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Las otras niñas

by Santiago Díaz

TRAS EL BUEN PADRE, SANTIAGO DÍAZ REVOLUCIONA LA NOVELA NEGRA ESPAÑOLA «Santiago Díaz se atreve con lo que nunca antes nadie se había atrevido. Brillante».Carmen Mola «Torturando el pasado, Santiago Díaz consigue desgarrarte por dentro y que no seas capaz de dejar de leer.»César Pérez Gellida La inspectora Indira Ramos apura sus últimos días de excedencia en un pequeño municipio de Extremadura. Cuando, después de casi tres años, llega el momento de abandonar su retiro y regresar a su trabajo en Madrid, se ve incapaz de enfrentarse al subinspector Iván Moreno, al que oculta un enorme secreto. Pero ambos tendrán que volver a trabajar mano a mano para resolver el mayor rompecabezas criminal de la historia contemporánea de España: en una gasolinera han aparecido las huellasdactilares del que fue durante muchos años el hombre más buscado del país. El brutal asesinato que cometió ha prescrito y la policía ya no tiene razones para mantener detenido al principal sospechoso, que lleva tiempo viviendo bajo una identidad falsa. Pero la inspectora Ramos está convencida de que un asesino como él ha tenido que volver a matar, así que solo necesita encontrar un crimen del que no quede impune. La crítica ha dicho:«Un autor que se está ganando a pulso ser uno de los referentes dentro de la nueva novela negra española».The Objective «Santiago Díaz se atreve con lo que nunca antes nadie se había atrevido. Brillante».Carmen Mola «Torturando el pasado, Santiago Díaz consigue desgarrarte por dentro y que no seas capaz de dejar de leer.»César Pérez Gellida Sobre El buen padre se ha dicho:«Un agujero negro que atrae cada átomo de atención del lector y lo sumerge en una espiral de violencia y acción excepcionalmente contada».Qué libro leo (La Sexta) «Una historia cargada de intriga que no se resolverá hasta la última página».El Confidencial Digital «Un rompecabezas literario muy adictivo: una novela que funciona con un mecanismo perfecto. [...] Sus cuatrocientas páginas se quedan cortas y se devoran sin esfuerzo».El Punt Avui «Una de las premisas más originales con la que nos hemos cruzado en los últimos tiempos».Annalisa Lottini (Giunti Editore) «Se salta todos los límites morales. Adictiva».Carmen Mola

El Otro

by Marcelo Estefanell

Una novela conmovedora sobre la construcción de identidad, la memoria heredada, la supervivencia en tiempos de conflictos y las consecuencias desgraciadas de dos personas por el simple hecho de parecerse. Una mañana de diciembre de 1969, en el centro de Montevideo, Marcelo Estefanell protagoniza un cruce accidental inaudito que dispara la trama de esta novela: al impactar con otro peatón y luego incorporarse, recién se dará cuenta de que está frente a un falso espejo. «El Otro» no solo muestra una similitud física muy singular con el escritor, sino que sus reacciones corporales ante la sorpresa de ver a un igual absolutamente desconocido también son idénticas. Años después de ese primer encuentro fortuito, los gemelos emprenden una investigación ancestral que los llevará a recorrer episodios de la guerra civil española, la segunda guerra mundial y la dictadura uruguaya, mientras se proponen encontrar, de ser posible, un origen compartido. El Otro es una historia conmovedora sobre la construcción de identidad, la memoria heredada, la supervivencia en tiempos de conflictos y las consecuencias desgraciadas de dos personas por el simple hecho de parecerse.

El Otro

by R Lawson Gamble

Los cazadores se fijan en los pájaros que revolotean contra el cielo teñido de rosa que hay sobre el borde de la roca y ven que los rayos planos del sol de primera hora de la mañana brillan sobre algo que no pertenece a ese lugar, y los tres se dirigen hacia allí. Lo que encuentran es el cuerpo de una joven rubia de piel blanca aparentemente asesinada por un oso, envía al agente del FBI Zack Tolliver y a su amigo Pluma de Águila a la persecución de un peligroso y poderoso asesino. A medida que se van encontrando más cuerpos de chicas jóvenes, el caso crece en complejidad y los hombres se ven arrastrados a la investigación de una amplia ola de crímenes. Pronto se hace evidente que el asesino ha centrado su atención en Zack, dejando pistas que lo llevan desde Tuba City, en la Reserva Navajo, hasta Palm Springs y viceversa. Esta investigación se ha convertido en algo muy personal.

El otro hijo

by Sharon Guskin

Un psiquiatra con muchas preguntas, un niño que podría encerrar las respuestas y dos madres que tendrán que cuestionarse sus vidas. ¿Qué harías si tu hijo te dijera que ha vivido otra vida y quiere regresar a ella, que quiere volver con su otra madre? Janie sabe que con su hijo Noah nada es fácil. Por las noches sufre pesadillas tan espantosas que incluso ella se asusta. Todo el mundo le dice que es una fase pasajera, pero la situación solo parece empeorar. Hasta que un día Janie recibe la llamada del colegio para que vaya a recogerlo de inmediato. Y la vida se para. Para el psiquiatra Jerome Anderson la vida tal y como la conocía también se ha detenido. Su médico le ha confirmado que le queda poco tiempo, pero Jerome no piensa que todo esté acabado. Ha dedicado su vida a buscar algo más allá de lo que todos pueden ver o percibir. Y con Noah cree que lo ha encontrado. Muy pronto, Noah, Janie y Jerome llamarán a la puerta de una mujer a la que ninguno de ellos conoce y, cuando esa puerta se abra, todas sus preguntas encontrarán respuesta. ¿Qué sucede tras la muerte? Una historia emotiva y llena de suspense marcada por el profundo vínculo que se crea entre una madre y su hijo. La crítica ha dicho...«Irresistible... Me mantuvo pasando páginas hasta altas horas de la madrugada.»Kate Morton, autora de El jardín olvidado «Provocadora y llena de suspense.»BBC «Valiente, cautivadora... Guskin va intensificando el suspense mientras suscita provocadoras preguntas sobre el vínculo maternal y sus límites... Te fascinará.»People «Trenzando con habilidad intriga, drama familiar y un profundo conocimiento del funcionamiento del cerebro, Guskin plantea inquietantes preguntas clave sobre el amor yla memoria, la vida y la muerte, la creencia y la realidad.»Booklist «Apasionante, hábil y conmovedora.»The New York Times Book Review «Tierna... completamente original... Guskin mantiene magistralmente el ritmo de su trama de misterio.»BookPage «Esta provocadora novela es un apasionado ruego a los lectores para que aprovechen el presente, para que busquen felicidad, bienestar y cercanía aquí y ahora.» «El tiempo que pasaba no leyendo esta novela me moría de las ganas de volver a ella... Evocadora y fresca, la novela de Guskin es un debut explosivo.»Jodi Picoult, autora de Las normas de la casa «La luminosa novela de Guskin trata sobre la memoria y el olvido, sobre el dolor y el perdón, y sobre todo lo que una madre sería capaz de hacer por su hijo. Es un libro de ritmo implacable que no podrás dejar de leer y a la vez una profunda meditación sobre el sentido de la vida.»ChristinaBaker Kline, autora de El tren de los huérfanos

El otro nombre de Laura (Quirke #Volumen 2)

by Benjamin Black

John Banville, tras el pseudónimo de Benjamin Black, nos ofrece una nueva novela negra de trama y ambiente apasionantes, protagonizada por su genial y oscuro patólogo Quirke. Premio Príncipe de Asturias de las Letras 2014 a John Banville por «su inteligente, honda y original creación novelesca» y a su «otro yo, Benjamin Black, autor de turbadoras y críticas novelas policíacas.» Ha pasado el tiempo para Quirke, el hastiado forense que conocimos en El secreto de Christine. La muerte de su gran amor y el distanciamiento de su hija han conseguido acentuar su carácter solitario, pero su capacidad para meterse en problemas continúa intacta. Cuando Billy Hunt, conocido de sus tiempos de estudiante, le aborda para hablarle del aparente suicidio de su esposa, Quirke se da cuenta de que se avecinan complicaciones, pero, como siempre, las complicaciones son algo a lo que no podrá resistirse.De este modo se verá envuelto en un caso sórdido en el que se mezclan las drogas, la pornografía y el chantaje, y que una vez más pondrá en peligro su vida. Esta novela de ambiente y trama apasionantes confirma a Benjamin Black como uno de los escritores contemporáneos de mejor estilo y mayor capacidad de persuasión en el género de la novela negra. La crítica ha dicho...«El escritor de lengua inglesa más inteligente, el estilista más elegante.»George Steiner «Un trabajo considerable de ficción en que cada momento amable detona calmadamente mostrando una chispa criminal.»Don Delillo «Una novela absorbente y emotiva, con todos los personajes soberbiamente retratados y una prosa simplemente deslumbrante. Queremos más.»The Guardian «Hágase un favor. Acuda a una librería y compre la nueva novela de misterio de Benjamin Black, El otro nombre de Laura. Váyase directamente a casa. Si comparte vivienda, eche a sus compañeros. Sírvase una copa y acomódese en su sillón favorito para disfrutar de una auténtica dosis de sabiduría y angustia irlandesas y de prosa excelente.»Los Angeles Times «Lo que hace tan buenas las dos novelas de Black, El secreto de Christine y El otro nombre de Laura, es su prosa descriptiva, el fuerte de John Banville.»The New York Times

The Otter of Death (Gunn Zoo Series #5)

by Betty Webb

"While examining some timely social issues, Webb also delivers lots of edifying information on the animal kingdom in an entry sure to please fans and newcomers alike." —Publishers WeeklyWhile taking the yearly "otter count" at a marsh near Gunn Landing Harbor, California, zookeeper Theodora Bentley sees Maureen, her favorite otter, swimming around clutching someone's expensive smartphone. When Teddy rescues the device, she discovers a photograph of a murder-in-progress. A hasty search soon turns up the still-warm body of Stuart Booth, PhD, a local Marine Biology instructor.Booth was a notorious sexual harasser of young female students, so the list of suspects is long enough to make Teddy wonder if the crime will ever be solved. But when her friend, Lila, one of Booth's original accusers, is arrested and charged with his murder, Teddy begins to investigate. This creates considerable tension with Teddy's fiancé, Sheriff Joe Rejas. He believes the ever-inquisitive zookeeper might be putting her own life at risk, and so orders her to butt out.Concerned for her accused friend, Teddy ignores Joe's ultimatum. She questions not only members of Gunn Landing's moneyed social elite, but also the other side of the financial spectrum—the financially strapped young women willing to do almost anything to pay for their college tuition. Alarmed by Teddy's meddling, Booth's killer fights back—first with a death threat, then via gunshot.In this fifth Gunn Zoo Mystery, Teddy is torn between living a peaceful life on her Monterey Bay houseboat with her three-legged dog DJ Bonz, or moving inland to marry Joe, who comes with kids and a mother who has her own mysterious agenda. The choice is scary for Teddy—who has barely been managing her own many-times-married mother, and her imperious employer, Aster Edwina Gunn, overlord of the famed Gunn Zoo. Teddy's life is further complicated by a wayward snow monkey named Kabuki, taunter of teenage boys. The zookeeper's dedication to her charges—including the anteater, the koala, the llama, and Magnus, the polar bear cub from Iceland (met in Teddy's last adventure, The Puffin of Death), never falters in a cleverly plotted series rich in characters and in animal lore.Gunn Zoo series:The Anteater of Death (Book 1)The Koala of Death (Book 2)The Llama of Death (Book 3)The Puffin of Death (Book 4)The Otter of Death (Book 5)Praise for the Gunn Zoo series:"'High Society meets Zoo Quest.' I've always been a sucker for zoos, so I also relished the animal details in this highly enjoyable read." —RHYS BOWEN, New York Times bestselling and award-winning author"Webb skillfully keeps the reader guessing right to the dramatic conclusion." —Publishers Weekly for The Puffin of Death"Teddy's second case showcases an engaging array of quirky characters, human and animal." —Kirkus Reviews for The Koala of Death

The Otterbury Incident (A Puffin Book)

by C. Day Lewis

A reissue of a much-loved adventure which has stood the test of time and is as exciting today as when it was first published nearly 70 years ago. It all begins when Nick breaks the classroom window with his football, and the Headmaster says Nick has to pay for the damage. Nick has no more hope of raising the money than of going to the Moon, so that's when rivalling Ted's and Toppy's gangs decide to sign a truce and plan Operation Glazier to get the money for Nick. The plan goes smoothly and soon the money has been collected, but when it goes missing the boys turn detective to try and find the culprit.

Ottoman Dominion (Empires of Armageddon #3)

by Terry Brennan

"James Rollins meets Joel Rosenberg in Terry Brennan."--Jeannette Windle, award-winning author of Veiled FreedomDiplomatic Security Service agent Brian Mullaney wants out. He's been drawn against his will into a dangerous international mission with world-ending implications--and his final assignment is going to pit him directly against the terrifying, evil entity known only as the Turk.But when the Turk's minions breach the US embassy in Israel and the American ambassador disappears, Mullaney has no choice. He must accept his role as the final guardian of a mysterious box, his only weapon against the powers of darkness bent on preventing the second coming of the Messiah, no matter who or what they annihilate to accomplish their goal. Can this man who's already lost so much find the strength and faith to save the world--and fulfill the prophecy of peace?The final volume of the Empires of Armageddon trilogy will have fans of Joel Rosenberg, Ronie Kendig, and Frank Peretti on the edge of their seats up to the final page.

Où habite l'oubli

by Lorena Franco Laetitia Stievenart

OU HABITE L’OUBLI est une histoire surprenante qui vous captivera du début à la fin. L’horreur, les fantômes, les mystères, les crimes, l’amour, les secrets, les mensonges, des personnages extraordinaires et un pouvoir surnaturel sont au centre de cette histoire extraordinaire qui vous tiendra en haleine jusqu’à la fin. Cela fait douze ans que Tom Levy est mort dans d’étranges circonstances et qu’Amy n’est plus la même. À trente-sept ans, elle vit une vie solitaire et tranquille à Chelsea (Londres). Elle n’a aucun ami et évite les hommes qui s’intéressent à elle. Elle se souvient encore des dernières paroles prononcées par Tom avant de mourir ; des paroles mystérieuses et sans aucun sens. Comme si les visions et les cauchemars qu’il avait depuis son plus jeune âge le prévenaient de sa mort imminente. Tom lui rend toujours visite dans ses rêves ce qui complique beaucoup la vie d’Amy. Un matin en se rendant au travail, elle se rend compte que quelqu’un la suit et l’observe au loin. Elle avait déjà vu quelques jours plus tôt cet homme mystérieux sous ses fenêtres, regardant toujours vers elle. La surveillant. Elle reçoit quelques jours plus tard un coup de fil inattendu d’un homme disant être l’avocat de Tom et de sa famille. Amy n’en connaissait même pas l’existence. Il l’informe qu’elle est propriétaire d’une maison solitaire sur une falaise dans la baie de Dingle, en Irlande, que Tom a faite construire spécialement pour elle. Amy décide de s’y rendre et d’affronter les démons qui la guettent. Elle n’aurait jamais imaginé que le petit et paisible village irlandais puisse se transformer en un véritable cauchemar à la suite d’une série de meurtres macabres qui lui rappellent un peu trop son passé traumatisant dont elle ne peut pas fuir. Une histoire intrigante qui vous conduira jusqu’à l’endroit OU HABITE L’OUBLI.<b

Où reposent les âmes ?

by Enrique Laso Isabelle De Rose

Où reposent les âmes ? UNE NOUVELLE AFFAIRE POUR ETHAN BUSH UN ROMAN NOIR QUI REUNIT PLUS DE 700 000 LECTEURS Le lieutenant Jim Worth a obtenu une promotion. Il travaille désormais dans le Département de la Police de Topeka. Désespéré, après cinq mois d’enquête sans résultats, il fait appel à son ami Ethan Bush, agent spécial de l’Unité d’Analyse Comportementale du FBI ; le meurtre épouvantable d’une jeune fille est devenu pour lui une affaire personnelle. Ethan revient dans le Kansas pour collaborer avec Worth mais aussi pour affronter les fantômes du passé. Même s’il a mûri, le jeune agent du FBI continue à passer outre les convenances. UN HOMICIDE QUI DEFIE LES APTITUDES DE BUSH Une substance paralysante, Léonard de Vinci, la jalousie, l’envie, les secrets, et l’impossibilité d’obtenir la moindre preuve vont compliquer la tâche des enquêteurs. LE CINQUIEME ACTE D’UNE SAGA POLICIERE QUI REMPORTE UN VIF SUCCES A TRAVERS LE MONDE UN ROMAN NOIR ADDICTIF QUE L’ON DEGUSTE DU DEBUT A LA FIN

Oublier pour toujours

by Nuria Pariente Nogueras

Bryan: Follement amoureux de cette femme frustrante nommée Cintia Alonso, je ne trouve pas de réconfort dans ma routine habituelle. Ces jours qui ont rempli ma solitude sont maintenant vides et tristes. Rien ni personne ne consolera jamais mon coeur brisé. Luttant pour s’éloigner de moi, elle ne se rend pas compte qu’elle se bat contre la nature qui nous a unis. Le destin a dicté que nous devrions être ensemble, bien qu’elle ne semble pas s’en soucier du tout… Elle ne souhaite que m’oublier pour toujours et je n’ai pas d’autre choix que de respecter sa demande, de me tenir à l’écart, aussi absurde que l’idée puisse sembler. Cintia: Ironies de la vie… Comment oublier pour toujours qui se souviendra pour toujours? Je vais vivre le reste de mes jours désespérément amoureuse d’un homme qui ne sera plus jamais à mes côtés, pour un mauvais jour pour le coeur (mais bon pour la santé mentale) j’ai décidé que c’était comme ça.

An Ounce of Hope: A powerful, addictive love story (A Pound of Flesh)

by Sophie Jackson

An Ounce of Hope is the third title in the A Pound of Flesh series from fan-fiction superstar Sophie Jackson.From the fanfic phenomenon whose sensational debut, A Pound of Flesh, had over 4.5 million reads. You fell for Wes Carter. Now there's a new bad boy in town. Just as sexy, just as edgy. Meet Carter's best friend, Max...Fans of Samantha Young, Jodi Ellen Malpas, Jamie McGuire, Katy Evans and Prison Break will find Sophie Jackson's powerful love stories utterly addictive and unforgettable. Can true love heal the deepest scars?Max O'Hare: Tortured by memories of the woman he loved, the child he lost and the drugs that numbed his pain, Max is haunted by his past.Grace Brooks: An eternal optimist, Grace appears to be the perfect girl, but she keeps the truth of her own difficult history closely guarded.Fresh out of rehab, the last thing on Max's mind is a relationship. Yet he's drawn to Grace, sensing that she too is looking for escape. Bound by their greatest fears and deepest secrets, Max and Grace must learn to trust again. And the key to opening their hearts lies in one another...Loyalty. Redemption. All-consuming love against the odds. Prepare to fall for the powerful storytelling of Sophie Jackson. Check out the whole A Pound of Flesh series: A Pound of Flesh, Love and Always, An Ounce of Hope, Fate and Forever and A Measure of Love.

Our American Friend: A Novel

by Anna Pitoniak

A mysterious first lady. The intrepid journalist writing her biography. And the secret that could destroy them both.Tired of covering the grating dysfunction of Washington and the increasingly outrageous antics of President Henry Caine, White House correspondent Sofie Morse quits her job and plans to leave politics behind. But when she gets a call from the office of First Lady Lara Caine, asking Sofie to come in for a private meeting with Lara, her curiosity is piqued. Sofie, like the rest of the world, knows little about Lara—only that Lara was born in Soviet Russia, raised in Paris, and worked as a model before moving to America and marrying the notoriously brash future president. When Lara asks Sofie to write her official biography, and to finally fill in the gaps of her history, Sofie&’s curiosity gets the better of her. She begins to spend more and more time in the White House, slowly developing a bond with Lara—and eventually a deep and surprising friendship with her. Even more surprising to Sofie is the fact that Lara is entirely candid about her mysterious past. The First Lady doesn&’t hesitate to speak about her beloved father&’s work as an undercover KGB officer in Paris—and how he wasn&’t the only person in her family working undercover during the Cold War. As Lara&’s story unfolds, Sofie can&’t help but wonder why Lara is rehashing such sensitive information. Why to her? And why now? Suddenly Sofie is in the middle of a game of cat and mouse that could have explosive ramifications. For fans of The Secrets We Kept and American Wife, Our American Friend is a propulsive Cold War-era spy thriller crossed with a fictional biography of a First Lady. Spanning from the 1970s to the present day, traveling from Moscow and Paris to Washington and New York, Anna Pitoniak&’s novel is a gripping page-turner—and a devastating love story—about power and complicity and how sometimes, the fate of the world is in the hands of the people you&’d never expect.

Our American King

by David Lozell Martin

When America fell, she fell hard. Now chaos and calamity fill the vacuum left by a collapsing federal government. The strong and the armed prey on the law-abiding. Only the wealthiest Americans, who have bought up and seized every available commodity, get by unscathed. Protected by the United States Army and their own hired guards, the rich have made their deals. But no one is making deals on behalf of the Americans who have-not. John and Mary, a long-married couple, are starving to death in a suburb of Washington, D.C. In the delirium of starvation, John becomes convinced that an American king has risen up -- benevolent, uncorrupted, and able to restore faith and prosperity to the nation. Mary walks with her husband into the District of Columbia to see if there's any truth to this madness of an American king. At the fence bordering the White House, which has been abandoned, overrun, and destroyed, John and Mary find a man who is hanging dead politicians "the way they spoke their words," upside down and backwards. John convinces this man, Tazza, that he can be king and that the people of America will find as much strength and goodness in serving a king as they did in practicing a democracy. Charismatic, royal, and alpha, Tazza is adored by the American people. He converts marauders to his cause, organizes scavengers to feed the hungry, and seems destined to establish a beloved and benevolent American monarchy. But Tazza cannot escape the inevitability of history, and when the federal government returns, a war ensues that sweeps across America and lasts for decades. In this conflict between forms of government, in a people's fight for survival, Our American King unearths massive forces and powerful truths and challenges readers with provocative questions: If a calamity destroyed the American government, who among us would survive? Who would die from weakness and fear? What kind of leaders would emerge?In vintage Martin style, Our American King grabs the reader on page one and never lets go. This is a journey by turns dire and thrilling, authoritative and mythical, heartbreaking and magical. For decades now, David Lozell Martin's novels, including cult favorites Lie to Me and The Crying Heart Tattoo,have set the bar for powerful and eccentric thrillers. This new one is his most powerful yet.

Our Castle by the Sea

by Lucy Strange

Growing up in a lighthouse, 11-year-old Pet's world has been one of storms, secret tunnels, and stories about sea monsters. But now the country is at war and the cliff tops are a terrifying battleground. Pet will need to muster all her bravery to uncover why her family is being torn apart. This is the story of a girl who is afraid and unnoticed. A girl who freezes with fear at the enemy planes ripping through the skies overheard. A girl who is somehow destined to become part of the strange, ancient legend of the Daughters of Stone.

Our Dark Duet (Monsters of Verity #2)

by Victoria Schwab

<P>The sequel—and conclusion—to Victoria Schwab’s instant #1 New York Times bestseller, This Savage Song. <P>Kate Harker is a girl who isn’t afraid of the dark. She’s a girl who hunts monsters. And she’s good at it. August Flynn is a monster who can never be human. No matter how much he once yearned for it. He has a part to play. And he will play it, no matter the cost. Nearly six months after Kate and August were first thrown together, the war between the monsters and the humans is a terrifying reality. <P>In Verity, August has become the leader he never wished to be, and in Prosperity, Kate has become the ruthless hunter she knew she could be. When a new monster emerges from the shadows—one who feeds on chaos and brings out its victim’s inner demons—it lures Kate home, where she finds more than she bargained for. She’ll face a monster she thought she killed, a boy she thought she knew, and a demon all her own. <P>A gorgeously written dark fantasy from New York Times-bestselling author Victoria Schwab, and one to hand to fans of Holly Black, Laini Taylor, and Maggie Stiefvater. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Our Fathers' Lies: William Dougal Crime Series Book 3

by Andrew Taylor

The third instalment of the brilliant William Dougal series, from the bestselling author of The American Boy and The Ashes of London. There's unfinished business between William Dougal and his widowed father. Part of it has to do with Celia Prentisse, William's ex-girlfriend. When her historian father is found drowned, it's declared suicide, but Celia remains unconvinced - not least because his abandoned clothes were found with a bottle of the wrong brand of gin and a slim volume of Schopenhauer's essays.It's not much evidence, but it's enough to send her godfather, retired British intelligence officer Major Ted Dougal, and his son William off on a trail that leads to a 1930s arsenic poisoning and a still-classified World War I court martial . . .

Our Fathers' Lies: William Dougal Crime Series Book 3

by Andrew Taylor

The third instalment of the brilliant William Dougal series, from the bestselling author of The American Boy and The Ashes of London. There's unfinished business between William Dougal and his widowed father. Part of it has to do with Celia Prentisse, William's ex-girlfriend. When her historian father is found drowned, it's declared suicide, but Celia remains unconvinced - not least because his abandoned clothes were found with a bottle of the wrong brand of gin and a slim volume of Schopenhauer's essays.It's not much evidence, but it's enough to send her godfather, retired British intelligence officer Major Ted Dougal, and his son William off on a trail that leads to a 1930s arsenic poisoning and a still-classified World War I court martial . . .

Our Fault (Culpable #3)

by Mercedes Ron

*A BookTok and Wattpad Viral Sensation*Fast-paced and sizzling with a forbidden enemies-to-lovers romance, Our Fault is the final book in Mercedes Ron's Culpable trilogy. This suspenseful YA series untangles the threads of love, trauma, and secrets, perfect for fans of Ugly Love and After.Nick and Noah's rocky relationship is struggling through its worst moment, and it seems that nothing can go back to the way it was before. They will have to surmount a new and frightening set of challenges to finally understand if they are really made for each other or if being apart is their only chance to be happy.Love is not always enough, and forgiveness sometimes doesn't fix what's been broken. But can you forget such a strong connection? How can memories tattooed on the heart be erased? Will they be able to leave the past behind and start over?

Our Friends in Beijing

by John Simpson

A thrillingly authentic novel about truth, power, politics and friendship, from one of our most revered and experienced foreign correspondentsOLD FRIENDS, NEW ENEMIESJon Swift is in trouble again. His journalism career is in freefall. He is too old to be part of the new world order and he has never learned to suck up to those in charge. But experience has taught him to trust his instincts. When, for the first time in years, Jon runs into Lin Lifeng in a café in Oxford he wonders if the meeting is a coincidence. When Lin asks him to pass on a coded message, he knows it's not. Once a radical student who helped Jon broadcast the atrocities of Tiananmen Square, Lin is now a well-dressed party official with his own agenda. Travelling to Beijing, Jon starts to follow a tangled web in which it is hard to know who are friends and who are enemies. As he ricochets across the country, Jon seeks to make sense of the ways in which China's past and present are colliding - and what that means for the future of the country and the world. Under the watchful eyes of an international network of spies, double-agents and politicians, all with a ruthless desire for power, Jon is in a high-stakes race to expose the truth, before it's too late.(P) 2021 Hodder & Stoughton Ltd

Our Game

by John Le Carré

At forty-eight, Tim Cranmer is a secret servant in premature retirement to deepest rural England. His Cold War is fought and won, and he is free to devote himself to his stately manor house, his vineyard, and his beautiful young mistress, Emma.But no man can escape his past, and Tim's lives twenty miles away, in the chaotic person of Larry Pettifer: bored radical don, philanderer, and for twenty years Tim's mercurial double agent against the now vanquished Communist threat. Between the two stands an unresolved rivalry.As the story opens, Larry and Emma have disappeared. Setting off in pursuit of them, Tim discovers that he too is being pursued, by his former masters. The hunter becomes the hunted. Raiding his own past like a thief, he follows Larry and Emma into the minefield -- physical and emotional -- of their new allegiance.Our Game is John le Carre at his incomparable best.

Our Hearts Will Burn Us Down: A Novel

by Anne Valente

The lives of four teenagers are capsized by a shocking school shooting and its aftermath in this powerful debut novel, a coming-of-age story with the haunting power of Station Eleven and the bittersweet poignancy of Everything I Never Told You. <P><P>As members of the yearbook committee, Nick, Zola, Matt, and Christina are eager to capture all the memorable moments of their junior year at Lewis and Clark High School--the plays and football games, dances and fund-drives, teachers and classes that are the epicenter of their teenage lives. But how do you document a horrific tragedy--a deadly school shooting by a classmate? <P>Struggling to comprehend this cataclysmic event--and propelled by a sense of responsibility to the town, their parents, and their school--these four "lucky" survivors vow to honor the memories of those lost, and also, the memories forgotten in the shadow of violence. But the shooting is only the first inexplicable trauma to rock their small suburban St. Louis town. A series of mysterious house fires have hit the families of the victims one by one, pushing the grieving town to the edge. <P>Nick, the son of the lead detective investigating the events, plunges into the case on his own, scouring the Internet to uncover what could cause a fire with no evident starting point. As their friend pulls farther away, Matt and Christina battle to save damaged relationships, while Zola fights to keep herself together. <P>A story of grief, community, and family, of the search for understanding and normalcy in the wake of devastating loss, Our Hearts Will Burn Us Down explores profound questions about resiliency, memory, and recovery that brilliantly illuminate the deepest recesses of the human heart.

Our House

by Louise Candlish

From an internationally acclaimed author, a disturbing and addictive novel of domestic suspense where secrets kept hidden from spouses cause shocking surprises that hit home...There's nothing unusual about a new family moving in at 91 Trinity Avenue. Except it's her house. And she didn't sell it.When Fiona Lawson comes home to find strangers moving into her house, she's sure there's been a mistake. She and her estranged husband, Bram, have a modern coparenting arrangement: bird's nest custody, where each parent spends a few nights a week with their two sons at the prized family home to maintain stability for their children. But the system built to protect their family ends up putting them in terrible jeopardy. In a domino effect of crimes and misdemeanors, the nest comes tumbling down.Now Bram has disappeared and so have Fiona's children. As events spiral well beyond her control, Fiona will discover just how many lies her husband was weaving and how little they truly knew each other. But Bram's not the only one with things to hide, and some secrets are best kept to oneself, safe as houses.

Our House: The Sunday Times bestseller everyone's talking about

by Louise Candlish

On a bright morning in the London suburbs, a family moves into the house they’ve just bought on Trinity Avenue. Nothing strange about that. Except it's your house. And you didn’t sell it. 'If 2018 brings a better book than Our House I will eat my hat. Addictive, twisty and oh so terrifyingly possible’ Clare Mackintosh, author of I See You ‘Property-porn looks set to become a staple of crime fiction and Our House is an excellent example of this burgeoning subgenre. Husband and wife pass the narrative baton between them in this masterfully plotted, compulsive page-turner' Laura Wilson, Guardian ‘I loved the wonderful hook of Our House, which plays with our modern obsession with property - and the vulnerability that exposes. Louise Candlish is a great writer; she inhaled me into her nightmarish world where everything we think we know is ripped from under our feet’ Fiona Barton, author of The Widow and The Child FOR BETTER, FOR WORSE. When Fi Lawson arrives home to find strangers moving into her house, she is plunged into terror and confusion. She and her husband Bram have owned their home on Trinity Avenue for years and have no intention of selling. How can this other family possibly think the house is theirs? And why has Bram disappeared when she needs him most? FOR RICHER, FOR POORER. Bram has made a catastrophic mistake and now he is paying. Unable to see his wife, his children or his home, he has nothing left but to settle scores. As the nightmare takes grip, both Bram and Fi try to make sense of the events that led to a devastating crime. What has he hidden from her – and what has she hidden from him? And will either survive the chilling truth – that there are far worse things you can lose than your house? TILL DEATH US DO PART.'Our House is one of the best books I have ever read ... FACT’ Isabelle Broom, author of My Map of You ‘I raced through it this weekend. Such a smart idea. Twisty, warped, credible. Brilliantly plotted and compelling. Deserves to be such a hit’ Sarah Vaughan, author of Anatomy of a Scandal ‘Gripping and heartbreaking with an undercurrent of unease running through it’ Louise Jensen, author of The Gift ‘Heart-stopping, toe-curling, breath-taking! Half can’t bear to read/half can’t bear to put it down. It’s marvellous - so tautly plotted and don’t see the twists coming! Will be a smash hit! Veronica Henry, author of The Forever House ‘Finished in two days. Absolutely brilliant. It has bestseller written all over it’ Kate Furnivall, author of The Betrayal ‘What a book! Fast, edge-of-your-seat stuff. Each time I set the book down I had to remind myself to breathe’ broadbeanbooks 'What a sensational book this is, with a plot that unrolls like clockwork, and simmering tension that never lets up. Betrayal, double-crossing and the most delicious sting in the tail... I couldn't put it down' Lucy Diamond, bestselling author of The House of New Beginnings ‘A great read – lots of surprises and an excellent ending’ Cesca Major, author of The Silent Hours ‘Jaw-droppingly brilliant’ Catherine Isaac, author of You Me Everything ‘Oh Louise Candlish, you are a genius! Our House is just brilliant. Scarily believable with the BEST ending I have read in a long time. I devoured it!’ Claire Frost, Fabulous magazine 'Clever, intriguing and completely involving' Fanny Blake

Our Jubilee is Death: A Carolus Deane Mystery (Tales of the PanCosmos)

by Leo Bruce

Walking on the sand before breakfast, Carolus Deene's cousin Fay, who was staying on the Suffolk coast, had come upon the head of Lilliane Bomberger, the celebrated and universally detested novelist. The body was buried in the sand with only the head protruding; at least one tide had washed over it. Before this frustrating case ends, three murders are committed. This is vintage Bruce, mixing thrills and chills with unique humor.

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