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Mulch (Gardening Mystery #1)

by Ann Ripley

Rooting out a killer can dig you a grave... Amateur gardener and housewife Louise Eldridge has big plans for her family's new Sylvan Valley home, situated among the flower of suburban Washington, D.C., society. Some Japanese iris here, some skunk cabbage there...and her own cozy cabin for her horticultural writings. But barely has she turned the topsoil when her organic mulching unearths the unidentifiable remains of a murder victim. Suddenly her elegant garden is a crime scene blighted by garish yellow police tape.And Louise--cultivating the rich and restless wives of the neighborhood and their hothouse secrets--must find out who has gone missing. For only then can she root out a rare species of killer who could soon be digging her grave.From the Paperback edition.

Mulch Ado about Murder (Local Foods Mystery #5)

by Edith Maxwell

It’s been a hot, dry spring in Westbury, Massachusetts. As organic farmer Cam Flaherty waits for much-needed rain, storm clouds of mystery begin to gather. Once again, it’s time to put away her sun hat and put on her sleuthing cap . . .May has been anything but merry for Cam so far. Her parents have arrived unexpectedly and her crops are in danger of withering away. But all of that’s nothing compared to the grim fate that lies in store for one of her neighbors. Nicole Kingsbury is the proud owner of the town’s new hydroponic greenhouse. She claims the process will be 100% organic, but she uses chemicals to feed her crops. To Cam’s surprise, her mother embarrasses her by organizing a series of loud public protests against Nicole’s operation.When Nicole is found dead in a vat of hydroponic slurry—clutching another set of rosary beads—Detective Pete Pappas has a new murder to solve. Showers may be scarce this spring, but there’s no shortage of suspects, including the dead woman’s embittered ex‑husband, the Other Man whose affair ruined their marriage, and Cam’s own mother. Lucky for Cam, her father turns out to have a knack for sleuthing—not to mention dealing with chickens. Will he and Cam be able to clear Mrs. Flaherty’s name before the killer strikes again?PRAISE FOR THE MYSTERIES OF EDITH MAXWELL!MURDER MOST FOWL“Another intelligent installment in this unusual cozy series. Maxwell keeps the dialogue as fresh as Cam’s produce in this nice mix of cozy ambience and a realistic story of greed and hidden secrets.” —Booklist “Entertaining . . . cozy fans will enjoy spending time with Cam and friends.” —Publishers WeeklyFARMED AND DANGEROUS“Quirky characters, lots of organic farming tips, and a well-developed mystery make this Cam’s best outing yet.” —Kirkus Reviews“Maxwell’s feisty heroine and the interesting background detail on the realities of organic farming blend to deliver a clever, twisting mystery . . . Fans of other mysteries involving organic farming, or of foodie mysteries in general, will find plenty to enjoy here.” —Booklist“For all cozy readers, especially fans of Joanne Fluke and Diane Mott Davidson.” —Library Journal‘TIL DIRT DO US PART“There are plenty of farming-based cozies on the market today, but this one stands out.” —Booklist“A most enjoyable look at organic farming with some charming characters and cooking suggestions thrown in.” —Kirkus Reviews A TINE TO LIVE, A TINE TO DIE“With an insider’s look at organic farming and a loyal, persistent heroine, Maxwell offers a series that cozy mystery fans will root for.” —Lucy Burdette, author of Fatal Reservations

Mulch Ado About Nothing: A Jane Jeffry Mystery (A Jane Jeffry Mystery Ser. #12)

by Jill Churchill

Suburban mom Jane Jeffry and her equally green-thumbless best friend Shelley Nowack could kill plastic plants. But their scheme to improve themselves vegetatively dies on the vine when the celebrated botanist slated to teach a class at the local Community Center is mysteriously beaten into a coma--and her replacement turns out to be Dr. Stewart Eastman, an arrogant, self-promoting boor. Did Dr. Eastman or a fellow classmate assault their original instructor? And who later plants a corpse in Eastman's compost heap? There's certainly an abundant crop of suspects. And it's up to Jane to weed out a killer. Bookshare offers a dozen additional witty mysteries by Jill Churchill including several books in the Jane Jeffry series and others in the Grace and Favor series with more on the way.

Mule: A Novel of Moving Weight

by Tony D'Souza

A young family man caught in the Great Recession turns to running marijuana cross-country to make ends meet in this &“timely, witty, and fast-paced&” novel (Booklist). James and Kate are golden children of the late twentieth century, flush with opportunity. But an economic downturn and an unexpected pregnancy have them desperate to find a way to make do. And they happen to have a friend in California&’s Siskiyou County who grows prime-grade marijuana. If James transports just one load from Cali to Florida, he&’ll pull down enough cash to survive for months. And so begins the life of a drug mule. Fans of Breaking Bad will love this page-turning, Zeitgeist-capturing novel that plunges into the criminal underworld with little chance to take a breath. Mule is about people whose morals are tested by unbearable financial stress, trying to survive when the American Dream that had once been handed to them—fully wrapped and ready to go at the takeout window—suddenly vanishes from the menu. &“A smart and bracing ground-level exploration of the drug trade.&” —Kirkus Reviews &“Thanks to its wicked style and pacing, Mule lets me forget I&’m reading serious literature while I follow its terrifying story into the land of the all-American damned.&” —Walter Kirn, author of Up in the Air &“Mule is swift, taut, and relentless . . . A rip-roaring drug tale.&” —Lauren Groff, author of Fates and Furies &“With adrenaline-infused sentences and a seat-gripping story line, Mule is a novel that illuminates contemporary American desperation, both its dangerous precipices and its thrilling, overwhelming freedom.&” —Dean Bakopoulos, author of My American Unhappiness


by Peter Parkin

Jack Howser, a retired widower, finds comfort in the companionship of his Border collie as he tries to fill his lonely days. Life is peaceful, but boring, until Jack finally gives in to his sense of curiosity and begins to track down the history of his adopted pet. Jack’s probing mind unleashes a cavalcade of events, a rollercoaster ride towards a mind-numbing revelation. Kerrie Joplin, a former New York City lawyer, has been forced to abandon her career and start fresh-a new life on the shores of a mountain lake in Montana. She has a past that she wants to forget, but one phone call from a stranger and her longing for a dog that was part of that past, draws her back in. The two new friends find, as they stumble from one clue to the next that they have more in common than just the love of a dog. Their thirst for solving the mystery that the dog has led them to, gradually becomes an addiction they can’t turn away from. Even when their instincts tell them they are approaching the point of no return. Their harrowing journey of danger and betrayal lurches them headlong into the tangled web of a diabolical plot, and the realization that with unbridled power even the noblest of intentions can corrupt the human conscience and soul.

Muletrain to Maggody: An Arly Hanks Mystery

by Joan Hess

Under the benign watch of Police Chief Arly Hanks, things are pretty quiet in the sleepy Arkansas town of Maggody these days. Not even the prospect of a historical society-funded Civil War documentary on the locally touted (albeit historically insignificant) Skirmish at Cotter's Ridge of 1863 does much to stir up the denizens of this sleepy backwoods town. What does finally get the rumor mill buzzing, however, is the revelation that two saddlebags of Confederate gold were hidden in a local cave to keep them from falling into Yankee hands. Once word gets out that the saddlebags were never recovered, almost everyone in town has a plan to get their hands on the lost gold. Meanwhile, a colorful cast of outlanders has taken over Maggody. They include a dewy Charleston belle, a famous writer of historical romances, her ne'er-do-well son, and three dozen obsessive reenactors who have not yet acknowledged that the Civil War ended over a hundred years ago, as well as a documentary film crew and a handsome, if enigmatic, filmmaker with ties to Arly's past. Arly has more than enough on her hands trying to locate missing senior citizens and keeping the visitors from each other's throats, but when the genealogist of the Stump County Historical Society dies under questionable circumstances, and a member of the Buchanon clan is the victim of a vicious and fatal attack, Arly finds herself faced with the most baffling whodunit of her career, with a disgruntled ghost a possible prime suspect.

A Mulher Da Floresta

by Phillip Tomasso

Em 1912, uma jovem garota é encontrada morta. Nos dias de hoje, os pais do jovem Jeremy envolveram-se num homicídio-suicídio. Logo depois, ele é internado num manicómio. Anos mais tarde, Jeremy faz dezoito anos e é liberado. Depois que ele volta para casa para viver com seu tio, velhas lembranças começam a surgir, e as pessoas ao seu redor começam a morrer em rápida sucessão. Lentamente, aceitando a morte de seus pais, Jeremy compreende que alguns segredos não vão ficar enterrados. O que realmente aconteceu na noite em que seus pais morreram, e como isso está ligado ao destino da jovem garota?

A Mulher Deve Ser Livre: Em Defesa das Mulheres (Mulheres Acorrentadas - Livro 4 #4)

by Mary King

Em um mundo no qual ela acredita que homens e mulheres não têm direitos iguais perante a lei, dias de liberdade de Emelisa estão contados. Como defesa, Emelisa deve confiar no advogado de defesa Humphrey, um ativista dos direitos humanos  e membro de longa data de uma organização poderosa, Salve as Mulheres Negras.

A mulher entre nós

by Sarah Pekkanen Greer Hendicks

Uma história cheia de suspense que explora as complexidades do casamento e as verdades perigosas que ignoramos em nome do amor. <P><P>Aos 37 anos, a recém-divorciada Vanessa está no fundo do poço. Deprimida, a morar no apartamento da tia, sem filhos, dinheiro ou amigos verdadeiros. Richard, o seu carismático e rico marido, era tudo para ela. Mas, ao descobrir que ele está prestes a voltar a casar, algo dentro de Vanessa se rompe. A partir de agora, na sua vida, só existirá uma única obsessão: impedir esse casamento. Custe o que custar. <P><P>Nellie parece uma jovem qualquer, bela e sonhadora, que chega a Manhattan para começar a sua tão sonhada vida adulta. Mas a personalidade tranquila que ostenta é apenas uma fachada. Na sua cabeça perdura um segredo que a fez fugir da sua cidade natal e que a impede de caminhar sozinha para casa. <P><P> Ao conhecer Richard - bem-sucedido, protector, o homem dos seus sonhos -, Nellie finalmente começa a sentir-se segura. Ele promete protegê-la de tudo para o resto de sua vida. Mas, de repente, começa a receber chamadas misteriosas. Algumas fotografias são mudadas de lugar no seu quarto. O lenço que planeava usar no seu casamento desaparece. Alguém a está a perseguir, alguém quer o seu mal. Mas quem?

Mulheres que não perdoam

by Camilla Läckberg

A indiscutível rainha do thriller Mais de 28 milhões de exemplares vendidos «Era verdade que ia matar um homem, mas, ao mesmo tempo, libertaria uma mulher. O saldo das suas acções acabaria por ser positivo. E, quando estivesse feito, alguém a libertaria a ela.» Prisioneiras dos seus casamentos, cansadas de sofrer e com sede de vingança, três mulheres que não se conhecem trocam confidências num fórum da Internet. Ingrid, esposa de um famoso editor de jornal e que sacrificou a sua carreira de jornalista em benefício do marido, descobre que este a trai sem escrúpulos. Birgitta, a doce professora apreciada por toda a comunidade, sabe que está doente há vários meses, mas continua a adiar a ida ao médico. As contusões que cobrem o seu corpo podem revelar a violência que sofre em silêncio. Victoria deixou a sua Rússia natal para se estabelecer na Suécia com um homem que conheceu num site de encontros. Mas ele não é, de forma alguma, o marido que ela imaginou, e a sua nova vida é um pesadelo. Prisioneira de um bêbado obeso, é tratada "como uma boneca insuflável capaz de cozinhar e manter a casa limpa". Um dia, levadas ao limite, planeiam, mesmo sem se conhecerem, o crime perfeito. Os elogios da crítica: «Um enredo perfeito de uma das mestres da ficção mundial.»La Repubblica «Ninguém mata melhor.»ABC Cultural

Mulholland Dive: Three Stories

by Michael Connelly

Three stories, brought together in one ebook, from 'crime-writing genius' Michael ConnellyIn the title story, a fatal accident on Mulholland Drive turns out to be part of an ingenious plot - but is it too ingenious? In Two Bagger, a dedicated cop working for the Gang Intelligence Unit finally gets the payoff he's worked so hard for - but it's not what he's expecting. In Cahoots, a team of scam artists meet for a high-stakes poker game but who is scamming who?Also including an exclusive extract from The Black Box, this collection is a must read for all Connelly fans.

Mulholland Dive: 3 Short Stories

by Michael Connelly

Three never-before-collected short stories from #1 New York Times bestselling author Michael ConnellyIn "Cahoots," a backroom poker game turns deadly when a cheater is exposed. In "Mulholland Dive," a man who deciphers the hidden codes of accident scenes investigates a fatality off L.A.'s most fabled roadway. In "Two-Bagger," an obsessed cop tails an ex-con he believes is about to carry out a contract killing.Together these gripping, unforgettable stories show that Michael Connelly "knows the workings of the LAPD and the streets of the City of Angels like he knows his own name" (Boston Globe). [Word count: 14,054]

Mulholland Dive: Three Stories (Harry Bosch)

by Michael Connelly

In the title story, a fatal accident on Mulholland Drive turns out to be part of an ingenious plot - but is it too ingenious? In Two Bagger, a dedicated cop working for the Gang Intelligence Unit finally gets the payoff he's worked so hard for - but it's not what he's expecting. In Cahoots, a team of scam artists meet for a high-stakes poker game but who is scamming who?Read by David W. Collins. David W. Collins began building his voice-over career almost 10 years ago, performing in numerous radio spots, video games, national TV commercials and phone systems. Before relocating to Los Angeles earlier this year, David was seen in a theatrical run at Berkeley Repertory Theater, and performed the National Anthem as a soloist at various sporting events around the San Francisco Bay Area.(p) 2012 Hachette Audio

The Mullah's Storm

by Tom Young

A transport plane carrying a high-ranking Taliban prisoner is shot down in a blizzard over Afghanistan's mountainous Hindu Kush. The storm makes rescue impossible, and for two people-navigator Michael Parson and a female Army interpreter, Sergeant Gold-a battle for survival begins against not only the hazards of nature, but the treacheries of man: the Taliban stalking them, the villagers whose loyalties are unknown, and a prisoner who would very much like the three of them to be caught.

Mulled Murder (Pennyfoot Hotel Mystery #21)

by Kate Kingsbury

This holiday season at the Pennyfoot, the head count is down--but the body count is up...With one of her housemaids leaving to get married, Cecily Sinclair Baxter wants nothing more for Christmas than some good help. <P><P>Instead of visions of sugar plums, she's calling the plumber to deal with flooded bathrooms. Then there's the surly new janitor, who acts like he got coal in his stocking.But as Cecily scrambles to hire and train new staff in time for the holidays, one of her guests is beyond help. Gerald Evans is found stabbed to death on the beach, and Cecily soon discovers he was a private investigator from London looking into dark doings involving the Pennyfoot. Who among the staff or guests was being pursued, and what secret drove that person to cold-blooded murder?

Mulled to Death (A Colorado Wine Mystery #3)

by Kate Lansing

A Valentine's Day getaway is on the rocks when a young winemaker discovers a body at an alpine resort in this delightful cozy mystery.When Parker Valentine decides to take a weekend getaway with her boyfriend Reid, a ski trip seems like the perfect choice. Between hitting the slopes and persuading the resort's wine director to sell her mulled wine, Parker is eager to mix business with pleasure. But her plans are muddled when she finds the resort owner's body on a treacherous portion of ski trail near the resort.As a result, not only is Parker's romantic weekend thrown into chaos, but now that the owner has died, her business deal is due for a frosty reception, and her life might be in danger as well. After a series of unfortunate mishaps befall Parker, she realizes that whoever killed the resort owner might want to tie up loose ends. Parker's going to need all of the investigative skills at her disposal to catch a killer before they put her on ice.

Multimillonario gana millones (la serie Dirigiendo a los Jefes #13)

by Lexy Timms

¡El jefe ha vuelto! Del autor más vendido, Lexy Timms, llega un romance multimillonario que hará que te desmayes y te enamores de nuevo. A Reid Enterprises le está yendo bien, Jamie y Alex están en un buen momento, y aunque las cosas son difíciles a veces, nada supera a la familia. Cuando Erica entra a parto prematuro, Jamie revive la pesadilla de su propio y complicado parto. Pero es en ese momento en el cual la similitud termina. A Jamie le encanta tener hijos y traerlos al mundo era un milagro. Pero Erica no se siente de la misma manera, y pocos días después ella desaparece. Al mismo tiempo, Christine deja de responderle llamadas a Jamie. ¿Coincidencia? Justo cuando Jamie piensa que las cosas ya no podían empeorar, Markie es secuestrado. Los problemas están repentinamente de regreso a su propia casa, y esta vez, amenazan con destrozar a su familia. ¿A quién culpar? ¿Cómo pasó esto? ¿Y dónde están Erica y Christine? Mientras Jamie y Alex recuperen a Markie sano y salvo, no les importa la respuesta a esas preguntas. Pero tal vez deberían hacerlo.

Multiple Exposure

by Ellen Crosby

From the author of the "lively and spirited" (The Providence Journal) wine country mysteries, comes the first in a new series featuring a savvy female photographer whose husband's abduction embroils her in the world of international espionage and lost Romanov art treasures.When photojournalist Sophie Medina returns to London from an overseas assignment, she discovers that her husband Nick, a geologist and covert CIA operative, has been abducted. Three months later she is shocked when a friend in the British government says Nick was spotted in Moscow and is now not only a suspect in his boss's murder, but also potentially involved in illicit Russian oil deals. With her every move now closely watched Sophie moves to Washington, D.C. to be with family and friends. There, Sophie is drawn deeper into Nick's shadowy world. While photographing an exhibit of two never-before-seen Faberge imperial eggs at the National Gallery of Art, Sophie is confronted by a Russian oil tycoon, implicating her former husband. On the run from Nick's enemies, Sophie plays a high-stakes game of Russian roulette as she tries to determine friend from foe and prove her husband's innocence. Weaving together political intrigue, art history, and espionage, this fast-paced story marks the start of a promising new series.

A Mumbai Murder Mystery: A Temple Hill Mystery Book 1

by Meeti Shroff-Shah

Radhi returns home to Mumbai to lick her wounds after a failed relationship and a bout of writer's block, but she soon gets caught up in the tangled mystery surrounding the death of her best friend's father. Among the rarefied circles of Mumbai's posh Temple Hill, there is nothing more tragic than loss of face - not even loss of life. Radhi's pregnant best friend Sanjana's father is found dead in his study. Everyone says it's suicide. And yet, just hours before, he was telling Sanjana that he couldn't wait to hold his grandchild in his arms. Something feels off to Radhi. Her suspicions are further raised by the surly cook and timid young maid's odd behavior. And who did the second cup of tea on his desk belong to? Radhi is determined to uncover the truth. But the deeper she digs beneath the diamond-studded prayer meetings and the lavishly catered "pure-veg" brunches, the faster she finds herself drawn into a web of festering grievances, hidden agendas, and long-buried secrets. As the intense Indian summer draws to an end and the monsoon sets in, Radhi risks everything to find out the truth.

Mumbai Noir (Akashic Noir)

by Altaf Tyrewala

"Tyrewala's insightful introduction greatly enhances the reading experience, and the glossary helps, too . . . The collection is astonishingly diverse . . . Tyrewala's anthology [offers] a sampling of brand-new authors and [a] superb introduction. It might provide a fictional contrast to Katherine Boo's Behind the Beautiful Forevers."--Library Journal (Starred review)"Most of the 14 short stories in Akashic's workmanlike Mumbai volume draw inspiration from the criminal networks and the sordid underbelly the city is infamous for . . . Armchair travelers will find plenty of amusement in touring the seedier parts of this island city in perfect safety."--Publishers Weekly"The fifteen contributors to Mumbai Noir . . . provide a cool composite narrative of a unique human-intensive metropolitan system, whose magnitude, complexity, diversity, and pace can hardly be captured in writing or, for that matter, any other medium. [Mumbai Noir is] rich and diverse in character and characterization."--Rain Taxi Review of BooksFeaturing brand-new stories by: Annie Zaidi, R. Raj Rao, Abbas Tyrewala, Avtar Singh, Ahmed Bunglowala, Smita Harish Jain, Sonia Faleiro, Altaf Tyrewala, Namita Devidayal, Jerry Pinto, Kalpish Ratna, Riaz Mulla, Paromita Vohra, and Devashish Makhija.Bombay's communal riots of 1992--in which Hindus were alleged to be the primary perpetrators-were followed by retaliatory bomb blasts in 1993, masterminded by the Muslim-dominated underworld. Over a thousand citizens lost their lives in these internecine bouts of violence and thousands more became refugees in their own city. In a matter of months, Bombay ceased to be the cosmopolitan, wholesome, and middle-class bastion it had been for decades. When the city was renamed Mumbai in 1995, it merely formalized the widespread perception that the Bombay everyone knew and remembered had been lost forever.Today Mumbai is like any other Asian city on the rise, with gigantic construction cranes winding atop upcoming skyscrapers and malls . . . Right-wing violence, failing electricity and water supplies, overcrowding, and the ever-looming threat of terrorist attacks-these are some of the gruesome ground realities that Mumbai's middle and working classes must deal with every day, while the city's super-rich . . . zip from roof to roof in their private choppers. Abandoned by its wealthy, mistreated by its politicians and administrators, Mumbai continues to thrive primarily because of the helpless resilience of its hardworking, upright citizens.The stories in Mumbai Noir depict the many ways in which the city's ever-present shadowy aspects often force themselves onto the lives of ordinary people. . . . What emerges is the sense of a city that, despite its new name and triumphant tryst with capitalism, is yet to heal from the wounds of the early '90s, and from all the subsequent acts of havoc wreaked within its precincts by both local and outside forces.

Mumbo Gumbo

by Jerrilyn Farmer

Mad Bean Events is on the job catering the glorious Hollywood season wrap party for the surprise hit gourmet game show, But when one of the key game show writers seems to have disappeared, Maddie's producer friend needs a replacement -- fast. And who better to write culinary questions than Maddie? When Maddie joins the oddball crew of game show pros, she finds she has a talent for writing clues as well as following them -- since the office she takes over offers tantalizing hints as to the whereabouts of the missing writer. And Maddie aims to hit the jackpot by answering: Who wrote off the writer?

Mumbo Gumbo Murder (A Scrapbooking Mystery #16)

by Laura Childs Terrie Farley Moran

A shocking murder strikes a sour note during Jazz Fest in the latest New Orleans Scrapbooking Mystery from New York Times bestselling author Laura Childs.It's Jazz Fest in New Orleans, and the giant puppets from the Beastmaster Puppet Theatre are parading through the French Quarter. Some are very spooky and veiled, others are tall and gangly, like strange aliens. As the parade proceeds, Carmela Bertrand and her best friend, Ava, follow behind, down Royal Street and past the food booths. Suddenly, they hear a terrible crash from Devon Dowling's antiques shop. They rush inside to find Devon collapsed with blood streaming down the side of his face. Has he been shot? Stabbed? 911 is hastily called, and the police and EMTs show up. After the police examine Devon's body, they tell Carmela and Ava that their friend was murdered with an icepick. They're shocked beyond belief—and now Mimi, Devon's little pug, is left homeless.Carmela and Ava are determined to catch the murderer, but the list of suspects is long. How long do they have before they find themselves on the killer's list?

Mummies of the Motorway & Scarborough Fair

by Elizabeth Ann Scarborough

Available for the first time as an ebook pairing, these two short stories by author Elizabeth Ann Scarborough serve as an mystical introduction to her work.In MUMMIES OF THE MOTORWAY, a woman and her niece and nephew travel to an English resort where something ancient and bandaged awaits in the mist.SCARBOROUGH FAIR finds the author helping a woman reconnect with her past at the story's namesake fair along the English seaside.

The Mummies of the Reich (The India Summers Mysteries)

by K. M. Ashman

Nothing can prepare them for what lies at the end of their journey...When a 1000-year-old crucifix is discovered around the neck of a 500-year-old mummy, Brandon Walker once more calls on the expertise of India Summers to solve the mystery.Within days they discover that there is far more to this than a hoax and it soon becomes clear that the crucifix links back to Hitler’s SS.Ultimately, what they find is not only a cover-up of global proportions and the tragic aftermath of a long-forgotten battle, but a group of dangerous men seeking the most powerful and dangerous artefact of all time, known simply as the Icon.A pulse-pounding conspiracy thriller with a twist you won’t see coming, perfect for fans of Dan Brown, Scott Mariani and Chris Kuzneski.

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

by Max Allan Collins

Doomed by a double-crossing sorceress to spend eternity in suspended animation, China's ruthless Dragon Emperor and his ten thousand warriors have laid forgotten for eons, entombed in clay as a vast, silent terra-cotta army. But when dashing adventurer Alex O'Connell is tricked into awakening the ruler from eternal slumber, the reckless young archaeologist must seek the help of the only people who know more than he does about taking down the undead: his parents, Rick and Evelyn O'Connell. As the monarch roars back to life, our hero finds his quest for world domination has only intensified over the millennia. Striding the Far East with unimaginable supernatural powers, the Emperor Mummy will rouse his legion as an unstoppable, otherworldly force.unless the O'Connells can stop him first.

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