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Atom Land (and Impossibly Small) World of Particle Physics: A Guided Tour Through The Strange (and Impossibly Small) World Of Particle Physics

by Jon Butterworth

Journey into an unseen world—and to the frontiers of human knowledge Welcome to Atom Land, a subatomic realm governed by the laws of particle physics. Here, electromagnetism is a highway system; the strong force, a railway; the weak force, an airline. With award-winning physicist Jon Butterworth as your guide, you’ll set sail from Port Electron in search of strange new terrain—from the Isle of Quarks to the very edge of Antimatter. Journey into an unseen world—and to the frontiers of human knowledge.

Atom Optics with Laser Light (Laser Science And Technology Ser.)

by V.S. Letokhov

This book deals specifically with the manipulation of atoms by laser light, describing the focusing, channeling and reflection of atoms by laser fields. It also describes the potential fields required to cause the phase change of the wave function necessary for the atomic interactions to occur.

Atom Probe Microscopy (Springer Series in Materials Science #160)

by Michael P. Moody Julie M. Cairney Baptiste Gault Simon P. Ringer

Atom probe microscopy enables the characterization of materials structure and chemistry in three dimensions with near-atomic resolution. This uniquely powerful technique has been subject to major instrumental advances over the last decade with the development of wide-field-of-view detectors and pulsed-laser-assisted evaporation that have significantly enhanced the instrument's capabilities. The field is flourishing, and atom probe microscopy is being embraced as a mainstream characterization technique. This book covers all facets of atom probe microscopy--including field ion microscopy, field desorption microscopy and a strong emphasis on atom probe tomography. Atom Probe Microscopy is aimed at researchers of all experience levels. It will provide the beginner with the theoretical background and practical information necessary to investigate how materials work using atom probe microscopy techniques. This includes detailed explanations of the fundamentals and the instrumentation, contemporary specimen preparation techniques, experimental details, and an overview of the results that can be obtained. The book emphasizes processes for assessing data quality, and the proper implementation of advanced data mining algorithms. Those more experienced in the technique will benefit from the book as a single comprehensive source of indispensable reference information, tables and techniques. Both beginner and expert will value the way that Atom Probe Microscopy is set out in the context of materials science and engineering, and includes references to key recent research outcomes.

Atom-Probe Tomography: The Local Electrode Atom Probe

by Michael K. Miller Richard G. Forbes

Nanocharacterization by Atom Probe Tomography is a practical guide for researchers interested atomic level characterization of materials with atom probe tomography. Readers will find descriptions of the atom probe instrument and atom probe tomography technique, field ionization, field evaporation and field ion microscopy. The fundamental underlying physics principles are examined, in addition to data reconstruction and visualization, statistical data analysis methods and specimen preparation by electropolishing and FIB-based techniques. A full description of the local electrode atom probe - a new state-of-the-art instrument - is also provided, along with detailed descriptions and limitations of laser pulsing as a method to field evaporate atoms. Valuable coverage of the new ionization theory is also included, which underpins the overall technique.

The Atom Speaks: And Echoes The Word Of God

by D. Lee Chesnut

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech and night unto night showeth knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world....” (From the 19th Psalm)For thousands of years, man has had the benefit of this unfailing and majestic language of the universe as a testimony to God’s greatness and to his planning on what is, to us, an infinite scale. We have also, in the Bible, the preserved record of the birth, the life, the death and the resurrection of Christ, followed by his ascension into heaven and his promised eventual return to earth; and we have, in the Bible, a full and clear statement of the purpose of Christ with respect to man….If the heavens have declared the glory of God for thousands of years, may it not be the role of God’s infinitesimally small universe—the atom—to speak to us now of the plan of God in addition to giving us new vistas of the glory of God? And would this not be a peculiarly appropriate and forceful means for God to choose in speaking to this age of highly intelligent, self-reliant more than God-reliant people?If so, and if the Bible has truly been God’s faithful word to man through the centuries, then nuclear science cannot be at disharmony with the Bible. And so it is, the author believes, that the atom speaks and echoes the Word of God.

The Atom Spies

by Oliver Pilat

The Atomic Spies, first published in 1952, remains one of the best accounts of the Soviet atomic espionage rings operating in the U.S. during the 1940s and early 1950s. Tracing the lives of the major players working for the Soviets - Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Klaus Fuchs, Ruth and David Greenglass - the book describes the clandestine meetings, the investigations of the FBI, and finally the trial for treason of the Rosenbergs which resulted in their execution in 1953. While new information has become available, especially on the true role of Ethel Rosenberg and the estimate of Julius Rosenberg’s work as a Soviet agent, The Atom Spies well-captures the mood of the times and provides valuable insight into the motives of those involved in providing the Soviets with closely guarded secrets of the U.S. program to build an atomic bomb.


by Bernhard Welz Michael Sperling

Der breite Einsatz der Atomabsorptionsspektrometrie wird in dem grundlegend neubearbeiteten Standardwerk anhand zahlreicher Anwendungsgebiete dargestellt. Die Beschreibung der unterschiedlichen AAS-Techniken im Vergleich ermaglicht dem Anwender, die farihn jeweils beste Lasung herauszufinden.

Atome, Kerne, Quarks – Alles begann mit Rutherford: Wie Teilchen-Streuexperimente uns die subatomare Welt erklären (essentials)

by Hans Paetz gen. Schieck

Hans Paetz gen. Schieck zeigt in diesem essential nicht nur, wie rasant sich das Gebiet der Atome, Kerne und Teilchen bis zu den Quarks und Gluonen entwickelt hat. Er erläutert auch, wie alles begonnen hat – hier spielt die Person von Ernest Rutherford eine alles überragende Rolle. Das Gebiet der Kernphysik und unser Wissen über die Kerne haben sich seit 100 Jahren fundamental gewandelt. Aus eher philosophischen Vorstellungen haben sich konkrete Kenntnisse entwickelt über die Bausteine unserer Welt, deren Größe und hierarchische Ordnung und darüber, welche fundamentalen Kräfte zwischen ihnen wirken.

Atomic Accidents: A History of Nuclear Meltdowns and Disasters: From the Ozark Mountains to Fukushima

by James Mahaffey

From the moment radiation was discovered in the late nineteenth century, nuclear science has had a rich history of innovative scientific exploration and discovery, coupled with mistakes, accidents, and downright disasters. Mahaffey, a long-time advocate of continued nuclear research and nuclear energy, looks at each incident in turn and analyzes what happened and why, often discovering where scientists went wrong when analyzing past meltdowns. Every incident has lead to new facets in understanding about the mighty atom--and Mahaffey puts forth what the future should be for this final frontier of science that still holds so much promise.

Atomic Accidents

by James Maheffey

From the moment radiation was discovered in the late nineteenth century, nuclear science has had a rich history of innovative scientific exploration and discovery, coupled with mistakes, accidents, and downright disasters. Mahaffey, a long-time advocate of continued nuclear research and nuclear energy, looks at each incident in turn and analyzes what happened and why, often discovering where scientists went wrong when analyzing past meltdowns.Every incident has lead to new facets in understanding about the mighty atom—and Mahaffey puts forth what the future should be for this final frontier of science that still holds so much promise.

Atomic Adventures: Secret Islands, Forgotten N-rays, And Isotopic Murder; A Journey Into The Wild World Of Nuclear Science

by James Mahaffey

The latest investigation from acclaimed nuclear engineer and author James Mahaffey unearths forgotten nuclear endeavors throughout history that were sometimes hair-brained, often risky, and always fascinating. Whether you are a scientist or a poet, pro-nuclear energy or staunch opponent, conspiracy theorist or pragmatist, James Mahaffey's books have served to open up the world of nuclear science like never before. With clear explanations of some of the most complex scientific endeavors in history, Mahaffey's new book looks back at the atom's wild, secretive past and then toward its potentially bright future. Mahaffey unearths lost reactors on far flung Pacific islands and trees that were exposed to active fission that changed gender or bloomed in the dead of winter. He explains why we have nuclear submarines but not nuclear aircraft and why cold fusion doesn't exist. And who knew that radiation counting was once a fashionable trend? Though parts of the nuclear history might seem like a fiction mash-up, where cowboys somehow got a hold of a reactor, Mahaffey's vivid prose holds the reader in thrall of the infectious energy of scientific curiosity and ingenuity that may one day hold the key to solving our energy crisis or sending us to Mars.

Atomic Age America

by Martin V. Melosi

Atomic Age America looks at the broad influence of atomic energy¿focusing particularly on nuclear weapons and nuclear power¿on the lives of Americans within a world context. The text examines the social, political, diplomatic, environmental, and technical impacts of atomic energy on the 20th and 21st centuries, with a look back to the origins of atomic theory.

Atomic America

by Todd Tucker

On January 3, 1961, nuclear reactor SL-1 exploded in rural Idaho, spreading radioactive contamination over thousands of acres and killing three men: John Byrnes, Richard McKinley, and Richard Legg. The Army blamed "human error" and a sordid love triangle. Though it has been overshadowed by the accident at Three Mile Island, SL-1 is the only fatal nuclear reactor incident in American history, and it holds serious lessons for a nation poised to embrace nuclear energy once again.Historian Todd Tucker, who first heard the rumors about the Idaho Falls explosion as a trainee in the Navy's nuclear program, suspected there was more to the accident than the rumors suggested. Poring over hundreds of pages of primary sources and interviewing the surviving players led him to a tale of shocking negligence and subterfuge.

Atomic Americans: Citizens in a Nuclear State

by Sarah E. Robey

At the dawn of the Atomic Age, Americans encountered troubling new questions brought about by the nuclear revolution: In a representative democracy, who is responsible for national public safety? How do citizens imagine themselves as members of the national collective when faced with the priority of individual survival? What do nuclear weapons mean for transparency and accountability in government? What role should scientific experts occupy within a democratic government? Nuclear weapons created a new arena for debating individual and collective rights. In turn, they threatened to destabilize the very basis of American citizenship.As Sarah E. Robey shows in Atomic Americans, people negotiated the contours of nuclear citizenship through overlapping public discussions about survival. Policymakers and citizens disagreed about the scale of civil defense programs and other public safety measures. As the public learned more about the dangers of nuclear fallout, critics articulated concerns about whether the federal government was operating in its citizens' best interests. By the early 1960s, a significant antinuclear movement had emerged, which ultimately contributed to the 1963 nuclear testing ban. Atomic Americans tells the story of a thoughtful body politic engaged in rewriting the rubric of rights and responsibilities that made up American citizenship in the Atomic Age.

Atomic and Electronic Properties of 2D Moiré Interfaces (Springer Theses)

by Astrid Weston

This thesis provides the first atomic length-scale observation of the structural transformation (referred to as lattice reconstruction) that occurs in moiré superlattices of twisted bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) at low (θ Studies using Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), a powerful tool for atomic-scale imaging, were limited due to the complexity of the (atomically-thin) sample fabrication requirements. This work developed a unique way to selectively cut and re-stack monolayers of TMDs with a controlled rotational twist angle which could then be easily suspended on a TEM grid to meet the needs of the atomically thin sample requirements. The fabrication technique enabled the study of the two common stacking-polytypes including 3R and 2H (using MoS2 and WS2 as the example) as well as their structural evolution with decreasing twist-angle.Atomic-scale studies were followed by a comprehensive investigation of their electronic properties using scanning probe microscopy and electrical transport measurements of the artificially-engineered structures. The electronic structure of two common stacking-polytypes (3R and 2H) were strikingly different, as revealed by conductive atomic force microscopy. Further studies focused on the 3R-stacking polytype to reveal room-temperature out-of-plane ferroelectricity using tools such as kelvin probe force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and electrical transport measurements. This work highlights that the unique intrinsic properties of TMDs (i.e. semiconductors with strongly light-matter interaction) combined with the additional twisted degree-of-freedom has great potential to create atomically thin transistors/LEDs with built-in memory storage functions and will further aid in the development of the next generation of optoelectronics.

Atomic and Molecular Radiative Processes: With Applications to Modern Spectroscopy and the Greenhouse Effect (Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics #108)

by Vladimir Krainov Boris M. Smirnov

This book describes selected problems in contemporary spectroscopy in the context of quantum mechanics and statistical physics. It focuses on elementary radiative processes involving atomic particles (atoms, molecules, ions), which include radiative transitions between discrete atomic states, the photoionization of atoms, photorecombination of electrons and ions, bremsstrahlung, photodissociation of molecules, and photoattachment of electrons to atoms. In addition to these processes, the transport of resonant radiation in atomic gases and propagation of infrared radiation in molecular gases are also considered. The book subsequently addresses applied problems such as optical pumping, cooling of gases via laser resonance radiation, light-induced drift of gas atoms, photoresonant plasma, reflection of radio waves from the ionosphere, and detection of submillimeter radiation using Rydberg atoms. Lastly, topical examples in atmospheric and climate change science are presented, such as lightning channel glowing, emission of the solar photosphere, and the greenhouse phenomenon in the atmospheres of the Earth and Venus. Along with researchers, both graduate and undergraduate students in atomic, molecular and atmospheric physics will find this book a useful and timely guide.

Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy: Basic Aspects and Practical Applications (Graduate Texts in Physics)

by Sune Svanberg

A wide-ranging review of modern spectroscopic techniques such as X-ray, photoelectron, optical and laser spectroscopy, and radiofrequency and microwave techniques. On the fundamental side the book focuses on physical principles and the impact of spectroscopy on our understanding of the building blocks of matter, while in the area of applications particular attention is given to those in chemical analysis, photochemistry, surface characterisation, environmental and medical diagnostics, remote sensing and astrophyscis. The Fourth Edition also provides the reader with an update on laser cooling and trapping, Bose-Einstein condensation, ultra-fast spectroscopy, high-power laser/matter interaction, satellite-based astronomy and spectroscopic aspects of laser medicine.

Atomic and Nano Scale Materials for Advanced Energy Conversion

by Zongyou Yin

Atomic and Nano Scale Materials for Advanced Energy Conversion Discover the latest advancements in energy conversion technologies used to develop modern sustainable energy techniques In Atomic and Nano Scale Materials for Advanced Energy Conversion, expert interdisciplinary researcher Dr. Zongyou Yin delivers a comprehensive overview of nano-to-atomic scale materials science, the development of advanced electrochemical, photochemical, photoelectrochemical, and photovoltaic energy conversion strategies, and the applications for sustainable water splitting and other technologies. The book offers readers cutting-edge information of two-dimensional nano, mixed-dimensional nano, nano rare earth, clusters, and single atoms. It constructively evaluates emerging nano-to-atomic scale energy conversion technologies for academic research and development (R&D) researchers and industrial technique consultants and engineers. The author sets out a systematic analysis of recent energy-conversion science, covering topics like adaptable manufacturing of Van der Waals heterojunctions, mixed-dimensional junctions, tandem structures, and superlattices. He also discusses function-oriented engineering in polymorphic phases, photon absorption, excitons-charges conversion, non-noble plasmonics, and solid-liquid-gas interactions. Readers will also benefit from: A thorough introduction to emerging nanomaterials for energy conversion, including electrochemical, photochemical, photoelectrochemical, and photovoltaic energy conversion An exploration of clusters for energy conversion, including electrochemical, photochemical, and photoelectrochemical clusters Practical discussions of single atoms for energy conversion in electrochemical, photochemical, and photoelectrochemical energy conversion technologies A thorough analysis of future perspectives and directions in advanced energy conversion technology Perfect for materials scientists, photochemists, electrochemists, and inorganic chemists, Atomic and Nano Scale Materials for Advanced Energy Conversion is also a must-read resource for catalytic chemists interested in the intersection of advanced chemistry and physics in energy conversion technologies.

Atomic- and Nanoscale Magnetism (NanoScience and Technology)

by Roland Wiesendanger

<p>This book provides a comprehensive overview of the fascinating recent developments in atomic- and nanoscale magnetism, including the physics of individual magnetic adatoms and single spins, the synthesis of molecular magnets for spintronic applications, and the magnetic properties of small clusters as well as non-collinear spin textures, such as spin spirals and magnetic skyrmions in ultrathin films and nanostructures. <p>Starting from the level of atomic-scale magnetic interactions, the book addresses the emergence of many-body states in quantum magnetism and complex spin states resulting from the competition of such interactions, both experimentally and theoretically. It also introduces novel microscopic and spectroscopic techniques to reveal the exciting physics of magnetic adatom arrays and nanostructures at ultimate spatial and temporal resolution and demonstrates their applications using various insightful examples. The book is intended for researchers and graduate students interested in recent developments of one of the most fascinating fields of condensed matter physics.</p>

Atomic Anxiety: Deterrence, Taboo And The Non-use Of U. S. Nuclear Weapons

by Frank Sauer

With the concept of 'Atomic Anxiety', this book offers a novel perspective on one of the most important and longstanding puzzles of international politics: the non-use of U.S. nuclear weapons. By focusing on the fear surrounding nuclear weapons, it explains why nuclear deterrence and the nuclear taboo are working at cross purposes in practice.

Atomic Assistance

by Matthew Fuhrmann

Nuclear technology is dual use in nature, meaning that it can be used to produce nuclear energy or to build nuclear weapons. Despite security concerns about proliferation, the United States and other nuclear nations have regularly shared with other countries nuclear technology, materials, and knowledge for peaceful purposes. In Atomic Assistance, Matthew Fuhrmann argues that governments use peaceful nuclear assistance as a tool of economic statecraft. Nuclear suppliers hope that they can reap the benefits of foreign aid-improving relationships with their allies, limiting the influence of their adversaries, enhancing their energy security by gaining favorable access to oil supplies-without undermining their security. By providing peaceful nuclear assistance, however, countries inadvertently help spread nuclear weapons. Fuhrmann draws on several cases of "Atoms for Peace," including U.S. civilian nuclear assistance to Iran from 1957 to 1979; Soviet aid to Libya from 1975 to 1986; French, Italian, and Brazilian nuclear exports to Iraq from 1975 to 1981; and U.S. nuclear cooperation with India from 2001 to 2008. He also explores decision making in countries such as Japan, North Korea, Pakistan, South Africa, and Syria to determine why states began (or did not begin) nuclear weapons programs and why some programs succeeded while others failed. Fuhrmann concludes that, on average, countries receiving higher levels of peaceful nuclear assistance are more likely to pursue and acquire the bomb-especially if they experience an international crisis after receiving aid.

Atomic Assurance: The Alliance Politics of Nuclear Proliferation (Cornell Studies in Security Affairs)

by Alexander Lanoszka

Do alliances curb efforts by states to develop nuclear weapons? Atomic Assurance looks at what makes alliances sufficiently credible to prevent nuclear proliferation; how alliances can break down and so encourage nuclear proliferation; and whether security guarantors like the United States can use alliance ties to end the nuclear efforts of their allies.Alexander Lanoszka finds that military alliances are less useful in preventing allies from acquiring nuclear weapons than conventional wisdom suggests. Through intensive case studies of West Germany, Japan, and South Korea, as well as a series of smaller cases on Great Britain, France, Norway, Australia, and Taiwan, Atomic Assurance shows that it is easier to prevent an ally from initiating a nuclear program than to stop an ally that has already started one; in-theater conventional forces are crucial in making American nuclear guarantees credible; the American coercion of allies who started, or were tempted to start, a nuclear weapons program has played less of a role in forestalling nuclear proliferation than analysts have assumed; and the economic or technological reliance of a security-dependent ally on the United States works better to reverse or to halt that ally’s nuclear bid than anything else.Crossing diplomatic history, international relations, foreign policy, grand strategy, and nuclear strategy, Lanoszka’s book reworks our understanding of the power and importance of alliances in stopping nuclear proliferation.

Atomic Awakening: A New Look at the History and Future of Nuclear Power

by James Mahaffey

“Persuasive and based on deep research. Atomic Awakening taught me a great deal."—Nature The American public's introduction to nuclear technology was manifested in destruction and death. With Hiroshima and the Cold War still ringing in our ears, our perception of all things nuclear is seen through the lens of weapons development. Nuclear power is full of mind-bending theories, deep secrets, and the misdirection of public consciousness, some deliberate, some accidental. The result of this fixation on bombs and fallout is that the development of a non-polluting, renewable energy source stands frozen in time. Outlining nuclear energy's discovery and applications throughout history, Mahaffey's brilliant and accessible book is essential to understanding the astounding phenomenon of nuclear power in an age where renewable energy and climate change have become the defining concerns of the twenty-first century.

Atomic Awakening: A New Look at the History and Future of Nuclear Power

by James Mahaffey

The American public's introduction to nuclear technology was manifested in destruction and death. With Hiroshima and the Cold War still ringing in our ears, our perception of all things nuclear is seen through the lens of weapons development. Nuclear power is full of mind-bending theories, deep secrets, and the misdirection of public consciousness, some deliberate, some accidental. The result of this fixation on bombs and fallout is that the development of a non-polluting, renewable energy source stands frozen in time. It has been said that if gasoline were first used to make napalm bombs, we would all be driving electric cars. Our skewed perception of nuclear power is what makes James Mahaffey's new look at the extraordinary paradox of nuclear power so compelling. From medieval alchemy to Marie curie, Albert Einstein, and the Manhattan Project, atomic science is far from the spawn of a wicked weapons program. The discovery that the atom can be split brought forth the ultimate puzzle of the modern age: Now that the energy of the universe is available to us, how do we use it? For death and destruction? Or as a fuel for our society that has minimal impact on the environment and future generations? Outlining nuclear energy's discovery and applications throughout history, Mahaffey's brilliant and accessible book is essential to understanding the astounding phenomenon of nuclear power in an age where renewable energy and climate change have become the defining concerns of the twenty-first century.

The Atomic Bazaar: Dispatches from the Underground World of Nuclear Trafficking

by William Langewiesche

In his shocking and revelatory new work, the celebrated journalist William Langewiesche investigates the burgeoning global threat of nuclear weapons production. The Atomic Bazaar is the story of the inexorable drift of nuclear weapons technology from the hands of the rich into the hands of the poor. As more unstable and undeveloped nations find ways of acquiring the ultimate arms, the stakes of state-sponsored nuclear activity have soared to frightening heights. Even more disturbing is the likelihood of such weapons being manufactured and deployed by guerrilla non-state terrorists.Langewiesche also recounts the recent history of Abdul Qadeer Khan, the scientist at the forefront of nuclear development and trade in the Middle East who masterminded the theft and sale of centrifuge designs that helped to build Pakistan's nuclear arsenal, and who single-handedly peddled nuclear plans to North Korea, Iran, and other potentially hostile countries. He then examines in dramatic and tangible detail the chances for nuclear terrorism.From Hiroshima to the present day, Langewiesche describes a reality of urgent consequence to us all. This searing, provocative, and timely report is a triumph of investigative journalism, and a masterful laying out of the most critical political problem the world now faces.

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