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Identidad oculta

by Eugeni Verdú

Identidad oculta es un thriller policiaco que nos adentra en el mundo del arte contemporáneo y su entorno. Su trepidante trama nos transporta a diferentes escenarios, desde Barcelona a Londres, pasando por San Petersburgo, Filadelfia, Miami y Nueva York, entre otros. Por el autor de La abadía de los herejes. Udrev, un reconocido pintor y escultor, es salvajemente asesinado. Su cadáver aparece pintado y cubierto de extraños dibujos y grabados. El recién ascendido inspector Jan Balasch se hará cargo de la investigación ayudado por la agente Carla Janerich, adscrita a la Brigada de Patrimonio, experta en arte y dotada de una especial intuición. Pese a la incansable labor de los policías, y de las diferentes líneas de investigación abiertas, los resultados son desalentadores. Parece que un denso manto de niebla se hubiera apoderado de la escena del crimen y velado el rostro de sus autores, como si ese asesinato ritual nunca hubiera existido. Ya resignados a archivar el caso, el azar les lleva a descubrir un pendrive en el interior de una de las esculturas del artista. Inicialmente parece tratarse de una broma póstuma de Udrev, pero la inesperada filtración de su contenido a la prensa desencadena una serie de robos, asesinatos y suicidios en diferentes ciudades de Europa y Estados Unidos que pondrán a Balasch y Janerich, en coordinación con Interpol, tras la pista de la trama criminal urdida por un poderoso lobby del mundo del arte. Inmersos en la investigación advertirán que existe una intriga paralela todavía más inquietante. La crítica dijo sobre La abadía de los herejes...«A caballo entre El nombre de la rosa y las intrigas medievales donde se confronta el saber, las pasiones y la política. [...] Verdú pinta un completo fresco en torno al medievo en el sureste de Francia.»Fernando Barea, El Ideal «Un libro con traición, aventura, acción, religión... ¡no le falta de nada!»Página Dos, RTVE«Una trama muy bien urdida, muy bien contada, que mantiene al lector con una intriga permanente.»De lector a lector «Una novela muy instructiva y entretenida.»Libros que hay que leer «Un thriller de amor, sexo, familia, herejías, torturas e historia que te atrapará. Un arranque potente, un núcleo interesante y un final bien resuelto.»Tendencias Hoy«Es una novela apasionante. Se disfruta mucho ya que la intriga hace que su lectura te atrape.»Sintiendo tus letras

Identificación (Spanish Soundings)

by Vicki Grant

Cuando Chris encuentra una billetera en la calle, trata enseguida de encontrar a su dueño y devolverla. A pesar de que está pasando por problemas en casa y en la escuela, quiere hacer lo correcto. Sin embargo, todo comienza a complicarse y parece que su vida entera se va a derrumbar, y es entonces cuando Chris de da cuenta de que el dueño de la billetera se parece mucho a él y tiene una vida por la que Chris darIa cualquier cosa. ¿Y si asumiera su identidad? ¿Qué pasaría si pudiera convertirse en otra persona? When Chris finds a wallet on the street, he tries to return it to its owner. In trouble at home and at school, he is struggling to do the right thing. However, as circumstances slowly start unraveling and his whole life appears headed down the drain, Chris realizes that the person who owns the wallet looks a lot like him and has a life he would do almost anything for. What if he switched identities? What if he became someone else?

Identity: Unknown

by Suzanne Brockmann

IDENTITY: UNKNOWN New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Suzanne Brockmann has thrilled audiences with her Tall, Dark and Dangerous series. Experience it here with a hero who must face the most daring adventure of all--falling in love. Can she create a future with a man without a past? Navy SEAL Mitchell Shaw wakes up one morning without a clue who he is. And the items in his possession are no help: an address he doesn't recognize and a .22-caliber sidearm. But the address eventually leads him to the Lazy 8 Ranch--and its beautiful manager, Becca Keyes, who makes him believe he might have a future, even if he doesn't remember his past.


by Mark Hosack

The corporate greed of Wall Street meets the Hitchcockian suspense of North by Northwest in this thrilling debut by screenwriter Mark Hosack (The Good Spy Dies Twice).One day Paul Majors is a respectable businessman looking into some accounting irregularities in his office's parent company. The next he's wading through a murky world of dark finance, uncovering a vast web of illegal activities in the CEO's executive circle, being hunted by a ruthless corporate assassin and the FBI, and getting sucked into a second company's illicit dealings. As he travels across the United States to unravel the twin mysteries he's caught in, it's not clear who Paul can trust--or even who is who. The woman who seduced him at the hotel bar might be there to help, or take him out. The government agents change with a chameleon's ease. Heck, even Paul's running around under an assumed name! In this corporate shell game of names and motivations, Paul's got 1,500 loyal employees--and his own life--on the line. But it's becoming dangerously clear that Paul himself is not Too Big to Fail...or to be killed.


by Mark Hosack

The corporate greed of Wall Street meets the Hitchcockian suspense of North by Northwest in this thrilling debut by screenwriter Mark Hosack. A secret best told on the run... One day Paul Majors is a respectable businessman looking into some accounting irregularities in his office's parent company. The next, he's wading through a murky world of dark finance, uncovering a vast web of illegal activities in the CEO's executive circle, being hunted by a ruthless corporate assassin and the FBI, and getting sucked into a second company's illicit dealings. As he travels across the United States to unravel the twin mysteries he's caught in, it's not clear who Paul can trust--or even who is who. The woman who seduced him at the hotel bar might be there to help, or take him out. The government agents change with a chameleon's ease. Heck, even Paul's running around under an assumed name! In this corporate shell game of names and motivations, Paul's got 1,500 loyal employees--and his own life--on the line. But it's becoming dangerously clear that Paul himself is not Too Big to Fail...or be killed.

Identity: Lost

by Pascal Marco

It's July, 1975 and an overworked Chicago police force receives a call that an 85-year-old white man has been attacked by a gang of black youths on the lakefront in Burnham Park. Amid public outrage, contentious Mayor Richard J. Daley commands his police to find the killers fast and make the bucolic park safe again. Uncommonly but fortunately for the police, twelve-year-old James Overstreet steps forward and identifies five of the six assailants and arrests are made. But detectives and county attorneys bungle the case, leaving the judge no choice but to release the accused. This startling turn of events jeopardizes James's life, forcing the entire Overstreet family into witness protection in Arizona, and creates a nightmare that will haunt the brave witness forever. Fast-forward thirty years. The stoic young man has grown to become Maricopa County's most feared prosecutor. But his life is about to be turned upside down when paths from the past cross into the present, veering toward a shocking climax.

Identity: Undercover

by Lois Richer

For Callie Merton, one of Finders, Inc. 's best agents, discretion had become a way of life. Even when she married fellow agent Max Chambers, there were matters she couldn't bring herself to discuss with him. But now that withheld information is threatening to break up her marriage. As Callie and Max embark on a fi nal case together, will Callie be able to reveal the truth and save her marriage--or will she allow her past to destroy her future?


by Nora Roberts

Sunday Times bestselling author's brand new thriller about one woman's quest to reclaim her life What turns someone into a monster? Are they born that way, or is it a choice? I suppose it can be either or bothMorgan Albright dreams of owning her own bar one day but she's bartending for now - working hard, saving money. Life is hectic but she loves sharing a house with her best friend, Nina, and she is even finding time to date for the first time in what feels like forever.When a seemingly random attack turns Morgan's life upside down, she must leave the city to return to her family home. She hopes that moving back to a small town where she can feel safe will help her to put the horror of that day behind her but, as Morgan soon discovers, sometimes your past just doesn't want to let you go...


by Nora Roberts

Sunday Times bestselling author's brand new thriller about one woman's quest to reclaim her life. <P><p>What turns someone into a monster? Are they born that way, or is it a choice? I suppose it can be either or both. <p>Morgan Albright dreams of owning her own bar one day but she's bartending for now—working hard, saving money. Life is hectic but she loves sharing a house with her best friend, Nina, and she is even finding time to date for the first time in what feels like forever. <p><p>When a seemingly random attack turns Morgan's life upside down, she must leave the city to return to her family home. She hopes that moving back to a small town where she can feel safe will help her to put the horror of that day behind her but, as Morgan soon discovers, sometimes your past just doesn't want to let you go… <p> <b>New York Times Bestseller</b>

Identity: A Novel

by Nora Roberts

The #1 New York Times-bestselling author's terrifying next thriller about one man's ice-cold malice, and one woman's fight to reclaim her life.Former Army brat Morgan Albright has finally planted roots in a friendly neighborhood near Baltimore. Her friend and roommate Nina helps her make the mortgage payments, as does Morgan's job as a bartender. But after she and Nina host their first dinner party—attended by Luke, the flirtatious IT guy who'd been chatting her up at the bar—her carefully built world is shattered. The back door glass is broken, cash and jewelry are missing, her car is gone, and Nina lies dead on the floor. Soon, a horrific truth emerges: It was Morgan who let the monster in. "Luke" is actually a cold-hearted con artist named Gavin who targets a particular type of woman, steals her assets and identity, and then commits his ultimate goal: murder. What the FBI tells Morgan is beyond chilling. Nina wasn't his type. Morgan is. Nina was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. And Morgan's nightmare is just beginning. Soon she has no choice but to flee to her mother's home in Vermont. While she struggles to build something new, she meets another man, Miles Jameson. He isn't flashy or flirtatious, and his family business has deep roots in town. But Gavin is still out there hunting new victims, and he hasn't forgotten the one who got away.

Identity: Classified (Love Insp Susp True Lp Trade Ser. #4)

by Liz Shoaf

A woman on the run in Wyoming finds love and protection with a local police officer in this inspirational romantic suspense.After security specialist Chloe Spencer witnesses a murder on her webcam, the killer faces the camera with a threat: return his disc, or she’s next. Unsure what he’s after, Chloe uses an alias and runs . . . until she lands in Sheriff Ethan Hoyt’s jurisdiction. When the killer finds her, Chloe must stand alone or trust Ethan—with the secrets of her past, her life . . . and her heart.


by Ingrid Thoft

"Thoft's gripping sequel...A quirky and empathetic heroine, a fast-moving plot, and a surprise ending make this a winner."--Publishers WeeklyFirecracker P.I. Fina Ludlow returns in the next hard-driving entry in the acclaimed series by Ingrid Thoft.It's been a couple months since Fina's last big case--the one that exposed dark family secrets and called Fina's family loyalty into question--but there's no rest for the weary, especially when your boss is Carl Ludlow.Renata Sanchez, a single mother by choice, wants to learn the identity of her daughter Rosie's sperm donor. A confidentiality agreement and Rosie's reticence might deter other mothers, but not Renata, nor Carl, who's convinced that lawsuits involving cryobanks and sperm donors will be "the next big thing." Fina uncovers the donor's identity, but the solution to that mystery is just the beginning: within hours of the case going public, Rosie's donor turns up dead. Fina didn't sign on for a murder investigation, but she can't walk away from a death she may have set in motion. She digs deeper and discovers that DNA doesn't tell the whole story and sometimes, cracking that code can have deadly consequences.


by Ingrid Thoft

"Thoft's gripping sequel...A quirky and empathetic heroine, a fast-moving plot, and a surprise ending make this a winner."--Publishers WeeklyFirecracker P.I. Fina Ludlow returns in the next hard-driving entry in the acclaimed series by Ingrid Thoft.It's been a couple months since Fina's last big case--the one that exposed dark family secrets and called Fina's family loyalty into question--but there's no rest for the weary, especially when your boss is Carl Ludlow.Renata Sanchez, a single mother by choice, wants to learn the identity of her daughter Rosie's sperm donor. A confidentiality agreement and Rosie's reticence might deter other mothers, but not Renata, nor Carl, who's convinced that lawsuits involving cryobanks and sperm donors will be "the next big thing." Fina uncovers the donor's identity, but the solution to that mystery is just the beginning: within hours of the case going public, Rosie's donor turns up dead. Fina didn't sign on for a murder investigation, but she can't walk away from a death she may have set in motion. She digs deeper and discovers that DNA doesn't tell the whole story and sometimes, cracking that code can have deadly consequences.


by Ingrid Thoft

"Thoft's gripping sequel...A quirky and empathetic heroine, a fast-moving plot, and a surprise ending make this a winner." --Publishers Weekly Firecracker P.I. Fina Ludlow returns in the next hard-driving entry in the acclaimed series by Ingrid Thoft. It's been a couple months since Fina's last big case--the one that exposed dark family secrets and called Fina's family loyalty into question--but there's no rest for the weary, especially when your boss is Carl Ludlow. Renata Sanchez, a single mother by choice, wants to learn the identity of her daughter Rosie's sperm donor. A confidentiality agreement and Rosie's reticence might deter other mothers, but not Renata, nor Carl, who's convinced that lawsuits involving cryobanks and sperm donors will be "the next big thing." Fina uncovers the donor's identity, but the solution to that mystery is just the beginning: within hours of the case going public, Rosie's donor turns up dead. Fina didn't sign on for a murder investigation, but she can't walk away from a death she may have set in motion. She digs deeper and discovers that DNA doesn't tell the whole story and sometimes, cracking that code can have deadly consequences.

Identity Crisis

by Eliza Daly

When Olivia Doyle's father dies under suspicious circumstances, rather than inheriting a family fortune, she inherits a new identity. She learns they were placed in the Federal Witness Security Program when she was five years old. Her father was involved in an art forgery ring and testified against the mob. Brought up not to trust anyone, Olivia has a difficult time relying on U.S. Marshal Ethan Ryder to protect her, and to keep her secret. She fears her father may have continued his life of crime through her art gallery. She has little choice but to depend on Ethan when she realizes someone is now after her. Olivia's search for the truth leads her and Ethan across country to a family and past she doesn't remember.At the age of ten, Ethan witnessed a brutal murder. He vowed when he grew up, he'd protect people in danger. Protecting Olivia is difficult when she won't trust him. He soon realizes his desire to protect her goes beyond doing his job, but if his judgment becomes clouded by emotions, her safety could be jeopardized.Can Ethan and Olivia learn to trust each other when they uncover secrets that will change their lives forever?Sensuality Level: Behind Closed Doors

Identity Crisis

by Eliza Daly

When Olivia Doyle's father dies under suspicious circumstances, rather than inheriting a family fortune, she inherits a new identity. She learns they were placed in the Federal Witness Security Program when she was five years old. Her father was involved in an art forgery ring and testified against the mob. Brought up not to trust anyone, Olivia has a difficult time relying on U.S. Marshal Ethan Ryder to protect her, and to keep her secret. She fears her father may have continued his life of crime through her art gallery. She has little choice but to depend on Ethan when she realizes someone is now after her. Olivia's search for the truth leads her and Ethan across country to a family and past she doesn't remember.At the age of ten, Ethan witnessed a brutal murder. He vowed when he grew up, he'd protect people in danger. Protecting Olivia is difficult when she won't trust him. He soon realizes his desire to protect her goes beyond doing his job, but if his judgment becomes clouded by emotions, her safety could be jeopardized.Can Ethan and Olivia learn to trust each other when they uncover secrets that will change their lives forever?Sensuality Level: Behind Closed Doors

Identity Crisis

by Debbi Mack

A simple domestic abuse case turns deadly when the alleged abuser is killed and Stephanie Ann "Sam" McRae's client disappears. When a friend asks Sam to find Melanie Hayes, the Maryland attorney is drawn into a complex case of murder and identity theft that has her running from the Mob, breaking into a strip club and forming a shaky alliance with an offbeat private investigator to discover the truth about Melanie and her ex-boyfriend. With her career and life on the line, Sam's search takes her from the blue-collar Baltimore suburbs to the mansions of Gibson Island. Along the way, she learns that false identities can hide dark secrets, and those secrets can destroy lives.

Identity Crisis: Number 97 in Series (The Destroyer #97)

by Richard Sapir Warren Murphy

Learning that Harold Smith might be his biological father, Remo Williams rebels against the doctor, who does not want his son to remain with CURE, until an archenemy decides to use the strained relationship to his advantage.

Identity Crisis

by Laura Scott

Gage Drummond's ex-fiancée is missing and in grave danger. Her identical twin sister is his only chance of finding her. But an accident has left Mallory Roth with amnesia. Still, Mallory is more than willing to help search for answers to secure Alyssa's safe return. But it soon becomes clear that Mallory isn't acting like herself. In fact, minute by minute, Mallory reminds Gage more and more of the woman he's desperate to find. And with one sister missing and another missing memories, it's obvious their enemies are playing for keeps. Can they discover the truth-before it's too late?

The Identity Man: A Novel

by Andrew Klavan

&“A gritty, twist-filled thriller&” of crime and corruption by a two-time Edgar Award winner (The Wall Street Journal). John Shannon is a petty thief on the run. A three-time loser framed for a murder he didn&’t commit, he knows the cops are closing in on him and that he&’s facing life in prison—or death by lethal injection. Then, as if out of nowhere, a bizarre text message draws him to a meeting in the dark of night. A foreigner who calls himself the Identity Man offers Shannon an incredible chance to start again: a new face, a new home, a new beginning. Soon Shannon finds himself living a life he never dreamed possible. In a ruined city trying to rebuild, he finds work as a carpenter and a wood carver. He meets the beautiful Teresa Grey and for the first time falls in love with the sort of woman who could make him a better man. It seems too good to be true—and it is. It turns out this ruined city is crawling with corruption. There are crooked politicians, gangsters, dirty cops everywhere—and, for some reason he doesn&’t understand, all of them seem to want Shannon dead . . . &“Klavan builds slow-burning tension like nobody&’s business, and Shannon&’s struggle to redeem himself is powerful and compelling.&” —Booklist

The Identity Of Yeats

by Richard Ellmann

This classic study of Yeats' verse examines the poet's development of theme, symbol, style, and pattern. Through his knowledge of Yeats' life as well as his published and unpublished work, Ellmann recreates Yeats' ways of thinking, seeing, and writing and clarifies his difficult poems.

Identity Revealed

by Carolyn Keene

IDENTITY REVEALED My online sleuthing has led my friends and me down the Internet rabbit hole. After joining BetterLife, an online community, to try to stop a case of cyberbullying from the inside, the bullies turned on me. And now I'm close to revealing their true identities in real, off-line life. All the clues I've found have pointed me in one direction, but is it a false trail? Before I can expose the madmen behind the mayhem, I need to be absolutely sure that they're the ones wreaking havoc all over BetterLife. But how can I be sure when nothing on the Internet is as it seems? Catching this crook might be more difficult than even I anticipated!

Identity Theft

by Anna Davies

Hayley is going to have the best year ever. After years of careful planning, she's ready to serve as student council president AND editor-in-chief of the newspaper. Ivy League, here she comes! However, just before student council elections, someone creates a fake facebook profile for Hayley and starts posting inappropriate photos and incriminating updates. It must be the work of a highly skilled Photoshopper, but the attention to detail is scary. The embarrassing photos of "Hayley" in her bathing suit reveal a birthmark on her back--a birth mark Hayley has never shown in public. . . . The situation escalates until Hayley's mother reveals some shocking information. Hayley isn't an only child: She has a twin sister who was adopted by a different family. And that's not all. Soon, Hayley discovers that her long-lost sister isn't just playing a prank--she's plotting to take over Hayley's life . . . by any means necessary.

Identity Theft: Book Two in the Identity Mystery Trilogy

by Carolyn Keene

With George and Bess's help, I joined the online group BetterLife to unmask the identities of some nasty cyberbullies who were harassing a friend of Bess's sister online. Little did I know that my sleuthing would lead me into even more trouble! Now the cyberbullies are after me. Someone has hacked into my BetterLife account and manipulated my avatar to do things I would never do in real life. Now this case is personal. My friends and I need to do some major cybersleuthing to identify the bullies before it's too late!

Identity Unknown (Northern Border Patrol #5)

by Terri Reed

MISSING MEMORIES When a John Doe washes up on the shores of Calico Bay, no one knows who he is-including him. But one thing's instantly clear to deputy sheriff Audrey Martin: the man's marked for murder. And she's the only one who can protect him from the assassins who lurk at every turn. The arrival of a team of men claiming he's Canadian Border Services officer Nathanial Longhorn only further complicates the matter. As his memories slowly start drifting back, Nathanial's determined to work with Audrey to uncover who wants him dead and why. But he's tangled in something that threatens to submerge them both. And unless Audrey can help him figure out what, this Christmas might be their last.

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