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The P. K. Pinkerton Mysteries: Book 1 (P. K. Pinkerton Novels Ser. #1)

by Caroline Lawrence

From the author of the bestselling Roman Mysteries, a new series set in the Wild West, packed with danger and deadly desperados at every turn!Virginia City in 1862 is a mining camp sitting above a rich vein of silver in America's Wild West. It's a dangerous place, full of gamblers, hurdy girls and gunmen - all of them on the make!When twelve year-old P.K. Pinkerton arrives there, homeless, penniless and hunted, things don't look good. But P.K. soon finds allies in Sam Clemens, a newspaper reporter, Poker Face Jace, a gambler who can tell when someone is bluffing, and Ping, a Chinese photographer's apprentice. With the help of these friends - and armed with a Smith & Wesson seven-shooter and a knack for disguises - P.K. takes on the tricksters and desperados and tries to become a detective.Fast, furious and funny - an utterly entertaining mystery adventure from an author who knows exactly how to grip and thrill her readers.

P.S. I Spook You

by S. E. Harmon

SSA Rain Christiansen used to be the agency’s golden boy. It just takes one moment of weakness, one slight, tiny, itty-bitty paranormal sighting, and all of a sudden he’s the agency’s embarrassment. His boss gives him one last chance to redeem himself—go down to Brickell Bay, play nice with the local police, and leave the ghost sightings behind. Rain is determined to do exactly that, even if it kills him. Cold-case detective Daniel McKenna’s latest investigation is going nowhere fast. Five years earlier, high school student Amy Greene went missing after leaving her part-time job and was never seen again. Daniel is glad to finally have the FBI help that his department requested, even if it does come in the form of his ex. It doesn’t help that Rain is pretty sure he’s falling in love with Danny all over again—if he ever stopped. Add to that the frustration of seeing ghosts at every turn while he works a case that’s stalled in its tracks, and Rain is starting to wonder if second chances and happy endings are just for fairy tales.


by Michael Gandy

A series of murders against gay and lesbian residents in and around Provincetown on Cape Cod, are linked to black gangs in Boston and Providence, Rhode Island. But it’s a set-up, and it is up to the woman police chief of Wellfleet, Massachusetts, and the older male detective in P-Town to find out who really is behind this and why.

p53: The Molecule of Life

by Miquel Àngel Lopezosa Criado

Dr. Nicolas Dalmau, a renowned immunologist who is part of the medical research team studying the effect of the p53 molecule as a treatment for cancer, is involved in a devilish web of conspiracy, conspiracy and murder that will turn his monotonous life into a hell that will force him to get the best of himself in order to survive. In his escape, he will drag his girlfriend Vangelis, his friend and colleague Albert and the talented hacker Raquel into a thrilling adventure in which everyone is a suspect and no one is safe from falling under the long tentacles of the criminal organization that is pursuing them. They have only one way out: to unmask the intrigues of a secret society that tries to keep hidden information that can defeat their aspirations in the struggle for world power. Miquel Àngel Lopezosa surprises us with a PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER OF SUSPENSE, set in today's BARCELONA, with which he tries to show us the darkest side of a society steeped in depravity, corruption and fanaticism. Secret locations, persecutions and a great mystery to be solved are the ingredients of this exciting novel, full of surprising twists and turns and which will culminate in an UNEXPECTED FINAL. Is the fate of our health really in the best hands?

Pabellón 11: Un campo de concentración. Un prisionero por sacrificar. Un thriller apasionante

by Piero Degli Antoni,

Una palabra puede transportar al pasado... Un original thriller psicológico, una macabra partida por la supervivencia en un campo de concentración. Mützen ab! Dos simples palabras pueden transportar al pasado. Eso es lo que sintió Moshe cuando volvió a escucharlas muchos años después. Sintió el frío de Auschwitz, el terror de la voz de los oficiales y el olor fétido de la muerte. Auschwitz, 1944. Debido a la fuga de unos prisioneros y como castigo ejemplar para el resto, diez personas son recluidas en una celda del pabellón 11 para ser asesinadas al día siguiente. Pero un repentino cambio de decisión por parte del Kommandant altera los planes: solo morirá uno, pero serán ellos mismos los que decidan quién. Comienza así una lucha encarnizada en la que valorar quién merece vivir y quién merece morir no resulta tan sencillo como en un principio parecía. En el otro lado del campo, el Kommandant ve cada vez más claro que la guerra está llegando a un final trágico, y se pasa la noche jugando con su hijo una partida de ajedrez que resulta ser un terrible espejo de la realidad. La lucha por la supervivencia y la parcialidad de la bondad y la maldad del hombre componen el engranaje de este thriller psicológico apasionante a la vez que profundamente humano. Reseñas:«Es un libro que me conmovió».Nedo Fiano, superviviente de Auschwitz-Birkenau «Uno de los mejores escritores de thriller de Italia».Il Mattino «Una lectura magnífica y poderosa, alejada del sensacionalismo».Sole 24 Ore «Una novela sobre el bien y el mal, el horror y la esperanza, el destino, la fuerza de voluntad y los lados inesperados de la naturaleza humana. [...] Degli Antoni es un auténtico maestro retratando personajes en todo su dramatismo, sin estereotipos ni clichés. Un feroz juego de eliminación, entre revelaciones y sorpresas,en los tristes barracones. Igual de absorbente que Diez negritos. Piero Degli Antoni enfatiza lo que describe a la perfección Primo Levi: pocos fueron verdaderamente inocentes en los campos de concentración, en donde la supervivencia se lograba a expensas de los más débiles».Il Giorno Milano «Para leerlo de una sentada, con el ritmo de un thriller pese a la triste realidad».Corriere della Sera «Con un final hermoso, una prosa que invita a leer, es una novela diferente porque muestra un equilibrio entre el drama y el thriller».Pasión Romántica

El pabellón número 6 (Flash Relatos #Volumen)

by Anton Chéjov

Chéjov conocía muy bien la fragilidad y el patetismo del ser humano, cualidades en las que hoy todavía nos podemos ver reflejados en sus relatos. Andréi Yefímych, doctor e intelectual de un sórdido e insalubre sanatorio mental de provincias, donde la violencia y la fuerza bruta se ejercen contra los internos, entabla una curiosa relación de amistad con uno de sus pacientes, Iván Dmítrich. Este encuentro tambaleará las estoicas e ingenuas creencias de Andréi, precipitándolo así hacia el despertar de una amarga realidad. «Sí, estoy enfermo. Aunque también decenas, centenares de locos andan por ahí en libertad, porque su ignorancia es incapaz de distinguirlos de los sanos. ¿Por qué pues estos desgraciados y yo debemos estar aquí por todos los demás, como chivos expiatorios? Usted, el practicante, el celador y toda su gentuza hospitalaria son incomparablemente inferiores en lo moral a cualquiera de nosotros. ¿Por qué somos nosotros los encerrados y no usted? ¿Dónde está la lógica?»

El pabellón número 6 (Flash Relatos)

by Anton Chéjov

Chéjov conocía muy bien la fragilidad y el patetismo del ser humano, cualidades en las que hoy todavía nos podemos ver reflejados en sus relatos. Andréi Yefímych, doctor e intelectual de un sórdido e insalubre sanatorio mental de provincias, donde la violencia y la fuerza bruta se ejercen contra los internos, entabla una curiosa relación de amistad con uno de sus pacientes, Iván Dmítrich. Este encuentro tambaleará las estoicas e ingenuas creencias de Andréi, precipitándolo así hacia el despertar de una amarga realidad. «Sí, estoy enfermo. Aunque también decenas, centenares de locos andan por ahí en libertad, porque su ignorancia es incapaz de distinguirlos de los sanos. ¿Por qué pues estos desgraciados y yo debemos estar aquí por todos los demás, como chivos expiatorios? Usted, el practicante, el celador y toda su gentuza hospitalaria son incomparablemente inferiores en lo moral a cualquiera de nosotros. ¿Por qué somos nosotros los encerrados y no usted? ¿Dónde está la lógica?»

La paciencia de la araña (Salvo Montalbano #Volumen 12)

by Andrea Camilleri

Decimosegunda entrega de las aventuras del comisario Montalbano. Una historia de un delito sutilmente perpetrado desde el odio, capaz de tejer una telaraña de la cual resulta imposible escapar. En esta decimosegunda entrega de la serie, Salvo Montalbano se encuentra postrado en cama, convaleciente de las heridas recibidas en su último caso. El comisario se siente confuso, el peso de los años lo abruma y una melancolía desgarradora lo lleva a cuestionarse cuál es el sentido último de la justicia y la «ley», a la cual él ha dedicado toda su carrera. En tal estado se encuentra Montalbano cuando se le informa del secuestro de la joven Susanna Mistretta, y si bien las pesquisas son asunto del comisario Minutolo, algo le hace saltar de la cama. Quizá sea la necesidad de probarse a sí mismo que aún conserva toda su capacidad de reacción, o tal vez las insólitas circunstancias del secuestro, dado que la familia de la joven había perdido toda su fortuna años atrás de forma repentina y misteriosa. Al final, ambos motivos resultan cruciales, pues ese nuevo distanciamiento, ese escepticismo, es lo que llevará al comisario a considerar aspectos de la investigación que cualquier otro pasaría por alto. En ese contexto tan nuevo como difícil de asimilar, la resolución del caso pondrá a prueba sus verdaderos valores, sus miedos y sus creencias. La paciencia de la araña es una insólita novela negra sin derramamiento de sangre y sin castigo para los culpables. La trágica destrucción de una vida, condenada a consumirse lentamente en el terrible dolor del desengaño y la traición, inspirará una venganza sutilmente perpetrada, como una gran telaraña de la cual resulta imposible escapar. Y a pesar de que la tristeza parece no querer abandonar a Montalbano, el breve y violento aguacero que cierra esta historia quizá sea un símbolo deesperanza de nuevos tiempos, más claros y luminosos.

La paciencia de los huesos: Serie Aurora Roe Teagarden 2 (Serie Aurora Roe Teagarden #Volumen 2)

by Charlaine Harris

Un nuevo caso de Aurora Roe Teagarden. Ir a dos bodas -una de ellas la de un antiguo amor- y al funeral de uno de los miembros del club, ya disuelto, de aficionados al estudio de crímenes mantiene muy ocupada a Aurora «Roe» Teagarden durante unos meses. Por desgracia, su vida personal parece estar en un punto muerto, hasta que su suerte cambia inesperadamente. Tras el funeral, Roe descubre que Jane Engle, la fallecida, la ha nombrado beneficiaria de una considerable herencia que incluye dinero, joyas y una casa con un cráneo oculto en la repisa de una ventana. Conociendo a Jane, Roe concluye que la anciana le ha dejado deliberadamente un asesinato por resolver. Por tanto, deberá identificar a la víctima y descubrir cuál de los vecinos de Jane, todos aparentemente normales y corrientes, es un asesino. Y todo ello sin ponerse ella en peligro de muerte...

El paciente

by Juan Gómez-Jurado

Relanzamiento de El paciente, novela en la que Juan Gómez-Jurado atrapa irremediablemente al lector. Un cirujano enfrentado a una decisión imposible. 63 horas que pueden cambiar el destino de millones de personas. ¿Hasta dónde serías capaz de llegar para salvar a quien más amas? La crítica ha dicho:«Respira hondo antes de empezar a leer: no volverás a tener tiempo hasta el final.»Javier Sierra

La paciente silenciosa

by Alex Michaelides

«El thriller perfecto» (según A.J. Finn, autor de La mujer en la ventana) que está conmocionando a treinta y siete países y cuyos derechos han sido comprados para una adaptación cinematográfica producida por Brad Pitt. SOLO ELLA SABE LO QUE SUCEDIÓ.SOLO YO PUEDO HACERLA HABLAR. Alicia Berenson, una pintora de éxito, dispara cinco tiros en la cabeza de su marido, y no vuelve a hablar nunca más. Su negativa a emitir palabra alguna convierte una tragedia doméstica en un misterio que atrapa la imaginación de toda Inglaterra. Theo Faber, un ambicioso psicoterapeuta forense obsesionado con el caso, está empeñado en desentrañar el misterio de lo que ocurrió aquella noche fatal y consigue una plaza en The Grove, la unidad de seguridad en el norte de Londres a la que Alicia fue enviada hace seis años y en la que sigue obstinada en su silencio. Pronto descubre que el mutismo de la paciente está mucho más enraizado de lo que pensaba. Pero, si al final hablara, ¿estaría dispuesto a escuchar la verdad? La crítica ha dicho...«Un impresionante thriller literario con un final digno de un clásico.»The Wall Street Journal «El thriller perfecto. Esta extraordinaria novela hizo que me hirviera la sangre, literalmente no pude dejar de leerla. Me sumergí en la lectura y, once horas después, a las 5:47 h de la madrugada, lo terminé absolutamente deslumbrado.»A.J. Finn (autor de La mujer en la ventana) «Un thriller inolvidable. Una mezcla de suspense hitchcockiano, complot de Agatha Christie y tragedia griega.»Entertainment Weekly «Absolutamente brillante.»Stephen Fry «Magnífico. Este thriller psicológico intrigante y finamente hilado coloca a Michaelides entre los mejores escritores del género.»Publisher's Weekly «Inteligente, imaginativo, excelente.»The Times (Mejor Libro del Mes) «Un debut con el ritmo y la agudeza de un verdadero maestro.»BBC Culture «Una novela tensa, meticulosamente trazada y convincente.»The Observer «Oscuroa, tensa y de lectura compulsiva.»Library Journal «Imposible dejar de leerlo, escalofriante e intenso, con un toque que hará que incluso el lector de suspense más experimentado se ponga a sudar frío.»Booklist

La paciente silenciosa

by Alex Michaelides

ESTA NOVELA YA HA CONMOCIONADO A DOS MILLONES Y MEDIO DE LECTORES EN MÁS DE 40 PAÍSES Y SEDUJO A BRAD PITT, QUIEN LA LLEVARÁ AL CINE PREMIO DE LOS LECTORES DE GOODREADS MEJOR LIBRO DEL MES SEGÚN THE TIMES «El thriller perfecto.»A.J. Finn, autor de La mujer en la ventana SOLO ELLA SABE LO QUE SUCEDIÓ.SOLO YO PUEDO HACERLA HABLAR. Alicia Berenson, una pintora de éxito, dispara cinco tiros en la cabeza de su marido, y no vuelve a hablar nunca más. Su negativa a emitir palabra alguna convierte una tragedia doméstica en un misterio que atrapa la imaginación de toda Inglaterra. Theo Faber, un ambicioso psicoterapeuta forense obsesionado con el caso, está empeñado en desentrañar el misterio de lo que ocurrió aquella noche fatal y consigue una plaza en The Grove, la unidad de seguridad en el norte de Londres a la que Alicia fue enviada hace seis años y en la que sigue obstinada en su silencio. Pronto descubre que el mutismo de la paciente está mucho más enraizado de lo que pensaba. Pero, si al final hablara, ¿estaría dispuesto a escuchar la verdad? La crítica ha dicho...«El thriller psicológico más aclamado del año.»David Castillo, El Punt Avui «Una mezcla de suspense hitchcockiano, misterio de Agatha Christie y tragedia griega.»Zenda «Un impresionante thriller literario con un final digno de un clásico.»The Wall Street Journal «El thriller perfecto. Esta extraordinaria novela hizo que me hirviera la sangre, literalmente no pude dejar de leerla. Me sumergí en la lectura y, once horas después, a las 5:47 h de la madrugada, lo terminé absolutamente deslumbrado.»A.J. Finn (autor de La mujer en la ventana) «Un thriller inolvidable. Una mezcla de suspense hitchcockiano, complot de Agatha Christie y tragedia griega.»Entertainment Weekly «Absolutamente brillante.»Stephen Fry «Magnífico. Este thriller psicológico intrigante y finamente hilado coloca a Michaelides entre los mejores escritores del género.»Publisher's Weekly «Inteligente, imaginativo, excelente.»The Times (Mejor Libro del Mes) «Un debut con el ritmo y la agudeza de un verdadero maestro.»BBC Culture «Una novela tensa, meticulosamente trazada y convincente.»The Observer «Una historia inteligente y sofisticada cargada de suspenso. Una excelente novela que satisface todas las expectativas.» Lee Child «Oscuro, tensa y de lectura compulsiva.»Library Journal «Imposible dejar de leerlo, escalofriante e intenso, con un toque que hará que incluso el lector de suspense más experimentado se ponga a sudar frío.»Booklist

Pacific Beat

by T. Jefferson Parker

John Weir, and his brother-in-law Raymond, battle corrupt police, development-at-all-cost advocates, and a known sex offender when they try to find the murderer of John's beloved sister.

Pacific Burn: A Thriller (A Jim Brodie Thriller #3)

by Barry Lancet

"Pacific Burn is a page-turning, globe-spanning tale of murder, suspense, and intrigue that grabs and holds your attention from beginning to end. Barry Lancet is truly a gifted author, and his character of Jim Brodie is unlike any private investigator you've ever encountered in literature." --Nelson DeMille, New York Times bestselling author of Radiant Angel In the third book in "what will likely be a long and successful series" (San Francisco Magazine), Japanese antiques dealer and PI Jim Brodie goes up against the CIA, FBI, Department of Homeland Security--and a killer operating on both sides of the Pacific.In recognition for his role in solving the Japantown murders in San Francisco, antiques dealer and sometime-PI Jim Brodie has just been brought on as the liaison for the mayor's new Pacific Rim Friendship Program. Brodie in turn recruits his friend, the renowned Japanese artist Ken Nobuki, and after a promising meeting with city officials and a picture-perfect photo op, Brodie and Nobuki leave City Hall for a waiting limo. But as soon as they exit the building, a sniper attacks them from the roof of the Asian Art Museum. Quick thinking allows Brodie to escape, but Nobuki ends up hospitalized and in a coma. Brodie soon realizes that, with the suspicious and untimely death of Nobuki's oldest son a week earlier in Napa Valley, someone may be targeting his friend's family--and killing them off one by one. Suspects are nearly too numerous to name--and could be in the United States or anywhere along the Pacific Rim. The quest for answers takes Brodie from his beloved San Francisco to Washington, DC, in a confrontation with the DHS, the CIA, and the FBI; then on to Tokyo, Kyoto, and beyond, in search of what his Japanese sources tell him is a legendary killer in both senses of the word--said to be more rumor than real, but deadlier than anything else they've ever encountered if the whispers are true.

The Pacific Conspiracy (Hardy Boys Casefiles #78, Ring of Evil #3)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Beast of the East! From Atlanta to Alaska to the exotic shores of Indonesia, Frank and Joe Hardy have penetrated the inner sanctum of a worldwide terrorist network: the Assassins. Now drawn into the enemy's lair, the Hardy's face their greatest challenge and greatest risk-to uncover the true purpose and power of the violent criminal conspiracy. Trapped deep in the Indonesian jungle, their covers blown, the boys can't afford to turn back. They confront a force so potent, an intelligence so evil, there's no time to seek reinforcements. Braving the heights of terror, Frank and Joe alone will have to defuse an explosive scheme that could erupt into a catastrophe of global proportions! ============== From inside the book: LAND OF THE LOST Frank stared down from the wall at the yard below. It was almost empty, except for a stone sculpture of a small dinosaur at one end, away from the building. Before Frank could say anything, Joe jumped off the wall, somersaulting as he landed and rolling to his feet. Frank shrugged and jumped too, landing the same way his brother had. "Now let's see if we can find a way in," Frank said. "Maybe around back-" "Frank." Joe's arm shot out across his brother's chest, stopping Frank dead in his tracks. He pointed across the yard. "I don't think that's a statue." The statue was moving toward them. "It's alive," Frank said, not believing his own words. He watched the creature as it came closer to them. It had to be at least eight feet long and weigh several hundred pounds. "That's no dinosaur . . . it's a Komodo dragon ... a man-eater!"

Pacific Creed

by Don Pendleton

SAMOAN THUNDER Hawaiian Nativists launch a campaign of terror throughout the islands in what appears to be a white slavery ring. With female tourists disappearing and the bodies of U.S. servicemen lining up, Mack Bolan goes in to stop the violence. But Bolan soon learns the attacks are only part of a bigger threat-and a countdown to the final strike has already begun. Handicapped by witnesses too afraid to talk, Bolan teams up with a Hawaiian to infiltrate the splinter group...or be killed in the attempt. To win their trust, Bolan will need every tactic in his arsenal. But surviving their trial by fire won't be easy. The terrorists are trained warriors and they've already marked Bolan for death. Judgment day is coming and the Executioner is prepared to fight until the bitter end.

The Pacific Giants (The Cryptid Files #3)

by Jean Flitcroft

The ugly head pivoted on its long neck. Its eyes bulged, its jaw dropped open, and then the snake-like coils appeared... With another summer ahead of her, Vanessa joins her dad's girlfriend, Lee, on a trip to a remote island off the coast of Canada. Lee's investigating the disappearance of whales in the area. Vanessa hopes to spot a few whales herself. But she doesn't expect to encounter a very different kind of water creature—one that the locals don't like to talk about. Without her mom's cryptid files to help her, can Vanessa identify this strange beast? Mysterious sea serpents aren't the only secret on this island, though. Vanessa soon finds herself drawn into a world of ruthless whale hunters. To expose their crimes, she'll have to risk her life—and come face-to-face with the monster that roams this corner of the Pacific.

Pacific Glory: A Novel

by P. T. Deutermann

Marsh Vincent, Mick McCarty, and Tommy Lewis were inseparable friends during their naval academy years, each man in love with the beautiful, unattainable Glory Hawthorne. Only Tommy wins her heart and marries Glory after graduation. Different skills set the three men on separate paths in the Navy, but they are all forever changed by the Pearl Harbor attack on December 7,1941. Glory, now Tommy's widow, is a tough Navy nurse still grieving her loss while trying to save lives at the Pearl Harbor naval hospital. Marsh, a surface ship officer, finds himself in the thick of terrifying sea combat from Guadalcanal, through the turning point at Midway, to a climactic showdown with the Japanese fleet at Leyte Gulf. Mick, a hotshot fighter pilot with a drinking problem and a chip on his shoulder, seeks redemption after a series of failures leaves him grounded and ashamed. Filled with wide-screen action, romance, and heroism tinged with the brutal reality of war, Pacific Glory is an old-fashioned military adventure of the first order.

Pacific Heights: A Marten Fane mystery

by Paul Harper

Pacific Heights, San FranciscoA serial seducer is targeting wealthy, vulnerable women.He's winning their hearts. He's winning their minds.And soon, unless PI Marten Fane can stop him, he'll be taking their lives.

Pacific Heights: A Novel (Marten Fane)

by Paul Harper

A San Francisco detective becomes entangled with a private intelligence agency as he investigates what appears to be a traceless form of murderA couple meets in a seedy hotel room for an illicit affair, the rules of which are simple: no names, no personal details, the specifics of their lives off-limits. It's all very exciting to Lore Cha—the wife of a successful Silicon Valley entrepreneur—who thinks their forbidden meetings and taboo sexual encounters are exactly the escape she's been looking for: every single detail is as she imagined. But that's the problem. Phillip Krey anticipates every thought before she has it. He plays out her untold fantasies down to the last detail. His insights are beyond intuitive; they're invasive, even frightening. It's as if he has access into her mind. Across town, Elise Currin, wife to one of San Francisco's most powerful businessmen, is also seeing Krey, and is slowly being driven insane by his ability to tap in to her most private desires. When it's revealed that these women are also seeing the same therapist, a chilling scenario unfolds, and the quiet, plotting detective Marten Fane is called in. Slowly Fane uncovers a plot that goes beyond Krey to reveal a powerful private sector, secret government involvement, and one of the most elaborate and monstrous psychological experiments imaginable: a traceless form of murder." … Harper succeeds in sympathetically portraying Elise and Lore as they face genuine danger. " - Publishers Weekly

Pacific Northwest K-9 Unit books 1-3

by Laura Scott Valerie Hansen Terri Reed

Coming soon! Pacific Northwest K-9 Unit books 1-3 by Laura Scott\Valerie Hansen\Terri Reed will be available May 23, 2023.

Pacific Northwest K-9 Unit Books 4-6: A Thrilling Suspense Collection

by Jodie Bailey Sharon Dunn Jessica R. Patch

Love Inspired Suspense brings you four full-length stories in one collection! Enjoy action-packed stories in the Alaska K-9 Unit series featuring K-9 crime-stoppers solving thrilling mysteries that will keep you on the edge of your seat!This box set includes:ALASKAN RESCUEby Terri ReedSent to find a wedding party that disappeared during a hike, Alaska State Trooper Hunter McCord discovers bridesmaid Ariel Potter hanging from a cliff. Now it&’s up to Hunter and his K-9 partner to find Ariel&’s missing companions…and make sure whoever wants Ariel dead doesn&’t finish the job.WILDERNESS DEFENDERby USA Today bestselling author Maggie K. BlackWith murderous poachers targeting blue bear cubs, Alaska trooper Poppy Walsh and her K-9 partner will do whatever it takes to stop them. But having to team up with her ex-fiancé, park ranger Lex Fielding, will be her biggest test. Can Poppy and Lex overcome their past to save the cubs and protect Lex&’s young son?UNDERCOVER MISSIONby USA Today bestselling author Sharon DunnUndercover on a cruise ship with her K-9 dog, Alaska State Trooper Maya Rodriguez uses herself as bait for a murderer—and quickly becomes a target. With security officer David Garrison&’s help, they must work to stay one step ahead of a possible serial killer. But will they make it off the ship alive?TRACKING STOLEN SECRETS by USA Today bestselling author Laura ScottPositive her sister isn&’t involved in a theft ring as the police believe, Alaska trooper Helena Maddox and her K-9 must find her twin before officer Everett Brand does. But when the niece Helena didn&’t know existed is left on Everett&’s doorstep, Helena and Everett must work together to keep the baby safe.Look for the complete Alaska K-9 Unit series! Book 1: Shielding the Baby Book 2: Scent of Truth Book 3: Explosive Trail Book 4: Olympic Mountain Pursuit Book 5: Threat Detection Book 6: Cold Case Revenge Book 7: Undercover Operation Book 8: Snowbound EscapeFrom Love Inspired Suspense: Courage. Danger. Faith

Pacific Northwest K-9 Unit Books 7-9: Three Thrilling Suspense Novels (Pacific Northwest K-9 Unit)

by Maggie K. Black Dana Mentink Katy Lee Sharee Stover

Love Inspired Suspense brings you three full-length stories in one collection. Enjoy action-packed stories in the Pacific Northwest K-9 Unit series featuring canine crime-stoppers solving thrilling mysteries that will keep you on the edge of your seat!This box set includes:UNDERCOVER OPERATIONby USA Today bestselling author Maggie K. BlackK-9 officer Asher Gilmore and trainer Peyton Burns have two tasks: rescue three stolen bloodhound puppies and expose a drug ring. To outwit the criminals, they must go undercover as married smugglers with the help of an underwater-detection dog. But infiltrating the crime ring proves more dangerous than expected…SNOWBOUND ESCAPE by USA Today bestselling author Dana MentinkAfter months of tracking a colleague falsely accused of double homicide, officer Tanner Ford and his K-9 partner finally locate crime tech Mara Gilmore—but the real murderer is closing in. Forced to run into a frozen wilderness to survive, can Tanner protect Mara from a vicious assailant…before the harsh winter conditions bury them?K-9 NATIONAL PARK DEFENDERS by Katy Lee and Sharee StoverMembers of the Pacific Northwest K-9 Unit are in a race against time in these holiday novellas. Can rival officers Veronica Eastwood and Parker Walsh work together to save Veronica&’s sister in Katy Lee&’s Yuletide Ransom? And can K-9 officers Dylan Jeong and Brandie Weller stop a bomber out for revenge in Sharee Stover&’s Holiday Rescue Countdown?From Love Inspired Suspense: Courage. Danger. Faith.Pacific Northwest K-9 Unit Book 1: Shielding the Baby by Laura Scott Book 2: Scent of Truth by Valerie Hansen Book 3: Explosive Trail by Terri Reed Book 4: Olympic Mountain Pursuit by Jodie Bailey Book 5: Threat Detection by Sharon Dunn Book 6: Cold Case Revenge by Jessica R. Patch Book 7: Undercover Operation by Maggie K. Black Book 8: Snowbound Escape by Dana Mentink

Pacific Payload (SOBs # #23)

by Jack Hild

Pages seven and eight appear to be missing.

The Pacific Rim Collection: Thunder in the Morning Calm, Fire of the Raging Dragon, Storming the Black Ice (Pacific Rim Series)

by Don Brown

Bestselling author and former US Navy JAG Officer Don Brown’s Pacific Rim series now available in one volume! Thunder in the Morning Calm Sixty years after his grandfather disappeared in Korea, a young naval intelligence officer seeks the truth behind rumors that American POWs are still being held there. Risking his life, fortune, and freedom, he leads a daring mission into the dangerous dictatorship of North Korea—all for the love of his country and a grandfather he never knew. Fire of the Raging Dragon In Fire of the Raging Dragon—the second book in best-selling author Don Brown’s Pacific Rim Series—Stephanie Surber is stationed on board a submarine tender in the South China Sea when a naval war breaks out. After a gruesome discovery escalates America’s involvement, Stephanie’s father, US President Douglas Surber, must choose to take a stand against evil . . . or save the life of his daughter. Storming the Black Ice When British geologists discover the world's largest oil reserves under the desolate, icy tundra of Antarctica, Britain and Chile form a top-secret alliance for control of petroleum resources that will rival the economic power of OPEC.

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