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The Cemetery of Swallows: A Mallock Mistery (The Mallock Mysteries)

by Mallock

One day, Manuel Gemoni travels to the other end of the world to kill an old man in the Dominican Republic. When questioned by police, Manuel can only explain his bizarre actions by saying, "I killed him because he had killed me." Unable to comprehend why an ordinary family man with no history of violent behavior would go to such lengths to kill a man he didn't even know, Police Commissioner Amédée Mallock decides to investigate. In order to save Manuel from death, the misanthropic Mallock must immerse himself in the harsh tropical jungles of the Dominican Republic and the snow-covered streets of Paris.

Cemetery of the Nameless

by Rick Blechta

Victoria Morgan, violin virtuoso extraordinaire, and her devoted piano accompanist are on yet another European tour currently stopping in Vienna. While playing to a full house, Tory leaves the stage and disappears in the middle of this important concert, leaving behind a puzzled (and angry) audience. Why would a seasoned professional so intent on maintaining her well-established career do something so damaging? Especially after some very negative reviews from local press? Tory’s decision to leave proves to be especially fatal to her career, since the rumours of her disappearance involve the accusation that Tory has committed the brutal murder of a high profile Viennese figure. While the press continues to hound everyone who knew Tory for answers, it appears she is running from them, the police and her long-suffering husband Oscar Lukesh, affectionately known as Rocky. Or is she? The action is set around the appearance of a mysterious score for a recently discovered violin concerto of incredible worth. Is it truly by Beethoven as the owner claims, and will Tory be the first to debut this dream violin piece, or are all of these things just hollow promises and a way to bait a trap? Now it looks like it’s up to Rocky to help save Tory from herself and figure out who is committing the growing number of murders - if it really isn’t his wife.

Cemetery Road: A Novel

by Greg Iles

Sometimes the price of justice is a good man’s soul.The #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Natchez Burning trilogy returns with an electrifying tale of friendship, betrayal, and shattering secrets that threaten to destroy a small Mississippi town. <P><P>When Marshall McEwan left his Mississippi hometown at eighteen, he vowed never to return. The trauma that drove him away spurred him to become one of the most successful journalists in Washington, DC. But as the ascendancy of a chaotic administration lifts him from print fame to television stardom, Marshall discovers that his father is terminally ill, and he must return home to face the unfinished business of his past. <P><P>On arrival, he finds Bienville, Mississippi very much changed. His family’s 150-year-old newspaper is failing; and Jet Turner, the love of his youth, has married into the family of Max Matheson, one of a dozen powerful patriarchs who rule the town through the exclusive Bienville Poker Club. To Marshall’s surprise, the Poker Club has taken a town on the brink of extinction and offered it salvation, in the form of a billion-dollar Chinese paper mill. But on the verge of the deal being consummated, two murders rock Bienville to its core, threatening far more than the city’s economic future. <P><P>An experienced journalist, Marshall has seen firsthand how the corrosive power of money and politics can sabotage investigations. Joining forces with his former lover—who through her husband has access to the secrets of the Poker Club—Marshall begins digging for the truth behind those murders. But he and Jet soon discover that the soil of Mississippi is a minefield where explosive secrets can destroy far more than injustice. <P><P>The South is a land where everyone hides truths: of blood and children, of love and shame, of hate and murder—of damnation and redemption. The Poker Club’s secret reaches all the way to Washington, D.C., and could shake the foundations of the U.S. Senate. But by the time Marshall grasps the long-buried truth about his own history, he would give almost anything not to have to face it. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

The Cemetery Yew

by Cynthia Riggs

There's more than one reason the new West Tisbury police chief officially made 92-year old Victoria Trumbull her deputy. For one thing, Victoria knows just about everything about everyone in town, and a lot about the rest of the Martha's Vineyard year-round population as well. Not to mention their ancestors. Victoria may be afflicted with the usual aches and pains that descend on nonagenarians (she has a cutoff shoe to accommodate her bunion, and a stout stick to help her on her walks across the fields and in the woods). But she is as sharp and as sharpeyed as the proverbial tack. So it's not odd that when Victoria is the only one who notices something amiss among the gravestones of the West Tisbury cemetery, the chief listens. Something is indeed amiss. Responding to a request by presumed relatives in the Midwest to disinter a coffin for reburying elsewhere, things go wrong from the start. The driver of the hearse coming to collect the coffin disappears during the Island ferry trip in a rainstorm. Other deaths - some of them irrefutably murder, the others suspicious - follow. And when as a last measure the coffin is found, dug up and opened, it does not contain the expected body. Insult upon injury, the coffin itself disappears. Meanwhile, the available for rent bedroom in Victoria's house has been taken over by a woman relative of one of their neighbors and her raucous toucan, a bird as spoiled as the most bratty millionaire's heir. Victoria is graceful about her unwanted boarders; but they do interfere with the column she writes for the local newspaper and with her efforts to discover whether the strange antics of the coffin are related to the murders. Victoria is the most realistic and the most delightful nonagenarian in mystery fiction. Her years have not blunted her intelligence and her sharp wit. We're lucky that she's still around and seems to be set for a long time.

La cena

by Herman Koch

Ácida y provocadora, apunta sin miramientos a una clase social acomodada de Europa, instalada en una inercia de autosatisfacción y complacencia. ¿Hasta dónde es capaz de llegar un padre para encubrir a un hijo que comete un delito injustificable? ¿Debe prevalecer el instinto de protección paterna, o la lealtad a unas normas sociales que garantizan la coherencia y la fortaleza del grupo? Estas y otras preguntas de igual calibre surgen como dardos durante la lectura de La cena. Dos parejas se han citado a cenar en un moderno y exclusivo restaurante de Ámsterdam. Mientras saborean el aperitivo y charlan con aparente despreocupación sobre la última película de moda y sus planes para las vacaciones, son conscientes de que, tarde o temprano, deberán abordar el incierto y acuciante asunto que los ha llevado a reunirse: el futuro de Michel y Rick, sus hijos de quince años, que según algunos indicios podrían estar envueltos en un caso de violencia grave. Así pues, tras los postres, cuando la cena llegue a sus últimos compases, la tensión entre los comensales habrá alcanzado su punto culminante y la cadena de secretos y revelaciones confluirán en un final dramático en el que nadie podrá esgrimir su inocencia. Tras cosechar un éxito inmediato y arrollador en Holanda -copó las listas de bestsellers, y ya ha vendido más de 340 mil ejemplares-, La cena ganó el Premio del Público y fue declarado Libro del Año 2009. La crítica ha dicho...«He leído esta novela en un solo día, sin dejar de preguntarme hasta qué punto es importante la educación que nos dieron nuestros padres y hasta dónde podemos llegar por amor a nuestros hijos.»Niccolò Ammaniti «Lo mejor de Koch, que escribe y razona de forma espléndida desde la primera página hasta la conclusión.»Het Parool «Herman Koch es un maestro de la creación de argumentos.»Trouw «La clave de esta historia es un delito [...] pero el autor se centra en la relación que se establece entre padre e hijo [...] hasta convertir a la familia en una tribu con sus propias leyes morales.»La Stampa «Un libro pionero [...] inteligente e importante. Se lee con fruición y constituye una llamada de atención que probablemente necesitamos aunque prefiramos ignorarla.»Nordjyske

Cena dois: Cena dois

by Stephen Leather

Carolyn Castle é um dos rostos mais famosos do Reino Unido - uma estrela de novela conhecida por milhões. Mas quando ela testemunha uma matança de gangues, ela tem que se perguntar se sua fama poderia ser a morte dela. O assassino é o carismático gangster Warwick Richards. Um homem mais do que capaz de matar novamente para proteger seu segredo. Mas ele sabe que Carolyn o viu cometer assassinato? Take Two é um thriller policial em ritmo acelerado e com 92.000 palavras equivale a cerca de 320 páginas.

Una cena mortal: Un misterio de Myrtle Clover

by Elizabeth Spann Craig

¿Quién quiere papas fritas y salsa cuando puede tener a Dickens y aTwain? Para los habitantes del tranquilo pueblo de Bradley, Carolina del Norte, la trabajadora Jill Caulfield parecía irreprochable. Era voluntaria en el refugio para mujeres, trabajaba en el preescolar de la iglesia, limpiaba casas para ganar dinero extra y realmente disfrutaba trabajando en el jardín. Y era nada menos que una santa por aguantar alegremente a su marido desempleado, mujeriego y bebedor. Cuando la intrépida detective octogenaria Myrtle Clover descubrió a Jill, su nueva ama de llaves, husmeando en su botiquín, debería haberse enfadado. Pero descubrir que Jill no era una tan santa limpiadora la hizo mucho más interesante a los ojos de Myrtle. Myrtle habría continuado felizmente averiguando lo que hacía a Jill Caulfield, si Jill no hubiera ido tontamente a hacer que la asesinaran, claro.

Cena Mortal (Trilogía Los Fantasmas de Sky Valley)

by William Jarvis

¿Quieres saber qué pasará en el Libro 1 de la Trilogía Los Fantasmas de Sky Valley? Emmy y Daniel van a celebrar su primer aniversario de boda en el Sky Cornerstone, uno de los mejores restaurantes de Sky Valley. Mucha gente conoce a Emmy: gracias a ella, la comisaría de Sky Valley cambió por fin. Emmy fue quien consiguió echar a Lena McMahon, la mujer que casi destruye su vida un año antes. En mitad de la cena, todos oyen un espantoso grito proveniente de los servicios: una mujer ha muerto, y nadie sabe qué ha podido ocurrir. Hay muchas preguntas, pero ninguna respuesta, y todos se van a casa confusos. ¿Qué ha pasado? Y, lo más importante, ¿por qué ha pasado? ¿Acaso los problemas vuelven a Sky Valley? Las sorpresas no acaban para Emmy: conocerá a Lucy, un fantasma que quiere que descubra lo que ha ocurrido en el restaurante. ¿Quién es Lucy y qué tiene que ver con Emmy? ¿Podrá Emmy salir indemne de esta nueva aventura? ¡Descúbrelo en Los Fantasmas de Sky Valley Libro 1: Cena Mortal!

Cena Mortale

by William Jarvis

È il primo anniversario di Emmy e Daniel che per l'occasione mangiano a cena al ristorante Cornerstone, uno dei migliori ristoranti della città. C'è chi riconosce Emmy come l'artefice del più importante cambiamento – in seguito al licenziamento di Lena McMahon, la donna che ha quasi distrutto la vita di Emmy lo scorso anno – del dipartimento di polizia di Sky Valley. Nel bel mezzo della cena, gli ospiti del ristorante sono scioccati da un grido che proviene dalla toilette. È morta una donna, e i presenti restano spiazzati perché nessuno capisce come possa essere successo. Emergono gli interrogativi, a cui però non si trovano risposte sicure. Tutti vanno a casa, tra la confusione. Cosa era appena successo? E per di più: per quale motivo? Stanno ricominciando i problemi a Sky Valley? Emmy è ancora più sorpresa quando capisce di essere perseguitata da un fantasma di nome Lucy, che vuole che lei capisca cosa è successo al ristorante. Chi è Lucy e cosa c’entra lei con Emmy? E come lo affronterà, Emmy, questo cambiamento? Scopritelo nel Libro 1: Cena Mortale, della saga de I Misteri di Sky Valley!

La cena secreta

by Javier Sierra

Enero de 1497. Durante semanas, una serie de cartas anónimas enviadas a la corte del papa Alejandro VI advierten que en Milán el controvertido Leonardo da Vinci está ejecutando una obra diabólica: un mural de La Última Cena en el que no sólo ha pintado a los apóstoles sin su preceptivo halo de santidad sino que el propio artista se ha retratado entre ellos, dando la espalda a Jesucristo. Fray Agustín Leyre, inquisidor dominico experto en la inter­pretación de mensajes cifrados, es enviado a la corte de los Sforza para supervisar esa pintura y tratar de desci­frar la clave que protege la identidad del remitente de las cartas. Lo que está a punto de descubrir conseguirá cambiar nuestra forma de ver la pintura del genio del Renacimiento… para siempre. Con la maestría de los grandes escritores de novelas de intriga, Javier Sierra recupera uno de los enigmas más fascinantes de la historia del arte.

La cena secreta

by Javier Sierra

Enero de 1497. Durante semanas, una serie de cartas anónimas enviadas a la corte del papa Alejandro VI advierten que en Milán el controvertido Leonardo da Vinci está ejecutando una obra diabólica: un mural de La Última Cena en el que no sólo ha pintado a los apóstoles sin su preceptivo halo de santidad sino que el propio artista se ha retratado entre ellos, dando la espalda a Jesucristo. Fray Agustín Leyre, inquisidor dominico experto en la inter­pretación de mensajes cifrados, es enviado a la corte de los Sforza para supervisar esa pintura y tratar de desci­frar la clave que protege la identidad del remitente de las cartas. Lo que está a punto de descubrir conseguirá cambiar nuestra forma de ver la pintura del genio del Renacimiento para siempre. Con la maestría de los grandes escritores de novelas de intriga, Javier Sierra recupera uno de los enigmas más fascinantes de la historia del arte.

Cenando Con Los Demonios: Cazadores De Mentes: El Asesino Está Dentro (La Brecha Del Cabal 3 #3)

by McDowell Brains

El anterior jefe del estado militar está poniendo las cosas en el calendario para facilitar el asesinar a Siva, un inpector detective. El oficial de inteligencia sin sospechar, cree que el previo comandante le está ayudando. El General es la persona que él menos espera estar en su lista negra de personas bajo su investigación. Una cosa está clara para Siva: Él se ha hecho de muchos enemigos en su trabajo, pero él no sabe quiénes son . Él cree que el General uno de sus buenos amigos en el que puede confiar para respaldarlo si el peligro aparece. ¿Cómo es que él desatará este lazo que le amarra cuando él se alimenta del mismo plato que sus amigos quienes son sus enemigos y quieren su cadaver?

Las cenizas de la inocencia

by Fernando Benzo Sainz

Una novela de gangsters ambientada en el Madrid de los años 40. Acababa de cumplir los diecisiete años cuando maté a un hombre. Ahora, tras tanta vida transcurrida, con los recuerdos de aquel tiempo difuminados en una confusa mezcla de sentimientos contradictorios que han ido sustituyendo a las imágenes concretas, soy aún capaz de recordar aquel momento: el seco estampido del disparo, aquella mirada en la que en un solo y último instante se mezclaron la sorpresa, el pánico y la resignación ante lo inevitable, la mancha oscura que apareció al momento en la pechera de la camisa y mi mano sujetando el arma con la misma fuerza como si creyera que podría aplastarla hasta hacerla desaparecer. Aquel disparo, de alguna forma, también me mató a mí. O, al menos, mató a la persona en la que me estaba convirtiendo. Aquella noche alguien murió para que yo renaciese. Otra vida fue interrumpida. La vida dealguien que era yo y que ya no fui nunca más. En las calles de la capital se está librando una nueva guerra, muy diferente a la que acaba de concluir. Tras una falsa apariencia de calma, en una ciudad en la que el hambre y la pobreza marcan la vida diaria, las bandas de estraperlistas luchan por el control del mercado negro bajo la mirada cómplice de policías y políticos. Los hombres que dirigen las redes de negocios ilegales se reúnen cada noche en el Dixie, un discreto club de jazz donde cierran los tratos y planean sus crímenes entre cócteles, música y hermosas mujeres. Allí trabaja como camarero Emilio, un adolescente ansioso por vivir aventuras, que entrará por casualidad en este mundo clandestino al entablar amistad con Nico, un joven y ambicioso contrabandista. Juntos disfrutarán de una vida que les permitirá superar la penuria que les rodea hasta que se ven obligados a enfrentarse a dramáticas decisiones que cambiarán su destino para siempre.

The Center

by David Shobin

Surgeon Chad Dunston helped create The Center, a revolutionary medical facility where computers, not humans, treat patients. It's cure rate is unequaled, it's medical successes un rival... until a child named Christine Lassiter mysteriously dies. The girl's older sister Maxine can't get Christine's records, her body, or even her death certificate. Maxine wants Chad Dunston to find out what happened. But the more questions Chad asks, the more dead - end answers he receives. He has only one option left: check into The Center as a patient... and enter a machine - made nightmare, where the only way out maybe death.

Center of Gravity

by Laura Mcneill

The truth could cost her everything. Her whole life, Ava Carson has been sure of one thing: she doesn't measure up to her mother's expectations. So when Mitchell Carson sweeps into her life with his adorable son, the ready-made family seems like a dream come true. In the blink of an eye, she's married, has a new baby, and life is wonderful. Or is it? When her picture-perfect marriage begins unraveling at the seams, Ava convinces herself she can fix it. It's temporary. It's the stress. It's Mitchell's tragic history of loss. If only Ava could believe her own excuses. Mitchell is no longer the charming, thoughtful man she married. He grows more controlling by the day, revealing a violent jealous streak. His behavior is recklessly erratic, and the unanswered questions about his past now hint at something far more sinister than Ava can stomach. Before she can fit the pieces together, Mitchell files for divorce and demands full custody of their boys. Fueled by fierce love for her children and aided by Graham Thomas, a new attorney in town, Ava takes matters into her own hands, digging deep into the past. But will finding the truth be enough to beat Mitchell at his own game? Center of Gravity weaves a chilling tale, revealing the unfailing and dangerous truth that things--and people--are not always what they seem.

Centerville (Orca Sports)

by Jeff Rud

Basketball-crazy Jake Burnett is thrilled to be leaving home to attend prestigious Centerville Prep. It's an opportunity to pursue his hoop dreams at the highest level. But things aren't quite as advertised at his new school, and Jake soon finds himself struggling both on and off the court. At first, Jake is determined to play harder and ignore the warning signs. Until he discovers that his new head coach is a scam artist, putting kids at risk for his own gain. Now Jake has a difficult choice to make--advance his basketball career or do the right thing.

Central Park: Central Park

by Guillaume Musso

Un thriller absolutamente trepidante por el autor que arrasa en Francia. Alice no recuerda absolutamente nada de lo que ocurrió la noche anterior...¿Qué hace en Central Park si ayer estaba en los Campos Elíseos? Alice Schäfer, capitana de la Brigada Criminal de París, se despierta profundamente desorientada. Se encuentra en el banco de un parque, su blusa está manchada de sangre; lleva un arma que no es la suya, a la que además le falta una bala; y, lo que resulta más inquietante, está esposada a un desconocido. Lo último que recuerda es haber bebido más de la cuenta con sus amigas (en una fiesta) en los Campos Elíseos. El resto está todo borroso. Su única esperanza es que el hombre al que está encadenada pueda ayudarla a reconstruir los hechos, pero este está tan desconcertado como ella. Se llama Gabriel Keyne, es pianista de jazz y afirma que la noche anterior tocó en un club de Dublín. El asunto se vuelve aún más perturbador cuando se percatan de que se encuentran en Central Park. ¿Cómo han llegado a Nueva York? Alice y Gabriel no tendrán otra opción que confiar el uno en el otro para desentrañar este extraño misterio... Pero la verdad es mucho más estremecedora de lo que podían imaginar. Déjate atrapar por el autor que arrasa en Francia:Cuatro años consecutivos encabezando los rankings de más venidos en Francia.Más de veintidós millones de ejemplares de sus libros vendidos en todo el mundo. La crítica ha dicho...«Imprevisible y conmovedor, un thriller psicológico que te deja sin aliento hasta un asombroso final.»Metro News «¡400 páginas trepidantes! ¡Una historia excepcional!»RTL «Musso se reafirma como un maestro del suspense.»La Presse «Un thriller magnífico.»TV5 Monde

Central Park

by Guillaume Musso

From the #1 international bestselling author: a woman wakes up on a Central Park bench with no memory of how she got there in this &“unpredictable and moving psychological thriller that keeps you holding your breath&” (Métro)Alice, a fierce and respected Parisian cop, wakes up on a Central Park bench with no memory of the night before, handcuffed to a complete stranger—a musician named Gabriel. Disoriented, dazed, and with someone else&’s blood on her shirt, Alice works furiously to reconnect the dots. She remembers clubbing with her friends the night before on the Champs-Élysées. Gabriel claims he was playing a gig in Dublin. Was she drugged? Kidnapped? Why is the gun in her jacket pocket missing a bullet? And whose blood is on her clothes?Over the next twenty-four hours, Alice and Gabriel race across New York in search of answers, stumbling upon a startling set of clues that point to a terrible adversary from the past. Alice must finally confront her memories of hunting the serial killer who took everything from her—a man she thought was dead, until now. From France's #1 bestselling author, Central Park is a taut and suspenseful thriller that will keep readers riveted until its final shocking twist.

Central Park West: A Crime Novel

by James Comey

A Newsweek and Reader's Digest most-anticipated read of 2023. In the thrilling first crime novel from the former director of the FBI, a murder investigation reveals deadly connections between high-ranking politicians and the mafia. The gripping crime fiction debut from former FBI director James Comey takes readers deep inside the world of lawyers and investigators working to solve a murder while navigating the treacherous currents of modern politics and the mob. When a years-long case against a powerful mobster finally cracks and an unimpeachable witness takes the stand, federal prosecutor Nora Carleton is looking forward to putting the defendant away for good. The mobster, though, has other plans. As the witness’s testimony concludes, a note is passed to the prosecution offering up information into the assassination of a disgraced former New York governor, murdered in his penthouse apartment just days before. It’s enough to blow the case wide open, and to send Nora into a high-stakes investigation of conspiracy, corruption, and danger. Drawing from the author’s decades in federal law enforcement, including his years in Manhattan as a mob prosecutor and later the chief federal prosecutor, Central Park West is a fast-paced legal thriller with an intriguing plot enriched by real-life details and experiences. That unique perspective gives the novel much of its allure, but it’s the unforgettable characters, shocking twists, and courtroom scenes as authentic as they are dramatic that will leave readers looking forward to more from this bold new talent in the genre.

The Centrality of Crime Fiction in American Literary Culture (Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature)

by Alfred Bendixen Olivia Carr Edenfield

This collection of essays by leading scholars insists on a larger recognition of the importance and diversity of crime fiction in U.S. literary traditions. Instead of presenting the genre as the property of Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler, this book maps a larger territory which includes the domains of Mark Twain, F. Scott Fitzgerald, William Faulkner, Richard Wright, Flannery O’Connor, Cormac McCarthy and other masters of fiction.The essays in this collection pay detailed attention to both the genuine artistry and the cultural significance of crime fiction in the United States. It emphasizes American crime fiction’s inquiry into the nature of democratic society and its exploration of injustices based on race, class, and/or gender that are specifically located in the details of American experience.Each of these essays exists on its own terms as a significant contribution to scholarship, but when brought together, the collection becomes larger than the sum of its pieces in detailing the centrality of crime fiction to American literature. This is a crucial book for all students of American fiction as well as for those interested in the literary treatment of crime and detection, and also has broad appeal for classes in American popular culture and American modernism.

Centre de la Mort: Tous les kamikazes ne sont pas religieux! (Le Centre de la Mort #1)

by Owen Jones

Centre de la Mort Tous les kamikazes ne sont pas religieux! Une violente bombe explose dans un centre commercial huppé de Bagdad, tuant et mutilant des dizaines de personnes. En peu de temps, une espèce impitoyable de kamikazes à la bombe rend perplexe sept départements de police à travers le monde. Un régime de terreur s’abat, ne semblant être lié ni à la religion, ni à des problèmes d’ordre politique. Les hackers du gouvernement chinois et les SAS britanniques sont appelés à l’aide. Trouveront-ils la raison de ces explosions gratuites avant que les citoyens ne soient effrayés ?


by J. C. Pollock

Treason of top brass politics which takes its source in Vietnam. vis veterans is the fabric of this breathtaking story.

Centro Alvo

by Owen Jones

Uma bomba cruel explode em uma loja de departamentos em Bagdá matando e mutilando dezenas de pessoas. Dentro de pouco tempo, uma nova e cruel raça de homens-bomba deixa sete das forças policiais do mundo perplexas, como um reinado de terror, aparentemente não relacionado à religião ou à política. Os hackers do governo chinês e o SAS britânico são chamados para ajudar, mas eles vão descobrir o motivo dos ataques aparentemente aleatórios antes que o público se assuste?

Centro Alvo II (Centro Alvo #2)

by Owen Jones

Centro Alvo II Quatro explosões extremamente grandes destroem duas instituições importantes em Bancoc sem aviso prévio. Todos em ambos os edifícios são mortos, mas nenhum dos prováveis ​​candidatos reivindica responsabilidade. Os governos britânico e americano têm interesse e a Força Policial Real da Tailândia inicia suas próprias investigações, mas todos demonstram pouca consideração pelas investigações do outro. A cooperação é mínima. Isto significa que os britânicos têm que ter uma equipe no local... uma equipe que tenha experiência suficiente para realizar o trabalho com quase nenhuma ajuda, já que eles não têm ninguém disponível. Uma equipe especializada no uso de métodos não convencionais. Enquanto os altos escalões se perguntam como eles vão lidar com essa situação embaraçosa, um membro da SAS, uma das unidades de combate de mais elite britânicas, lembra de ter visto Gareg, Bob e Dave em um antigo hotel de teca em Koh Samui, no caminho de volta de uma missão, então um agente do MI6 é enviado para investigar. Este é um eletrizante suspense em Bancoc, Koh Samui e nas florestas tropicais tailandesas e malaias no sul da Tailândia, revivendo memórias da questão irlandesa e separatismo nos anos setenta e oitenta.

Centro Perfetto: Quando gli attentatori suicidi non sono dei fanatici religiosi! (Centro Perfetto #1)

by Owen Jones

Centro Perfetto Quando gli attentatori suicidi non sono dei fanatici religiosi! Quando un kamikaze si fa esplodere allo Sheherazade, un grande magazzino di Baghdad, la reazione delle autorità irachene è di considerarlo un normale atto di terrorismo e assegnare il caso al capitano Allawi della polizia nazionale irachena. Mentre ispeziona abitualmente le riprese video delle telecamere di sicurezza, un giovane poliziotto con la vista acuta nota che l’attentatore suicida non è quello che vuole far credere, e questo da una svolta all’indagine in una direzione che nessuno aveva mai considerato possibile prima. Le conseguenze di questa nuova forma di terrorismo sono terribili. Poi, in un breve lasso di tempo, si verificano altri sei crimini che coinvolgono attentatori suicidi, inspiegabili a meno che non siano visti alla stessa luce dell’attentato di Baghdad. Questo porta le forze di polizia di Marsiglia, Essen, Belfast, New York, Londra e Los Boliches a lavorare insieme sotto l’egida dell’Interpol per mettere fine a questa nuova banda criminale. Una svolta arriva quando la polizia si rende conto che ci sono diversi moventi per gli attentati suicidi, ma dal momento che i colpevoli sono imprevedibili, arrestarli diventa impossibile. L’unica tattica percorribile è concentrarsi sul metodo di ricerca degli attentatori, anche se ovviamente muoiono tutti nelle incursioni. Il caso inizia a sembrare senza speranza. Nonostante numerose piccole svolte, le forze di polizia congiunte, a capo del capitano Allawi, non riescono a compiere importanti progressi, quindi chiedono al governo cinese l’assistenza dei loro esperti di Internet, perché si ritiene che siano i migliori al mondo. I cinesi, con l’ausilio delle autorità lettoni e argentine, rintracciano il probabile quartier generale della banda nell’Inghilterra occidentale, e quando i loro omologhi britannici esaminano i dati

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