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Showing 46,026 through 46,050 of 90,433 results

The Lanimer Bride

by Pat Mcintosh

How could the heavily-pregnant bride of the lanimer-man vanish into thin air? Young Mistress Audrey Madur is missing and her husband, responsible for maintaining boundaries and overseeing land use in the burgh of Lanark, is strangely reluctant to search for her. Gil Cunningham, answering the frantic appeal of Audrey's mother, finds himself searching the burgh and the lands round about, questioning family and neighbours. He and Alys uncover disagreements, feuds, adultery and murder, and encounter once again the flamboyant French lady Olympe Archibecque, who is not at all what she seems. And then another lady goes missing . . .

L'aniversari secret

by Kate Morton

Una gran novel·la de l'autora d'El jardí oblidat. 1959En un dia calorós d'estiu, mentre la resta de la família fa un pícnic a la vora del rierol de la seva granja, a Suffolk, una adolescent s'amaga a la caseta de l'arbre de la seva infantesa. Des d'allà, la Laurel fantasieja sobre un noi anomenat Billy, una fugida a Londres i un futur esplèndid que ella espera amb ànsia. Però res és tan senzill, abans que aquella tarda idíl·lica s'acabi, la Laurel serà testimoni d'un crim aterridor que ho canviarà tot. 2011Convertida ja en una actriu cèlebre, la Laurel viu envoltada de les ombres del seu passat. Els records i el misteri del que va veure aquell dia, l'assetgen de tal manera que torna a la casa familiar per començar a desxifrar cada racó de la seva memòria a la recerca de la veritable història. Una història de tres desconeguts amb uns orígens molt diferents (Dorothy, Vivien i Jimmy) que coincideixen en el Londres dels anys de la Segona Guerra Mundial, i les vides dels quals quedaran unides de forma funesta i inexorable. Alternant els anys trenta, els cinquanta i el present, L'aniversari secret és un relat fascinant de misteris i silencis, falsedats i enganys, d'un assassinat i d'un amor indestructible. Ressenyes:«Un enigmàtic drama familiar en el qual s'exploren els secrets de joventut d'una mare, que ressorgeixen d'una manera impressionant quan la seva filla és testimoni d'un crim inesperat. Kate Morton, una narradora magistral de prosa immaculada, indaga amb destresa en les incògnites eternes de l'amor, la traïció i la reconciliació».María Dueñas «El retorn de Kate Morton no podia haver estat més satisfactori. L'autora fa gala de nou de l'estil que li va reportar l'èxit ambEl jardí oblidat, per regalar-nos una història addictiva i sorprenent.»Bloc De todo un poco «L'aniversari secret és una historia fascinant sobre els errors, les segones oportunitats, la redempció, l'amor i la frustració. Amb voltes i sorpreses constants, la novel·la ens transporta a través de diferents èpoques mentre assistim a una successió d'episodis marcats per l'odi, la venjança, les obsessions, la passió, els malentesos, les traïcions, la tragèdia i, per sobre de tot, els capricis del destí.»Bloc Me gustan los libros «A través d'una prosa intensa, dinàmica, neta, extremadament cuidada i molt visual, L'aniversari secret s'endinsa en aquesta zona fosca de l'ésser humà on s'amaguen les pors i les ambicions que porten a comportaments inexplicables, de vegades extrems. Una història de segones oportunitats amb la que Morton aconsegueix indagar en aquesta capacitat que té la memòria per jugar amb un mateix fins a enganyar-lo.»

Lanny: A Novel

by Max Porter

From the award-winning author of Grief is the Thing with Feathers comes a dark, playful, propulsive novel about an ethereal young boy who attracts the attention of a mythical, menacing force.There's a village an hour from London. It's no different from many others today: one pub, one church, red-brick cottages, some public housing, and a few larger houses dotted about. Voices rise up, as they might anywhere, speaking of loving and needing and working and dying and walking the dogs. This village belongs to the people who live in it, to the land and to the land's past. It also belongs to Dead Papa Toothwort, a fabled figure local schoolchildren used to draw green and leafy, choked by tendrils growing out of his mouth, who awakens after a glorious nap. He is listening to this twenty-first-century village, to its symphony of talk: drunken confessions, gossip traded on the street corner, fretful conversations in living rooms. He is listening, intently, for a mischievous, enchanting boy whose parents have recently made the village their home. Lanny. With Lanny, Max Porter extends the potent and magical space he created in Grief Is the Thing with Feathers. This brilliant novel will enrapture readers with its anarchic energy, with its bewitching tapestry of fabulism and domestic drama. Lanny is a ringing defense of creativity, spirit, and the generative forces that often seem under assault in the contemporary world, and it solidifies Porter's reputation as one of the most daring and sensitive writers of his generation.

The Lanny Budd Novels: World's End, Between Two Worlds, and Dragon's Teeth (The Lanny Budd Novels #2)

by Upton Sinclair

Upton Sinclair's Pulitzer Prize-winning series of historical novels brings the first half of the twentieth century dramatically to life. In World's End, the gathering storm clouds of World War I burst over Europe, forcing Lanning "Lanny" Budd, the young son of an American arms dealer, to put the innocence of youth behind him; his language skills and talent for decoding messages are in high demand. At his father's side, Lanny meets many important political and military figures, learns about the myriad causes of the conflict, and closely follows the war's progress. When the bloody hostilities conclude, Lanny joins the Paris Peace Conference as the assistant to a geographer asked by President Woodrow Wilson to redraw the map of Europe. From the rise of Fascism in Europe to the stock market crash on Wall Street, Between Two Worlds captures the drama, intrigue, and excitement of the Roaring Twenties. At the start of his career as an international art dealer, Lanny travels to Italy and witnesses the brutal charisma of Benito Mussolini. Meanwhile, in Germany, the failed Beer Hall Putsch led by Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party strikes an ominous note, foreshadowing the devastation to come. After two star-crossed love affairs, Lanny marries a wealthy heiress and chooses the United States with its booming economy as their home. But neither he nor those he loves can predict the financial disaster that will bring a decade of prosperity to an abrupt close. Winner of the 1943 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, Dragon's Teeth brilliantly captures the nightmarish march toward the Second World War. In Germany to visit relatives, Lanny encounters a disturbing atmosphere of hatred and jingoism stoked by the Nazi Party and meets the group's fanatical leader, Adolf Hitler. But Lanny's gravest fear is the threat to his Jewish friends and family--a threat that impels him to risk his wealth, his future, and even his life in a courageous attempt to rescue his loved ones from a terrible fate. An astonishing mix of history, adventure, and romance, the Lanny Budd Novels are a testament to the breathtaking scope of Upton Sinclair's vision and his singular talents as a storyteller.

The Lanny Budd Novels Volume Two: Wide Is the Gate, Presidential Agent, and Dragon Harvest (The Lanny Budd Novels)

by Upton Sinclair

Books four through six in the Pulitzer Prize–winning series of historical novels following the adventures of a brilliant spy in the first half of the twentieth century. An ambitious and entertaining mix of history, adventure, and romance, Upton Sinclair’s Pulitzer Prize–winning Lanny Budd novels are a testament to the breathtaking scope of the author’s vision and his singular talents as a storyteller. “Few works of fiction are more fun to read; fewer still make history half as clear, or as human” (Time). In these three novels, as the threat of Nazism grows in the 1930s, Lanny progresses from international art dealer to international spy. Wide Is the Gate: When his arms dealer father strikes a business agreement with Hermann Göring, Lanny uses the opportunity and his art world reputation to move easily among the Nazi high command and gather valuable information he can transmit back to those who are dedicated to the destruction of Nazism and Fascism. He’s playing a dangerous—albeit necessary—game, which will carry him from Germany to Spain on a life-and-death mission on the eve of the Spanish Civil War. The Presidential Agent: In 1937, Lanny’s boss from the Paris Peace Conference—now one of Roosevelt’s top advisors—connects him to the president. Appointed Presidential Agent 103, he embarks on a secret assignment that takes him back into the Third Reich as the Allied powers prepare to cede Czechoslovakia to Adolf Hitler in a futile attempt to avoid war. But Lanny’s motivations are not just political: The woman he loves has fallen into the brutal hands of the Gestapo, and Lanny will risk everything to save her. Dragon Harvest: Lanny has earned the trust of Adolf Hitler and his inner circle, who are convinced the American art dealer is a “true believer” committed to their Fascist cause. But when Roosevelt’s secret agent learns of the Führer’s plans for conquest, his dire warnings to Neville Chamberlain and other reluctant European leaders fall on deaf ears. The bitter seeds sown decades earlier with the Treaty of Versailles are now bearing fruit, and there will be no stopping the Nazi war machine as it rolls relentlessly on toward Paris.

The Lantern

by Deborah Lawrenson

A modern gothic novel of love, secrets, and murder-set against the lush backdrop of Provence Meeting Dom was the most incredible thing that had ever happened to me. When Eve falls for the secretive, charming Dom in Switzerland, their whirlwind relationship leads them to Les GenÉvriers, an abandoned house set among the fragrant lavender fields of the South of France. Each enchanting day delivers happy discoveries: hidden chambers, secret vaults, a beautiful wrought-iron lantern. Deeply in love and surrounded by music, books, and the heady summer scents of the French countryside, Eve has never felt more alive. But with autumn's arrival the days begin to cool, and so, too, does Dom. Though Eve knows he bears the emotional scars of a failed marriage-one he refuses to talk about-his silence arouses suspicion and uncertainty. The more reticent Dom is to explain, the more Eve becomes obsessed with finding answers-and with unraveling the mystery of his absent, beautiful ex-wife, Rachel. Like its owner, Les GenÉvriers is also changing. Bright, warm rooms have turned cold and uninviting; shadows now fall unexpectedly; and Eve senses a presence moving through the garden. Is it a ghost from the past or a manifestation of her current troubles with Dom? Can she trust Dom, or could her life be in danger? Eve does not know that Les GenÉvriers has been haunted before. BÉnÉdicte Lincel, the house's former owner, thrived as a young girl within the rich elements of the landscape: the violets hidden in the woodland, the warm wind through the almond trees. She knew the bitter taste of heartbreak and tragedy-long-buried family secrets and evil deeds that, once unearthed, will hold shocking and unexpected consequences for Eve.

Lantern for the Dark

by Jessica Stirling

A Dickensian novel of life in eighteenth-century Scotland chronicles the ordeal of a young mother on trial for murdering her own son. Claire, an orphan with an uncertain future working as a servant for wealthy, distant relatives, is unlucky in trusting a charming but deceitful ne'er do well. Loaded with historic details and complex characters, this suspenseful novel is a combination of historical fiction, romance and legal thriller. It's unsettling ending leaves the reader anxious to dive into the next installment, Shadows on the Shore.

The Lantern Men: Dr Ruth Galloway Mysteries 12 (Ruth Galloway Mysteries #12)

by Elly Griffiths

Forensic archaeologist Ruth Galloway changed her life—until a convicted killer tells her that four of his victims were never found, drawing her back to the place she left behind.Everything has changed for Ruth Galloway. She has a new job, home, and partner, and she is no longer North Norfolk police&’s resident forensic archaeologist. That is, until convicted murderer Ivor March offers to make DCI Nelson a deal. Nelson was always sure that March killed more women than he was charged with. Now March confirms this and offers to show Nelson where the other bodies are buried—but only if Ruth will do the digging.Curious, but wary, Ruth agrees. March tells Ruth that he killed four more women and that their bodies are buried near a village bordering the fens, said to be haunted by the Lantern Men, mysterious figures holding lights that lure travelers to their deaths.Is Ivor March himself a lantern man, luring Ruth back to Norfolk? What is his plan, and why is she so crucial to it? And are the killings really over?

The Lantern Men: Dr Ruth Galloway Mysteries 12 (The Dr Ruth Galloway Mysteries #12)

by Elly Griffiths

'My favourite current series' Val McDermidEverything has changed for Dr Ruth Galloway. She has a new job, home and partner, and is no longer North Norfolk police's resident forensic archaeologist. That is, until convicted murderer Ivor March offers to make DCI Nelson a deal. Nelson was always sure that March killed more women than he was charged with. Now March confirms this, and offers to show Nelson where the other bodies are buried - but only if Ruth will do the digging.Curious, but wary, Ruth agrees. March tells Ruth that he killed four more women and that their bodies are buried near a village bordering the fens, said to be haunted by the Lantern Men, mysterious figures holding lights that lure travellers to their deaths. Is Ivor March himself a lantern man, luring Ruth back to Norfolk? What is his plan, and why is she so crucial to it? And are the killings really over?(P)2020 Quercus Editions Limited

The Lantern Men: Dr Ruth Galloway Mysteries 12 (The Dr Ruth Galloway Mysteries #12)

by Elly Griffiths

ACCLAIMED AND BESTSELLING REGIONAL CRIME FROM THE AUTHOR OF THE STRANGER DIARIES'My favourite current series' Val McDermid'Ruth Galloway is one of the most engaging characters in modern crime fiction' Kate Mosse'Elly Griffiths writes with a sharp, smart eye and great elegance' Peter JamesEverything has changed for Dr Ruth Galloway. She has a new job, home and partner, and is no longer North Norfolk police's resident forensic archaeologist. That is, until convicted murderer Ivor March offers to make DCI Nelson a deal. Nelson was always sure that March killed more women than he was charged with. Now March confirms this, and offers to show Nelson where the other bodies are buried - but only if Ruth will do the digging.Curious, but wary, Ruth agrees. March tells Ruth that he killed four more women and that their bodies are buried near a village bordering the fens, said to be haunted by the Lantern Men, mysterious figures holding lights that lure travellers to their deaths. Is Ivor March himself a lantern man, luring Ruth back to Norfolk? What is his plan, and why is she so crucial to it? And are the killings really over?

The Lantern Network

by Ted Allbeury

Routine surveillance, nothing special' - Commander Bailey's brief from Special Branch seems simple enough. But it leads to a sudden, bloody suicide. Piece-by-piece, Baily uncovers the history of a courageous special agent aiding the French Resistance during WWII. But the agent's loyalties are fatally divided. Thirty years on, in a quiet flat in south London, the final, tragic act of the drama takes place...THE LANTERN NETWORK is a gripping story of heroism and betrayal in Nazi-occupied France from a genuine craftsman of the thriller genre.'A grimly realistic story of patriotism, treachery and fierce courage of men and women who defy torture and death' - Daily Telegraph

Lantern Sam and the Blue Streak Bandits

by Michael D. Beil

Lantern Sam is the wise-cracking, sarcastic, talking cat (for those who can hear him, that is) who lives onboard the Lake Erie Shoreliner train and is one of the best detectives no one knows about. He doesn't have much patience for humans (unless they bring him sardines), but when 10-year-old traveler Henry can't find his new friend, the exuberant Ellie, Sam's enlisted to help. A ransom note is soon discovered and just like that, Sam and Henry are on the case, with the help of Clarence the Conductor (who supplies Sam's sardines). But is Ellie still on board the train? Did the salesman with his trunk full of samples sneak her off? And why does that couple keep acting so suspicious? Veteran middle-grade mystery author Michael D. Beil has crafted a hilarious and appealing adventure set in the 1930s that's chock-full of quirky characters, red herrings, and all with an irresistible cat at its center.

The Lantern's Dance: A novel of suspense featuring Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes (Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes #18)

by Laurie R. King

NATIONAL BESTSELLER • Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes, hoping for a respite in the French countryside, are instead caught up in a case that turns both bewildering and intensely personal.&“Deftly interlacing present and past, King offers further fascinating insights into Holmes&’s family while also delivering an intriguing mystery.&”—The Washington PostAfter their recent adventures in Transylvania, Russell and Holmes look forward to spending time with Holmes&’ son, the famous artist Damian Adler, and his family. But when they arrive at Damian&’s house, they discover that the Adlers have fled from a mysterious threat. Holmes rushes after Damian while Russell, slowed down by a recent injury, stays behind to search the empty house. In Damian&’s studio, she discovers four crates packed with memorabilia related to Holmes&’ granduncle, the artist Horace Vernet. It&’s an odd mix of treasures and clutter, including a tarnished silver lamp with a rotating shade: an antique yet sophisticated form of zoetrope, fitted with strips of paper whose images dance with the lantern&’s spin. In the same crate is an old journal written in a nearly impenetrable code. Intrigued, Russell sets about deciphering the intricate cryptograph, slowly realizing that each entry is built around an image—the first of which is a child, bundled into a carriage by an abductor, watching her mother recede from view. Russell is troubled, then entranced, but each entry she decodes brings more questions. Who is the young Indian woman who created this elaborate puzzle? What does she have to do with Damian, or the Vernets—or the threat hovering over the house? The secrets of the past appear to be reaching into the present. And it seems increasingly urgent that Russell figure out how the journal and lantern are related to Damian—and possibly to Sherlock Holmes himself. Could there be things about his own history that even the master detective does not perceive?

L'antre du Diable: Un thriller surnaturel captivant (Un thriller de Néphilim #1)

by Jeff Altabef

Mon nom est Steven Cabbott, et je suis un ancien espion avec un passé sombre. J'essaie de changer, mais certaines habitudes vous collent à la peau, et tuer est l'une de ces habitudes. •GAGNANT : Pinnacle Book Achievement Award - Meilleur thriller (été 2018) •GAGNANT : Readers' Favorite Book Award - Médaille de bronze : Fiction - Surnaturel (2019) •FINALISTE : Next Generation Indie Book Award - Paranormal (2019) J'ai récemment commencé à voir des démons et j'ai même dû en combattre quelques-uns. Je soupçonne que cela a quelque chose à voir avec ma mère qui est folle à lier. Elle a tué mon père quand j'étais jeune, prétendant qu'il était un démon. Je pensais qu'elle était folle. Maintenant, je n'en suis plus si sûr. Je suis rentré chez moi pour découvrir la vérité sur mon passé, quand mon ancien amour, Kate, m'a demandé de l'aide. Je n'avais pas eu de ses nouvelles depuis seize ans, mais je lui dois bien ça. Une secte mystérieuse a kidnappé sa fille adolescente, et je suis la seule chance qu'elle a de la récupérer. Ce qui semble être une simple affaire se transforme en un combat bien plus important entre la lumière et les ténèbres. Il semble que le paradis et l'enfer veuillent utiliser mes services, ce qui m'oblige à faire un choix plutôt difficile. Pour ne rien arranger, un ange déchu veut une relation romantique malsaine avec moi et n'accepte pas de refus. Du moins, c'est ce que je pense, mais pour être honnête, je n'ai qu'une vague prise sur la réalité pour le moment. Si vous aimez Jim Butcher, Michael Anderle, Shayne Silvers ou K.F. Breene, vous adorerez la série « Un thriller de Néphilim», acclamée par la critique. EVOLVED PUBLISHING PRÉSENTE un regard intriguant et passionnant sur une grande bataille entre le bien et le mal, qui pourrait mener à la fin des temps, avec le premier

La Lanza (El Proyecto #2)

by Alex Lukeman Jorge Ledezma Millán

En los últimos días de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la lanza que traspasó el costado de Cristo fue escondida por el líder nazi de las SS en las heladas tierras de la Antártida. Ahora ha sido recuperada, y una trama a largo plazo para conquistar a Estados Unidos desde adentro comienza a desarrollarse. El PROYECTO es un equipo pequeño y encubierto de agentes que solo informa al presidente. El equipo de EL PROYECTO es todo lo que se interpone en el camino de los hombres despiadados que pretenden establecer un Cuarto Reich y comenzar la próxima Guerra Mundial. Pero primero, deben detener a aquellos que ya ejercen el poder mortal de la Lanza.

El lápiz (Philip Marlowe #Volumen 0)

by Raymond Chandler

El último relato corto de Raymond Chandler destila violencia, lirismo y desesperación. Cuando la mafia tiene asuntos pendientes con alguien apunta su nombre en una lista negra y lo tacha con un lápiz; significa que pronto estará muerto. No se trata de una cruel y sangrienta venganza, sino de una forma como otra cualquiera de llevar su «contabilidad». A Ikky Rosenstein, un matón de Las Vegas hastiado de este estilo de vida, le han enviado lápiz. Sin saber a quién acudir, se presenta al despacho de Philip Marlowe implorándole que salve su vida. Con la ayuda de Anne Riordan, una mujer atormentada que no se cansa de esperar a que el detective se fije en ella, Marlowe localiza a los matones que persiguen a Rosenstein. Pero conseguir sacarlo de la ciudad será más difícil de lo que imaginaba. Marlowe no es consciente del peligro que corre hasta que él mismo recibe una caja con un lápiz afilado dentro... Reseña:«Hace cincuenta años que murió Raymond Chandler, pero nos queda Philip Marlowe, el héroe que más ha contribuido al éxito de la novela negra.»Le Monde

L’apocalissi di Wildermoor: libro primo Accolito

by Chris Tetreault-Blay

Lo avevano creato per dar vita a un nuovo mondo. Poi però tornò per distruggerlo. Nel 1684 la figlia di Franklin James, Evelyn, scompare di casa nel cuore della notte. Partiti alla sua ricerca, i soccorritori si spingono fino ai confini più segreti di Wildermoor, finendo direttamente nelle grinfie del Consiglio della Luce Eterna. Centinaia di anni dopo l’ispettore Truman Darke tenta in ogni modo di incastrare Colin Dexler, sospettato di aver commesso un inspiegabile omicidio di inaudita brutalità. Un altro delitto capovolgerà però le vite di entrambi. Diventato ora il principale sospettato, Truman fugge in cerca di risposte, scoprendo così tratti misteriosi e impensabili del suo passato e trovandosi ad affrontare un male oscuro rimasto in agguato nelle tenebre per oltre trecento anni.

Lara: Venderle el alma al diablo no es tan simple como parece

by Héctor Toledano

Lara es una novela que vuelve escalofriante conforme avanza su lectura y nos vemos obligados a reconocer en ella el lodazal inclemente en el que se ha convertido nuestro México de hoy. Héctor Toledano despliega con maestría el abanico de sus recursos literarios para darle cuerpo a lo que sólo puede revelarnos la profundidad del arte: los abismos escabrosos de la condición humana. Lara es una de las figuras centrales de la televisora más importante de México. Un intelectual refinado que abandonó sus aspiraciones literarias por el resplandor del periodismo televisivo cuando Rábago, la cabeza pensante detrás del poderoso Arámbula, vio en él el potencial para servir al consorcio. Justo cuando se siente a punto de alcanzar la cúspide, Lara cae en la cuenta de que sus actos han dejado de pertenecerle. El éxito se le revela como una nueva variante de la derrota y el impacto lo precipitahacia el interior de sí mismo, donde se pudren los residuos de un pasado inconfesable, de los que ha tratado de escapar su vida entera. La tormenta resultante pondrá todo su mundo de cabeza y lo obligará a concentrarse en un único objetivo primordial: sobrevivir en una realidad dominada por la violencia, la corrupción, la impunidad y la mentira, una realidad degradada y siniestra que refleja y alimenta los impulsos más oscuros de su propio ser.

Lara Croft: The Cradle of Life

by Dave Stern

The official novelization to the Paramount Pictures film. Within a long-lost temple Lara Croft discovers the key to the deadliest artifact of all time--the legendary Pandora's Box, which contains a lethal plague.

Larceny and Lace (Vintage Magic #2)

by Annette Blair

Madeira Cutler is busy opening her new vintage clothing store in what was once the town's morgue when she discovers an intruder snooping around a bunch of bones in a body drawer. Now, she'll have to dig up more than the past to solve a crime.

Larceny and Old Lace

by Tamar Myers

For Whom The Bell Pulls Tolls As owner of the Den of Antiquity, recently divorced(but never bitter!) Abigail Timberlake is accustomed to delving into the past, searching for losttreasures, and navigating the cutthroat world of rival dealers at flea marketsand auctions. Still, she never thought she'd be putting her expertise in mayhemand detection to other use -- until crotchety "junque" dealer, Abby's aunt Eulonia Wiggins, was found murdered! Although Abigail is puzzled by the instrument of death -- an exquisite antiquebell pull that Aunt Eulonia never would have had the taste to aquire -- she's willing to let the authorities find the culprit. But now, Auntie's priceless lace is missing,and somebody's threatened Abby's most priceless possession: her son, Charlie.It's up to Abby to put the murderer "on the block."

La larga marcha (Jet Ser.)

by Stephen King

Una inquietante novela futurista donde la realidad supera a la fantasía más terrorífica. El escenario: una sociedad ultraconservadora que ha llevado al paroxismo sus rasgos más perversos, dominada por un estado policial. El acontecimiento: la más extraordinaria competición deportiva, una agotadora marcha a pie donde un resbalón puede ser el último. Los competidores: cien adolescentes elegidos por sorteo decididos a pasar sobre los cadáveres de sus compañeros para llegar a la meta. El premio: fama y fortuna para el ganador, es decir, para el único superviviente... Solo uno será el triunfador.Los 99 restantes morirán.

L'argento Di Giuda

by Steven Savile Ivano Conte

UNO DEGLI EBOOK PIÙ VENDUTO DEL 2011 - THE BOOKSELLEROLTRE 75.000 COPIE VENDUTE PER TUTTO IL MONDO"C'è una piaga in arrivo... Per quaranta giorni e quaranta notti la paura attraverserà le strade. Coloro che hanno peccato, bruceranno. La morte inizia ora."Con questo messaggio da brivido, un'onda di terrore mai vista prima si scatena per le strade dell'Europa. Tredici martiri si danno fuoco vivi simultaneamente nelle tredici maggiori città europee.E questo è solo l'inizio.Un culto religioso chiamato i Seguaci di Giuda è sorto nel Medio Oriente. Distorcono le parole di antiche profezie per portare il terrore. Tutto ciò in si crede verrà annullato. Tutto ciò che si crede vero, sarà falso.Giorno dopo giorno l'Occidente si sveglia con atti di terrore in continuo aumento. Mentre la paura si diffonde nelle capitali europee, l'unica domanda è quale sarà la prossima a cadere? Londra? Roma? Berlino?In una lotta contro il tempo (credendo che i terroristi vogliano uccidere il Papa) il singolare team Special Ops di Sir Charles Wyndham, nome in codice Ogmios, percorre un labirinto per arrivare alla verità, ombre di verità e bugie bell'e buone che li porterà dalle strade di Londra all'ombra del Checkpoint Charlie di Berlino e dritti verso il cuore della Santa Sede."Con L'Argento di Giuda, Steven Savile consegna un'incredibile racconto d'azione, intrigo e suspense riuniti in una trama ripiena di segreti antichi e terrore moderno." - - Matt Hilton, autore dei thriller di Joe Hunter."L'Argento di Giuda è la migliore cosa da Il giorno dello sciacallo di Forsyth." - - Robert W. Walker, autore delle serie RANSOM e INSTINCT."L'argento di Giuda è un thriller formidabile. Savile non ha paragoni." - - Jeremy Duns, autore di FREE AGENT e FREE COUNTRY."Reminiscente di James Rollins e David Morrell." - - Joseph Nassise, autore in

Larger Than Death

by Lynne Murray

Meet Josephine Fuller, a queen-sized amateur sleuth out to tip the scales of justice. Introducing "Jo" Fuller, a woman who's full-figured, full of attitude and always ready to use her sizable sluething skills. Jo's just landed a new job as a philanthropic investigator, checking out potential charities for an eccentric socialite. But just as she gets her feet wet, Joe walks in on a terrible scene. Her best friend Nina - a clothing designer for large ladies - is lying dead in her own apartment. Could Nina be the latest victim of a killer targeting voluptuous women? Or is the murder personal? When Jo moves into Nina's apartment to settle her affairs and take care of Nina's cat, she encounters a bizarre host of neighbors and an unexpected romance. As fingers point in every direction, Jo races to stop a ruthless murderer from closing in on the big kill.

El largo adiós (Philip Marlowe #Volumen 6)

by Raymond Chandler

El veterano de guerra Terry Lennox tiene un problema: su esposa multimillonaria ha sido asesinada -es hija del magnate de la prensa Harlan Potter- y él necesita largarse de Los Ángeles cuanto antes. Le pide a Philip Marlowe, con quien ha trabado amistad recientemente, que lo ayude a llegar al aeropuerto de Tijuana. Y así el detective, fiel a sus ideales, terminará por convertirse en cómplice del crimen principal en El largo adiós (1953), la sexta novela de la serie. Cuando Lennox se suicida en México dejando una confesión de culpabilidad, el caso queda cerrado sin escándalos ni sensacionalismo... aunque hay algo que a Marlowe no le encaja. Está convencido de la inocencia de Lennox, pero ¿podrá demostrarlo? ¿Y cuántas víctimas habrá antes de conseguirlo?«Mi mejor libro.»Raymond Chandler

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