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Atlacatl Memories: There is not anything to translate. (There is not anything to translate. #1)

by Jeffrey Stuart Isfeld

MEMORIES FROM ATLACATL by Dario Ventura FROM WAR TO PEACE A story told by ex-Salvadoran military personnel of their life and experiences during the Salvadoran civil war Memories of Atlacatl Testimonial book on one of the battalions of the Salvadoran civil war: BIRl Atlacatl, testimonial narratives of its former members Today I got up with the invitation to continue as a mute observer of today's veterans of the civil war, in silence so as not to cloud The story that they are determined to tell without being observed, the change of opinion of the military has surprised me; After more than 30 years of the civil war, everyone has made a decision not to tell their stories, but in an act of no less heroism than during the war they have decided to expose part of their experiences during the war. I have put myself behind the monitor to watch and listen to the film of their own lives, the countless hours remembering what was never contacted before by their own authors, their memories, the memories of Atlacatl.

Atlanta: Una historia de valientes

by Federico Kotlar

Una historia integral del Club Atlético Atlanta, hecha a partir de una profusa investigación periodística, con numerosas entrevistas y testimonios pero siempre desde el punto de vista afectivo de su autor, hincha de toda la vida. Incluye un par de textos invitados y un prólogo a cargo de uno de los seguidores más famosos y militantes del club, Sebastián Wainraich. No parece haber nadie más indicado que Federico Kotlar para escribir esta historia integral, completa, definitiva de Atlanta. Porque hace un recorrido cronológico que abarca todas las anécdotas y todos los datos que importan, y eso la convierte en el tesoro perfecto para varias generaciones -hijos, padres y abuelos- de corazones bohemios. Porque incluye testimonios que harán tambalear algunos mitos que parecían imbatibles -como el de la polémica final de 1985- y recorre el sinfín de conspiraciones que conforman el relato de glorias y desventuras del club. Pero por encima de todo, porque Federico es, además de un gran investigador, un auténtico hincha, uno que aprendió a lo largo de su vida a celebrar y, claro, a sufrir las vicisitudes de un equipo que siempre parece a punto de desaparecer pero que una y otra vez sale adelante con fuerza e instinto de supervivencia. Uno que nunca pierde el humor ni, como los hinchas más fieles, la esperanza de que este sea finalmente el año. «Veo deambular a Federico Kotlar hace años por la tribuna o por la platea de la cancha de Atlanta. De tanto vernos, algún día empezamos a hablar y surgió la relación entre dos tipos insoportables que en toda conversación siempre tienen algo para decir sobre el club. Alguna vez osamos dialogar sobre otras cuestiones, y encontré en Federico un hombre sensible, culto, periodista de raza, educado. Incluso parece un buen padre y un marido aceptable. De lo que estoy seguro es de que es un tipo generoso. A los hinchas de Atlanta nos regala este libro imperdible. Bien escrito, honesto, con historias y testimonios de un club entrañable que tratan de encontrar una respuesta a esta historia de valientes. Pero como en toda buena obra de arte, estas páginas nos van a dejar más preguntas que respuestas y a la vez nos van a hacer sentir acompañados en la locura. ¿Qué lleva a un ser humano a entregar horas de su vida a una cuestión que no deja de lastimarlo? Sean bienvenidos todos los hinchas del fútbol argentino a este libro. Pasen, lean y descubran qué es lo que sentimos los hinchas de Atlanta y por qué ser de Atlanta es distinto».Sebastián Wainraich «Lo bueno de las caídas es que dejan al desnudo lo más lindo que tiene el amor por un club: que no es un amor de usura. Y eso, en una época en la que nada parece ser gratis, creo que es algo muy valioso».Eduardo Sacheri «En el mundo capitalista siempre es preferible ganar, y las derrotas suelen conducir a la disolución de los perdedores. En la poesía, desde luego, no es así. Y el mundo está hecho de capitalismo pero también de poesía. Creo que hay algo de engrandecerse en la derrota, y en el sentido poético casi hay que celebrar las derrotas de Atlanta, un equipo que siempre me cayó muy simpático».Alejandro Dolina «Cuando era chico, el programa habitual de fin de semana con mi abuelo era caminar desde mi casa en La Paternal hasta la cancha de Atlanta para ver el partido. Cuando paso por ahí tengo siempre esa imagen, que para mí es de un tiempo de una cultura futbolística superior».Diego Latorre «Atlanta es un caso raro. No tiene ningún sentido que no haya sido campeón en Primera. Y tampoco que no haya tenido chances de estar en Primera en treinta años».Gonzalo Bonadeo

Atlanta: A Portrait of the Civil War (Civil War Series)

by Michael Rose Atlanta History Center

When the public envisions Atlanta during the Civil War, two primary images--of two unparalleled individuals--dominate: William Tecumseh Sherman and Scarlett O'Hara; however, there is more to the city's Civil War heritage than a frowning general and a wily gentlewoman. Within the pages of Atlanta: A Portrait of the Civil War, discover the old city streets, period homes, and military fortifications of Atlanta in a number of rarely reproduced Civil War photographs. Taken from the Atlanta History Center's visual arts collection, the images in this volume tell the story of the city as it was up to and during the Civil War. View the ruins of the Ponder House, the destruction of the rail lines, and the demolition of General Hood's ordnance train. Informative captions complement this engaging collection of images, and include excerpts from diaries, letters, and memoirs regarding life in Atlanta during the war. Many of the photographs were taken by George N. Barnard and his staff during the Federal occupation of Atlanta in the fall of 1864, and again in 1866 as he planned a publication of war views. Atlanta: A Portrait of the Civil War offers a comprehensive view of the city during a war that continues to fascinate both professional and amateur historians alike.

Atlanta and the Civil Rights Movement: 1944-1968 (Images of America)

by Phd Karcheik Sims-Alvarado

Since Reconstruction, African Americans have served as key protagonists in the rich and expansive narrative of American social protest. Their collective efforts challenged and redefined the meaning of freedom as a social contract in America. During the first half of the 20th century, a progressive group of black business, civic, and religious leaders from Atlanta, Georgia, challenged the status quo by employing a method of incremental gradualism to improve the social and political conditions existent within the city. By the mid-20th century, a younger generation of activists emerged, seeking a more direct and radical approach towards exercising their rights as full citizens. A culmination of the death of Emmett Till and the Brown decision fostered this paradigm shift by bringing attention to the safety and educational concerns specific to African American youth. Deploying direct-action tactics and invoking the language of civil and human rights, the energy and zest of this generation of activists pushed the modern civil rights movement into a new chapter where young men and women became the voice of social unrest.

Atlanta Architecture: Art Deco to Modern Classic, 1929-1959 (Atlanta Architecture)

by Robert M. Craig

Having been one the most successful boomtowns of the early twentieth century, Atlanta saw a transition from a town known for its Southern charm and history to a business hub. The result is a colorful mix of antebellum restorations and modern styles. Art Deco brought in cosmetic and theatrical elements to facades and interiors with examples like the Southern Bell Telephone Company Building, the Atlanta City Hall, and the W. W. Orr Doctors Building. Meanwhile, the Modern Classic was born out of the Public Works Administration projects of the Great Depression. Emphasizing a minimized classicism and trading artistic ornamentals for a more bureaucratic look, these buildings exemplify the style of the New Deal era as seen in the Federal Post Office, the Masonic Temple, and the public housing project of Techwood Homes. Craig also gives past-due credit to the designers themselves like Pringle & Smith, G. Lloyd Preacher, and A. Ten Eyck Brown, who deserve to be remembered among the century&’s noteworthy architects. From government offices to houses to movie theatres to retail stores, their history and features are covered in detail in this work, which adds to the resources available for historians, architects, and architectural aficionados.

Atlanta Beer: A Heady History of Brewing in the Hub of the South (American Palate Ser.)

by Ron Smith Mary O. Boyle

&“Delve[s] into a colorful past . . . Stories of early taverns and saloons, religious zeal, prohibition and the roots of the current craft beer boom.&” —Atlanta Journal Constitution Atlanta is a unique southern city known for its vast diversity and fast-paced lifestyle. Rarely is it associated with a rich beer and brewing culture, but not for a lack of one. From Atlanta&’s first brewery in the 1850s to the city&’s Saloon Row and the parched days of local and national Prohibition, the earliest days of Atlanta&’s beer history are laced with scandal and excitement. Follow the journey of beer through Atlanta&’s development, starting with colonial Georgia and the budding wilderness settlement of Terminus and eventually evolving into the ever-growing metropolis known as Atlanta. Authors Ron Smith and Mary Boyle celebrate the resurgence of craft beer in a town that once burned to the ground. As Atlanta rose from the ashes of the Civil War, so also has artisanal beer made a comeback in this enigmatic but resilient city. &“The brewery sections draw attention to some long-neglected businesses . . . But the chapter on Prohibition may be the most fascinating part of the book.&” —American Breweriana Journal &“A fascinating read for any craft beer lover in the Southeast. The book features chapters on frontier taverns of the area, Atlanta&’s first beer boom, stories of early breweries of the city, the brewpub trend and the rise of current breweries located in Georgia&’s capital.&” —Owen Ogletree&’s Brewtopia Brewsletter

Atlanta, Cradle of the New South

by William A. Link

After conquering Atlanta in the summer of 1864 and occupying it for two months, Union forces laid waste to the city in November. William T. Sherman's invasion was a pivotal moment in the history of the South and Atlanta's rebuilding over the following fifty years came to represent the contested meaning of the Civil War itself. The war's aftermath brought contentious transition from Old South to New for whites and African Americans alike. Historian William Link argues that this struggle defined the broader meaning of the Civil War in the modern South, with no place embodying the region's past and future more clearly than Atlanta. Link frames the city as both exceptional--because of the incredible impact of the war there and the city's phoenix-like postwar rise--and as a model for other southern cities. He shows how, in spite of the violent reimposition of white supremacy, freedpeople in Atlanta built a cultural, economic, and political center that helped to define black America.

Atlanta Greeks: An Early History (American Heritage Ser.)

by Stephen P. Georgeson

By 1890, the first Greek immigrants to Atlanta had settled into an area still widely populated by Confederate veterans. In a city without the large immigrant presence common in the nation's major urban areas, the Greeks were initially received as undesirable visitors by the state's and city's leaders. While the Greek Orthodox Church of Atlanta endured financial hardship, it continued to aid funerals, hospitals and orphanages. These Greeks moved from the city's streets as fruit vendors into more established businesses. Christ Gyfteas's fruit stand at the corner of Broad and Marietta became the California Fruit Company. By 1911, 40 percent of Greeks were proprietors or partners in a variety of businesses like cafés, restaurants, soda fountains and groceries. Author Stephen Georgeson explores the Greek immigrants' experiences in their first three decades in Atlanta.

Atlanta Noir (Akashic Noir #0)

by Daniel Black Tananarive Due Jim Grimsley Anthony Grooms Jennifer Harlow John Holman Dallas Hudgens Kenji Jasper Sheri Joseph Brandon Massey Alesia Parker David James Poissant Gillian Royes

Georgia Center for the Book has chosen Atlanta Noir as one of 2018's Books All Georgians Should Read!Kenji Jasper's "A Moment of Clarity at the Waffle House" nominated for a 2018 Edgar Award for Best Short Story!"Atlanta has its share, maybe more than its share, of prosperity. But wealth is no safeguard against peril...Creepy as well as dark, grim in outlook...Hints of the supernatural may make these tales...appealing to lovers of ghost stories."--Kirkus Reviews"These stories, most of them by relative unknowns, offer plenty of human interest...All the tales have a Southern feel."--Publishers Weekly"Jones, author of Leaving Atlanta, returns to the South via Akashic's ever-growing city anthology series. The collection features stories from an impressive roster of talent including Jim Grimsley, Sheri Joseph, Gillian Royes, Anthony Grooms and David James Poissant. The 14 selections each take place in different Atlanta neighborhood."--Atlanta-Journal Constitution"Now comes Atlanta Noir, an anthology that masterfully blends a chorus of voices, both familiar and new, from every corner of Atlanta...The magic of Atlanta Noir is readily apparent, starting with the introduction Jones pens. It doesn’t rest solely upon the breadth of writers but on how their words, stories and references are so Atlanta--so very particular, so very familiar and so very readily, for those who know the city, nostalgic. And for those who don’t? The sense of place it captures inspires a desire to get to know Atlanta and its stories."--ArtsATLAkashic Books continues its award-winning series of original noir anthologies, launched in 2004 with Brooklyn Noir. Each book comprises all new stories, each one set in a distinct neighborhood or location within the respective city. This much-anticipated and long-overdue installment in Akashic's Noir Series reveals many sides of Atlanta known only to its residents.Brand-new stories by: Tananarive Due, Kenji Jasper, Tayari Jones, Dallas Hudgens, Jim Grimsley, Brandon Massey, Jennifer Harlow, Sheri Joseph, Alesia Parker, Gillian Royes, Anthony Grooms, John Holman, Daniel Black, and David James Poissant.From the introduction by Tayari Jones:Atlanta itself is a crime scene. After all, Georgia was founded as a de facto penal colony and in 1864, Sherman burned the city to the ground. We might argue about whether the arson was the crime or the response to the crime, but this is indisputable: Atlanta is a city sewn from the ashes and everything that grows here is at once fertilized and corrupted by the past...These stories do not necessarily conform to the traditional expectations of noir...However, they all share the quality of exposing the rot underneath the scent of magnolia and pine. Noir, in my opinion, is more a question of tone than content. The moral universe of the story is as significant as the physical space. Noir is a realm where the good guys seldom win; perhaps they hardly exist at all. Few bad deeds go unrewarded, and good intentions are not the road to hell, but are hell itself...Welcome to Atlanta Noir. Come sit on the veranda, or the terrace of a high-rise condo. Pour yourself a glass of sweet tea, and fortify it with a slug of bourbon. Put your feet up. Enjoy these stories, and watch your back.

The Atlanta Opera (C): A Duet

by Kerry Herman Michael L. Tushman


Atlanta Pop in the '50s, '60s & '70s: The Magic of Bill Lowery

by Andy Lee White Williams M John

Discover the people and places that made Atlanta the pop music capital of the United States in the second half of the twentieth century.Former DJ Bill Lowery attracted a galaxy of talent and created an empire of music publishing, production and promotion. In 1956, the Lowery Music Company had its first million copy-selling hit single with &“Be-Bop-a-Lula,&” by Gene Vincent. Under Lowery&’s direction, popular artists like Tommy Roe and Billy Joe Royal flourished. Audio engineer Rodney Mills teamed up with Lowery and future Atlanta Rhythm Section manager Buddy Buie to build Studio One, a recording studio that produced albums from legendary acts such as Joe South, Lynyrd Skynyrd, 38 Special and others. Andy Lee White and John M. Williams offer a comprehensive portrait of the vibrant postwar Atlanta music scene.&“Insight and memories from major behind the scenes figures like engineer, producer and Georgia Music Hall of Fame member, Rodney Mills (Lynyrd Skynyrd, Atlanta Rhythm Section, Gregg Almond, Joe South) along with Bob &“Tub&” Langford (engineer for Joe South&’s biggest hits and Lynyrd Skynyrd&’s &“Freebird&”) help tell previously untold memories from a special time for Atlanta music like none before or since.&” —East Cobber

Atlanta Ripper, The: The Unsolved Case of the Gate City's Most Infamous Murders (True Crime)

by Jeffery Wells

As Atlanta finished rebuilding after the Civil War, a new horror arose from the ashes to roam the night streets. Beginning in 1911, a killer whose methods mimicked the famed Jack the Ripper murdered at least twenty black women, from prostitutes to working-class women and mothers. Each murder attributed to the killer occurred on a Saturday night, and for one terrifying spring in 1911, a fresh body turned up every Sunday morning. Amid a stifling investigation, slayings continued until 1915. As many as six men were arrested for the crimes, but investigators never discovered the identity of the killer, or killers, despite having several suspects in custody. Join local historian Jeffery Wells as he reveals the case of the Atlanta Ripper, unsolved to this day.

Atlanta Scenes: Photojournalism in the Atlanta History Center Collection

by Atlanta History Center Michael Rose Kimberly S. Blass

Atlanta, the thriving capital of the New South, has a rich and fascinating history. In Atlanta Scenes, authors Kimberly S. Blass and Michael Rose draw from the works of some of the city's earliest and finest photojournalists--Francis Price, Marion Johnson, Bill Wilson, and Kenneth Rogers--to bring that history to life. Atlanta Scenes documents some of the city's noteworthy events, personalities, and landmarks, many of which will be readily identifiable. The images range from the everyday (baseball games at Ponce de Leon Ballpark, boys on bicycles, and Humane Society dog rescues) to the eventful (the Gone with the Wind premiere, the deadly Winecoff Hotel fire, and the infamous Leo Frank trial). Many scenes reflect the iconography of the Old South, while others provide insight into the harsh realities of twentieth-century life. In this volume, well-crafted, artistic images blend with on-the-spot action shots.

Atlanta Schools: Measures to Improve Performance

by Natalie Kindred Robert L. Simons

The widespread cheating scandal that rocked the Atlanta public school system in 2010 and 2011 illustrates how high-stakes performance pressure, without sufficient risk controls, can drive dangerous behavior. After becoming superintendent of the low-income and academically struggling Atlanta, Georgia school system in 1999, Beverly Hall implemented new measurement systems-many of them derived from business best practices-to motivate and evaluate the performance of teachers and principals. Educators whose students performed well on standardized tests received bonuses and public recognition; educators whose students fell short received reprimands, warnings, and eventually termination. With so much riding on "meeting the numbers," teachers and principals began taking drastic steps, including collaborating to change students' test answers while intimidating colleagues who threatened to expose the deception. As Atlanta students' (fabricated) test scores soared, leaders in business and politics praised Beverly Hall's data-driven approach for transforming a lagging school system into a model of success. More than a decade into Hall's tenure, multiple investigations finally exposed the scandal in Atlanta-and its terrible impact on the district's students. (For instructors who want to inject some extra energy, and fun, in the classroom, this case study provides material for students to stage skits in front of the class to illustrate how and why the cheating occurred.)

Atlanta's Druid Hills: A Brief History

by Robert Hartle Jr.

The Druid Hills neighborhood is characterized by rolling hills, magnificent trees and shrubs and gorgeous, expansive houses. Its Ponce de Leon corridor bears the imprint of the founder of American landscape architecture, Frederick Law Olmsted. The brainchild of Joel Hurt, the neighborhood was brought to fruition by some of Atlanta's most prominent businessmen, including Asa Candler, founder of Coca-Cola. It was these movers and shakers of the city who lived in the neighborhood during the early decades of the twentieth century. In 1914, Druid Hills was permanently altered with the announcement that it would be the site of Emory University's new main campus. Now the residents coexist with what has become an international university community. Historian Robert Hartle Jr. has written an honest, impeccably researched tribute to Druid Hills, truly one of the jewels in Atlanta's crown.

Atlanta’s Olympic Resurgence: How the 1996 Games Revived a Struggling City

by Michael Dobbins Leon S. Eplan Randal Roark

The summer of 1996. In nineteen days, six million visitors jostled about in a southern city grappling with white flight, urban decay and the stifling legacy of Jim Crow. Six years earlier, a bold, audacious partnership of a strong mayor, enlightened business leaders and Atlanta's Black political leadership dared to bid on hosting the 1996 Olympic Games. Unexpectedly, the city won, an achievement that ignited a loose but robust coalition that worked collectively, if sometimes contentiously, to prepare the city and push it forward. This is a story of how once-struggling Atlanta leveraged the benefits of the Centennial Games to become a city of international prominence. This improbable rise from the ashes is told by three urban planning professionals who were at the center of the story.

Atlanta's Parks and Monuments

by Rodney Mims Cook Jr.

Since the city's beginnings after the War of 1812, Atlanta has had a tradition of building with a regard for becoming a world-class metropolis. Before being burned by Union general William T. Sherman in 1864, the city's appearance was described by noted European architect and urban planner Leon Krier as "looking like London in the 18th century." Atlanta was surrounded by estates and plantations, and many of the plantation builders were influenced by Greek and Roman architecture. The argument of slavery to the contrary, builders saw Greek temples as symbols of democracy and, as a result, embraced Greek and Roman revival architecture as the dominant national style. Great monuments followed in this tradition to the letter in the capital of the South.

Atlanta's Ponce de Leon Avenue: A History (Brief History)

by Sharon Foster Jones

Named for the famous Spanish explorer who was said to have discovered the Fountain ofYouth, Atlanta's Ponce de Leon Avenue began as a simple country road that conveyed visitors to the healing springs that once bubbled along it. Now, few motorists realize that the avenue, one of Atlanta's major commuter thoroughfares, was a prestigious residential street inVictorian Atlanta, home to mayors and millionaires. An economic turn in the twentieth century transformed the avenue into a crime-ridden commercial corridor, but in recent years, Atlantans have rediscovered the street's venerable architecture and storied history. Join local historian Sharon Foster Jones on a vivid tour of the avenue--from picnics by the springs in hoopskirts and Atlanta Crackers baseball to the Fox Theatre and the days when Vivien Leigh, Clark Gable and Al Capone lodged in the esteemed hotels lining this magnificent avenue.

Atlanta's Stone Mountain: A Multicultural History

by Lora Pond Mirza Paul Stephen Hudson

The breathtaking geological wonder known as Stone Mountain has enchanted people since the age of the Paleo-Indians. Today, Stone Mountain Park annually attracts four million visitors from around the world. Hiking trails showcase rugged granite outcrops with hardy mountain plants, such as endearing yellow daisies. Majestic red-tailed hawks soar overhead. A storied past comes to life through an engaging park quarry exhibit, a historic railroad experience and an epic Confederate Memorial carving envisioned by Gutzon Borglum of Mount Rushmore fame. Writing during the 150th anniversary of the American Civil War, authors Paul Hudson and Lora Mirza of Georgia Perimeter College in Atlanta present with verve this illustrated multicultural history of a legendary landmark.

The Atlantic (Seas in History)

by Paul Butel

From Antiquity to modern times, the Atlantic has been the subject of myths and legends. The Atlantic by Paul Butel offers a global history of the ocean encompassing the exploits of adventurers, Vikings, explorers such as Christopher Columbus, emigrants, fishermen, and modern traders. The book also highlights the importance of the growth of ports such as New York and Liverpool and the battles of the Atlantic in the world wars of the twentieth century.The author offers an examination of the legends of the ocean, beginning with the Phoenicians and Carthaginians navigating beyong the Pillars of Hercules, and details the exploitation and power struggles of the Atlantic through the centuries.The book surveys the important events in the Atlantic's rich history and comprehensively analyses the changing fortunes of sea-going nations, including Britain, the United States and Germany.


by Shiona Putnam Lila Hoogeveen

The history of Atlantic is rooted in the story of unrelenting entrepreneur Franklin H. Whitney. His passion inspired a strong and enterprising breed of men who embraced his vision and settled in the lush hills and valleys of Cass County, Iowa, in the decade following the close of the Civil War. The railroad provided the impetus for rapid growth and prosperity, and Whitney's vision of a new city became a reality when his recommendation for a depot site was approved. Within six days, Whitney's agent, Thomas Miller, had built the first house from which Whitney ordered furrows plowed to the railroad grading. Atlantic was thus born. The town grew rapidly, and by 1869 civic and social organizations, churches, newspapers, banks, schools, and businesses were thriving. Atlantic also had its share of shady characters, outlaw gangs, and disasters. The photographs and stories in this book provide a glimpse into the lives of Atlantic's intrepid developers and the city they established in the valley of the Nishnabotna.


by Simon Winchester

Blending history and anecdote, geography and reminiscence, science and exposition, the New York Times bestselling author of Krakatoa tells the breathtaking saga of the magnificent Atlantic Ocean, setting it against the backdrop of mankind's intellectual evolution Until a thousand years ago, no humans ventured into the Atlantic or imagined traversing its vast infinity. But once the first daring mariners successfully navigated to far shores-whether it was the Vikings, the Irish, the Chinese, Christopher Columbus in the north, or the Portuguese and the Spanish in the south-the Atlantic evolved in the world's growing consciousness of itself as an enclosed body of water bounded by the Americas to the West, and by Europe and Africa to the East. Atlantic is a biography of this immense space, of a sea which has defined and determined so much about the lives of the millions who live beside or near its tens of thousands of miles of coast. The Atlantic has been central to the ambitions of explorers, scientists and warriors, and it continues to affect our character, attitudes, and dreams. Poets to potentates, seers to sailors, fishermen to foresters-all have a relationship with this great body of blue-green sea and regard her as friend or foe, adversary or ally, depending on circumstance or fortune. Simon Winchester chronicles that relationship, making the Atlantic come vividly alive. Spanning from the earth's geological origins to the age of exploration, World War II battles to modern pollution, his narrative is epic and awe-inspiring.

Atlantic American Societies (Rewriting Histories)

by Alan L. Karras J. R. McNeill

Within the chronological framework of Implantation, Maturation and Transition, this book provides the history of European expansion in the Americas from the age of Columbus through the abolition of slavery. Suggesting a shift in the traditional units of analysis away from nationally defined boundaries, this volume considers all of the Americas - and Africa - to encourage students to see the larger interimperial issues which governed behaviour in both the new world and the old. It also provides students with a mechanism for viewing interimperial rivalries from the largest possible perspective, by focusing, not only on commercial and demographic history and military and economic interaction between metropolitan regions and their colonies, but on the interdependence of European, African, and Amerindian peoples and culture.

The Atlantic and Africa: The Second Slavery and Beyond (SUNY series, Fernand Braudel Center Studies in Historical Social Science)

by Dale W. Tomich Paul E. Lovejoy

The Atlantic and Africa breaks new ground by exploring the connections between two bodies of scholarship that have developed separately from one another. On the one hand, the "second slavery" perspective that has reinterpreted the relation of Atlantic slavery and capitalism by emphasizing the extraordinary expansion of new frontiers of slave commodity production and their role in the economic, social, and political transformations of the nineteenth-century world-economy. On the other hand, Africanist scholarship that has established the importance of slavery and slave trading in Africa to the political, economic and social organization of African societies during the nineteenth century. Taken together, these two movements enable us to delineate the processes forming the capitalist world-economy, establish its specific geographical and historical structure, and reintegrates Africa into the transformations in the world economy. This volume explores this paradigm at diverse levels ranging from state formation and the reorganization of world markets to the creation of new social roles and identities.

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