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Atlantic World: A History, 1400-1888

by Douglas R. Egerton Alison Games Donald R. Wright Kris E. Lane Jane G. Landers

Before the voyage of Columbus in 1492, the Atlantic Ocean stood as a barrier to contact between the people (and their ideas and institutions), plants, animals, and microbes of Eurasia and Africa on the one hand and the Americas on the other. Following Columbus's voyage, the Atlantic turned into a conduit for transferring these things among the four continents bordering the ocean in ways that affected people living on each of them. The appearance of The Atlantic World marks an important achievement, for it stands out as the first successful attempt to combine the many strains of Atlantic history into a comprehensive, thoughtful narrative. At the core of this ground-breaking and eloquently written survey lies a consideration of the relationships among people living in Europe, Africa, and the Americas, with a focus on how these relationships played important roles--often the most important roles--in how the histories of the people involved unfolded. The ways of life of millions of people changed, sometimes for the better but often for the worse, because of their relationship to the larger Atlantic world. And unlike existing texts dealing with one or another aspect of Atlantic history, The Atlantic World does not subjugate the history of Africa and South America to those of the "British Atlantic" or Europe. With historians and other scholars beginning to reconceptualize the Atlantic World as a dynamic zone of exchange in which people, commodities, and ideas circulated from the mid-fifteenth century until the dawn of the twentieth century, the interconnections between people along the Atlantic rim create a coherent region, one in which events in one corner inevitably altered the course of history in another. As this book testifies, Atlantic history, properly understood, is history without borders--in which national narratives take backstage to the larger examination of interdependence and cultural transmission. Conceived of and produced by a team of distinguished authors with countless hours of teaching experience at the college level, this thoughtfully organized, beautifully written, and lavishly illustrated book will set the standard for all future surveys intended as a core text for the new and rapidly growing courses in Atlantic History.

The Atlantic World: Essays on Slavery, Migration, and Imagination

by Willem Klooster Alfred Padula

The Atlantic World: Essays on Slavery, Migration, and Imagination brings together ten original essays that explore the many connections between the Old and New Worlds in the early modern period. Divided into five sets of paired essays, it examines the role of specific port cities in Atlantic history, aspects of European migration, the African dimension, and the ways in which the Atlantic world has been imagined. This second edition has been updated and expanded to contain two new chapters on revolutions and abolition, which discuss the ways in which two of the main pillars of the Atlantic world—empire and slavery—met their end. Both essays underscore the importance of the Caribbean in the profound transformation of the Atlantic world in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. This edition also includes a revised introduction that incorporates recent literature, providing students with references to the key historiographical debates, and pointers of where the field is moving to inspire their own research. Supported further by a range of maps and illustrations, The Atlantic World: Essays on Slavery, Migration, and Imagination is the ideal book for students of Atlantic History.

The Atlantic World: Essays on Slavery, Migration and Imagination

by Willem Klooster Alfred Padula

This important new contribution to the study of Atlantic history brings together eight original essays by such leading scholars as Jorge Canizares-Esguerra, Paul Lovejoy, David Eltis, and Benjamin Schmidt on the many connections between the Old World and the New World in the early modern period. With an introduction by Wim Klooster, the four sets of paired essays examine the role of specific port cities in Atlantic history, aspects of European migration, the African dimension, and ways in which the Atlantic world has been imagined. Numerous maps and illustrations further enrich this vital new contribution to undergraduate and graduate courses of study in Atlantic history.

La Atlántida (Historia Incógnita)

by Luis E. Íñigo Fernández

Entre el mito y la historia. Descubra la historia de la leyenda más cautivadora de la antigüedad: Desde el Antiguo Egipto, los Diálogos de Platón y las ancestrales tradiciones de los pueblos precolombinos, hasta los más profundos análisis científicos recientes. La apasionante investigación histórica de los orígenes del mito de la Atlántida, desde los Diálogos platónicos, la tradición egipcia, griega y romana, las tradiciones ancestrales de los pueblos precolombinos, la evolución del mito en la Edad Media y Moderna y su influencia en los navegantes como Cristóbal Colon, hasta su relación con el género utópico en el renacimiento y su diversificación en el siglo XIX: Julio Verne, Donnelly, madame Blavatsky, Edgar Cayce, el enfoque étnico supremacista de la Alemania nazi y los mitos de las otras Atlántidas, como Mu o Lemuria. La Atlántida es, quizá, el mito por excelencia de la cultura occidental en los últimos siglos. Para muchos, no existió nunca más allá de la imaginación de Platón, que quiso valerse de ella para enseñar una lección de política a sus seguidores; para otros su existencia fue tan real como la de cualquier otra de las grandes civilizaciones de la Antigüedad.

Atlântida - As Testemunhas

by Patrícia Pinto Walter Parks

Atlântida - As Testemunhas, por Walter Parks Os documentos antigos, artefactos e as remanescências da Atlântida provam que a Atlântida existiu, na realidade. Muitas pessoas acreditavam que a Atlântida era uma ficção criada por Platão. Porem, Platão não foi o primeiro a escrever sobre isso. Encontrámos um documento muito mais antigo, que foi escrito no ano de 9619 A.C., cerca de 9.250 anos antes das escrituras de Platão. Além disso, reunimos provas suficientes, em termos de achados arqueológicos e fatos científicos, que fornecem uma veracidade convincente de que a Atlântida, de fato, existiu e ainda encontrámos as suas remanescências. Estruturamos essas evidências de forma a dar respostas a 3 questões básicas: Como é que a Atlântida foi criada? Será que nos deixou uma evidência, ou um legado? Como foi destruída? Género: História/Antiguidade/Grécia Línguas: Inglesa e Portuguesa (outras traduções em decurso). Contagem de palavra: 46.288 (141 páginas). Informação de vendas: Várias centenas de livros vendidos, sem promoções.

Atlântida As Testemunhas - Parte I: A Criação da Atlântida

by Patrícia Pinto Walter Parks

Encontrámos a prova geológica sobre a verdadeira existência da Atlântida. Muitas pessoas acreditam que a Atlântida foi uma ficção criada por Platão; porém, Platão não foi o prmeiro autor a escrever sobre isso. Encontrámos um documento muito anterior a essa época, que foi escrito no ano de 9619 A.C, cerca de 9.250 anos antes das escrituras de Platão. Acredita-se que este documento do passado seja o mais antigo de todos os que sobreviveram quase intactos, ao longo dos séculos. E ainda, os achados arqueológicos e as evidências científicas forneceram provas convincentes de que a Atlântida realmente existiu. Estruturámos as evidências que encontrámos de forma a dar resposta às 3 perguntas básicas: Se a Atlântida existiu, como é que foi criada? Se a Atlântida existiu, influenciou alguma coisa; deixou alguma evidência da sua existência; deixou um legado? Se a Atlântia existiu, onde estão as suas remanescências? Esta é a Parte I - A Criação da Atlântida. Leia e ficará convencido(a) que a Atlântida realmente existiu. Género: Natureza / Rochas e Minerais. Línguas: Inglês; PT Europeu; outras traduções em decurso. Número de páginas: 95 Informação de vendas: Várias centenas de livros vendidos, sem qualquer tipo de promoção.

Atlântida As Testemunhas - Parte II: O Legado da Atlântida

by Patrícia Pinto Walter Parks

A Atlântida é a base de tudo aquilo que sabemos e tudo aquilo que somos. Descobrimos um relatório sobre a Atlântida que foi escrito 9.250 anos antes da época de Platão. Assim, conseguimos fornecer dados sobre as descobertas arqueológicas e fatos científicos que comprovam, de forma convincente, que a Atlântida existiu na realidade. E, ainda, encontrámos as suas remanescências. Apresentamos evidências para a criação; para a destruição e para o legado da Atlântida. Esta é a Parte II - O Legado da Atlântida.

Atlântida - As Testemunhas - Parte III: A Destruição da Atlântida

by Patrícia Pinto Walter Parks

Muitas pessoas sempre acreditaram que Platão tinha sido o primeiro autor a escrever sobre a Atlântida, fê-lo no ano 360 D.C. Contudo, Platão não foi o primeiro a escrever sobre isso; encontrámos um documento muito anterior a essa data, escrito no ano de 9619 A.C, cerca de 9.250 anos anterior às escrituras de Platão. Descobrimos documentos, artefactos e novas evidências científicas que comprovam a existência da Atlântida e que influenciou tudo aquilo que somos hoje e, ainda, encontrámos as suas remanescências. Estruturámos essa evidência de forma a dar resposta às 3 perguntas básicas: como foi criada? Deixou alguma evidência da sua existência, algum legado? Como foi destruída? Este é a parte III da coleção de livros sobre a Atlântida.

La Atlántida Testigos Presenciales

by Silvana Borghi Walter Parks

ANTIGUOS DOCUMENTOS, RESTOS Y UTENSILIOS PROVENIENTES DE LA ATLÁNTIDA PRUEBAN SU EXISTENCIA. ¿MITO O REALIDAD? Muchos creían que la Atlántida fue una novela de ficción creada por Platón. Puesél no fue el primero en escribir sobre ella. Hemos encontrado un documento anterior a los escritos de Platón, proveniente del año 9619 A:C:, más de 9000 años antes del escrito por Platón. Además, hemos reunido suficiente evidencia en cuanto a los hallazgos arqueológicos y a los hechos científicos para proporcionar pruebas convincentes de que la Atlántida existió realmente. Y hemos encontrado los restos. Estructuramos la evidencia de respuestas 3 preguntas básicas: ¿Cómo se creó la Atlántida; tuvo que dejar evidencia, o una herencia; ¿cómo fue destruida? Lo invito a adentrarse a este mundo de las antiguas sociedades y los escritos antiguos. Vayamos y descubramos la Atlántida.

La Atlántida: Testigos Presenciales

by Walter Parks

Muchos han creído que la Atlántida era una ficción creada por PLatón. Pues bien, PLatón no fue el primero que escribió sobre ella. Hemos encontrado un documento mucho más antiguo. Fue escrito en el 9619 a.C., unos 9250 años antes de los escritos de Platón. Este documento está considerado el más antiguo que ha sobrevivido, casi intacto, a lo largo de los años. Otros hayazgos arquológicos y evidencia científica ofrecen pruebas convincentes de que la Atlántida realmente existió; la Atlántida fue real. Hemos estructurado la evidencia encontrada en forma de respuestas a tres preguntas básicas. Primeramente, si existió, ¿cómo fue creada? Si existió, ¿tuvo influencia sobre algo? ¿Dejó evidencia de su existencia? ¿Dejó un legado? ¿Dónde se encuentran sus restos? Esta es la Parte I, la Creación de la Atlántida. Lee y te convencerás de que la Atlántida realmente existió.

La Atlántida Testigos Presenciales Parte II Los Atlanteanos y Su Legado

by Cinthia Noemi Mascarell Walter Parks

Muchos han creído que la Atlántida es una historia de ficción creada por Platón. Bien, pues Platón no fue el primero en escribir sobre ella. Hemos encontrado un documento mucho más antiguo. Fue escrito en el año 9619 AC, alrededor de 9250 años antes de los escritos de Platón. Además, hemos reunido evidencias científicas y arqueológicas suficientes para constatar que la Atlántida fue real. Y hemos hallado sus restos. Organizamos la evidencia como respuestas a 3 preguntas básicas: ¿cómo fue creada la Atlántida?, ¿dejó evidencia de su existencia o un legado?, ¿Cómo fue destruida? Este libro electrónico es la parte II.

The Atlantik-Brücke and the American Council on Germany, 1952–1974: The Quest for Atlanticism (Palgrave Studies in Political History)

by Anne Zetsche

"“Based on impressive multi-archival work and a keen sense for a good narrative, the author introduces us to the complex, interlocking networks of the littleknown Atlantik-Brücke and the American Council on Germany. A fantastic addition to our understanding of the ‘Transnational Transatlantic’ in the 20th century”- Giles Scott-Smith, Roosevelt Chair in New Diplomatic History, Leiden University, The Netherlands"An original and insightful book exploring how two transatlantic networks worked to improve and solidify West Germany’s relationship with the United States in the aftermath of World War II- transnational history at its best.”- Deborah Barton, Assistant Professor of History, University of Montreal, Canada Revisiting the relationship between the USA and Germany following the Second World War, this book offers a new perspective and focuses on the influence of two organisations in accelerating West Germany’s integration into the Atlantic Alliance. Tracing the Atlantik-Brücke and the American Council on Germany’s (ACG) origins to the late 1940s and tracking their development and activities throughout the 1950s-70s, this book covers new ground in German-American historiography by bridging public and private relations and introducing central actors that have previously been hidden from academic debate. The author unveils and examines dense transatlantic elite networks that allowed Germany to re-join the ‘community of nations,’ regain sovereignty, and become a trusted member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). Analysing transatlantic relations through the lens of the intertwined history of the Atlantik-Brücke and the ACG, this book explores public-private networks on a transnational level, providing valuable reading for those studying political history, European and American post-war relations and the Cold War.

Atlantis: Three Tales

by Samuel R. Delany

Wesleyan University Press has made a significant commitment to the publication of the work of Samuel R. Delany, including this recent fiction, now available in paperback. The three long stories collected in Atlantis: three tales -- "Atlantis: Model 1924," "Erik, Gwen, and D. H. Lawrence's Aesthetic of Unrectified Feeling," and "Citre et Trans" -- explore problems of memory, history, and transgression.Winner of both the Hugo and Nebula awards, and Guest of Honor at the 1995 World Science Fiction Convention in Glasgow, Delany was won a broad audience among fans of postmodern fiction with his theoretically sophisticated science fiction and fantasy. The stories of Atlantis: three tales are not SF, yet Locus, the trade publication of the science fiction field, notes that the title story "has an odd, unsettling power not usually associated with mainstream fiction."A writer whose audience extends across and beyond science fiction, black, gay, postmodern, and academic constituencies, Delany is finally beginning to achieve the broader recognition he deserves.

Atlantis: The Lost City? (DK Readers)

by Andrew Donkin

'Atlantis - The Story of the Lost Continent' probes the question of truth or myth. Follow the evolution of a mystery that has captured the human imagination from ancient Greece to the present. These stories testify to the courage of the human spirit. These 48-page books about fascinating subjects like pirates, mummies, and volcanoes are for proficient readers who can understand a rich vocabulary and challenging sentence structure. In addition to the stunning photographs, informative sidebars, and glossary, readers will find archival photographs and paintings. Averaging 4,500 to 5,000 words in length, Level 4 books are 40 percent pictures and 40 percent text.

Atlantis: The Antediluvian World (Dover Occult Ser.)

by Ignatius Donnelly

Ignatius Donnelly’s "Atlantis: The Antediluvian World" is a groundbreaking exploration of one of the most enduring mysteries of human history—the lost continent of Atlantis. First published in 1882, this seminal work has captivated readers for over a century with its bold theories, meticulous research, and compelling narrative.Donnelly’s book delves into the ancient myths and legends that surround Atlantis, weaving together historical, geological, and cultural evidence to support his argument that Atlantis was a real and highly advanced civilization that existed before a catastrophic event submerged it beneath the ocean. Drawing from a wide range of sources, including Plato’s dialogues, ancient texts, and modern scientific findings, Donnelly constructs a fascinating and plausible case for the existence of this fabled land."Atlantis: The Antediluvian World" explores the possible locations of Atlantis, examining geological formations and ancient ruins that might provide clues to its whereabouts. Donnelly also investigates the technological and cultural achievements attributed to the Atlanteans, suggesting that they possessed advanced knowledge in fields such as architecture, engineering, and navigation, which they shared with other ancient civilizations around the world."Atlantis: The Antediluvian World" remains a classic in the field of speculative history and alternative archaeology. Donnelly’s engaging writing style, combined with his thorough research and imaginative theorizing, makes this book a must-read for anyone fascinated by ancient mysteries, lost civilizations, and the enduring allure of Atlantis. Whether you are a skeptic or a believer, Donnelly’s work will challenge your perceptions and ignite your curiosity about one of history’s greatest enigmas.

Atlantis: A Journey in Search of Beauty

by Carlo Piano Renzo Piano

The renowned architect and his son sail from Genoa in search of Atlantis in this “intimate and insightful chronicle of exploration and revelation” (Kirkus Reviews, starred review).Renowned architect Renzo Piano—whose credits include the New Whitney Museum, the Pompidou Center,the New York Times Building, and others—and his son Carlo, a well-regarded journalist, set sail from Genoa one late summer day. They went looking for the lost city of Atlantis, which, according to legend, was built to harbor a perfect society. They sails across the Pacific, along the banks of the Thames and the Seine, reaching as far as Athens, San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park, and Osaka Bay.Embarking not only on a life-changing journey but also on series of conversations that are humorous, irreverent, erudite, and always entertaining, Renzo and Carlo seek out the perfect city. Along the way, they reflect on their own relationship, on fathers and sons, on the idea of travel itself, and perhaps most notably on architecture, space, and the secret life of forms.

Atlantis, an Autoanthropology

by Nathaniel Tarn

Over the course of his long career, Nathaniel Tarn has been a poet, anthropologist, and book editor, while his travels have taken him into every continent. Born in France, raised in England, and earning a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago, he knew André Breton, Salvador Dalí, Marcel Duchamp, Margot Fonteyn, Charles Olson, Claude Lévi-Strauss, and many more of the twentieth century’s major artists and intellectuals. In Atlantis, an Autoanthropology he writes that he has "never (yet) been able to experience the sensation of being only one person.” Throughout this literary memoir and autoethnography, Tarn captures this multiplicity and reaches for the uncertainties of a life lived in a dizzying array of times, cultures, and environments. Drawing on his practice as an anthropologist, he takes himself as a subject of study, examining the shape of a life devoted to the study of the whole of human culture. Atlantis, an Autoanthropology prompts us to consider our own multiple selves and the mysteries contained within.

Atlantis and the Coming Ice Age: The Lost Civilization--A Mirror of Our World

by Frank Joseph

Reveals the parallels between the rise and fall of Atlantis, cultures in ancient Mesoamerica, and our modern civilization • Links the demise of Atlantis with the birth of the Olmec civilization in Mexico, the beginning of the first Egyptian dynasty, and the start of the Mayan Calendar • Reveals the Atlantean and Mayan prophecy of an eternal cycle of global creation, destruction, and renewal and how we are headed into a destructive phase • Shows how ancient prophecies correlate precisely with the latest climatology studies, the rising incidence of solar flares, and papers from Pentagon and NASA analysts With the passing of the Mayan Calendar’s end date we can now focus on the true significance of what the Maya and their predecessors were trying to convey to future civilizations. Frank Joseph reveals how the Mayan prophecy, symbolized by their calendar, was created through the combined genius of Atlantis and Lemuria and predicts an eternal cycle of global creation, destruction, and renewal. He shows how this cycle correlates precisely with scientific studies on glacial ice cores and predictions from the Hopi, the Incas, and the Scandinavian Norse as well as the visions of Edgar Cayce. He links the demise of Atlantis with the birth of the Olmec civilization in Mexico (the progenitors of the Maya), the beginning of the first Egyptian dynasty, and the start of the Mayan Calendar. Drawing on the latest climatology studies and papers from Pentagon and NASA analysts, he reveals that we are on the brink of a destructive phase in the global cycle of change as predicted by the Atlanteans and the Maya. The world’s current political, economic, and cultural deterioration is paralleled by unprecedented storms and record temperatures, massive solar flares, tectonic disturbances, and fissuring sea floors that could release dangerous reservoirs of methane gas into the environment--all of which signals we are headed into another ice age. Despite the Atlanteans’ greater understanding of the cyclical nature of catastrophes and of the human role in them, Joseph reveals the mistakes they made that played a crucial role in their civilization’s destruction. By recognizing the self-destructive patterns of Atlantis in our own civilization, we can learn from their mistakes to reestablish civilization’s cosmic balance before time runs out.

Atlantis and the Cycles of Time: Prophecies, Traditions, and Occult Revelations

by Joscelyn Godwin

A comprehensive study of the major occult writings on Atlantis • Fully examines the many occult teachings on Atlantis, including those from G. I. Gurdjieff, Madame Blavatsky, Julius Evola, Edgar Cayce, Fabre d’Olivet, and Dion Fortune • Shows how these writings correlate with the concept of cyclical history, such as the Mayan calendar and 2012, the Age of Aquarius, and the four Yugas • By a renowned scholar, author, editor, and translator of more than 30 books Atlantis has held a perennial place in the collective imagination of humanity from ancient Greece onward. Many of the great minds of the occult and esoteric world wrote at length on their theories of Atlantis--about its high culture, its possible location, its ultimate demise, and their predictions of a return to Atlantean enlightenment or the downfall of modern society. Beginning with a review of the rationalist writings on Atlantis--those that use geographic and geologic data to validate their theories--renowned scholar Joscelyn Godwin then analyzes and compares writings on Atlantis from many of the great occultists and esotericists of the 19th and 20th centuries, including Fabre d’Olivet, G. I. Gurdjieff, Guido von List, Julius Evola, Edgar Cayce, Dion Fortune, and René Guénon, whose writings often stem from deeper, metaphysical sources, such as sacred texts, prophecy, or paranormal communication. Seeking to unravel and explain the histories and interpretations of Atlantis and its kindred myths of Lemuria and Mu, the author shows how these different views go hand-in-hand with the concept of cyclical history, such as the Vedic system of the four Yugas, the Mayan calendar with its 2012 end-date, the theosophical system of root races, and the precession of the equinoxes. Venturing broader and deeper than any other book on Atlantis, this study also covers reincarnation, human evolution or devolution, the origins of race, and catastrophe theory.

Atlantis and the Silver City

by Peter Daughtrey

History's most intriguing mystery may have been solved--recently unearthed evidence points towards the real location of the ancient, lost city of Atlantis. More than 2,000 years ago Plato laid down around a hundred cryptic clues about the location of the lost world of Atlantis. Since then countless experts have tried to crack Plato's code. Some claim Atlantis lies under the volcanic rocks of Santorini. Others place it in the Bermuda Triangle, off the coast of Africa, or say it is lost forever beneath the waves of the Atlantic Ocean. But what if Atlantis is far closer than we think? What if we can walk its cobble stoned streets today? After a forensic twenty-year examination of Plato's writings, Peter Daughtrey says we can do just that. Having matched an unprecedented number of Plato's clues, Daughtrey outlines the full reach of the ancient empire--and pinpoints the exact location of its once glittering capital city. His quest for the truth about Atlantis runs from the dusty stone quarries of Portugal and the hieroglyphs of Egyptian temples to the newly refurbished museums of Baghdad. It includes the discovery of long-forgotten, vitally significant artifacts, sensational evidence of a lost alphabet and a revealing analysis that identifies today's descendants of this most ancient civilization. Detailed, accurate, and told with enthusiasm and verve, Atlantis and the Silver City even reveals the location of another city from the ancient empire of Atlantis. For just beyond the golden beaches of Portugal another ancient undersea settlement is waiting to be discovered . . .

Atlantis and the Ten Plagues of Egypt: The Secret History Hidden in the Valley of the Kings

by Graham Phillips

Shows how a desecrated tomb in the Valley of the Kings holds the key to the true history of the destruction of Atlantis• Reveals that Tomb 55 in the Valley of the Kings was designed not to keep intruders out, but to trap something inside• Provides forensic evidence proving that the mask believed to be the face of Tutankhamun is actually that of his elder brother SmenkhkareIn Atlantis and the Ten Plagues of Egypt, Graham Phillips explores the excavation of a mysterious and ritually desecrated tomb in the Valley of the Kings, Tomb 55, which he contends holds the key to the true history of the destruction of Atlantis. Unlike other Egyptian tombs designed to keep intruders out, Tomb 55 was constructed to keep something imprisoned within, specifically Smenkhkare, the older brother of Tutankhamun who was deemed responsible for the ten plagues in Egyptian history, to prevent such tragedies from ever happening again. The forensic findings from this tomb coupled with compelling new evidence from the polar ice caps provide sensational evidence that the parting of the Red Sea, the deaths of the first born, and the other plagues that afflicted Egypt were all actual historical events. Core samples from the polar ice caps indicate that a gigantic volcanic eruption took place in the eastern Mediterranean around the time of Amonhotep’s reign. Other research suggests this to have been the time of the eruption that destroyed the Greek island of Thera, one of the likely locations of Atlantis, and that the subsequent cataclysm may explain the unusual lack of resistance to the new religion installed by Amonhotep’s son, Akhenaten, when he took power several years later.

Atlantis beneath the Ice: The Fate of the Lost Continent

by John Anthony West Rand Flem-Ath Rose Flem-Ath

Scientific and mythological evidence that Antarctica was once Atlantis • Reveals how the earth’s crust shifted in 9600 BCE, dragging Atlantis into the polar zone beneath miles of Antarctic ice • Examines ancient yet highly accurate maps, including the Piri Reis map of 1513, which reveals a pre-glacial Antarctica • Shows how myths of floods and disaster from around the world all point to a common source In this completely revised and expanded edition of When the Sky Fell, Rand and Rose Flem-Ath show that 12,000 years ago vast areas of Antarctica were free from ice and home to the kingdom of Atlantis, a proposition that also elegantly solves the mysteries of ice ages and mass extinctions, the simultaneous worldwide rise of agriculture, and the source of devastating prehistoric climate change. Expanding upon Charles Hapgood’s theory of earth crust displacement, which was championed by Albert Einstein, they examine ancient yet highly accurate world maps, including the Piri Reis map of 1513, and show how the earth’s crust shifted in 9600 BCE, dragging Atlantis into the polar zone where it now lies beneath miles of Antarctic ice. From the Cherokee, Haida, and Okanagan of North America to the earliest records of Egypt, Iran, Mexico, and Japan, they reveal that ancient myths of floods, lost island paradises, and visits from advanced godlike peoples from all corners of the globe all point to the same worldwide catastrophe that resulted in Atlantis’s demise. The authors explain how the remaining Atlanteans, amid massive earthquakes and epic floods, evacuated and spread throughout the world, resulting in the birth of the first known civilizations. Including rare material from the archives of Charles Hapgood, Albert Einstein, and Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Flem-Aths explain how an earth crust displacement could happen again in the future, perhaps in correspondence with high solar activity. With new scientific, genetic, and linguistic evidence in support of Antarctica as the location of long-lost Atlantis, this updated edition convincingly shows that Atlantis was not swallowed by the sea but was entombed beneath miles of polar ice.

The Atlantis Blueprint: Unlocking the Ancient Mysteries of a Long-lost Civilization

by Colin Wilson Rand Flem-Ath

CAN ARCHAEOLOGY'S GREATEST MYSTERIES BE TRACED BACK TO THE LOST CIVILIZATION OF ATLANTIS? The Great Pyramid. Stonehenge. Machu Picchu. For centuries, these and other sacred sites have attracted pilgrims, scholars, and adventurers drawn by the possibility that their true spiritual and technological secrets remain hidden. Who could have built these elaborate monuments? How did they do it? And what were their incomprehensible efforts and sacrifices designed to accomplish? Now comes a revolutionary theory that connects these mysteries to reveal a hidden global pattern--the ancient work of an advanced civilization whose warnings of planetary cataclysm now reverberate across one hundred millennia. Here is startling evidence of an intelligent society dating back as much as 100,000 years--one that sailed the oceans of the world, building monuments to preserve and communicate its remarkable wisdom. The Atlantis Blueprint is the authors' term for a complex network of connections between these sacred sites that trace back to Atlantis: a sophisticated maritime society that charted the globe from its home base in Antarctica... until it was obliterated by devastating global changes it anticipated but could not escape. Opening up a Pandora's box of ancient mysteries, lost worlds, and millennial riddles, The Atlantis Blueprint is a story as controversial, fascinating, dangerous--and inspiring--as any ever told.

Atlantis Destroyed

by Rodney Castleden

Plato's legend of Atlantis has become notorious among scholars as the absurdest lie in literature. Atlantis Destroyed explores the possibility that the account given by Plato is historically true. Rodney Castleden first considers the location of Atlantis re-examining two suggestions put forward in the early twentieth century; Minoan Crete and Minoan Thera. He outlines the latest research findings on Knossos and Bronze Age Thera, discussing the material culture, trade empire and agricultural system, writing and wall paintings, art, religion and society of the Minoan civilization. Castleden demonstrates the many parallels between Plato's narrative and the Minoan Civilization in the Aegean.Fired by the imagination a new vision of Atlantis has arisen over the last one hundred and fifty years as a lost utopia. Rodney Castleden discusses why this picture arose and xplains how it has become confused with Plato's genuine account.

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