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Australia's War 1939-45

by Joan Beaumont

The Second World War was a dominant experience in Australian history. For the first time the country faced the threat of invasion. The economy and society were mobilised to an unprecedented degree, with 550 000 men and women, or one in twelve of a population of over 7 million, serving in the armed forces overseas. Social patterns and family life were disrupted. Politically, the war gave a new legitimacy to the Australian Labor Party which had been confined to the wilderness of the Opposition at the Federal level for most of the inter-war years. The powers of the Federal government increased and a new momentum for social reform was generated at the popular and governmental level. In the international sphere, the war fundamentally shook Australian confidence in the power on which it had relied for generations, Great Britain. It generated a sense of independence in Australian foreign policy and initiated a new, if halting and problematic, realignment towards the United States. In this accessible book Joan Beaumont, Kate Darian-Smith, David Lee, David Lowe, Marnie Haig-Muir, Roy Hay and David Walker consider the range of Australia's experience of this conflict. In a single volume they draw together the many aspects of the war and distil the current state of historical scholarship. Australia's War 1939-45 will be invaluable to tertiary students and of enormous interest to the reader concerned with the social, political and military history of Australia. A companion volume on the First World War is also available.

Australia's 'war on terror' Discourse

by Kathleen Gleeson

Too often, existing literature has conflated the discourses that enabled the 'War on Terror', ignoring the contextual specificities of the states that make up the ’Coalition of the Willing’. Australia's 'war on terror' Discourse fills this gap by providing a full and sustained critical analysis of Australian foreign policy discourse along with the theoretical synthesis for a specific model of critical discourse analysis of the subject. The language of then Prime Minister Howard is the primary focus of the book but attention is also paid to the language of key ministers, political opponents and other prominent actors. The voices of those who challenged the dominant discourse are also considered to shed light on the ways in which discourses can be destabilised. Kathleen Gleeson shows how Howard successfully invoked narratives of identity and sovereignty that resonated with his audience and promoted his reworked narrative of Australia whilst facing dissent from many actors who voiced their opposition most successfully when they capitalised on inconsistencies within the discourse.

Australia's War with France: The Campaign in Syria and Lebanon, 1941

by Richard James

1941: Great Britain is fighting for its very existence. France has surrendered and installed Marshal Pétain, an ageing reactionary, as head of a hostile new government at Vichy. The Allied outpost in Egypt, and the Suez Canal—its strategic jewel—are threatened on both sizes. To the west, Rommel is rampaging through North Africa. To the east, the Germans are arming rebels and fostering an uprising in British Iraq. Churchill&’s cabinet is reeling after disastrous campaign in Greece. There are fears of a German takeover in Vichy-controlled Syria and Lebanon, where a languishing French colonial army may fall in line with the Nazis. Churchill orders a disgruntled General Wavell to take the offensive, assuming that the French will not put up a fight against an Allied show of force. The only troops available are a division of Australians, the 7th: untested recruits, digging ditches in the Egyptian desert. This is the story of how the 7th Division came to fight against the Army of the Levant—Australia against France—in the rocky hills of Lebanon and the barren wastes of Syria. Contrary to Churchill&’s expectations, the French resisted viciously. The Australians won the war, but at the price of more than 400 young men, sons of Anzacs who had fought to defend France in the trenches of the western Front. The British were embarrassed, the campaign was forgotten, and the Australians who fought were dubbed &‘the silent men.&’ No contemporary Australian historian has studied the conflict. British and French accounts exist, but fail to do justice to the Australian contribution. Through interviews with the veterans, archival records, and on-the-ground research, this book seeks to understand a neglected campaign and give it a proper place in Australian history.

Australia's Worst Disasters

by Malcolm Brown

Graphic accounts of Australia?s worst disasters ? historical as well as events of recent years.From the Ash Wednesday bushfires of 1983 to the implosion of the Royal Canberra Hospital in 1997, and from the shocking Granville railway crash in 1977 to the Sea King helicopter crash of 2005, Australia's history has been punctuated by incidents of disaster and tragedy that have shocked us all. Sometimes warning signs were not read (or were ignored); sometimes human error was to blame. These graphic and compelling accounts by veteran Sydney Morning Herald journalist Malcolm Brown and other award-winning journalists tell us far more than simply what happened - they provide unique insights into the impact of these events on the lives of innocent people. And, interspersed with stories of death and destruction, are heart-warming accounts of courage, grace and just plain good luck.

Australo-Pacific Arboviruses: Global Status 2010 edition

by Dr Stephen Berger Gideon Informatics

Australo-Pacific Arboviruses: Global Status is one in a series of GIDEON ebooks which summarize the status of individual infectious diseases, in every country of the world. Data are based on the GIDEON database ( which relies on standard text books, peer-review journals, Health Ministry reports and ProMED, supplemented by an ongoing search of the medical literature. Chapters are arranged alphabetically, by country name. Each section is divided into five subsections. 1. Descriptive epidemiology 2. Summary of clinical features 3. Global status of the disease 4. Status of the disease in a specific country 5. References Australo-Pacific Arboviruses: Global Status includes separate sections on Barmah Forest disease, Ross River disease, and Murray Valley encephalitis.

Austria: Selected Issues

by Natan Epstein Dimitri Tzanninis

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Austria: Report on Observance of Standards and Codes--FATF Recommendations for Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism

by International Monetary Fund

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Austria: 2022 Article Iv Consultation-press Release; Staff Report (Imf Staff Country Reports)

by International Monetary Fund. European Dept.

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Austria: Selected Issues (Imf Staff Country Reports #Country Report No. 14/279)

by International Monetary Fund. European Dept.

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Austria: Out Of The Shadow Of The Past (Contemporary Austrian Studies #Vol. 13)

by Anton Pelinka

This book compares contemporary Austria with other political systems and with the Austrias that existed in the past. The dynamism of the changes taking place in Austria can be described and analyzed with this double focus of comparison.

Austria (Major European Union Nations)

by Jeanine Sanna

Austria is a German-speaking country with a long history and rich cultural traditions, from kings and queens to musical composers. It has been a member of the EU since 1995. In today's world, Austria welcomes immigrants and struggles to deal with the financial troubles sweeping through Europe. Discover more about this exciting, modern nation!

Austria, 1945-1995: Fifty Years of the Second Republic (Routledge Revivals)

by Kurt Richard Luther Peter Pulzer

First published in 1998. This is the only up to date English language work which seeks to assess the whole of the post war Austrian experience in the light of the latest research, using a multi-disciplinary approach by historians, political scientists, economists, international relations specialists and literary historians. It is addressed not only to specialists in Austrian affairs, but also to studies and scholars concerned with the evaluation of small democracies, their place in an integrated continent and the shape of post-Communist Central Europe. The formative first few decades of the Second Republic are reassessed in four contributions: analysis of the key actors and events involved in the genesis of post war state; of the activities of Karl Renner’s first coalition government; of how tensions regarding Austrian identity were played out in post-war literature and of the competing domestic and superpower perceptions of Austria’s fledging neutrality.

Austria - Culture Smart!: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture

by Peter Gieler

Culture Smart! provides essential information on attitudes, beliefs and behavior in different countries, ensuring that you arrive at your destination aware of basic manners, common courtesies, and sensitive issues. These concise guides tell you what to expect, how to behave, and how to establish a rapport with your hosts. This inside knowledge will enable you to steer clear of embarrassing gaffes and mistakes, feel confident in unfamiliar situations, and develop trust, friendships, and successful business relationships. Culture Smart! offers illuminating insights into the culture and society of a particular country. It will help you to turn your visit-whether on business or for pleasure-into a memorable and enriching experience. Contents include * customs, values, and traditions * historical, religious, and political background * life at home * leisure, social, and cultural life * eating and drinking * do's, don'ts, and taboos * business practices * communication, spoken and unspoken.

Austria in the European Union (Contemporary Austrian Studies #Vol. 10)

by Günter Bischof, Anton Pelinka, and Michael Gehler

Austria joined the European Union in 1995, with the overwhelming support of its citizenry. In June 1994, a record 66.6 percent of the Austrian population voted in favor of joining the Union, and Austria acceded on January 1, 1995. Only three years later, in the second half of 1998, Austria assumed its first presidency of the European Union. Its competent conduct of the Union's business enhanced its reputation. The sense that Austria was a role model collapsed overnight, after a new conservative People's Party (iVP/FPi) coalition government was formed in Austria in early February 2000. Austria became Europe's nightmare.This volume has two purposes. The first is to assess Austria's first five years in the European Union. The second is Austria's ongoing struggle with its past. Heinrich Neisser evaluates and assesses Austria's commitment to the European Union. Thomas Angerer offers a long-term perspective of regionalization and globalization trends in Austrian foreign affairs. Waldemar Hummer analyzes contradictions between Austrian neutrality and Europe's emerging common security policy. Johannes Pollak and Sonja Puntscher Rieckmann look at current debates over weighing future voting rights in the European Commission. Michael Huelshoff evaluates Austria's EU presidency in 1998 and compares it to the subsequent 1999 German presidency. Gerda Falkner examines the withering away of the previously much admired Austrian welfare state. Walter Manoschek scrutinizes the Nazi roots of Jorg Haider's Freedom Party. Michael Gehler critiques the EU sanctions and bemoans the absence of mediation through transnational Christian conservative parties.In reviewing how Austria deals with World War II, Richard Mitten investigates discourses on victimhood in postwar Austria and the place of Jews in this process. A "Roundtable" presents overwhelming evidence of Austrians' deep involvement in Nazi war crimes, and includes articles by Sabine Loitfellner and Winfried Garscha. This addition to the Contemporary Austrian Studies series will be welcomed by political scientists, historians and legal scholars, particularly those with a strong interest in European affairs.

Austria in the New Europe (Contemporary Austrian Studies)

by Günter Bischof; Anton Pelinka

First published in 1993, Contemporary Austrian Studies (CAS) is an academic publication appealing to a broad intellectual audience and fostering a multiplicity of views and perspectives. CAS's typical format features a number of essays on a special topic such as the impact of post-Cold War geopolitical developments and European integration on Austria in this issue (volume II will feature “A First Assessment of the Kreisky Era;” volume III will deal with “Austria in the 1950s”). Usually one or two “non-topical” essays will complete the main part.

Austria in the Nineteen Fifties

by Anton Pelinka Günter Bischof

In American history the 1950s are remembered as an affluent and harmonious decade. Not so in Austria. That nation emerged out of World War II with tremendous war-related destruction and with a four-power occupation that would last for ten years until 1955. Massive American economic aid enabled the Austrian economy to start recovering in the 1950s and reorient it from East to West. Unlike the United States, however, general affluence did not set in until the 1960s and 1970s even though Austria's dramatic baby boom enabled it to recover from the demographic catastrophe resulting from manpower losses of World War II., This volume deals with these larger trends. Stephen E. Ambrose discusses American-European relations and sets the larger international context for the Austrian scene. Oilver Rathkolb retraces the changing importance of the Austrian question for the Eisenhower administration. Michael Gehler presents an in-depth analysis of the intriguing question of whether Austria's unification at the price of permanent neutrality might have been a model for Germany. Franz Mathis and Kurt Tweraser look at economic reconstruction and the roles played by both the Austrian public industrial sector and the American Marshall Plan. Karin Schmidlechner looks at the youth culture of the era. Franz Adlgasser shows how Herbert Hoover's food aid was instrumental in the containment of communism in Hungary. Beth Noveck analyzes Austrian political culture of the First Republic from the perspective of Hugo Bettauer. Rolf Steininger presents an insightful historical overview of how the Austro-Italian South Tyrol conflict was resolved after seventy-five years of tension.

Austria in the Twentieth Century (Studies in Austrian and Central European History and Culture #Vol. 1)

by Gino Germani

These fourteen essays by leading Austrian historians and political scientists serve as a basic introduction to a small but sometimes trend-setting European country. They provide a basic up-to-date outline of Austria's political history, shedding light on economic and social trends as well. No European country has experienced more dramatic turning points in its twentieth-century history than Austria. This volume divides the century into three periods. The five essays of Section I deal with the years 1900-1938. Under the relative tranquility of the late Habsburg monarchy seethed a witch's brew of social and political trends, signaling the advent of modernity and leading to the outbreak of World War I and eventually to the collapse of the Habsburg Empire. The First Austrian Republic was one of the succession states that tried to build a nation against the backdrop of political and economic crisis and simmering civil war between the various political camps. Democracy collapsed in 1933 and an authoritarian regime attempted to prevail against pressures from Nazi Germany and Nazis at home. The two essays in Section II cover World War II (1938-1945). In 1938, Hitler's "Third Reich" annexed Austria and the population was pulled into the cauldron of World War II, fighting and collaborating with the Nazis, and also resisting and fleeing them. The seven essays of Section III concentrate on the Second Republic (1945 to the present). After ten years of four-power Allied occupation, Austria regained her sovereignty with the Austrian State Treaty of 1955. The price paid was neutrality. Unlike the turmoil of the prewar years, Austria became a "normal" nation with a functioning democracy, one building toward economic prosperity. After the collapse of the "iron curtain" in 1989, Austria turned westward, joining the European Union in 1995. Most recently, with the advent of populist politics, Austria's political system has experienced a sea of change departing from its political economy of a huge state-owned sector and social partnership as well as Proporz. This informed and insightful volume will serve as a textbook in courses on Austrian, German and European history, as well as in comparative European politics.

Austria, Prussia and The Making of Germany: 1806-1871 (Seminar Studies)

by John Breuilly

It is often argued that the unification of Germany in 1871 was the inevitable result of the convergence of Prussian power and German nationalism. John Breuilly here shows that the true story was much more complex. For most of the nineteenth century Austria was the dominant power in the region. Prussian-led unification was highly unlikely up until the 1860s and even then was only possible because of the many other changes happening in Germany, Europe and the wider world.

Austrian and German Economic Thought: From Subjectivism to Social Evolution (Routledge Studies In The History Of Economics Ser. #123)

by Kiichiro Yagi

This book intends to renovate the view of social sciences in the German-speaking world. It explores the intellectual tension in the social science in Austria and Germany in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries. It deals with how the emergence of the new school (Austrian School) changed the focus of social science in the German speaking world, and how it prepared the introduction of an evolutionary perspective in economics, politics, and sociology. Based on (mostly hitherto unknown) primary evidence, this development is lively described in a series of encounters and decisions by each social scientists.

Austrian Army of the Napoleonic Wars

by Philip Haythornthwaite Bryan Fosten

Packed with specially commissioned artwork, maps and diagrams, the Men-at-Arms series is an unrivalled illustrated reference on the history, organisation, uniforms and equipment of the world's military forces, past and present.

Austrian Army of the Napoleonic Wars: Cavalry

by Philip Haythornthwaite Bryan Fosten

The mounted troops of the Hapsburg Empire comprised one of the most powerful forces of the Napoleonic Wars (1799-1815). However, from the outset the cavalry's higher command was less capable than its infantry counterpart: appointments were influenced by nepotism and politics, which resulted in commands often being given to those who lacked experience. The cavalry underwent many re-organisations and expansions in the course of the wars that attempted to redress these matters, and to modernise the force as a whole. This title examines these processes and documents in detail the tactics, uniforms and equipment of the Austrian cavalry, covering Cuirassiers, Dragoons, Chevauxlegers, Hussars, Uhlan (lancer) and auxiliary units.

Austrian Capital Theory: A Modern Survey of the Essentials (Elements in Austrian Economics)

by Peter Lewin Nicolas Cachanosky

This Element presents a new framework for Austrian Capital Theory, starting from the notion that capital is value. Capital is the value attributed by the valuer at any moment in time to the combination of production-goods and labor available for production. Capital is the result obtained by calculating the current value of a business-unit or business-project that employs resources over time. It is the result of a (subjective) entrepreneurial calculation process that relates the flow of consumptions goods to the value of the productive resources that will produce those consumptions goods. The entrepreneur is a ubiquitous calculating presence. In a review of the development of Austrian Capital Theory, by Carl Manger, Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Ludwig Lachmann as well as recent contributions, the Element incorporates the seminal contributions into the new framework in order to provide a more accessible perspective on Austrian Capital Theory.

The Austrian Contribution to Analytic Philosophy (London Studies in the History of Philosophy #1)

by Mark Textor

Although an important part of the origins of analytic philosophy can be traced back to philosophy in Austria in the first part of the twentieth century, remarkably little is known about the specific contribution made by Austrian philosophy and philosophers. In The Austrian Contribution to Analytic Philosophy, prominent analytic philosophers take a fresh look at the roots of analytic philosophy in the thought of influential but often overlooked Austrian philosophers including Brentano, Meinong, Bolzano, Husserl, and Witasek. The contributors to this volume investigate central topics in theoretical philosophy such as intentionality, consciousness, memory, attributes, and truth as well as political philosophy and aesthetics. This original collection will be of interest to anyone studying the origins of analytic philosophy as well as contemporary debates in philosophy of language, metaphysics and mind.

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