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Brownstone: Un Giallo di Jack Elliot

by Dean Kutzler

Brownstone La chiave del destino del mondo scopre un segreto devastante, divinamente nascosto dai tempi della Genesi, mentre cerca l'assassino della sua famiglia, solo per scoprire che un'organizzazione clandestina progetta di rimodellare l'umanità sulla scia della distruzione. Quando Jack Elliot torna a New York City per rendere omaggio a suo zio morente, è una corsa contro il tempo. Ottiene più di quanto si aspettasse quando si ritrova invischiato non in uno, ma in due casi di omicidio in cui è il principale sospettato. Quello che Jack non sa è che in mezzo a tutti gli omicidi, un'organizzazione creata dall'inizio dei tempi lo sta pazientemente aspettando. Se lo trovano, il mondo sarà incommensurabilmente cambiato e certamente non in meglio. Cosa vuole da Jack Elliot un'organizzazione antica come la creazione? Riuscirà Jack a dimostrare la sua innocenza? Leggete il primo libro della nuova ed eccitante serie, Brownstone, e scoprite i veri fatti che sconvolgeranno il mondo!

Browstone: A Jack Elliot Thriller (Jack Elliot Ser. #Vol. 1)

by Heloisa Miranda Silva Dean Kutzler

A chave para o destino do mundo descobre um segredo devastador, divinamente escondido desde os dias do Gênesis, enquanto ele procura pelo assassino de sua família, apenas para descobrir que uma organização clandestina planeja remodelar a humanidade na esteira de destruição. Quando Jack Elliot retorna para Nova Iorque para prestar seus respeitos ao seu tio que está morrendo, é uma corrida contra o tempo. Ele recebe mais do que ele barganhou quando se encontra entrincheirado em não um, mas dois casos de assassinato, onde ele é o principal suspeito. O que Jack não sabe é que, em meio a todos os assassinatos, uma organização criada desde o início dos tempos tem esperado pacientemente por ele. Se o encontrarem, o mundo passará por uma drástica mudança e certamente não será para melhor. O que uma organização tal antiga quanto a criação poderia querer com Jack Elliot? Jack consegue provar sua inocência? Leia o primeiro livro dessa excitante e nova série, Brownstone, e descubra os verdadeiros fatos que iram chocar o mundo!

Bruised Spirits: Historical Mystery (Daisy Gumm Majesty Mystery #10)

by Alice Duncan

It's 1924 and spiritualist-medium Daisy Gumm bands with friends Flossie and Harold to help Lily Bannister, whose abusive husband nearly killed her.Meanwhile, Mrs. Pinkerton--Daisy's best client--is in a tizzy, insisting Daisy use her spiritualist talent to end the engagement between her daughter and a most unsuitable man.To Daisy's surprise, the two cases collide, catching her in the middle. Can she prove Lily's husband and Mrs. P's soon-to-be-son-in-law are in cahoots with nefarious human traffickers... before it's too late?PRAISE for THE DAISY GUMM MAJESTY MYSTERIES"Well plotted with a band of whimsical characters and genuine humor... as comforting as a warm mug of cocoa on a blustery day." ~Diane Morasco, RT Book ReviewsThe year is 1924 and spiritualist-medium Daisy Gumm bands with friends Flossie and Harold to help Lily Bannister, whose abusive husband nearly killed her. Meanwhile, Mrs. Pinkerton-Daisy's best client-is in a tizzy, insisting Daisy use her spiritualist talent to end the engagement between her daughter and a most unsuitable man. To Daisy's surprise, the two cases collide, catching her in the middle. Can she prove Lily's husband and Mrs. P's soon-to-be-son-in-law are in cahoots with nefarious human traffickers... before it's too late?Critique: "Bruised Spirits" is the tenth volume in author Alice Duncan's "Daisey Gumm Majesty Mystery" series. A truly gifted writer who has proven herself a master of the mystery/suspense genre, Alice Duncan's "Bruised Spirits" is another uncompromisingly entertaining read from cover to cover and will prove to be an enduringly popular and highly prized addition to community library Mystery/Suspense collections. It should be noted for the personal reading lists of dedicated mystery buffs that "Bruised Spirits" is also available in a paperback edition (9781614178606, $17.99) and in a Kindle format ($5.99).James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief Midwest Book Review 278 Orchard Drive, Oregon, WI 53575THE DAISY GUMM MAJESTY MYSTERIES, in series orderStrong SpiritsFine SpiritsHigh SpiritsHungry SpiritsGenteel SpiritsAncient SpiritsDark SpiritsSpirits OnstageUnsettled SpiritsBruised SpiritsSpirits UnitedSpirits UnearthedShaken Spirits

Bruit sous le lit

by Erick Carballo

Dans la ville de Mexico, un homme reçoit un appel téléphonique de Real del Monte lui annonçant que sa mère est gravement malade et que lui et sa famille doivent se rendre immédiatement dans la ville. A travers cette courte histoire, il découvre une série d'événements qui vont bouleverser la tranquillité de toute une famille.

Bruja Brouhaha

by Rochelle Staab

Practical psychologist Liz Cooper and occult professor Nick Garfield are enjoying the sixteenth wedding anniversary celebration for their charming hosts Paco and Lucia Rojas, devout Santeria practitioners who own the historic Botanica Rojas near MacArthur Park. But the small group of friends is left horrified and confused when the evening ends in tragedy. Devastated by loss, Lucia, a Santeria priestess, blames the locals for the escalating crime in her beloved community. She casts a vengeful hex on the neighborhood, leading strangers and friends alike to dub her bruja--Spanish for witch--and turn on the elderly woman. Lucia may be in harm's way, and it's up to Liz and Nick to unravel a mysterious disappearance and solve a murder before more lives are lost...

La bruja de la suerte: un misterio paranormal de las brujas de Westwick (Las brujas de Westwick #2)

by Colleen Cross

Cendrine West no tiene tiempo para descansar. Está a punto de conseguir un nuevo empleo, y la tensión con el atractivo sheriff Tyler Gates no deja de crecer. Todo cambia cuando es secuestrada por una bruja malhumorada, su tía Pearl, que se ha empeñado en vengar la prematura muerte de su amiga. Irán a Las Vegas o morirán en el intento… por las razones equivocadas. Rocco Racatelli es un apuesto hombre de negocios de Las Vegas y el próximo objetivo de la mafia. Salió perdiendo en un trato que hizo con la suerte y ahora quiere venganza. Cuando la tía Pearl empieza a estar ansiosa por ayudar, la misión Vegas Vendetta acaba convirtiéndose en una disputa territorial. A medida que las brujas se adentran en el sórdido mundo subterráneo de la ciudad del pecado, los cadáveres se acumulan y los secretos quedan al descubierto. El calor de Las Vegas no es lo único que quema… Rocco intenta ganarse el corazón de Cen, pero ella solo tiene ojos para el hombre que ha dejado atrás en Westwick Corners. Solo tiene que resolver un asesinato, vencer la magia de su malhumorada tía y derrotar a la mafia de Las Vegas. ¿Qué podría salir mal? Cuando el crimen organizado choca con la magia desorganizada puede ocurrir cualquier cosa. Mientras aumenta el número de muertes, lo que está claro es que Cen necesita algo más que un milagro en medio del desierto para poner cada cosa en su lugar.

Bruja verde, bruja muerta

by Renee Benzaim

BRUJAS EN BAKERSFIELD Dos mujeres y un hombre han muerto. Las tres eran brujas verdes solitarias que se reunían de vez en cuando para compartir rituales y festivales. No era un aquelarre, sólo un grupo de individuos con ideas afines que preferían practicar su arte a solas. Las dos primeras muertes parecieron ser accidentales, pero la tercera fue un asesinato evidente. Cada una de las muertes se produjo en una zona diferente del condado de Kern -en jurisdicciones diferentes-, lo que hizo poco probable que se estableciera una conexión entre las muertes. El tercer cuerpo se encontró en una zona periférica del condado de Kern, lo que lo situaba en la jurisdicción de la Oficina del Sheriff del condado de Kern. El equipo de detectives asignado a la investigación de este homicidio está formado por la detective jefe Annie Avants y su compañero, el detective Tom Weston. Al comenzar la investigación inicial, no encuentran nada que les haga sospechar que este asesinato esté relacionado con ninguna otra muerte en el condado de Kern. Clem Moonstone es una solitaria bruja verde que posee una tienda metafísica en Bakersfield. Ella y Annie Avants son amigas desde hace muchos años. Cuando Annie y Tom asisten al funeral de la víctima cuya muerte están investigando, Annie se sorprende al ver a Clem allí. Clem le explica a Annie que la joven a cuyo funeral asisten es la tercera persona de su círculo de amigos que ha muerto en los últimos meses. El instinto de Annie le dice que investigue las dos muertes anteriores. Clem le da los nombres de las otras dos personas y los lugares donde se encontraron sus cuerpos. Después de que Annie obtenga los archivos y comience a investigar sus muertes, llega a la escalofriante conclusión de que las dos primeras muertes pueden no haber sido tan "accidentales" y que las tres víctimas pueden haber muerto a manos de un asesino en serie.

Bruja y famosa : un misterio paranormal de las brujas de Westwick #3 (Las brujas de Westwick #3)

by Colleen Cross

Luces, cámara, asesinato… Empieza el rodaje de una película de Hollywood en el pueblo y la periodista Cendrine West está lista para la primicia. Su familia de brujas también quiere participar, pero las travesuras con las estrellas se convierten pronto en la tragedia de Tinseltown. Los cuerpos se acumulan más rápido que las maldiciones de un aquelarre y todo apunta a la extravagante familia de Cen. No se detendrán en su búsqueda del mágico estrellato, aunque eso signifique resolver un caso de asesinato. Las brujas han lanzado un hechizo que ha acabado en desastre y le ha dado al asesino la oportunidad de escapar. Cen recurre a su propia combinación de justicia y magia para mantener a su familia bajo control, pero… ¿podrá desenmascarar al asesino antes de que vuelva a actuar? ¡Bienvenidas al lado salvaje, familia West! Bruja y famosa es perfecta para fanáticos del misterio paranormal, misterio ligero y brujas mágicamente divertidas. Este libro puede leerse como un misterio independiente, pero si quieres saber más sobre las brujas de Westwick y su historia familiar, puedes empezar por el primer libro: Caza de brujas.

Brujas a medianoche (Serie Bat Pat #Volumen 2)

by Roberto Pavanello

La segunda aventura del murciélago detective Bat Pat y los hermanos Silver: Leo, Martin y Rebecca. ¡¡¡HOLA!!! SOY BAT PAT.OS VOY A CONTAR UNA HISTORIA QUE OS PONDRÁ LOS PELOS DE PUNTA...¿ESTÁIS PREPARADOS? ¡Sonidos y ultrasonidos! La malvada bruja Amanita ha raptado a Rebecca y quiere convertirla... ¡en su nueva aprendiz! Suerte que a Martin, a Leo y a mí se nos ha ocurrido una idea (un poco alocada) para rescatarla y conseguir que todo vuelva a la normalidad. ¡¡¡Cruzad los dedos!!!

Brujil Navidad: Un misterio paranormal de las brujas de Westwick (Los misterios de las brujas de Westwick #4)

by Colleen Cross

Come, bebe, y envenénate... Cendrine West está ilusionada con la acogedora cena de Nochebuena cuando estalla una tormenta, trayendo consigo a varios comensales inesperados. Pero las brujas ebrias y la magia son la receta perfecta para el desastre, sobre todo cuando uno de los invitados muere. Las dotes detectivescas de Cen sacan a la luz un montón de problemas más hondos que el saco de Santa Claus y todos son sospechosos, incluido su atractivo novio, el sheriff. ¿Es un accidente mortal provocado por una bruja borracha o algo aún más siniestro? El asesinato entra en el menú y solo la magia será capaz de revelar la verdad en este emocionante y alocado relato navideño. Los misterios de las brujas de Westwick sono para amantes de la diversión y los libros de misterio con toques sobrenaturales. Si todavía no te has leído los tres primeros títulos de la colección (Caza de brujas, La bruja de la suerte y Bruja y famosa, puedes conseguirlos en un pack por un precio especial. «Un cruce entre Embruajda y Miss Marple» «Cinco estrellas para la perfecta combinación entre magia, muérdago y asesinato» «Un fascinante relato sobrenatural. Si te gustan los misterios te encantarán Cendrine West y su peculiar familia» «Uno de los mejores libros de misterio que he leído en mucho tiempo. Un imaginativo misterio detectivesco que combina la novela policíaca de Agatha Christie con un libro de fantasía de Harry Potter, ¡magia para adultos!»

La brújula de los sueños (La trastienda Batibaleno #Volumen 2)

by Pierdomenico Baccalario

Si logras entrar ya será un milagro. Ahora, descifra la clave, abre la puerta y coge lo que no es tuyo. Pero ¡cuidado!, la magia no es el único misterio... Los vecinos de Applecross están muy alarmados: una figura oscura merodea por los bosques, de noche. Según un libro mágico de Aiby Lily, podría tratarse de un cazador de almas: come ovejas, juega a las cartas y la gente muere a su paso. Solo ella y su amigo Finley McPhee pueden detenerlo...

Las brumas del miedo

by Rafael Ábalos

«Todas guardamos un mismo secreto, pero está prohibido hablar de él...» Las brumas del miedo es un escalofriante thriller policíaco con tintes históricos, repleto de intriga y acción, que refleja el macabro descenso a los rincones más oscuros del alma. -¿Estás segura?-Sí.-¿Nerviosa?-Un poco.-Es horrible todo esto.-Lo sé.-Me preocupa que sufras.-Será agradable.-Entonces cierra los ojos, y déjate llevar. En Leipzig, Alemania, los cadáveres de cinco chicas desnudas han sido hallados en mitad de la noche a los pies del monumento a la Batalla de las Naciones, bajo las colosales estatuas de piedra conocidas como Töttenwatcher, los «Guardianes de la Muerte». Todo apunta a un asesinato ritual, el crimen más extraño al que Klaus Bauman, veterano inspector de la Policía Estatal, se ha enfrentado a lo largo de su carrera. Mientras tanto, Susana Olmos, una estudiante española de Erasmus recién llegada a la ciudad, conoce a Bruno, un joven y fascinante profesor del Conservatorio de Música. De un modo inesperado, Susana se sumerge en los ambientes más desconocidos y misteriosos de Leipzig y Berlín relacionados con el arte erótico y el resurgir del nazismo en Europa. La investigación del inspector Bauman y la entrada de Susana en un mundo de sexo, drogas, fanatismo y muerte, confluirán de forma sorprendente en un desenlace del que ninguno de los protagonistas saldrá indemne. En los blogs se ha dicho...«Rafael Ábalos ha construido una novela sólida, bien narrada, con personajes potentes y una trama previsible, que engancha e inquieta, con una acertada mezcla de realidad y ficción que nos ofrece una lectura de las que enganchan y perturban por igual.»Blog Me gustan los libros «Con Rafael Ábalos he aprendido que la fantasía es necesaria en nuestra vida real, y Las brumas del miedo es una novela muy recomendable sobre la que podría haber estado hablando horas y horas.»Blog Libros en el petate «Rafael Ábalos tiene un estilo narrativo ágil y fresco. Maneja muy bien la trama y sabe cómo dar la dosis justa de suspense para impedir que el lector abandone la lectura.»Blog Anika entre libros

Bruno and le Père Noel: A Christmas Short Story

by Martin Walker

It's the last market day before Christmas and Bruno, Chief of Police is preparing for a traditional gastronomic feast. But, never off duty for long, Bruno is called to action when he receives information that a prisoner on parole has gone missing, last seen heading for St Denis, where his ex-wife and son live. The goose, the oysters, his English girlfriend's Christmas pudding and Bruno's famous mulled wine will just have to wait… And if Martin Walker's 'Bruno' novels have inspired you to visit this beautiful part of France yourself, keep reading for the author's own guide to 'A Perfect Week in Perigord'.

Bruno and the Carol Singers: A Christmas Mystery of the French Countryside (Bruno, Chief of Police Series #5)

by Martin Walker

Martin Walker has created a delightful, internationally acclaimed series of mysteries featuring Bruno, chief of police of the small French village of St. Denis. "A gentle reminder to slow down and smell the grapes" says The New York Times Book Review. In this exclusive eBook, St. Denis is experiencing its coldest winter in years--bringing the promise of snow and shared chocolats chauds in the village's cafés--and Bruno is occupied with his Christmastime duties. From organizing carolers to playing Father Christmas for the local schoolchildren, Bruno has his hands full . . . at least until some funds raised for charity go missing. Then it's up to Bruno to save the day (and perhaps manage a Christmas miracle) in this charming holiday installment of Walker's best-selling series.

Bruno, Chief of Police: A Mystery of the French Countryside (Bruno, Chief of Police Series #1)

by Martin Walker

The first installment in the delightful, internationally acclaimed series featuring Chief of Police Bruno.Meet Benoît Courrèges, aka Bruno, a policeman in a small village in the South of France. He&’s a former soldier who has embraced the pleasures and slow rhythms of country life. He has a gun but never wears it; he has the power to arrest but never uses it. But then the murder of an elderly North African who fought in the French army changes all that. Now Bruno must balance his beloved routines—living in his restored shepherd&’s cottage, shopping at the local market, drinking wine, strolling the countryside—with a politically delicate investigation. He&’s paired with a young policewoman from Paris and the two suspect anti-immigrant militants. As they learn more about the dead man&’s past, Bruno&’s suspicions turn toward a more complex motive."Enjoyable.... Martin Walker plots with the same finesse with which Bruno can whip up a truffle omelette, and both have a clear appreciation for a life tied to the land." —The Christian Science Monitor"A nice literary pairing with the slow-food movement.... [It is] linger at the table." —Entertainment Weekly"A wonderfully crafted novel as satisfying as a French pastry but with none of the guilt or calories." —Tuscon Citizen's Journal

Bruno, jefe de policía

by Martin Walker

Es día de mercado en St. Denis, un pueblecito de la región francesa de Périgord. Y lo que promete ser una jornada tranquila se convierte en tragedia cuando encuentran el cadáver de un hombre árabe con una esvástica dibujada en el pecho. Bruno Courrèges será el responsable de resolver el crimen. Y así da comienzo la investigación, con la ayuda de agentes de policía parisinos enviados por el Ministerio. Entre ellos se encuentra el inolvidable J.J., un viejo amigo de Bruno, e Isabelle, una atractiva joven. Las primeras sospechas apuntan a jóvenes simpatizantes del Front Nationale, pero la información es contradictoria y parece que el pasado de los habitantes del pueblo es mucho más oscuro de lo que cualquiera pudiera imaginar.Bruno, nuestro jefe de policía, es un hombre afable y sencillo, amante de la buena comida y el buen vino, un sibarita que encarna la inteligencia y habilidad de los mejores detectives del género.«Martin Walker es autor best seller en toda Europa. Sus libros son amenos, entretenidos y excitantes. Walker aporta lo mejor del género y además consigue que el lector viaje a través de estas páginas: gastronomía, recreación rural y misterio, una mezcla muy gratificante.»Times Literary Suplement

The Bruno Johnson Trilogy (A Bruno Johnson Thriller, Books 1-3)

by David Putnam

Ex-cop and ex-con Bruno Johnson and the fearless Marie have illegally rescued children from abusive homes and smuggled them to a safe haven in Costa Rica. As the action moves from The Disposables to The Replacements and then to The Squandered, Bruno and Marie are repeatedly forced back to the United States where they face treachery, violence, and looming incarceration. The Bruno Johnson series is fast-paced and relentless, while also heartfelt and authentic, written by a best-selling author whose career has spanned several areas of law enforcement.

Bruno's Challenge: And Other Stories of the French Countryside (Bruno, Chief of Police Series)

by Martin Walker

Martin Walker presents his first collection of stories featuring all the familiar characters from his Bruno novels and the glories of the Périgord region of France, with ample helpings of food and wine.After a prisoner breaks parole to see his son on Christmas, Bruno must track him down before he throws away his chance at eventual freedom. When a Senegalese man&’s coffee sells superbly at the market, some café owners become incensed by the new competition and take matters into their own hands. As a Swiss tourist and a St. Denis native fall in love over the fruit-and-veggie stall, one of their family members takes drastic steps to break them up. A fledgling tour bus business is sabotaged, leading Bruno to take a closer look at a town love triangle. Called in to investigate a case of stolen oysters, our beloved policeman reunites with an old flame to catch the shellfish thieves. In story after story, Bruno settles town disputes, mediates family quarrels, and tracks down lawbreakers in his adored village of St. Denis and its environs. Featured meals in the collection include a fatty Christmas goose, a savory nettle soup with crème fraîche, and a fluffy quiche Lorraine.

Bruno's Challenge & Other Dordogne Tales: A bumper collection of delicious stories to warm the heart

by Martin Walker

A bumper collection of delightful stories featuring Bruno, Chief of Police and France's favourite cop, all set in the beautiful Dordogne valley and the ravishing Perigord region of the south west. Here is a landscape of meandering rivers with medieval castles overlooking their banks, of lush hillsides and spreading vineyards, of delicious local wines and world renowned cuisine. With titles like 'The Chocolate War'; 'The Birthday Lunch'; 'Oystercatcher'; 'A Market Tale' and 'Fifty Million Bubbles', you may be sure that champagne and gastronomy will feature as well as cosy crime in 'Dangerous Vacation'. Bruno strides through these tales, staying calm. settling local disputes and keeping safe his beloved town of St Denis. Only on one occasion does he panic: in 'Bruno's Challenge', his friend Ivan, proprietor and chef of the town's popular eatery, suddenly collapses on the eve of a large anniversary dinner, and he asks Bruno to take over the restaurant. After a few protests followed by some deep breaths, the inimitable Bruno meets his challenge and saves the day.

Bruno's Challenge & Other Dordogne Tales

by Martin Walker

A bumper collection of delightful stories featuring Bruno, Chief of Police and France's favourite cop, all set in the beautiful Dordogne valley and the ravishing Perigord region of the south west. Here is a landscape of meandering rivers with medieval castles overlooking their banks, of lush hillsides and spreading vineyards, of delicious local wines and world renowned cuisine. With titles like 'The Chocolate War'; 'The Birthday Lunch'; 'Oystercatcher'; 'A Market Tale' and 'Fifty Million Bubbles', you may be sure that champagne and gastronomy will feature as well as cosy crime in 'Dangerous Vacation'. Bruno strides through these tales, staying calm. settling local disputes and keeping safe his beloved town of St Denis. Only on one occasion does he panic: in 'Bruno's Challenge', his friend Ivan, proprietor and chef of the town's popular eatery, suddenly collapses on the eve of a large anniversary dinner, and he asks Bruno to take over the restaurant. After a few protests followed by some deep breaths, the inimitable Bruno meets his challenge and saves the day.(P) 2021 Quercus Editions Limited

Brunswick Gardens: A Charlotte and Thomas Pitt Novel (Charlotte & Thomas Pitt #18)

by Anne Perry

In London's affluent Brunswick Gardens, the battle over Charles Darwin's revolutionary theory of evolution intensifies as the respected Reverend Parmenter is boldly challenged by his beautiful assistant, Unity Bellwood--a "new woman" whose feminism and aggressive Darwinism he finds appalling. When Unity, three months pregnant, tumbles down the staircase to her death, Superintendent Thomas Pitt is as certain as he can be that one of the three deeply devout men in the house committed murder. Could it have been the Reverend Parmenter? His handsome curate? Or his son, a fervent Roman Catholic? <P> Pitt and his clever wife, Charlotte, refuse to settle for less than the truth--or less than in the house committed murder. Could it have been the Reverend Parmenter, his handsome curate, or his Roman Catholic son? Powerful forces demand that the scandalous matter be cleared up immediately. But Pitt and his clever wife, Charlotte, refuse to settle for less than the truth... and justice.<P> Like all Anne Perry's novels, Brunswick Gardens translates great moral issues into deeply moving human dramas. Perhaps the most psychologically penetrating book she has written, it is a distinguished addition to her acclaimed body of work.

Brunswick Gardens: A thrilling journey into corruption and murder in Victorian London (Thomas Pitt Mystery #18)

by Anne Perry

Does the murder of a young woman have a religious cause? Anne Perry's Brunswick Gardens delves deep into the politics of the church, uncovering thwarted ambitions, unfulfilled promises and frustrated passions amid murder. Perfect for fans of C. J. Samson and Ann Granger.'Beautifully crafted, filled with the gaslit atmosphere of a bygone world' - Cosmopolitan In London's affluent Brunswick Gardens, the battle over Charles Darwin's revolutionary theory of evolution intensifies as the respected Reverend Parmenter is boldly challenged by his beautiful assistant, Unity Bellwood - a 'new woman' whose feminism and aggressive Darwinism he finds appalling. When Unity, three months pregnant, tumbles down a staircase to her death, Superintendent Thomas Pitt is certain that one of the three deeply devout men in the house committed murder. Could it have been the Reverend Parmenter? His handsome curate? Or his son, a fervent Roman Catholic? Pitt and his clever wife, Charlotte, will refuse to settle for less than the truth - or less than justice. What readers are saying about Anne Perry: '[Anne Perry's] books are always gripping and beautifully written''These are a great set of books. Pitt is a really likeable hero''Five stars'

Brush Back

by Sara Paretsky

Chicago's V. I. Warshawski confronts crooked politicians and buried family secrets in the gritty new novel from New York Times-bestselling author Sara Paretsky. No one would accuse V. I. Warshawski of backing down from a fight, but there are a few she'd be happy to avoid. High on that list is tangling with Chicago political bosses. Yet that's precisely what she ends up doing when she responds to Frank Guzzo's plea for help.For six stormy weeks back in high school, V.I. thought she was in love with Frank. He broke up with her, she went off to college, he started driving trucks for Bagby Haulage. She forgot about him until the day his mother was convicted of bludgeoning his kid sister, Annie, to death. Stella Guzzo was an angry, uncooperative prisoner and did a full twenty-five years for her daughter's murder.Newly released from prison, Stella is looking for exoneration, so Frank asks V.I. for help. V.I. doesn't want to get involved. Stella hated the Warshawskis, in particular V.I.'s adored mother, Gabriella.But life has been hard on Frank and on V.I.'s other childhood friends, still stuck on the hardscrabble streets around the dead steel mills, and V.I. agrees to ask a few questions. Those questions lead her straight into the vipers' nest of Illinois politics she's wanted to avoid. When V.I. takes a beating at a youth meeting in her old hood, her main question becomes whether she will live long enough to find answers.

Brush Back: V.I. Warshawski 17

by Sara Paretsky

The seventeenth V.I. Warshawski thriller from one of America's greatest female crime writers, and winner of Theakstons Old Peculier Outstanding Contribution to Crime Fiction Award 2015.For six stormy weeks in high school, V.I. Warshawski thought she was in love with Frank Guzzo. He broke up with her, she went off to college, he started driving trucks for a living. She forgot about him until the day his mother was arrested for bludgeoning his kid sister Annie to death. Twenty-five years later, Stella is released and Frank comes to V. I., begging the private detective to help find grounds to exonerate his mother from a crime she claims she never committed.V.I. doesn't want to get involved, but life has been hard on Frank. When V.I. agrees to ask a few questions, it's a painful journey to the past for her, to her old neighbourhood and the people she grew up with. And when she gets beaten up after attending a youth-group meeting in her old 'hood, V.I.'s main question becomes whether she will live long enough to find the answers.

The Brush-Off

by Bradley

Make an appointment for intrigue at Reyn Marten Sawyer's hair salon! Outrageous, flirtatious, and as colorful as a magenta mohawk, Reyn tracks twisted crimes, untangles tight knots, and never, ever leaves loose ends. Someone clearly meant business when they targeted San Antonio's hair salon king, Ricardo, who was fatally stabbed with a one-of-a-kind weapon: a sharp plastic hair pick. Reyn had loaned Ricardo the tool -- and now she's not only mourning her friend and mentor's murder: she's also a suspect. And in the eyes of sexy detective Jackson Scythe, she's one alluring stylist who should drop her insistent sleuthing like a hot roller. But Reyn's wound a little too tight to stay out of the thick of things, including teasing and taming the stubbornly single Scythe while taking short cuts to catch a killer -- and uncovering the past of a dead man, whose secrets will make Reyn's hair curl....

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