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Who We Are

by Elizabeth May

In this marriage of memoir and manifesto, Elizabeth May reflects on her extraordinary life and the people and experiences that have formed her and informed her beliefs about democracy, climate change, and other crucial issues facing Canadians. The book traces her development from child activist who warned other children not to eat snow because it contained Strontium 90 to waitress and cook on Cape Breton Island to law student, lawyer, and environmentalist and finally to leader of the Green Party and first elected Green Party Member of Parliament.As a result of these disparate experiences, May has come to believe that Canada must strengthen its weakened democracy, return to its role as a world leader, develop a green economy, and take drastic action to address climate change. Who We Are also sets out how these goals might be accomplished, incorporating the thoughts of such leaders and thinkers as Rachel Carson, Jim MacNeill, Joe Clark, Chris Turner, Andrew Nikiforuk, and Robert F. Kennedy. The result is a fascinating portrait of a remarkable woman and an urgent call to action.

Who Will Build the Ark?: Debates on Climate Strategy from New Left Review

by Benjamin Kunkel Lola Seaton

What ecological politics should the left propose? In Who Will Build the Ark?, leading radical thinkers debate left alternatives to runaway global heating, capitalist crisis and wider environmental breakdown, clarifying the stakes in today&’s key disputes between Green New Deal supporters and proponents of &“degrowth.&” In a series of landmark texts first published by New Left Review, Herman Daly and Benjamin Kunkel discusses the possibility of an egalitarian, steady-state economy, while Robert Pollin warns against the worldwide slump &“degrowth&” could bring and calls instead for a single-issue campaign—2 per cent of global GDP dedicated to the switch to renewable energy—as the swiftest solution to the emissions crisis.Nancy Fraser envisages an eco-socialist exit from capitalism&’s multifold crises, while Troy Vettese advocates eco-austerity and half-earth rewilding. Lola Seaton draws out the strategic implications of these contested perspectives, in a set of unavoidable &“green questions.&” In the realm of contemporary politics, Alyssa Battistoni writes on the dead-end of COP diplomacy, Cédric Durand asks whether energy shortages will derail the transition away from fossil fuels, and Thomas Meaney compares Green New Deal proposals to the pinched reality of Biden&’s Inflation Reduction Act.The world&’s major powers accept the likelihood of dangerous climate change, yet seem incapable of averting it. Can radical green models generate the social leverage needed to do so? Or, as Mike Davis puts it: Who will build the Ark?

Who Will Feed China?: Wake-Up Call for a Small Planet (Routledge Revivals)

by Lester Brown

Originally published in 1995, but with enduring relevance in a time of global population growth and food insecurity, when it was first published, this book attracted much global attention, and criticism from Beijing. It argued that even as water becomes scarcer in a land where 80% of the grain crop is irrigated, as per-acre yield gains are erased by the loss of agricultural land to industrialization, and as food production stagnates, China still increases its population by the equivalent of a new Beijing each year. This book predicts that in an integrated world economy, China’s rising food prices will become the world’s rising food prices. China’s land scarcity will come everyone’s land scarcity and water scarcity in China will affect the entire world. China’s dependence on massive imports, like the collapse of the world’s fisheries, will be a wake-up call that we are colliding with the earth’s capacity to feed us. Over time, Janet Larsen argued, China’s leaders came to ‘acknowledge how Who Will Feed China? changed their thinking..’ As China’s wealth increases, so do the dietary demands of its population. The increasing middle classes demand more grain-intensive meat and farmed fish. The issue of who will feed China has not gone away.

Who Will Make the Snow?

by Taras Prokhasko Marjana Prokhasko

The two newest moles in the forest learn to dig themselves out of their comfort zones and experience the boundless, unpredictable world around them—a Social Emotional Learning adventureTwin moles, Purr and Craw, are born on the first day of spring. The newest members of their woodland world, they&’re curious about everything. What is swimming? Why does mother speak French as she makes pancakes? What does father scrawl in his notebook? Do animals live in the sea? Why do grownups eat smelly cheese? How do we get better when we're sick? What happens when we die? As they start to grow up, every day is filled with another adventure as they explore the peculiar characters that surround them in the forest. Home is always waiting for them, filled with the clacking of father&’s typewriter, the sound of mother playing her upright bass, and the smells of quince jam and medicinal moss brews. During their adventures outside the home, they learn that the world is sometimes scarier, stranger and more dangerous than it seemed from the pocket of their father&’s coat. Each new encounter leaves Purr and Craw a little braver and wiser and with a few extra friends. Beautifully illustrated with scenes of mischief and discovery by Marjana Prohasko, Who Will Make the Snow? reminds us that the world is always larger and more wonderful than we can see from our own corner of the woods.

Whole Earth: The Many Lives of Stewart Brand

by John Markoff

Told by one of our greatest chroniclers of technology and society, the definitive biography of iconic serial visionary Stewart Brand, from the Merry Pranksters and the generation-defining Whole Earth Catalog to the marriage of environmental consciousness and hacker capitalism and the rise of a new planetary culture—the story behind so many other storiesStewart Brand has long been famous if you know who he is, but for many people outside the counterculture, early computing, or the environmental movement, he is perhaps best known for his famous mantra &“Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.&” Steve Jobs&’s endorsement of these words as his code to live by is fitting; Brand has played many roles, but one of the most important is as a model for how to live. The contradictions are striking: A blond-haired WASP with a modest family inheritance, Brand went to Exeter and Stanford and was an army veteran, but in California in the 1960s he became an artist and a photographer in the thick of the LSD revolution. While tripping on acid on the roof of his building, he envisioned how valuable it would be for humans to see a photograph of the planet they shared from space, an image that in the end landed on the cover of his Whole Earth Catalog, the defining publication of the counterculture. He married a Native American woman and was committed to protecting indigenous culture, which connected to a broader environmentalist mission that has been a through line of his life. At the same time, he has outraged purists because of his pragmatic embrace of useful technologies, including nuclear power, in the fight against climate change. The famous tagline promise of his catalog was &“Access to Tools&”; with rare exceptions he rejected politics for a focus on direct power. It was no wonder, then, that he was early to the promise of the computer revolution and helped define it for the wider world. Brand's life can be hard to fit onto one screen. John Markoff, also a great chronicler of tech culture, has done something extraordinary in unfolding the rich, twisting story of Brand&’s life against its proper landscape. As Markoff makes marvelously clear, the streams of individualism, respect for science, environmentalism, and Eastern and indigenous thought that flow through Brand&’s entire life form a powerful gestalt, a California state of mind that has a hegemonic power to this day. His way of thinking embraces a true planetary consciousness that may be the best hope we humans collectively have.

Whole Earth Discipline

by Stewart Brand

"This is a very scary book by a very bright man, offering a picture of humanity's future that is both ominous and exhilarating." -Edward O. Wilson This eye-opening book by the legendary author of the National Book Award-winning Whole Earth Catalog persuasively details a new approach to our stewardship of the planet. Lifelong ecologist and futurist Stewart Brand relies on scientific rigor to shatter myths concerning nuclear energy, urbanization, genetic engineering, and other controversial subjects, showing exactly where the sources of our dilemmas lie and offering a bold, inventive set of policies and design- based solutions for shaping a more sustainable society. Thought- provoking and passionately argued, this is a pioneering book on one of the hottest issues facing humanity today.

Whole Earth Thinking and Planetary Coexistence: Ecological wisdom at the intersection of religion, ecology, and philosophy (Routledge Environmental Humanities)

by Sam Mickey

Like never before in history, humans are becoming increasingly interconnected with one another and with the other inhabitants and habitats of Earth. There are numerous signs of planetary interrelations, from social media and international trade to genetic engineering and global climate change. The scientific study of interrelations between organisms and environments, Ecology, is uniquely capable of addressing the complex challenges that characterize our era of planetary coexistence. Whole Earth Thinking and Planetary Coexistence focuses on newly emerging approaches to ecology that cross the disciplinary boundaries of sciences and humanities with the aim of responding to the challenges facing the current era of planetary interconnectedness. It introduces concepts that draw out a creative contrast between religious and secular approaches to the integration of sciences and humanities, with religious approaches represented by the "geologian" Thomas Berry and the whole Earth thinking of Stephanie Kaza and Gary Snyder, and the more secular approaches represented by the "geophilosophy" of poststructuralist theorists Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. This book will introduce concepts engaging with the ecological challenges of planetary coexistence to students and professionals in fields of environmental studies, philosophy and religious studies.

The Whole Story of Climate

by E. Kirsten Peters

Accessible and engagingly written, this book is essential reading for anyone looking to understand one of our most important contemporary debates. In the publicity surrounding global warming, climate scientists are usually the experts consulted by the media. We rarely hear from geologists, who for almost two hundred years have been studying the history of Earth's dramatic and repeated climate revolutions, as revealed in the evidence of rocks and landscapes. This book, written by a geologist, describes the important contributions that geology has made to our understanding of climate change. What emerges is a much more complex and nuanced picture than is usually presented. While the average person often gets the impression that the Earth's climate would be essentially stable if it weren't for the deleterious effects of greenhouse gases, in fact the history of the earth over many millennia reveals a constantly changing climate. As the author explains, several long cold eras have been punctuated by shorter warm periods. The most recent of these warm spells, the one in which we are now living, started ten thousand years ago; based on previous patterns, we should be about due for the return of another frigid epoch. Some scientists even think that the warming of the planet caused by man-made greenhouse gasses tied to agriculture in the past few thousand years may have held off the next ice age. Though this may be possible, much remains uncertain. But what is clearly known is that major climate shifts can be appallingly rapid-occurring over as little as twenty or thirty years. One danger of dumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere is that they may increase the chance that this "climate switch" will be thrown, with catastrophic effects on worldwide agriculture. Besides her discussion of climate, the author includes chapters on how early naturalists pieced together the complicated geological history of Earth, and she teaches the reader how to interpret the evidence of rock formations and landscape patterns all around us.

The Whole Vegetable: Sustainable and delicious vegan recipes

by Sophie Gordon

Discover wholesome, sustainable and plant-based dishes in this essential cookbook, perfect for anyone looking to reduce their waste this year!'Hearty, healthy, flavour-packed dishes' MAIL ON SUNDAY'A uniquely sustainable and delicious approach to modern plant-based cooking' VOGUE'The Whole Vegetable blew me away . . . Full of inventive waste-free recipes' Tom Hunt, GUARDIAN_________Have you ever wondered how to make your diet truly eco-conscious?In this beautiful plant-based cookbook, over 130 creative, delicious, planet-friendly recipes put vegetables at the very centre of the table. Embracing often-discarded parts such as leaves, stalks, tops, flowers, seeds and even peelings, this is cooking at its most sustainable.In The Whole Vegetable, Sophie Gordon shows us how to:- Cook with every part of every vegetable- Reduce waste in your cooking- Reinvent your leftovers- Eat with the seasonsFrom Cauliflower Carbonara, Broccoli Pesto and Chunky Pumpkin Tacos, to Cherry Breakfast Crumble, Maple-Roasted Pears and Apple & Walnut Danish Buns, The Whole Vegetable is packed with thoughtful recipes for every season.Most of all, it will ensure that nothing in your kitchen goes to waste._________'Creative, delicious, planet-friendly recipes . . . Teaches you how to put those often discarded parts of fruit and veg to good (and tasty) use' Women's Health'Wow, Sophie Gordon's . . . The Whole Vegetable blew me away. I wonder if she is the next Anna Jones. A seasonal, plant-centric, whole food recipe book without ultra-processed vegan ingredients. The recipes are super-inventive and importantly waste free!' Eco-Chef Tom Hunt'The Whole Vegetable heroes plant-based cookery, with recipes that also help reduce food waste in the kitchen and improve sustainable living. A worthwhile read' Good Housekeeping

Whoo-Ku Haiku: A Great Horned Owl Story

by Maria Gianferrari

Stunning illustrations and gorgeous haikus lead young readers through the dramatic life cycle of one of America's most beloved wild animals.Pip. Pip. Pip. PokingA hole. Cracking. Cracking. OutPecks the white owlet.Watch as a pair of great horned owlets peep and squeak in their feathered nest. Mama and Papa hunt for food and fend off predators while the chicks grow strong enough to hop and flap between the branches of their tree, then leap and fly away, ready to explore the wild world around them.In this thrilling nonfiction picture book, a combination of haiku and dazzling illustration shows readers the fierce majesty of one of North America's most ubiquitous wild animals.

Why Are Orangutans Orange?

by Mick O’Hare

Fun science and nature trivia with full-color photos in a &“deeply fascinating and occasionally rib-tickling book&” (Booklist).From the editor at New Scientist who brought us such works as How to Fossilize Your Hamster, this is an illustrated compendium of facts that reveal the beauty, complexity, and mystery of the world around us. Drawing on the magazine&’s popular &“Last Word&” column, Why Are Orangutans Orange? covers everything from bubbles to bugs, as well as why tigers have stripes and blue-footed boobies have, well, blue feet. With over two million copies sold, this series of question-and-answer compendiums is a delight for anyone who loves to learn!

Why Are We Waiting?

by Nicholas Stern

The risks of climate change are potentially immense. The benefits of taking action are also clear: we can see that economic development, reduced emissions, and creative adaptation go hand in hand. A committed and strong low-carbon transition could trigger a new wave of economic and technological transformation and investment, a new era of global and sustainable prosperity. Why, then, are we waiting? In this book, Nicholas Stern explains why, notwithstanding the great attractions of a new path, it has been so difficult to tackle climate change effectively. He makes a compelling case for climate action now and sets out the forms that action should take.Stern argues that the risks and costs of climate change are worse than estimated in the landmark Stern Review in 2006 -- and far worse than implied by standard economic models. He reminds us that we have a choice. We can rely on past technologies, methods, and institutions -- or we can embrace change, innovation, and international collaboration. The first might bring us some short-term growth but would lead eventually to chaos, conflict, and destruction. The second could bring about better lives for all and growth that is sustainable over the long term, and help win the battle against worldwide poverty. The science warns of the dangers of neglect; the economics and technology show what we can do and the great benefits that will follow; an examination of the ethics points strongly to a moral imperative for action. Why are we waiting?

Why Are We Waiting?: The Logic, Urgency, and Promise of Tackling Climate Change (Lionel Robbins Lectures)

by Nicholas Stern

An urgent case for climate change action that forcefully sets out, in economic, ethical, and political terms, the dangers of delay and the benefits of action.The risks of climate change are potentially immense. The benefits of taking action are also clear: we can see that economic development, reduced emissions, and creative adaptation go hand in hand. A committed and strong low-carbon transition could trigger a new wave of economic and technological transformation and investment, a new era of global and sustainable prosperity. Why, then, are we waiting? In this book, Nicholas Stern explains why, notwithstanding the great attractions of a new path, it has been so difficult to tackle climate change effectively. He makes a compelling case for climate action now and sets out the forms that action should take.Stern argues that the risks and costs of climate change are worse than estimated in the landmark Stern Review in 2006—and far worse than implied by standard economic models. He reminds us that we have a choice. We can rely on past technologies, methods, and institutions—or we can embrace change, innovation, and international collaboration. The first might bring us some short-term growth but would lead eventually to chaos, conflict, and destruction. The second could bring about better lives for all and growth that is sustainable over the long term, and help win the battle against worldwide poverty. The science warns of the dangers of neglect; the economics and technology show what we can do and the great benefits that will follow; an examination of the ethics points strongly to a moral imperative for action. Why are we waiting?

Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters: From Dating, Shopping, and Praying to Going to War and Becoming a Billionaire-- Two Evolutionary Psychologists Explain Why We Do What WeDo

by Alan S. Miller Satoshi Kanazawa

Now available in paperback-a provocative new look at biology, evolution, and human behavior "as disturbing [as it is] fascinating" (Publishers Weekly). Why are most neurosurgeons male and most kindergarten teachers female? Why aren't there more women on death row? Why do so many male politicians ruin their careers with sex scandals? Why and how do we really fall in love? This engaging book uses the latest research from the field of evolutionary psychology to shed light on why we do the things we do-from life plans to everyday decisions. With a healthy disregard for political correctness, Miller and Kanazawa reexamine the fact that our brains and bodies are hardwired to carry out an evolutionary mission- an inescapable human nature that actually stopped evolving about 10,000 years ago.

Why Biodiversity Matters (Changing Planet)

by Nigel Dudley

All life on Earth has the right to exist, but as we teeter on the verge of a sixth extinction this book discusses why biodiversity matters and why we should care if species go extinct. We are witnessing the largest and fastest rate of extinction in the history of the planet. While the concept of rights is a human one, all plants and animals strive to survive, and this book argues for their rights to continue doing so without being driven into premature extinction by human actions. Acknowledging and describing the practical reasons for conserving biodiversity, this book argues that these should not overshadow the compelling ethical reasons to care about the future of species other than our own. However, the issues are complex. What do we do when faced with an immediate ethical choice where biodiversity rights, animal rights, human rights, economic development and ecosystem survival all get mixed up together? There are seldom hard and fast answers, but thinking about and understanding a variety of points of view will help us make informed trade-offs. Drawing on his vast practical experience, the author presents insightful perspectives and real-world examples with the hope that this book will instigate a much-needed rethink about why and how we practise conservation. This book is essential reading for all those concerned with sustaining our planet, and all who inhabit it, in the face of climate breakdown, biodiversity loss and ecological collapse.

Why Can't We Be More Like Trees?: The Ancient Masters of Cooperation, Kindness, and Healing

by Judith Bluestone Polich

Reveals how we can learn from the intelligent communities of trees and plants• Shares breakthrough research on how tree and plant communities function, revealing a holistic, interconnected, communal, and sentient new world • Examines the attributes we share with trees and plants and how the behaviors of altruism, cooperation, and community are genetically coded in our beings • Looks at how to learn to see, think, imagine, and live with holistic eco-centric awareness and the benefits that come from working with our plant allies Breakthrough research is not only revealing a brilliant green world with amazing attributes like dispersed intelligence but also that humanity, like the tree and plant kingdom, thrives on innate cooperation, sharing, altruism, and community. Exploring the latest cutting-edge environmental and ecological studies, climate advisor and environmental advocate Judith Polich explains how we can now see how tree and plant communities function, revealing a holistic, interconnected, communal, and seemingly sentient new world. She explains how trees communicate, how they share resources, and other ways in which they express holistic and cooperative behaviors. Looking at the new scientific understanding of the evolutionary basis of altruism, cooperation, and community—and how these behaviors are genetically coded in our beings—the author examines the attributes we share with trees and other plant communities. She explores the healing powers offered by the plant kingdom, not just as medicines but through shared sentience that can help heal our sense of dissociation and disenchantment. Revealing how to see, think, imagine, and live with holistic eco-centric awareness, the author discusses how the stories we tell ourselves and our spiritual belief systems are becoming greener, including a resurgence of beliefs that originated with plant teachers. She also explores how to overcome our current cognitive biases through greater interaction with plant intelligence. By viewing the world through a greener lens, not only can we reframe and unravel the deeper causes of the climate crisis, but we can also help co-create a new more conscious world with our plant allies.

Why Conservation Is Failing and How It Can Regain Ground

by Eric T. Freyfogle

Critics of environmental laws complain that such rules often burden people unequally, restrict individual liberty, and undercut private property rights. In formulating responses to these criticisms, the conservation effort has stumbled badly, says Eric T. Freyfogle in this thought-provoking book. Conservationists and environmentalists haven't done their intellectual homework, he contends, and they have failed to offer an understandable, compelling vision of healthy lands and healthy human communities. Freyfogle explores why the conservation movement has responded ineffectually to the many cultural and economic criticisms leveled against it. He addresses the meaning of good land use, describes the many shortcomings of "sustainability," and outlines six key tasks that the cause must address. Among these is the crafting of an overall goal and a vision of responsible private ownership. The book concludes with a stirring message that situates conservation within America's story of itself and with an extensive annotated bibliography of conservation's most valuable voices and texts--important information for readers prepared to take conservation more seriously.

Why Conserve Nature?: Perspectives on Meanings and Motivations (Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation)

by Stephen Trudgill

How we view nature transforms the world around us. People rehearse stories about nature which make sense to them. If we ask the question 'why conserve nature?', and the answers are based on myths, then are these good myths to have? Scientific knowledge about the environment is fundamental to ideas about how nature works. It is essential to the conservation endeavour. However, any conservation motivation is nested within a society's meanings of nature and the way society values it. Given the therapeutic and psychological significance of nature for us and our culture, this book considers the meanings derived from the poetic and emotional attachment to a sense of place, which is arguably just as important as scientific evidence. The functional significance of species is important, but so too is the therapeutic value of nature, together with the historic and spiritual meanings entwined in a human feeling for landscape and wildlife.

Why, Daddy? Why?

by Tamara Girardi

Baby bear's favorite word is 'Why?' but daddy bear always responds with love and patience. The perfect book for new dads!

Why Do Bluebirds Hate Me?: More Answers to Common and Not-So-Common Questions about Birds and Birding

by Mike O'Connor

A collection of humorous Q&As about everything you've always wanted to ask about birds and birding Mike O'Connor knows bird watchers as well as he knows birds. He knows that if you're even slightly interested in identifying birds or attracting them to your backyard with a feeder, then you've also had your share of strange and silly questions about birds and their sometimes inexplicable behavior. In Why Do Bluebirds Hate Me?, O'Connor applies his deep knowledge of all things avian to answer the questions that keep birders up at night. Questions like · Should you clean your birdhouses? · Do swallows have a feather fetish? · How much does it cost to run a heated birdbath? · Is drinking coffee bad for birds? Other questions O'Connor covers range from the practical (Should I rotate the seed in my feeder?) to the quirky (Why are vultures eating my vinyl screen door?) to the just plain adorable (Are those birds kissing or feeding each other?). And he also explains why bluebirds just don't seem to like some people.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Why Do Cats Meow? (Easy-to-Read)

by Joan Holub

Do you love cats? If you do, you're not alone! Cats are the most popular pet in the United States. There is so much to know about cats. Why do they meow, hiss and purr? Why do they have whiskers, tails and claws? Can they really see in the dark? You'll find out the answers to these questions and many more in this fun, fact-filled book.

Why Do Elephants Need the Sun?

by Robert E Wells

There are trillions of stars in the universe, but we rely on our sun to provide (or contribute to) most of what we need to survive and thrive: heat, light, plants, animals, wind, and water. Complete with fun, cartoon illustrations, Robert Wells's new book gives kids plenty of information about our sun in an easy-to-read-and-digest format. By focusing on the needs of an elephant, Wells makes clear just how important the sun is to life on Earth.

Why Do Leaves Change Color? (Let's-Read-and-Find-out Science #Level 2)

by Betsy Maestro

Explains how leaves change their colors in autumn and then separate from the tree as the tree prepares for winter.

Why Do Leaves Change Color? (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 2)

by Betsy Maestro

Read and find out about the magical process of how leaves change their color in this colorfully illustrated nonfiction picture book.This book includes simple, fun diagrams that help introduce concepts like photosynthesis and the different types of leaves. This book also includes a list of the best spots to view leaves changing color as well as simple activities to do with leaves, like leaf rubbings and leaf pressings.Questions addressed in this book include:How do leaves feed trees?What kind of weather brings out the best colors?Why is winter a time of rest for trees?Read and find out in the proven winner Why Do Leaves Change Color?This is a Level 2 Let's-Read-and-Find-Out, which means the book explores more challenging concepts for children in the primary grades. The 100+ titles in this leading nonfiction series are:hands-on and visualacclaimed and trustedgreat for classroomsTop 10 reasons to love LRFOs:Entertain and educate at the same timeHave appealing, child-centered topicsDevelopmentally appropriate for emerging readersFocused; answering questions instead of using survey approachEmploy engaging picture book quality illustrationsUse simple charts and graphics to improve visual literacy skillsFeature hands-on activities to engage young scientistsMeet national science education standardsWritten/illustrated by award-winning authors/illustrators & vetted by an expert in the fieldOver 130 titles in print, meeting a wide range of kids' scientific interestsBooks in this series support the Common Core Learning Standards, Next Generation Science Standards, and the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) standards. Let's-Read-and-Find-Out is the winner of the American Association for the Advancement of Science/Subaru Science Books & Films Prize for Outstanding Science Series.

Why Do Rabbits Hop? And Other Questions About Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Hamsters, and Gerbils

by Joan Holub

Do you love rabbits, gerbils, guinea, pigs, or hamsters? If you do, you're not alone! These small animals make very popular pets. And there's so much to know about all of them! Which rabbits have the longest ears? Are guinea pigs pigs? How are hamsters and gerbils different? Find out all the answers--and much more--in this lively, fact-filled introduction to these furry creatures.

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