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The Genial Stranger

by Donald MacKenzie

Beware of the Genial Stranger.Confidence tricksters are operating throughout Europe! Be on your guard against the man wanting to reward you for returning his dropped wallet. Before parting with money to strangers on any pretext check with your banker or with the local policeThus read the warning posters...

The Genius

by Jesse Kellerman

A tenant has disappeared in a New York slum, leaving behind strange, original artwork. Gallery owner Ethan Muller can see its brilliance—and money-making potential. When Ethan displays the art, the show attracts the attention of the police. Because the subjects of the pictures look exactly like the victims in a long-cold murder case. Ethan has received a letter saying stop, stop, stop. And the still-missing genius may be the link to a madman—or the madman himself.

The Genius

by Jesse Kellerman

Ethan Muller is struggling to establish his reputation as a dealer in the cut-throat world of contemporary art when he stumbles onto a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: in a decaying New York slum Victor Cracke, an elderly tenant, has disappeared leaving behind a treasure trove of original artwork. No one knows much about Cracke except that he lived a solitary life for nearly 40 years, his genius hidden. And that is about to change. Ethan mounts a wildly successful show at his gallery. Buyers clamor. Critics sing. Museums are interested and Ethan's photo looks great in the New York Times. Then everything begins to unravel. It seems that Victor Cracke has a nasty past and the drawings hanging in the Muller Gallery might just be evidence. Is Cracke a genius a murderer or both? Sucked into an investigation four decades old Ethan will uncover a legacy of shame and death - one that touches horrifyingly close to home.

The Genius Plague

by David Walton

THE CONTAGION IS IN YOUR MINDIn this science fiction thriller, brothers are pitted against each other as a pandemic threatens to destabilize world governments by exerting a subtle mind control over survivors.Neil Johns has just started his dream job as a code breaker in the NSA when his brother, Paul, a mycologist, goes missing on a trip to collect samples in the Amazon jungle. Paul returns with a gap in his memory and a fungal infection that almost kills him. But once he recuperates, he has enhanced communication, memory, and pattern recognition. Meanwhile, something is happening in South America; others, like Paul, have also fallen ill and recovered with abilities they didn't have before. But that's not the only pattern--the survivors, from entire remote Brazilian tribes to American tourists, all seem to be working toward a common, and deadly, goal. Neil soon uncovers a secret and unexplained alliance between governments that have traditionally been enemies. Meanwhile Paul becomes increasingly secretive and erratic. Paul sees the fungus as the next stage of human evolution, while Neil is convinced that it is driving its human hosts to destruction. Brother must oppose brother on an increasingly fraught international stage, with the stakes: the free will of every human on earth. Can humanity use this force for good, or are we becoming the pawns of an utterly alien intelligence?

Genius Squad

by Catherine Jinks

Now that the Axis Institute for World Domination has been blown up; the founder, Dr. Phineas Darkkon, has died; and Prosper English (who enrolled Cadel in the first place) is in jail for myriad offenses, Cadel Piggott has round-the-clock surveillance so he'll be safe until he testifies against Prosper English. But nobody seems to want Cadel. Not Fiona, his social worker; not Saul Greeniaus, the detective assigned to protect him. When he is approached by the head of Genius Squad--a group formed to investigate GenoME, one of Darkkon's pet projects--Cadel is dubious Genius Squad can offer him a real home and all the technology his heart desires. But why can't he bring himself to tell Saul what the group is really up to? And how can Genius Squad protect Cadel once Prosper English breaks out of jail?

The Genius Thieves (Hardy Boys Casefiles #9)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: School for crime A daring million-dollar bank robbery leads Frank and Joe to Chartwell Academy. Certain that the high-tech thief is someone at the exclusive prep school, Frank enrolls as a student, and Joe gets a job as a janitor. But going undercover on the secluded campus proves extremely dangerous. From battling a raging dorm fire, to being hunted through a graveyard by a masked gunman -the brother detectives find they're up against a brainy enemy who's intent on making a twin killing. =========== From inside the book: HIS BROTHER'S GRAVE Joe was shoveling furiously, throwing mounds of dirt around Frank. Within ten minutes Frank was practically covered. "Joe! Think of what you're doing!" Frank yelled. But Joe was now foaming at the mouth. His eyes were rolling in their sockets, and he was babbling nonsense words. Just as Frank was about to be covered, Joe began to shriek insanely. He backed away from the grave as if he were being attacked. "Finish your job!" the masked man demanded. But Joe was too far gone. The masked man aimed his gun at Joe. "I was hoping not to do this, my friend, but you've failed me." Bracing the gun with two outstretched arms, he fired. . . .

The Genius Wars

by Catherine Jinks

Boy-genius Cadel Piggot has a new name (Cadel Greenaius), a new family, and a new life. No more illegal hacking, no more false identities, and most of all, no more Prosper English. But when his best friend Sonja is attacked, it's up to him to figure out who was behind it. Before he knows it, Cadel is crossing oceans and continents, barrelling back into the depths of the criminal activity he thought he'd left behind, and coming face to face with Prosper English once again. Can Cadel track down Prosper before it's too late? And what rules will he have to break in the process?

Genocide of One: A Thriller

by Philip Gabriel Kazuaki Takano

The internationally bestselling, award-winning Japanese thriller about a child who may be the future of the human race--or the cause of its extinction.During a briefing in Washington D.C., the President is informed of a threat to national security: a three-year-old boy named Akili, who is already the smartest being on the planet. Representing the next step in human evolution, Akili can perceive patterns and predict future events better than most supercomputers, and is capable of manipulating grand-scale events like pieces on a chess board. And yet, for all that power, Akili has the emotional maturity of a child--which might make him the most dangerous threat humanity has ever faced.An American soldier, Jonathan Yeager, leads an international team of elite operatives deep into the heart of the Congolese jungle under Presidential orders to destroy this threat to humanity before Akili's full potential can be realized. But Yeager has a very sick child, and Akili's advanced knowledge of all things, medicine included, may be Yeager's only hope for saving his son's life. Soon Yeager finds himself caught between following his orders and saving a creature with a hidden agenda, who plans to either save humanity as we know it--or destroy it.

Genoma Mortale

by Alejo Viar Catia Polverini

Un cadavere a Manhattan non è nulla di eccezionale, ma si che le autorità cerchino di coprire il crimine. Per scoprire la verità, l'investigatore privato Michael Lorrey dovrà svelare la rete di menzogne che soffocano la città. Dai bassifondi alle sfere più alte, passando per coloro che stanno distruggendo la propria vita... Un assassino spietato, una storia d'amore commovente, un gioco di ambizioni e oscuri interessi scuri dove nulla è come sembra.

Génova rojo sangre: Las cuatro estaciones policiales

by Cristina Origone

Obsesiones, impulsos y pasiones se cuentan en esta antología compuesta por cuatro historias (una para cada temporada) ambientada en la ciudad Génova y donde los protagonistas son todos hombres mayores. En la historia “Un día casi afortunado”, Mario, un conserje cercano a la jubilación, en el mismo momento en que el destino le regala un sueño, tendrá que lidiar con la Diosa Fortuna. En "El último recorrido de la noche", el destino enfrenta a Enzo, un taxista durante la última noche de trabajo con el hijo criminal y, la esperanza con la desesperación de un hombre que no sabe cómo salvar lo que más quiere. En "Agosto es un mes cruel", la soledad, el arrepentimiento, el cinismo y la codicia se entrelazan, donde el bien y el mal chocarán sin restricciones. La elección que Ángel, un pensionista de setenta y ocho años, lo llevará a una espiral que lo arrastrará a la oscuridad. Y en "El rey está muerto", Juan, desesperadamente enamorado de la ex cuidadora de su madre, siente que es el dueño absoluto de su mujer. La desaparición de la compañera sacará a la luz sus límites y la rigidez que siempre ha obstaculizado sus relaciones, obligándolo a tratar sí mismo. Cada historia se puede comprar individualmente en la versión digital y se ha traducido al francés, español, portugués e inglés.

Gente di mare

by A.J. Griffiths-Jones Laura Contrada

Quale adulto non possiede ricordi di infanzia legati al mare a cui è teneramente affezionato? Da bambino fremi dall'eccitazione di visitare questi luoghi di vacanza, ma non ti fermi mai a pensare che c'è gente che ci abita tutto l'anno. Un tempo non ti sarebbe mai venuto in mente di ripensare a quella gente di mare che ti lasciavi indietro alla fine della nostra gita o delle vacanze, ma le loro vite proseguivano sempre allo stesso modo. Tu saresti tornato a casa, abbronzato e sfiancato dall'aria salata del mare, alla tua abitazione, la tua famiglia e i tuoi segreti... e proprio come tu ti tenevi strette quelle confidenze che facevi soltanto agli amici più intimi, anche quella gente di mare aveva i suoi segreti: tenuti nascosti dietro porte chiuse, rinchiusi in posti in cui i vicini non potessero vederli né sentirli, segreti che appartenevano esclusivamente a quei luoghi. Ed è proprio di uno di questi che parla questa storia...

Gente rara en situaciones comprometidas

by Juan Miguel Hernández Gascón

Alex y Santos son escritores y, en cierto modo, se necesitan. Alex tiene éxito, está de moda, pero ansía la buena reputación y la seriedad que le atribuyen a Santos. Santos es considerado un maestro, pero sufre una crisis creativa que lo está arrastrando a un pozo profundo. Un encuentro fortuito hace que los dos se conozcan y que, de un modo poco ortodoxo, decidan escribir un guion cinematográfico juntos. Gente rara en situaciones comprometidas, esa es la premisa desde la que los dos autores comienzan a construir su historia. Una historia en la que sus propias experiencias serán también trasunto del guion: Daniel, un joven de familia acomodada que busca su identidad; Estrella, una mujer prisionera de sus decisiones; Natalia, cuyo deseo es imposible de saciar; Díaz, un hombre oscuro que aprovecha su poder para influir en los destinos de los que le rodean. Pero el juego de ficciones comienza cuando uno de los protagonistas, Daniel, empieza a escribir a su vez una novela sobre su vida en la que Alex y Santos son dos de los personajes. Juan Miguel Hernández Gascón narra de manera magistral y crea una estructura metaliteraria que asombra por su originalidad y su sorpresa. Con continuos guiños sociales -la crisis, los desahucios, la economía-, históricos -el inicio de ETA, el franquismo-, y culturales -referencias al cine y homenajes a grandes figuras literarias como Raimond Chandler, Boris Vian, Juan Marsé, Augusto Monterroso o las transgresoras voces norteamericanas del S. XX-, el autor construye una historia con todos los ingredientes de la novela negra y con una intriga que no decae hasta la última página.

La gente terrible

by Edgar Wallace

Arnold Long es un detective especial: tiene una educación de élite, un padre millonario y la manía de apostar.Gana la apuesta de detener al escurridizo Clay Shelton en menos de tres meses. Pero hay apuestas que es mejor no ganar. Durante su detención, Shelton mata a un policía. En el juicio que sigue le condenan a muerte y Shelton lanza una maldición: la Mano del Patíbulo vendrá de ultratumba a vengarse por todos los criminales muertos en la horca.Y las personas relacionadas con la condena empiezan a morir.

Genteel Spirits: Historical Mystery (Daisy Gumm Majesty Mystery #5)

by Alice Duncan

The movie biz has come to Pasadena and Daisy Gumm Majesty is up to her ears in trouble. Spike is in obedience training, a spoiled actress wants Daisy as her very own spiritualist and someone is sending poison-pen letters to the Leading Man.Worse, the motion picture folks claim that Germans are out to steal their new invention being used on the set.Butting heads with Detective Sam Rotondo, assigned to the movie-set as security, Daisy is on the case with Spike in tow. Now, if she can just find a way to keep everyone's secrets a secret without letting the Germans get away with grand theft.REVIEWS:"Perfect 10, by gum! This story is pure entertainment"; ~ Romance Reviews Today"An intriguing plot with ample twists [that] moves along at a fast pace to the startling ending."; ~RT Book ReviewsTHE DAISY GUMM MAJESTY MYSTERIES, in series orderStrong SpiritsFine SpiritsHigh SpiritsHungry SpiritsGenteel SpiritsAncient SpiritsDark SpiritsSpirits OnstageUnsettled SpiritsBruised SpiritsSpirits UnitedSpirits UnearthedShaken Spirits

The Gentle Axe

by R. N. Morris

Fresh off the case of a deranged student who murdered his landlady, noted police investigator Porfiry Petrovich barely takes a breath before a bizarre and very grisly double murder lands him back on the streets of the tsarist St. Petersburg he knows all too well. The sardonic sleuth follows a trail from the drinking dens of the Haymarket district to an altogether more genteel stratum of society-a hunt that leads him to a conclusion even he will find shocking. In the tradition of such first-rate historical novels such as The Alienist and The Dante Club, The Gentle Axe is atmospheric and tense storytelling from its dramatic opening to its stunning climax.

A Gentle Fragrance

by Pamela Griffin

Sarah rescues Bill from the ocean and her dad leads him to the saviour. Bill then takes Sarah to New York to start a new life.

The Gentle Grafter

by O. Henry

O. Henry is the pen name of American writer William Sydney Porter (1862-1910). Porter's 400 short stories are known for their wit, wordplay, characterization and the clever use of twist endings. He travelled to Austin in 1884, where he took a number of different jobs over the next several years, first as pharmacist then as a draftsman, bank teller and journalist. He also began writing as a sideline to employment. Porter's most prolific writing period started in 1902, when he moved to New York City to be near his publishers. He wrote 381 short stories while living there. He wrote a story a week for over a year for the New York World Sunday Magazine. His wit, characterization and plot twists were adored by his readers, but often panned by the critics. Yet, he went on to gain international recognition and is credited with defining the short story as a literary art form. His works include: Cabbages and Kings (1904), The Four Million (1906), Heart of the West (1907), The Trimmed Lamp and Other Stories of the Four Million (1907), The Voice of the City: Further Stories of the Four Million (1908), The Gentle Grafter (1908) and Roads of Destiny (1909).

The Gentle Grafter: Stories

by O. Henry

A convicted felon turned master storyteller pays tribute to the art of the scam in this clever and captivating collection of crime stories Jeff Peters is an honest swindler. He believes in never taking something from a man unless he gives in return--whether it's fake jewelry, a crack on the head, or a bogus deed to the Brooklyn Bridge. His partner, Andy Tucker, is a different story. Andy is a grifter with imagination, who would rook every rube in the world if he got the chance. Instead, he'll have to settle for the city of Pittsburgh. When Andy and Jeff descend on the Steel City, no millionaire's pocketbook is safe. But then again, neither is the conscience of a conman. "Conscience in Art" is one of O. Henry's finest stories, demonstrating all the wit, charm, and ingenuity that made him famous. This collection of classic tales set on the wrong side of the law showcases a master craftsman at the top of his form. This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices.

A Gentle Murderer (Library Of Congress Crime Classics Ser.)

by Dorothy Salisbury Davis

A frightening confession leads a priest to hunt down a murderer in Grand Master of crime fiction Dorothy Salisbury Davis&’s bestselling novel, which critic Anthony Boucher called &“one of the best detective stories of modern times&”On a hot Saturday night in Manhattan, Father Duffy sits in a confessional, growing alarmed as he listens to the voice of a distraught young man who speaks of bloody hair and a dead woman and a compulsion to do things with a hammer that he does not understand. Before the priest can persuade the man to confess to the police, the killer flees, still clutching the hammer.The next day, Father Duffy learns that a high-class call girl on the East Side has been savagely murdered, and no suspect has been found. As he searches for the disturbed young man who he fears will kill again, cerebral New York Police detective Sergeant Ben Goldsmith takes the lead in the investigation of the call-girl murder, racing against the clock to catch a very clever killer who, when enraged, cannot control his need to swing a hammer.

A Gentle Murderer (Library of Congress Crime Classics)

by Dorothy Salisbury Davis

Hailed by critic Anthony Boucher as "one of the best detective stories of modern times," this classic tale by Grand Master Dorothy Salisbury Davis combines suspense and psychological insight as a priest and a police detective both race to find a self-confessed murderer before he is compelled to kill again."Bless me, Father, for I have sinned …"Father Duffy has heard many confessions through the years, but none quite so disturbing as the one he's heard tonight. A young man enters the confessional just as the priest is readying to leave for the evening; he's distraught that he has killed a woman in a paroxysm of uncontrollable rage—and he's still wielding the hammer he used to do the deed. Father Duffy tries to convince the young man to turn himself in to the police, but he flees just as suddenly as he had appeared.When the priest learns the next day that an escort was found bludgeoned to death on the East Side, he sets out to search for the troubled confessor. Meanwhile, Sergeant Ben Goldsmith of the NYPD is drawn deep into the official investigation. Neither is aware that the other is searching for the murderer, and both hope against hope that they're able to find the killer before he strikes again."A simmering tour de force of detection from both ends of the trail."— Kirkus Reviews

A Gentleman Called (The Mrs. Norris Mysteries #2)

by Dorothy Salisbury Davis

In Grand Master of crime fiction Dorothy Salisbury Davis&’s second Mrs. Norris novel, which the New York Times hailed as &“tensely perplexing,&” the crime-solving Scottish housekeeper helps crack the case of a serial lady-killer As housekeeper to James Jarvis&’s recently deceased father, a retired major general of the US Army, Mrs. Norris has raised Jimmie since boyhood. Now the Wall Street lawyer faces a challenging case. The son of one of the firm&’s old blue-blood clients has been slapped with a paternity suit. But Teddy Adkins swears he never slept with the woman. Meanwhile, Mrs. Norris is miffed when her gentleman friend Jasper Tully, the widowed chief investigator for the Manhattan DA&’s office, cancels one dinner date after another because a real estate magnate has been found strangled in the bedroom of her Upper East Side apartment. Jewelry was stolen, but there are no signs of a break-in. Tully&’s investigation turns up a trail of strangulations that extends all the way to the Midwest. As Mrs. Norris pursues her own unorthodox investigation, she uncovers a shocking link between the cases that threatens her very life.A Gentleman Called, a finalist for the Mystery Writers of America&’s Edgar Award, is the second novel in Dorothy Salisbury Davis&’s Mrs. Norris Mysteries, which also include Death of an Old Sinner, Old Sinners Never Die, and &“Mrs. Norris Observes,&” a short story in the collection Tales for a Stormy Night.A Gentleman Called is the 2nd book in the Mrs. Norris Mysteries, but you may enjoy reading the series in any order.

Gentleman Captain (The Matthew Quinton Journals)

by J. D. Davies

&“A promising 17th-century English nautical saga&” featuring a new captain whose command of a Royal Navy warship makes him &“a hero worth rooting for&” (Publishers Weekly). 1662: After Matthew Quinton sunk the first ship he was given to command, he is surprised when the King gives him captaincy of H.M.S. Jupiter with orders to stamp out a Scottish rebellion. This time Quinton is determined to prove his worth. In a country of divided loyalties, Charles II needs someone he can trust, and—with an elder brother deep in the King&’s confidence—Matthew is one of the few eligible candidates. But now Quinton must face an unruly crew, suspicions of murder, stirrings of conspiracy and the angry seas. Will treason be found in Scotland . . . or is it lurking closer to home? Packed with gripping sea adventures, Gentleman Captain is the first in the epic Matthew Quinton Journals, a series of extraordinary nautical sagas. Praise for the writing of J. D. Davies: &“Hornblower, Aubrey and Quinton--a pantheon of the best adventures at sea!&” —Conn Iggulden, #1 New York Times–bestselling author of The Conqueror and War of the Roses series &“Swashbuckling suspense, royal intrigue, and high seas naval action . . . An excellent series.&” —Publishers Weekly &“Utterly impossible to put down . . . Finely-shaded characters, excellent plotting, gut-clenching action and immaculate attention to period detail . . . superb.&” —Angus Donald, author of The Outlaw Chronicles series &“Destined to be a classic of nautical adventure series.&” —Eric Jay Dolin, author of Leviathan and Fur, Fortune, and Empire &“A naval adventure that goes well beyond the usual outlines of the genre to paint a lively portrait of England in the 1600s.&” —Kirkus Reviews

The Gentleman Dressed in Newspaper

by Agatha Christie

Previously published in the print anthology Partners in Crime. During a lull in business, Tommy and Tuppence amuse themselves by perusing the papers personal columns. One cryptic ad reads, "Three hearts . . . 12 tricks . . . Ace of Spades . . . finesse the King. " Tommy is certain it is a secret message indicating a crime about to be committed.

The Gentleman from Japan: An Inspector O Novel (The Inspector O Novels #6)

by James Church

James Church, a former Western intelligence officer, returns to the secret world of North Korean intelligence with another “crackling good” (The Washington Post) story in his critically acclaimed Inspector O series.Under the guise of machinery for making dumplings, a Spanish factory near Barcelona is secretly producing a key component in the production of nuclear weapons. When information finds its way to the inboxes of Western intelligence agencies that this “dumpling maker” is meant for North Korea, orders go out that the shipment must be stopped. Either the machine must be disabled while still in the factory, or the transportation route must be discovered so the equipment can be intercepted before it reaches its destination. An old friend recruits Inspector O to assist in the complex operation designed to disrupt the plans for shipping the machine.Carefully planted bits of information and bizarre events have led both the Spanish factory and those trying to intercept the machine to conclude that Japanese criminal organizations are involved in buying and transporting the “dumpling” machine in order to hide the involvement of North Korea. A flurry of murders puts the focus on the northeast Chinese city of Yanji, near the border with North Korea, where O’s nephew Major Bing is the Chief of State Security. Bing has his own problems dealing with a corrupt local mayor who is out for his head, coping with a new deputy who cannot be trusted, and figuring out why a Chinese gangster he’s worked for years to chase away has suddenly returned.Church— hailed as “the equal of le Carré” by Publishers Weekly — takes O deep into a maze of cracked mirrors that hide the exits from an elaborate, deadly double blind in his most elaborate mystery yet, The Gentleman from Japan.

A Gentleman in Charleston and the Manner of His Death: A Novel

by William Baldwin

“Baldwin again proves himself to be a writer uniquely adept at bridging high art with the wild ride of a page-turning southern yarn.” —Bret Lott, national bestselling author of JewelOnce deemed “the most powerful man in the South,” Charleston newspaper editor Frank Dawson met his violent death on March 12, 1889, at the hands of his neighbor, a disreputable doctor who was attempting to seduce the Dawson family governess.With a southern storyteller’s passion for intricate emotional and physical details, Baldwin, through the fictional guise of Capt. David Lawton, chronicles editor Dawson’s fated end. Having survived three years of bloody Civil War combat and the decade of violent Reconstruction that followed, the liberal-minded Lawton is now an embattled newspaperman whose national importance is on the wane. Still, he remains a celebrated member of Charleston’s elite, while in private life moving amid a pantheon of proud and beautiful women—Sarah, his brilliant wife; Abbie, his sensual sister-in-law; Mary, the all-knowing prostitute; and Hélène, the discontented Swiss governess—each contributing to an unfolding drama of history-haunted turmoil.War, earthquake, political guile, adultery, illegitimacy, lust, and murder—all the devices of gothic romance—play a role in this tale closely based on the lives of Charlestonians who lived these events over a century ago.“William Baldwin is that rare southern writer who writes for all people of all time. As I read his beautiful words in A Gentleman in Charleston and the Manner of His Death I walked the Holy City’s streets with my ancestors and, believe me, I never wanted the trip to end. This is an important book and a wonderful rich story.” —Dorothea Benton Frank, New York Times–bestselling author

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