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Ojalá Estuvieses Aquí

by Nuno Morais

Frederico Batalha es un Inspector de la Policía Judicial. Ha sido enviado al Algarve para investigar un cadáver encontrado en una demolición, regresa a los tiempos de su juventud y a las vacaciones pasadas en Praia da Luz para descubrir lo que tal vez prefiriese no saber.

El ojo avizor (Plaza Y Janes Exitos Ser. #Vol. 184)

by Mary Higgins Clark

La joven reportera Pat Traymore viaja a Washington, la ciudad de su infancia, cargada de proyectos y buenas intenciones, pero sus planes se verán truncados cuando comience a recibir anónimos amenazadores. «Te dije que no vinieras...» Pat Traymore recibe una nota con estas inquietantes palabras por debajo de la puerta de su casa de Georgetown. La joven reportera de televisión ha regresado al barrio de Washington donde se crio con la intención de realizar un reportaje sobre Abigail Jennings, una brillante senadora llamada a ser la primera mujer vicepresidenta de los Estados Unidos. Con la ayuda de su expareja, el congresista Sam Kingsley, Pat comienza a investigar la vida de Abigail, pero sorprendentemente se topa con información escabrosa que podría destrozar la reputación y la carrera de la senadora. Por si esto fuera poco, empiezan a surgir siniestras conexiones con trágicos acontecimientos de la infancia de la propia Pat, recuerdos que despiertan antiguas pesadillas que habían permanecido ocultas demasiado tiempo. Reseñas:«Mary Higgins Clark es una maestra de los argumentos, siembra crímenes, pistas y rarezas psicopáticas y recoge muy buenos resultados.»The New York Times Book Review «El punto fuerte de Mary Higgins Clark es convertir situaciones normales en escalofriantes. Cuando es ella la artesana, el terror auténtico está garantizado.»Detroit Free Press «No puedes dejarlo hasta que no has terminado la última página... El ojo avizor se precipita hacia una conclusión terrorífica.»United Press International

El ojo de Eva (Inspector Sejer #Volumen 1)

by Karin Fossum

En El ojo de Eva, primer caso del Inspector Sejer, el detective deberá investigar la muerte de una prostituta y su relación con una joven pintora. Eva Magnus, una joven pintora de escaso éxito, se encuentra a Maja, una vieja amiga, que intenta convencerla para que se gane la vida como prostituta y salde así sus deudas, cada día más acuciantes. Maja invita a Eva a su casa y la anima a ver por el resquicio de la puerta cómo se hace el «trabajo». Pero de pronto el cliente y Maja se enzarzan en una pelea, y Eva acaba con el cadáver de su amiga en los brazos. Se inicia así un torbellino criminal al que Eva, casi por casualidad, se ve arrastrada. El inspector Sejer, al hacerse cargo de la investigación, intuye que la joven artista sabe más de lo que dice y que las respuestas a sus interrogantes están en la vida secreta de Eva Magnus... Reseñas:«Karin Fossum aporta unos personajes creíbles, unos ambientes poco frecuentados, una sensación de tristeza que acaba calando y una resolución casi impecable.»La Vanguardia «El ojo de Eva se lee muy bien y engancha hasta la última página.»El País «Fossum crea un suspense psicológico increíblemente incisivo.»The Washington Post «Un suspense extraordinario... Un tesoro para los fans.»Kirkus Reviews

El ojo del halcón

by Luis Manuel Ruiz

Una extraña herencia, una conjura internacional, un enigma por resolver: «El ojo del halcón». Viudo, sesenta y ocho años, profesor de secundaria jubilado, padre de una hija que no contesta al teléfono, lector resignado de novelas de quiosco: no parecen rasgos que concuerden con el héroe tradicional de los relatos de intriga. Pero cuando en su tediosa existencia se interpone un mensaje en clave que promete revelar misterios de siglos atrás, Santiago Beltrán comprende de súbito que para ser protagonista de una trama policíaca basta con estar dispuesto a descalzarse las pantuflas. En pocos meses, comprobará con una combinación de curiosidad, entusiasmo y pánico cómo sus problemas de tensión se entremezclan con el legado de un arqueólogo nazi y sus esfuerzos por recomponer su maltrecha familia se ven amenazados por la presencia de un antiguo dios egipcio con cabeza de halcón: Horus, cuyo ojo sagrado otorgó la victoria a los ejércitos de Alejandro, César y Napoleón. Todo para acabar reconociendo que huir en medio de la noche de hombres que no conoce y exhumar secretos de archivos que se remontan a la Segunda Guerra Mundial merece más la pena que pasar el domingo jugando al dominó. Aunque el corazón ya no esté para esos trotes.

Ojos de obsidiana: De Buenos Aires al DF, una novela de amor y narco

by Carolina Juan Carlos Melgar Juan Carlos Reymúndez

Blanca Valorge es una mujer solitaria, resentida y llena de prejuicios que vive en Buenos Aires. En un viaje al DF conoce a Fernando Pardo, un hombre fino, elegante y capo de Los Mojito, uno de los mayores cárteles mexicanos. Sus ojos negros y sus modales la enamoran; sin darse cuenta, termina enredada en la mafia. Es la primera vez en su vida que se siente viva y lo más cerca de ser reina y protagonista. Atrás quedó Blanca Valorge, ahora es la Doctora Nieve, a quien todos respetan y escuchan.

Los Ojos del Miedo

by José Ángel Mercader Kj Mcmurray

Marie Jenson es la típica estudiante universitaria y sin preocupaciones hasta que, de repente, su tranquila vida se ve directamente golpeada por el terrorismo. Se aferra a la gente a la que ama y a su novio, Paul, con la esperanza de encontrar respuestas. Tendrá que tomar una decisión. ¿Sucumbir al miedo o luchar contra él?

Ojos violeta (Médium Natalie Lindstrom #Volumen 1)

by Stephen Woodworth

Un agente del FBI y una medium se enfrentarán con un asesino en serie. Extraños y valiosos, los violetas son humanos nacidos con habilidades psíquicas especiales: ayudan a la policía a resolver crímenes actuando como médiums con los muertos. Llevan una existencia infeliz y dolorosa a merced de una sociedad violenta que los controla, venera y margina, y que necesita sus servicios desesperadamente. Ahora además están en peligro. Se han convertido en el blanco de un brutal asesino en serie que ha aprendido a esconder su identidad a sus víctimas. Ante él, sus ojos violeta están indefensos. El agente del FBI Dan Atwaker y la violeta Natalie Lindstrom, perpetuamente aterrorizada por sus visiones, recorrerán Estados Unidos de punta a punta en un desesperado intento de detener al asesino antes de que alcance su macabro objetivo.


by Stephen Gallagher

An apparently fatal incident occurs when schoolteacher Jim Harper is skiing near a small research station owned by the giant multinational Risinger-Genoud. Even treatment with their new, untried and experimental superdrug cannot save his life.Or so it seems. For Jim Harper, though left for dead, has survived. But in the long haul back to health and sanity, he begins to realise that something terrible has happened to him. Now the only way in which he can unravel the mystery in his mind is to go back to the point where it began to develop - back to Risinger-Genoud and their Oktober programme. And Risinger Genoud are going to be very interested to see him.Oktober is a frightening journey into a world of greed and lies, a world in which the cover-up is not only a way of life, but something planned ahead of time. Step by horrifying step, Jim Harper unravels what has been done to him, and then designs the perfect act of vengeance, an act that teeters on the brink of madness...

Ola de calor (Serie Castle #Volumen 1)

by Richard Castle

El escritor número uno en ventas Richard Castle, autor de los bestsellers de «Derrick Storm», nos presenta a su nuevo personaje: la detective de homicidios del Departamento de Policía de Nueva York Nikki Heat, dura de pelar, sexy y profesional. En Ola de calor, primera entrega de la «Serie Castle», Nikki Heats se enfrenta a un desafío inesperado cuando el inspector jefe le asigna de compañero al famoso periodista Jameson Rook, ganador de un premio Pulitzer, quien deberá acompañarla en una investigación para escribir uno de sus artículos. El caso que deben investigar es misterioso y complicado: un magnate inmobiliario del estado de Nueva York ha muerto desplomado sobre una de las aceras de la ciudad; una esposa florero con un sombrío pasado ha escapado de milagro a un descarado ataque; los principales sospechosos de las agresiones, gánsteres y hombres de negocios con poder con motivos de sobra para asesinar, recitan de memoria sus coartadas. Y, en medio de una sofocante ola de calor, un nuevo homicidio tiene lugar y da comienzo a un tenso viaje por los pequeños y oscuros secretos de los ricos. A medida que avanza la investigación, Nikki deberá reconocer que, lejos de resultar un incordio, el periodista que le pisa los talones le resulta útil e incluso le parece atractivo..., de modo que deberá lidiar también con la chispa que ha surgido entre ellos. Una chispa en medio de una ola de calor. La «Serie Castle» está compuesta por los libros escritos por Richard Castle, protagonista de la serie de televisión Castle, que triunfa con más de 1.500.000 de espectadores.

La ola oscura: The Dark Tide (Los Misterios de Adrien English #5)

by Josh Lanyon

Decir adiós es morir un poco… Como si recuperarse de su cirugía del corazón bajo la supervisión de su sobreprotectora familia no fuera lo suficientemente exasperante, alguien intenta colarse en la librería de Adrien English. ¿Qué es lo que busca con tanta determinación este intruso nocturno? Cuando un esqueleto de cincuenta años de antigüedad es descubierto bajo el suelo en medio de la renovación de la librería Cloak & Dagger, Adrien acude a su caliente y guapo examante Jake Riordan — ahora gay declarado y trabajando como detective privado. Jake está muy feliz por tener una razón para estar en contacto con Adrien, pero habrá más sorpresas sobre el pasado de Adrien que ninguno de los dos se espera — y una de ellas puede representar un riesgo para el corazón de Jake.

Old and Cold

by Jim Nisbet

The new noir tour de force by the riveting Jim Nisbet. What's a guy to do, when he lives under a bridge and has an unshakeable thirst for martinis? kill for cash. So goes the logic at the heart of Old and Cold, leading to a spree of hits that are sometimes perfectly executed, sometimes messy, set against the backdrop of San Francisco's beaches, bars, and murky darkened streets. told at breakneck speed in a bravura voice, this novel is Jim Nisbet's finest work yet, reminiscent of Jim Thompson at his best and Tarantino at his most irreverent. a tough and tender love letter to a city's underbelly, this is a shockingly funny tale of suspense that won't let you go.

Old and Cold

by Jim Nisbet

The new noir tour de force by the riveting Jim Nisbet. What's a guy to do, when he lives under a bridge and has an unshakeable thirst for martinis? kill for cash. So goes the logic at the heart of Old and Cold, leading to a spree of hits that are sometimes perfectly executed, sometimes messy, set against the backdrop of San Francisco's beaches, bars, and murky darkened streets. told at breakneck speed in a bravura voice, this novel is Jim Nisbet's finest work yet, reminiscent of Jim Thompson at his best and Tarantino at his most irreverent. a tough and tender love letter to a city's underbelly, this is a shockingly funny tale of suspense that won't let you go.

Old and Cold

by Jim Nisbet

The new noir tour de force by the riveting Jim Nisbet. What's a guy to do, when he lives under a bridge and has an unshakeable thirst for martinis? kill for cash. so goes the logic at the heart of Old and Cold, leading to a spree of hits that are sometimes perfectly executed, sometimes messy, set against the backdrop of San Francisco's beaches, bars, and murky darkened streets. told at breakneck speed in a bravura voice, this novel is Jim Nisbet's finest work yet, reminiscent of Jim Thompson at his best and Tarantino at his most irreverent. a tough and tender love letter to a city's underbelly, this is a shockingly funny tale of suspense that won't let you go. .

The Old Blue Line

by J. A. Jance

Butch Dixon has been taken for a ride ...Not a jump in the car, see the sights kind of ride. He's been taken for everything he has. He's lost his house, his restaurant business, his savings, his car, his best friend, his faith--all to his conniving ex-wife. But that was seven years ago. He picked himself up, left Chicago, and started over in Peoria, Arizona, running the Roundhouse Bar and Grill. He doesn't look back on those bad years; there's no point. Not until two curious cops show up at the Roundhouse.Faith, Butch's ex-wife, has been murdered, and the evidence points to him. Stunned, Butch quickly realizes that the black-hearted woman is going to ruin him again, from her grave. Lucky for Butch, the Old Blue Line, a group of retired--but still sharp and tenacious--former legal and law enforcement coots, have taken it upon themselves, as a favor, to make sure he doesn't cross that thin line. After the dust settles, Butch's life is again upended--when a little red-haired ball of fire, Sheriff Joanna Brady, takes a seat at his bar.

Old Bones

by Trudy Nan Boyce

A timely and penetrating mystery about the intersection of policing, racism, and the community—set in a city at its boiling point—from an author who’s been in the trenches and seen it all. A senseless act of violence. During a vigil calling for police reform, students from Spelman College, a historically black women’s institution, are assaulted by rifle fire from a passing vehicle. On her way to interview witnesses, Detective Sarah “Salt” Alt confronts the fleeing vehicle of the suspects, but they get away. A city in turmoil. While other detectives take the lead on the Spelman murders, Salt is tasked to investigate the case of a recently discovered decomposed body. When she combs through the missing-persons reports, it becomes clear the victim is a girl Salt took into custody two years before, and Salt feels a grave responsibility to learn the truth about how the girl died. But before she can pursue any leads, Salt is called onto emergency riot detail—in the wake of the assault on the Spelman students, Atlanta has reached the boiling point. In a city burdened by history and a community erupting in pain and anger, Salt must delve into the past for answers. A gripping and astute story about what it means to serve and protect, Old Bones solidifies Trudy Nan Boyce as an evocative, authoritative voice in crime fiction.From the Hardcover edition.

Old Bones

by J. J. Campbell

Amateur detective Charles de Lacy is drawn into a case of gangland intrigue when he agrees to meet his old sparring partner, DS Susan McIntyre. McIntyre reveals the recent deathbed confession of a prominent former criminal, an associate of notorious North London family the Whadcoats. It seems there is a body buried in a field just outside London - the victim of a gang execution in the 1970s - but on examination the story seems impossible. De Lacy investigates - with dramatic unforeseen results ...

Old Bones: The De Lacy Mysteries (The de Lacy Mysteries #2)

by J.J. Campbell

Amateur detective Charles de Lacy is drawn into a case of gangland intrigue when he agrees to meet his old sparring partner, DS Susan McIntyre. McIntyre reveals the recent deathbed confession of a prominent former criminal, an associate of notorious North London family the Whadcoats. It seems there is a body buried in a field just outside London – the victim of a gang execution in the 1970s – but on examination the story seems impossible.De Lacy investigates – with dramatic unforeseen results …

Old Bones: Fellowship Of Fear, The Dark Place, Murder In The Queen's Armes, And Old Bones (The Gideon Oliver Mysteries #4)

by Aaron Elkins

An Edgar Award–winning mystery featuring the forensic anthropologist hailed as &“a likable, down-to-earth, cerebral sleuth&”—from the author of Switcheroo (Chicago Tribune).&“With the roar of thunder and the speed of a galloping horse comes the tide to Mont St. Michel,&” goes the old nursery song. So when the aged patriarch of the du Rocher family falls victim to the perilous tide, even the old man&’s family accepts the verdict of accidental drowning.But too quickly, this &“accident&” is followed by a bizarre discovery in the ancient du Rocher chateau: a human skeleton, wrapped in butcher paper, beneath the old stone flooring. Professor Gideon Oliver, lecturing on forensic anthropology at nearby St. Malo, is asked to examine the bones. He quickly demonstrates why he is known as the &“Skeleton Detective,&” providing the police with forensic details that lead them to conclude that these are the remains of a Nazi officer believed to have been murdered in the area during the Occupation. Or are they? Gideon himself has his doubts. Then, when another of the current du Rochers dies—this time via cyanide poisoning—his doubts solidify into a single certainty: Someone wants old secrets to stay buried . . . and is perfectly willing to eradicate the meddlesome American to make that happen. Voted one of the Independent Mystery Booksellers Association&’s 100 Favorite Mysteries of the 20th Century, and featuring &“a thrilling final scene,&” Old Bones will captivate fans of Kathy Reichs and Tess Gerritsen as well as readers of Aaron Elkins&’s popular Alix London series (Publishers Weekly). Old Bones is the 4th book in the Gideon Oliver Mysteries, but you may enjoy reading the series in any order.

Old Bones: A Casey Templeton Mystery

by Gwen Molnar

Casey Templeton is in a bind when he must foil a burglary of dinosaur bones. While helping with a real dinosaur dig at the world-famous Royal Tyrrell Museum, Casey Templeton finds a piece of dinosaur tooth. Excited, he spends all afternoon looking for the rest of the tooth, but all he ends up getting is a nasty sunburn. Lying in his hotel room that night, trying to recover, he sees and hears two men in a nearby room planning a robbery of precious artifacts from the Tyrrell. Later, Casey tells the museum’s curator (and old family friend), Dr. Norman, what he has seen and heard. Dr. Norman hires Casey to keep a watch out at the museum for the robbers. No luck. As the summer comes to an end, Casey and his friend Mandy decide to relax and take a bicycle jaunt north of Drumheller. But on the road they accidentally meet up with the conspirators and soon find themselves in a grim situation. Casey has to use all his ingenuity and skills to escape so he can try to help thwart the planned heist. Can he do it?

Old Bones (Nora Kelly #1)

by Douglas Preston Lincoln Child

<P><P>#1 bestselling authors Preston & Child bring the true story of the ill-fated Donner Party to new life in a thrilling blend of archaeology, history, murder, and suspense. Nora Kelly, a young curator at the Santa Fe Institute of Archaeology, is approached by historian Clive Benton with a once-in-a-lifetime proposal: to lead a team in search of the so-called "Lost Camp" of the tragic Donner Party. <P><P> This was a group of pioneers who earned a terrible place in American history when they became snow-bound in the California mountains in 1847, their fate unknown until the first skeletonized survivors stumbled out of the wilderness, raving about starvation, murder-and cannibalism. Benton tells Kelly he has stumbled upon an amazing find: the long-sought diary of one of the victims, which has an enigmatic description of the Lost Camp. Nora agrees to lead an expedition to locate and excavate it-to reveal its long-buried secrets. <P><P>Once in the mountains, however, they learn that discovering the camp is only the first step in a mounting journey of fear. For as they uncover old bones, they expose the real truth of what happened, one that is far more shocking and bizarre than mere cannibalism. And when those ancient horrors lead to present-day violence on a grand scale, rookie FBI agent Corrie Swanson is assigned the case...only to find that her first investigation might very well be her last. <P><P><b> A New York Times Bestseller </b>

Old Bones

by David Wishart

Laddish Marcus Corvinus is spending his time in ancient Tuscany, sampling wine and ogling local talent (under the beady eye of his lovely wife Perilla) when his stepfather is accused of murder. It doesn't take long for Marcus to get him off the hook, but finding the true culprit is rather trickier. As he pursues his investigation, Marcus uncovers a major wine-making fraud as well as a sorry tale of infidelity, treachery, deceit and betrayal. And when he uncovers the real murderer, the reason for the crime turns out to have its roots in myth and history.

Old Bones

by David Wishart

Laddish Marcus Corvinus is spending his time in ancient Tuscany, sampling wine and ogling local talent (under the beady eye of his lovely wife Perilla) when his stepfather is accused of murder. It doesn't take long for Marcus to get him off the hook, but finding the true culprit is rather trickier. As he pursues his investigation, Marcus uncovers a major wine-making fraud as well as a sorry tale of infidelity, treachery, deceit and betrayal. And when he uncovers the real murderer, the reason for the crime turns out to have its roots in myth and history.

Old Bones Never Die (The Eve Appel Mysteries #5)

by Lesley A. Diehl

When human bones are uncovered—and then disappear—Florida consignment shop owner turned PI Eve Appel is on the case in this “absolutely terrific” series (Suspense Magazine). Eve Appel reinvented herself when she moved to Sabal Bay, Florida, to open her consignment shop. Now, after solving a few murders on the side, she’s about to reinvent herself again as a bona fide private investigator. And her first case is close to home: the suspicious death of her boyfriend Sammy Egret’s half-brother. Miccosukee Indian Walter Egret was working construction on land that once belonged to his people when he uncovered human bones. Work was suspended on the potential Native American burial site, but the bones weren’t nearly as unsettling to Walter as what he found with them—his father’s gold watch. Shortly after telling Sammy the news, Walter dies in a hit-and-run. Then the bones disappear. Was Walter’s death murder or an accident? If the bones belong to Sammy’s father, how did they get there? Delving into these mysteries, Eve learns a few things about being a PI---lessons she hopes to put to use if she survives to see another case.

Old Boy Volume 1 (Old Boy)

by Garon Tsuchiya

Ten years ago, they took him. He doesn't know who. For ten years he has been confined in a private prison. He doesn't know why. For ten years his only contact with the outside world has been a television set and the voices of his jailers. In time, he lost himself. He changed . . . transformed himself into something else . . . something hard . . . something lethal. Suddenly one day, his incarceration ends, again without explanation. He is sedated, stuffed inside a trunk, and dumped in a park. When he awakes, he is free to reclaim what's left of his life . . . and what's left is revenge.• Old Boy is an intense, bare-knuckled urban thriller in the tradition of Pulp Fiction and Payback and is the manga that inspired the critically acclaimed 2003 film.• The Oldboy film, directed by Chan-Wook Park, was awarded the Grand Jury prize at the 2004 Cannes Film Festival.• Original Japanese format.• Translated into English for the first time.• 18+ content advisory.

Old Boy Volume 2 (Old Boy)

by Garon Tsuchiya

Deciding that he must know the truth, the man who calls himself "Yamashita" follows a trail of clues that lead him back to the mysterious building where he was imprisoned and kept incommunicado for ten years. There, with the help of violence and a brutal imagination, he will try to find answers to the questions that haunt him. However, he will discover that his opponent will not yield to him so easily, and that his ordeal is far from finished.

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