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Zombie Mommy
by Kurt Cyrus M. T. AndersonThe Pals in Peril embark on a horrifying adventure of life and un-death that is "ridiculous in all the best ways" (Kirkus Reviews)!Our intrepid heroes are home from their Delaware crime-stopping excitement, only to discover that Lily's mom has become possessed by a menacing zombie who wants to take over the world! (Or, at least, the world of stage and screen.) Thank goodness Lily's friends Katie, Jasper, and foxy Blue-Hen-State monk Drgnan Pghlik are around--accompanied by Jasper's Astounding High-Pressure Holy Water Extruder Gun, of course--to help save the day. But not before some truly scary things happen, things involving stuff like killer tarantulas, web-footed teen vampire boys, bad weather (it's a horror novel, remember?), and, well . . . the rest is just TOO TERRIFYING FOR WORDS!
The Zombie Project (Boxcar Children #128)
by Robert Papp Gertrude Chandler WarnerWhile at the Winding River Lodge, the Aldens hear about a zombie living in the surrounding forest! As the signs of zombie attacks start to mount, the Boxcar Children recruit the help of a reporter and some locals. But is someone hiding information? Or should the Boxcar Children really be afraid of things that go bump in the night?
Zombie Train
by David Macinnis GillThe Zombie Chasers meets The Goonies in David Macinnis Gill’s middle grade debut about a group of tweens who ride out the zombie apocalypse on a cobbled-together train. Fans of Ty Drago’s The Undertakers: Rise of the Corpses and Max Brallier’s The Last Kids on Earth will lose themselves in this page-turning, spine-chilling, and sometimes goofy survival story.Wyatt has been riding out the zombie apocalypse on his crew’s cobbled-together train for what feels like forever. It’s a hopeless journey, the train running a loop that covers thousands of miles across the western U.S. But when a mysterious girl arrives with stories of a so-called Nirvana and a potential cure for the zombie parasite, Wyatt must decide between searching for the cure and protecting those entrusted in his care.David Macinnis Gill’s Zombie Train is a compelling survival story full of action, suspense, and plenty of zombies. Filled with both harrowing and humorous moments, Zombie Train follows an eccentric cast of characters as they contend with a changing world and shifting loyalties and friendships, and as they fight to remain in control—of their lives and of the future.
Zombie Waffle Murder (A Wicked Waffle Paranormal Cozy #8)
by Carolyn Q. HunterGet ready for some spooky, crime-solving fun! Sonja loves Halloween, but sometimes the notoriously spooky holiday is too far away. So, when a local zombie themed marathon is announced, she jumps at the chance to whip up some Zombie Waffles with Zombie Juice. She even looks forward to getting all dressed up in gruesome makeup for the event, despite regretting signing up to run alongside her fit and athletic husband, Frank. Unfortunately, as luck would have it, the event is interrupted when one of the runners is found dead. Not only does her death seem like foul play has been involved, but the girl's group of friends all seem to have deep rooted secrets of their own, which they seem to desperately want to keep hidden. Sonja tries to stay out of solving the mystery, but her ghostly powers end up pushing her right into the thick of things. Running in circles to figure out how all the disjointed clues fit together, will Sonja be able to pin down an answer before she becomes the next victim?
The Zombie Who Visited New Orleans (Field Trip Mysteries)
by Steve BrezenoffOn a class trip to New Orleans, Catalina "Cat" Duran and her friends find themselves in the middle of a Voodoo mystery!
Zombies Attack!: The Rise of the Warlords Book One: An Unofficial Interactive Minecrafter's Adventure (Rise of the Warlords #1)
by Mark ChevertonThe Far Lands is a hidden area located at the very edge of Minecraft’s outer borders, unknown to normal users. There, the life of a young boy named Watcher is suddenly turned upside down when his village is destroyed by the vile zombie warlord Tu-Kar. Watcher and a handful of his friends vow to save those who were captured during the devastating battle and bring the zombie leader to justice. But along the way, they’ll uncover a terrifying secret about the monsters in the Far Lands, one that could change Minecraft forever.The Rise of the Warlords series is an interactive Minecraft adventure like never before, giving fans the option to play along in Minecraft as they read on custom Far Lands worlds exclusively designed by bestselling author Mark Cheverton.
Zombies Have Issues
by Greg StonesAs we know from Greg Stones's first breakout hit book, zombies hate stuff. It's less understood that the undead also struggle with the stuff of everyday life usually navigated by the breathing. Zombies have issues with yoga, bad hair days, chopsticks, the morning commute, touch-screen technology, and more. They kind of enjoy skunks, gardening, and acupuncture, but they have major issues with banana peels, Renaissance fairs, bear traps, and bunnies. In the face of such adversity, all zombies really want is a cure. With humor, wit, and braaaains, Greg Stones's colorful painted panels offer a sympathetically funny, new perspective into the trials and tribulations of the undead in a world made for the living.
Zombies Have Issues
by Greg StonesAs we know from Greg Stones's first breakout hit book, zombies hate stuff. It's less understood that the undead also struggle with the stuff of everyday life usually navigated by the breathing. Zombies have issues with yoga, bad hair days, chopsticks, the morning commute, touch-screen technology, and more. They kind of enjoy skunks, gardening, and acupuncture, but they have major issues with banana peels, Renaissance fairs, bear traps, and bunnies. In the face of such adversity, all zombies really want is a cure. With humor, wit, and braaaains, Greg Stones's colorful painted panels offer a sympathetically funny, new perspective into the trials and tribulations of the undead in a world made for the living.
Zombies Have Issues
by Greg StonesAs we know from Greg Stones's first breakout hit book, zombies hate stuff. It's less understood that the undead also struggle with the stuff of everyday life usually navigated by the breathing. Zombies have issues with yoga, bad hair days, chopsticks, the morning commute, touch-screen technology, and more. They kind of enjoy skunks, gardening, and acupuncture, but they have major issues with banana peels, Renaissance fairs, bear traps, and bunnies. In the face of such adversity, all zombies really want is a cure. With humor, wit, and braaaains, Greg Stones's colorful painted panels offer a sympathetically funny, new perspective into the trials and tribulations of the undead in a world made for the living.
Zombies Of The Gene Pool
by Sharyn MccrumbIn the 1950s, eight young men, dreaming of literary immortality, buried a time capsule With their science fiction stories and cultural relics. Now the capsule is being dredged up.
Los zombis atléticos (Serie Bat Pat #Volumen 11)
by Roberto PavanelloUndécima entrega de las apasionantes aventuras del murciélago detective Bat Pat y los hermanos Silver: Leo, Martin y Rebecca. ¡¡¡HOLA!!! SOY BAT PAT.OS VOY A CONTAR UNA HISTORIA QUE OS PONDRÁ LOS PELOS DE PUNTA...¿ESTÁIS PREPARADOS? A Leo le acaban de dar una noticia de miedo: a partir de ahora, y por orden expresa del médico, tendrá que apuntarse a hacer deporte después de clase. ¿El objetivo? Ponerse en forma, ¡evidentemente! Pero lo que nadie le ha dicho todavía es que, además de sudar como un pollo, en los entrenos hará unos amiguitos de lo más horripilante...
by Kevin J AndersonMeet Dan Chambeaux—a.k.a. Dan Shamble—zombie detective, a persistent hardboiled gumshoe (or maybe that&’s something more sinister on the bottom of his shoe…) Even being murdered doesn&’t keep a good detective down, and in the Unnatural Quarter—inhabited by ghosts, vampires, werewolves, mummies, and all sorts of creatures that go bump (or thud!) in the night—a zombie P.I. fits right in. Dan Shamble solves a string of madcap cases with his ghost girlfriend Sheyenne, his Best Human Friend Officer Toby McGoohan, and his firebrand lawyer partner Robin Deyer.And first on the list: finding out who murdered him.This Zomnibus contains the complete first Dan Shamble novel, Death Warmed Over, plus the seven individual cases showcased in the collection Working Stiff, together in one volume. It&’s a perfect way to dig up the dirt on a lot of things that would rather stay buried.Dan Shamble puts the PI in RIP.
La Zona de la Noche Roja
by James A. NewmanMÓNICA QUIERE ser amada como todas las demás chicas bonitas en Bangkok. Pero algunas veces el obtener lo que quieres no es algo sano. Su cuerpo es encontrado decapitado en su departamento que solo tenía agua fría. Un portafolio que contiene un antiguo hechizo de magia negra desapareció de la escena. JOE DYLAN se aventura dentro de los bares de la Ciudad de Bangkok. El detective sigue un rastro que lleva a Demon Dreams, un antro Sadomasoquista manejado por una hermosa transexual y su mentalmente trastornado hermano. Joe descubre un mundo de actos nocturnos bizarros y rituales de magia negra. Un sórdido bajo mundo de Bangkok que recoge de las calles a mujeres caídas y las lanza dentro de un mundo maligno de tortura y asesinato. Entre en LA ZONA DE LA NOCHE ROJA – CIUDAD DE BANGKOK – la secuela del thriller negro de Newman BANGKOK EXPRESS.
Zona liberada
by Melina TorresMientras en Rosario la vida no vale nada y las islas de Entre Ríos se incendian, Silvana Aguirre intentará descubrir las causas de la muerte de un famoso y excéntrico pintor. Silvana Aguirre no tenía en sus planes más que la torta chajá y los sanguchitos de miga con los que iban a despedir el año en la oficina cuando recibió un llamado del intendente ordenándole que cruzara a la isla de Entre Ríos a prestar colaboración. El muerto no era un muerto cualquiera: Ramón Uriarte Gómez Olavalle, artista de fama internacional, reconocido y excéntrico. Aguirre se hace cargo de la investigación, pero no será algo fácil. Como todos saben, las islas son zona liberada. Tierras que se incendian a diario para llevar adelante oscuros negociados. Mientras en Rosario los asesinatos se multiplican y sobrevivir en las calles empieza a convertirse en una lotería, el misterio en torno al pintor no para de crecer. ¿Cuáles fueron las circunstancias de su muerte? ¿Qué secreto guardaba en su vida íntima? Silvana Aguirre vuelve recargada, navegando las aguas marrones del Paraná, defendiendo a los propios y enfrentando a los poderosos. Más malhumorada, filosa y arrojada que nunca. La autora de Pobres corazones nos zambulle en un nuevo caso criminal protagonizado por la detective más entrañable de la literatura argentina.
La zona muerta
by Stephen KingLa zona muerta es una de las mejores y más espeluznantes obras de Stephen King. A John Smith le horrorizó descubrir que había pasado más de cuatro años en coma. Pero le horrorizó aún más descubrir que podía conocer las cosas por anticipado. Él sabía que aquel hombre perverso iba a convertirse en presidente de Estados Unidos e iba a destruir el mundo. Y por eso tenía que matarlo... Los lectores opinan:«Magnífica novela, no de terror, sino de intriga y misterio. Pero por encima de todo, una novela filosófica sobre qué haríamos si supiéramos qué va a pasar en el futuro y pudiéramos evitarlo. Stephen King se centra en un personaje para sumergirnos en la mente humana, sus miedos y sus dudas. El desenlace del libro no tiene desperdicio alguno.»Patrick en entrelectores.com «Esel primer libro que me leí de Stephen King y me pareció brillante. El final te hace pensar "¿qué haría yo?"»Lector anónimo en casadellibro.com «[...] Como haría años más tarde enLa tienda, haciendo una radiografía de toda una comunidad, aquí King, a partir de su personaje John Smith, lleva a cabo una visión de los Estados Unidos de los años 70, con los diferentes cambios políticos y escándalos que se sucedieron. Todo esto acompañado del drama de un hombre que ha permanecido unos cuatro años en coma y al volver a su conciencia retorna a un mundo ajeno a él.»Sumnik85 en quelibroleo.com
Zona muerta (Serie Washington Poe #Volumen 4)
by M.W. CravenLa fascinante y nueva entrega de la serie protagonizada por Washington Poe. Novela ganadora del prestigioso CWA Ian Fleming Steel Dagger Award 2022 Nominada al mejor thriller de año por Theakston Old Peculiar.El sargento Washington Poe está en la corte, luchando contra el desalojo de su amada y aislada granja, cuando lo citan a un burdel callejero en Carlisle, donde un hombre ha sido asesinado a golpes con un bate de béisbol. Todo hace indicar que es un simple asesinato por parte de un proxeneta, pero su asistencia fue solicitada personalmente, por el tipo de personas que prefieren permanecer en las sombras. A medida que Poe y su inseparable compañera Tilly Bradshaw profundizan en el caso, se enfrentan a preguntas aparentemente sin respuesta: a pesar de haber sido examinados exhaustivamente para un trabajo de alto perfil, ¿por qué no se verifica nada en los antecedentes de la víctima? ¿Por qué se dejó un pequeño adorno en la escena del crimen y por qué alguien del equipo de investigación lo robó? ¿Y cuál es la conexión con un atraco a un banco perfectamente ejecutado tres años antes, un atraco en el que no se llevaron absolutamente nada? La crítica ha dicho...«Un Poe más Poe que nunca y con una Tilly que se parece más a la de los primeros libros. ¿Te la recomiendo? Sin dudarlo.»Merce Fran «Una trama muy buena, llena de giros y sorpresas que mantienen al lector pegado hasta la última página.» «¡Ya tengo morriña de Poe y Tilly! ¡Quiero más libros!»El hormiguero de libros «Un ejemplo perfecto de cómo mantenerte en vilo hasta la última página sin trucos o violencia excesiva, solo con un misterio muy bien hilado.»L. J. Zapico, Cápsulas «Una trama retorcida y marinada con pinceladas de humor sarcástico. Una novela de obligada lectura, que no decepcionará a los fanáticos del género.»Marina Córdoba, Mis lecturas reto «Mis expectativas se han visto perfectamente satisfechas y puedo decir que, para mí, Zona muerta del escritor inglés M. W. Craven es la mejor de la serie, después de El show de las marionetas.»Marta entre libros «Un ritmo que va aumentando página a página, tras un primer capítulo álgido, muy dinámico y que hace que no quieras soltar su lectura. [...] M. W. Craven es uno de los grandes del género y me fascina su capacidad de crear, hilar, girar y resolver. En Zona Muerta lo vuelve a conseguir.»Los mejores libros, Paperblog«La serie de Poe y Tilly es totalmente recomendable para los amantes del género policíaco. Unas tramas buenísimas y muy bien llevadas que se disfrutan de principio a fin y unos personajes que se quedan contigo.»Libros que hay que leer «Una de las series de novelas de detectives más originales y populares del último lustro.»El cine de lo que yo te diga«Muy adictivo, con una trama de nuevo brillante y muy bien hilada.» «Muy recomendable la saga entera.»Aránzazu y su baúl de los colores «Para mí estosthrillers son de lo mejor, yendo al grano, con buenos personajes y con temas actuales poco comunes.»LuciaNN, Babelio «La novela es adictiva como todas las de Poe y llega un punto donde ya no puedes parar de leer.»nefertiti5, Babelio «Sigue sin perder la esencia de la primera obra.»laguzzi69, Babelio
Zone: A Paranormal Thriller
by Jack LanceA routine flight descends into terror in this spine-tingling tale of supernatural suspense from the bestselling Dutch author of Pyrophobia. As Oceans Airways flight 582 takes off from LAX in Los Angeles, passengers and crew prepare themselves for the long fourteen-hour flight to Sydney, Australia. But then the pilot&’s communication and navigation systems start malfunctioning. And that&’s just the beginning of a series of inexplicable and terrifying events about to engulf these airborne travelers. The Boeing 747 has entered strange airways, inhabited by something malicious—a presence that holds sway over the aircraft. Now, as the fate of everyone onboard is held by mysterious forces, flight attendant Sharlene Their may be the only one on board who can understand the true nature of the threat . . .
Zoned Out #2 (Area 51 Interns #2)
by James S. Murray Carsen SmithFrom the mind of Murr from the Impractical Jokers comes the second book in the hilarious and action-packed series about a world of bizarre creatures, wacky gadgets, and four kid interns at the most interesting place on Earth: Area 51!After saving their parents from an alien attack and becoming official interns at Area 51, Viv Harlow and her friends Charlotte, Ray, and Elijah are ready to keep taking down bad guys and helping test all the fun high-tech gadgets. Instead, they all get put on filing duty (bo-ring!) and kept away from the real action. When Elijah discovers a secret Forbidden Zone hidden away on the base, the group jumps at the chance to explore the new place, only to learn it's home to some of the most elusive creatures on Earth. But after the Yeti, Loch Ness Monster, and more terrifying monsters escape, they'll have to prove themselves to their parents and capture the beasts to save the base!The debut middle-grade series from Murr of the Impractical Jokers and co-author Carsen Smith, Area 51 Interns is filled with enough high-tech hijinks, strange creatures, and laugh-out-loud humor (plus an extra color insert full of gadgets) to make even cryptid skeptics hooked for more!
The Zoo: A gripping, dark and powerful psychological fiction novel
by Jamie MollartAn advertising executive walks the razor&’s edge between truth and illusion in this powerful novel that&’s &“a little Mad Men and a lot American Psycho&” (The Skinny).Of course it&’s a bloody lie. It&’s an advertising campaign . . . James Marlowe has a gift for selling people things they don&’t need. But as he strives to meet the demands of amoral clients, rival colleagues, and his young family, James must up his game. A cocktail of cocaine and alcohol keeps his conscience at bay and fuels his ambition as he works. But when body and mind can&’t take any more, he plunges into a surreal world darker than the one he&’s fallen from . . . From the award-winning author of Kings of a Dead World, The Zoo is &“a grippingly dark and ultimately moving story about exploitation, destruction and the possibility of redemption&” (Alison Moore, Man Booker Prize finalist and author of The Lighthouse).
Zoo (Zoo Ser. #1)
by James Patterson Michael LedwidgeOnce in a lifetime, a writer puts it all together. This is James Patterson's best book ever. TotalFor 36 years, James Patterson has written unputdownable, pulse-racing novels. Now, he has written a book that surpasses all of them. ZOO is the thriller he was born to write.WorldAll over the world, brutal attacks are crippling entire cities. Jackson Oz, a young biologist, watches the escalating events with an increasing sense of dread. When he witnesses a coordinated lion ambush in Africa, the enormity of the violence to come becomes terrifyingly clear.DestructionWith the help of ecologist Chloe Tousignant, Oz races to warn world leaders before it's too late. The attacks are growing in ferocity, cunning, and planning, and soon there will be no place left for humans to hide. With wildly inventive imagination and white-knuckle suspense that rivals Stephen King at his very best, James Patterson's ZOO is an epic, non-stop thrill-ride from "One of the best of the best." (TIME)
Zoo 2 (BookShots)
by James Patterson Max Dilallo<P>Will the last humans on Earth please turn out the lights? <P>James Patterson's ZOO was just the beginning. The planet is still under violent siege by ferocious animals. Humans are their desperate prey. Except some humans are evolving, mutating into a savage species that could save civilization-or end it. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>
Zoo City
by Lauren BeukesA new paperback edition of Lauren Beukes's Arthur C Clarke Award-winning novel set in a world where murderers and other criminals acquire magical animals that are mystically bonded to them.Zinzi has a Sloth on her back, a dirty 419 scam habit, and a talent for finding lost things. When a little old lady turns up dead and the cops confiscate her last paycheck, Zinzi's forced to take on her least favorite kind of job--missing persons.Being hired by reclusive music producer Odi Huron to find a teenybop pop star should be her ticket out of Zoo City, the festering slum where the criminal underclass and their animal companions live in the shadow of hell's undertow. Instead, it catapults Zinzi deeper into the maw of a city twisted by crime and magic, where she'll be forced to confront the dark secrets of former lives--including her own.
Zoo Clue (The Nancy Drew Notebooks #66)
by Jan Naimo Jones Michael Frost Carolyn KeeneNancy and her friends are on a class trip to the zoo. Everyone brought a camera and is excited because their teacher has announced a Best Photo contest. Whoever takes the best picture at the zoo wins a prize! The trip is going great--until a flowerbed outside the monkey cage is wrecked and Nancy's class is blamed! The zookeeper is mad and says they might have to leave the zoo if someone doesn't come forward. Nancy is upset. Is one of Nancy's classmates a crook, or is someone else digging up trouble?
The Zoo Crew (Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew #14)
by Carolyn KeeneThis camp is WILD! Nancy, George, and Bess are attending a three-day overnight camp at the local zoo. They'll get to spend lots of time with all of the animals and learn about them too. The best part is, they will be helping the zookeeper make toys for the animals -- just like real staffers! But when the toys the girls make by day are disappearing at night, it looks like everyone is a suspect! Can Nancy tame this wild case, or will the zoo animals be without anything fun to do?
Zoo Station (John Russell #1)
by David DowningBy 1939, Anglo-American journalist John Russell has spent over a decade in Berlin, where his son lives with his mother. He writes human-interest pieces for British and American papers, avoiding the investigative journalism that could get him deported. But as World War II approaches, he faces having to leave his son as well as his girlfriend of several years, a beautiful German starlet. When an acquaintance from his old communist days approaches him to do some work for the Soviets, John Russell is reluctant, but he is unable to resist the offer. He becomes involved in other dangerous activities, helping a Jewish family and a determined young American reporter. When the British and the Nazis notice his involvement with the Soviets, Russell is dragged into the murky world of warring intelligence services. David Downing grew up in suburban London and is the author of numerous works of fiction and nonfiction for adults and children, including The Moscow Option, Russian Revolution 1985,and The Red Eagles.