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Showing 12,176 through 12,200 of 24,391 results

La Faim et la Sante: Collection: La Faim dans le Monde (2007)

by World Food Programme

First published in 2008, La Faim et la Sant is a valuable contribution to the field of Environment and Sustainability.

La Garrotxa Volcanic Field of Northeast Spain

by Joan Martí Llorenç Planagumà

This informative book takes readers on an enjoyable journey through the La Garrotxa volcanoes. In addition to a general description of the main geological and volcano logical values of the region, it also provides a detailed account of the history of the region, its biological diversity, and its cultural heritage including architecture, folklore and gastronomy. La Garrotxa Volcanic Zone was declared a Natural Park in 1982 to protect the numerous sites of special interest that are found in this region. The Natural Park has been pioneering in many initiatives aimed at preserving the landscape and natural values and promoting awareness of the area within the community. An important part of this book is dedicated to the insights into the educational programs and outreach developed to disseminate the main values of this region. It shows how sustainable tourism has been implemented and the management plan that has been designed to preserve such important natural and cultural values. Including local experts’ views on the topics covered, this book will appeal to a general audience interested not only in visiting the area but also in gaining insights into an example of geoheritage and geoconservation that has successfully integrated of education, tourism, planning and environmental management.

La Guida Definitiva all’Escursionismo: Come Pianificare un Viaggio con Zaino in Spalla, un Campeggio o un’Escursione di Successo

by John Johnson

Stai cercando di darti all’escursionismo? Ti piacerebbe imparare a farlo come un professionista? Se la tua risposta è sì, allora questo è il libro che fa per te. Impara a muovere i primi passi, e tutto ciò che devi sapere su questo sport e su come praticare escursionismo, o trekking, come un professionista. Seguire queste tecniche e queste dritte sul campeggio ti aiuterà a muovere i primi passi e a fare escursionismo meglio che mai. Ti presento i segreti utilizzati dai professionisti per incamminarti sui terreni più ardui! Con decenni di strategie testate, questo ebook ti illustrerà il modo più rapido ed efficace per scoprire questo sport! Il libro comprende: - Primi passi. - Lista delle cose da fare. - Quali attrezzi utilizzare. - Come fare escursionismo - Preparazione + MOLTO ALTRO! Se vuoi essere più vigoroso ed avere migliori risultati nell’escursionismo, allora questa guida fa per te. --> Scorri in cima alla pagina e clicca su “aggiungi al carrello” per acquistare subito Informazioni legali: Questo autore e/o proprietario dei diritti non ha alcuna pretesa di garanzia nei confronti dell’accuratezza, completezza o adeguatezza del contenuto di questo libro, e nega espressamente ogni responsabilità per errori o omissioni nel suo contenuto. Questo prodotto è ad esclusivo uso di consultazione. Per favore consulta un professionista prima di intraprendere qualsiasi azione contenuta al suo interno.

La Guida Suprema per fare Campeggio: lista di controllo completa & guida sugli accessori

by John Johnson

Vuoi avventurarti in campeggio? Ti piacerebbe imparare come fare camping come fanno i professionisti? Se hai risposto sì a queste domande, questo libro fa per te. Scopri come iniziare e tutto ciò che devi sapere sullo sport e come fare camping come un professionista. Verranno presentati i prodotti che i professionisti usano per scalare i terreni più difficili! Con decenni di strategie testate, questo ebook ti mostrerà il modo più veloce ed efficace per imparare a fare camping! Cosa è incluso: - Come iniziare. - Liste di controllo. - Quali attrezzi usare. - Come fare camping. - Preparazione. E MOLTO ALTRO! Se vuoi essere più forte ed efficace nel camping, allora questa guida è per te. -> Scorri fino all'inizio della pagina e fai clic su Aggiungi al carrello per acquistare immediatamente Dichiarazione di responsabilità: Questo autore e / o il / i proprietario / i dei diritti non fanno rivendicazioni, promesse o garanzie in merito all'accuratezza, completezza o adeguatezza dei contenuti di questo libro e declinano espressamente la responsabilità per errori e omissioni nei contenuti all'interno. Questo prodotto è solo per riferimento. Si prega di consultare un professionista prima di agire su uno qualsiasi dei contenuti presenti all'interno.

La història de Barcelona en 10 passejades: Des dels romans fins a l'actualitat

by Jaume Grau Masbernat

Des de la ruta de l'aigua, de les revoltes, de les guerres o de les epidèmies fins a la ruta del treball, de les obres i especulació o la Barcelona màgica, Jaume Grau ens convida a caminar per la ciutat per descobrir tota la seva història. La millor manera de conèixer Barcelona és caminant-la. En els seus carrers i places hi ha escrita tota la seva història i només cal obrir bé els ulls per descobrir-la. La Barcelona d'avui és el testimoni viu de les Barcelones d'ahir, i en les seves pedres ha quedat imprès un relat històric apassionant. Les deu rutes temàtiques que proposa Jaume Grau per recórrer la ciutat es poden fer caminant, cadascú seguint el seu pas, o, fins i tot, dissenyant el seu propi trajecte. Des de la ruta de l'aigua, de les revoltes, de les guerres o de les epidèmies fins a la ruta del treball, de les obres i de l'especulació o de la Barcelona màgica, l'autor ens convida a mirar-la a través de la història.Una ciutat que amaga molts més racons i curiositats dels que ens hauríem pogut imaginar, com saber per exemple què hi fa una sabata a la façana de la catedral. Però també ens revela un passat dur i difícil, com el que podem observar al turó de la Rovira, on centenars de barcelonins van instal·lar les seves barraques sobre els antics emplaçaments dels canons antiaeris, que defensaven la ciutat dels atacs de l'aviació italiana. Obriu les pàgines d'aquest llibre, passegeu, mireu i passeu-vos-ho bé: la ciutat que caminareu és única, «la gran encisera», com la va definir Joan Maragall. Ressenya:«Passejar amb el llibre a la mà, seguint un dels itineraris que proposa, ens apropa a aquest món ocult i sorprenentment molt viu d'una ciutat tan intensa com és Barcelona. Està molt bé veure els monuments i les atraccions barcelonines amb ulls de turista, però potser ja és hora d'anar una mica més enllà i mirar-se Barcelona amb els ulls de la Història, de la vida, en definitiva.»Enric Calpena

La Leggenda di Ron Anejo

by Ed Teja Vita Cumbo

Narra la leggenda che il Capitano Ron Anejo viva nella isole dei Caraibi, nessuno sa di preciso dove, ma è certo che laggiù tutti conoscano il suo nome, perchè se ti trovi nei guai, lui è l'uomo giusto per tirartene fuori, e, basterà chiedere di lui e sarà lui stesso a trovarti come ogni supereroe leggendario farebbe. Quando un uomo decide di avventurarsi nel mar dei Caraibi, solo, incosciente, senza alcuna esperienza nella navigazione, e con una visione un po' troppo romantica di cosa significhi vivere su di una barca ai tropici, allora questa non può che essere la premessa di una infinita serie di disgraziatissime e strampalate avventure. Questo tipo di avventure sono però proprio quelle che finiscono per rapirti il cuore e fare di un uomo qualunque un vero lupo di mare.

La Nave

by Chris Ward Roberto Spigarelli

Per lo spotter navale Ken, l'apparizione del potente superpetroliere The Bostonian nel porto locale nell'ultima tappa del suo ultimo viaggio, è uno spettacolo troppo importante da perdere. Tuttavia, il bullo della scuola Max ha altre idee...

La Niña and the Making of Climate Optimism: Remembering Rain

by Julia Miller

This book examines the deep connection Australians have with their climate to understand contemporary views on human-induced climate change. It is the first study of the Australian relationship with La Niña and it explains how fundamental this relationship is to the climate change debate both locally and globally. While unease with the Australian environment was a hallmark of early settler relations with a new continent, this book argues that the climate itself quickly became a source of hope and linked to progress. Once observed, weather patterns coalesced into recognizable cycles of wet and dry years and Australians adopted a belief in the certainty of good seasons. It was this optimistic response to climate linked to La Niña that laid the groundwork for this relationship with the Australian environment. This book will appeal to scholars and students of the environmental humanities, history and science as well as anyone concerned about climate change.

La Purisíma Concepción: The Enduring History of a California Mission (Brief History)

by Michael R. Hardwick

In two centuries, La Purísima Concepción went from a fledgling frontier mission to a renowned California State Historic Park. Once home to many Spanish soldiers, settlers and hundreds of Chumash Indians, La Purísima held the seat of the California Mission government under Father Mariano Payeras. It withstood catastrophic events, including widespread disease in early years and a great Southern California earthquake in 1812. Emerging from ruins for the last time in 1934, after restoration by the Civilian Conservation Corps, structures appear today as they did in the early nineteenth century. The uniquely restored California Mission complex operates as a state park in a pastoral setting. Author and archivist Michael R. Hardwick chronicles the story of La Purísima and the resilient people and culture that made a lasting influence.

A la taula dels altres: A peu pel Priorat

by Josep Maria Espinàs

Espinàs comparteix l'experiència de caminar per un Priorat en temps de verema, amb costums i personatges que avui semblen inventats. El 1957 Josep M. Espinàs va conèixer un Priorat del qual, amb l'excepció del vi, se'n tenien molt poques notícies, en una època en què encara es traginava el raïm en rucs i s'anava a buscar l'aigua a la font amb àmfores. En el llibre A la taula dels altres, l'escriptor camina per aquesta comarca durant la verema i passeja per uns pobles on un foraster és una raresa. Espinàs esmorza i conversa amb la gent que troba a les vinyes i coneix una sèrie de personatges curiosos que, a través de la mirada de l'escriptor, hi apareixen molt ben retratats. El que era una crònica de viatge, fidel a la realitat, ara s'ha convertit en una narració que reviu un món que forma part del nostre passat.

La vida secreta del hielo (The Magic and Mystery of the Natural World)

by Jason Bittel

Adéntrate en 'La vida secreta del hielo' y embarca en un viaje increíble por los polos de la tierra.Osos polares, pingüinos y hielo se deslizan por las páginas de este colorido libro, que combina hermosas ilustraciones y fotos para ayudar a los niños más entusiastas a aprenderlo todo sobre el Ártico y la Antártida. Desde ríos helados hasta volcanes antárticos, descubrirán la increíble vida secreta de las regiones polares de la Tierra. También descubrirán cómo pueden ayudar a cuidar el Ártico y la Antártida.'La vida secreta del hielo' lleva a los niños por un deslumbrante viaje bajo cero, mostrándoles cuán increíbles son los polos de la tierra, qué plantas y animales viven cerca de ellos y cómo podemos ayudarlos. Incluye una multitud de vida polar, además de datos sorprendentes sobre cómo se forman los icebergs, cómo los animales sobreviven en el frío helado y cómo los científicos estudian la Antártida.Enter the world of the Arctic and Antarctic for an incredible journey around Earth&’s icy poles.Polar bears, penguins, and ice glide across the pages of this colorful book, which combines gorgeous illustrations and photos to help young enthusiasts learn all about the Arctic and Antarctic. From icy rivers to Antarctic volcanoes, they&’ll discover the incredible secret life of Earth&’s polar regions. They&’ll also find out how they can help take care of the Arctic and Antarctic themselves.'La vida secreta del hielo' takes children on a fascinating sub-zero journey, showing them just how amazing Earth&’s poles are, which plants and animals live near them, and how we can help them. It includes a multitude of polar life, plus amazing facts on how icebergs are formed, how animals survive in the freezing cold, and how scientists study the Antarctic.

The Lab (Trippin' #3)

by P. J. Gray

The Lab: Book-3 - The worst snowstorm in years. They were trapped in a farmhouse. The owners seemed innocent enough. Quiet. Stoic. But something was not quite right. The author Introduces emergent teen readers to the concept of a series, where each book leaves wanting more. Incorporating vivid graphic elements, this three-book series will attract students interested in reading edgier material. Each 64-page book is approximately two thousand five hundred words. <p><p> Troy and Justin have been through a lot together. But Troy has had enough of street life. He cleans up his act. Finds a job. Takes classes at night. Justin is the same fun-loving guy he's always been. He hops from job to job. But he prefers mooching off his girlfriend. About to get dumped, Justin is glum. Then Troy suggests a road trip.

A Lab for All Seasons: The Laboratory Revolution in Modern Botany and the Rise of Physiological Plant Ecology

by Sharon E. Kingsland

The first book to chronicle how innovation in laboratory designs for botanical research energized the emergence of physiological plant ecology as a vibrant subdiscipline Laboratory innovation since the mid-twentieth century has powered advances in the study of plant adaptation, evolution, and ecosystem function. The phytotron, an integrated complex of controlled-environment greenhouse and laboratory spaces, invented by Frits W. Went in the 1950s, set off a worldwide laboratory movement and transformed the plant sciences. Sharon Kingsland explores this revolution through a comparative study of work in the United States, France, Australia, Israel, the USSR, and Hungary. These advances in botanical research energized physiological plant ecology. Case studies explore the development of phytotron spinoffs such as mobile laboratories, rhizotrons, and ecotrons. Scientific problems include the significance of plant emissions of volatile organic compounds, symbiosis between plants and soil fungi, and the discovery of new pathways for photosynthesis as an adaptation to hot, dry climates. The advancement of knowledge through synthesis is a running theme: linking disciplines, combining laboratory and field research, and moving across ecological scales from leaf to ecosystem. The book also charts the history of modern scientific responses to the emerging crisis of food insecurity in the era of global warming.

Lab Girl

by Hope Jahren

An illuminating debut memoir of a woman in science; a moving portrait of a long-time collaboration, in work and in life; and a stunningly fresh look at plants that will forever change how you see and think about the natural world.Acclaimed scientist Hope Jahren has built three laboratories in which she's studied trees, flowers, seeds, and soil. Her first book might have been a revelatory treatise on plant life. Lab Girl is that, but it is also so much more. Because in it, Jahren also shares with us her inspiring life story, in prose that takes your breath away. Lab Girl is a book about work, about love, and about the mountains that can be moved when those two things come together. It is told through Jahren's remarkable stories: about the things she's discovered in her lab, as well as how she got there; about her childhood--hours of unfettered play in her father's laboratory; about how she found a sanctuary in science, and learned to perform lab work "with both the heart and the hands"; about a brilliant and wounded man named Bill, who became her loyal colleague and best friend; about their adventurous, sometimes rogue research trips, which take them from the Midwest all across the United States and over the Atlantic, from the ever-light skies of the North Pole to tropical Hawaii; and about her constant striving to do and be the best she could, never allowing personal or professional obstacles to cloud her dedication to her work. Jahren's insights on nature enliven every page of this book. Lab Girl allows us to see with clear eyes the beautiful, sophisticated mechanisms within every leaf, blade of grass, and flower petal, and also the power within ourselves to face--with bravery and conviction--life's ultimate challenge: discovering who you are.From the Hardcover edition.

Lab Girl

by Hope Jahren

A New York Times 2016 Notable BookNational Best SellerNamed one of TIME magazine’s "100 Most Influential People"An Amazon Top 20 Best Book of 2016A Washington Post Best Memoir of 2016A TIME and Entertainment Weekly Best Book of 2016 So Far An illuminating debut memoir of a woman in science; a moving portrait of a longtime friendship; and a stunningly fresh look at plants that will forever change how you see the natural world Acclaimed scientist Hope Jahren has built three laboratories in which she’s studied trees, flowers, seeds, and soil. Her first book is a revelatory treatise on plant life—but it is also so much more. Lab Girl is a book about work, love, and the mountains that can be moved when those two things come together. It is told through Jahren’s remarkable stories: about her childhood in rural Minnesota with an uncompromising mother and a father who encouraged hours of play in his classroom’s labs; about how she found a sanctuary in science, and learned to perform lab work done “with both the heart and the hands”; and about the inevitable disappointments, but also the triumphs and exhilarating discoveries, of scientific work.Yet at the core of this book is the story of a relationship Jahren forged with a brilliant, wounded man named Bill, who becomes her lab partner and best friend. Their sometimes rogue adventures in science take them from the Midwest across the United States and back again, over the Atlantic to the ever-light skies of the North Pole and to tropical Hawaii, where she and her lab currently make their home. Jahren’s probing look at plants, her astonishing tenacity of spirit, and her acute insights on nature enliven every page of this extraordinary book. Lab Girl opens your eyes to the beautiful, sophisticated mechanisms within every leaf, blade of grass, and flower petal. Here is an eloquent demonstration of what can happen when you find the stamina, passion, and sense of sacrifice needed to make a life out of what you truly love, as you discover along the way the person you were meant to be.

Labor and Employment Issues for the Safety Professional (Occupational Safety & Health Guide Series)

by Thomas D. Schneid

An examination of the safety laws and regulations, particularly in the areas of labor and employment, this book provides a working knowledge of the impacts, requirements, and implications of safety professionals' actions and inactions as related to state and federal laws. It presents information on an issue-by-issue basis and delineates the basics of the issue; identifies the applicable law or regulation; and presents possible solutions to achieve and maintain compliance while achieving the safety objective. The book covers conflicts between laws and regulations and includes case law and reference points.

Laboratory Earth: The Planetary Gamble We Can't Afford To Lose

by Stephen H. Schneider

Laboratory Earth taps the relevant knowledge from physical, biological, and social sciences needed to study the planet holistically. This so-called Earth Systems Science fosters a new way to understand the Earth and our roles as inhabitants, with the purpose of building solutions to the bewildering global environment and overdevelopment. Educational, business, health, and governmental organizations often dissect the world into narrow but highly specialized disciplines--economics, ecology, cardiology, meteorology, glaciology, or political science, to name a few. But real world problems, like urban sprawl, public health, poverty, toxic waste, economic development, the ozone hole, or global warming, do not fit neatly into disciplinary boxes. However, author Stephen Schneider asserts that these contemporary issues must be viewed as systems of interconnected subelements. This is especially true for global environmental problems, since they arise from increasing numbers of people demanding higher standards of living and willing to use the cheapest available technologies to pursue these growth-oriented goals, even if the unintended byproducts include land degradation, toxic pollutants, species extinctions, or global climate change. To first understand and then solve such problems, we must learn to view the Earth and our socioeconomic engine as one integrated system. Schneider, who in the 1970s predicted global warming would become "demonstrable” by the turn of the century, chooses that debate to illustrate how this twenty-first century Earth Systems Science approach works, introducing us to the sharp controversies and highly visible debates among climatologists, ecologists, economists, industrialists, and political interests over the seriousness and solutions to the climate change crisis. He begins with a fascinating journey to the beginning of geologic time on Earth and traces from there the coevolution of climate and life over the next four billion years. Along the way we learn about the Gaia Hypothesis, the demise of the dinosaurs, and the likelihood of an impending ice age. Schneider traces our climatic history not only from the beginning and up to the twentieth century, but deep into the twenty-first as well. He depicts the next one hundred years as a potentially perilous period for climate and life--unless we citizens of Earth recognize and then work to control the unintended global scale experiment we are foisting on ourselves and all other life on "Laboratory Earth. ” This "lab” is not built of glass, wires, and tubes, but of insects, soils, air, oceans, birds, trees, and people. While no honest scientist can claim to have clairvoyant vision into the twenty-first century, Schneider optimistically demonstrates that enough is already known to command our attention and to insure that the juggernaut of human impacts on Earth doesn’t turn into a gamble we can’t afford to lose.

Laboratory Earth (SCIENCE MASTERS)

by Stephen H Schneider

An extremely readable account on the scientific essentials of the global warming debateThe possibility of global climatic change as a result of increasing numbers of people requiring higher stands of living has spawned an international controversy over the appropriateness of controls on deforestation and energy use. In order to address the political debate it is essential to understand the scientific background that underlies this problem. Laboratory Earth takes the reader on a journey from the dawn of earth's climate and biological evolution through the era of the dinosaurs, past the Ice Age and into the shadowy environmental future increasingly dominated by human activities. In the final analysis it will be human values more than scientific methods that must be applied to decide how to gamble with the fate of the earth.

Lady Bird Johnson, That's Who!: The Story of a Cleaner and Greener America

by Tracy Nelson Maurer

Lady Bird Johnson, That's Who! is Tracy Nelson Maurer's lively picture book biography of Lady Bird Johnson, with a focus on her environmentalist passion and legacy as First Lady.Who fought to stop pollution? Who helped make America cleaner and greener? Lady Bird Johnson, That's Who!Claudia Alta Taylor was a lonely girl, shy as a butterfly growing up in Texas. She never dreamed she'd blossom into a visionary leader whose love for wildflowers, beautiful landscapes, and building community compelled her to lead the effort to combat pollution in the United States. A lifelong environmentalist, Lady Bird Johnson embraced her platform as First Lady to promote policy that beautified America’s roadways, waterways and parks, inspiring people to take pride in the places they live.With elements of women’s history, civics, and conservationism, this is a timely and informative picture book biography.

Lady Grayl: Owl With a Mission

by Robert W. Nero

"This is the story of a man and his owl. But what a man and what an owl! The owl is one of our planet’s most beautiful and elusive beings, an enchanting spook, a feathered spirit from some ancient world. "The man is Robert Nero, his name synonymous with that of the Great Gray Owl, his love affair with the species spanning twenty-five years. For me, a non-professional adrift in a sea of biologists, it is heartening to find in Dr. Nero not just the able scientific mind but also a sense of wonder, undiminished by the years. Perhaps it is the mortality of all living things that makes them exquisite to him, for he writes of their brief beauty in poetry and prose. His words remind us of joys we once knew, of worlds to which we have grown blind. "What a privilege it is to share a time on Earth with a man like this, and to call him friend." - Katherine McKeever, The Owl Foundation, Vineland, 1994 "Bob Nero, one of Canada’s finest nature writers, has done it again! His fifth book, about Lady Grayl, is a personal account, something close to a love story. For nine years, since the rescue of a starving runt owlet from a wild brood, he has taken his beautiful owl, Lady Grayl, to countless schools and public meetings to preach the gospel of conservation. She and Bob are well-known throughout Manitoba, and beyond. "Bob’s careful observations of this imprinted owl supplement his 25 years of research into Great Gray Owls in the wild. Six sensitive poems and numerous photographs depict the owl in many moods and settings. This book will rank along with Bernd Heinrich’s acclaimed One Man’s Owl, which dealt with an imprinted Great Horned Owl, and will be of special interest to all who have been fortunate enough to see Lady Grayl." - C. Stuart Houston, University of Saskatchewan

Lady of the Loch: The Incredible Story Of Britain's Oldest Osprey

by Helen Armitage

During the last decade, the osprey has risen, phoenix-like, from the ashes - once extinct in Britain, now returned as a powerful symbol of hope. The opreys' story is a moving tale of triumph over adversity. Their slow but sure resurgence has attracted huge public interest and support; that of one bird in particular, Lady, at 25, Britain's oldest breeding osprey, has tugged at the world's heartstrings.For the past twenty years, Lady has made the 3000-mile journey from Africa back to Scotland, her nest and her mate. In March 2010, she produced an egg for a record-breaking 20th year; despite her weakened state throughout that summer, and with the stalwart assistance of her youthful mate, the chicks fledged successfully. But how many more times can Lady defy the odds; will the spring see her return, as, happily, it will so many other ospreys?

Lady of the Loch: The Incredible Story of Britain's Oldest Osprey

by Helen Armitage

During the last decade, the osprey has risen, phoenix-like, from the ashes - once extinct in Britain, now returned as a powerful symbol of hope. The opreys' story is a moving tale of triumph over adversity. Their slow but sure resurgence has attracted huge public interest and support; that of one bird in particular, Lady, at 25, Britain's oldest breeding osprey, has tugged at the world's heartstrings.For the past twenty years, Lady has made the 3000-mile journey from Africa back to Scotland, her nest and her mate. In March 2010, she produced an egg for a record-breaking 20th year; despite her weakened state throughout that summer, and with the stalwart assistance of her youthful mate, the chicks fledged successfully. But how many more times can Lady defy the odds; will the spring see her return, as, happily, it will so many other ospreys?

Ladybug Girl and Bingo

by Jacky Davis

Lulu and Bingo are best friends! Whenever they play outside, Bingo always stays close by Lulu's side. When they go camping for the very first time, Lulu does her best to be responsible, and hold on tight to Bingo's leash. But what happens when Bingo wants to explore the forest on his own and runs off? This is a job for Ladybug girl! Picture descriptions present.

Ladybug Girl and the Big Snow (Ladybug Girl)

by Jacky Davis

In this hardcover picture book from the New York Times bestselling Ladybug Girl series, Ladybug Girl and Bingo need to look on the bright side of things to make their snow day adventure as much fun as it should be. Lulu and her dog Bingo wake up to a snow-covered yard and decide to have the best snow day ever. They make penguin tracks and taste the frosting-like snow. But the snow is deep and cold, and when Lulu tries to build a fort or make a snowball, her mittens are too wet and snow falls down the back of her neck. This is not the day she planned. And then Lulu remembers that she is Ladybug Girl and Ladybug Girl can do anything! With another determined look at the snow, Ladybug Girl overcomes her frustration and sees the yard in a whole new light. She and Bingo are now ready to use their imaginations to create their own snow games, snow animals, and snow adventures! For fans of The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats, Ladybug Girl and the Big Snow honors the magic of the outdoors and creativity!

Ladybug Girl at the Beach (Ladybug Girl)

by Jacky Davis

It is preschooler Lulu’s first time at the beach and she needs to conquer her fear of the ocean in this hardcover picture book from the New York Times bestselling Ladybug Girl series. Lulu has never been to the beach but she knows she is going to love it…until she sees just how big and loud the ocean is. She and her dog Bingo decide that they will make sandcastles, fly kites, and get ice cream instead of swimming. But then the ocean waves snatch Lulu’s favorite pail. This is a job for Ladybug Girl! When Lulu is Ladybug Girl, she is brave and nothing can stop her from rescuing her pail – and suddenly she is in the ocean and it is fun! This story is the perfect preparation for a first beach vacation, or to explore a new experience with a preschooler. Mama and Papa are never far away while Ladybug Girl builds up her courage and confronts something scary for the first time. For fans of Fancy Nancy and Angelina Ballerina, the Ladybug Girl series honors courage, creativity, and a love of nature!

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