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Showing 47,376 through 47,400 of 90,603 results

Les mystérieuses lettres

by D. S. Pais

Résumé Dans la paisible ville de Nashville, dans le Tennessee, la confusion s'installe et la ville devient célèbre pour toute la terreur générée par les diverses lettres qui perturbent la sérénité des habitants de la ville. Les lettres sont provocantes et traitent de sujets sensibles, parlent de culpabilité, de liaisons et de toutes sortes de discours susceptibles de détruire une personne. Personne ne sait qui a écrit ces lettres ni dans quel but.

Les Nouveaux Européens

by J. J. Ward

L'ancien consensus libéral en Europe semble s'effondrer et personne ne sait ce qui va le remplacer. Le référendum britannique sur l'adhésion à l'UE ne pourrait être que le début d'un changement radical à travers le continent. Et comme toujours, il y a ceux qui prévoient suffisamment pour être dangereux. Au cours de son enquête sur la disparition d'un éminent député eurosceptique, l'agent du MI7, John Mordred, se trouve sous la surveillance hostile de forces obscures au sein de sa propre organisation. Il s'avère rapidement que son enquête et la leur ne sont peut-être pas totalement indépendantes les unes des autres. Et les enjeux sont suffisamment élevés pour le rendre dispensable. Un thriller d’espionnage qui se déroule à Londres, juste avant que la Grande-Bretagne ait voté pour quitter l’UE, LES NOUVEAUX EUROPEENS s’intéresse à l’évolution de l’équilibre de la puissance mondiale au cours de la deuxième décennie du 21ème siècle.

Les pièces du ciel

by Delmi Anyó

PRIX ERIGINAL BOOKS 2017 ACTION ET AVENTURE Pour les amoureux des romans tels que DA VINCI CODE, LE HUIT OU LE DERNIER CATON - UNE ENQUÊTE DE SOEUR OTTAVIA SALINA Que se cache-t-il derrière la mort de quelqu'un que l'on pensait connaître ? Un inquiétant message fait trembler le monde de Julia, une jeune professeur new-yorkaise, et la pousse à entamer un voyage initiatique vers l'Europe. Des mystères ancestraux et un dangereux secret gardé pendant des siècles et que certaines personnes essaient de préserver à tout prix, amèneront la protagoniste à vivre une aventure palpitante à travers les villes les plus fascinantes d'Europe. Le Madrid de Charles Quint, la Prague des alchimistes, le Londres des fondateurs de la Royal Society, le Paris de Catherine de Médicis et tout l'hermétisme des Archives du Vatican et de la Rome mystérieuse seront les décors d'une dangereuse course contre la montre aussi réelle que le Ciel lui-même... sauf si les autres arrivent avant. CE QU'EN DISENT LA PRESSE, LES BLOGS ET LES LECTEURS DU MONDE ENTIER : "LES PIÈCES DU CIEL se distingue par son intrigue attrayante". / El Nuevo Herald de Miami "Si un Indiana Jones sommeille au plus profond de toi et que tu passionné(e) d'Histoire, d'art et de mystères... C'est un roman pour toi !" ./ El buscalibros "Si tu recherches une intrigue pleine de suspense, de renversements, de surprises, de mystères et d'action, tu ne peux pas passer à côté du roman LES PIÈCES DU CIEL". / Bookceando entre letras "Beaucoup d'aventures et de dangers qui ne cessent de nous rappeler qu'il peut nous manquer des choses dans notre garde-robe féminine, mais jamais une paire de stilettos et un bon sac à main, parce qu'ils peuvent devenir la meilleure arme d'une femme". / El escritorio del Búho "Rien à envier à l'oeuvre de Dan Brown. A recommander absolument !". / Amors y palabras

Les sanglots de l'île de Pâques

by Jose Vicente Alfaro Maya Majzoub

Un archéologue espagnol arrive sur Pâques avec une ambitieuse équipe qui entreprend des recherches afin de trouver une réponse aux nombreuses questions persistant encore sur l'histoire de l'île de Pâques. Mais après un crime atroce, il se retrouve vite au centre d'une conspiration qui doit en principe le mener au secret le mieux gardé de l'île. Après le succès de son premier roman, José Vicente Alfaro nous propose maintenant d'entreprendre un voyage plein d'intrigue dans un des lieux les plus captivants de la planète. En plus de découvrir la culture rapanuie, le lecteur est transporté au fil des pages dans l'histoire de l'île et s'arrête sur ses moments clés : l'origine incertaine de ses premiers habitants, la fabrication et le transport de ces gigantesques moaï, les terribles guerres internes, le culte de l'homme-oiseau, ses mystérieux hiéroglyphes, le contact avec les premiers explorateurs européens et l'évangélisation menée par les missionnaires catholiques un petit peu avant son annexion par la Chili au XIXe siècle. Alors, êtes-vous prêt à découvrir le secret le mieux gardé de l'île ?

Les Septièmes Fils

by Domino Finn

Chercher des corps est facile. Le plus difficile est de ne pas en devenir un. Maxim Dwyer en a marre. Avec la petite ville dans laquelle il vit, le corps de police pour qui il travaille et les Septièmes Fils : une bande de motards hors-la-loi qui peuvent commettre impunément des meurtres. Depuis la disparition de sa femme, le détective n’a plus rien à perdre et les rumeurs que les Septièmes Fils sont des loups-garous ne le dissuaderont plus. Diego arrive en ville avec sa propre vendetta en tête. Bien qu’il soit un étranger, il en sait plus sur les loups qu’il ne le laisse paraître. Ses actions irréfléchies le mènent à une bagarre dans un relais routier, une attaque sanglante et une nuit en prison. Incapable de reculer, les deux homes exposent des vérités troublantes. Peu importe qu’ils soient partenaires ou rivaux, une chose est claire : Maxim et Diego sont tous les deux des cibles.

Les Supervivents

by Riley Sager

Per sobreviure a un assassí, necessites instint assassí. «El primer gran thriller de l'any. Si et va agradar Perduda, t'agradarà Les supervivents.»Stephen King Llegeix-la abans que arribi al cinema! Quincy Carpenter, una estudiant universitària, va ser l'única supervivent de la matança que va tenir lloc a Pine Cottage, on passava el cap de setmana amb cinc amics. Immediatament va passar a formar part d'un club al qual ningú no vol pertànyer: el que la premsa ha batejat com les «Últimes Noies». Són la Lisa, que va perdre nou companyes de la seva sororitat; la Sam, que es va enfrontar al seu atacant al motel on treballava, i la Quincy, que va fugir bosc a través per escapar de l'home al qual tan sols és capaç de referir-se com «Ell». Al cap de deu anys, la Quincy gaudeix d'una certa normalitat. Té un nòvio que la cuida, un blog de cuina, un apartament molt bonic i, a més, compta amb la presència terapèutica d'en Coop, el policia que li va salvar la vida. La memòria no li permet recordar els esdeveniments d'aquella nit i la medicació l'ajuda a preservar aquest equilibri. Però quan la Lisa apareix morta en circumstàncies estranyes, la Quincy ha d'afrontar el passat, perquè la història pot tornar a començar. La crítica ha dit...«Les supervivents et necessiten. Seu i comença a llegir aquest llibre. De pressa, més de pressa, submergeix-te en les seves pàgines. [...] Et costa respirar. Potser l'hauries de deixar anar. Fer mitja volta. Però no pots parar de llegir. És el millor llibre de l'any.»Lisa Gardner «Sager aconsegueix mantenir alerta el lector fins al gir final. Una veu fresca en el gènere del thriller psicològic.»Kirkus Reviews «Meitat thriller, meitat història de terror, Les supervivents evoca Divendres 13, Halloween o Dona blanca soltera busca, però amb una essència pròpia i sofisticada. Tensa i sangonosa, aquesta novel·la de misteri esborronadora convida a les comparacions amb Gillian Flynn. Els lectors s'haurien de preparar per dormir amb els llums encesos.»ShelfAwareness «Sager juga astutament amb els tòpics de pel·lícules de terror com Scream o Dona blanca soltera busca i els ret un homenatge.»Booklist «Ple de girs, sobresalts, personatges poc fiables i referències a la cultura del cinema de terror, el primer thriller psicològic de Sager manté el lector en suspens fins al final.»Library Journal

Les vélos du Père Divin: Les vélos du Père Divin (Trilogie de la rivière Passaic #1)

by Steve Bassett

Dans ce premier livre de la trilogie de la rivière Passaic qui se déroule en 1945, une guerre de diffusion entre les deux journaux de Newark tourne au sang lorsque les foules concurrentes de la ville mettent fin à leur trêve. La bataille fait rage dans le troisième quartier infesté de crimes de la ville, où des adolescents en première ligne sont des coureurs de numéros. Joey Bancik et Richie Maxwell, deux enfants de chœur catholiques, sont recrutés par des bookmakers noirs utilisant leur salon de coiffure comme façade. Ils se rendent vite compte qu’ils sont des joueurs dans un jeu dangereux, mais l’argent facile est trop beau pour laisser passer.

Lesca, el fascista irreductible

by Jorge Asis

Reedición de uno de los mejores relatos del autor. Publicado en el año2000, tiene una vigencia asombrosa. Jorge Asís cuenta en este libro una historia estremecedora: la deCharles Lesca, un poderoso empresario argentino que tiene fuertescontactos con la intelectualidad francesa de entreguerras. Establecidoen París, comienza haciendo tareas administrativas en la revista Je SuisPartout y termina disputándole la dirección de la publicación a RobertBrasillach. Contrapunto constante entre Francia y Alemania, entrecolaboradores (colaboracionistas) y resistentes, entre Europa yLatinoamérica, difícilmente una novela se adapte mejor a la discusiónpolítica, cultural e ideológica.Los fantasmas de diversos autoritarismos se convierten en criaturasreales, admiradas y hasta idolatradas; el compromiso político adquiereotra dimensión y deja de ser la simpatía o la devoción que le impusieronciertos valores defendidos sentimentalmente; las consecuencias son lasque aún hoy se advierten en nuestra sociedad, dividida a menudo portendencias contrastantes o antagónicas: la complicidad y buena voluntadde las poblaciones con los despotismos, locales o foráneos, y losdudosos límites, tan diferentes en la evaluación, entre comunismo ynazismo, siguen nutriendo las primeras planas de nuestros periódicos.Balance perfecto entre relato y ensayo, «Lesca, el fascistairreductible» nos conduce a una zona de tensión ideológica que lanarrativa argentina no suele frecuentar.

L'escarboucle bleue

by Mark Williams Gouzée Marjorie

L'auteur à succès international Mark Williams est fier de présenter le premier tome des adaptations courtes pour enfants, de la série Classiques pour enfants : L'escarboucle bleue. Rejoignez Holmes et Watson qui tentent de résoudre le mystère de l'escarboucle bleue, dans un livre au langage moderne et accessible aux enfants, qui laisse de côté les aspects difficiles de la langue de l'époque. Idéal pour initier les enfants de tout âge au détective le plus célèbre du monde

L'esercito errante

by Johnn A. Escobar

2500 anni prima della nascita di Cristo, durante l’Età del bronzo, un terrificante mistero si spostava tra deserti e praterie, sempre in agguanto, in attesa costante del momento giusto per rivelarsi.

The Lesley Glaister Collection Volume One: Limestone and Clay, Digging to Australia, and Honour Thy Father

by Lesley Glaister

Three dark and mesmerizing novels from an award-winning writer with the “ability to pull terror and suspense from just about anywhere” (Kirkus Reviews). In Lesley Glaister’s world, the domestic and the bizarre walk hand-in-hand. This haunting collection is a testament to the visionary powers of “a natural storyteller who knows how to keep the reader turning the pages” (The Independent). Limestone and Clay: Nadia is a sculptor driven by a single obsession: to conceive a child. When she learns that her geographer husband has donated his sperm to his former lover, who is now pregnant with his child, it is the ultimate betrayal—and warrants the ultimate payback. “Terrifying . . . Glaister truffles her way down to the grim heart, where we find out what makes people tick like time-bombs.” —The Daily Telegraph Digging to Australia: Twelve-year-old Jennifer Maybee spends most of her time alone with her favorite book, Alice in Wonderland. But a revelation from her parents and an encounter with a strange-eyed man set her hurtling into a “topsy-turvy land” of sinister secrets not even Lewis Carroll could have imagined. “Dangerous secrets and sinister undertones power this uncommon coming-of-age tale. . . . Masterful.” —Publishers Weekly Honour Thy Father: In a decaying house in the lowlands of England, four spinster sisters live in self-imposed isolation. For more than sixty years, Milly, Agatha, and the identical twins Ellen and Esther—“Ellenanesther”—have been trapped together, haunted by the specter of their father. As eighty-year-old Milly reminisces, a gothic mystery takes shape: Why is Milly always counting the knives? How did their mother drown under the dyke? And who is baby George, locked away in the cellar? Honour Thy Father is the winner of the Somerset Maugham and Betty Trask Awards. “Eerie and satisfying—a horror story told with tenderness.” —The Sunday Times

The Lesley Glaister Collection Volume Three: The Private Parts of Women, Partial Eclipse, and Now You See Me

by Lesley Glaister

From “one of Britain’s finest novelists”: A tender and terrifying collection of novels about women on the brink of salvation and the edge of disaster (The Sunday Telegraph). Three seductive tales of psychological suspense from a writer who “penetrates the deepest corners of the female psyche” (The Mail on Sunday). The Private Parts of Women: Inis has run away from her husband and children—and the rest of her suburban life in London—and moved into a small flat in the inner city of Sheffield. Her neighbor is eighty-four-year-old Trixie Bell, a hymn-singing veteran of the Salvation Army. But beneath Trixie’s unassuming exterior lies a very different personality. Three very different personalities—one of which is homicidal. “A gripping read . . . from one of Britain’s finest novelists.” —The Sunday Telegraph Partial Eclipse: In solitary confinement, Jennifer knows she isn’t the first in her family to be convicted of a crime. Centuries earlier, the unmarried Peggy Maybee was arrested for trying to steal a peacock so she could give its beautiful feathers to her infant son, Samuel. As Jennifer and Peggy’s parallel lives unfold, long-held secrets are revealed, including the truth about the crime that ultimately landed Jennifer in prison. “Brilliant . . . seductive and assured.” —The Sunday Times Now You See Me:Shortlisted for the Orange Prize for Fiction With her parents dead, sixteen-year-old Lamb was alone in the world. Now she cleans houses and lives in an old widower’s cellar, balancing on her high wire of loneliness. If she doesn’t let anyone in, she can’t fall. Then Doggo shows up. A fugitive who committed a violent crime, he needs Lamb’s help to stay off the radar. He also needs her in other ways—even after he learns her terrible secret. “A beautiful bombshell of a story . . . it will break your heart.” —The Independent

The Lesley Glaister Collection Volume Two: Easy Peasy, Nina Todd Has Gone, and As Far as You Can Go

by Lesley Glaister

Three tales of psychological suspense from a British novelist who “along with Ruth Rendell, has almost cornered the market in horror stories” (The Times, London). According to the Independent on Sunday, Lesley Glaister “has the uncomfortable knack of putting her finger on the things we most fear.” In this spine-chilling anthology, the Somerset Maugham Award–winning novelist finds terror in a Japanese prison camp, a hotel lobby, and the Australian outback. Easy Peasy: Zelda is getting ready for a date when the call comes: Her father has hanged himself. His suicide brings back terrifying childhood memories of screams in the night. A POW in a Japanese prison camp during World War II, her father was haunted by nightmares and guilty secrets. Zelda’s journey into the past unearths troubling questions that must finally be answered. “Utterly satisfying . . . beautifully structured and almost painfully tender.” —The Sunday Telegraph Nina Todd Has Gone: While on a business trip, Nina meets a gorgeous man in her hotel lobby, and even before their tryst is over, she’s sorry she did it. The sooner she puts the sordid encounter behind her, the better. But Rupert isn’t who he seems to be. And he isn’t going away. He’s on a personal mission—one he’s been waiting years to fulfill. And it turns out Nina isn’t exactly who she seems to be either. “A first-rate psychological thriller . . . The game of cat-and-mouse between the protagonists is consistently absorbing.” —The Mail on Sunday As Far as You Can Go: For Cassie and Graham, the ad in the newspaper is a dream come true. Spending a year managing a farm in western Australia sounds like the perfect break from their hectic lives. But the weather in Wollongong is stifling hot and the outback is crawling with lethal creatures. And most unsettling of all, Cassie and Graham can’t shake the feeling that they’re being watched. “Chilling plausibility . . . A story whose message will linger long after the book is closed.” —The Scotsman

The Less-Dead

by April Lurie

Noah Nordstrom has been dissing the religious beliefs of his father, who hosts a popular Christian radio show and whom Noah accuses of spreading hate. When two local gay teens are murdered, Noah’s anti-evangelism intensifies—he’s convinced that the killer is a caller on his dad’s program. Then Noah meets Will Reed, a cool guy. But when he learns that Will is gay, Noah gets a little weirded out. Especially since Will seems really into him. Noah gives Will the brush-off. Meanwhile, the killer is still at large . . . and soon Noah finds the next victim. It’s Will. Racked with guilt, Noah decides to investigate. He knows the serial killer is targeting gay teens, but only those who live in foster homes, whose deaths are not that important to society; they are the less-dead. Noah, however, is determined to prove that someone cares. With the help of Will’s journal, which he pocketed at the scene of the crime and in which the killer has written clues, Noah closes in on an opponent more dangerous than he can guess. From the Hardcover edition.

The Less Dead

by Denise Mina

In this shocking new thriller from the author of the "blazingly intense" Reese Witherspoon book club pick and national bestseller Conviction, a woman in crisis finds herself on the hunt for her own mother's murderer (A. J. Finn).She thought she was finding her birth mother.Now she's searching for a killer.Dr. Margo Dunlop is at a crossroads. Her adoptive mom just passed away, and Margo misses her so much she can't begin to empty the house-or, it seems, get her brother on the phone. Not to mention she's newly single, secretly pregnant, and worried about her best friend's dangerous relationship. In an effort to cheer herself up she goes in search of her birth mother. Instead she finds Nikki, her mother's sister. Aunt Nikki isn't what Margo expects, and she brings upsetting news: Margo's mother is dead. Worse, she was murdered years ago, and her killer is still at large-and sending Nikki threatening letters.Margo is torn. Should she stay out of this mess, or try to find justice? But then Margo receives a letter, too. Someone out there has been waiting and watching, and in Margo sees the spitting image of her mother...Darkly funny and deeply affecting, The Less Dead is a sharply modern new thriller from the bestselling author of Conviction, and a surprisingly moving story of daughters and mothers, secrets and choices, and how the search for the truth-and a long-hidden killer-will lead one woman to find herself.

Less of a Stranger: Less Of A Stranger / Untamed (Mills And Boon Ser.)

by Nora Roberts

AVAILABLE DIGITALLY FOR THE FIRST TIME Megan Miller has poured all her dreams and energy into Joyland - her beloved grandfather's charming old amusement park. Pops is all the family she has left, and she willingly set aside her own artistic ambitions to help him. But now Pops seems keen to sell the park - and worse, he's thinking of handing the business over to David Katcherton, of all people. Katch has already landed in Megan's bad books - too cocky, too restless and way too handsome to be around. But Katch is not a man who takes no for an answer - in business or in love. And there just may be more to him than his rough exterior suggests . . .Includes an extract from Whiskey Beach

Less Than a Moment (Posadas County Mysteries #24)

by Steven F. Havill

"Clemens will win new readers with this multifaceted crime caper, which makes the most of the 4-H setting"—BooklistTattooed, hard-working, and often crabby dairy farmer and biker Stella Crown is hot—because it's summer and because she has plenty of things to raise her temperature: a nagging sister-in-law, her fiancé Nick's illness, and a bank account in the red. But when a local country star turns up dead at the county fair where Stella's teenage employee Zach is an exhibitor things turn from hot to ugly.Stella had only seen the victim from a distance. But since Stella was the one to dig her out from her deathbed in the calf barn's manure pile, the cops are on her like flies on…well…honey. Why on earth would Stella want to kill a young singer she'd never spoken to?Sick to death of annoying cops and entertainment folks, Stella figures the only way to get her life back is to aim law enforcement in the right direction. If that means having to endure a manicure with her soon-to-be-sister-in-law at the dead singer's favorite salon or stopping by the recording studio to check out the talent Stella figures there could be worse things. Can't a simple farm girl just get married in peace?

Less than Dead

by Tim Downs

Dogs have long been manÆs best friend, but the Bug ManÆs friends is a rare breed . . . the cadaver dog. All roads lead to the White House for John Henry Braden, the charismatic senator from Virginia aristocracy whose beautiful wife Victoria is the talk of Washington and the crown jewel of Endor, her backwoods Virginia hometown. But when bodies turn up on BradenÆs propertyùthe site of a multimillion dollar construction project heÆs spearheadingùthe senatorÆs spin doctors, led by his future first lady, must act quickly to quell a conspiracy before it blemishes their presidential campaign. Enter entomologist Nick Polchak, the quirky bug expert enlisted to determine if the senatorÆs bone yard is a forgotten cemetery or a crime scene. To help with the investigation, Polchak follows local legend to Alena Savard, a mysterious woman known for her ability to turn mongrels into the best search dogs around. They soon find themselves on the trail of a desperate individual bent on protecting a terrible secret. Less than Dead is an unforgettable tale of crime and concealment in the corridors of high-stakes politicsùas well as in the deepest contours of the human heart.

Less than Dead

by Tim Downs

Dogs have long been man's best friend, but the Bug Man's friends is a rare breed . . . the cadaver dog. All roads lead to the White House for John Henry Braden, the charismatic senator from Virginia aristocracy whose beautiful wife Victoria is the talk of Washington and the crown jewel of Endor, her backwoods Virginia hometown. But when bodies turn up on Braden's property--the site of a multimillion dollar construction project he's spearheading--the senator's spin doctors, led by his future first lady, must act quickly to quell a conspiracy before it blemishes their presidential campaign. Enter entomologist Nick Polchak, the quirky bug expert enlisted to determine if the senator's bone yard is a forgotten cemetery or a crime scene. To help with the investigation, Polchak follows local legend to Alena Savard, a mysterious woman known for her ability to turn mongrels into the best search dogs around. They soon find themselves on the trail of a desperate individual bent on protecting a terrible secret. Less than Dead is an unforgettable tale of crime and concealment in the corridors of high-stakes politics--as well as in the deepest contours of the human heart.

Less Than Meets The Eye

by David Berlinski

Investigating the death of a philosophy professor at a fashionable northern California university, Aaron Asherfeld interrogates the radical racial, sexual, and intellectual factions at the college, each of which harbors a secret about the dead man.

Less Than Meets the Eye

by David Berlinski

Unorthodox detective story.

Lesser Evil: A Beacon Falls Cold Case Mystery (Lucy Guardino FBI Thrillers #12)

by C. J. Lyons

The search for a missing baby unmasks a sadistic killer . . . “A compelling new voice in thriller writing.” —Jeffery Deaver, New York Times–bestselling author of The Never Game Lucy Guardino has fought and defeated evil before—but nothing like the case Dr. Cassandra Hart brings to the Beacon Falls team: a missing infant, his mother dead.Alina was only nineteen, full of hope—despite being raped, left for dead, and finding herself pregnant with the rapist’s child. Then Alina kills herself. The world thinks she also killed her newborn baby. No one will investigate further, not without forensic evidence. No one believes there is a link between Alina’s case and the brutal murders of other women.No one except Dr. Cassandra Hart and former FBI Special Agent Lucy Guardino. Two women, both fiercely passionate about justice for the victims they serve. And both just as determined to defeat the evil stalking the streets of Pittsburgh, even if it means risking everything. But when justice fails them, where will they draw the line? Is there ever a time when taking the law into their own hands is the lesser evil? Praise for CJ Lyons’ Thrillers with Heart:“A high stakes adventure with dire consequences.” —Steve Berry, New York Times–bestselling author of The Kaiser’s Web“Everything a great thriller should be—action packed, authentic, and intense.” — Lee Child, #1 New York Times–bestselling author of the Jack Reacher novels“Highly engaging characters, heart-stopping scenes . . . one great rollercoaster ride.” —Bookreporter “Hypnotic.” —National Examiner

Lesser Evils

by Joe Flanagan

An exciting entry into the noir canon, Joe Flanagan's Lesser Evils expertly reimagines 1957 Cape Cod, where the mystifying murder of a local child brings us into a world of intrigue-honed by intricate plotting, sharp dialogue, and original characters-that culminates in a conclusion both surprising and deeply moving. When the first young boy goes missing in a quiet Cape Cod town, Lieutenant Bill Warren is pulled into a morass that promises no happy ending. As his pursuit uncovers the unimaginable, he is led into a world of gambling, drug peddling, corruption, and secret psychiatric experiments. Now he must fight to maintain control of an investigation that more and more people-from the state police to the district attorney to a tenacious Boston reporter-have become seriously interested in. As facts become murkier and the threat rises, Warren struggles to survive in a world where the police can be just as corrupt as the criminals they chase, and where a murder inquiry will ultimately lead to his front door. Years later, the locals will still be debating whether the case's resolution was factual or miraculous. Flanagan's debut novel is a modern take on classic noir crime fiction. Readers will be eager for his next offering.

The Lesson: A gripping psychological thriller with a jaw-dropping ending!

by Lisa Bradley

A gripping campus-set psychological thriller with a jaw-dropping ending. Perfect for fans of Erin Kelly, C. J. Tudor and Shari Lapena.SOMEONE'S GOT TO MAKE HIM PAY.Evie has just started her second year at University. She is young, beautiful and popular. She should be having the time of her life, except she has something to hide - a one-night-stand with her English Professor, Simon.Not wanting any of his other students to be used in the same way, Evie reports their relationship to University HR. But hours later, Village Vixen, the student gossip blogger, is baying for blood. She's found out about the accusation and is firmly on Simon's side. But how could Village Vixen possibly have known? Evie can't help but feel like she's being watched. As paranoia and fear set in, the one thing Evie knows for sure is someone has to teach Simon a lesson...

The Lesson: A gripping psychological thriller with a jaw-dropping ending!

by Lisa Bradley

A gripping campus-set psychological thriller with a jaw-dropping ending. Perfect for fans of Erin Kelly, C. J. Tudor and Shari Lapena.SOMEONE'S GOT TO MAKE HIM PAY.Evie has just started her second year at University. She is young, beautiful and popular. She should be having the time of her life, except she has something to hide - a one-night-stand with her English Professor, Simon.Not wanting any of his other students to be used in the same way, Evie reports their relationship to University HR. But hours later, Village Vixen, the student gossip blogger, is baying for blood. She's found out about the accusation and is firmly on Simon's side. But how could Village Vixen possibly have known? Evie can't help but feel like she's being watched. As paranoia and fear set in, the one thing Evie knows for sure is someone has to teach Simon a lesson...

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