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Zugzwang: A Novel

by Ronan Bennett

Un thriller ambientado en St. Petersburgo, donde se celebra un campeonato internacional de ajedrez y donde se están cometiendo una serie de misteriosos asesinatos. Zugzwang: [del alemán Zug («movimiento») y Zwang («exigencia, obligación»)]. En ajedrez se emplea para describir una posición en que uno de los jugadores queda reducido a un estado de total impotencia: está obligado a mover, pero cualquier movimiento solo empeora su situació San Petersburgo, 1914. El periodista O.V. Gulko es brutalmente asesinado al pie del puente Politseiski. Entonces, el psiquiatra Otto Spethmann recibe la visita de la policía. Un revolucionario relacionado con la muerte del periodista ha aparecido muerto, y entre sus ropas se ha hallado la tarjeta del doctor. De pronto, Otto Spethmann se ve implicado en un complot para asesinar al zar en el que están implicados miembros de su círculo más cercano. Desde ese momento, Spethmann estará en posición de Zugzwang. Una hermosa estudiante envuelta en actividades políticas radicales, una gran dama con un pasado doloroso y un presente sensual, un complejo detective de policía, un portentoso ajedrecista del shtetl, el líder de los bolcheviques, un siniestro plutócrata de derechas, agentes secretos y mafiosos bolcheviques compartirán el tablero. Reseña:«Zugzwang es un thriller de primera, con reminiscencias de la potencia narrativa de Joseph Conrad y la inteligencia de género de Graham Greene.»San Francisco Chronicle


by Ronan Bennett

Zugwang: [del alemán Zug («movimiento») y Zwang («exigencia, obligación»)]. En ajedrez se emplea para describir una posición en que uno de los jugadores queda reducido a un estado de total impotencia: está obligado a mover, pero cualquier movimiento solo empeora su situación.San Petersburgo, 1914. El periodista O.V. Gulko es brutalmente asesinado al pie del puente Politseiski. Entonces, el psiquiatra Otto Spethmann recibe la visita de la policía. Un revolucionario relacionado con la muerte del periodista ha aparecido muerto, y entre sus ropas se ha hallado la tarjeta del doctor. De pronto, Otto Spethmann se ve implicado en un complot para asesinar al zar en el que están implicados miembros de su círculo más cercano. Desde ese momento, Spethmann estará en posición de Zugzwang.Una hermosa estudiante envuelta en actividades políticas radicales, una gran dama con un pasado doloroso y un presente sensual, un complejo detective de policía, un portentoso ajedrecista del shtetl, el líder de los bolcheviques, un siniestro plutócrata de derechas, agentes secretos y mafiosos bolcheviques compartirán el tablero.«Zugzwang es un thriller de primera, con reminiscencias de la potencia narrativa de Joseph Conrad y la inteligencia de género de Graham Greene.»San Francisco Chronicle


by Caryl Férey

A Cape Town cop takes on the media-frenzied murder of a young woman in this &“hard-hitting procedural, which won France&’s Grand Prix for Best Crime Novel&” (Publishers Weekly). As a child, Ali Neuman ran away from home to escape the Inkatha, a militant political party at war with the then-underground African National Congress. He and his mother are the only members of his family who survived the carnage of those years. Today, Neuman is chief of the homicide branch of the Cape Town police, a job in which he must do battle with South Africa&’s two scourges: widespread violence and AIDS. When the mutilated corpse of a young white woman is found in the city&’s botanical gardens, Neuman finds himself chasing one false lead after another. Then a second corpse is found—another white woman. This time, the body bears signs of a Zulu ritual. Worse, an unknown narcotic has been found in the blood of both victims. The investigation will take Neuman back to his homeland, where he will discover that the once bloody killing fields have become a refuge for unscrupulous multinationals, and that the apparatchiks of apartheid still lurk in the shadows of a society struggling toward reconciliation.

Zulu Hart: (Zulu Hart 1)

by Saul David

'Gems like this are too rare. I was hooked in ten pages.' Conn IgguldenGEORGE HART just wants to serve his Queen and honour his family. It's not that simple.BASTARDHe doesn't know his father, only that he's a pillar of the Establishment. His beloved mother is half Irish, half Zulu.ZULU In a Victorian society rife with racism and prejudice, George's dark skin spells trouble to his regimental commander.WARRIORBut George has soldiering in his blood - the only question is what he's really fighting for: ancestry or Empire. In the heat of battle he must decide . . .

Zulu Hart: (Zulu Hart 1)

by Saul David Saul David Ltd

'Gems like this are too rare. I was hooked in ten pages.' Conn IgguldenGEORGE HART just wants to serve his Queen and honour his family. It's not that simple.BASTARDHe doesn't know his father, only that he's a pillar of the Establishment. His beloved mother is half Irish, half Zulu.ZULU In a Victorian society rife with racism and prejudice, George's dark skin spells trouble to his regimental commander.WARRIORBut George has soldiering in his blood - the only question is what he's really fighting for: ancestry or Empire. In the heat of battle he must decide . . .

Zulu Hart: (Zulu Hart 1)

by Saul David Saul David Ltd

GEORGE HART just wants to serve his Queen and honour his family. It's not that simple.BASTARDHe doesn't know his father, only that he's a pillar of the Establishment. His beloved mother is half Irish, half Zulu.ZULU In a Victorian society rife with racism and prejudice, George's dark skin spells trouble to his regimental commander.WARRIORBut George has soldiering in his blood - the only question is what he's really fighting for: ancestry or Empire. In the heat of battle he must decide . . .(P)2009 ISIS Publishing Ltd

The Zurich Numbers (November Man #5)

by Bill Granger

They are immigrants, working in American laboratories and universities. They are Soviet spies, forced into a network of terror, with their families dangling as hostages. When Devereaux--the November Man--uncovers the brutal scheme, the forces of both East and West mark him and the woman he loves for death. From California to Chicago to Switzerland, the November Man tracks the cold-blooded mastermind who controls the numbers. In a vicious maze of power, murder, and greed, every enemy may be a friend--and every friend, a sudden traitor.

The Zurich Numbers: The November Man Book 5 (The November Man #5)

by Bill Granger

WARNING: ADDICTIVE READING.WE WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR LOSS OF TIME, DRY EYES OR DISCONNECTION WITH REALITY FOLLOWING PROLONGED READING.'Granger has combined Ian Fleming, John Le Carré and Trevanian in one heady mix' New York TimesSTART READING THE NOVEMBER MAN SERIES NOW! Then go on to read the rest, you won't regret it.Devereaux has lived on the edge for long enough to know trouble when it comes his way. He has been out of action for a year, but he is still a target. The Opposition won't forget the November Man and won't make the same mistakes again. Even R Section can't offer him much protection but, as Devereaux said himself, all the king's horses and all the king's men won't stop the Russians getting what they want. So with a KGB issued contract on his life drawing Soviet hitmen onto US soil, Devereaux is out on his own. Precisely where he wants to be...'America's best spy novelist' - Ed McBainLoved this? Read Hemingway's Notebook next . . .

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