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The Atman Project

by Ken Wilber

Wilber traces human development from infancy into adulthood and beyond, into those states described by mystics and spiritual adepts. The spiritual evolution of such extraordinary individuals as the Buddha and Jesus hints at the direction human beings will take in their continuing growth toward transcendence.

The Atman Project

by Ken Wilber

The Atman Project is widely hailed as the first psychology that succeeds in uniting East and West, conventional and contemplative, orthodox and mystical, into a single, coherent framework. This essential introduction to Ken Wilber's ideas on the evolution of human consciousness features a new foreword linking this work to Wilber's current thinking.

Atmasakshatkar: आत्मसाक्षात्कार

by Dada Bhagwan

जीवमात्र क्या ढूंढता है? आनंद ढूंढता है, लेकिन घड़ीभर भी आनंद नहीं मिल पाता | विवाह समारोह में जाएँ या नाटक में जाएँ, लेकिन वापिस फिर दुःख आ जाता है | जिस सुख के बाद दुःख आए, उसे सुख ही कैसे कहेंगे? वह तो मूर्छा का आनंद कहलाता है | सुख तो परमानेन्ट होता है | यह तो टेम्परेरी सुख हैं और बल्कि कल्पित हैं, माना हुआ है | हर एक आत्मा क्या ढूंढता है? हमेशा के लिए सुख, शाश्वत सुख ढूंढता है | वह ‘इसमें से मिलेगा, इसमें से मिलेगा | यह ले लूँ, ऐसा करूँ, बंगला बनाऊ तो सुख आएगा, गाड़ी ले लूँ तो सुख मिलेगा’, ऐसे करता रहता है | लेकिन कुछ भी नहीं मिलता | बल्कि और अधिक जंजालों में फँस जाता है | सुख खुद के अंदर ही है, आत्मा में ही है | अत: जब आत्मा प्राप्त करता है, तब ही सनातन (सुख) ही प्राप्त होगा |

Atmende Städte: Zukunftschancen für Stadt und Land mit und nach Corona

by Christa Reicher Jürgen Tietz

Die dramatische Sars-CoV-2 Pandemie wirkt weltweit in vielen Bereichen des Lebens wie ein Brandbeschleuniger. Davon sind auch Architektur und Städtebau betroffen. Der Handel in den Innenstädten ist weggebrochen, die Bedeutung von Büros nimmt ab. Dafür werden mehr Grünflächen für die Erholung benötigt und veränderte Wohnungsgrundrisse, um das Homeoffice aufzunehmen. Das Buch benennt die wichtigsten architektonischen und städtebaulichen Veränderungen, die mit Corona in Stadt und Land einhergehen, stellt sie in den Kontext des Stadtumbaus durch den Klimawandel, verortet sie historisch und leitet daraus konkrete Strategien und Chancen ab, um den zentralen Zukunftsherausforderungen zu begegnen, die sich aus der Pandemie für Stadt und Land ergeben.


by Ulrich Achatz

Dieses Lehrbuch richtet sich an Studierende der Meteorologie sowie an Forschende zu theoretischen und numerischen Aspekten von Wetter und Klima. Der vorliegende Text konzentriert sich auf das Wesentliche und bleibt dabei gleichermaßen gründlich. Alle zum Verständnis notwendigen physikalischen Konzepte werden eingeführt.Einleitend erfolgt eine Herleitung der Grundgleichungen der Atmosphärendynamik. Diese werden nachfolgend herangezogen, um wesentliche Aspekte von Wetter und Klima zu erläutern, zu denen unter anderem die Mechanismen hinter den wirbelartigen Bewegungen auf der täglichen Wetterkarte gehören. Als Mittel zu einer effizienten Analyse von atmosphärischen Wellen folgt die Vereinfachung der Dynamik mithilfe der Flachwassergleichungen. Daraufhin wird unter Zuhilfenahme der quasigeostrophischen Theorie das Auftreten extratropischer Wettersysteme begründet. Dem schließt sich eine ausführliche Betrachtung der globalen atmosphärischen Zirkulation an, die maßgeblich dem Einfluss durch Rossby- und Schwerewellen unterliegt. Auch die spezifischen Eigenschaften der atmosphärischen Grenzschicht werden diskutiert. Im Mittelpunkt steht hier die Wechselwirkung zwischen Turbulenz und mittlerer Strömung.Im Zuge der Betrachtungen wird die Leserschaft mit wesentlichen theoretischen Konzepten des Gebiets vertraut gemacht. Hierzu zählen Entropie und potentielle Temperatur, potentielle Vorticity, Instabilitätstheorie, Reynoldsgleichungen, Mehrskalenasymptotik, WKB-Theorie, Wellenwirkung, Eliassen-Palm-Fluss, transformiertes Eulermittel, kritische Schichten, Wellenbeugung und vieles mehr.Der Text wird durch Anhänge zu mathematischen Methoden und weiteren Vertiefungen ergänzt. Kapitelzusammenfassungen helfen, den Blick auf das Wesentliche zu bewahren. Ergänzende Leseempfehlungen regen dazu an, das erworbene Wissen zu vertiefen und zu erweitern.

Atmosphere: The Seven Elements of Great Design

by James Michael Howard

Jim Howard creates luxe yet comfortable homes for sophisticated clients around the country. His design work is known for the sort of evocative atmosphere that characterizes the world’s great spaces. “Atmosphere” is the magic of a place, the embodiment of all its power to capture your attention and embrace you—some might call it the “wow factor.” But even as it excites, atmosphere also soothes, offering an overall feeling of well-being and calm. Howard wrote this book to convey all he has learned about crafting atmosphere at home, wherever that home may be, whatever aesthetic it might have. Doing so isn’t just a matter of rules or formulas; it is a science as much as an art, which Jim shares in a dozen captivating chapters.

The Atmosphere: An Introduction to Meteorology (9th edition)

by Frederick K. Lutgens Edward J. Tarbuck

A standard textbook presenting a current and comprehensive survey of meteorology for undergraduates.

The Atmosphere: An Introduction to Meteorology

by Frederick K. Lutgens Edward J. Tarbuck

Using everyday, easy-to-grasp examples to reinforce basic concepts, this highly regarded handbook remains the standard introduction to meteorology and the atmosphere – components, problems, and applications. Includes the most up-to-date coverage of topics such as: ozone depletion; the ultraviolet index; temperature; dew point temperature and orographic effects; wildfires and weather; thunderstorms and lightning; the record-breaking Florida hurricane season; effects of air pollution, and more. Incorporates top-quality visuals, including new satellite images and illustrations by the award-winning Dennis Tasa, to demonstrate the highly visual nature of meteorology. Uses a largely non-technical writing style to help readers grasp important concepts. For those interested in learning more about meteorology.

The Atmosphere: An Introduction to Meteorology

by Frederick Lutgens Edward Tarbuck Redina Herman Dennis Tasa

The Atmosphere: An Introduction to Meteorology remains the definitive introductory meteorology text, reinforcing basic concepts with easy-to-grasp, everyday examples. Authors Tarbuck and Lutgens present meteorology with a friendly, largely non-technical narrative, timely coverage of recent atmospheric events, and carefully crafted artwork by leading science illustrator Dennis Tasa. The 14th Edition includes a new, easier-to-navigate design, and a more reader-oriented approach that provides a clear learning path throughout the text. New pedagogical improvements, including pull quotes that act as guideposts, end-of-chapter questions and problems, and online exercises and activities, are available in Mastering™ Meteorology to help readers understand the processes that control our weather and apply this information in their daily lives.

The Atmosphere

by Jason D. Nemeth

We have the many layers of gases that surround our planet to thank for making Earth a habitable place. This instructive volume explains how Earth's atmosphere warms the planet, moderates its diurnal and nocturnal temperatures, and protects it from harmful rays. The book discusses how Earth's atmosphere evolved over time and presents the ways scientists have learned about these changes. Special attention is paid to the changes in the atmosphere that people have caused over the last two centuries, making this a very timely and topical read.

Atmosphere and Aesthetics: A Plural Perspective (Ambiances, Atmospheres And Sensory Experiences Of Spaces Ser.)

by Tonino Griffero Marco Tedeschini

This book provides a presentation of the concept of “atmosphere” in the realm of aesthetics. An “atmosphere” is meant to be an emotional space. Such idea of “atmosphere” has been more and more subsumed by human and social sciences in the last twenty years, thereby becoming a technical notion. In many fields of the Humanities, affective life has been reassessed as a proper tool to understand the human being, and is now considered crucial. In this context, the link between atmospheres and aesthetics becomes decisive. Nowadays, aesthetics is no longer only a theory of art, but has recovered its original vocation: to be a general theory of perception conceived of as an ordinary experience of pre-logical character. In its four parts (Atmospheric turn?, Senses and Spaces, Subjects and Communities, Aesthetics and Art Theory), this volume discusses whether atmospheres could take the prominent and paradigmatic position previously held by art in order to make sense of such sensible experience of the world.

Atmosphere and Climate

by Yeqiao Wang

Authored by world-class scientists and scholars, The Handbook of Natural Resources, Second Edition, is an excellent reference for understanding the consequences of changing natural resources to the degradation of ecological integrity and the sustainability of life. Based on the content of the bestselling and CHOICE-awarded Encyclopedia of Natural Resources, this new edition demonstrates the major challenges that the society is facing for the sustainability of all well-being on the planet Earth. The experience, evidence, methods, and models used in studying natural resources are presented in six stand-alone volumes, arranged along the main systems of land, water, and air. It reviews state-of-the-art knowledge, highlights advances made in different areas, and provides guidance for the appropriate use of remote sensing and geospatial data with field-based measurements in the study of natural resources. Volume 6, Atmosphere and Climate, covers atmospheric pollution and the complexity of atmospheric systems and their interactions with human activity. As an excellent reference for fundamental information on air systems, the handbook includes coverage of acid rain and nitrogen deposition, air pollutants, elevated carbon dioxide, atmospheric circulation patterns, and climate change effects on polar regions and climatology. New in this edition are discussions on aerosols monitoring and mapping, greenhouse gases, the Greenland ice sheet, and mountainous regions. This book presents the key processes, methods, and models used in studying the impact of air pollution on ecosystems worldwide. Written in an easy-to-reference manner, The Handbook of Natural Resources, Second Edition, as individual volumes or as a complete set, is an essential reading for anyone looking for a deeper understanding of the science and management of natural resources. Public and private libraries, educational and research institutions, scientists, scholars, and resource managers will benefit enormously from this set. Individual volumes and chapters can also be used in a wide variety of both graduate and undergraduate courses in environmental science and natural science at different levels and disciplines, such as biology, geography, earth system science, and ecology.

The Atmosphere and Ionosphere

by Vladimir L. Bychkov Gennady V. Golubkov Anatoly I. Nikitin

From July 7 to 12, 2008 in Zelenogradsk, a cosy resort on the bank of the Baltic Sea near Kaliningrad in Russia, the 1st International Conference "Atmosphere, Ionosphere, Safety (AIS-2008)" has been carried out. The State Russian University of I. Kant, Semenov Institute of chemical physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushkov Institute of terrestrial magnetism and radio-waves propagation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Russian Committee on Ball Lightning (BL) have acted as organizers of the conference. Financial support was made by Russian Fund of Fundamental Research Project N. 08-03-06041 and European Of?ce of Aerospace Research and Development Grant award FA8655-08-1-5052. The International conference "Atmosphere, Ionosphere, Safety" (AIS-2008) was devoted to (i) the analysis of the atmosphere-ionosphere response on natural and man-made processes, the reasons of occurrence of the various accompanying geophysical phenomena, and an estimation of possible consequences of their in?uence on the person and technological systems; (ii) the study of the monitoring possibility and search of the ways for the risk level decrease. Discussion of the physical and chemical processes accompanying the observable geophysical p- nomena was undertaken. One can see from a list of the Conference sections that questions of safety took only rather modest place, so main topics of the Conference became discussion of processes taking place in the atmosphere, ionosphere and methods of monitoring these processes.

The Atmosphere and Ionosphere

by Anatoly Nikitin Gennady Golubkov Vladimir Bychkov

The main topics of the book are the analysis of reactions in the atmosphere-ionosphere system and the influence of natural and technogenic processes on them. The book also examines a range of related research from an international field. In all, five sections of the volume cover the dynamics of atmospheric aerosols; the dynamics of an ionosphere and atmosphere and their communication through an ionosphere; elementary processes in the upper atmosphere and an ionosphere; electromagnetic and optical phenomena in atmosphere, including long-lived and plasma objects; and Information systems of environment monitoring and prevention of incidents. The primary goals of the text are to reveal the interrelations of the dynamics of various atmospheric layers, as well as discovering the parameters of the atmosphere and ionosphere and establishing the role of various physical factors in the phenomena. The aim is to forecast the dynamics of environment in the development of external perturbations.

The Atmosphere and Ocean

by Neil C. Wells

The Atmosphere and Ocean is a fully revised and updated student friendly physical introduction to the atmosphere and ocean. Now in its Third Edition, the book continues to provide students with an accessible description of the atmosphere and ocean with emphasis on their physical properties and inter-dependence.Clearly structured throughout, the book demonstrates that the atmosphere and ocean are both subject to the influence of the earth's rotation and therefore they have a common dynamical basis. The author clearly demonstrates the fundamental differences between the two environments and provides the reader with a much better understanding of the atmosphere and the ocean and an appreciation of their closest interactive relationship. There have been many developments in the field over the past ten years and this latest edition of a highly successful textbook brings together new material on the ocean-atmosphere system and climate, the observed circulation of the atmosphere and ocean and radiation in the atmosphere and ocean.Fully revised and updated 3rd Edition of student friendly physical introduction to the atmosphere and ocean. Now includes new chapters on observed circulation of the atmosphere and ocean, energy flows in the ocean atmosphere system, modeling the ocean and atmosphere, the ocean atmosphere system and climate. Well structured and written in an authoritative yet accessible style suitable for 2nd and 3rd year students taking courses in meteorology, oceanography and related Earth Sciences or as an introduction for graduate students. Emphasis placed on physical properties and inter-dependence of the ocean and climate. Part of the RMetS (Royal Meteorological Society) book series, Advancing Weather and Climate Science

Atmosphere, Architecture, Cinema: Thematic Reflections on Ambiance and Place

by Michael Tawa

Atmosphere, Cinema, Architecture: Thematic Reflections on Ambiance and Place explores cinema and architecture as ambient and affective settings or circumstances that can enable the emergence of atmosphere. This book is an interdisciplinary reading of cinematographic practice which develops useful implications for spatial composition in art and architectural design. The way a film is set up, directed, composed, framed, and technically constructed can provide parallels, analogies and metaphors for the spatial organisation of cities, landscapes and buildings. Likewise, the way a built setting is conceived and devised can inform approaches to framing and spatial organisation in cinematography. The book begins on a personal note with a series of recollected atmospheric experiences, leading to an investigation of ambiguity and consilient discrepancy as circumstantial conditions necessary for the production of atmosphere. The mood of melancholia is explored to show the pivotal role that ambiguity, discrepancy and irresolution play in its distinctive ambiance. Atmosphere is then defined as an emergent condition arising between an ambient, affective circumstance and a mooded human being. The book then moves to analyse the inherent conditions in the setup of filmic and architectural settings that render them atmospheric. Reference is made to the cinema of Bresson, Resnais, Lynch, Tarr, Malik and Campion, and to Romanesque tympanae, the architectonic scenography of Franz Kafka’s novel The Castle and the work of Spanish architects Flores Prats. The concluding section, Anatomy of Atmosphere, is a lexicon of concepts, themes and tactics around atmosphere that might usefully inform creative practice.

Atmosphere, Clouds, and Climate (Princeton Primers in Climate #6)

by David Randall

An essential primer on atmospheric processes and their important role in the climate systemThe atmosphere is critical to climate change. It can amplify shifts in the climate system, and also mitigate them. This primer offers a short, reader-friendly introduction to these atmospheric processes and how they work, written by a leading expert on the subject.Giving readers an overview of key atmospheric processes, David Randall looks at how our climate system receives energy from the sun and sheds it by emitting infrared radiation back into space. The atmosphere regulates these radiative energy flows and transports energy through weather systems such as thunderstorms, monsoons, hurricanes, and winter storms. Randall explains how these processes work, and also how precipitation, cloud formation, and other phase changes of water strongly influence weather and climate. He discusses how atmospheric feedbacks affect climate change, how the large-scale atmospheric circulation works, how predicting the weather and the climate are fundamentally different challenges, and much more. This is the ideal introduction for students and nonspecialists. No prior experience in atmospheric science is needed, only basic college physics.Authoritative and concise, Atmosphere, Clouds, and Climate features a glossary of terms, suggestions for further reading, and easy-to-follow explanations of a few key equations. This accessible primer is the essential introduction to atmospheric processes and the vital role they play in our climate system.

Atmosphere in Urban Design: A Workplace Ethnography of an Architecture Practice (Ambiances, Atmospheres and Sensory Experiences of Spaces)

by Anette Stenslund

This book offers an ethnographic exploration of the role that atmosphere plays in work processes undertaken within an urban design studio. It provides understandings of how architectural practices are fueled with atmosphere in various configurations throughout different design phases of selected projects for construction. From the outside architectural practices commonly appear well-ordered and carefully considered, established by proof and rationally justified. This book though poaches on architects’ preserves in order to draw attention to features of unpredictability and uncertainty within the design phases. By opening up into the ‘machinery room’ of urban designers the goal is not to spoil the plaster saint cover of a ‘starchitect’ business, but to remind about the crucial value that pockets of doubt issuing questions rather than answers, open-mindedness instead of single-mindedness, play to the processes of design production and creativity. The book identifies these pockets as atmospheres enveloping the architectural practice.

Atmosphere, Mood, Stimmung: On a Hidden Potential of Literature

by Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht

What are the various atmospheres or moods that the reading of literary works can trigger? Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht has long argued that the function of literature is not so much to describe, or to re-present, as to make present. Here, he goes one step further, exploring the substance and reality of language as a material component of the world—impalpable hints, tones, and airs that, as much as they may be elusive, are no less matters of actual fact. Reading, we discover, is an experiencing of specific moods and atmospheres, or Stimmung. These moods are on a continuum akin to a musical scale. They present themselves as nuances that challenge our powers of discernment and description, as well as language's potential to capture them. Perhaps the best we can do is to point in their direction. Conveying personal encounters with poetry, song, painting, and the novel, this book thus gestures toward the intangible and in the process, constitutes a bold defense of the subjective experience of the arts.

Atmosphere of Collaboration: Air Pollution Science, Politics and Ecopreneurship in Delhi

by Rohit Negi Prerna Srigyan

This book discusses air pollution in Delhi from scientific, social and entrepreneurial perspectives. Using key debates and interventions on air pollution, it examines the trajectories of environmental politics in the Delhi region, one of the most polluted areas in the world. It highlights the administrative struggles, public advocacy, and entrepreneurial innovations that have built creative new links between science and urban citizenship. The book describes the atmosphere of collaboration that pervades these otherwise disparate spheres in contemporary Delhi. Key features: · Presents an original case study on urban environmentalism from the Global South · Cuts across science, policy, advocacy and innovation · Includes behind-the-scenes discussions, tensions and experimentations in the Indian air pollution space · Uses immersive ethnography to study a topical and relevant urban issue As South Asian and Global South cities confront fast-intensifying environmental risks, this study presents a dialogue between urban political ecology (UPE) and science and technology studies on Delhi’s air. The book explores how the governance of air is challenged by scales, jurisdictions, and institutional structures. It also shows how technical experts are bridging disciplinary silos as they engage in advocacy by translating science for public understanding. The book serves as a reminder of the enduring struggles over space, quality of life, and citizenship while pointing to the possibilities for different urban futures being negotiated by variegated agents. The book will interest scholars and researchers of science and technology studies, urban studies, urban geography, environmental studies, environmental politics, governance, public administration, and sociology, especially in the Global South context. It will also be useful to practitioners, policymakers, bureaucrats, government bodies, civil society organisations, and those working on air pollution advocacy.

Atmosphere of Hope: Searching for Solutions to the Climate Crisis

by Tim Flannery

A decade ago, Tim Flannery’s #1 international bestseller, The Weather Makers, was one of the first books to break the topic of climate change out into the general conversation. <P><P>Today, Earth’s climate system is fast approaching a crisis. Political leadership has not kept up, and public engagement with the issue of climate change has declined. Opinion is divided between technological optimists and pessimists who feel that catastrophe is inevitable. <P><P>The publication of this new book is timed for the lead-up to the Climate Change Conference in Paris in December 2015, which aims to achieve a legally binding and universal agreement on climate from all the nations in the world. This book anticipates and will influence the debates. <P><P>Time is running out, but catastrophe is not inevitable. Around the world people are now living with the consequences of an altered climate-with intensified and more frequent storms, wildfires, droughts and floods. For some it’s already a question of survival. <P><P>Drawing on the latest science, Flannery gives a snapshot of the trouble we are in and more crucially, proposes a new way forward, including rapidly progressing clean technologies and a "third way” of soft geo-engineering. Tim Flannery, with his inimitable style, makes this urgent issue compelling and accessible. This is a must-read for anyone interested in our global future.

Atmosphere, Weather and Climate

by Roger Barry Richard Chorley Roger G. Barry The late Chorley

First Published in 2003. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Atmosphere, Weather and Climate

by Roger G. Barry Richard J Chorley

This book presents a comprehensive introduction to weather processes and climatic conditions around the world, their observed variability and changes, and projected future trends. Extensively revised and updated, this ninth edition retains its tried and tested structure while incorporating recent advances in the field. From clear explanations of the basic physical and chemical principles of the atmosphere, to descriptions of regional climates and their changes, the book presents a comprehensive coverage of global meteorology and climatology. In this new edition the latest scientific ideas are again expressed in a clear, non-mathematical matter. New features include: extended and updated treatment of atmospheric models final chapter on climate variability and change has been completely rewritten to take account of the IPCC 2007 scientific assessment. new four-colour text design featuring over 30 colour plates over 360 diagrams have been redrawn in full colour to improve clarity and aid understanding. Atmosphere, Weather and Climate continues to be an indispensable source for all those studying the earth’s atmosphere and world climate, whether from environmental and earth sciences, geography, ecology, agriculture, hydrology, or related disciplinary perspectives. Its pedagogic value is enhanced by several features: learning points at the opening of each chapter and discussion topics at their ending, boxes on topical subjects and on twentieth century advances in the field.

Atmospheres: Aesthetics Of Emotional Spaces

by Tonino Griffero

Originally published in Italian in 2010, this book is the first to address the theory of atmospheres in a thorough and systematic way. It examines the role of atmospheres in daily life, and defines their main characteristics. Outlining the typical phenomenological situations in which we experience atmospheres, it assesses their impact on contemporary aesthetics. It puts forward a philosophical approach which systematises a constellation of affects and climates, finds patterns in the emotional tones of different spaces (affordances) and assesses their impact on the felt body. It also critically discusses the spatial turn invoked by several of the social sciences, and argues that there is a need for a non-psychologistic rethinking of the philosophy of emotions. It provides a history of the term 'atmosphere' and of the concepts anticipating its meaning (genius loci, aura, Stimmung, numinous, emotional design and ambiance), and examines the main ontological characteristics of atmospheres and their principal phenomenological characteristics. It concludes by showing how atmospheres affect our emotions, our bodies' reactions, our state of mind and, as a result, our behaviour and judgments. Griffero assesses how atmospheres are more effective than we have been rationally willing to admit, and to what extent traditional aesthetics, unilaterally oriented towards art, has underestimated this truth.

Atmospheres and Oceans on Computers: Fundamental Numerical Methods for Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (Springer Textbooks in Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment)

by Lars Petter Røed

This textbook introduces step by step the basic numerical methods to solve the equations governing the motion of the atmosphere and ocean, and describes how to develop a set of corresponding instructions for the computer as part of a code. Today's computers are powerful enough to allow 7-day forecasts within hours, and modern teaching of the subject requires a combination of theoretical and computational approaches. The presentation is aimed at beginning graduate students intending to become forecasters or researchers, that is, users of existing models or model developers. However, model developers must be well versed in the underlying physics as well as in numerical methods. Thus, while some of the topics discussed in the modeling of the atmosphere and ocean are more advanced, the book ensures that the gap between those scientists who analyze results from model simulations and observations and those who work with the inner works of the model does not widen further. In this spirit, the course presents methods whereby important balance equations in oceanography and meteorology, namely the advection-diffusion equation and the shallow water equations on a rotating Earth, can be solved by numerical means with little prior knowledge. The numerical focus is on the finite-difference (FD) methods, and although more powerful methods exist, the simplicity of FD makes it ideal as a pedagogical introduction to the subject. The book also includes suitable exercises and computer problems.

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