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Indigo: A Novel

by Christopher Golden Charlaine Harris Kelley Armstrong Jonathan Maberry

In a brilliant collaboration by New York Times and critically acclaimed coauthors Charlaine Harris, Christopher Golden, Kelley Armstrong, Jonathan Maberry, Kat Richardson, Seanan McGuire, Tim Lebbon, Cherie Priest, James A. Moore, and Mark Morris join forces to bring you a crime-solving novel like you’ve never read before. Investigative reporter Nora Hesper spends her nights cloaked in shadows. As Indigo, she’s become an urban myth, a brutal vigilante who can forge darkness into weapons and travel across the city by slipping from one patch of shadow to another. Her primary focus both as Nora and as Indigo has become a murderous criminal cult called the Children of Phonos. Children are being murdered in New York, and Nora is determined to make it stop, even if that means Indigo must eliminate every member. But in the aftermath of a bloody battle, a dying cultist makes claims that cause Indigo to question her own origin and memories. Nora’s parents were killed when she was nineteen years old. She took the life insurance money and went off to explore the world, leading to her becoming a student of meditation and strange magic in a mountaintop monastery in Nepal…a history that many would realize sounds suspiciously like the origins of several comic book characters. As Nora starts to pick apart her memory, it begins to unravel. Her parents are dead, but the rest is a series of lies. Where did she get the power inside her?

Indigo Donut

by Patrice Lawrence

The breathtaking second book from the author of Orangeboy, winner of the Waterstones Children's Book Prize for Older Readers, the YA Book Prize, the CrimeFest award, and shortlisted for the Costa Book Award .Praise for Orangeboy:"A truly brilliant book." Malorie Blackman"Incredible book. Thank you Patrice Lawrence for such a fresh and riveting piece of fiction." Ben Bailey Smith (Doc Brown)Seventeen-year-old Indigo has had a tough start in life, having grown up in the care system after her dad killed her mum. Bailey, also seventeen, lives with his parents in Hackney and spends all his time playing guitar or tending to his luscious ginger afro. When Indigo and Bailey meet at sixth form, serious sparks fly. But when Bailey becomes the target of a homeless man who seems to know more about Indigo than is normal, Bailey is forced to make a choice he should never have to make. A life-affirming story about falling in love and everyone's need to belong.

Indigo Donut (Black Stories Matter)

by Patrice Lawrence

The breathtaking second book from the author of Orangeboy, shortlisted for the Costa Book Award 2016.Bailey is 17, mixed race, lives with his mum and dad in Hackney and spends all his time playing guitar or tending to his luscious ginger afro. Indigo is 17 and newly returned to London, having grown up in the care system after being found by her mum's dead body as a toddler. All Indigo wants is to know who she really is. When Bailey and Indigo meet at sixth form, sparks fly. But when Bailey becomes the target of a homeless man who seems to know more about Indigo than is normal, Bailey is forced to make a choice he should never have to make. A life-affirming story about falling in love and everyone's need to belong.(P) 2017 Hodder Children's Books

Indigo Dying (China Bayles #11)

by Susan Wittig Albert

China Bayles heads to the tiny town of Indigo, Texas, to teach a Colors to Dye For workshop. But she quickly discovers that Indigo is a town with more than its share of dark secrets-secrets that someone thinks are worth killing to keep.

The Indigo Ghosts (A Gabriel Tavener Mystery #3)

by Alys Clare

October, 1604. Former ship’s surgeon turned country physician Gabriel Taverner is surprised to receive an urgent summons from his old naval captain. Now docked in Plymouth harbour, having just returned from the Caribbean, Captain Colt is convinced his ship is haunted by an evil spirit, and has asked Gabriel to investigate. Dismissive of the crew’s wild talk of mysterious blue-skinned ghosts, Gabriel is convinced there must be a rational explanation behind the mass hallucinations. But matters take a disturbing turn when he and the captain discover a body hidden behind one of the bulkheads. Calling on his friend, Coroner Theophilus Davey, for help, piece by piece Gabriel uncovers a terrifying tale of treachery, dark magic, unimaginable cruelty - and cold-blooded murder.

The Indigo Necklace

by Frances Kirkwood Crane

LIEUTENANT PAT ABBOTT and his lovable but slightly rattle-brained wife, Jean, have become about the most popular couple in murder fiction today. In The Indigo Necklace, Frances Crane takes them to New Orleans, where a huge wartime population has overflowed into the famous French quarter, steeped in tradition and old-world ceremony. When murder is done amidst these incongruous elements, it takes ingenious sleuthing indeed to unravel the crime!Pat Abbott and his Jean are paying guests of a proud old Creole family, luxuriating in the charm of their surroundings, when Jean discovers a body at her very doorstep. Before the Lieutenant unmasks the murderer, the Abbotts meet a fascinating array of aristocrats and scoundrels, including a police chief, drawn from life, who will become a permanent member of the Abbott troupe.

Indigo Slam (Cole & Pike #7)

by Robert Crais

Fifteen-year-old Teri Hewitt has been left holding the babies since her dad disappeared without trace. She wants LA private eye Elvis Cole to find him, and although he knows he should refuse and hand it over to social services, he finds himself taking on the case. The search reveals a chronically unemployed drug addict caught up in counterfeiting scams and mixed up with the Russian mafia and Vietnamese gunmen. As the action heads towards a gunfight in Disneyland and Cole dodges his almost-girlfriend's ex-husband, he realises Teri is one whole lot of trouble he should have left to the professionals.

Indigo Slam (Cole & Pike #7)

by Robert Crais

Fifteen-year-old Teri Hewitt has been left holding the babies since her dad disappeared without trace. She wants LA private eye Elvis Cole to find him and although he knows he should refuse and hand it over to social services, he finds himself taking on the case.The search reveals a chronically unemployed drug addict caught up in counterfeiting scams and mixed up with the Russian mafia and Vietnamese gunmen. As the action heads towards a gunfight in Disneyland and Cole dodges his almost-girlfriend's ex-husband, he realises Teri is one whole lot of trouble he should have left to the professionals.Read by David Stuart(p) 1997 Brilliance Audio

Indigo Slam: An Elvis Cole Novel (Elvis Cole #7)

by Robert Crais

Available for the first time as an ebook!Life in the California sun suits Elvis Cole--until the day a fifteen-year-old girl and her two younger siblings walk into his office. Then everything changes.Three years ago, a Seattle family ran for their lives in a hail of bullets. Hired by three kids to find their missing father, Elvis now must pick up the cold pieces of a drama that began that night. What he finds is a sordid tale of high crimes and illicit drugs. As clues to a man's secret life emerge from the shadows, Elvis knows he's not just up against ruthless mobsters and some very angry Feds. He's facing a storm of desperation and conspiracy--bearing down on three children whose only crime was their survival...

Indira (Indira Ramos #Volumen 3)

by Santiago Díaz

Indira Ramos en la mayor encrucijada de su carrera. «Thrillers de los de taquicardia».Juan Carlos Galindo, El País Para la inspectora Indira Ramos ha sido un año repleto de sucesos: cazó a un monstruo al que todo el mundo daba por muerto, perdió a uno de sus mejores agentes en un desgraciado accidente y tuvo que elegir entre los dos hombres de su vida. Pero, cuando todo parecía haber vuelto a la normalidad y se presentaba ante ella una etapa tranquila, la vida se empeña en ponerle las cosas más difíciles que nunca y tendrá que enfrentarse, junto al inspector Iván Moreno, a un caso que les unirá o les separará para siempre. Su equipo -ahora compuesto por la subinspectora María Ortega, por una agente Lucía Navarro más taciturna de lo habitual tras su rehabilitación y por Jotadé, un oficial de origen gitano de métodos poco ortodoxos pero efectivos que pondrá patas arriba la vida de sus compañeros- tiene que investigar el hallazgo de varios cadáveres en un solar en construcción. Nada parece unir a las víctimas y solo investigando su pasado podrán entender por qué les han ido matando uno a uno. «No dejéis de leerlo».Juan Gómez-Jurado «Brillante».Carmen Mola «Espectacular».Mikel Santiago «Magistral».César Pérez Gellida «Santiago Díaz se ha convertido en un autor de referencia para lectores, libreros y críticos. Sus más exitosos colegas —Alexis Ravelo, Carmen Mola, Luis Roso, Susana Martín Gijón, César Pérez Gellida...— lo han reconocido como un par y se han rendido a su talento. Y ya hay quienes le señalan como uno de los referentes dentro de la actual novela negra española. Se trata de un renovador que sorprende marcando nuevas reglas para un género que sigue al alza gracias a autores como él».Hermenegildo Verdugo, Todo Literatura


by Laura Parker

She was running from her past. When Andrea Uchello picked up the wrong briefcase at an airport's baggage claim, the bonded courier found herself nose to nose with Federal Agent Victor Mondragon. Could she convince her attractive captor that she was a victim-not villainess-before he realized she was living under an assumed name? Was he about to catch her? Victor didn't mind losing his heart to a woman- but he'd lose his badge if his sexy suspect wasn't innocent. When he began to discover the startling truth about her, he wondered if her seductive airs were calculated to keep him quiet. Or if she was really falling in love with the one man who could destroy her.


by Elizabeth Adler

The Haven Women--born into Hollywood sin and scandal, they inherited their mother's passion. . . Venetian, Paris, India-three beautiful women, each named for the city or country in which she'd been conceived, each driven by passionate needs for success and love. Raised apart, their past bound by one extraordinary woman-the legendary Jenny Haven. She gave them life. She gave them everything they needed to "make it. " then-suddenly, mysteriously-she was gone, leaving them only a tangled web o...

Indiscrezioni Bollenti

by Roxy Sinclaire

Luke In Irlanda ero un mercenario o un terrorista, in base a come la si vedeva. Mi ero lasciato tutto alle spalle, ma le mie uniche capacità erano quelle apprese dal lato sbagliato della legge. A Greco piaceva questo di me. Forse gli ricordavo se stesso mentre si faceva strada nella mafia. Ero leale al mio Boss. Ero lì per proteggerlo ad ogni costo e contro ogni minaccia. Poi ho conosciuto LEI. Elda non era come le altre ragazze con cui ero stato. Il modo in cui si muoveva, il modo in cui camminava era diverso. Sapevo di doverla avere. Ma avrei dovuto sapere che tutti hanno un passato...quello che non mi aspettavo era quanto i segreti di Elda fossero vicini ad entrambi. Elda Greco è mio padre. Non quello che mi ha cresciuta, ma quello biologico. Sono stata una gravidanza indesiderata, il risultato di una relazione che Greco avrebbe tenuto segreta a tutti i costi. Non sarei sopravvissuta se mia madre non si fosse nascosta. Ha messo me davanti a tutto ed è morta partorendomi perché sapeva che Greco l'avrebbe uccisa se fosse andata in ospedale. Da quando l'ho scoperto, sapevo che avrei vendicato la sua morte. Mi sono allenata per anni per essere a questo livello. Greco ha il meglio per la sua protezione. Avevo solo bisogno del momento giusto per fargliela pagare. Ma poi ho incontrato Luke. Un uomo dai segreti profondi e logoranti quanto il mio. Il destino è una stronza capricciosa. Ma io avrò la mia vendetta su Greco e avrò Luke. I segreti possono andare a fan*ulo. Questo è il primo libro della serie Omertà. Si tratta di un romanzo dark mafia. NON ci sono imbrogli, NIENTE suspense e lieto fine garantito!

Indivisa manent (Versos, canciones y trocitos de carne #Volumen [S)

by César Pérez Gellida

Profundiza en el germen de «Versos, canciones y trocitos de carne» en este spin off escrito al más puro estilo Gellida. A Augusto Ledesma le invade la imperiosa necesidad de escribir el primer capítulo de su obra. <p><p>Vive junto al protagonista de la trilogía que ha atrapado a los lectores de novela negra del país las horas previas al encuentro con Afrodita, su primera víctima. Aviso importante:Este relato contiene información trascendental que podría desvelar información fundamental de la trama. Solo apto para lectores que hayan terminado de leer el segundo volumen de la trilogía, Dies irae.

Indivisible: A Novel

by Kristen Heitzmann

From the bestselling author of the Rush of Wings series comes a fast-paced, suspenseful tale of separation, longing, and unity that explosively examines the balance between light and dark.

Indomabile: Trilogia della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, Volume 1

by Marion Kummerow

Berlino, Germania 1932. In un periodo di tensioni e conflitti politici, un uomo trova il coraggio di battersi… Il Dottor Wilhelm "Q” Quedlin, ingegnere chimico e inventore, vive per la scienza. Una donna non rientra nei suoi programmi e tantomeno essere accusato di spionaggio industriale. Le cose tuttavia prendono una brutta piega. Osservare l’ascesa di Hitler al potere non fa che accrescere il suo desiderio di evitare un’altra guerra che distruggerebbe completamente il suo amato paese. Q prende coscientemente la decisione di combattere contro ciò che sa essere sbagliato, anche se opporsi ai nazisti potrebbe significare morte certa per lui e per chi ama. Hilde Dremmer aveva giurato che non avrebbe più amato. Tuttavia, dopo avere incontrato Q, vuole dare all’amore una seconda possibilità. Quando Q le rivela il suo piano di resistenza, sta a Hilde scegliere tra la sua vita tranquilla senza di lui, oppure la costante minaccia di tortura qualora lo avesse sostenuto nella sua battaglia contro le ingiustizie. Lei ha già assistito a un numero sufficiente di atti violenti del governo nazista, tanto da essere atterrita dal nuovo potere politico, ma ciò sarà sufficiente perché una ragazza comune si comporti in modo straordinario e resti vicino all’uomo che ama in un momento di totale desolazione? Questa spy story al tempo della Seconda Guerra Mondiale si basa sugli eventi reali che videro una coppia combattere per la propria felicità e al contempo lottare contro i propri governanti.

The Indomitable Miss Harris

by Amanda Scott

A rivalry erupts into passion in Regency LondonMiss Gillian Harris&’s trouble begins when she makes a scandalous appearance at a public masquerade ball. The trustee of her fortune, the wealthy and powerful Marquis of Landover, declares her brother, Sir Avery, an irresponsible guardian, and moves the siblings into his own fashionable London mansion. Chafing at the Marquis&’s careful monitoring of her conduct, the audacious Gillian devises an inspired plan: She will distract her watchful protector by presenting him with suitable candidates for courtship. But, despite her best efforts at matchmaking, the fires of jealousy begin to grow and Gillian fears she might succumb to a much more scandalous temptation: seducing the handsome Marquis herself . . .

Induced Suicides

by Rachel Christina Hopkinson Gemma Herrero Virto

A young woman jumps from the Salve Bridge after receiving a call on her mobile phone. Although the case is initially closed as a suicide, all of the alarm bells start ringing for the young Ertzaintza medical examiner, Natalia Egaña, when new deaths begin tying in with this first mystery. What is causing apparently normal and happy young women to run towards their death with a smile on their lips? A new adventure for the characters from Charon’s Net, Induced Suicides is as exciting and frenetic as its predecessor. Do you dare to accompany them in a new case?

Indulgence in Death (In Death #31)

by J. D. Robb

An indulgence for readers: the new Eve Dallas novel from the #1 New York Times-bestselling author. First it was a limo driver shot through the neck with a crossbow. Then it was a high-priced escort found stabbed through the heart with a bayonet. Random hits, thrill kills, murderers with a taste for the finer things in life--and death--are making NYPSD Lieutenant Eve Dallas angry. And an angry Eve can be just as an efficient and dangerous predator as the killer. As time runs out on another innocent victim's life, Eve's investigation will take her into the rarefied circle that her husband, Roarke, travels in--and into the perverted heart of madness. . .

Indulgence In Death (In Death #31)

by J. D. Robb

It's playing more and more like it was for the thrill. Just for the rush. And if that's the way it is, he's already looking for the next thrill.'First it was a limo driver shot through the neck with a crossbow. Then it was a high-priced escort found stabbed through the heart with a bayonet. Random hits, thrill kills, and murderers with a taste for the finer things in life - and death - are making NYPSD Lieutenant Eve Dallas angry. And an angry Eve can be just as an efficient and dangerous predator as the killer. As time runs out on another innocent victim's life, Eve's investigation will take her into the rarefied circle that her lover Roarke travels in - and into the perverted heart of madness . . .

Industrial Evolution: Number 137 in Series (The Destroyer #137)

by Richard Sapir Warren Murphy

Guess who's coming to dinner?Take a couple of techno-geniuses on the wrong side of the law, add a politician so corrupt his quest for the presidency is quite promising, then throw in a secret civilization of freaky, subterranean dwellers who haven't seen daylight in a long time - it all adds up to one big pain for Remo.It's not as if he doesn't have enough problems with Chiun or with CURE yanking his chain at every turn. But a diabolical father-son team of uber-inventors are now self-styled gods of the Mole People, turning a network of abandoned mines into an underground city -thanks to an army of albino cannibals and truckloads of unsuspecting slave labour from terra firma. Sure, the Destroyer has taken on fetid, flesh-eating monsters and smart-ass psychos before, but now there's a bigger threat looming within the House of Sinanju -something impossible, unthinkable. . . and disastrously real.Breathlessly action-packed and boasting a winning combination of thrills, humour and mysticism, the Destroyer is one of the bestselling series of all time.

Industrial Magic: Book 4 in the Women of the Otherworld Series (Otherworld #4)

by Kelley Armstrong

'Breakneck action . . . intense sensuality and considerable humor.' - Publishers Weekly'Paranormal and show-business power struggles make for hard-to-put-down entertainment.' - BooklistAfter Paige Winterbourne is ousted as leader of the American Coven of Witches, all she wants to do is hide under her duvet for a few months. Let the supernatural world manage without her, see if she cares... But fate, of course, has other plans. A murderer is on the loose - someone with superhuman skills. When Paige learns that the killer is targeting children, she realises she has to get involved in the covert investigation. And so Paige - desperate to protect those she loves - is thrown into a world of arrogant Cabal leaders, drunken necromancers, sulky druid gods and pretentious leather-clad vampires. Luckily, she has a female werewolf and a certain renegade sorcerer on her side...Another fast-paced, wildly entertaining supernatural thriller from the author of Bitten, Stolen, and Dime Store Magic.Books by Kelley Armstrong: Women of the Otherworld series Bitten Stolen Dime Store Magic Industrial Magic Haunted Broken No Humans Involved Personal Demon Living with the Dead Frost Bitten Walking the Witch Spellbound Thirteen Nadia Stafford Exit Strategy Made to be Broken Wild JusticeRocktonCity of the LostA Darkness AbsoluteThis Fallen PreyWatcher in the WoodsAlone in the Wild Darkest Powers The Summoning The Awakening The Reckoning Otherworld Tales Men of the Otherworld Tales of the Otherworld Otherworld Nights Otherworld Secrets Otherworld Chills Darkness Rising The Gathering The Calling The Rising Cainsville Omens Visions Deceptions Betrayals Rituals

Industrial Magic: Book 4 in the Women of the Otherworld Series (Otherworld #4)

by Kelley Armstrong

'Breakneck action . . . intense sensuality and considerable humor.' - Publishers Weekly'Paranormal and show-business power struggles make for hard-to-put-down entertainment.' - BooklistAfter Paige Winterbourne is ousted as leader of the American Coven of Witches, all she wants to do is hide under her duvet for a few months. Let the supernatural world manage without her, see if she cares... But fate, of course, has other plans. A murderer is on the loose - someone with superhuman skills. When Paige learns that the killer is targeting children, she realises she has to get involved in the covert investigation. And so Paige - desperate to protect those she loves - is thrown into a world of arrogant Cabal leaders, drunken necromancers, sulky druid gods and pretentious leather-clad vampires. Luckily, she has a female werewolf and a certain renegade sorcerer on her side...Another fast-paced, wildly entertaining supernatural thriller from the author of Bitten, Stolen, and Dime Store Magic.Books by Kelley Armstrong:Women of the Otherworld seriesBittenStolenDime Store MagicIndustrial MagicHauntedBrokenNo Humans InvolvedPersonal DemonLiving with the DeadFrost BittenWalking the WitchSpellboundThirteenNadia StaffordExit StrategyMade to be BrokenWild JusticeRocktonCity of the LostA Darkness AbsoluteThis Fallen PreyWatcher in the WoodsAlone in the WildDarkest PowersThe SummoningThe AwakeningThe ReckoningOtherworld TalesMen of the OtherworldTales of the OtherworldOtherworld NightsOtherworld SecretsOtherworld ChillsDarkness RisingThe GatheringThe CallingThe RisingCainsvilleOmensVisionsDeceptionsBetrayalsRituals

Inesperadamente En Orion Lake

by Luca Bonardi Ana García García

Un verano que para tres amigos, jóvenes estudiantes estadounidenses de Biología, debería haber sido como tantos otros. Incluso mejor. Unas vacaciones de estudio en el Sequoia National Park, en California, donde se unirían a numerosos universitarios provenientes de diversas ciudades del país. Desde Scottsdale, Arizona, habían calculado que tendrían por delante unas 570 millas de recorrido dividido en dos etapas por lo menos, atravesando desiertos y ciudades, algunas de las cuales, abandonadas.Sin embargo, pequeños imprevistos pueden ocurrir durante un viaje, interfiriendo en el curso natural de los acontecimientos.Salirse del programa inicial obligados por un problema con los frenos del coche en el que viajan, les permitirá encontrarse con gente nueva y descubrir aspectos poco conocidos de la psicología humana.Los protagonistas encontrarán refugio en una ciudad semidesierta, Orion Lake, donde alquilarán una casa a un lugareño. Pero la sospecha de haber cometido un error al quedarse en esa localidad crecerá en cada uno de ellos a medida que avanza la noche...

Inestimable (Périlleux #3)

by Tamara Hart Heiner

Cela fait deux ans que Jaci et ses amis ont été kidnappés par The Hand et se sont finalement échappés. Jaci a fait de son mieux pour se réintégérer dans la société du lycée, pour mettre cette expérience terrifiante derrière elle. En tant que coureuse de l’équipe de cross-country et presque petite amie d’une star du football populaire, il semble que son avenir se soit enfin mis en place. Quand une série de notes étranges et inoffensives commencent à apparaître chez elle et dans son casier, Jaci suppose que son frère lui fait des blagues. Mais au fur et à mesure que les notes deviennent plus sinistres, elle commence à s’interroger sur leur origine. Au moment où elle soupçonne que ses anciens ravisseurs sont impliqués, trop de choses sont en jeu pour s’attaquer seule à ce problème. D’une manière ou d’une autre, Jaci doit éviter la capture sans impliquer sa famille ou mettre en danger ses amis.

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