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El Palacio de Papel

by Miranda Cowley Heller

¿Se olvida alguna vez el primer amor? Décadas de secretos y mentiras han conducido a Elle al día de hoy. Tiene 24 horas para tomar la decisión que cambiaría su vida para siempre. Antes de que nadie se despierte, en una perfecta mañana de agosto, Elle se dirige a nadar en el espléndido estanque del Palacio de Papel, la casa en los bosques de Cape Cod donde su familia ha pasado los veranos durante generaciones. Desde el porche, Elle aún puede ver la mesa sin recoger de la cena; copas de vino vacías, cera de velas en el mantel, ecos de las risas de sus familiares y conocidos. Pero esta mañana es diferente: la noche anterior Elle y su mejor amigo de la infancia, Jonas, se escabulleron para tener un apasionado encuentro contra la pared exterior de la casa mientras sus parejas charlaban en el interior. Décadas de recuerdos, secretos y mentiras han conducido a Elle hasta este día. Ahora, durante las siguientes veinticuatro horas, tendrá que elegir entre la vida que ha construido con su maravilloso marido, Peter, y la que imaginó con su primer amor, Jonas, si un trágico suceso no lo hubiera cambiado todo para siempre. Reseñas:«Un debut lleno de fuerza que crea un escenario embriagador, resplandeciente y auténtico.»Sunday Times «Magnífica y preciosa. Me sentí absolutamente inmersa y atrapada y estoy desolada por haberla acabado.»Marian Keyes «Una novela fantásticamente construida, maravillosamente inteligente y seductora, repleta de una multitud de placeres.»William Boyd «Heller ha sido doblemente bendecida en lo que se refiere a su poder para la descripción, es tan buena en la naturaleza como en interiores.»The New York Times «Un libro cautivador.»Vogue «Los maravillosos paisajes de Back Woods proporcionanun envolvente entorno para las reflexiones de Elle y sus reveladores recuerdos.»Los Angeles Times «Un debut atrapante... La prosa de Heller crea una atmósfera llena de ricos detalles. El lector intentará adivinar el final hasta la última página.»Publishers Weekly «Me sumergí totalmente en esta ágil narración que entreteje a la perfección el pasado y el presente. ¡Creo que os encantará!»Reese Witherspoon «Hacía siglos que una novela contemporánea no me atrapaba tanto. Me encantó.»Nick Hornby «Desde las primeras páginas de su novela debut, Heller no se guarda ningún golpe. Y algunos aparecen más tarde para sorprenderte.»Kirkus

Un palacio en el infierno: En el país de Rosie Maldonne

by Alice Quinn

Secuestros, corrupción urbanística, mafia y una heroína única, una justiciera de los tiempos modernos que nos sumerge en una divertida aventura policíaca. Una novela de suspense que te pondrá de buen humor. Rosie Maldonne. Un nombre para recordar. Tiene: veinticuatro años (casi veinticinco), la cabeza muy alta, la falda muy corta y la lengua muy larga. Tres niñas (dos suyas y una adoptada). Un gato. Una vieja caravana junto a una estación de tren abandonada. No tiene: ni un euro ni trabajo fijo, lo que la obliga a vivir a salto de mata e ir trampeando. Le sobra: vitalidad, energía, alegría de vivir, optimismo y generosidad. Su lema: sin duda sería «Que no cunda el pánico. Cuando tocas fondo solo puedes remontar». ¿Y cuál es el problema? En realidad son varios, uno detrás de otro. Todo empieza cuando su mejor amiga Véro y su bebé desaparecen. ¿Los han secuestrado? ¿Quién y por qué? Además la nevera está casi vacía (y ahora tiene que alimentar a cuatro críos, ya que se ha hecho cargo del hijo mayor de Véro). Por suerte encuentra ciento cincuenta mil euros en varios sobres repartidos por las papeleras de un parque. ¿Cómo fueron a parar allí, de dónde han salido? No importa, bienvenidos, podrá llevar a los niños a comer al mejor restaurante de la ciudad. Pero ¿por qué le han puesto la caravana patas arriba? ¿Qué pasa con el terreno donde está situada? ¿De qué va ese poli monísimo con el que se tropieza por todas partes? ¿Por qué la persigue la mafia? Y ese dinero que le ha caído del cielo, ¿le abrirá las puertas a un palacio o al infierno? Rosie, investigadora a su pesar, para salvarse ella y a los niños se verá en el ojo del huracán de una trama de corrupción. Lo seguro es que no va a dejarse amilanar. Cuando Alice Quinn decidió autopublicarse Un palacio en el infierno, su primera novela, no imaginó que acabaría convirtiéndose en el ebook más vendido en Francia. Y todo ello gracias a la recomendación de las lectoras y los blogueros. Con comentarios como estos, ¿no te animas tú también? «He pasado un rato delicioso, de esos que te dejan la cabeza despejada, como nueva. Una novela ligera, ágil, con personajes entrañables y una intriga repleta de giros.» «Qué agradable es leer una novela que no se parece a ninguna otra.» «Sobre todo, no os privéis de las aventuras de esta investigadora por obligación, una mujer joven con un corazón enorme y que no pierde la ilusión por nada.»Sun Club «Una buena amalgama de humor, suspense y aventura con un toque de autenticidad y originalidad.»Songe d'une nuit d'été «Una lectura muy placentera. ¡Viva Rosie, Rosie al poder, Rosie presidente... y gracias a su creadora Alice Quinn!»Onirik


by Kenneth Eade

Conozcan al peor enemigo del terrorismo, finalista del premio BookLife 2016 y del premio RONE en 2017. Del premiado autor de best sellers, a quien la crítica señala como "uno de los escritores de thrillers más fuertes del momento" llega una historia inolvidable de alguien que tal vez sea un "antihéroe". Robert García no era un hombre notable; había dejado su carrera militar para formar parte de un escuadrón de asesinos al mando de la CIA. Jubilarse no era una opción para Robert, así que decidió desaparecer. Luego de salir de su reclusión para ayudar a un compañero y declarar en una corte marcial como testigo, su vida cambia radicalmente tras matar a un terrorista y salvar así decenas de vidas en el centro de Manhattan. Encuentra trabajo como asesino de yihadistas, y sus acciones lo convierten en una leyenda urbana: Robert, un asesino peligroso y sin sentimientos, sería un paladín viviente cuya misión es barrer el mal de la tierra para bien de la humanidad. Las redes sociales lo bautizan "Paladín", y que Dios ayude a quien se interponga entre él y sus objetivos. El libro se convirtió en bestseller en cuatro días. La opinión de la crítica sobre este nuevo thriller sobre el terrorismo: "En este thriller vertiginoso y bien escrito, el autor demuestra su habilidad no solo con el argumento, sino con la creación del personaje...que hace que esta historia se destaque. Una historia de amor condenada al fracaso y un perro irresistible son los únicos rasgos de humanidad de este asesino, los rasgos que lo diferencian de otros personajes asesinos de terroristas". Publisher's Weekly, Booklife Prize in Fiction. "Una obra atrapante y original que se mueve bien entre el género de escritura y la vida de aventura, precisión militar y acción que busca un equilibrio entre los problemas cotidianos y sus objetivos con la presición de un cirujano. Una obra muy recomendada para quienes buscan un protagonista que se destaca

The Paladin: A Spy Novel

by David Ignatius

When a daring, high-tech CIA operation goes wrong and is disavowed, Michael Dunne sets out for revenge. CIA operations officer Michael Dunne is tasked with infiltrating an Italian news organization that smells like a front for an enemy intelligence service. Headed by an American journalist, the self-styled bandits run a cyber operation unlike anything the CIA has seen before. Fast, slick, and indiscriminate, the group steals secrets from everywhere and anyone, and exploits them in ways the CIA can neither understand nor stop. Dunne knows it’s illegal to run a covert op on an American citizen or journalist, but he has never refused an assignment and his boss has assured his protection. Soon after Dunne infiltrates the organization, however, his cover disintegrates. When news of the operation breaks and someone leaks that Dunne had an extramarital affair while on the job, the CIA leaves him to take the fall. Now a year later, fresh out of jail, Dunne sets out to hunt down and take vengeance on the people who destroyed his life.

Paladine: An American Assassin's Story (Paladine Anti-terrorism Ser.)

by Kenneth Eade

Dans son livre, Kenneth Eade vous fait visiter un chapitre de la vie de Robert Garcia, un personnage initialement apparu dans sa publication antérieure intitulée, « Beyond All Recognition ». Garcia était auparavant Malik Abdul qui refit surface quand il a été demandé au Capitaine de l'armée américaine John Richards de sacrifier tout ce qu'il savait, tous ceux qu'il aimait pour servir sa chère patrie et son institution. Il était un patriote de tout premier ordre et quand il est sorti de son anonymat pour aider un de ses anciens chefs, un frère d'arme, il est devenu persona non grata, un homme qui détient trop de secrets dans sa tête, des secrets que l'Avenue Pennsylvanie voudrait garder cachés au monde. Il fut identifié. Qu'arrive-t-il à des hommes comme Robert Garcia lorsqu'ils ne sont plus sur le théâtre des opérations, lorsque la fièvre du combat retombe, lorsque le pays qu'ils ont tant aimé et pour lequel ils ont tant combattu n'est plus un havre de paix? Ces individus surentraînés ne disposent pas d'interrupteur de « marche/arrêt ». Ils ont hérité, de la part de leurs formateurs, d'une éruption cutanée, une de celles qui vous donnent des démangeaisons dont la permanence ne peut être soulagée que par l'exécution de ce que vous savez faire le mieux. Ils se doivent de créer leur propre plan de survie. En absence de cibles précédemment attribuées par l'agence, ils doivent créer leurs propres cibles. Ils furent créés par des personnes en proie au désespoir pour faire face à des situations désespérées et à présent ils ne se voient pas se la couler douce à travers cette belle nuit. Ils sont le cauchemar du gouvernement. Pour simplifier, ils sont les assassins des Etats-Unis. Ce livre est une œuvre de fiction basée sur une recherche poussée de Kenneth Eade. Il a fait mouche. Des hommes comme Robert Garcia, il en existe, leurs dossiers éparpillés sur les bureaux de directeurs de services de rense

Paladine: Paladine Political Thriller Series (Paladine Anti-terrorism Ser.)

by Kenneth Eade

Conheça o pior inimigo do terrorismo, finalista dos prêmios BookLife, 2016 e RONE, 2017. Do autor premiado & best-seller, descrito por críticos como: “um dos maiores escritores de thrillers do momento”, uma história inesquecível de um improvável “anti-herói”. Robert Garcia era um homem comum, dispensado de uma promissora carreira militar para se tornar um assassino do esquadrão da morte da CIA. A aposentadoria não estava em jogo para Robert, então ele decidiu sumir. Após sair da “geladeira” para responder a um chamado de um colega militar, que estava sofrendo uma injustiça, ele é empurrado de volta aos holofotes quando mata um terrorista, salvando assim dezenas de vidas. Ele encontra boa remuneração no assassinato de jihadistas, dando origem a lendas urbanas de que Robert, um assassino perigoso e insensível, é um paladino vivo, cuja missão é livrar a terra do mal para o bem da humanidade. As redes sociais lhe batizam de: “Paladino”; e que Deus possa ajudar àqueles que se metem entre ele e seu próximo alvo. Um best-seller nos Estados Unidos no quarto dia de lançamento: #1 Superhero Thriller best seller & #1 hot new release #2 Pulp Thriller best seller #1 hot new release #2 Terrorism Thriller best seller & #1 hot new release Descubra o que os críticos estão dizendo sobre este novo thriller de terrorismo: “Neste thriller bem escrito e de ritmo rápido, o autor demonstra habilidades não só na trama, mas com os personagens – e os personagens é o que faz este livro se destacar. Uma história de amor desventurada e um cachorro irresistível, só aprofundam o que poderia ser apenas mais uma história de assassino que mata jihadistas. --Publisher's Weekly, Booklife Prize in Fiction “Uma peça satisfatoriamente original e convincente, que se move muito além da escrita do gênero e para dentro do reino da precisão militar, do discernimento e da aventura, unindo ação à busca

Palavras do Além

by Claudio Ruggeri Marily Santos de Souza

A aparente calma do Delegado de polícia Vincent Germano foi abalada por um suicídio de um aposentado e a chegada de uma carta anónima na qual vem indicado o nome de um possível culpado e o que resta a fazer é tentar encaixar todas as pedras desse complicado quebra cabeça.

Pale as Death (Krewe of Hunters #25)

by Heather Graham

From the dark depths of Hollywood’s pastThe crime scene is horrific: the corpse of a young actress, drained of blood and cut in two. LAPD Detective Sophie Manning’s new case is high-profile and difficult—there’s no evidence to work with. And it’s a disturbing echo of the infamous Black Dahlia killing. Sophie is burning the candle at both ends, desperate to catch the murderer before he strikes again, when she starts to experience inexplicable visits…from ghosts.Bruce McFadden has a particular talent that can help Sophie—he can speak with the dead. As a consultant for the FBI’s paranormal team, the Krewe of Hunters, he’s been tasked with Sophie’s case and they’re forced to partner up. But Sophie doesn’t want his help, and she doesn’t want to share his peculiar skill. And she certainly isn’t ready for love, despite Bruce’s attentions.As the killer taunts the police, Sophie and Bruce will discover that the threat is closer to home than they’d ever realized. Working side by side is the only way they’ll stop this deadly sequel.

Pale as the Dead (Natasha Blake Ancestor Detective #1)

by Fiona Mountain

This is the first stunning installment of Fiona Mountain's riveting new mystery series that uncovers the secrets of the dead. Pale as the Dead deals with the mysterious death of Lizzie Siddal, a real and fascinating historical figure whose beauty and tragic life have made her into a legend. (She was the model for the famous painting on the cover of the book.) Lizzie's death has always been shrouded in mystery. She is perhaps best known for the macabre story that tells of her husband, the Pre-Raphaelite artist Dante Gabriel Rossetti, having her coffin dug up to retrieve some poems he had buried with her. When the coffin was opened, Lizzie was said to be as beautiful as the day she died.Pale as the Dead is the story of how the disappearance of a young girl, Bethany, appears to be linked in some way to Lizzie Siddal. Our detective is Natasha Blake, a complex young genealogist with a passion for history. Natasha's career choice is partly driven by the mystery of her own roots--she was abandoned in the hospital as a newborn.Her mother disappeared hours after giving birth, leaving a false name and address and a note on the back of a picture postcard that said simply, "Her name is Natasha."Natasha is hired by the missing girl's lover, Adam, whose own life seems to have plenty of dark shadows. An old diary and famous graveyard lead Natasha into more danger than she bargains for--some people will do ANYTHING to keep a secret!

The Pale Betrayer

by Dorothy Salisbury Davis

Edgar Award Finalist: Grand Master of crime fiction Dorothy Salisbury Davis delivers a thrilling tale of Cold War–era espionage and murder. One afternoon in Manhattan&’s Washington Square Park, Eric Mather is approached by two men, Tom and Jerry, with a business proposal: a bit of light espionage that may be considered treason. Eric&’s friend and colleague, physics professor Peter Bradley, is on his way back from an international conference in Athens. In his briefcase is a roll of film that must be confiscated to keep the Cold War from turning hot. Bradley won&’t miss this little roll of film, they say, and nobody will get hurt. When Bradley is stabbed to death in an apartment on East Tenth Street, Eric realizes he has made a bargain with the wrong people. Desperate to make up for betraying his friend, he ventures into a shadowy world of danger and intrigue as he sets out to learn everything he can about Tom and Jerry—two foreign agents engaged in an atomic game of cat and mouse.

Pale Blue: A Thriller (Blue Gemini #3)

by Mike Jenne

As the Project enters its final phase, Air Force Majors Carson and Ourecky are dispatched on an urgent mission to intercept and investigate a massive orbiting object suspected of harboring nuclear weapons. Emotionally exhausted, with his marriage teetering on the brink, Ourecky reluctantly accepts the assignment; in return for his sacrifice, he is promised an opportunity to go to MIT to pursue the Ph.D he has long desired.As they draw close to the mysterious satellite and prepare to destroy it, they are confronted with a dark secret that they will carry forever, and are forced to contemplate their own mortality and the dire prospect of dying in space.On their return to earth, they are offered an opportunity almost too good to pass up, which entails flying into orbit yet again, except under considerably different circumstances. Ourecky wrestles with his decision, knowing that choosing to fly will almost certainly result in the loss of his marriage while Carson is finally granted an opportunity to fly in Vietnam. Although he is finally allowed to fulfill his dream of flying in combat, Carson soon discovers that there are some fates worse than death.Pale Blue is the epic, high-flying conclusion to the Blue Gemini trilogy that will leave you breathless.Skyhorse Publishing, as well as our Arcade, Yucca, and Good Books imprints, are proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in fiction-novels, novellas, political and medical thrillers, comedy, satire, historical fiction, romance, erotic and love stories, mystery, classic literature, folklore and mythology, literary classics including Shakespeare, Dumas, Wilde, Cather, and much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.

The Pale Blue Eye: A Novel (Sound Library)

by Louis Bayard

From the critically acclaimed author of Mr. Timothy comes an ingenious tale of murder and revenge, featuring a retired New York City detective and a young cadet named Edgar Allan Poe. At West Point Academy in 1830, the calm of an October evening is shattered by the discovery of a young cadet's body swinging from a rope just off the parade grounds. An apparent suicide is not unheard of in a harsh regimen like West Point's, but the next morning, an even greater horror comes to light. Someone has stolen into the room where the body lay and removed the heart. At a loss for answers and desperate to avoid any negative publicity, the Academy calls on the services of a local civilian, Augustus Landor, a former police detective who acquired some renown during his years in New York City before retiring to the Hudson Highlands for his health. Now a widower, and restless in his seclusion, Landor agrees to take on the case. As he questions the dead man's acquaintances, he finds an eager assistant in a moody, intriguing young cadet with a penchant for drink, two volumes of poetry to his name, and a murky past that changes from telling to telling. The cadet's name? Edgar Allan Poe. Impressed with Poe's astute powers of observation, Landor is convinced that the poet may prove useful-if he can stay sober long enough to put his keen reasoning skills to the task. Working in close contact, the two men-separated by years but alike in intelligence-develop a surprisingly deep rapport as their investigation takes them into a hidden world of secret societies, ritual sacrifices, and more bodies. Soon, however, the macabre murders and Landor's own buried secrets threaten to tear the two men and their newly formed friendship apart. A rich tapestry of fine prose and intricately detailed characters, The Pale Blue Eye transports readers into a labyrinth of the unknown that will leave them guessing until the very end.

The Pale Companion: No 3

by Philip Gooden

Third in the entertaining adventures of Shakespearean actor and sleuth, Nick Revill. It is midsummer in the year 1601. Nick Revill and his fellow actors of the company known as the Chamberlain's Men are journeying across the Wiltshire Downs for a country-house presentation of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. It should be a pleasant well-paid jaunt to celebrate a noble marriage, but instead the players find themselves in the midst of a tense family atmosphere, somehow linked to the presence of the household's sinister steward. Very soon Nick finds that the Dream has turned into a nightmare, where murder appears commonplace, and before too long he must fight to save his own life against the ancient backdrop of Stonehenge...

The Pale Companion: Book 3 in the Nick Revill series (Nick Revill #3)

by Philip Gooden

'Highly entertaining' Sunday TimesMidsummer 1601. Nick Revill and his fellow actors in the Chamberlain's Men are journeying across the Wiltshire Downs for a country-house presentation of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.It should be a pleasant, well-paid jaunt to celebrate a noble marriage, but when the actors arrive at their destination, Instede House, they enter a tense atmosphere. Lord Elcombe is pushing his older son into a marriage that the son seems set against, while in the nearby woods a wild man called Robin talks in riddles of long-hidden family secrets. In another quarter of the great estate lodges a travelling band of fire-and-brimstone morality players called the Paradise Brothers. The first death, when it occurs, looks like suicide, but Nick isn't so sure . . . Then a second murder happens right under his nose . . . and turns the Dream into a nightmare.The third Shakespearean murder mystery in the Nick Revill series, set during the reign of the formidable Elizabeth I.Praise for Philip Gooden:'Another clever criminal plunge into history' Guardian'The witty narrative, laced with puns and word play so popular in this period, makes this an enjoyable racy tale' Sunday Telegraph'The book has much in common with the film Shakespeare in Love - full of colourful characters . . . but the book has an underlying darkness' Crime Time'Historical mystery fans are in for a treat' Publishers Weekly

The Pale Companion: Book 3 in the Nick Revill series

by Philip Gooden

'Highly entertaining' Sunday TimesMidsummer 1601. Nick Revill and his fellow actors in the Chamberlain's Men are journeying across the Wiltshire Downs for a country-house presentation of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.It should be a pleasant, well-paid jaunt to celebrate a noble marriage, but when the actors arrive at their destination, Instede House, they enter a tense atmosphere. Lord Elcombe is pushing his older son into a marriage that the son seems set against, while in the nearby woods a wild man called Robin talks in riddles of long-hidden family secrets. In another quarter of the great estate lodges a travelling band of fire-and-brimstone morality players called the Paradise Brothers. The first death, when it occurs, looks like suicide, but Nick isn't so sure . . . Then a second murder happens right under his nose . . . and turns the Dream into a nightmare.The third Shakespearean murder mystery in the Nick Revill series, set during the reign of the formidable Elizabeth I.Praise for Philip Gooden:'Another clever criminal plunge into history' Guardian'The witty narrative, laced with puns and word play so popular in this period, makes this an enjoyable racy tale'Sunday Telegraph'The book has much in common with the film Shakespeare in Love - full of colourful characters . . . but the book has an underlying darkness' Crime Time'Historical mystery fans are in for a treat' Publishers Weekly

The Pale Criminal: A Bernie Gunther Novel (Bernie Gunther #2)

by Philip Kerr

Hailed by Salman Rushdie as a "brilliantly innovative thriller-writer," Philip Kerr is the creator of taut, gripping, noir-tinged mysteries that are nothing short of spellbinding. In this second book of the Berlin Noir trilogy, The Pale Criminal brings back Bernie Gunther, an ex-policeman who thought he’d seen everything on the streets of 1930s Berlin—until he turned freelance and each case he tackled sucked him further into the grisly excesses of Nazi subculture. Hard-hitting, fast-paced, and richly detailed, The Pale Criminal is noir writing at its blackest and best. .

The Pale Criminal: Bernie Gunther Thriller 2 (Bernie Gunther)

by Philip Kerr

'One of the greatest anti-heroes ever written' LEE CHILDA series of horrific ritual murders leads Bernie Gunther to an occult conspiracy at the very heart of the Nazi Party - hard-boiled noir thriller for fans of Raymond Chandler and John le CarréFive German schoolgirls are missing. Four have been found dead. But unlike the undesirables who make up the majority of dead and missing people in Hitler's Berlin, these girls were blonde and blue-eyed - the Aryan flower of German maidenhood - and their gruesome deaths recall ritual killings.Busy with a blackmail case, Bernie is reluctant when he is asked to rejoin the Berlin police in order to track down the murderer. But when the person doing the asking is none other than head of the SD, Reinhard Heydrich, it's not exactly a request he can turn down. As Bernie gets closer to the truth, he realises that at the heart of this case is much more than one lone madman - in fact, there is a conspiracy at work more chilling than he could ever have imagined.

The Pale Criminal: Bernie Gunther Thriller 2

by Philip Kerr

'One of the greatest anti-heroes ever written' LEE CHILDA series of horrific ritual murders leads Bernie Gunther to an occult conspiracy at the very heart of the Nazi Party - hard-boiled noir thriller for fans of Raymond Chandler and John le CarréFive German schoolgirls are missing. Four have been found dead. But unlike the undesirables who make up the majority of dead and missing people in Hitler's Berlin, these girls were blonde and blue-eyed - the Aryan flower of German maidenhood - and their gruesome deaths recall ritual killings.Busy with a blackmail case, Bernie is reluctant when he is asked to rejoin the Berlin police in order to track down the murderer. But when the person doing the asking is none other than head of the SD, Reinhard Heydrich, it's not exactly a request he can turn down. As Bernie gets closer to the truth, he realises that at the heart of this case is much more than one lone madman - in fact, there is a conspiracy at work more chilling than he could ever have imagined.

The Pale Criminal: Bernie Gunther Thriller 2 (Bernie Gunther)

by Philip Kerr

'One of the greatest anti-heroes ever written' LEE CHILDA series of horrific ritual murders leads Bernie Gunther to an occult conspiracy at the very heart of the Nazi Party - hard-boiled noir thriller for fans of Raymond Chandler and John le CarréFive German schoolgirls are missing. Four have been found dead. But unlike the undesirables who make up the majority of dead and missing people in Hitler's Berlin, these girls were blonde and blue-eyed - the Aryan flower of German maidenhood - and their gruesome deaths recall ritual killings.Busy with a blackmail case, Bernie is reluctant when he is asked to rejoin the Berlin police in order to track down the murderer. But when the person doing the asking is none other than head of the SD, Reinhard Heydrich, it's not exactly a request he can turn down. As Bernie gets closer to the truth, he realises that at the heart of this case is much more than one lone madman - in fact, there is a conspiracy at work more chilling than he could ever have imagined.(P) 2021 Quercus Editions Limited

Pale Demon (Rachel Morgan Series #9)

by Kim Harrison

Condemned and shunned for black magic, Rachel Morgan has three days to get to the annual witches' conference and clear her name, or be trapped in the demonic ever-after . . . forever after. But a witch, an elf, a living vampire, and a pixy in one car going across the country? Talk about a recipe for certain disaster, even without being the targets for assassination. For after centuries of torment, a fearsome demon walks in the sunlight-freed at last to slay the innocent and devour their souls. But his ultimate goal is Rachel Morgan, and in the fight for survival that follows, even embracing her own demonic nature may not be enough to save her.

Pale Gray for Guilt: A Travis McGee Novel (Travis McGee #9)

by John D. Macdonald

"To diggers a thousand years from now...the works of John D. MacDonald would be a treasure on the order of the tomb of Tutankhamen."Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.The men who killed Tush Bannon knew he was a nice guy with a nice wife and three nice kids--trying to run a small marina on the Florida coast. They also knew he was in the way of a big land development scheme. Once they killed him, they figured they were on easy street. But Tush Bannon was Travis McGee's friend and McGee could be one tough adversary when protecting a widow and her kids....

A Pale Horse (Chronicles of Brothers #Vol. 4)

by Wendy Alec

A new order. An ancient evil. A battle about to begin.It is the near future. Adrian De Vere, President of the European Union, oversees the signing of an unprecedented international treaty, ushering in a new era of one-world government.Jason De Vere, media mogul, finds himself forced out of the empire he helped create. With friends, allies and even family turning against him, help comes from an unexpected quarter…Nick De Vere, archaeologist and playboy – and newly returned from the dead – leads Jason into an underground world of hidden knowledge and forbidden secrets. Together they must face down the most ruthless of adversaries: their own brother.As the Antarctic ice gives up a grisly secret, and shadowy figures are plotting behind the scenes, armies of good and evil are being marshalled for the conflict to come. Operation Pale Horse is underway…&“There could be no bigger canvas for film-making.&” – Mark Ordesky (Executive Producer – Lord of the Rings) &“Alec not only re-frames pre-history; she also imaginatively illustrates how the realm of spirit impacts the contemporary material world.&” Ileen Maisel (Executive Producer for the Golden Compass)&“This is the best work of fiction I have read since the last installment of Dean Koontz&’ Frankenstein series&” Jim McDonald – 1340Mag – Online Entertainment Magazine.

The Pale Horse (The\agatha Christie Collection #Vol. 62)

by Agatha Christie

A classic from the queen of mystery: Agatha Christie.

A Pale Horse

by Charles Todd

In the ruins of Yorkshire's Fountains Abbey lies the body of a man wrapped in a cloak, the face covered by a gas mask. Next to him is a book on alchemy, which belongs to the schoolmaster, a conscientious objector in the Great War. Who is this man, and is the investigation into his death being manipulated by a thirst for revenge?Meanwhile, the British War Office is searching for a missing man of their own, someone whose war work was so secret that even Rutledge isn't told his real name or what he did.The search takes Rutledge to Berkshire, where cottages once built to house lepers stand in the shadow of a great white horse cut into the chalk hillside. The current inhabitants of the cottages are outcasts, too, hiding from their own pasts. Who among them is telling the truth about their neighbors and who is twisting it?Here is a puzzle requiring all of Rutledge's daring and skill, for there are layers of lies and deception, while a ruthless killer is determined to hold on to freedom at any cost. And the pale horse looming overhead serves as a reminder that death is never finished with anyone, least of all the men who fought in the trenches of France.

A Pale Horse

by Charles Todd

In the ruins of Yorkshire's Fountains Abbey lies the body of a man wrapped in a cloak, the face covered by a gas mask. Next to him is a book on alchemy, which belongs to the schoolmaster, a conscientious objector in the Great War. Who is this man, and is the investigation into his death being manipulated by a thirst for revenge?Meanwhile, the British War Office is searching for a missing man of their own, someone whose war work was so secret that even Rutledge isn't told his real name or what he did.The search takes Rutledge to Berkshire, where cottages once built to house lepers stand in the shadow of a great white horse cut into the chalk hillside. The current inhabitants of the cottages are outcasts, too, hiding from their own pasts. Who among them is telling the truth about their neighbors and who is twisting it?Here is a puzzle requiring all of Rutledge's daring and skill, for there are layers of lies and deception, while a ruthless killer is determined to hold on to freedom at any cost. And the pale horse looming overhead serves as a reminder that death is never finished with anyone, least of all the men who fought in the trenches of France.

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