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Showing 98,801 through 98,825 of 100,000 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
Bourdieu, Language and the Media 1519924 John F. Myles 9780230222090 2010 Contains images
Bourdieu, Language-based Ethnographies and Reflexivity: Putting Theory into Practice 2555658 Michael Grenfell Kate Pahl 9781351793162 2019 Contains images
Bourdieu on Religion: Imposing Faith and Legitimacy (Key Thinkers in the Study of Religion) 4768843 Terry Rey 9781317490876 2008
Bourdieu’s Field Theory and the Social Sciences: Operationalising And Extending Bourdieu's Field Analysis 2137876 James Albright Deborah Hartman Jacqueline Widin 9789811053856 2018 Contains images
Bourdieu’s Metanoia: Seeing the Social World Anew 4872178 Michael Grenfell 9781000640977 2023
Bourdieu's Philosophy and Sociology of Science: A Critical Appraisal (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought) 5161766 Kyung-Man Kim 9781000833003 2023
Bourdieu's Politics: Problems and Possiblities (Routledge Advances in Sociology #Vol. 22) 4922491 Jeremy F. Lane 9781134228447 2006
Bourdieu's Theory of Social Fields: Concepts and Applications (Routledge Advances in Sociology) 5475947 Mathieu Hilgers Eric Mangez 9781317678588 2015 Contains images
Bourdieu's Theory of the State: A Critical Introduction 2100270 Steven Loyal 9781137583505 2017
Bourdieusian Media Studies (Routledge Focus on Media and Cultural Studies) 6099279 Johan Lindell 9781040121115 2025 Contains images
Bourdieusian Prospects (Routledge Advances in Sociology) 5596233 Lisa Adkins Caragh Brosnan Steven Threadgold 9781317542667 2017 Contains images
The Bourgeois: Between History and Literature 2164098 Franco Moretti 9781781683057 2013 Contains images
The Bourgeois and the Savage: A Marxian Critique of the Image of the Isolated Individual in Defoe, Turgot and Smith (Marx, Engels, and Marxisms) 3406500 Alfonso Maurizio Iacono 9783030395087 2020
Bourgeois Babes, Bossy Wives, and Bobby Haircuts: A Case for Gender Equality in Ministry (Fresh Perspectives on Women in Ministry) 5061650 Michael F. Bird 9780310498179 2012
Bourgeois Dignity: Why Economics Can't Explain the Modern World 6259124 Deirdre Nansen 9780226556666 2010 Contains images
The Bourgeois Epoch: Marx and Engels on Britain, France, and Germany 4405994 Richard F. Hamilton 9781469639819 1991
Bourgeois Equality: How Ideas, Not Capital or Institutions, Enriched the World 3163559 Deirdre N. Mccloskey 9780226334042 2016 Contains images
Bourgeois Europe, 1850-1914 (Longman History of Modern Europe) 4691895 Jonathan Sperber 9781351106597 2022 Contains images
The Bourgeois Frontier: French Towns, French Traders, and American Expansion 557942 Jay Gitlin 9780300101188 2010
Bourgeois Ideology and Education: Subversion Through Pedagogy 5478418 Steven Snow 9781351761840 2018
Bourgeois Nightmares: Suburbia, 1870-1930 574241 Robert M. Fogelson 9780300108767 2005
Bourgeois Radicals 945658 Carol Anderson 9781316146828 2015 Contains images
Bourgeois Utopias: The Rise and Fall of Suburbia 4063833 Robert Fishman 9780786722846 1987 Contains images
The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce 6037685 Deirdre Nansen 9780226556673 2006 Contains images
Bourinot's Rules of Order: A Manual on the Practices and Usages of the House of Commons of Canada and on the Procedure at Public Assemblies, Including Meetings of Shareholders 4000984 Geoffrey Stanford 9781551995274 1995

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