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Fuera de un evidente destino

by Giorgio Faletti

Una inquietante intriga criminal de escabrosas muertes rituales en las áridas tierras de Arizona. Presente y pasado se funden en un asombroso relato que pone frente a frente las ancestrales tradiciones de los indios navajos con nuestras creencias más arraigadas. Cuando el mestizo Jim Mackenzie regresa a su pueblo natal, en Arizona, para asistir al funeral de su abuelo, jefe de los indios navajos, todos sus recuerdos de infancia se ven sacudidos por una escalofriante realidad: una oleada de atroces asesinatos rituales asola la comunidad. Su llegada parece haber despertado misterios hasta el momento ocultos en la sombra; misterios relacionados con la tierra, las raíces y la tradición chamánica que Mackenzie tiene que desvelar si quiere poner fin a la mortífera cadena. Una escalofriante novela de suspense en la que Giorgio Faletti, fiel al desgarrador estilo que le ha consagrado como maestro del thriller en Italia, rinde homenaje a la historia de un pueblo olvidado.

Fuera de un evidente destino

by Giorgio Faletti

Nunca había sido tan difícil volver al pasado. Ahora el pasado ha vuelto con ansias de venganza. Giorgio Faletti, maestro del thriller en Italia, atrapa de nuevo al lector con una inquietante intriga criminal de escabrosas muertes rituales en las áridas tierras de Arizona. Presente y pasado se funden en un asombroso relato que pone frente a frente las ancestrales tradiciones de los indios navajos con nuestras creencias más arraigadas.


by Alberto Vázquez-Figueroa

Alberto Vázquez-Figueroa vuelve a la novela de aventuras con una historia trepidante basada en hechos reales ocurridos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. En la isla de Fuerteventura, los alemanes han construido una casa de «reposo» que ofrece toda clase de placeres a los oficiales de sus submarinos después de duros meses en las profundidades del mar. Los servicios secretos británicos infiltran a Erika Simon, una judía alemana exiliada en Inglaterra, en el grupo de prostitutas que alegran las horas de ocio de los alemanes. Su misión es recabar la mayor información posible sobre el movimiento de los temibles submarinos. Su riesgo, implicar su corazón en una inesperada relación amorosa. Su dilema, verse atrapada en una terrible encrucijada: traicionar a los aliados o traicionar a su amante...

La fuerza del engaño

by Mary Higgins Clark

La reina del suspense nos brinda un excelente thriller en torno a la muerte del carismático dueño de una empresa de investigación médica. Nicholas Spencer es propietario de Genstone, importante empresa dedicada al desarrollo de una vacuna contra el cáncer. Los resultados son muy prometedores, mucha gente está invirtiendo sus ahorros en el proyecto. Pero Nicholas desaparece en un extraño accidente de aviación y poco después se descubre que las pruebas de la vacuna habían sido un fracaso y que, además, Nicholas era sospechoso de un enorme desfalco. La periodista Marcia DeCarlo, hermanastra de la viuda de Spencer, se lanza a la investigación del complejo asunto que forman el escándalo financiero, la agitación de los inversionistas y la oscura desaparición del empresario. Marcia no acaba de creer en la culpabilidad de Spencer, cuya integridad moral admiraba, pero todas las pruebas están en contra de él. Descubrir la verdad podría ser muy peligroso... Reseña:«Escribir un best seller puede parecer fácil, pero ser la escritora que más vende es algo solo reservado para la reina del suspense: Mary Higgins Clark.»Woman

Una fuerza irracional

by María Carda Kenneth Eade

William Thomas creció con una desconfianza hacia la policía. Sin embargo, trabajó duro y se hizo un nombre como abogado de éxito. Después de salir de un partido de béisbol con sus amigos, William es asaltado por la policía y uno de los agentes muere. Acusado de asesinato, William llama a su colega, el abogado Brent Marks, para que lo defienda. ¿Podrá Brent convencer al jurado de que la policía ha cruzado la línea entre mantener el orden y ejercer la brutalidad policial? ¿Será capaz de formular una defensa para un cliente que cree que puede ser culpable? Esta moderna novela de misterio y de suspense pone de manifiesto la realidad contemporánea de la tolerancia, el racismo, los prejuicios y la violencia de la sociedad americana.


by Hannah Howe

Marzo de 1945. Tras seis años marcados por la sangre y las lágrimas, la guerra estaba a punto de terminar. Sin embargo, para los prisioneros de guerra alemanes que estaban encarcelados en Island Farm, el campamento 198, el fin podría no estar tan cerca, por lo que decidieron escapar. Mientras todos huían a cualquier parte, uno de ellos, Kurt Schneider, fue encontrado manchado de sangre y con una pistola en la mano. Además, una mujer yacía muerta a sus pies. Acusado de asesinato, parecía destinado a la horca. Sin embargo, Ann Morgan conocía a Kurt Schneider por sus trabajos supervisados en las granjas locales. Había desarrollado cierto afecto hacia el joven y no lo creía capaz de cometer un asesinato. ¿Podrá salvar Ann a Kurt y llevar al verdadero asesino ante la justicia? Mientras tanto, con su marido aún desaparecido, Ann se sintió atraída por un atractivo viudo, el detective Max Deveraux. Cuando llegue la hora, ¿podrá Ann vencer la tentación o hará algo de lo que se arrepienta?

Fuga: Un mistero della Guerra di Ann (La serie mystery La Guerra di Ann #4)

by Hannah Howe

Marzo 1945. Dopo sei sanguinosi anni macchiati dalle lacrime, la guerra era quasi finita. Però, per i prigionieri di guerra tedeschi incarcerati nel Campo Prigionieri di Guerra 198 di Island Farm, la fine sembrava non arrivare mai – quindi avevano deciso di scappare. Mentre i prigionieri tedeschi si sparpagliavano in ogni direzione, uno di loro, Kurt Schneider, rimaneva indietro con le mani sporche di sangue e una pistola in mano. Non solo, ai suoi piedi c’era il cadavere di una donna. Accusato di omicidio, sembrava destinato alla forca. Ma Ann Morgan aveva incontrato Kurt Schneider durante i lavori supervisionati che lui aveva eseguito nelle fattorie locali e aveva iniziato ad apprezzare il giovane uomo e lo credeva incapace di commettere un omicidio. Sarebbe riuscita a salvare Kurt e a portare il vero omicida alla giustizia? Nel frattempo, con suo marito Emrys sempre disperso in azione, Ann si sentiva sempre più attratta dal bel vedovo, l’Ispettore Max Deveraux. Nell’impeto del momento sarebbe stata in grado di tenere a bada le proprie emozioni o avrebbe oltrepassato una linea che poteva causare solo rimorso e pentimento?

Fuga dalla psichiatria

by Olga Núñez Miret

"Fuga dalla psichiatria" è una raccolta di tre storie appartenenti al genere thriller psicologico e incentrati sulla stessa protagonista, Mary, psichiatra e scrittrice. Mary cerca di concentrarsi sulla sua carriera letteraria ma le circostanze e gli amici si contendono per continuare a trascinarla verso la psichiatria. In 'Carne da macello' Mary deve valutare Cain, un uomo afro-americano accusato di aver incitato la folla alla rivolta religiosa dopo aver rivelato di poter sentire Dio e di essere conoscenza del fatto che Dio è nero. Potrebbe non essere pazzo ma Mary è sicura che stia nascondendo qualcosa. 'Lavoro di squadra' vede Mary costretta a offrire un percorso terapeutico a Justin, un poliziotto divorato dai sensi di colpa dopo aver assistito all'omicidio del suo partner e padre surrogato. Prima che Mary possa allontanarsi dal caso, la questione diventa personale. In 'Ricordo' Mary scompare dopo un incidente con Phil, in piena crisi maniacale a causa della mancata assunzione del suo farmaco. Quando viene ritrovata, scopre di essere stata vittima di un crimine orribile. Presto però capirà di essere stata molto fortunata. L'epilogo vede Mary assistere al processo del suo rapitore e svela quali cambiamenti sono avvenuti nella sua vita. Riuscirà finalmente a fuggire dalla psichiatria?

La fuga del gran narco: Una novela de traición y venganza

by Harel Farfán Mejía

La historia de traición y muerte, sobre la fuga de un gran narcotraficante y el nacimiento de nuevos criminales que se disputan los territorios de la droga. El gran narco está preso y la corrupción en su única esperanza para recuperar la libertad. Ésta es una novela de terror cotidiano y de justicia pospuesta en un México donde los cambios parecen siempre quedar en promesas vacías. Aquí la ficción se convierte en un espejo de lo que ocurre en el país todos los días. Harel Farfán, autor de El abogado del narco, trae de vuelta a José ángel Lorenzana para construir una nueva historia de traición o muerte. "

Fuga Implacável

by Cássia Melo Taylor Storm

A casa de Sarah e Brad é invadida, Brad acaba no hospital e Sarah tendo que fugir de pessoas misteriosas. Na fuga, conhece duas meninas que também fogem dos mesmos perseguidores. Sarah conta a ajuda das duas meninas para superar por vários desafios e ficar a salvo. O que acontecerá com Brad? Quem são essas pessoas atrás dela?

The Fugitive (The Captain José Da Silva Mysteries #1)

by Robert L. Fish

A Holocaust survivor fights a Nazi conspiracy in the jungles of Brazil In 1939 Erick Von Roesler was spreading Hitler's gospel in Brazil when duty to the Reich called him home. He distinguished himself during the war, organizing slave labor camps, overseeing executions, and manning the gas chambers of Buchenwald, but in 1945 he felt it necessary to leave the land of his birth. His enthusiasm for the German cause undimmed, he returned to South America to remake the continent in the image of the fallen Reich. For help, he calls on Hans Busch, a master propagandist who comes south from New York with $2 million earmarked for the Nazi revival. But this squat, unkempt little man is not the Nazi he claims to be. Hans Busch is merely a nom de guerre for Holocaust survivor Ari Schoenberg, who has come to take his revenge. With the help of Interpol's José Da Silva, he will dismantle the new Reich from the inside out.

Fugitive (Undercover Girl # #2)

by Christine Harris

Jesse is on assignment again, to track down and bring into C2 headquarters a man called Ari. Why is C2 so desperate to find this man?


by Phillip Margolin

Amanda Jaffe, the heroine of Wild Justice and Proof Positive, is back--in this twisting tale of international intrigue and murder that leads her deep into the past . . . and into the crosshairs of a killer. Charlie Marsh, a petty thief and con man, becomes a national hero when he rescues the warden of a state penitentiary during a prison riot, but it doesn't take long before he is wanted again, suspected of killing a United States congressman. After twelve years of living in the African nation of Batanga, at the mercy of Jean-Claude Baptiste, a sadistic, power-mad dictator, Charlie flees for home to face his murder charge, when Baptiste learns about Charlie's affair with the tyrant's favorite wife. But it's not just the state of Oregon that's got it in for the philandering con. Criminal lawyer Amanda Jaffe has her work cut out for her. She must keep Charlie off death row, protect him from the head of Baptiste's deadly secret police, and prevent him from being caught by a shadowy killer who will stop at nothing to keep the truth about a decade-old crime buried forever.

The Fugitive (A Marshal Law Novel #1)

by Nichole Severn

She’s on the run, pregnant…And about to find out whom she can trust.When Raleigh Wilde reappears in Deputy Beckett Foster’s life as a fugitive, he’s shocked. He has a job to do, but she needs his help clearing her name. By-the-book Beckett is having none of it until he learns she’s pregnant—with his child. With a killer willing to do anything to keep Raleigh from discovering who embezzled millions from the charity she runs, the lawman will do whatever it takes to ensure he doesn’t become a fugitive father.From Harlequin Intrigue: Seek thrills. Solve crimes. Justice served.A Marshal Law NovelBook 1: The FugitiveBook 2: The Witness

Fugitive 13: The explosive thriller that will have you gripped (Sleeper 13 #2)

by Rob Sinclair

The explosive, gripping new thriller from bestselling author Rob Sinclair - for fans of Orphan X, I Am Pilgrim and Nomad.Aydin Torkal - aka Sleeper 13 - is on the run.Hunted not only by the world's intelligence agencies, but also by the elite brotherhood of insurgents he betrayed, he has lived the past year like a ghost.Until now.MI6 agent Rachel Cox knows Aydin better than anyone. The only person who believes he is an ally in the ongoing war on terror, not the enemy. So when a coded message arrives from him, warning her not to trust her own colleagues, Rachel must choose between her career and the truth.But as Aydin hunts down those who destroyed his childhood, the trail he follows will lead him closer to home than he ever expected.He won't stop until he has his revenge.He is FUGITIVE 13.READERS ARE BEING GRIPPED BY THE SLEEPER 13 THRILLER SERIES:'Perfect for spy thriller lovers and fans of I Am Pilgrim, Orphan X' - Goodreads review'I could not put down this book' - Netgalley reviewer'Brilliant, gripping' - Netgalley reviewer

Fugitive 13: The explosive follow-up to SLEEPER 13

by Rob Sinclair

Pre-order the explosive second book in the SLEEPER 13 thriller series by Rob Sinclair today - for fans of Orphan X, I Am Pilgrim and Nomad.Aydin Torkal - aka Sleeper 13 - is on the run.Hunted not only by the world's intelligence agencies, but also by the elite brotherhood of insurgents he betrayed, he has lived the past year like a ghost.Until now.MI6 agent Rachel Cox knows Aydin better than anyone. The only person who believes he is an ally in the ongoing war on terror, not the enemy. So when a coded message arrives from him, warning her not to trust her own colleagues, Rachel must choose between her career and the truth.But as Aydin hunts down those who destroyed his childhood, the trail he follows will lead him closer to home than he ever expected.He won't stop until he has his revenge.He is FUGITIVE 13.*** PRE-ORDER NOW TO GET YOUR COPY ON PUBLICATION DAY! ***READERS ARE BEING GRIPPED BY THE SLEEPER 13 THRILLER SERIES:'Perfect for spy thriller lovers and fans of I Am Pilgrim, Orphan X' - Goodreads review'I could not put down this book' - Netgalley reviewer'Brilliant, gripping' - Netgalley reviewer

Fugitive 13: The second action-packed, thrilling instalment of the best-selling, gripping series (Sleeper 13 #2)

by Rob Sinclair

The explosive second book in the SLEEPER 13 thriller series, by Rob Sinclair - for fans of Orphan X, I Am Pilgrim and Nomad.Aydin Torkal - aka Sleeper 13 - is on the run.Hunted not only by the world's intelligence agencies, but also by the elite brotherhood of insurgents he betrayed, he has lived the past year like a ghost.Until now.MI6 agent Rachel Cox knows Aydin better than anyone. The only person who believes he is an ally in the ongoing war on terror, not the enemy. So when a coded message arrives from him, warning her not to trust her own colleagues, Rachel must choose between her career and the truth.But as Aydin hunts down those who destroyed his childhood, the trail he follows will lead him closer to home than he ever expected.He won't stop until he has his revenge.He is FUGITIVE 13.

Fugitive Ambush (Range River Bounty Hunters #2)

by Jenna Night

Two convicts on the loose and threats around every corner… Pursuing a dangerous bail-jumper has bounty hunter Hayley Ryan barely escaping an attack by the fugitive. Hunting the same escapee compels Hayley to team up with rival Jack Colter until their manhunt results in the discovery of another criminal—one who&’s been missing for years. Can they—and their uneasy partnership—survive their search for not one but two notorious escaped felons?From Love Inspired Suspense: Courage. Danger. Faith.Range River Bounty Hunters Book 1: Abduction in the DarkBook 2: Fugitive Ambush

Fugitive at Large

by Sandra Robbins

TARGETED When bounty hunter Jessica Knight interrupts a convenience-store robbery, walking away isn't an option. Especially when the robber-a violent fugitive wanted for murder-chooses Jessica as his next target. To make matters worse, the detective digging into the case is Ryan Spencer...her former partner. As they investigate this new crime together, Jessica and Ryan find connections to the double homicide that ended their partnership. If they can put the pieces together in time, an innocent man will be freed. But if they're too late, their own murders will be the killer's next crimes. Bounty Hunters: Finding justice one fugitive at a time

Fugitive Bride: Holden, Abduction, Fugitive Bride (Campbell Cove Academy #3)

by Paula Graves

THE BEST MAN...IN EVERY WAY Watching his best friend marry the wrong man is Owen Stiles's worst nightmare...until he and the would-be bride are kidnapped. Someone wants Tara Bentley out of the picture, enough to frame her for the murder of her fiancé. All that stands between Tara and destruction is Campbell Cove security agent Owen. Moments away from calling off her wedding, Tara's life is turned upside down. Now the man she's always considered her best bud has transformed into some kind of sexy special agent. Owen is prepared to do anything to clear her name and secure her safety. But who's keeping her heart safe from him? Campbell Cove Academy

Fugitive Chase (Rock Solid Bounty Hunters #1)

by Jenna Night

She’ll need a cowboy bounty hunter’s help to escape a criminal’s revenge. First in the suspense-filled series from the author of Abduction in the Dark.After her cousin’s abusive ex-boyfriend jumps bail and threatens Ramona Miller for breaking them up, she’s determined to help the police catch him—if he doesn’t kill her first. Bounty hunter Harry Orlansky’s on the job when he saves Ramona from his mark. But Harry can’t protect her forever . . . and until he captures Ramona’s relentless stalker, neither of them will be safe.

Fugitive Colors: A Novel

by Lisa Barr

Debut Historical Suspense Novel Wins IPPY Award for Best "Literary Fiction 2014” Stolen art, love, lust, deception, and revenge paint the pages of veteran journalist Lisa Barr’s debut novel, Fugitive Colors, an un-put-down-able page-turner. Booklist calls the WWII era novel, "Masterfully conceived and crafted, Barr’s dazzling debut novel has it all: passion and jealousy, intrigue and danger. " Fugitive Colors asks the reader: How far would you go for your passion? Would you kill for it? Steal for it? Or go to any length to protect it? Hitler’s War begins with the ruthless destruction of the avant-garde, but there is one young painter who refuses to let this happen. An accidental spy, Julian Klein, an idealistic American artist, leaves his religious upbringing for the artistic freedom of Paris in the early 1930s. Once he arrives in the "City of Light,” he meets a young German artist, Felix von Bredow, whose larger-than-life personality overshadows his inferior artistic ability, and the handsome and gifted artist Rene Levi, whose colossal talent will later serve to destroy him. The trio quickly becomes best friends, inseparable, until two women get in the way--the immensely talented artist Adrienne, Rene’s girlfriend with whom Julian secretly falls in love, and the stunning artist’s model Charlotte, a prostitute-cum-muse, who manages to bring great men to their knees. Artistic and romantic jealousies abound, as the characters play out their passions against the backdrop of the Nazis' rise to power. Felix returns to Berlin, where his father, a blue-blooded Nazi, is instrumental in creating the master plan to destroy Germany’s modern artists, and seeks his son’s help. Bolstered by vengeance, Felix will lure his friends to Germany, an ill-fated move, which will forever change their lives. Twists and turns, destruction and obsession, loss and hope will keep you up at night, as you journey from Chicago to Paris, Berlin to New York. With passionate strokes of captivating prose, Barr proves that while paintings have a canvas, passion has a face--that once exposed, the haunting images will linger . . . long after you have closed the book. The Hollywood Film Festival awarded Fugitive Colors first prize for "Best Unpublished Manuscript” (Opus Magnum Discovery Award).

Fugitive Colors (Sigrid Harald Mystery #8)

by Margaret Maron

[From the dust jacket:] "Losing a fellow officer in a shoot-out is enough to rattle Sigrid's cool, controlled demeanor. Discovering that her lover, famous artist Oscar Nauman, has also been killed devastates her. She withdraws from her colleagues, her police career, her life. But it is art she cannot escape: Oscar has left her his paintings worth millions, and galleries are clamoring to sell them. Just as the early Italian masters painted a wash of vermilion over green to produce the warm flesh tones of their Madonnas--only to have time fade the red to leave a deathlike tint behind--Sigrid begins to see through the vibrant surface of New York's art world to the interplay of revenge, greed, and power beneath. These are motives she recognizes from her police work as catalysts for murder. And when a shocking homicide occurs, it hits close to home for Sigrid, implicating Oscar's friends and fellow artists in the crime. Her desire to find the killer now puts Sigrid back on the job and out on the street. More than justice is at stake: whether she can still cut it on the force and whether she will ever again dare to love hangs in the balance. FUGITIVE COLORS goes beyond the whodunit genre to combine a top-notch mystery with a portrait of a woman cop indelibly changed--able to notice the background details, the subtle shades, and the feelings that ultimately damn or save us all." This is the last book in the Sigrid Harald mystery series. #6, Corpus Christmas is in the Bookshare collection, with more Sigrid Harald books to come.

Fugitive Father

by Carla Cassidy

A small town cop is reunited with his lost love and discovers she is the mother of his child in this romantic suspense from a New York Times bestseller.Sheriff Reese Walker thought he could tackle any obstacle head-on—until his former flame showed up with a little girl whose eyes mirrored his own. He’d always believed he wasn’t good enough to raise a child. But someone was trying to kill Sarah and her daughter—and he would be damned if he’d lose them both a second time.Leaving her hometown six years ago hadn’t been easy, but it had been right. At least, that was what Sarah Calhoun had always believed. Now coming home forced Sarah to face the small-minded town and the man she’d loved but run from. And now she would have to explain the reason why she’d never said goodbye.

The Fugitive Heiress

by Amanda Scott

Fleeing a proposal and in search of a fortune, one headstrong young lady moves to London to play the high-stakes game of loveCatheryn Westering has no intention of marrying her respectable but boring cousin,, Edmund Caston, and her aunt and uncle have no intention of giving her access to her newly discovered fortune. Daringly, she rushes to London to appeal to her distant, very attractive kinsman, the Earl of Dambroke, for help. Before Dambroke knows it, she&’s become an essential part of his household: an eager participant in the London social whirl; a protégée of his mother; a confidante to his spoilt sister and his mischievous younger brother; and a thorn in the masterful Earl&’s side. But London is a dangerous place, and although Dambroke frequently objects to Catheryn&’s &“interference&” in his family and social affairs, is it possible that, beneath his exasperation, much warmer feelings for Catheryn have already ignited?

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