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Showing 99,901 through 99,925 of 100,000 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
Bridging the Medieval-Modern Divide: Medieval Themes in the World of the Reformation (Catholic Christendom, 1300-1700) 3079561 James Muldoon 9781317172444 2013 Contains images
Bridging the Multimodal Gap: From Theory to Practice 3747478 Santosh Khadka J. C. Lee 9781607327974 2018 Contains images
Bridging the Pacific: Toward Free Trade and Investment Between China and the United States 3509852 C. Fred Bergsten Gary Clyde Hufbauer Sean Miner 9780881326925 2014 Contains images
Bridging the Progressive-Traditional Divide in Education Reform: A Unifying Vision for Teaching, Learning, and System Level Supports 5533884 Megin Charner-Laird James Nehring Stacy Szczesiul 9780429755798 2019
Bridging the Relationship Gap 1160663 Sara E. Langworthy 9781605543895 2015 Contains images
Bridging the Seas: The Rise of Naval Architecture in the Industrial Age, 1800-2000 (Transformations: Studies in the History of Science and Technology) 3495814 Larrie D. Ferreiro 9780262356961 2019 Contains images
Bridging the Semantic Gap in Image and Video Analysis (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #145) 2273121 Lakhmi C. Jain Halina Kwaśnicka 9783319738918 2018 Contains images
Bridging the Skills Gap: Innovations in Africa and Asia (Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Issues, Concerns and Prospects #26) 2111541 Bob Adamson Shubha Jayaram Wambui Munge David Sorrell Nitika Jain 9783319494852 2017 Contains images
Bridging the Soft Skills Gap 1175072 Bruce Tulgan 9781119138167 2015
Bridging the Soft Skills Gap: How to Teach the Missing Basics to the New Hybrid Workforce 4859402 Bruce Tulgan 9781119912088 2022
Bridging the Strait: The Story of The Confederation Bridge Project 1723470 Copthorne Macdonald 9781459721371 1997 Contains images
Bridging the Technological Divide: Technology Adoption by Firms in Developing Countries 4703215 Xavier Cirera Diego Comin Marcio Cruz 9781464818592 2022 Contains images
Bridging the Testaments: The History and Theology of God’s People in the Second Temple Period 5720764 George Athas 9780310520955 2023 Contains images
Bridging the Transition from Primary to Secondary School 5283670 Alan Howe Val Richards 9781136738081 2011 Contains images
Bridging the Values Gap 1065512 R. Edward Freeman Ellen R. Auster 9781609949587 2015 Contains images
Bridging Theory and Practice in Children's Spirituality: New Directions for Education, Ministry, and Discipleship 3310290 Zondervan 9780310104933 2020 Contains images
Bridging Traditions: Alchemy, Chemistry, and Paracelsian Practices in the Early Modern Era (Early Modern Studies #15) 4043146 Michael Walton Karen Parshall Bruce Moran 9781612481357 2015 Contains images
Bridging Traditions: Alchemy, Chemistry, and Paracelsian Practices in the Early Modern Era (Early Modern Studies) 5362827 Michael Walton Karen Parshall Bruce Moran 9781612481357 2015 Contains images
Bridging Two Dynasties: The 1947 New York Yankees (Memorable Teams in Baseball History) 2581873 Society for American Baseball Research (SABR) 9781496210180 2013 Contains images
Bridging Two Realms: Learn to Communicate with Your Loved Ones on the Other-Side 5759430 John Holland 9781401950644 2018 Contains images
Bridging Two Worlds: Comparing Classical Political Thought and Statecraft in India and China (Great Transformations #4) 5126954 Amitav Acharya, Daniel A. Bell, Rajeev Bhargava, and Yan Xuetong 9780520390997 2023 Contains images
Bridging Worlds: Poetry and Philosophy in the Works of Immanuel of Rome 5319499 Dana W. Fishkin 9780814350379 2023 Contains images
Bridging Worlds: Understanding and Facilitating Adolescent Recovery from the Trauma of Abuse (Routledge Library Editions: Adolescence #3) 4939512 Joycee Kennedy Carol McCarthy 9781317359388 1998 Contains images
Bridging Worlds - Building Feminist Geographies: Essays in Honour of Janice Monk (Routledge International Studies of Women and Place) 4994221 Anindita Datta Janet Momsen Ann M. Oberhauser 9781000780314 2023 Contains images
Bridgnorth in the Great War (Your Towns & Cities in the Great War) 5568559 Christopher W. Owen 9781473866126 2019 Contains images

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