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Wildlife in Airport Environments: Preventing Animal–Aircraft Collisions through Science-Based Management (Wildlife Management and Conservation)

by Travis L. DeVault Bradley F. Blackwell Jerrold L. Belant

A comprehensive overview of wildlife issues facing airports and how to minimize conflicts.Winner of the NWRC Publication Award of the National Wildlife Research CenterThe pilot watches the instrument panel and prepares for touchdown—a routine landing until a burst of birds, a coyote, or a herd of deer crosses the runway! Every year, pilots experience this tension and many aircraft come into direct contact with birds and other wildlife, resulting in more than one billion dollars in damage annually. The United States Federal Aviation Administration has recorded a rise in these incidents over the past decade due to the combined effects of more reporting, rebounding wildlife populations, and an increased number of flights. Wildlife in Airport Environments tackles the issue of what to do about encounters with wildlife in and around airports—from rural, small-craft airparks to major international hubs. Whether the problem is birds or bats in the flight path or a moose on the runway, the authors provide a thorough overview of the science behind wildlife management at airports. This well-written, carefully documented volume presents a clear synthesis for researchers, wildlife managers, and airport professionals. The book belongs in the hands of all those charged with minimizing the risks that wildlife pose to air travel.Wildlife in Airport Environments is the first book in the series Wildlife Management and Conservation and is published in association with The Wildlife Society.ContributorsMichael L. Avery, U.S. Department of AgricultureJerrold L. Belant, Mississippi State UniversityKristin M. Biondi, Mississippi State UniversityBradley F. Blackwell, U.S. Department of AgricultureJonathon D. Cepek, U.S. Department of AgricultureLarry Clark, U.S. Department of AgricultureTara J. Conkling, Mississippi State UniversityScott R. Craven, University of Wisconsin–MadisonPaul D. Curtis, Cornell UniversityTravis L. DeVault, U.S. Department of AgricultureRichard A. Dolbeer, U.S. Department of AgricultureDavid Felstul, U.S. Department of the InteriorEsteban Fernández-Juricic, Purdue UniversityAlan B. Franklin, U.S. Department of AgricultureSidney A. Gauthreaux Jr., Clemson UniversityMichael Lavelle, U.S. Department of AgricultureJames A. Martin, Mississippi State UniversityRebecca Mihalco, U.S. Department of AgriculturePaige M. Schmidt, U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceThomas W. Seamans, U.S. Department of AgricultureKurt C. VerCauteren, U.S. Department of AgricultureBrian E. Washburn, U.S. Department of Agriculture

Wildlife in Asia: Cultural Perspectives (Man And Nature In Asia Ser. #Vol. 5)

by John Knight

Drawing on anthropological and historical data, this book examines human-wildlife relations in China, Tibet, Japan, Bhutan, Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, India, Thailand and Vietnam. The volume initially focuses on the various ways in which wild animals are exploited as a resource, for food, medicine and crop-picking labour, before examining animals termed as pests or predators that are deemed to be harmful and dangerous. Bringing together anthropologists and historians, this book analyses the range, variability and historical mutability of human sensibilities towards animals in Asia and will be of interest to Asianists and anthropologists alike.

Wildlife in the Anthropocene

by Jamie Lorimer

Elephants rarely breed in captivity and are not considered domesticated, yet they interact with people regularly and adapt to various environments. Too social and sagacious to be objects, too strange to be human, too captive to truly be wild, but too wild to be domesticated--where do elephants fall in our understanding of nature? In Wildlife in the Anthropocene, Jamie Lorimer argues that the idea of nature as a pure and timeless place characterized by the absence of humans has come to an end. But life goes on. Wildlife inhabits everywhere and is on the move; Lorimer proposes the concept of wildlife as a replacement for nature. Offering a thorough appraisal of the Anthropocene--an era in which human actions affect and influence all life and all systems on our planet-- Lorimer unpacks its implications for changing definitions of nature and the politics of wildlife conservation. Wildlife in the Anthropocene examines rewilding, the impacts of wildlife films, human relationships with charismatic species, and urban wildlife. Analyzing scientific papers, policy documents, and popular media, as well as a decade of fieldwork, Lorimer explores the new interconnections between science, politics, and neoliberal capitalism that the Anthropocene demands of wildlife conservation. Imagining conservation in a world where humans are geological actors entangled within and responsible for powerful, unstable, and unpredictable planetary forces, this work nurtures a future environmentalism that is more hopeful and democratic.

Wildlife Landscapes You Can Paint: 10 Acrylic Projects Using Just 5 Colors

by Wilson Bickford

Capture the beauty and serenity of animals in natureIf you love nature and life's simpler things, you'll love painting with Wilson Bickford. In this book, with a teaching style as easy and inviting as his paintings, Wilson guides you step by step through ten charming wildlife scenes on canvas.Projects feature a variety of beloved animals including deer, black bears, blue herons, loons, ducks, swans and woodpeckersLearn to paint a range of breathtaking settings - sparkling lakes, majestic mountains, forest retreats and even atmospheric effects like hazy sunsets, snow-laden pines and rippling water.Includes mini-demonstrations that focus on key landscape elements such as trees, rocks, water and clouds.Each project includes color swatches showing which mix is used where and easy-to-follow directions.Simpler is always better when you're just starting out. These projects require minimal equipment, only five colors and absolutely no previous experience. Wilson loves to paint them - and with his friendly, straightforward approach, you will, too!

Wildlife Law, Second Edition: A Primer

by Eric T. Freyfogle Dale D. Goble Dr Todd A. Wildermuth

Wildlife is an important and cherished element of our natural heritage in the United States. But state and federal laws governing the ways we interact with wildlife can be complex to interpret and apply. Ten years ago, Wildlife Law: A Primer was the first book to lucidly explain wildlife law for readers with little or no legal training who needed to understand its intricacies. Today, navigating this legal terrain is trickier than ever as habitat for wildlife shrinks, technology gives us new ways to seek out wildlife, and unwanted human-wildlife interactions occur more frequently, sometimes with alarming and tragic outcomes.This revised and expanded second edition retains key sections from the first edition, describing basic legal concepts while offering important updates that address recent legal topics. New chapters cover timely issues such as private wildlife reserves and game ranches, and the increased prominence of nuisance species as well as an expanded discussion of the Endangered Species Act, now more than 40 years old. Chapter sidebars showcase pertinent legal cases illustrating real-world application of the legal concepts covered in the main text.Accessibly written, this is an essential, groundbreaking reference for professors and students in natural resource and wildlife programs, land owners, and wildlife professionals.

Wildlife Management and Conservation: Contemporary Principles and Practices

by Paul R. Krausman And James W. Cain III

The definitive textbook for students of wildlife management, now updated to cover the latest techniques, tools, and topics.Wildlife Management and Conservation presents a clear overview of the management and conservation of animals, their habitats, and how people influence both. The relationship among these three components of wildlife management is explained in chapters written by leading experts and is designed to prepare students for careers in which they will be charged with maintaining healthy animal populations. To be successful wildlife professionals, they will need to find ways to restore depleted populations, reduce overabundant, introduced, or pest species, and manage relationships among various human stakeholders. This book gives them the basic knowledge necessary to accomplish these goals.This second edition, which is updated throughout, features several new and expanded topics, including communication in the wildlife profession, fire science, Indigenous models of management and conservation, plant–animal interactions, quantitative analysis of wildlife populations, and a detailed glossary. The book also covers:• Human dimensions of wildlife management• Animal behavior• Predator–prey relationships• Structured decision making• Issues of scale in wildlife management• Wildlife health• Historical context of wildlife management and conservation• Hunting and trapping• Nongame species• Nutrition ecology• Water management• Climate change• Conservation planningThe most widely used foundational text in the field, this is the perfect resource not only for students but also for early career professionals and those in related fields who need to understand the core tenets and tools of wildlife conservation and management.Contributors: C. Jane Anderson, Bart M. Ballard, Warren B. Ballard, John A. Bissonette, Clint Boal, Scott B. Boyle, Leonard A. Brennan, Robert D. Brown, James W. Cain III, Tyler A. Campbell, Michael J. Cherry, Michael R. Conover, Daniel J. Decker, Randall W. DeYoung, Jonathan B. Dinkins, W. Sue Fairbanks, Selma N. Glasscock, James B. Grand, Michael J. Haney, James R. Heffelfinger, Scott E. Henke, Fidel Hernandez, Davie G. Hewitt, C. L. Hoving, David A. Jessup, Heather E. Johnson, Winifred B. Kessler, John L. Koprowski, Paul R. Krausman, William P. Kuvlesky, Jr., Roel R. Lopez, R. W. Mannan, Scott Mills, Michael S. Mitchell, Michael L. Morrison, Anna M. Muñoz, John F. Organ, Katherine L. Parker, William F. Porter, Shawn J. Riley, Steven S. Rosenstock, Michael C. Runge, Susan P. Rupp, William F. Siemer, Robert J. Steidl, Kelley M. Stewart

Wildlife Management and Conservation: Contemporary Principles and Practices (Wildlife Management And Conservation Ser.)

by Paul R. Krausman James W. Cain III

A definitive textbook for students of wildlife management.Wildlife Management and Conservation presents a clear overview of the management and conservation of animals, their habitats, and how people influence both. The relationship among these three components of wildlife management is explained in chapters written by leading experts and is designed to prepare wildlife students for careers in which they will be charged with maintaining healthy animal populations; finding ways to restore depleted populations while reducing overabundant, introduced, or pest species; and managing relationships among various human stakeholders.Topics covered in this book include• The definitions of wildlife and management• Human dimensions of wildlife management• Animal behavior• Predator–prey relationships • Structured decision making• Issues of scale in wildlife management• Wildlife health• Historical context of wildlife management and conservation• Hunting and trapping• Nongame species• Nutrition ecology• Water management• Climate change• Conservation planning

Wildlife Management and Landscapes: Principles and Applications (Wildlife Management and Conservation)

by William F. Porter, Chad J. Parent, Rosemary A. Stewart and David M. Williams

Wildlife management specialists and landscape ecologists offer a new perspective on the important intersection of these fields in the twenty-first century.It's been clear for decades that landscape-level patterns and processes, along with the tenets and tools of landscape ecology, are vitally important in understanding wildlife-habitat relationships and sustaining wildlife populations. Today, significant shifts in the spatial scale of extractive, agricultural, ranching, and urban land uses are upon us, making it more important than ever before to connect wildlife management and landscape ecology. Landscape ecologists must understand the constraints that wildlife managers face and be able to use that knowledge to translate their work into more practical applications. Wildlife managers, for their part, can benefit greatly from becoming comfortable with the vocabulary, conceptual processes, and perspectives of landscape ecologists.In Wildlife and Landscapes, the foremost landscape ecology experts and wildlife management specialists come together to discuss the emerging role of landscape concepts in habitat management. Their contributions• make the case that a landscape perspective is necessary to address management questions• translate concepts in landscape ecology to wildlife management• explain why studying some important habitat-wildlife relationships is still inherently difficult• explore the dynamic and heterogeneous structure of natural systems• reveal why factors such as soil, hydrology, fire, grazing, and timber harvest lead to uncertainty in management decisions• explain matching scale between population processes and management• discuss limitations to management across jurisdictional boundaries and balancing objectives of private landowners and management agencies• offer practical ideas for improving communication between professionals• outline the impediments that limit a full union of landscape ecology and wildlife managementUsing concrete examples of modern conservation challenges that range from oil and gas development to agriculture and urbanization, the volume posits that shifts in conservation funding from a hunter constituent base to other sources will bring a dramatic change in the way we manage wildlife. Explicating the foundational similarity of wildlife management and landscape ecology, Wildlife and Landscapes builds crucial bridges between theoretical and practical applications.Contributors: Jocelyn L. Aycrigg, Guillaume Bastille-Rousseau, Jon P. Beckmann, Joseph R. Bennett, William M. Block, Todd R. Bogenschutz, Teresa C. Cohn, John W. Connelly, Courtney J. Conway, Bridgett E. Costanzo, David D. Diamond, Karl A. Didier, Lee F. Elliott, Michael E. Estey, Lenore Fahrig, Cameron J. Fiss, Jacqueline L. Frair, Elsa M. Haubold, Fidel Hernández, Jodi A. Hilty, Joseph D. Holbrook, Cynthia A. Jacobson, Kevin M. Johnson, Jeffrey K. Keller, Jeffery L. Larkin, Kimberly A. Lisgo, Casey A. Lott, Amanda E. Martin, James A. Martin, Darin J. McNeil, Michael L. Morrison, Betsy E. Neely, Neal D. Niemuth, Chad J. Parent, Humberto L. Perotto-Baldivieso, Ronald D. Pritchert, Fiona K. A. Schmiegelow, Amanda L. Sesser, Gregory J. Soulliere, Leona K. Svancara, Stephen C. Torbit, Joseph A. Veech, Kerri T. Vierling, Greg Wathen, David M. Williams, Mark J. Witecha, John M. Yeiser

Wildlife of Nebraska: A Natural History

by Paul A. Johnsgard

In Wildlife of Nebraska: A Natural History, Paul A. Johnsgard surveys the variety and biology of more than six hundred Nebraska species. Narrative accounts describe the ecology and biology of the state&’s birds, its mammals, and its reptiles and amphibians, summarizing the abundance, distributions, and habitats of this wildlife. To provide an introduction to the state&’s major ecosystems, climate, and topography, Johnsgard examines major public-access natural areas, including national monuments, wildlife refuges and grasslands, state parks and wildlife management areas, and nature preserves. Including more than thirty-five line drawings by the author along with physiographic, ecological, and historical maps, Wildlife of Nebraska is an essential guide to the wildlife of the Cornhusker State.

Wildlife of Southeast Asia (Princeton Pocket Guides)

by Susan Myers

This handy photographic guide offers a stunning look at the wildlife of Southeast Asia, which includes Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, West Malaysia, and Singapore. Accessible text and more than 500 color photographs help readers to learn about and identify the most common species found in the region, particularly the mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and insects that visitors will most likely encounter. Detailed photos are accompanied on facing pages by succinct species accounts highlighting key identification features, status, and distribution. The book's brief introduction offers readers useful information on major wildlife sites as well as practical advice on making the most of a wildlife-watching trip.Wildlife of Southeast Asia is the essential resource for visitors and residents interested in the fauna of this fascinating area of the world.A photographic guide to the wildlife of Southeast Asia, including Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, West Malaysia, and SingaporeMore than 500 stunning color photographsAccessible species accounts highlight key identification features, status, and distributionA brief introduction discusses wildlife locations and practical travel know-how

Wildlife of the Caribbean (Princeton Pocket Guides)

by Herbert Raffaele James Wiley

This is the first comprehensive illustrated guide to the natural world of the Caribbean islands. It contains 600 vivid color images featuring 451 species of plants, birds, mammals, fish, seashells, and much more. While the guide primarily looks at the most conspicuous and widespread species among the islands, it also includes rarely seen creatures―such as the Rhinoceros Iguana and Cuban Solenodon―giving readers a special sense of the region's diverse wildlife. <p><p> Each species is represented by one or more color photos or illustrations; details regarding its identification, status, and distribution; and interesting aspects of its life history or relationship to humans. In addition, an introductory section focuses on the unique characteristics of the Caribbean’s fauna and flora, the threats faced by both, and some of the steps being taken to sustain the area’s extraordinary natural heritage.

Wildlife of the World (DK Wonders of the World)

by DK

Experience the full force of nature with this stunning visual encyclopedia celebrating the world&’s most wonderful wildlife. With an inspiring foreword by leading naturalist and wildlife photographer Chris Packham, this epic adventure takes you across the continents to meet all creatures big and small. You&’ll visit the deserts of Australia, the grasslands of Africa, the rainforests of South America, the mountains of Asia, and the coral reefs of Australia on this mind-blowing tour to meet the incredibly diverse range of life on Earth. Breathtaking photography, animal profiles, accessible maps, and facts and stats combine to create this standout reference title. Revealing a wealth of species across hundreds of spectacular pages, Wildlife of the World introduces you to animals that roam, swim, and fly in each and every part of our planet.Calling all globe-trotters, nature enthusiasts, and biology students, this is your chance to experience the animal kingdom as never before and gain an absolutely essential addition to your home library.Produced in association with the Smithsonian Institution.

Wildlife on the Wind: A Field Biologist's Journey and an Indian Reservation's Renewal (G - Reference, Information And Interdisciplinary Subjects Ser.)

by Bruce L. Smith

In the heart of Wyoming sprawls the ancient homeland of the Eastern Shoshone Indians, who were forced by the U.S. government to share a reservation in the Wind River basin and flanking mountain ranges with their historical enemy, the Northern Arapahos. Both tribes lost their sovereign, wide-ranging ways of life and economic dependence on decimated buffalo. Tribal members subsisted on increasingly depleted numbers of other big game—deer, elk, moose, pronghorn, and bighorn sheep. In 1978, the tribal councils petitioned the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to help them recover their wildlife heritage. Bruce Smith became the first wildlife biologist to work on the reservation. Wildlife on the Wind recounts how he helped Native Americans change the course of conservation for some of America's most charismatic wildlife.

Wildlife on the Wind

by Bruce L. Smith

In the heart of Wyoming sprawls the ancient homeland of the Eastern Shoshone Indians, who were forced by the U. S. government to share a reservation in the Wind River basin and flanking mountain ranges with their historical enemy, the Northern Arapahos. Both tribes lost their sovereign, wide-ranging ways of life and economic dependence on decimated buffalo. Tribal members subsisted on increasingly depleted numbers of other big gamedeer, elk, moose, pronghorn, and bighorn sheep. In 1978, the tribal councils petitioned the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service to help them recover their wildlife heritage. Bruce Smith became the first wildlife biologist to work on the reservation. Wildlife on the Wind recounts how he helped Native Americans change the course of conservation for some of America's most charismatic wildlife.

Wildlife Photography

by Richard Bernabe

There is nothing quite so satisfying as capturing a stunning wildlife photograph; a good one will reflect practice, patience, careful equipment choice and dedication. Those challenges are perhaps why so many enthusiast photographers aspire to perfect their images in this area; to get their work recognised by the photographic community as well as record their experiences.This book reveals more world-class images with every turn. More than that, though, it takes a practical approach. It comprehensively introduces natural-history and wildlife photography techniques alongside truly useful tips about what gear you'll need (and what you can avoid) in your pursuit of perfection. It is illustrated by the author's professional work; his clients include National Geographic & Time amongst others.

Wildlife Photography

by Joseph Classen

Wildlife photography is an adventure--and as any great adventure story unfolds, odds are, there are bound to be some great risks involved. Whether it's the risk or the reward--or both--that motivates wildlife shooters, there is one pervasive truth: Preparation is key to success--and survival. In this book, Joe Classen approaches the art of wildlife photography from a hunter's perspective. He teaches readers how to select and use the appropriate specialized photographic gear required for the rigors of wildlife photography--as you'd expect. However, he also teaches you how to mentally and physically prepare for an outing in which your wits must be as keen as your eye. Classen provides detailed insights into planning and packing for a wilderness adventure. Readers will learn how to securely pack their delicate photographic gear for a rugged, outdoor environment but will also learn how to choose and tote the best clothing for the site, accessories to ensure your personal safety, and even basic cooking and drinking requirements for days spent shooting in remote areas. Once you've scouted your location, you'll learn how to track and lure your photographic subject using time-honored practices (calls--from lust to hunger, to anger and sloth; decoys; attractor scents; working invisibly, etc. ) while "shooting" (your camera!) from a blind or stand--or, conversely, by using a more aggressive stalk-and-ambush approach. You'll learn how to read animal behaviors--from eating to mating--and predict how, when, and where your best photographic opportunities will arise--and when your safety should be a greater concern than your shot. With this soup-to-nuts approach, readers will find, in this book, a compendium of information about wild-animal behavior, wilderness survival and safety, the art and science of photographic capture, and even storing and processing your prized digital files once you return home from your adventure. Armed with Classen's suggestions and strategies, you'll maximize your photo opportunities and increase the odds that your wildlife images are the mount-and-frame trophies for which yourisked life and limb.

Wildlife Photography at Home

by Richard Peters

Richard Peters won the European Wildlife Photographer of the Year award for a photograph taken in his very ordinary suburban back garden. In this book, he shares the methods he used to get stunning professional nature photos without having to head out on safari.Starting with the basics, this book will show a complete beginner how to capture pro-level pictures from their garden. It covers where to place your camera, how optics can completely change your shot, reveals the gadgets that can enhance your photos, and even how to overcome the elements. This is the perfect book for bird-watchers and animal lovers who want to capture what they see and share their passion with the world. Social media definitely loves a good animal photo!

Wildlife Photography at Home

by Richard Peters

Richard Peters won the European Wildlife Photographer of the Year award for a photograph taken in his very ordinary suburban back garden. In this book, he shares the methods he used to get stunning professional nature photos without having to head out on safari.Starting with the basics, this book will show a complete beginner how to capture pro-level pictures from their garden. It covers where to place your camera, how optics can completely change your shot, reveals the gadgets that can enhance your photos, and even how to overcome the elements. This is the perfect book for bird-watchers and animal lovers who want to capture what they see and share their passion with the world. Social media definitely loves a good animal photo!

Wildlife Politics

by Bruce Rocheleau

Attitudes towards charismatic animals such as tigers, lions, bears and wolves vary greatly and change over time, resulting in bitter political debates. This comprehensive book identifies and analyses the factors that influence policies across the globe, highlighting how this impacts conservation as a whole. Issues such as overexploitation, hunting, ecotourism and the struggle to prevent illegal wildlife trafficking are examined and science's role in policymaking is assessed. The conflicting forces behind legislation, including institutions, interest groups and the media are analysed, with particular focus on the significance of the Endangered Species Act, covering over forty-five species that have become matters of political debate in sixty-seven different countries. Case studies and conceptual frameworks provide a clear understanding of the key topics, shedding light on this important yet often overlooked area of environmental politics.

Wildlife Population Health

by Craig Stephen

This textbook introduces the core competencies, tools and perspectives to manage free-ranging animal population health and demonstrates their need and relevance to help wildlife cope with the ever-increasing pressures of the Anthropocene, manifested by global megatrends such as climate change, urbanization and pollution. It adapts and adopts key concepts of population health from public health and herd health to a wildlife health context. In a highly-accessible and unique form, this book presents a modern way of approaching wildlife and fish epidemiology, health promotion and disease control, with a focus on the social dimensions of wildlife health management. Aimed at graduate students in veterinary medicine, wildlife researchers and health managers this textbook provides a valuable source of information to foster the knowledge and skills needed to protect and promote the health of free-ranging wildlife.

Wildlife Ranger Action Guide: Track, Spot & Provide Healthy Habitat for Creatures Close to Home

by Mary Kay Carson

As concern for the welfare of species like honey bees and monarch butterflies grows alongside awareness of the impact of climate change, inspiring the next generation of citizen scientists is more important than ever. With Wildlife Ranger Action Guide, kids can make the world better for the animals and insects they love, starting right in their own backyards. Dozens of hands-on activities and habitat creation projects, such as making a frog pond from a kiddie pool, planting a pollinator garden for bees, painting a bat house, and building a lodge for lizards, encourage children to learn about and take an active role in protecting local wildlife. Lively photographic field guides covering 78 North American wildlife species teach kids about the habits and habitats of each and include tips for providing the plants and food needed for their survival. This publication conforms to the EPUB Accessibility specification at WCAG 2.0 Level AA.

Wildlife Rescue: The Work of Dr. Kathleen Ramsay

by Jennifer Owings Dewey Don Maccarter Jenn Dewey

The story of Dr. Kathleen Ramsay's wildlife center in New Mexico. How the Wildlife Center, based in Española, New Mexico, and headed by Dr. Kathleen Ramsay, nurtures sick and injured animals back to health.

Wildlife Restoration: Techniques for Habitat Analysis and Animal Monitoring (Science Practice Ecological Restoration #1)

by Michael L. Morrison Paul R. Krausman

Wildlife Restoration links restoration ecology and wildlife management in an accessible and comprehensive guide to restoring wildlife and the habitats upon which they depend. It offers readers a thorough overview of the types of information needed in planning a wildlife-habitat restoration project and provides the basic tools necessary for developing and implementing a rigorous monitoring program. The book: explains the concepts of habitat and niche: their historic development, components, spatial-temporal relationships, and role in land management reviews how wildlife populations are identified and counted considers captive breeding, reintroduction, and translocation of animals discusses how wildlife and their habitat needs can be incorporated into restoration planning develops a solid justification for monitoring and good sampling design in restoration projects discusses and critiques case histories of wildlife analysis in restoration projectsThe author does not offer a "cookbook" approach, but rather provides basic tools for understanding ecological concepts that can be used to design restoration projects with specific goals for wildlife. He focuses on developing an integrated approach to large-scale landscape restoration. In addition, he provides guidance on where more advanced and detailed literature can be found.Wildlife Restoration sets forth a clear explanation of key principles of wildlife biology for the restorationist, and will allow wildlife biologists to bring the insights of their field to restoration projects. It is an essential source of information for everyone involved with studying, implementing, or managing wildlife restoration projects, including students, ecologists, administrators, government agency staff, and volunteer practitioners.

Wildlife Science: Connecting Research with Management

by Joseph P. Sands Stephen J. DeMaso Matthew J. Schnupp Leonard A. Brennan

Despite the potential synergy that can result from basing management applications on results from research, there is a polarization of cultures between wildlife managers and wildlife researchers. Wildlife Science: Connecting Research with Management provides strategies for bridging cultural and communication gaps between these groups. The text covers the history of the longstanding disconnect, research and management entities, species case studies, management and policy case studies, and conclusions and future directions. The authors present case studies of both successful and failed interactions, providing a platform for discussion of the underlying issues. They examine current issues in wildlife science and management to explore real-world implications resulting from the research and management disconnect.

Wildlife Science: Linking Ecological Theory and Management Applications

by Timothy E. Fulbright and David G. Hewitt

Consciously or not, wildlife managers generally act from a theoretical basis, although they may not be fully versed in the details or ramifications of that theory. In practice, the predictions of the practitioners sometimes prove more accurate than those of the theoreticians. Practitioners and theoreticians need to work together, but this proves di

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