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by Craig Larsen

A City Gripped By Fear. . .Seattle newspaper photographer Nick Wilder has snapped his fair share of gruesome homicide scenes. But when a serial killer dubbed the Street Butcher takes his sick crimes to new depths of depravity, Nick finds the case suddenly getting to him in more ways than one. . .A Killer Who Knows No End. . .With each new murder Nick is shocked by what he won't soon forget. But the deeper he digs, the closer he gets to his own disturbing past--and the more he must risk to unmask an unpredictable, deranged psychopath. As the motives multiply and the suspects mount, the cold, stark Seattle winter is about to turn even chillier. . . "Larsen taps into our deepest terrors. . . A fast and thrilling debut." --William Lashner, New York Times bestselling author of Blood and Bone"Harrowing and twisted. . .a white-knuckle read!" --Gregg Olsen "Excellent - everything a great thriller should be." --Lee Child"Larsen takes you into a disturbing world of intimate danger and dark passion." --Harlan Coben "In Mania, Craig Larsen taps into the deepest terrors locked in our cracked minds. There is real evil here, combined with the greatest of all fears, that the evil we fear most resides in our own hearts. A fast and thrilling debut." --William Lashner "One of the most impressive thriller debuts of 2009."

Manifest Destiny

by Brian Garfield

A rollicking adventure starring a young Theodore RooseveltIn 1884, Teddy Roosevelt&’s political career is dead in the water. A New York state assemblyman with eyes on national office, he finds his ambitions thwarted just months after his wife and infant daughter pass away. Frustrated by politics, he retires to the American West to ride, ranch, and hunt buffalo in the Dakota Badlands. Nobody tells him that the buffalo are gone. He arrives in Dakota a greenhorn, awkward in the saddle and unused to Western clothes. But his aristocratic charm, natural intelligence, and love of nature impress the hardened frontiersmen, forming a bond that lasts the rest of their lives. When a wealthy French marquis threatens the pristine country he has fallen in love with, Roosevelt joins with the Dakotans to defend it. Before the presidency, before San Juan Hill, it was in Dakota that Theodore Roosevelt became a man.

The Manifestations of Sherlock Holmes

by James Lovegrove

Twelve sensational Sherlock Holmes short stories from a bestselling master of the genre.Maverick detective Sherlock Holmes and his faithful chronicler Dr John Watson return in twelve thrilling short stories. The iconic duo find themselves swiftly drawn into a series of puzzling and sinister events: an otherworldly stone whose touch inflicts fatal bleeding; a hellish potion to unlock a person's devilish psyche; a fiendishly clever, almost undetectable method of revenge and many more - including a brand-new Cthulhu Casebooks story.

Manifesto for the Dead

by Domenic Stansberry

Manifesto for the Dead is a surreal noir that takes as its main character the master of noir, the late crime novelist Jim Thompson at the end of his career, suspecting he has been framed by a Hollywood producer for the murder of a young starlet. An intricate blend of biography, fiction, and suspense, this literary thriller offers a hair-raising portrait of one of crime fiction's most notorious true-life figures--and a brutal satire of the entertainment industry in the tradition of The Day of the Locust. As the novel opens, the aging writer is at the end of his string--a habitué of Hollywood bars and endless drinking sessions at the Musso & Frank Grill. Here he is approached by a small-time producer, Billy Miracle, with an offer to work on a project designed to resurrect the career of a fading screen star. Thompson accepts, and soon finds himself at the center of a lurid triangle, inadvertently following a trail that leads from a dead starlet--found strangled in the back of a Cadillac--to the doorstep of one of the most powerful men in Hollywood. Set in the seamy back streets of Los Angeles, in 1972, Manifesto for the Dead tells the story of legendary crime writer Jim Thompson in his darkest hour. It is a book about desire and lust, about a writer struggling with illusion, disillusion and fate on the back lots of Hollywood. But the Manifesto is also a novel-within-a-novel, telling two stories that intertwine--one set in Hollywood, the other in Thompson's imagination--each rushing headlong into the other, into that area where fact and fiction are no longer distinguishable, and the darkness is inseparable from the light.

El Manifiesto Negro

by Frederick Forsyth

Del mundialmente conocido maestro de la intriga, nos llega un nuevo libro tan interesante como El Chacal y de tema tan contemporáneo como si hubiese ocurrido ayer. Durante veinticinco años, las novelas de suspenso internacional y espionaje de Frederick Forsyth han causado sensación en sus lectores. Los fanáticos de Forsyth descubrirán en El manifiesto una novel poderosa y en Jason Monk, el ex-agente de la CIA, un protagonista inolvidable. El año es 1999. Rusia, la otra gran superpotencia zozobra en un mar de hiperinflación, caos económico y criminalidad. Las elecciones se aproximan y una sola voz carismática resuena en todo el país. Igor Komárov, líder derechista, promete reformar la moneda, acabar con el crimen, eliminar la corrupcion y devolver la gloria a Rusia. Pero Komárov no es el salvador sino un nuevo Hitler. Jason Monk tiene doble misión: detener a Komárov y mantenerse vivo.

Manila Noir (Akashic Noir Ser.)

by Jessica Hagedorn

"While certain cities in past Akashic volumes might appear to lack an obvious noir element, Manila (like Mexico City, which shares many of the same problems) practically defines it, as shown by the 14 selections in this excellent anthology. As Hagedorn points out in her insightful introduction, Manila is a city burdened with a violent and painful past, with a long heritage of foreign occupation. The specters of WWII (during which the city suffered from U.S. saturation bombing), and the oppressive 20-year reign of dictator Ferdinand Marcos live on in recent memory. The Filipino take on noir includes a liberal dose of the gothic and supernatural, with disappearance and loss being constants."--Publishers Weekly (starred review)"This Southeast sampler is unique, possessing an overall gritty tone. Each slice of supernatural splendor pulls the reader in with their nontraditional heroes...Ultimately, readers get a strong taste of the real Manila and all her dark secrets, wanting more of while being slightly afraid of what she might do next. Manila is the perfect place for noir scenes to occur, and it is easy to get sucked into its deadly nightshade of doom."--Criminal Class PressBrand-new stories by: Lourd De Veyra, Gina Apostol, Budjette Tan and Kajo Baldisimo, F.H. Batacan, Jose Dalisay Jr., Eric Gamalinda, Jessica Hagedorn, Angelo Lacuesta, R. Zamora Linmark, Rosario Cruz-Lucero, Sabina Murray, Jonas Vitman, Marianne Villanueva, and Lysley Tenorio.Manila provides the ideal, torrid setting for an Akashic Noir series volume. It's where the rich rub shoulders with the poor, where five-star hotels coexist with informal settlements, where religious zeal coexists with superstition, and where politics is often synonymous with celebrity and corruption.From the Introduction by Jessica Hagedorn:Manila is not for the faint of heart. Built on water and reclaimed land, it's an intense, congested, teeming megalopolis, the vital core of an urban network of sixteen cities and one municipality collectively known as Metro Manila. Population: over ten million and growing by the minute. Climate: tropical. Which means hot, humid, prone to torrential monsoon rains of biblical proportions.I think of Manila as the ultimate femme fatale. Complicated and mysterious, with a tainted, painful past. She's been invaded, plundered, raped, and pillaged, colonized for four hundred years by Spain and fifty years by the US, bombed and pretty much decimated by Japanese and American forces during an epic, month-long battle in 1945.Yet somehow, and with no thanks to the corrupt politicians, the crime syndicates, and the indifferent rich who rule the roost, Manila bounces back. The people's ability to endure, adapt, and forgive never ceases to amaze, whether it's about rebuilding from the latest round of catastrophic flooding, or rebuilding from the ashes of a horrific world war, or the ashes of the brutal, twenty-year dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos . . .Many years have passed since the end of the Marcos dictatorship. People are free to write and say what they want, yet nothing is different. The poor are still poor, the rich are still rich, and overseas workers toil in faraway places like Saudi Arabia, Israel, Germany, and Finland. Glaring inequities are a source of dark humor to many Filipinos, but really-just another day in the life . . .Writers from the Americas and Europe are known for a certain style of noir fiction, but the rest of the world approaches the crime story from a culturally unique perspective. In Manila Noir we find that the genre is flexible enough to incorporate flamboyant emotion and the supernatural, along with the usual elements noir fans have come to expect: moody atmospherics, terse dialogue, sudden violence, mordant humor, a fatalist vision.

La maniobra de la tortuga

by Benito Olmo

Benito Olmo compone una novela policial ambientada en Cádiz en la que los distintos hilos narrativos tejen una red de la que te resultará imposible escapar. Conoce al nuevo talento del género negro y criminal. Empujado por el infortunio, el irreverente inspector Manuel Bianquetti se ve obligado a aceptar un traslado forzoso a la comisaría de Cádiz, un destino previsiblemente tranquilo que se verá alterado con el hallazgo del cadáver de una joven de dieciséis años. Una muerte violenta que le traerá reminiscencias de un pasado del que no logra desprenderse. A pesar de la oposición de sus superiores, el inspector Bianquetti emprenderá una cruzada solitaria para atrapar al culpable siguiendo el rastro de unas evidencias que podrían no existir más allá de su imaginación. La realidad se va oscureciendo en la medida en la que el lector va devorando páginas al tiempo que participa junto al protagonista en la investigación de un caso cada vez más turbio y escabroso. La opinión de otros autores:«Benito Olmo es un arquitecto de la narrativa que conoce los cimientos sobre los que se asienta la novela negra y lo demuestra edificando esta de dimensiones colosales.»César Pérez Gellida «Una novela negra apretada y penetrante, un claroscuro desgarrador. No se la pierda.»Juan Gómez-Jurado «Manuel Bianquetti es uno de esos héroes solitarios con olor a cenicero: insolente, indisciplinado, duro como una piedra pero con un código ético que es la última frontera contra el mal.»Alexis Ravelo «Pura adrenalina de una novela negra en el luminoso Cádiz.»Jesús Maeso «Benito Olmo conduce al lector a través de una intriga contra reloj que se torna más compleja a medida que aboceta rincones oscuros del pasado de sus personajes. Una narración sólida que evidencia las capacidades de su autor.»Óscar Lobato

Manipolato a morte: Un giallo con Scott Drayco

by Bv Lawson Tanja Petrovic

Finalista dello Shamus Award e nominato miglior mistero nel 2015 dal Next Generation Indie Book Awards Perseguitato dagli incubi dopo un caso conclusosi tragicamente, il brillante consulente criminale Scott Drayco considera di ritirarsi del tutto dal lavoro investigativo. Quando un ex cliente gli lascia in eredità un trasandato Opera House in una piccola città di mare della Virginia, il detective decide di andare a vendere velocemente l’edificio, lenendo nel frattempo le ferite sull'anima nella pacifica città costiera. Non aveva però preso in considerazione il ritrovamento del cadavere di un uomo sul palco dell’Opera House, con una misteriosa "G" incisa nel petto. Con le speranze di una vendita veloce infrante e lui stesso sospettato di omicidio, Drayco si ritrova a scavare negli antichi e pericolosi segreti per risolvere il crimine e ripulire il suo nome. Lungo il percorso, Drayco deve eludere uno sceriffo diffidente, le ostilità verso lo sviluppo costiero e la seducente moglie di un consigliere comunale - prima che le tensioni esplodano in altra violenza, trasformandolo nella prossima vittima.

Manipulado até a morte

by Bv Lawson Michel Pinheiro

Um corpo com um "G" entalhado no peito dentro de uma casa de ópera em ruínas leva um ex-agente do FBI pra dentro de uma rede de música, loucura e assassinato. Ainda tendo pesadelos de um caso que terminou tragicamente, o brilhante consultor do crime freelance Scott Drayco pensa em se aposentar da investigação criminal. Quando um ex-cliente leva a Drayco uma casa de ópera em ruínas numa cidade litorânea de Virginia, ele vai planejar uma rápida venda do local enquanto cuida de sua combalida alma num cenário pacífico perto da costa. Ele só não contava com o fato de encontrar um corpo morto no palco da casa de ópera com um misterioso "G" entalhado no peito do homem. Com as esperanças de uma venda rápida acabadas e ele próprio se tornando suspeito do crime, Drayco cava fundo segredos muito antigos e perigosos para resolver o crime e limapr seu nome. Pelo caminho, Drayco precisa se esquivar de um delegado cauteloso, hostilidade por causa do desenvolvimento na costa, e a sedutora esposa de um conselheiro da cidade - antes que as tensões explodam em mais violência e ele se torne a próxima vítima.

El manipulador (Plaza Y Janes Exitos Ser.)

by Frederick Forsyth

El apasionante y legendario mundo de los servicios secretos británicos. En esta novela Forsyth nos brinda una apasionante recreación de los servicios secretos británicos en la década de los ochenta a través de cuatro importantes casos, protagonizados por uno de sus personajes más memorables: Sam McCready, el Manipulador. McCready es uno de los agentes secretos británicos más valiosos, una leyenda viviente tras siete años al frente del Departamento de Desinformación y Operaciones Psicológicas. Reseña:«Forsyth ofrece en este libro sus más eficaces recursos narrativos, creando un relato interesante y cautivador.»El Periódico

El manipulador

by Frederick Forsyth

En esta novela Forsyth nos brinda una apasionante recreación de los servicios británicos en la década de los ochenta a través de cuatro importantes casos, protagonizados por uno de sus personajes más memorables: Sam McCready, el Manipulador.McCready es uno de los agentes secretos británicos más valiosos, una leyenda viviente tras siete años al frente del Departamento de Desinformación y Operaciones Psicológicas.«Forsyth ofrece en este libro sus más eficaces recursos narrativos, creando un relato interesante y cautivador.»El Periódico

The Manitou

by Graham Masterton

An ancient vengeful spirit attempts to return through the body of a terrified young woman in this horror classic by an award-winning &“master of the genre&” (Rocky Mountain News). Phony psychic and conman Harry Erskine never really believed in the occult until Karen Tandy approached him with a rapidly growing tumor on her neck, complaining of dark and disturbing dreams. When the mass is revealed by doctors to contain something living, the stakes skyrocket—not only for Karen and Harry but for all humanity. Something terrible is returning from the shadows to which it has been confined for centuries—a Native American monstrosity determined to destroy every vestige of the white race that oppressed and preyed upon America&’s Indians. And unless a motley group of ill-prepared defenders can harness an ancient native magic, there will be no stopping the malevolent shaman&’s terrible rebirth—and no escaping the wholesale carnage it will engender. The Manitou introduced the great Graham Masterton to the canon of horror, instantly placing him among the genre&’s elite. A longtime favorite for its bold originality, unrelenting creepiness, supernatural shocks, and otherworldly surprises that would have made H. P. Lovecraft proud, Masterton&’s classic continues to stand tall alongside Stephen King&’s Carrie, Peter Straub&’s Ghost Story, and other unforgettable literary horror debuts.

The Manitou

by Graham Masterton

An ancient vengeful spirit attempts to return through the body of a terrified young woman in this horror classic by an award-winning &“master of the genre&” (Rocky Mountain News). Phony psychic and conman Harry Erskine never really believed in the occult until Karen Tandy approached him with a rapidly growing tumor on her neck, complaining of dark and disturbing dreams. When the mass is revealed by doctors to contain something living, the stakes skyrocket—not only for Karen and Harry but for all humanity. Something terrible is returning from the shadows to which it has been confined for centuries—a Native American monstrosity determined to destroy every vestige of the white race that oppressed and preyed upon America&’s Indians. And unless a motley group of ill-prepared defenders can harness an ancient native magic, there will be no stopping the malevolent shaman&’s terrible rebirth—and no escaping the wholesale carnage it will engender. The Manitou introduced the great Graham Masterton to the canon of horror, instantly placing him among the genre&’s elite. A longtime favorite for its bold originality, unrelenting creepiness, supernatural shocks, and otherworldly surprises that would have made H. P. Lovecraft proud, Masterton&’s classic continues to stand tall alongside Stephen King&’s Carrie, Peter Straub&’s Ghost Story, and other unforgettable literary horror debuts.

Manitou Canyon: A Novel (Cork O'Connor Mystery Series #15)

by William Kent Krueger

In the extraordinary new Cork O’Connor thriller from New York Times bestselling and Edgar Award–winning author William Kent Krueger, the lives of hundreds of innocent people are at stake when Cork vanishes just days before his daughter’s wedding.Since the violent deaths of his wife, father, and best friend all occurred in previous Novembers, Cork O’Connor has always considered it to be the cruelest of months. Yet, his daughter has chosen this dismal time of year in which to marry, and Cork is understandably uneasy. His concern comes to a head when a man camping in Minnesota’s Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness goes missing. As the official search ends with no recovery in sight, Cork is asked by the man’s family to stay on the case. Although the wedding is fast approaching and the weather looks threatening, he accepts and returns to that vast wilderness. As the sky darkens and the days pass, Cork’s family anxiously awaits his return. Finally certain that something has gone terribly wrong, they fly by floatplane to the lake where the missing man was last seen. Locating Cork’s campsite, they find no sign of him. They do find blood, however. A lot of it. With an early winter storm on the horizon, it’s a race against time as Cork’s family struggles to uncover the mystery behind these disappearances. Little do they know, not only is Cork’s life on the line, but so are the lives of hundreds of others.

Mankiller (The Lt. Hastings Mysteries #9)

by Collin Wilcox

After a concert, a goddess of rock is shot dead backstageIt's the finest performance of Rebecca Carlton's career. The show is dedicated to her father, and the most famous woman in rock does everything she can to honor him. She gives the crowd at San Francisco's Cow Palace arena four encores before finally retiring backstage. The applause is still thundering through the stadium when Rebecca Carlton is shot dead.Lieutenant Frank Hastings has been fighting with his girlfriend when he gets the call. Their idol dead, Rebecca's fans refuse to disperse from the amphitheater, and a riot seems imminent. It takes a special plea from David Behr, the singer's producer and former husband, to convince the audience to go home. As the crowd files out, Hastings turns to the body. Rebecca Carlton may have been a star, but there was nothing glamorous about her murder.

Manly Murders: A Mother Without a Child

by Gunilla Haglundh

When Martin Stream, successful Australian business icon is murdered one morning on a Manly ferry on his way to work, local detective inspectors Georgia Show and Stephen French step in to solve the case. Martin, married with three adult children has a business empire spanning the globe. The police think they are close to a solution and probably suspects - when there is a second murder at the ghostly Quarantine Station in Manly. This time it's a well dressed European woman - is there a connection? A Mother Without A Child, the first in the Manly Murder series by Gunilla Haglundh has been compared to the English series Midsomer Murders. You will be taken on a wild ride from the Italian mafia to unsavoury business deals to the Manly Quarantine's history through to the final solutions for the murders. All is definitely not what it seems. This novel set in Sydney's northern beaches is guaranteed to keep you guessing, while at the same time revealing much of beachside Manly's history.

Manna from Hades: A Cornish Mystery (Cornish Mysteries #1)

by Carola Dunn

Eleanor Trewynn, recently widowed, returns home from years of working overseas to retire to the cozy village of Port Maybn in Cornwall, England. Even in retirement though, she continues her charity work, leasing out the first floor of her house to a charity shop. One morning as she opens the shop, she finds both a particularly valuable donation and a corpse stuffed into the storeroom. The donation is linked to a violent robbery in London but the corpse looks nothing like the robbers being sought by the police. With the help of her niece, Detective Sergeant Megan Pencarrow, and, begrudgingly, Detective Inspector Scumble, Eleanor is determined to unscramble this confounding case of daring theft, double cross, and murder most foul.

Manna from Heaven

by Karen Robards

Danger and desire ignite when Charlotte Bates drives straight into a DEA agent's hot pursuit of a drug smuggler. But when the lawman takes Charlie hostage, an electrifying adventure begins....

Mannequin (The St-Cyr and Kohler Mysteries #5)

by J. Robert Janes

A young girl vanishes, leaving nothing behind but a pile of nude photosSince the Germans occupied Paris, police inspector Jean-Louis St-Cyr has not been able to work a murder, robbery, or arson case without his German overlords demanding he work faster. His partner, Bavarian detective Hermann Kohler, does not share the sadism of many of his Gestapo colleagues, but he, too, has an obsession with speed. Their latest case calls for a sprint. For if they don&’t work quickly, a girl will die. Joanne was a neighbor of St-Cyr&’s who answered a modeling ad and never came home. By the time St-Cyr and Kohler break down the door of the supposed agency, all that remains are snapshots of Joanne and others posing naked at gunpoint. Complicating their search is a massive bank robbery perpetrated the day Joanne disappeared. If they can find the connection between the two crimes, the girl will be safe—or at least as safe as a Parisian can be in the winter of 1942.

The Mannequin House (Detective Silas Quinn Mysteries #2)

by R. N. Morris

Detective Inspector Silas Quinn investigates one of the strangest cases of his career...London, 1914. Called out to investigate the murder of an employee of the House of Brackley, an upmarket Kensington department store, Silas finds himself investigating one of the most bizarre cases of his career. For the chief murder suspect is a monkey.One of the store’s fashion models has been found dead on her bed, strangled with a red silk scarf. The room is locked from the inside, the only other occupant being a monkey in a red fez hat.While he is sceptical of the theory that the monkey is the killer, Quinn suspects it holds the key to the mystery. But where has it disappeared to? And how will he ever get to the truth when faced with the maelstrom of resentment and thwarted passion that is the mannequin house?A thrill-a-minute historical mystery full of intrigue, perfect for fans of C. J. Sansom, S. G. MacLean and Abir Mukherjee.Praise for R. N. Morris‘A classic whodunnit plot with emotion and psychological depth’ Publishers Weekly‘A challenging, utterly fascinating read’ Booklist‘His sense of the historical moment is strong’ Kirkus Reviews

Manner of Death (A Jack Stapleton & Laurie Montgomery Novel #14)

by Robin Cook

In the new fast-paced medical thriller from bestselling author Robin Cook, fan favorites Jack and Laurie are inadvertently drawn into a dangerous vortex of a series of homicides that have been cleverly staged as suicides.After Dr. Jack Stapleton&’s near-death confrontation with a medical serial killer, his wife, NYC Chief Medical Examiner Laurie Montgomery, is carrying the load both at work and at home. When Laurie insists that Dr. Ryan Sullivan—an underperforming senior pathology resident who is spending his required month at the medical examiner's office but who truly detests doing forensic autopsies—assist her on a suicide autopsy in hopes of stimulating his interest in the field, the last thing she expects is to be unwittingly drawn into a major conspiracy that puts her own life in jeopardy. Desperate to avoid performing as many forensic autopsies as possible, Dr. Ryan Sullivan offers to participate in a research project on a series of suicides put together by one of the medical legal investigators. These suicides, like the case Ryan analyzes with Laurie, hint at some bothersome questions about their "manner of death." Although the project was more of a ruse than a serious study, Ryan surprises himself by immediately uncovering unexpected shared commonalities. Most astonishing of all, Ryan's inquiries eventually put him and Laurie at risk by leading to a nefarious cancer diagnostics company that promotes the very latest, groundbreaking cancer screening technology in a shockingly self-serving and fraudulent fashion.

Manner of Death (Dr. Alan Greogory #7)

by Stephen White

The past resurfaces in ways that are as intimate as they are frightening when Dr. Alan Gregory and Dr. Sawyer Sackett-a woman he once loved-are plunged into the private nightmare of a killer who knows about the terrifying power of mind games.

Mannheim Rex

by Robert Pobi

From the internationally bestselling novelist Rob Pobi comes Mannheim Rex, an homage to the blockbuster Jaws and the classic American novel Moby Dick.After the sudden death of his wife, famous horror writer Gavin Corlie retreats from New York City to a secluded house on Lake Caldasac. But his new life in the country is far from idyllic, and when a thirteen-year-old wheelchair-bound boy named Finn Horn nearly drowns in the lake, Gavin discovers a startling secret: people in this peaceful lakeside community keep vanishing. Is the corrupt, drug-fuelled town sheriff to blame? Or is Finn's account of a lake-dwelling leviathan more than a near-death hallucination? Racing against time and Mother Nature, Gavin and Finn embark on a quest to catch a nightmare beast. It's survival of the fittest, and it isn't long before the pair realizes that they might be out of their depth...and that the hunters may have become the hunted. An homage to Peter Benchley's Jaws and the classic Moby Dick, Mannheim Rex is an unsettling thriller that switches seamlessly between heartwarming friendship and heart-stopping action.

Mano (Mano Ser.)

by Mazzani Anna Liam Robert Mullen

Mano. C'è un nuovo poliziotto alle Hawaii, e non prende prigionieri. Questo è il motto che ho usato per la premessa di Mano. In un certo senso, la trama è stata ispirata da uno dei miei telefilm preferiti, Hawaii Five-O, ed infatti comincia come un pezzo della fiction prima di decidere che i personaggi fossero troppo forti nel loro ruolo da non meritare il loro racconto. La storia riprende l'evento del 11 settembre e riguarda la caccia alla cellula terrorista che sta progettando una bomba sporca contro il Memoriale dell'Arizona situato a Pearl Harbour. Il gruppo è capitanato dal fanatico Hakim, un terrorista saudito che è solito lavorare come boia nel suo paese d'origine. Quando scopre che c'è un poliziotto tosto di nome Mano pronto a fermarlo, commette un fatale errore di giudizio odinando di colpire i migliori poliziotti delle Hawaii - una mossa che lo porterà dritto all'FBI e alla Sicurezza Nazionale - ed avverte Mano della minaccia verso di lui.Mano è già un uomo conosciuto a causa del suo precedente lavoro di copertura nelle Triadi cinesi. La sua scorta è sempre pronta ad intervenire per qualsiasi minaccia contro la sua persona. Mano ha a sua disposizione la crème del dipartimento di polizia di Honolulu unita alla sua squadra, oltre alla sua scorta di sicurezza, poliziotti esperti quali Il Crecatore, Nui, e Pono. Insieme formano un'eccellente squadra che darà del filo da torcere a Hakim. Credo che questa storia porti ritmo e azione e una forte caratterizzazione che ultimamente porterà la storia oltre a una conclusione agitata.

Mano (Mano Ser.)

by Liam Robert Mullen Enrique Vazquez

Mano. Hay un nuevo policía en Hawai, y no toma prisioneros. Esta es una línea que siempre me ha parecido encaja en la idea de quién es Mano. De alguna forma, la historia está inspirada en una de mis programas favoritos —Hawái Cinco Cero — y de hecho inicio como una escritura de fan fiction de Wattpad antes de que decidiera que los personajes eran lo suficientemente fuertes para contar su propia historia. La historia es un relato post 11 de septiembre y trata la caza de una célula terrorista vinculada a ISIS que intenta realizar un ataque con una bomba sucia en el Monumento USS Arizona en Pearl Harbor. El grupo terrorista es liderado por Hakim, un fanático Saudita que trabajo como ejecutor en la policía religiosa de su país. Cuando se da cuenta que Mano está tras su pista y dispuesto a detenerlo, comete el error casi fatal de ordenar un atentado en contra de uno de los policías más importantes de Hawái. Un atentado que movilizará al FBI y al Departamento de Seguridad Interior y hacen saber a Mano que hay una amenaza directa en su contra. Mano ya estaba bajo la mira de asesinos desde que en un trabajo previo como agente encubierto había trabajado contra las Tríadas en Honolulu. Su equipo de seguridad estaba alerta a las amenazas. Mano tiene además del equipo de seguridad, un equipo con lo mejor de lo mejor de la policía de Honolulu: “Buscador”, Nui y Pono. Juntos forman un equipo que le costará mucho trabajo a Hakim vencer. Creo que la historia tiene un buen paso y personajes fuertes que en última instancia lanzan la historia hacía una conclusión de alarido.

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