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Cargo: An Edge of Your Seat Thriller

by J.C. Maçek

Looking for a crime thriller you won't be able to put down? Now also a motion picture Over the years Anthony Peterson has amassed a fortune, numerous properties, a trophy wife and a reputation for ruthless business dealings. He is a man who is used to getting his own way. But when Peterson wakes to find himself locked in a metal shipping container, with only a cell phone and twenty-four hours of air left, he begins to unravel. Desperate to escape, Peterson soon learns that there is more to the container than he first realised. And when the kidnappers call and demand ten million dollars, while threatening to murder and rape his beautiful wife if he doesn’t comply, Peterson must fight to meet their impossible terms or face being left to die alone in the darkness. Why has Peterson been targeted? Who are those responsible for his kidnap? And can Peterson make out of the container alive? What everyone is saying about Cargo: "Cargo is a must-read for fans of fast-paced, adrenaline-fuelled thrillers. There is plenty of hair-raising moments that sent shivers down my spine and made my skin crawled. I absolutely loved every minute of it and can not wait to read more by the author." Sarah Hardy ByTheLetterBookReviews "Highly recommended to fans of books written by Richard Parker, Simon Kernick and Andrew Gross" Nicki Richards "Cargo is an edge of your seat thriller about the choices we make. This novel is based on James Dylan's upcoming feature film [Cargo], it will appeal to fans of authors like Michael Connelly, Robert Dugoni & Michael C. Grumley "This is an enjoyable and different thriller with an interesting slant – there is action and human emotion mixed with some moments of real threat and terror." Beverley Scott - Beverley Has Read "It makes for uncomfortable reading and will make you squirm in your seat and is unquestionably not for the faint-hearted. This is a credit to Macek’s writing." Sooz Barthorpe - The P.Turners Book Blog "Cargo is exactly what it claims to be on the cover, an edge of your seat thriller. Without any doubt, it’s fast-paced and kept my attention throughout." Susan Corcoran - Booksaremycwtches "I 100% recommend Cargo if you're looking for a book that will literally keep you on tender hooks the whole way through!" Dash Fan Book Reviews "I found the novel to be very gripping and the secrets that are revealed shocking!" Abby Fairbrother - Anne Bonny Book Reviews "This is an exhilarating, edge of your seat book, full of suspense. It is a very fast read that I read in a day." Kristin Turman - Kristin's Knovel Cafe "I found ‘Cargo’ to be a cleverly written, intense, dark, and highly graphic read which kept me hanging until the very last page." Kaisha Holloway - The Writing Garnet "I really enjoyed reading this story and how its twists towards the end was brilliant… A fast-paced story." Gemma Myers - Between The Pages Book Club "Wow what an intense beginning! In fact, this tenseness didn’t give up throughout the entire book." Ellie Smith - El's Book World

Cargo for the Styx

by Louis Trimble

Martin Zane thought he was all finished with his routine report on the freighter Temoc for Marine Mutual, but the lush blonde suddenly changed his mind. He just couldn't say no to her delicious smile, her shapely figure, or her tiny but deadly gun aimed at the middle of his clean white shirt.Zane realized that a fraud was about to be pulled, but he didn't know how. When he tried to discover what connection the golden Amazon had with his investigation, he realized too late that he had walked into a hornet's nest buzzing with con men and killers ...

Cargo for the Styx

by Louis Trimble

Martin Zane thought he was all finished with his routine report on the freighter Temoc for Marine Mutual, but the lush blonde suddenly changed his mind. He just couldn’t say no to her delicious smile, her shapely figure, or her tiny but deadly gun aimed at the middle of his clean white shirt.Zane realized that a fraud was about to be pulled, but he didn’t know how. When he tried to discover what connection the golden Amazon had with his investigation, he realized too late that he had walked into a hornet’s nest buzzing with con men and killers . . .

Cargo for the Styx

by Louis Trimble

Martin Zane thought he was all finished with his routine report on the freighter Temoc for Marine Mutual, but the lush blonde suddenly changed his mind. He just couldnt say no to her delicious smile, her shapely figure, or her tiny but deadly gun aimed at the middle of his clean white shirt. Zane realized that a fraud was about to be pulled, but he didnt know how. When he tried to discover what connection the golden Amazon had with his investigation, he realized too late that he had walked into a hornets nest buzzing with con men and killers . . .

The Cargo from Neira (A Gabriel Taverner Mystery #5)

by Alys Clare

February, 1605. A series of killings shake the quiet life of Devon's Tavy valley. Country doctor Gabriel Taverner, summoned by the coroner to examine the bodies, believes that the murders are somehow connected to a mysterious woman recently discovered in shocking circumstances. Gabriel is determined to solve the mystery, and soon uncovers clues that link his unexpected patient to the brutal killings. Prominent among them is the strange and recurring theme of nutmegs. A precious spice from far-flung islands in a distant sea and already in demand, its high cost is increasing daily since the rumour has spread that it is a cure for the plague . . . Gabriel finds himself caught in a deadly rivalry involving a greater prize and more ruthless players than he could have imagined. Fighting to protect his family and friends from dangerous involvement in this savage race, will he be able to emerge alive?

Cargo of Coffins

by L. Ron Hubbard

Unlock your inner Sherlock. He was the last man Lars Marlin had expected to see in Rio de Janeiro-- and it took all of his willpower not to slay him on the spot.Paco Corvino was a smooth-talking and slippery con man, a contraband runner, and escaped convict . . . not to mention murderer. He also was the man responsible for changing Captain Lars Marlin into Convict 3827645 of the penal colony in French Guiana known as Devil's Island-- a prison from which he had only just escaped.An unstoppable whirlwind of events brings Paco on board as the debonair chief steward of a luxury oceangoing yacht with an heiress and her rich friends as passengers. At the helm is skipper Lars Marlin. No one else knows that Paco and Lars are bitter rivals with an old score to settle, or that the voyage will be their final showdown upon the high seas. "Also, about halfway through the story there's a right-angle plot twist that would make Jeffrey Deaver proud, very effectively lulling readers in a false sense of security before shocking the heck out of them. A first-rate adventure yarn." --Booklist

Cargo of Eagles (The Albert Campion Mysteries)

by Margery Allingham

A lively British mystery from “one of the greatest mid-20th-century practitioners of the detective novel” (Alexander McCall Smith). Strange things are happening in Saltey. The little village on the Essex coast is invaded by bikers and a parade of peculiar visitors, a newly released prisoner is rumored to be in the area, Mr. Lugg has bought a bungalow there, the Saltey Demon is on the loose again . . . and Albert Campion is looking for the disappearance of thousands of pounds of gold coinage. This is Margery Allingham’s final novel featuring her famous gentleman sleuth, overflowing with evil arch-villains and classic thuggery against the atmospheric backdrop of postwar England. “Allingham has that rare gift in a novelist, the creation of characters so rich and so real that they stay with the reader forever.” —Sara Paretsky “Margery Allingham stands out like a shining light.” —Agatha Christie

Cargo of Eagles (The Albert Campion Mysteries)

by Margery Allingham

A lively British mystery from “one of the greatest mid-20th-century practitioners of the detective novel” (Alexander McCall Smith).Strange things are happening in Saltey. The little village on the Essex coast is invaded by bikers and a parade of peculiar visitors, a newly released prisoner is rumored to be in the area, Mr. Lugg has bought a bungalow there, the Saltey Demon is on the loose again . . . and Albert Campion is looking for the disappearance of thousands of pounds of gold coinage.This is Margery Allingham’s final novel featuring her famous gentleman sleuth, overflowing with evil arch-villains and classic thuggery against the atmospheric backdrop of postwar England.“Allingham has that rare gift in a novelist, the creation of characters so rich and so real that they stay with the reader forever.” —Sara Paretsky“Margery Allingham stands out like a shining light.” —Agatha Christie

The Cargo of the Madalena

by Cynthia Harnett

Bendy, whose family runs a scrivener's shop in fifteenth-century London, solves the mystery when the master printer, William Caxton, fails to receive the paper shipped to him aboard the cargo ship Madalena.

Cari Mora: A Novel

by Thomas Harris

Hannibal Lecter tiene un sucesor. Tras más de una década, el autor de El silencio de los corderos vuelve con un thriller arrollador. Bajo una antigua mansión de Pablo Escobar en la costa de Miami se ocultan veinticinco millones de dólares en oro. Un grupo de hombres sin escrúpulos lleva años buscándolos. Su líder es Hans-Peter Schneider, quien, impulsado por inconfesables apetitos, se gana la vida haciendo realidad las crueles fantasías de ricos y poderosos. Cari Mora escapó de la violencia de su Colombia natal y el cuidado de la mansión es ahora uno de sus variados trabajos. En cuanto pone sus ojos en Cari, Hans-Peter se encapricha de ella. Pero Cari Mora es una superviviente. Y no es la primera vez que tiene que luchar para demostrarlo. Ningún otro escritor ha conjurado los monstruos que nos acechan con la brillantez de Thomas Harris. El maestro del thriller americano regresa tras más de una década con una historia sobre el mal, la avaricia y las consecuencias de una oscura obsesión. La crítica ha dicho...«Lo mejor de la obra de Harris, y eso incluye su última y esperada novela, Cari Mora, retrata lo real de forma incuestionable... Nadie ha conseguido transmitir la parte oscura del ser humano de manera tan efectiva como él. Y parece que nadie va a superarlo nunca.»The Washington Post «Esta adictiva novela comienza con intensidad y va aumentando el suspense hasta un final lleno de acción... Harris escribe mediante escenas cinematográficas y no sobra ni una palabra. Una lectura diabólica.»USA Today «Dos figuras dominaron la literatura popular en las dos últimas décadas del siglo XIX: Conan Doyle y Sherlock Holmes. Un siglo más tarde su equivalente es Thomas Harris.»The Guardian «La pluma de Harris tiene la marca de la perfección.»The Times «Tan bueno como siempre. Leer sus libros es como recorrer seda fría lentamente con la mano.»Stephen King «Un thriller intenso, el mejor de Harris desde El silencio de los corderos.»New Statesman «La buena noticia para los lectores de Cari Mora es que Hannibal ha vuelto en espíritu pero no en persona.»Spectator «Un acontecimiento literario. Thomas Harris es un escritor excepcional de thriller, no solo por crear villanos memorables y monstruosos sino porque también nos ofrece protagonistas femeninas formidables.»Daily Mail «Los directores de Hollywood estarán ya soñando con llevar a la pantalla este adictivo thriller. Harris es un narrador superlativo.»Daily Express «Thomas Harris, el creador de Hannibal Lecter, es el mayor escritor de thrillers de nuestro tiempo.»Evening Standard

Cari Mora: A Novel

by Thomas Harris

From the creator of Hannibal Lecter and The Silence of the Lambs comes a story of evil, greed, and the consequences of dark obsession. <P><P>Twenty-five million dollars in cartel gold lies hidden beneath a mansion on the Miami Beach waterfront. Ruthless men have tracked it for years. Leading the pack is Hans-Peter Schneider. Driven by unspeakable appetites, he makes a living fleshing out the violent fantasies of other, richer men. <P><P> Cari Mora, caretaker of the house, has escaped from the violence in her native country. She stays in Miami on a wobbly Temporary Protected Status, subject to the iron whim of ICE. She works at many jobs to survive. Beautiful, marked by war, Cari catches the eye of Hans-Peter as he closes in on the treasure. <P><P>But Cari Mora has surprising skills, and her will to survive has been tested before. <P><P>Monsters lurk in the crevices between male desire and female survival. No other writer in the last century has conjured those monsters with more terrifying brilliance than Thomas Harris. Cari Mora, his sixth novel, is the long-awaited return of an American master. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Cari Mora (edició en català): A Novel

by Thomas Harris

L'Hannibal Lecter té un successor. Després de més d'una dècada, l'autor d'El silenci dels anyells torna amb un thriller imparable. Un grup d'homes sense escrúpols fa anys que busca vint-i-cinc milions de dòlars en or que s'amaguen sota una antiga mansió d'en Pablo Escobar a la costa de Miami. El seu líder és en Hans-Peter Schneider, que, impulsat per desitjos inconfessables, es guanya la vida fent realitat les fantasies violentes dels rics i poderosos. La Cari Mora va escapar de la brutalitat de la seva Colòmbia natal i ara treballa, entre altres feines, tenint cura de la mansió. Quan posa els seus ulls en ella, en Hans-Peter se n'encapritxa al moment. Però la Cari Mora és una supervivent. I no és la primera vegada que ha de lluitar per demostrar-ho. Cap altre escriptor ha conjurat els monstres que ens aguaiten amb la perfecció de Thomas Harris. El mestre del thriller americà torna, després de més d'una dècada, amb una història sobre el mal, l'avarícia i les conseqüències d'una obscura obsessió. La crítica ha dit...«El millor de l'obra de Harris, i això inclou la seva última i esperada novel·la, Cari Mora, retrata la realitat de forma inqüestionable... Ningú ha aconseguit transmetre la part obscura de l'ésser humà de manera tan efectiva com ell. I sembla que ningú no el superarà mai.»The Washington Post «Aquesta novel·la addictiva comença amb intensitat i el suspens augmenta fins arribar a un final ple d'acció... L'escriptura de Harris fa pensar en escenes cinematogràfiques, i no hi sobra cap paraula. Una excel·lent lectura diabòlica.»USA Today «Conan Doyle i el seu Sherlock Holmes van dominar la literatura de ficció en les dues últimes dècades del segle XIX. Un segle més tard, el thriller té el seu equivalent en Thomas Harris.»The Guardian «La ploma de Harris té la marca de la perfecció.»The Times «Tan bo com sempre. Llegir els seus llibres és com acariciar la fredor de la seda lentament amb la mà.»Stephen King «Un thriller intens, el millor de Harris des d'El silenci dels anyells.»New Statesman «La bona notícia per als lectors de Cari Mora és que l'Hannibal ha tornat en esperit, però no en persona.»The Spectator «Un esdeveniment literari. Thomas Harris és un escriptor excepcional de thriller, no només perquè crea traïdors memorables i monstruosos, sinó perquè també ens ofereix protagonistes femenines formidables.»Daily Mail «Els directors de Hollywood ja deuen estar somiant en portar a la pantalla aquest thriller addictiu. Harris és un narrador superlatiu.»Daily Express «Thomas Harris, el creador de l'Hannibal Lecter, és l'escriptor de thrillers més gran del nostre temps.»Evening Standard

The Caribbean Cruise Caper (Hardy Boys Mystery Stories #154)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: ALL ABOARD FOR A MAJOR MYSTERY! FRANK AND JOE HAVE THE ULTIMATE CASE ON THEIR HANDS! TO JUDGE THE SLEUTHING SKILLS OF FIVE TEEN DETECTIVES IN A CONTEST SPONSORED BY TEEN WAY MAGAZINE. EVEN MORE COOL-THE CONTEST TAKES PLACE ON A CARIBBEAN CRUISE SHIP! BUT IT'S NOT LONG BEFORE SUSPICIOUS PRANKS THREATEN TO RUIN THE CONTEST! ONE OF THE TEENWAY INTERNS NEARLY FALLS OVERBOARD. THE "MYSTERY SCENE" THE CONTESTANTS STUDIED GETS TAMPERED WITH. AND SOMEONE MAY HAVE POISONED THE FOOD! HOW CAN THE HARDYS SOLVE THIS TITANIC MYSTERY? WITH THE HELP OF FIVE TEEN DETECTIVES. OF COURSE-ALONG WITH THEIR OWN EXPERT INVESTIGATING SKILLS. BUT THEY'D BETTER MOVE FAST. BECAUSE A CULPRIT LURKS BENEATH THE CARIBBEAN SUN-AND IT'S SINK OR SWIM FOR FRANK AND JOE. ========== From inside the book: The Caribbean Cruise Caper Joe lay on his bunk in the darkness, listening intently. Something had disturbed him. What? After a few moments he heard furtive scraping sounds. His mental map told him they were coming from the corridor just outside the door to his cabin. Stealthily Joe pushed back the covers and stood up. He tiptoed across the dark cabin, felt his way along the wall to the door, and opened it a crack. The light in the corridor, which was left on all the time, was off. A bad sign-someone must have unscrewed a bulb. A faint, almost indetectable glimmer of light came from the main deck. Joe walked silently along the corridor toward it. Suddenly a shape loomed up in front of him, cutting off the light. He sensed, more than saw, two hands reaching out to grab him.

Caribbean Island

by Isabelle De Rose Mario Escobar

DEUXIEME EPISODE DE LA SERIE « LE CERCLE » L’UN DES THRILLERS LES PLUS LUS EN FORMAT NUMERIQUE INTRIGUE : Après avoir traversé une période de dépression, Edward Rod, policier à Londres, décide d’accepter un poste d’inspecteur principal sur une île des Caraïbes. Son épouse Margaret est sur le point de le quitter et de repartir en Angleterre avec leur fille, mais plusieurs crimes vont les obliger à rester sur l’île alors que l’ouragan le plus violent des vingt dernières années s’apprête à frapper. Contre toute attente, la fille d’Edward est kidnappée par le dangereux tueur en série qui semble être l’auteur des meurtres. Edward et son épouse entament une course contre la montre pour tenter de sauver la vie de leur fille, mais le temps passe et les meurtres se succèdent. Muna est une chrétienne d’Irak réfugiée sur l’île, qui gagne sa vie comme monitrice de plongée. Mais elle cache un terrible secret. Samia, une prostituée de luxe, semble être l’unique témoin susceptible d’identifier le tueur. Qui se cache derrière le meurtre de plusieurs millionnaires, dans l’un des plus grands paradis fiscaux ? Pourquoi l’argent disparaît-il de leurs comptes ? Edward parviendra-t-il à sauver sa fille au cœur de l’ouragan ?

Caribbean Kill (The Executioner #10)

by Don Pendleton

In sunny Puerto Rico, the Executioner will turn paradise into hell The plane comes in low over the Puerto Rican resort, getting Mack Bolan close enough to notice snipers in the hotel windows and shotguns in the cabanas. He escaped his latest battle against the Mafia by fleeing to the Caribbean, but the tentacles of the mob stretch everywhere, and they are waiting for him to land. He rigs the plane for a collision course with the resort, bailing out just before impact and escaping into the jungle. He has only thirty bullets, and there are more than a hundred Mafia soldiers hot on his trail. He likes those odds. It was in the jungles of Vietnam that Bolan was first dubbed the Executioner, and in the steamy forests of Puerto Rico, he will start a guerrilla war. He is one man against an army—but Mack Bolan is the deadliest man this island has ever seen. Caribbean Kill is the 10th book in the Executioner series, but you may enjoy reading the series in any order.

A Caribbean Mystery: A Miss Marple Mystery (Miss Marple Mysteries #10)

by Agatha Christie

As Jane Marple sat basking in the tropical sunshine she felt mildly discontented with life. True, the warmth eased her rheumatism, but here in paradise nothing ever happened. Then a question was put to her by a stranger: 'Would you like to see a picture of a murderer?' Before she has a chance to answer, the man vanishes, only to be found dead the next day. The mysteries abound: Where is the picture? Why is the hotelier prone to nightmares? Why doesn't the most talked-about guest, a reclusive millionaire, ever leave his room? And why is Miss Marple herself fearful for her life? Of note: A Caribbean Mystery introduces the wealthy (and difficult) Mr Jason Rafiel, who will call upon Miss Marple for help in Nemesis (1971) -- after his death.

Caribbean Rim (A Doc Ford Novel #25)

by Randy Wayne White

<P>Murder, sunken treasure, and pirates both ancient and modern send Doc Ford on a nightmare quest in the thrilling new novel in the New York Times-bestselling series. <P>Marine biologist Doc Ford has been known to help his friends out of jams occasionally, but he's never faced a situation like this. <P>His old pal Carl Fitzpatrick has been chasing sunken wrecks most of his life, but now he's run afoul of the Florida Division of Historical Resources. Its director, Leonard Nickelby, despises amateur archaeologists, which is bad enough, but now he and his young "assistant" have disappeared--along with Fitzpatrick's impounded cache of rare Spanish coins and the list of uncharted wreck sites Fitz spent decades putting together. Some of Fitz's own explorations have been a little...dicey, so he can't go to the authorities. Doc is his only hope. <P>But greed makes people do terrible things: rob, cheat, even kill. With stakes this high, there's no way the thieves will go quietly--and Doc's just put himself in their crosshairs. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Caribbean Sunset with a Yellow Parrot

by Andrea Frazer

Lady Amanda Golightly's dutiful butler Beauchamp is getting married and she provides him and his bride with a wonderful present - a honeymoon in the Caribbean. There's just one snag - Lady Amanda and her friend Hugo are going too! One of Lady A's old friends is hosting a school reunion, and so the Belchester party joins some of the other old girls in crossing for the reunion by sea - on a ship very accurately named the Seven Seas Floating Party Town. On embarkation, life is typically uneventful: the tropical island paradise is rife with murder, smuggling, blackmail, and much, much, more. With Lady Amanda's unerring nose for nefarious deeds, she, Hugo, and the besotted newlywed Beauchamps are off detecting once more - aided by plenty of coconut rum - and the local hot sauce.

Caribbean Sunset with a Yellow Parrot: Belchester Chronicle (The Belchester Chronicles #5)

by Andrea Frazer

Lady Amanda Golightly’s dutiful butler Beauchamp is getting married and she provides him and his bride with a wonderful present – a honeymoon in the Caribbean. There’s just one snag – Lady Amanda and her friend Hugo are going too! One of Lady A’s old friends is hosting a school reunion, and so the Belchester party joins some of the other old girls in crossing for the reunion by sea – on a ship very accurately named the Seven Seas Floating Party Town.On embarkation, life is typically uneventful: the tropical island paradise is rife with murder, smuggling, blackmail, and much, much, more. With Lady Amanda’s unerring nose for nefarious deeds, she, Hugo, and the besotted newlywed Beauchamps are off detecting once more – aided by plenty of coconut rum – and the local hot sauce.

Caribbean Sunset with a Yellow Parrot: Belchester Chronicle (The\belchester Chronicles Ser. #5)

by Andrea Frazer

Lady Amanda Golightly’s dutiful butler Beauchamp is getting married and she provides him and his bride with a wonderful present – a honeymoon in the Caribbean. There’s just one snag – Lady Amanda and her friend Hugo are going too! One of Lady A’s old friends is hosting a school reunion, and so the Belchester party joins some of the other old girls in crossing for the reunion by sea – on a ship very accurately named the Seven Seas Floating Party Town.On embarkation, life is typically uneventful: the tropical island paradise is rife with murder, smuggling, blackmail, and much, much, more. With Lady Amanda’s unerring nose for nefarious deeds, she, Hugo, and the besotted newlywed Beauchamps are off detecting once more – aided by plenty of coconut rum – and the local hot sauce.

Caribbean's Keeper: A Novel of Vendetta

by Brian Boland

This debut thriller by a US Coast Guard aviator will take you onto a cutter fighting drug runners at sea--and into the terrifying world of modern-day pirates. Lt. Junior Grade Cole Williams has always been at home on the sea, racing sailboats and crewing yachts during his time as a cadet at the United States Coast Guard Academy. But when he reports aboard a cutter patrolling the Caribbean, he can't seem to please the command, and his attempts to do the right thing always seem to land him in hot water. At the end of a cruise on which he serves admirably during open-ocean rescues and in hot pursuit of drug runners, Cole is unceremoniously kicked out of the Coast Guard for what the command deems reckless behavior and a bad attitude. Dejected and disillusioned, he decides to go rogue--and make a few unsanctioned runs for the smugglers he's already spent so much time chasing. Navigating devious and dangerous twists and turns, Cole shifts from modern-day pirate to criminal fugitive. Ultimately, he'll be forced to choose between staying on the wrong side of the law or taking a deadly risk for the Joint Task Force charged with stemming the flow of illegal narcotics. While seldom in the headlines, the southern border of the United States has been a battleground for years, and the men and women of the US Coast Guard have fought tirelessly to keep lethal substances off the nation's streets. In his debut novel, author Brian Boland shares a story born from more than a decade of experience fighting the war on drugs.

La caricia del Angel (Ellie Hatcher #2)

by Alafair Burke

Thrilled to spend the final hours of her spring break in the VIP room of an elite Manhattan club, fresh-faced Indiana college student Chelsea Hart remains behind when her girlfriends call it a night. The next morning, joggers find her body in East River Park, her blond hair brutally hacked off.NYPD Detective Ellie Hatcher believes the group of privileged men last seen plying Chelsea with free-flowing alcohol most likely includes a murderer. But after building a tight case against a young hedge-fund manager, Ellie has her doubts, because Chelsea's slaying is eerily similar to three other murders from nearly a decade ago. Continuing the investigation long after the department brass is satisfied with their case, hard-headed Ellie plunges into a late-night party world of conspicuous wealth and hedonistic consumption to catch the real killer--unaware that a psychopath is watching her every move...and eager to kill again. [Text is in Spanish]

Carina Press Presents: Editor's Choice Volume II

by Janni Nell Robert Appleton Julie Moffett Shirley Wells

In honor of our second anniversary, Carina Press brings you four gripping novellas by some of genre fiction's hottest voices! Explore interstellar space, get caught up in a caper, dabble in the paranormal and solve a murder aboard a cruise ship in this collection of stories reflecting the variety of our books!Edited by Deborah Nemeth, this anthology includes:Dead Calm by Shirley WellsDance of Flames by Janni NellNo Money Down by Julie MoffettPyro Canyon by Robert AppletonStories also available for purchase separately.119,000 words

¡Cariño, te vigilo de cerca! (Santana's club #Volumen 1)

by S. F. Tale

Vecina es aquella que siempre sabe lo que sucede en tu casa. Nunca te fíes de lo que ven tus ojos. Kiki Ansel, la mejor amiga de Alex Thorne, tiene una vida en la que no hay espacio para el amor, ya que solo busca relaciones fáciles, esporádicas que no permitan exponer su corazón que se ha vuelto desconfiado. Pero está pasando por una fase extraña a causa de una ola de calor insoportable ha provocado que se convierta en toda «una maestra del cotilleo» al espiar a los inquilinos del edificio de enfrente, cuando uno de ellos le dará un susto de muerte. ¿En la ciudad que nunca duerme se puede vivir una delirante comedia de amor? Joseph Wally, escultor y profesor de historia del arte se ha trasladado a Nueva York por motivos de trabajo. Con la puerta del amor cerrada bajo siete candados, no quiere que nada ni nadie le rompa la tranquilidad que le ha costado recuperar. Sin embargo, el destino le tiene preparado un encuentro inesperado con una mujer que le hará replantearse todo su mundo y sacará su parte más romántica. A medida que se vayan conociendo se embarcarán en un viaje que no tendrá vuelta atrás y se darán cuenta de los espacios vacíos que había en sus corazones. Una comedia llena de malentendidos, de vigilancia con prismáticos e hipótesis erróneas les demostrarán que para el amor nunca es tarde.

Carioca Fletch

by Gregory Mcdonald

Carioca Fletch Fletch’s trip to Brazil wasn’t exactly planned. But it’s Carnival time in Rio and he has plenty of money, thanks to a little arrangement made stateside. And it took him no time to hook up with the luscious Laura Soares. Fletch is beginning to relax, just a little. Carioca Fletch But between the American widow who seems to be following Fletch and the Brazilian widow who’s fingered Fletch as her long-dead husband, he suddenly doesn’t have much time to enjoy the present or even get a wink of sleep. Carioca Fletch A thirty-year-old unsolved murder, a more recent suicide, an inconvenient heart attack–somehow Fletch is connected to all of them and one of those connections might just shorten his own life. From Rio to Bahia and back again, at the height of Carnival, Fletch has to keep moving or get stopped cold.

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