 1972 to the Present: The Age of Surface-to-Air Missiles

by Colonel Mandeep Singh

“It covers, chapter by chapter the anti-air battle in wars from Yom Kippur (1973) onwards . . . a readable, well researched and well-presented book.” —Army Rumour Service (ARRSE)Anti-aircraft artillery truly came into prominence during the Second World War, shooting down more aircraft than any other weapon and seriously affecting the conduct of air operations. Development continued into the Cold War, resulting in the extensive introduction of surface-to-air missiles, or SAMs. Though the first combat success of such weapons was during the Vietnam War, when a Soviet-designed S-75 Dvina missile shot down a USAF F-4C Phantom on 24 July 1965, it was the Yom Kippur War of 1973 which brought surface-to-air missiles to the center stage.During this short but bitter conflict, Egyptian and Syrian air defenses shot down nearly fifty Israeli aircraft in the first three days alone—almost a fourth of Israel’s entire combat aircraft fleet. In all, Israel lost 104 aircraft during the war and, for the first time, more aircraft were lost to SAMs than any other cause. The age of surface-to-air missiles had dawned.In this unique examination, the author details the development of not just surface-to-air missiles, but all anti-aircraft artillery, since 1972. The part that such equipment played in all of the major conflicts since then is explored, including the Soviet Afghan War, the Falklands War, in which Rapier was deployed, the conflict in Lebanon, Kosovo and Bosnia, the Gulf War, Operation Desert Storm in 1991, and Operation Iraqi Freedom in 1993. The investigation is brought right up to date by a study of the weapons, tactics and engagements seen in the conflicts in Syria and Yemen.

An Air Fighter's Scrapbook (Vintage Aviation Library)

by Ira Jones

A classic memoir of the early days of aviation by a longtime Royal Air Force pilot, including his harrowing, exhilarating adventures in the Great War. Ira &“Taffy&” Jones was a well-known air fighter during the First World War, having scored about forty victories flying SE5 scouts in France with 74 Squadron. Familiar in flying circles, Jones recorded stories drawn from his own experiences during the war and wrote of the many personalities he had met or known by association, both during the war and in the postwar flying years. An Air Fighter&’s Scrapbook recreates the atmosphere of the days of the biplane, of wartime flying, of early peacetime adventures in the air, the development of civil aviation, and breathtaking record-beating flights—all evoking the sheer delight in flying that characterized those early years.

Air Force (Special Forces: Protecting, Building, Te)

by Gabrielle Vanderhoof

The United States Air Force is among the best in the world. In the air, in space, and in cyberspace, the Air Force works to protect the United States from threats to the country's national security. The Air Force's Special Forces are highly trained to provide support to our servicemen and women as they take part in a variety of military and humanitarian efforts around the globe. This book gives readers a glimpse of what it takes to become a member of the U.S. Air Force, including the rigorous physical training each recruit must endure. You will learn: * How the Air Force assists in humanitarian efforts * What the Air Force is doing to battle viruses overseas. * How the Air Force works to support our troops fighting abroad in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Air Force Air Commandos (Torque Books: Armed Forces)

by Jack David

Full-color photography accompanies exciting information about the Air Force air commandos. The combination of high-interest subject matter and light text is intended for students in grades 3 through 7.

The Air Force and the Great Engine War

by Robert W. Drewes

Highly publicized accounts of abuse in military weapons procurement have raised both citizen awareness of and citizen concern with the properly monitored spending of US defense dollars. Not long ago, media reports of spare parts overpricing and related problems ignited harsh public criticism of the handling of the multibillion dollar defense contracts for the F100 jet engine. According to Colonel Robert Drewes, US Air Force, though, the outcome of the subsequent “Great Engine War” calls not for criticism, but for praise for the Department of Defense. Long before the public became aware of the controversy, the Air Force was grappling with the problems of the F100 high performance engine and the contract for its procurement and maintenance. As difficulties mounted in negotiations with the sole-source supplier, the Air Force, Navy, and Congress held their ground and eventually prevailed. The account of their combined efforts is an encouraging story about the Department of Defense and the US Government “setting things right,” a story that has not been fully told before. The case is not closed on jet engine contracting, or any other kind of defense contracting, but the Great Engine War is welcome reassurance that US defense dollars —closely monitored— will be spent wisely. Bradley C. Hosmer Lieutenant General, US Air Force President, National Defense University

Air Force Heroes In Vietnam [Illustrated Edition] (USAF Southeast Asia Monograph Series #7)

by Major Donald K. Schneider

Illustrated with over 30 maps, diagrams and photosThis ninth essay of the Southeast Asia Monograph Series tells the stories of the 12 Air Force heroes who were awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for action in Vietnam. The author, Major Schneider, has chosen a most unusual and effective way of presenting his material, for he is greatly concerned with the contextual aspects of what he describes; that is, he devotes considerable attention to the history of the Medal itself, particularly insofar as airmen of earlier wars are concerned, to the aircraft in which these latest recipients flew, and to the missions with which both the men and their machines were entrusted.These factors, then, are put in the context of the battle arena-Vietnam, with all of its special conditions and limitations. There 12 airmen of the United States Air Force acted with such courage, devotion, and utter selflessness that they were subsequently awarded the highest recognition that their country could bestow, the Medal of Honor. Three of the men died in the actions for which they were cited. But in one sense at least they and the others will never die, for their actions have insured that their names will live as long as determination, fidelity, bravery, and nobility of spirit are traits that human beings admire.

The Air Force Integrates 1945-1964 (Smithsonian History Of Aviation Ser.)

by Alan L. Gropman

FROM THE FOREWORD: This book describes the struggle to desegregate the post-World War II U.S. Army Air Forces and its successor, the U.S. Air Force, and the remarkable advances made during the next two decades to end racial segregation and move towards equality of treatment of African-American airmen. The author, Lt. Col. Alan L. Gropman, a former Instructor of History at the U.S. Air Force Academy, received his doctorate degree from Tufts University. His dissertation served as the basis for this volume. In it, the author describes the fight to end segregation with the Air Force following President Harry S. Truman’s issuance of an executive order directing the integration of the armed forces. Despite resistance to the order, fueled by heated segregationist opposition, integration moved ahead somewhat slowly under the administration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Progress increased during the administration of President John F. Kennedy, which saw major advances toward achieving equality for African-American servicemen. Colonel Gropman’s study is a detailed, comprehensive, and in many respects, a documentary account. The crucial events it describes more than justify the unusually extended treatment they receive. The volume thus provides a permanent record of this turbulent period in race relations and constitutes a significant contribution to the history of the Air Force.

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