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¡Atrévete y hazlo!

by Dany Merlo

Vivimos en un mundo donde la mayoría de las personas por su condición y circunstancia renuncia a sus sueños y simplemente se dedica a sobrevivir.. Vivir en plenitud sólo es una opción para quienes tienen posibilidades, estudios, y no para aquellos que enfrentan responsabilidades apremiantes e inmediatas. Parece que perseguir los sueños es una utopía, algo fantasioso e inútil que sólo restará tiempo y energía. En el fondo, todos soñamos con un mejor presente y librarnos de lo que nos abruma, de lo que nos detiene. Siempre resulta inspirador conocer a un ser humano que pudo, que lo logró, que sigue en la lucha, que no es un héroe, pero sí un guerrero, que encontró un camino para ser exitoso y feliz y que quiere transmitirlo a los demás. En este libro, Dany Merlo comparte historias personales quete inspirarán para cambiar la percepción de ti mismo, y como consecuencia, transformar tus relaciones con los demás, accederá tu verdadero propósito, encontrar tu motor, atreverte a cumplir tus sueños y experimentar tu vida de la forma más vibrante. Dany demuestra que también puede pasarte a ti, que él es como tú y que estuvo en el mismo lugar donde te encuentras ahora, por eso es una fuente de inspiración real. Todos queremos sentir: “Yo también puedo cambiar mi vida”. ¡Atrévete y hazlo!.

Los atrevidos y el concurso de las ideas geniales (El taller de emociones #8)

by Rocio Bonilla Elsa Punset

Elsa Punset, autora e importante referente en el ámbito de la inteligencia emocional, ha creado la colección «El taller de emociones», una herramienta que ayudará a los niños a conocer y controlar sus propias emociones, algo imprescindible para crecer feliz. Los Atrevidos y el concurso de las ideas geniales incluye claves para fomentar la CREATIVIDAD. Saber gestionar nuestras emociones no siempre es fácil, especialmente para los más pequeños. Educar con inteligencia emocional es algo esencial para enseñar a los niños a manejar sus emociones y así mejorar sus relaciones con los demás, superar los problemas cotidianos y tomar mejores decisiones. Elsa Punset, la conocida autora y referente indispensable en el ámbito de la inteligencia emocional, combina en esta colección aventuras entrañables para los niños y niñas con el taller de emociones, en el que toda la familia descubrirá pistas y recursos para mejorar su inteligencia emocional. Los Atrevidos son Alexia, Tasi y su perro Rocky. Ellos están descubriendo cómo hacer magia con sus emociones. Acompañados por el genial y experimentado entrenador de emociones, la gaviota Florestán, se enfrentarán cada noche a retos divertidos y trepidantes. A través de sus aventuras aprenderemos de forma amena a gestionar nuestras emociones, o lo que es lo mismo: a ponerles nombre, calmarlas o transformarlas. En Los atrevidos y el concurso de las ideas geniales, Álex, Tasi y Rocky descubren el increíble PODER CREATIVO que todos tenemos gracias a los consejos de su amigo Florestán.

The Atria 2013 Baking Sampler

by Buddy Valastro Chloe Coscarelli Carla Hall Jane Fearnley-Whittingstall Carrie Morey Heather Bertinetti

What's a birthday without cake or a Thanksgiving dinner without pie? Desserts have always brought people together to celebrate, indulge, and enjoy each other's company. This year, Atria Books is ready to help you celebrate your most memorable occasions with a free baking sampler ebook featuring the most decadent, delicious, and delectable treats around. Recipes are selected from: "Family Celebrations with the Cake Boss "by Buddy Valastro"Bake It, Don't Fake It " by Heather Bertinetti"Chloe's Vegan Desserts" by Chloe Coscarelli"Callie's Biscuits and Southern Traditions" by Carrie Morey"Cooking with Carla" by Carla Hall Whether you are planning a small gathering or an elaborate twelve-course affair, we've got the perfect dessert recipe for you. Beautifully packaged and easy to use, the cookbooks sampled here are sure to become trusted friends in your kitchen. So fire up the oven and grab your spatulas and spoons. Bon appetit from all of us at Atria Books Find out more about your favorite authors at Facebook. com/AtriaBooksTwitter. com/AtriaBooksAtriaBooks. Tumblr. com

The Atria Holiday Cooking Collection: 40 Delicious Recipes

by Ron Douglas Ann Pearlman Daisy Martinez Kim Mccosker

No matter what you're celebrating, we've got a great recipe guaranteed to brighten your table.There's no better way to celebrate the holiday than surrounded by good friends and good food. With that in mind, we present The Atria Holiday Collection, a free sampler featuring recipes from books by some of our favorite writers and chefs. Selections include: 4 Ingredients Christmas by Kim McCosker America's Most Wanted Recipes Just Desserts by Ron Douglas The Christmas Cookie Cookbook by Ann Pearlman and Marybeth Bayer Daisy's Holiday Cooking by Daisy Martinez Find out more about your favorite authors at or

Atrial Fibrillation: From Bench to Bedside (Contemporary Cardiology #Volume 92-1)

by Jose Jalife Andrea Natale

This important new book presents advancements in the treatment and prevention of Atrial Fibrillation (AF). The reader is provided with the latest information that is critically important in the daily care and for the potential cure of patients with AF. Each chapter deals with a different aspect of AF and each chapter is authored by internationally recognized experts in the evolving field of cardiac electrophysiology. This book is a single source that provides a multi-perspective look at and approach to AF. Because AF is so prevalent and affects all areas of medicine, the information in this book will be useful to all those in the medical field.

Atrial Fibrillation (Fundamental And Clinical Cardiology Ser. #Vol. 50)

by Peter Kowey Gerald V. Naccarelli

Filling a gap in the literature, this all-encompassing reference explores the epidemiology, mechanisms, and pathophysiology of atrial fibrillation and compiles the latest diagnostic and treatment practices for patient care. The book summarizes the most recent advances in symptom relief, drug development, device management, and long-term control of

Atrial Fibrillation Ablation, 2011 Update

by Antonio Raviele Andrea Natale

This concise text presents best practices for all aspects of atrial fibrillation ablation as outlined in the new version of the VeniceChart International Consensus document, which is presented in conjunction with the biannual Venice Arrhythmias conference. In addition to discussing the latest in a-fib ablation research, this 2011 update covers all the key areas of therapy and patient management, including:* Techniques and technologies* Procedural endpoints* Patient management pre-, peri- and post-ablation* Prevention and treatment of complications* Definition of success and long-term resultsWith contributions from the world's recognized thought leaders in this field, this book is a highly valuable source of information not only for specialists in electrophysiology, but also for general cardiologists, fellows in cardiology and others interested in this dynamic and increasingly important topic.

Atrial Fibrillation and Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Case-based Guide to Oral Anticoagulation, Antiplatelet Therapy and Stenting

by Andrea Rubboli Gregory Y. H. Lip

This book considers paradigmatic clinical cases in order to cast light on key issues relating to elective or emergency stent implantation and the use of oral anticoagulation (OAC) in patients with atrial fibrillation. The topics addressed include the optimal periprocedural antithrombotic treatment (uninterrupted vs interrupted OAC, intraprocedural use of heparin and glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors, etc. ), the most appropriate type of stent (bare metal vs drug eluting vs "bioactive"), the optimal regimen (e. g. , triple therapy of OAC, aspirin, and clopidogrel vs the combination of OAC and a single antiplatelet agent), and the most suitable duration of the antithrombotic treatment prescribed at discharge (1 vs 6-12 months). The case-based management recommendations will be of wide practical value in the current health care context, where percutaneous coronary intervention is available even to patients with relevant co-morbidities, such as those warranting long-term OAC, and the indications for OAC are much broader than in the past. The book will appeal especially to clinical and interventional cardiologists, internal medicine specialists, hematologists, and family physicians and will also be of interest to cardiology and internal medicine residents and fellows.

Atrial Fibrillation in Practice

by Gregory Y Lip

This book provides a clear, concise, management-orientated approach to atrial fibrillation. It also provides a useful and practical guide to the issues relating to this common cardiac problem, to improve the care and treatment of these patients.

Atrial Fibrillation Therapy (Current Cardiovascular Therapy)

by John Camm Gheorghe-Andrei Dan Antoni Bayés Luna

The paradigm for atrial fibrillation (AF) management has changed significantly in recent years. A new era has begun for the prevention of one of the most tremendous complication of AF, stroke. Prevention of ischemic stroke in AF patients with oral anticoagulants represents a huge challenge because of the narrow therapeutic change of these drugs, interindividual and intraindividual variability, and the unsatisfactory time in therapeutically range (TTR) with this type of medication. New guidelines have emerged as a result of new mechanisms for initiation and perpetuation for pharmacotherapy to cure AF and trials with new classes of antithrombotic drugs are ongoing. The treatment of AF is still in its infancy, but recent research is revealing how it can be applied with optimal efficacy. This book assists trainees, recertifying physicians, practicing physicians and other professional staff in internal medicine, cardiology, emergency medicine, and clinical pharmacology to apply new diagnostic tools for selecting the best treatment options for AF patients.

Atrial Septal Defects: Diagnosis and Management

by Ajith Ananthakrishna Pillai Vidhyakar Balasubramanian

This comprehensive text follows an evidence-based approach to thoroughly discuss Atrial septal defects. Since this congenital heart disease mostly presents in adulthood, it becomes imperative to understand the embryology, pathophysiology and anatomy in detail, for effective management of these patients. This book has strong clinical focus on anatomy, natural history, indications, imaging methods and practical aspects of disease management, which inculcates best practice in the day to day management techniques employed by cardiologists, trainees and professionals. Key Features Covers all aspects of atrial septal defects with a logical flow of topics. Serves as a useful guide to clinical cardiologists aiming to specialize in atrial septal defects and professionals entering the field. Explores future directions in diagnosis and treatment, elaborating on the use of 3D echocardiography and Intracardiac echocardiography.

Los atributos de Dios - vol. 1 (Incluye guía de estudio): Un viaje al corazón del Padre

by A. W. Tozer

Dios es: Infinitud, Inmensidad, Bondad, Justicia, Misericordia, Gracia, Omnipresencia, Inmanencia, Santidad, Perfección ¿Cómo es Dios? Para A.W. Tozer, no hay pregunta más importante. De hecho, el deseo de Tozer de conocer a Dios y su plenitud consumió su vida entera y ministerio. Originalmente predicado como sermones en la iglesia Southside Alliance Church en Chicago, este primer volumen de Los atributos de Dios examina diez atributos de Dios y revela cuan importante es para nosotros el tener un conocimiento del Santo. Una guía de estudio ha sido añadida para una mirada más profunda de cada atributo. “Si un sermón se puede comparar con una luz, entonces A.W. Tozer lanza un rayo láser desde el púlpito, un rayo que penetra el corazón”. -Warren Wiersbe, maestro de la Palabra y Director General de Back to the Bible Broadcast por diez años y antiguo pastor de la iglesia Moody en Chicago.

Los Atributos de Dios - Vol.2 (Incluye Guía de Estudio): Más profundamente en el corazón del Padre

by A. W. Tozer

Atributos de Dios: la auto-existencia , la trascendencia, su eternidad, su omnipotencia, la sabiduría, la soberanía, la fidelidad, y el amor. "Debemos conocer a Dios de nuevo", A.W. Tozer escribe con urgencia en su introducción a este segundo volumen "Los atributos de Dios". "Nada menos que esto nos va a salvar". Originalmente predicado en sermones a Avenue Road Congregation en Toronto, este estudio de más de diez atributos adicionales de Dios nos enseña "cómo es Dios" y restaura el conocimiento de quién es Dios. Una guía de estudio ha sido añadida para mirar más profundamente cada atributo.

Atrocities: The 100 Deadliest Episodes in Human History

by Steven Pinker Matthew White

"An amusing (really) account of the murderous ways of despots, slave traders, blundering royals, gladiators and assorted hordes."--New York Times Evangelists of human progress meet their opposite in Matthew White's epic examination of history's one hundred most violent events, or, in White's piquant phrasing, "the numbers that people want to argue about." Reaching back to the Second Persian War in 480 BCE and moving chronologically through history, White surrounds hard facts (time and place) and succinct takeaways (who usually gets the blame?) with lively military, social, and political histories.

Atrocities: The 100 Deadliest Episodes in Human History

by Matthew White

Evangelists of human progress meet their opposite in Matthew White's epic examination of history's one hundred most violent events, or, in White's piquant phrasing, "the numbers that people want to argue about. " Reaching back to the Second Persian War in 480 BCE and moving chronologically through history, White surrounds hard facts (time and place) and succinct takeaways (who usually gets the blame?) with lively military, social, and political histories.

Atrocities, Diamonds and Diplomacy: The Inside Story Of The Confict In Sierra Leone

by Peter Penfold

In early 1997, Peter Penfold arrived in Sierra Leone as the British High Commissioner. This fascinating book describes not only his eventful three year tour but the background and subsequent events that placed this small country at the center of the world stage.During his tour, he found himself as right hand man to the countrys beleaguered President Kabbah. Due to rebel actions, including shocking atrocities, the author had to not only evacuate the international community (twice) but was forced out himself. At times he flew in daily from British warships as the situation was dangerously unstable.We learn how almost immediately after being praised by Prime Minister Tony Blair for his pivotal role in getting the once rich country back on its feet, he found himself under Customs and Excise investigation and Parliamentary Committee scrutiny for his supposed role in the Arms for Africa Enquiry. While reprimanded by the FCO, he was feted and made a Paramount Chief by the Sierra Leone people.He describes how, after his tour was cut short despite his and the host Governments appeals, the situation again deteriorated. He gives a highly informed account of the subsequent events including the SAS Operation BARRAS the rescue of the British military hostages. This is a very important account based on the most privileged knowledge.

The Atrocities of the Pirates: A Faithful Narrative of the Unparalleled Suffering of the Author During His Captivity Among the Pirates (Lost Treasures Ser.)

by Aaron Smith

Originally published in 1824, this firsthand account describes how, in June 1822, young English seaman Aaron Smith was taken captive by Cuban pirates when his ship was boarded en route from Jamaica to England. A skilled navigator, fluent in Spanish, and regarded as what was then acceptable as a ship's surgeon, he was an attractive candidate for conscription. Forced to work as a navigator and participate in pirate boarding parties for ten months, he suffered mightily and witnessed unspeakable acts of murder and torture. He struggled between resisting the orders of the cruel pirate captain and acting against his conscience to preserve his own life from the wrath of the pirates. After failed attempts to get away, he managed to narrowly escape with his life, but was arrested as a pirate upon arrival in Havana. Smith was jailed in Cuba and then sent back to England in chains, where he found himself on trial for his life at the Old Bailey courthouse. The attorney general himself led the prosecution, with the captains of the ships boarded by Smith and the pirates as the principal witnesses.

The Atrocity

by Jackson Burgess

The Atrocity, first published in 1961, is a World War II novel centering on an American ordnance company stationed in Italy near the end of the war. Following a night of heavy drinking in a nearby town, a group of soldiers rape and brutally beat an Italian woman. The woman refuses to name the men, and an investigation follows by Sgt. Robbie Merrill, the story’s main character. As he pursues his investigation, the men of the company turn against him, and eventually, he too becomes discouraged and demoralized at what he perceives to be the army’s indifference to the situation. After pressure from Merrill to name her attackers, the woman breaks down and takes matters in her own hands by setting fire to a store of harvested wheat located near the company’s ammunition dump. Author Jackson Burgess (1927-1981) was an English professor at the University of California-Berkeley.

Atrocity and American Military Justice in Southeast Asia: Trial by Army (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia)

by Louise Barnett

This book is an examination of American army legal proceedings that resulted from a series of moments when soldiers in a war zone crossed a line between performing their legitimate functions and committing crimes against civilians, or atrocities. Using individual judicial proceedings held within war-time Southeast Asia, Louise Barnett analyses how the American military legal system handled crimes against civilians and determines what these cases reveal about the way that war produces atrocity against civilians. Presenting these atrocities and subsequent trials in a way that considers both the personal and the institutional the author considers how and why atrocity happens, the terrain of justification, and the degree to which the army and American society have been willing to take military crimes against civilians seriously. Atrocity and American Military Justice in Southeast Asia will be of interest to students, scholars and professionals interested in Military Justice, Military history and Southeast Asian History more generally.

Atrocity Crimes and International Law: Responsibility to Protect, Intercession, and Non-Forceful Responses (Routledge Research in the Law of Armed Conflict)

by Stacey Henderson

Despite repeated declarations of ‘never again’ in response to the commission of atrocities, civilians have continued to be targeted by their leaders and opposition groups. The international law principles of sovereignty and non-intervention, when taken at their highest, require States to stand idle and not intervene in another State regardless of what atrocities may be occurring there. This traditional legal view is being challenged by an emerging practice of States choosing to respond in non-forceful ways, inspired by the concept of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P). Drawing on R2P, this book introduces and develops an original conceptual tool –intercession –to capture and explain this change in State practice and the impact of R2P on the development of international law. Through a close examination of State practice, the work explores whether there has been an expansion in the permissible measures and situations in which States can intervene, without using force, in response to atrocity crimes occurring in other States. This book concludes that the development of the secondary duty on the international community under R2P provides the greatest opportunity to progress the R2P framework in a meaningful way, which will have a significant impact on the protection of populations from atrocity crimes. The book will be essential reading for students, researchers and policymakers working in the areas of international law, international relations, humanitarian law, and peace and security studies.

Atrocity Crimes, Children and International Criminal Courts: Killing Childhood

by Cécile Aptel

This book shows how international criminal courts have paid only limited and inconsistent attention to atrocity crimes affecting children. It elucidates the many structural, legal, financial and even attitudinal obstacles, often overlapping, that have contributed to the international courts’ focus on the experience of adults, rendering children almost invisible. It reviews whether and how different international and hybrid criminal jurisdictions have considered international crimes committed against or by children. The book also considers how international criminal justice can help contribute to the recognition of the specific impact that international crimes have on children, whether as victims or as participants, and strengthen their protection. Finally, it proposes an agenda to improve this situation, making specific recommendations encompassing the urgent need to further elaborate child-friendly procedures. It also calls for international investigative and prosecutorial strategies to be less adult-centric and broaden the scope of crimes against children beyond the focus on child-soldiers. This book is an invaluable resource for academics, researchers and fieldworkers in the areas of international criminal law, international human rights law/child rights, international humanitarian law, child protection and transitional justice.

Atrocity, Deviance, and Submarine Warfare: Norms and Practices during the World Wars

by Nachman Ben-Yehuda

In the early 20th century, the diesel-electric submarine made possible a new type of unrestricted naval warfare. Such brutal practices as targeting passenger, cargo, and hospital ships not only violated previous international agreements; they were targeted explicitly at civilians. A deviant form of warfare quickly became the norm. In Atrocity, Deviance, and Submarine Warfare, Nachman Ben-Yehuda recounts the evolution of submarine warfare, explains the nature of its deviance, documents its atrocities, and places these developments in the context of changing national identities and definitions of the ethical, at both social and individual levels. Introducing the concept of cultural cores, he traces the changes in cultural myths, collective memory, and the understanding of unconventionality and deviance prior to the outbreak of World War I. Significant changes in cultural cores, Ben-Yehuda concludes, permitted the rise of wartime atrocities at sea.

The Atrocity of Hunger: Starvation in the Warsaw, Lodz, and Krakow Ghettos during World War II

by Helene J. Sinnreich

During World War II, the Germans put the Jews in Nazi-occupied Poland into ghettos which restricted their movement and, most crucially for their survival, access to food. The Germans saw the Jews as 'useless eaters,' and denied them sufficient food for survival. The hunger which resulted from this intentional starvation impacted every aspect of Jewish life inside the ghettos. This book focuses on the Jews in the Łódź, Warsaw, and Kraków ghettos as they struggled to survive the deadly Nazi ghetto and, in particular, the genocidal famine conditions. Jews had no control over Nazi food policy but they attempted to survive the deadly conditions of Nazi ghettoization through a range of coping mechanisms and survival strategies. In this book, Helene Sinnreich explores their story, drawing from diaries and first-hand accounts of the victims and survivors. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.

Atrocity on the Atlantic: Attack on a Hospital Ship During the Great War

by Nate Hendley

How a German submarine sank a Canadian military hospital ship during the First World War and sparked outrage.On the evening of June 27, 1918, the Llandovery Castle — an unarmed, clearly marked hospital ship used by the Canadian military — was torpedoed off the Irish Coast by U-Boat 86, a German submarine.Sinking hospital ships violated international law. To conceal his actions, the U-86 commander had the submarine deck guns fire on survivors. One lifeboat escaped with witnesses to the atrocity. Global outrage over the attack ensued.The sinking of the Llandovery Castle was adjudicated at the Leipzig War Crimes Trials, an attempt to establish justice after hostilities ceased. The Llandovery Castle case resulted in a historic legal precedent that guided subsequent war crime prosecutions, including the Nuremberg Trials.Atrocity on the Atlantic explores the Llandovery Castle sinking, the people impacted by the attack, and the reasons why this wartime atrocity was largely forgotten.

Atrophic Rhinitis: From the Voluptuary Nasal Pathology to the Empty Nose Syndrome

by Stefano Di Girolamo

This book presents the state of the art in atrophic rhinitis and analyses its specific characteristics in non-allergic rhinitis. Little has been written on this condition, which represents a topical issue in modern clinical practice, and as such many clinicians tend to underestimate its impact on patients’ quality of life. This book covers the definition, aetiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis and management, providing specialists with a better understanding of this condition and of the treatment options. It describes in detail the latest diagnostic tools, such as the innovative computational fluid-dynamics studies, nasal cytology, trigeminal stimulation tests, olfactometry, subjective questionnaires, with a focus on the psychological aspects, which have not yet been systematically investigated. Further, it discusses therapeutic strategies, both medical and surgical, reviewing the literature, from the first historical procedures to recent conservative techniques, such as lateral nasal wall reconstruction with various materials, and septal perforation repair. Illustrating all the options currently available, the book is an invaluable resource, not only for otolaryngologists, but also for plastic surgeons, clinical allergists and rheumatologists.

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