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Because It Is So Beautiful: Unraveling the Mystique of the American West

by Robert Leonard Reid

A Finalist for the PEN/Diamonstein–Spielvogel Award for the Art of the EssayYes, every inch of the globe has been seen, mapped, photographed, and measured, but is it known? Robert Leonard Reid doesn’t think so. To draw a circle and calculate its diameter is not to know the circle. In this collection, Reid distinguishes himself from many science–based nature writers, using the natural world as a springboard for speculations and musings on the numinous and the sacred, injustice, homelessness, the treatment of Native Peoples in the United States, and what pushes mountaineers to climb. Ranging in their settings from eastern New Mexico to northern Alaska, Reid’s essays illustrate his belief that the American West is worth celebrating and caring for.Taking its title from an affecting speech given by renowned author Barry Lopez, Because It Is So Beautiful is a response to desperate questions surrounding America’s wildlands. Lopez’s words resonated with the young mountaineer–musician–mathematician Robert Leonard Reid, who was struggling to understand his relationship to the world, to find his vision as a writer. What he learned on that long–ago evening is knit throughout the nineteen pieces in the collection, which include essays from Reid’s previous books Arctic Circle, Mountains of the Great Blue Dream, and America, New Mexico; three essays that appear here in print for the first time; as well as revised and expanded versions of essays that appeared in Touchstone, The Progressive, and elsewhere.

Because of an Acorn

by Lola M. Schaefer Adam Schaefer

Because of an acorn, a tree grows, a bird nests, a seed becomes a flower. Enchanting die-cuts illustrate the vital connections between the layers of an ecosystem in this magical book. Wander down the forest path to learn how every tree, flower, plant, and animal connect to one another in spiraling circles of life. An acorn is just the beginning. Plus, this is the fixed format version, which looks almost identical to the print edition.

Because of an Acorn

by Lola M. Schaefer Adam Schaefer Frann Preston-Gannon

Because of an acorn, a tree grows, a bird nests, a seed becomes a flower. Enchanting die-cuts illustrate the vital connections between the layers of an ecosystem in this magical book. Wander down the forest path to learn how every tree, flower, plant, and animal connect to one another in spiraling circles of life. An acorn is just the beginning.

Becca at Sea

by Deirdre Baker

“One girl’s winter, spring and summer of wonder and growth on a glorious northwest coast island.” — KirkusBecca has often gone with her parents to visit Gran at her rustic cabin by the sea. But this year Becca’s mother is expecting a baby, and Becca visits her grandmother on her own. The prospect of spending time at Gran’s — with her peculiar plumbing and ridiculous Scrabble rules — is hardly appealing.Then, on her very first night, Becca finds an oyster full of pearls. One pearl for every adventure to come?As her mother’s pregnancy progresses, Becca returns to the island again and again. And through a busy parade of visiting relatives — some welcome, some not — she faces the cacophony of the annual herring run in a leaky dinghy, is kissed by a seal, scales a cliff, sails a boat for the first time and goes skinny-dipping in a sea of luminescence. And by the time her parents arrive with the new baby, she realizes that adventures, and even friends to share them with, may have been right under her nose the whole time.Correlates to the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.6Acknowledge differences in the points of view of characters, including by speaking in a different voice for each character when reading dialogue aloud.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.4.3>Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., a character's thoughts, words, or actions).CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.5.3Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., how characters interact).

The Becket List: A Blackberry Farm Story

by Adele Griffin

Adventure and discover with the bold and intrepid Becket Branch when her family’s move from city to a country farm means big changes! Everything is changing for Becket Branch. From subways to sidewalks to safety rules, Becket is a city kid born and raised. Now the Branch family is trading urban bustle for big green fields and moving to Gran’s farm, where Becket has to make sense of new routines from feeding animals to baling hay. And as much as Becket loves to yell “Beautiful Alert!” there’s a lot about the countryside that is just plain odd. But Becket is ready to put her own spin on country life. Whether selling her mouth-puckering lemonade, feeding hostile hens, or trying to make a best friend of her new neighbor Frieda Franca, Becket is determined to use her city smarts to get a grip on farm living. Laugh and learn with Becket as she mucks through the messy, exuberant human experience of change she didn’t ask for, in a story that sparkles with quirky characters and lasting connections.

Becoming a Mountain: Himalayan Journeys in Search of the Sacred and the Sublime

by Stephen Alter

Stephen Alter was raised by American missionary parents in the hill station of Mussoorie, in the foothills of the Himalayas, where he and his wife, Ameeta, now live. Their idyllic existence was brutally interrupted when four armed intruders invaded their house and viciously attacked them, leaving them for dead. The violent assault and the trauma of almost dying left him questioning assumptions he had lived by since childhood. For the first time, he encountered the face of evil and the terror of the unknown. He felt like a foreigner in the land of his birth. This book is his account of a series of treks he took in the high Himalayas following his convalescence--to Bandar Punch (the monkey’s tail), Nanda Devi, the second highest mountain in India, and Mt. Kailash in Tibet. He set himself this goal to prove that he had healed mentally as well as physically and to re-knit his connection to his homeland. Undertaken out of sorrow, the treks become a moving soul journey, a way to rediscover mountains in his inner landscape. Weaving together observations of the natural world, Himalayan history, folklore and mythology, as well as encounters with other pilgrims along the way, Stephen Alter has given us a moving meditation on the solace of high places, and on the hidden meanings and enduring mystery of mountains.

Becoming a Parent: Short, Relatable Poetry About the Delights, Decisions and Dismays Along the Way

by Natarsha Little

Becoming a Parent is an exciting and diverse collection of short poems written to be relatable to anyone on this journey.The time of becoming a parent is an exciting one: a time to learn a lot about yourselves and others. You’ll be faced with unforgettable moments and delightful decisions. This book hopes to give you a little insight to some of these moments and decisions. Some poems express joy, others sorrow; but most express the abundance of love you feel for your child.Everyone is different in what they experience or what they may choose to do when becoming a parent, and that’s okay.(The secret messages highlighted in each poem give you a little message as an extra.)

Becoming Animal

by David Abram

David Abram's first book, The Spell of the Sensuous--hailed as "revolutionary" by the Los Angeles Times, as "daring and truly original" by Science--has become a classic of environmental literature. Now Abram returns with a startling exploration of our human entanglement with the rest of nature. As the climate veers toward catastrophe, the innumerable losses cascading through the biosphere make vividly evident the need for a metamorphosis in our relation to the living land. For too long we've inured ourselves to the wild intelligence of our muscled flesh, taking our primary truths from technologies that hold the living world at a distance. This book subverts that distance, drawing readers ever deeper into their animal senses in order to explore, from within, the elemental kinship between the body and the breathing Earth. The shapeshifting of ravens, the erotic nature of gravity, the eloquence of thunder, the pleasures of being edible: all have their place in Abram's investigation. He shows that from the awakened perspective of the human animal, awareness (or mind) is not an exclusive possession of our species but a lucid quality of the biosphere itself--a quality in which we, along with the oaks and the spiders, steadily participate. With the audacity of its vision and the luminosity of its prose, Becoming Animal sets a new benchmark for the human appraisal of our place in the whole.From the Hardcover edition.

Becoming Native to this Place

by Wes Jackson

From the book: "It has never been our national goal to become native to this place. It has never seemed necessary even to begin such a journey. And now, almost too late, we perceive its necessity. Unfortunately, the nature of the nativeness toward which we must work has been not merely altered but severely compromised. Part of the reason is that we have eight and a half times as many people in our country as we did when my grandfather was born. Perhaps even worse, the forces that have given us our modern problems--the ozone hole and global warming, acid rain, Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, soil erosion and loss of family farms, and so on--gain power by the decade. Destruction is occurring at an accelerating pace. It has all happened so fast (more than 80 percent of all the oil ever burned has been burned in my lifetime) [He was born 1936.] and it is going to get worse--half of Mexico's population is under fifteen years of age, ready for a major explosion. The world is slated to add one billion people in the 1990s alone. More people will be added in ten years than the total population of the earth at the time of Columbus. This book is dedicated to the idea that the majority of solutions to both global and local problems must take place at the level of the expanded tribe, what civilization calls community. In effect, we will be required to become native to our little places if we are to become native to this place, this continent"

Becoming Native to This Place (Blazer Lectures)

by Wes Jackson

In this essay collection, one of the foremost voices in sustainable agriculture sets out a new approach to farming and community engagement.In these six compelling essays, Wes Jackson lays the foundation for a new farming economy grounded in nature's principles and located in dying small towns and rural communities. Exploding the tenets of industrial agriculture, Jackson seeks to integrate food production with nature in a way that sustains both.Jackson’s radical vision is directly at odds with a modern consumer culture that deprives us of any meaningful connection to our natural and social environments. His essays, anchored in his work with The Land Institute, offer an authentic and practical approach to topics that often fail to escape the realm of theory.

Becoming Nature

by Tamarack Song

A step-by-step guide to animal communication, connecting with your primal mind, and immersing yourself in Nature - Includes exercises for learning how to become invisible within Nature, sense hidden animals, and communicate with wild animals and birds - Explains how to approach wild animals and form friendships with them - Details the intuitive awareness of our hunter-gatherer ancestors and their innate oneness with Nature Animals and plants are in constant communication with the world around them. To join the conversation, we need only to connect with our primal mind and recognize that we, too, are Nature. Once in this state, we can communicate with animals as effortlessly as talking with friends. The songs of birds and the calls of animals start to make sense. We begin to see the reasons for their actions and discover that we can feel what they feel. We can sense the hidden animals around us, then get close enough to look into their eyes and touch them. Immersed in Nature, we are no longer intruders, but fellow beings moving in symphony with the Dance of Life. In this guide to becoming one with Nature, Tamarack Song provides step-by-step instructions for reawakening the innate sensory and intuitive abilities that our hunter-gatherer ancestors relied upon­--abilities imprinted in our DNA yet long forgotten. Through exercises and experiential stories, the author guides us to immerse ourselves in Nature at the deepest levels of perception, which allows us to sense the surrounding world and the living beings in it as extensions of our own awareness. He details how to open our minds and hearts to listen and communicate in the wordless language of wild animals and plants. He explains how to hone our imagining skill so we can transform into the animal we are seeking, along with becoming invisible by entering the silence of Nature. He shows how to approach a wild animal on her own terms, which erases her fear and shyness. Allowing us to feel the blind yearning of a vixen Fox in heat and the terror of a Squirrel fleeing a Pine Marten, the practices in this book strip away everything that separates us from the animals. They enable us to restore our kinship with the natural world, strengthen our spiritual relationships with the animals who share our planet, and discover the true essence of the wild within us.

Becoming Odyssa: Adventures on the Appalachian Trail

by Jennifer Pharr Davis

After graduating from college, Jennifer isn't sure what she wants to do with her life. Through inexperienced and unprepared, she feels drawn to the Appalachian Trail and sets out along on the long-distance footpath that stretches 2, 175 miles from Georgia to Maine. The next five months are the most physically and emotionally challenging of her life—coping with blisters and aching shoulders, hiking through endless torrents of rain and a blizzard, facing unwanted company and encountering tragedy. The trail becomes a modern day Odyssey that tests Jennifer's faith in God, humanity and herself. But even at her lowest points, it provides enduring friendships, unexpected laughter, and the gift of self-discovery. With every step she takes, Jennifer transitions from an over-confident college graduate to a student of the trail. As she travels along the ridges of the ancient mountain chain, she realizes that she isn't walking through nature—she realizes she is part of nature. And she learns that the Appalachian Trails is more than a 2,175 mile hike: it is a journey that will change a person forever.

Becoming A Young Farmer: Young People’s Pathways Into Farming: Canada, China, India and Indonesia (Rethinking Rural)

by Sharada Srinivasan

This open access book is based on a multi-country collaborative research project focussing on Canada, China, India, and Indonesia.It responds directly and concretely to concerns about the generational sustainability of smallholder farming worldwide– reflected in the current UN Decade of Family Farming. Drawing on research that asks how (some) young people continue to pursue a (future) livelihood in farming, the book uses the life-course perspective and privileges voices of young farmers to show that movement away from farming such as time spent in education, migration and non-farm work does not exclude eventual farming futures.The book will be of interest to scholars and students of agrarian studies, anthropology, development studies, gender studies, human geography, rural sociology, and youth studies.

Bedtime for Little Bears!

by David Bedford

After a long day of exploring in the snow, it's time for Little Bear to go to bed. But he's not tired yet! So Mother Bear and Little Bear go on one last walk to see the other animals getting ready for bed. Will this make Little Bear sleepy enough to snuggle down for the night?

The Bee: A Natural History

by Noah Wilson-Rich Kelly Allin Norman Carreck Andrea Quigley

Bees pollinate more than 130 fruit, vegetable, and seed crops that we rely on to survive. Bees are crucial to the reproduction and diversity of flowering plants, and the economic contributions of these irreplaceable insects measure in the tens of billions of dollars each year. Yet bees are dying at an alarming rate, threatening food supplies and ecosystems around the world. In this richly illustrated natural history of the bee, Noah Wilson-Rich and his team of bee experts provide a window into the vitally important role that bees play in the life of our planet. Earth is home to more than 20,000 bee species, from fluorescent-colored orchid bees and sweat bees to flower-nesting squash bees and leaf-cutter bees. This book takes an incomparable look at this astounding diversity, blending an engaging narrative with practical, hands-on discussions of such topics as beekeeping and bee health. It explores our relationship with the bee over evolutionary time, delving into how it came to be, where it stands today, and what the future holds for humanity and bees alike. Provides an accessible, illustrated look at the human-bee relationship over time Features a section on beekeeping and handy go-to guides to the identification, prevention, and treatment of honey bee diseases Covers bee evolution, ecology, genetics, and physiology Includes a directory of notable bee species Presents a holistic approach to bee health, including organic and integrated pest management techniques Shows what you can do to help bee populations

The Bee Book: Discover the Wonder of Bees and How to Protect Them for Generations to Come

by DK

The Bee Book shows you step-by-step how to create a bee-friendly garden, get started in beekeeping, and harness the power of honey for well-being.Fully illustrated with full-color photographs throughout, this beautiful guide covers everything you need to know to start your own backyard hive, from setup to harvest. Practical beekeeping techniques are explained with clear step-by-step sequences, photos, and diagrams so you'll be prepared to establish your own colony, deal with diseases, collect a swarm, and much more.A comprehensive gardening chapter features planting plans to fill container and border gardens, bee "hotel" and habitat projects, and an at-a-glance flower gallery of bees' favorite plants. The Bee Book also shows you how to harvest honey, beeswax, and propolis from the hive and use these ingredients in 38 recipes for home remedies, beauty treatments, and candle-making.Discover the wonder of bees in nature, in your garden, and in the hive with The Bee Book, lavishly bound in a beautiful gold-foil and texture cover and perfect for gift giving.

The Bee Book (Conservation for Kids)

by Charlotte Milner

Discover more about our fuzzy little insect friends with award-winning author and illustrator Charlotte Milner. The perfect introduction to bee conservation for little ones. Learn all about the beautiful world of bees and their adventure from flower to flower. You'll find out just how much they matter, why they are declining, and what we can do to help in this adorable kids' ebook. Bees are brilliant at building, super social creatures and along with other insects, are responsible for a third of every mouthful of food you eat! Children will be fascinated by the beautiful pictures and learn plenty of buzz-worthy fun facts in every chapter, covering types of bees, beehives, beekeeping, how they pollinate plants and make honey.A beautiful kid&’s educational ebook about bees with a crucial message: not only does it inform and educate about an issue that is a real threat, but it also delivers it in a way that is gripping for all ages. A dazzling celebration of bees, packaged in a gorgeous ebook with spectacular illustrations.What&’s The Buzz About Honey Bees?Meet the humble honeybee face-to-face - an animal that is considered nature's hardest worker, in this engaging, educational kids&’ ebook that you can treasure forever.What do they do all day? Why are bees important? Find out why they need our help and what you can do. Bees are responsible for so much more than making honey. This ebook is an essential tool in encouraging the protection of our precious buzzing friends for generations to come.Learn all about these valuable creatures:- What happens in the hive- What pollination is- Who the queen is- How honeybees talk to each other- How we can help them and much, much more!This adorable book is one of three children's books on conservation by award-winning author Charlotte Milner and includes The Sea Book and The Bat Book for your little ones to enjoy.

The Bee Hunter

by George Harold Edgell

Originally published in 1949, this amusing and informative little book gives a charming account of an avocation seriously pursued by the author for fifty summers. It provides as well, with clarity and wit, a manual for lovers of nature (and wild honey) who might wish to undertake this ingenious sport. George Harold Edgell sticks his neck out on the first page and says no other book describing the proper approach to wild bees exists. “It is time,” he says, “for someone who has hunted bees and found bee trees to write the facts.”

The Bee Mother (Mothers of Xsan)

by Hetxw’ms Gyetxw Huson

Learn about the life cycles of different kinds of bees in this enlightening picture book. As flowers and trees begin to bud and bloom, Nox Ap, the bee mother, emerges from her winter sleep. To the Gitxsan, she is nature&’s gardener. Without her hard work as a pollinator, we could not enjoy the fruits of strawberries and huckleberries. Follow her life from the first thaw of spring to the end of autumn. In the seventh book of Hetxw'ms Gyetxw (Brett D. Huson)&’s Mothers of Xsan series, readers will discover the important role of the bumblebee, the honeybee, and the yellow jacket wasp in the Xsan ecosystem.

Bee Time: Lessons from the Hive

by Mark L. Winston

Being among bees is a full-body experience, Mark Winston writes. Bee Time presents his reflections on three decades spent studying these remarkable creatures, and on the lessons they can teach about how humans might better interact with one another and the natural world, from the boardroom to urban design to agricultural ecosystems.

The Beekeepers: How Humans Changed The World Of Bumble Bees (Scholastic Focus)

by Dana L. Church

Bumble bees are as familiar to most of us as the flowers these fuzzy insects feed upon. But did you know that the bees in your garden could be escapees from a local greenhouse, or descended from stowaways on a Viking ship?Bumble bees are a vital part of our lives and Earth's ecosystems, so much so that we've commercialized their breeding and shipped them across states, countries, and ecosystems for our benefit. However, all of that human interference has consequences. Bumble bees are pushing out native species and altering ecosystems worldwide. Pesticide use has led to the spread of disease in local colonies. And some species may be disappearing entirely.The Beekeepers is an expertly researched overview of bumble bees -- from hive hierarchies to how their brains work -- and the passionate humans and scientists who are fighting for their survival. With a thoughtful and accessible voice, researcher Dana Church introduces readers to the fascinating world of bumble bees, how and why some are thriving while others are floundering, and how both experts and regular citizens are working to ensure their future. Equal parts endearing, frustrating, and hopeful, this scientific narrative is essential for readers looking to understand and make an impact on our changing world.

Beekeeper's Lab: 52 Family-Friendly Activities and Experiments Exploring the Life of the Hive

by Kim Lehman

"Very informative and fun . . . Science, art, bee care, 52 different labs to entertain, delight, educate and inspire everyone in your family." —A Net in TimeBeekeeping's popularity as a hobby continues to skyrocket. And now, with Beekeeper's Lab, you can fill the year ahead with weekly activities from around and about the hive—including art projects, recipes, experiments, garden activities, and more!Bees are important to local ecosystems,now more than ever. Whether you're already a beekeeper, or are still considering getting your first hive, Beekeeper's Lab has projects perfect for you. This extensive guide book features 52 beekeeping and hive-inspired projects to keep you involved with your buzzing friends all year long.The tutorials are brief, accomplishable, rewarding, and best of all, they are presented in afriendly lab-style format. Try a new technique each weekwith how-tos and sidebars with tips that are perfect for the whole family. Beekeeping is a fun hobby to enjoy, plus, who doesn't want their own supply of honey?

Beekeeping – From Science to Practice

by Russell H. Vreeland Diana Sammataro

This book will help beekeepers understand the fundamentals of beekeeping science. Written in plain and accessible language by actual researchers, it should be part of every beekeeper's library. The respective chapters not only present raw data; they also explain how to read and understand the most common figures. With topics ranging from honeybee nutrition to strains of Varroa resistant bees, from the effects of pesticide chemicals to understanding diseases, and including a discussion of venom allergies, the book provides essential "knowhow" that beekeepers will benefit from every time they inspect their hives. Further, each chapter ends with the author explaining how beekeepers can (or cannot) directly utilize the information to enhance their beekeeping operation. The text is structured to facilitate ease of use, with each author addressing the same four issues: 1) What are the specific purposes or goals of these experiments? Or more simply: what have these studies taught us? 2) How should a non-scientist read the data generated? 3) What are the key points in relation to practicing beekeepers' goals? 4) How can the data or techniques discussed be applied by beekeepers in their own apiaries? This approach allows readers to look up specific information quickly, understand it and even put it to use without having to read entire chapters. Further, the chapters are highly readable and concise. As such, the book offers a valuable guide and faithful companion for all beekeepers, one they can use day in and day out.

Beekeeping in the End Times

by Larisa Jašarević

Every hundred years, as the story goes, two angels wonder out loud whether the bees are still swarming. For as long as the bees are swarming, the angels are reassured, the world holds together. Still, the tale suggests, the angels live in anxious anticipation of the End. Local beekeepers in Bosnia and Herzegovina retell the old tale with growing unease, as their honeybees weather the ground effects of climate change.Beekeeping in the End Times relates extreme weather events and quieter disasters that have been altering honey ecologies across Bosnia and Herzegovina since 2014. While world-wide endangerment of pollinators, and bees in particular, has been the subject of much global concern, effects of climate change on the indispensable honeybees,remain understudied. Drawing on a five-year long study, the book suggests that local apiarists' field observations resonate with many climate biologists' concerns and speculations about the future of plant-bee relations on the warming planet. Local practice also adds to the record complex and puzzling trends that make honey scarce in otherwise lush, biodiverse landscapes.To Bosnian Muslims, honeybees are more than pollinators. They are inspired beings whose honey is another form of divinely revelation. To appreciate the meaning of honeybees and to grasp the dire ecological catastrophe underway, Jašarević reads contemporary environmental writings and Sufi texts, she listens to the seasoned beekeepers and collects local wisdom tales. From start to finish, Jašarević pores over key Islamic texts, the Quran and the Hadith, and their popular retellings. The Islamic end-times lore, the book proposes, holds surprising lessons on how to live and strive in the 'not yet,' stalling the apocalypse.

Bees and Their Keepers: From waggle-dancing to killer bees, from Aristotle to Winnie-the-Pooh

by Lotte Möller

A beautifully illustrated and thoroughly engaging cultural history of beekeeping - packed with anecdote, humour and enriching historical detail. The perfect gift."A charming look at the history of beekeeping, from myth and folklore to our practical relationship with bees" Gardens Illustrated"An entertaining collation of bee trivia across the millennia" Daily Telegraph* Sweden's Gardening Book of the Year 2019 * Shortlisted for the August Prize 2019 * Winner of the Swedish Book Design Award for 2019Beekeeper and garden historian Lotte Möller explores the activities inside and outside the hive while charting the bees' natural order and habits. With a light touch she uses her encyclopaedic knowledge of the subject to shed light on humanity's understanding of bees and bee lore from antiquity to the present. A humorous debunking of the myths that have held for centuries is matched by a wry exploration of how and when they were replaced by fact. In her travels Möller encounters a trigger-happy Californian beekeeper raging against both killer bees and bee politics, warring beekeepers on the Danish island of Læso, and Brother Adam of Buckfast Abbey, breeder of the Buckfast queen now popular throughout Europe and beyond, as well a host of others as passionate as she about the complex world of apiculture both past and present.Translated from the Swedish by Frank Perry

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