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Miracle on the 17th Green

by James Patterson Peter De Jonge

Travis McKinley is an ordinary man living an ordinary life - he has a job that he despises, a marriage that has lost its passion, children from whom he feels disconnected, and, at age fifty, a sense that he has accomplished nothing of consequence with his life. But on Christmas Day, he goes out to play a round of golf, and for the first time, he finds himself in the 'zone'. He sees the putting line that has eluded him for years. Always a fairly good golfer, he finds himself playing like a pro and is so caught up in his excitement that he continues to play, sinking putt after putt, missing Christmas dinner with his wife and family. It is too much for his already troubled marriage.His family collapses - but Travis is soon too busy living his dream to notice. His amazing new golf skills catapult him into the PGA Senior Open at Pebble Beach, where he advances to the final round with two of his heroes, Jack Nicklaus and Raymond Floyd. And with his wife, children, and a live television audience watching, a miracle takes place on the 17th green that will change Travis, and his family, forever.

Miracle on the 17th Green

by James Patterson Peter De Jonge

Travis McKinley is an ordinary man living an ordinary life - he has a job that he despises, a marriage that has lost its passion, children from whom he feels disconnected, and, at age fifty, a sense that he has accomplished nothing of consequence with his life. But on Christmas Day, he goes out to play a round of golf, and for the first time, he finds himself in the 'zone'. He sees the putting line that has eluded him for years. Always a fairly good golfer, he finds himself playing like a pro and is so caught up in his excitement that he continues to play, sinking putt after putt, missing Christmas dinner with his wife and family. It is too much for his already troubled marriage.His family collapses - but Travis is soon too busy living his dream to notice. His amazing new golf skills catapult him into the PGA Senior Open at Pebble Beach, where he advances to the final round with two of his heroes, Jack Nicklaus and Raymond Floyd. And with his wife, children, and a live television audience watching, a miracle takes place on the 17th green that will change Travis, and his family, forever.(P)2013 Headline Digital

Miracles in Maggody (The Arly Hanks Mysteries #9)

by Joan Hess

Another outrageous Maggody mystery, starring police chief Arly Hanks alongside a smooth-talking televangelist and a whole town full of sinners. Some days, police chief Arly Hanks can't help but see Maggody, Arkansas, as little more than a cesspool of poverty, ignorance, and incest--the kind of glorified trailer park that gives the South a bad name. But hey, it's home. So when silver-tongued televangelist Malachi Hope swoops into town, with a revivalist laser light show and plans to build a Christian theme park, Arly worries her beloved, if crazy, neighbors are about to be swindled. But it's Malachi who should be terrified. As the town whips itself into revival fever, it's all Arly can do to keep Maggody from coming apart at the seams. And when the girls' basketball coach is found dead, Arly can't help but suspect that the murder is related to Malachi's tent meetings. To save Maggody from itself, Arly will risk everything--in this world and the hereafter. What Carl Hiaasen did for Florida, Joan Hess has done for the Ozarks. This is a hilarious look at small-town greed and the irresistible madness of Maggody, Arkansas. Miracles in Maggody is the 9th book in the Arly Hanks Mysteries, but you may enjoy reading the series in any order.

Miracles, Inc.

by T. J. Forrester

Miracles, Inc. chronicles the slacker employee of an evangelical corporation after the company chooses him to lead a new revival campaign.


by Caroline Starr Rose

A traveling medicine show promises to cure all, but two kids learn it takes more than faith in the miraculous to fix things that are broken.Thirteen-year-old Jack knows what cured his baby sister when his family thought she might never get well—Dr. Kingsbury&’s &“Miraculous Tonic.&” Guaranteed to relieve maladies known to man or beast, Dr. Kingsbury&’s potion can cure everything from pimples to hearing loss to a broken heart, and Jack himself is a witness to the miraculous results and the doctor&’s kindness. When he had no money, the doctor didn&’t turn him away but gave him the tonic for free along with a job—to travel with him from city to city selling his cure-all elixir. When Dr. Kingsbury and Jack arrive in Oakdale, the town at first feels like any other they&’ve been to. But it&’s clear Oakdale is a town with secrets, and its citizens are slow to trust strangers. Then Jack meets Cora, and a friendship neither expected starts to bloom. Together they uncover something else they didn&’t expect—not only secrets about the town but also Dr. Kingsbury. As they race to discover the truth, they&’ll have to decide who and what to believe before it&’s too late.

Miraculous Mysteries: Locked-Room Murders and Impossible Crimes (British Library Crime Classics #0)

by Edited by Martin Edwards

A fascinating historical mystery by Sulari Gentill, author of #1 LibraryReads pick The Woman in the Library"Set in Australia in 1933, Gentill's entertaining third mystery featuring portrait artist Rowland Sinclair will appeal to fans of Greenwood's Phryne Fisher." —Publishers Weekly"Norman Lindsay is a complete and utter bastard!"With this curse heaped upon the renowned real-life Australian artist and cartoonist, Miles Off Course gets underway. It is early in 1933, and wealthy bohemian Rowland Sinclair and his companions, a poet, a painter, and a sculptress who also models nude, are ensconced in the superlative luxury of The Hydro Majestic-Medlow Bath, where trouble seems distant, despite Australia's being roiled by the same political currents as are upending Europe.But Rowland, try as he might to lead the boho life in Sydney in the family mansion or in a luxury spa, can't dismiss the responsibilities of being a Sinclair. Most of them rest upon his conservative elder brother, Wilfred. And Wil now makes two claims on Rowly. One is to appear at an important upcoming board meeting of a firm where Rowly, pressured by Wil, serves as a director. And the other is to hustle up into the high country where a longtime family stockman appears to have gone missing—and find him.Harry Simpson is an aborigine. The easy answer is that Harry has gone walkabout, but neither Sinclair brother believes this to be true. Plus there are the Sinclair cattle to round up.Instead of saddling up, Rowly insists upon driving his beautiful if despised Mercedes-Benz and taking a posse in the persons of his three live-in friends along. And off they go into a rollicking Outback adventure, where the familiar elements of an American Western blend with gangsters, spies, murder—and a very belligerent writer. The plot dances inventively around actual historical events and a cameo appearance or two made by famous Australian historical figures. Which takes us back to Norman Lindsay....Brimming with larger-than-life characters and brain teasing crimes, this Rowland Sinclair WWII Mystery will appeal to fans of Rhys Bowen, Kerry Greenwood, and Jacqueline Winspear.

La mirada secreta: . (Los Gatos Guerreros | El Poder de los Tres #Volumen 1)

by Erin Hunter

Nuevas aventuras, intrigas y emocionantes batallas en el mundo épico de los clanes en La mirada secreta, primera entrega de «Los Gatos Guerreros | El Poder de los Tres». Los gatos se han adaptado bien a su nuevo territorio a orillas del lago y los distintos clanes llevan una temporada tranquila y próspera. Cumplidas las seis lunas, ha llegado la hora de que tres jóvenes del Clan del Trueno se estrenen como aprendices de guerreros. Leoncillo, Carrasquina y Glayito son nietos del mismísimo líder, Estrella de Fuego, y de cachorros han demostrado poseer la astucia y la fuerza requeridas para convertirse en protectores de su grupo. Sin embargo, una antigua profecía augura la llegada de días difíciles, en los que aumentarán el resentimiento y la animadversión contra los felinos no nacidos en los clanes. Ante la posibilidad de que se produzca un baño de sangre, los tres novatos deberán mostrar su temperamento guerrero para asegurar la supervivencia de la comunidad. «El Poder de los Tres» es la tercera saga de «Los Gatos Guerreros», una serie que se ha traducido ya a 36 idiomas, lleva vendidos más de 30 millones de ejemplares en todo el mundo y ha permanecido durante más de dos años en la lista de grandes éxitos de The New York Times.


by Denyse Bridger

Falling in love with the boss is never a good idea ... but sometimes you just have to follow where your heart leads. Kristy just didn't expect it to lead her into the world of corporate back-stabbing and possible murder. Denyse M. Bridger weaves a suspenseful tale in her hot, contemporary romance, Mirage.When Kristy signed on to be John Smythe's executive assistant, she never imagined falling in love with the coldly handsome and ruthless CEO. Yet, that's precisely what happened. In Smythe's hands, the company prospered, even if his partner didn't. Wheeler Enterprises is in the middle of a fraud investigation when Douglas Wheeler dies, and his only daughter is all that stands between Smythe and complete control of the Wheeler company.When Detective Peter King comes into the picture, and accuses Smythe of more than corporate dirty-dealing, Kristy's life is suddenly a lot more complicated than she wants it to be...

Mirage (The Oregon Files #9)

by Clive Cussler Jack Du Brul

The extraordinary new novel in the #1 New York Times bestselling series from the grand master of adventure. In October 1943, a U.S. destroyer sailed out of Philadelphia and supposedly vanished, the result of a Navy experiment with electromagnetic radiation. <P><P>The story was considered a hoax--but now Juan Cabrillo and his Oregon colleagues aren't so sure.There is talk of a new weapon soon to be sold, something very dangerous to America's interests, and the rumors link it to the great inventor Nikola Tesla, who was working with the Navy when he died in 1943. Was he responsible for the experiment? Are his notes in the hands of enemies?<P>As Cabrillo races to find the truth, he discovers there is even more at stake than he could have imagined--but by the time he realizes it, he may already be too late...


by Don Passman

A mental whiz who runs a cyber-encryption company, John Berger is at the top of his game and sure that all his hard work will soon pay off. After playing in a two-day chess tournament, he arrives at work to find his office building bombed and several people killed. When questioned by the police, he explains he was playing chess at the time of the explosion. Then comes a greater shock ("the police tell him the chess tournament never took place.

The Mirage

by Matt Ruff

A mind-bending novel in which an alternate history of 9/11 and its aftermath uncovers startling truths about America and the Middle East 11/9/2001: Christian fundamentalists hijack four jetliners. They fly two into the Tigris & Euphrates World Trade Towers in Baghdad, and a third into the Arab Defense Ministry in Riyadh. The fourth plane, believed to be bound for Mecca, is brought down by its passengers. The United Arab States declares a War on Terror. Arabian and Persian troops invade the Eastern Seaboard and establish a Green Zone in Washington, D.C. . . . Summer, 2009: Arab Homeland Security agent Mustafa al Baghdadi interrogates a captured suicide bomber. The prisoner claims that the world they are living in is a mirage-in the real world, America is a superpower, and the Arab states are just a collection of "backward third-world countries." A search of the bomber's apartment turns up a copy of The New York Times, dated September 12, 2001, that appears to support his claim. Other captured terrorists have been telling the same story. The president wants answers, but Mustafa soon discovers he's not the only interested party. The gangster Saddam Hussein is conducting his own investigation. And the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee-a war hero named Osama bin Laden-will stop at nothing to hide the truth. As Mustafa and his colleagues venture deeper into the unsettling world of terrorism, politics, and espionage, they are confronted with questions without any rational answers, and the terrifying possibility that their world is not what it seems. Acclaimed novelist Matt Ruff has created a shadow world that is eerily recognizable but, at the same time, almost unimaginable. Gripping, subversive, and unexpectedly moving, The Mirage probes our deepest convictions and most arresting fears.


by Jimena Cook

Una apasionante novela romántica de suspense y aventuras ambientada en plena Guerra de los Balcanes. En mitad del caos, la irracionalidad del hombre, el odio y la venganza... el intenso amor entre Ana y Henric será capaz de vencer las barreras del odio. La vida de Ana cambiará desde el momento que decide trabajar en un internado para señoritas en Dubrovnik. Su obsesión por el pasado de la familia Windsor y por Henric, un hombre enigmático, heredero de las propiedades de su clan y ofuscado con la restauración de un cuadro de una antepasada suya, la llevará a tormentosas y difíciles pruebas que se verán agravadas por el estallido de una guerra, cruel y sangrienta, que cambiará su destino poniendo su vida en peligro. En mitad del caos y el peligro, Ana descubrirá el verdadero amor, un romance apasionado que la expondrá a desengaños, amenazas y aventuras. Su curiosidad por un cuadro, el descubrimiento de un diario la guiarán hasta la clave para resolver y entender todas las incógnitas que rodean el pasado y el presente de Henric. Ana, rodeada de una clase social alta, superficial, con vidas desordenadas, descubrirá la verdadera personalidad y los planes que el heredero de los Windsor tiene para ella. La Guerra de los Balcanes alterará la vida y los valores de los protagonistas. La crueldad del conflicto bélico irrumpirá con brusquedad en la vida de Ana y Henric alterando sus principios y el valor de las vidas humanas.

Mírame (Visión Apagada #1)

by Lexy Timms

“A veces el corazón puede ver lo que es invisible para los ojos.” Bree es el tipo de mujer que disfruta de la alegría de vivir. Siempre está fuera, surfea, se dedica a la pintura artística y participa como voluntaria en organizaciones benéficas locales. Tiene una gran cantidad de amigos y está en una relación seria de noviazgo. Hasta que su vida da un giro de manera abrupta. Después de romper con su novio, sufre un accidente automovilístico y pierde la vista debido a un traumatismo en la cabeza. Debería sentirse bendecida, lo sabe. Podría haber perdido la vida Sin embargo, de repente todo se ha teñido de negro. Sabe que la belleza del mundo está ahí afuera, pero no puede apreciarla. Y ahora odia su vida. No importa lo mucho que sus amigos y su padre intenten ayudarla a vivir de nuevo. Cuando su padre contrata a un joven lazarillo para que la cuide, Bree se pone furiosa. Necesita recuperar la vista, no un niñero. Y maldita sea si no va a pasar cada minuto resentida con todo y odiando su vida. Serie: Visión Apagada Libro 1 – Mírame Libro 2 – Sáname Libro 3 – Tu Mirada en la Mía


by Vic Evans

<p>A brilliantly researched and exquisitely told tale of love, death, and heartbreak which explores some of the most important and devastating events of twentieth-century Europe.<p> <p>Miriam Rabin, a bright, headstrong young woman, grows up in North Wales in the early years of the twentieth century determined to make the most of her life. Her ambitions are thwarted after her mother’s death and she seems destined to live out her days as the obscure wife of a hill farmer, although her political beliefs provide her with some respite. In her early thirties, though, a major tragedy changes her life forever. Suddenly Miriam – alongside her equally headstrong sister Esther – finds herself fighting against Franco’s forces in the Spanish Civil War. Circumstances then lead her to Russia at the turn of World War II, where she becomes an officer in Stalin’s feared secret police, the NKVD …<p> <p>Miriam’s fervour, passions, heartbreak, and determination lead her along a risky path through the most troubled times of the last hundred years. And, when the future looks ever more uncertain, what becomes of the loved ones she left behind?<p>

Miriam's Talisman

by Elenor Gill

A woman is drawn into a shadowy family legacy in this “mysterious and brooding” novel from the author of Dreams of Origami (Taranaki Daily News). When her grandmother dies, Chloe is left in possession of all Miriam’s belongings, including a curious silver amulet. But the necklace is more than just an odd piece of jewelry. When Chloe puts it on, she discovers its power to sweep her away to another world, one of illusion, duplicity, and danger. As her friends and family’s concern grows for her mental health, Chloe delves deeper into the mysteries of her grandmother’s past. Soon, she’ll find herself a pawn in an ancient love story that has haunted the women in her family for generations, and is sought out by an intriguing stranger that may be the key to secrets of her family’s history.

Miriya (Double Helix Case Files #1)

by Jade Kerrion Double Helix

Destinies collide...Thirty years into the First Genetic Revolution, society’s tolerance for human derivatives is wearing thin. Clones and in vitros are regarded with suspicion, and mutants with resentment. Yet in spite of the hostile environment, some alpha telepaths—like Miriya Templeton—have thrived. Her luck is running out. Destiny has set her life on a collision course with Danyael Sabre, the alpha empath who can kill with a touch. Whether he becomes friend or foe, whether he and she live or die, will depend on the choices she makes. On her decisions hang the outcomes of the Second Genetic Revolution. Miriya, however, does not believe in destiny, nor want any part of the revolution. It is up to the enforcer, Jake Hansen, to convince her otherwise, and he is running out of time. Miriya is a standalone "prequel" novella to the Double Helix series.

The Mirror

by Marlys Millhiser

In this twisting time-travel thriller, a woman faints on the eve of her wedding and awakens at the turn of the century in her grandmother's body The night before her wedding, Shay Garrett has no idea that a glimpse into her grandmother's antique Chinese mirror will completely transform her seemingly ordinary life. But after a bizarre blackout, she wakes up to find herself in the same house--in the year 1900. Even stranger, she realizes she is now living in the body of her grandmother, Brandy McCabe, as a young woman. Meanwhile, Brandy, having looked into the same mirror, awakens in Shay's body in the present day to discover herself pregnant. Did Shay die and get reincarnated as young Brandy, who is about to get married herself? The answer is far more complex and bizarre than either woman can imagine. Shay's mother, Rachael, weaves back and forth between the two time periods in this riveting story of three headstrong women grappling with identity, love, and family drama. From courageous, compassionate Shay, who suddenly finds herself fighting against the confines of a society decades away from women's liberation, to Brandy, struggling to adapt to a more modern world, Millhiser's strong characters are up to the task presented by this imaginative yet humorous adventure. This extraordinary novel is both a fascination tale of time-travel suspense and a journey to the heart of the bond shared by three generations of women. It is a tribute to survival, and to the triumph of the female spirit in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

The Mirror and the Mask (Jane Lawless #17)

by Ellen Hart

Minneapolis restaurateur Jane Lawless is at crossroads. The rough economy has put her plans for a third restaurant on hold, and her long distance romance is on the rocks and quite possibly unsalvageable. Unsure of what to do next, she takes her good friend A. J. Nolan up on his standing offer to take her on as a private investigator. While still in training, her first job seems simple enough. All she had to do is find Annie Archer's stepfather. Jane tracks down a likely match--a man who has made a small fortune in real estate. While she's happy to close her first case, she finds it hard to reconcile the difference between PI work, "finding what people pay you to find" and uncovering the truth, the whole truth, especially when clues in this seemingly simple case point to more threatening family secrets than where Annie's father has been hiding out. Ellen Hart's The Mirror and the Mask is another engrossing mystery filled with the deceit and psychological intrigue that fans have come to expect from this Lambda and Minnesota Book Award-winning author.

The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side: A Miss Marple Mystery (Miss Marple Mysteries #8)

by Agatha Christie

Now with a beautiful new series look, a fatal dose of poison meant for a glamorous movie star fells her ardent admirer instead—and Miss Marple is there to unmask a murderer.One minute, silly Heather Babcock had been babbling on at her movie idol, the glamorous Marina Gregg. The next, Heather suffered a massive seizure, poisoned by a deadly cocktail.It seems likely that the cocktail was intended for the beautiful actress. But while the police fumble to find clues, Miss Marple begins to ask her own questions, because as she knows—even the most peaceful village can hide dark secrets.

The Mirror Dance

by Catriona McPherson

Something sinister is afoot in the streets of Dundee, when a puppeteer is found murdered behind his striped Punch and Judy stand, as children sit cross-legged drinking ginger beer. At once, Dandy Gilver's semmingly-innocuous investigation into plagiarism takes a darker turn. The gruesome death seems to be inextricably bound to the gloomy offices of Doig's Publishers, its secrets hidden in the real stories behind their girls' magazines The Rosie Cheek and The Freckle. On meeting a mysterious professor from St Andrews, Dandy and her faithful colleague Alex Osbourne are flung into the worlds of academia, the theatre and publishing. Nothing is quite as it seems, and behind the cheerful facades of puppets and comic books, is a troubled history has begun to repeat itself.

The Mirror Dance

by Catriona McPherson

Something sinister is afoot in the streets of Dundee, when a puppeteer is found murdered behind his striped Punch and Judy stand, as children sit cross-legged drinking ginger beer. At once, Dandy Gilver''s semmingly-innocuous investigation into plagiarism takes a darker turn. The gruesome death seems to be inextricably bound to the gloomy offices of Doig''s Publishers, its secrets hidden in the real stories behind their girls'' magazines The Rosie Cheek and The Freckle. On meeting a mysterious professor from St Andrews, Dandy and her faithful colleague Alex Osbourne are flung into the worlds of academia, the theatre and publishing. Nothing is quite as it seems, and behind the cheerful facades of puppets and comic books, is a troubled history has begun to repeat itself.

Mirror Image (Vib Ser.)

by Sandra Brown

They were all entangled in lies of power, loyalty, and love * AVERY-A talented TV reporter, she was suddenly in possession of another woman's identity and deadly secrets-and suddenly in love. TATE-A handsome, charismatic senatorial candidate, he was targeted for death by an unfaithful wife he had come to despise-who was now a charming woman he couldn't resist. EDDY-He was Tate's best friend and campaign manager, and he'd play any dirty trick or bed any pretty woman who would help him get what he wanted. FANCY-Tate's reckless niece, she told too many family secrets and slept with too many men-until one lover taught her games of pain and power.

Mirror Image: A Daniel Rinaldi Mystery (large Print 16pt) (Daniel Rinaldi Thrillers #1)

by Dennis Palumbo

Mystery crime fiction written in the Golden Age of Murder"[R]eaders who appreciate careful plot development, slightly unusual detectives, and logical denouements will relish this volume." —Library JournalImpossible crime stories have been relished by puzzle-lovers ever since the invention of detective fiction. Fiendishly intricate cases were particularly well suited to the cerebral type of detective story that became so popular during the 'golden age of murder' between the two world wars. But the tradition goes back to the days of Edgar Allan Poe and Wilkie Collins, and impossible crime stories have been written by such luminaries as Arthur Conan Doyle, G.K. Chesterton, Dorothy L. Sayers and Margery Allingham.This anthology celebrates their work, alongside long-hidden gems by less familiar writers. Together these stories demonstrate the range and high accomplishment of the classic British impossible crime story over more than half a century.

Mirror Image

by Laura Scott

MISTAKEN IDENTITY When someone attempts to kidnap SWAT cop Jenna Reed, what saves her is her training and the impeccable timing of her boss, Lieutenant Griff Vaughn. Then they find the real target hiding in the bushes, a runaway teen who is Jenna's look-alike...and the sister she never knew she had. Teaming up to unravel her sister's past and find the human-trafficking thugs who intend to kill her, Jenna and Griff have no choice but to go on the run-outside the law. But with time running out-and their all-too-unprofessional attraction proving difficult to ignore-can Jenna and Griff protect Jenna's sister and take down the criminals without sacrificing their careers...or their lives? SWAT: Top Cops-Love in the Line of Duty

Mirror Image: A Novel

by Michael Scott

A mirror that feeds on human souls wreaks destruction on those around it in Mirror Image, the new novel from internationally bestselling author Michael Scott and Melanie Ruth RoseIn an auction house in London, there is a mirror no one will buy. Standing seven feet tall and reaching four feet across, its size makes it unusual. Its horrific powers make it extraordinary. For centuries, the mirror has fed off of the lives of humans, giving them agonizing deaths and sucking their souls into its hellish world.When Jonathan Frazer, the wealthy owner of a furniture and antiques shop in Los Angeles, buys the mirror at an auction, he believes he is getting the bargain of a lifetime. With its age and size, it is easily worth eight times what he paid for it. At this point, the mirror has sat dormant for years. But within days of Jonathan's purchase, the deaths begin again. One employee is crushed when the mirror falls on top of him. A few days later, the corpse of another is found in front of the mirror, brutally stabbed. A third is burned beyond all recognition. All the while, an enormous man with a scarred face is following Jonathan, demanding that he give him the mirror and killing any police officer that gets in his way.The police are becoming desperate. As the death toll rises, Jonathan himself becomes a suspect. He knows there is something wrong with the mirror. He knows it's dangerous. But he cannot bring himself to get rid of it. Everyday he becomes more captivated by the mirror.For the mirror is awakening, and its powers are resurfacing.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

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